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tv   FOX and Friends Sunday  FOX News  June 16, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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>> we begin this 9:00 a.m. hour with this. police arresting an illegal immigrant from el salvador, accusing had him of raping and a killing a mother of five from maryland. officials say the 23-year-old, victor martinez hernandez, hid in a drainage culvert before
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atacking her last august a. he was arrested last friday. he is charged with first degree murder and first degree rape. police were able to think the dna samples to the crime scene to another crime in california. rachel: he was accused of breaking into a home in los angeles and attacking a 9-year-old girl and her mother. >> officials say he fled to the united states in february last year after he allegedly killed another woman in el salvador. we're talking about a cross-continent crime spree in the united states. actually, across the hemisphere when you include the murders he might have committed in el salvador. joining us now, hartford county sheriff. thank you for being with us this morning. horrific crime in your community. tell us your reaction, tell us about your community. >> well, we live in a very relatively not far from baltimore, relatively safe community. this horrific crime happened along a very popular hiking
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trail and it's just known to be very safe and really out of any kind of sense of norm, it would be out of the norm in any community in our done you tri ct just a shock to the community, obviously. any time we talk about this case or w rachel's family who were wh us yesterday at the press conference, it's an unnecessary tragedy. we need to do a better job in the country of securing the bore ceres, at least try to dosh dosh borders, at least try to do it, not what we're seeing from the federal government. this should not have been allowed to happen. >> you said unnecessary. it's p preventable. it's not something you can prevent. where do you lay the blame? >> i lay it -- it's been this way -- i've been in law enforcement for 40 years but i've been in office now for 10 and the border through all administrations is an issue, congress needs to address it. the president of the united states needs to address it and
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this little county, in our little community here we've had two gang related members who are illegally in the country kill two different women over the last two years, unnecessary, the victimization, the horrific circumstances in both of those cases are just, as you said, unnecessary, should never have been allowed to have occurred. rachel: i'm thinking about what happened to her and you're saying it what happened to another woman as well. it's terrifying. how d does does out it change te way women in your community are going about their daily lives? >> well, following rachel's homicide, we made a lot of recommendations, get out of your routine, stuff like that. there was fear. and there's a lot of community fear, was this person still here? we didn't know. we cautioned people to break from norms, to walk with friends, to do a lot of things, not be distracted, not keep ear buds in, know what's happening around you.
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this arrest certain libraries a sense of peace i -- certainly brings a sense of peace to the community and rachel's family as well but the unnecessariness of it because he committed a homicide as we understand it in el salvador, he comes here, he moved around the country freely. i fear we're going to find other tragic events related to him as time goes on. i pray not but i suspect so. rachel: he's clearly a sociopath. god knows what else's done in the country and he shouldn't have been here. thank you for joining us. >> thank you for having me on. rachel: it's interesting. when i was in the south bronx, the women were saying we can't walk around freely. when i went to uvaldi parents said our kids can't play outside if we don't have a gun because we don't know who will come upon us. all of this, our way of life is changing. i look at what's happening in the country politically, go ahead, democrats, the women's
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vote is up for grabs. you run on abortion. donald trump is running on crime, think about laken riley, they're killing mother, killing our daughters, affecting our way of life and sense of safety in our country in a way we've never seen these kind of crime sprees and the unnecessariness of it as he said is what really gets to people. >> it's amazing -- rachel: we're inviting it in. >> the duplicity of the media and politicians who talk about the inhumane nature of what donald trump did at the border, what he would do in the future when you look at the sheer inhumanity between sex trafficking, drugs and murders, all of which is preventable if you have a sane -- just a sane policy at the border. you hear nothing from these people about this except for fear mongering about what could happen if donald trump gets elected and he decides to enforce the law and deport people which a lot of people hope he does. >> part of the insanity i
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through the mainstream media is also -- i always disliked this term. it's too cool by half a measure but gas-lighting, to convince you of a reality that doesn't exist and they do that on the economy. oh, the economy's on the rise, the economy's going great despite what you may see, think or feel. same thing on crime, everything is going great despite what you think, feel or hear. jillian michaels was on the a podcast, she listed crime as among one of the reasons she has to leave california. >> i hold a million cards in your game of woke victimology poker and when i leave california, maybe you've lost y[bleep] mind. some of these laws that are passing here are absolutely bleep mind boggling in relation
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to crime, protecting our kids, it's insane. like i -- i just can't -- it's madness. madness. rachel: jillian michaels, fitness entrepreneur, very famous, big loser, she is -- >> the biggest loser. she is not a big loser. rachel: no, no, no, her mother is jewish, her father is arab, she's a lesbian. she has adopted children. the democrat party is losing her. she is saying this is insane, i can't live a normal life here, affecting my way of life. >> none of those things matter when you can't walk around safely or they're trying to trans your kids at school, trying to convince them they're a different gender. i notice how they sit in the podcast. rachel: we had a discussion.
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i like the seating in that podcast. will's like i don't like the seating. >> no, i -- rachel: that's how women sit, when talking to their girlfriends. >> i'll be talking to jen, her legs are up like this on the couch. rachel: we were doing it. we were going this is how i would like to sit on the couch and talk to you guys. [laughter] >> it's actually real. rachel: it's real. that's how i would like to do the show. >> ladies like to sit like that. rachel: it's comfortable. >> i like to sit like this. i do this sometimes. rachel: i think this should be a weekend thing. >> i can't sit cross-legged. >> i can't do it. >> squatting 800. >> all right. rachel: he needs to work on -- he can lift a lot but he's not flexible. >> not pliable. >> this is not a good word. i think it's a dirty word. rachel: sage has i think captured the female vibe on her podcast. i love it. >> she wasn't political.
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jillian michaels, not political. rachel: no. >> that's not what they were. sports and fitness. now they said you made these things political because they affect my life. rachel: you know what they have in common. they're true at tellers. women are attracted to them. they come from different points of view but in the end, the truth is what matters. >> so is will cain. that's why so many women are attracted to him. truth he'ller. teller.rachel: the bromance co. >> jay-z launching a school of choice program in philadelphia, he's part of many who understood the value of school of choice and launched charter schools, lebron james has -- rachel: is that jay-z now? >> yeah. rachel: he's changed. >> are you talking about his hair? rachel: he looks different. >> willford riley, the author of lies my teacher told me, he talked about actually donald trump is talking to people in
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the detroit, courting the black vote. school of choice, i can speak from personal experience, lived in new york, very popular in the black community. here's willford riley. >> good to see dr. dre, 50-cent, made billions of dollars, promoting diverse investment in urban business, so on down the line. african-american parents for a long time have been the group that are moved interested, most invested in school of choice. my one hope for rock nation, there's not a lot of woke non nonsense in the new schools, if you focus reading, writing, arithmetic, you'll see better results than what you see in education now. rachel: it's interesting, jay-z, for school of choice, talking about that, investing it in i guess but he's voting for people who are constantly killing it. one of the things that ticked me you off has been the obamas and
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their -- we care about the black community. he's the first person to shut down the d.c. scholarship program that took black disadvantaged kids out of the private schools that his kids went to, hillary clinton, back k obama send their kids to private schools, don't want others to have the same option. height of hypocrisy. >> ron desantis talks about how many black mothers in florida, what a huge change in his re-election, they voted for ron desantis because of school of choice policies he advanced. it's a political winner. it's a life change for people who have no other way up and out and so good on jay-z. i hope he realizes what party, what people support the ability for this to happen for everybody. rachel: it's nice to start a charter school. if you donate money to the people shutting the whole thing down, supporting the unions, working against it, then you're
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not really doing that much. it's very self-defeating. he looks a little like whoopie. that's why i was surprised by the picture. he does. a little bit. >> he grew his hair out. turning to your headlines starting with this. at least nine people are hurt including an 8-year-old and his 4-year-old brother after police say a shooter opened fire on a splash pad outside of detroit yesterday. officers say the unidentified -- looks like the wrong clip. >> rachel took a bite of food. >> police found the suspect sadly dead after a standoff in a nearby home. authorities have not revealed a motive. and police in washington state arrested a suspected car thief after he used a kayak stolen from a nearby home to try to the escape law enforcement earlier this month. this video from a state police aircraft shows him trying to use his arms to paddle away from
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officers in a kayak. the suspect eventually ditches the kayak and hides in bushes next to a road. officers were able to track him down as they had scopes and thermal imaging. he's facing possession of a stolen vehicle and theft charges. rachel: you can't outrun the cops in a kayak. >> you've got to respect the effort. >> he got a workout in. yeah. rachel: you're right. fair enough. >> a new poll reveals that nearly one-third of dads won't -- don't want any gifts. >> see. >> this is one-third. >> i'm not a grinch. >> a third is good. i'll take a third. >> it's like nikki haley polling level at all times. rachel: you are the nikki haley of father's day. [laughter] >> i'll take a third. i'm happy with a third. >> another survey highlighting what dads don't want to get today. they don't want fishing gear, golf related items, hawaiian shirts, bow ties or cuff links.
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rachel: what do dads want? >> those are your headlines. rachel: what do you want if you had to get a gift? >> i don't know. i've been asked. i don't have an answer for that. i don't know. >> the highest one on that is most just want to go out for a meal. >> oh, yeah? >> yeah, just a little -- give me some down time, peace and love, like a dog, want a pat on the back, you're a good boy. rachel: little shoulder rub. >> maybe steak, a couple beers, we're good. rachel: you keep adding more. >> i have higher expectations than will for father's day. if my kids didn't get me anything, that's okay. >> i want an hour of together time. that's it. rachel: i love that. >> that's delightful. >> let's sit around, watch something, eat something. >> that's it. >> that's what i want. >> that's what i want too. >> okay. rachel: eat something. talk something. >.[laughter] >> i think we have pictures of our dads. we're not just dads. this i my dad, that's larry. rachel: handsome you guy. >> probably i'm going to
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go '99, 2000, somewhere in that range. >> '99, 2000. >> there you go. >> awesome. happy father's day. that's my dad, couple weeks ago. >> working with you. >> he is about to turn 70. rachel: he looks great. >> brian, you're looking great. >> thank you. >> he's watching right now. he'll probably tweet at you in a second. rachel: i love that. >> leave me alone about basketball. >> will feels like you've been dogging him. but he's a hard working, taught us to work hard and he way love having him in our life. rachel: awesome. happy father's day, brian. here's my dad, mickey, a flashback photo, i'm the girl with the blue dress on the left there. and my dad, i don't know if you know this about my dad, he when he was 12 years old hes was an a apprentice piano maker. he always made the best pinya pa
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how long does it take? >> a couple weeks. rachel: it could take days. it depends how elaborate. he's made very elaborate pinatas. he's a master pinata maker. his is me -- >> what about the joy it brings the kids. rachel: that's me. >> look at the pants he's wearing. rachel: put that back. let's see the pants. >> that's a great mexican tradition. rachel: it is. we had a birthday party and had a pin ata. my dad didn't make it. did the lifting it. >> isn't it shocking how difficult it is to keep kids from getting hit in the head with a baseball bat. hey, guys, back up. and doesn't march how many timey times you state, there's some kid getting in the swing zone.
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>> you have to get to the candy first. rachel: as soon as it fell. it was such good clean fun and it's a mexican tradition that a lot of americans in the southwest have taken on, for sure, especially in texas. all right. happy a father's day. >> happy father's day. >> happy father's day. rachel: former president trump slamming biden's record with minority voters. congressman john james on how conservative policies are making headway with the black community, that's next.
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>> we've done more for and i say this -- i say it proudly, more for the black population than any president since abraham lincoln. that's a big statement. [cheers and applause] >> and crooked goa has done jos done you nothing for you except talk. average wages are down 6%. we lifted 6.6 million people out of poverty. black americans saw their largest increase in home ownership on record. >> former president trump slamming biden's record with black voters in detroit as the
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two candidates are neck and neck in the key swing state. our next guest joins us live from detroit where he spent a few hours with trump at yesterday's event, michigan congressman john james who joins us now. congressman, thanks for being with us. >> thanks for having me back on. >> you bet. you hear trump's message to the black voters, polling suggests he's starting to resonate to some extent with the black voter. what do you think about that in detroit as a possible effect for the way we see michigan go in november? >> look, in 2016 donald trump came into detroit, asked detroiters what we had to lose. eight years later, joe biden has shown us. president trump came back the hood with the receipts. he talked about rising crime. he talked about rising interest rates. he talked about rising inflation. all things that hurt black americans the most. hurt all americans but hurt black americans t the most. the pastor made an appropriate
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point. president trump was in the neighborhoods. joe biden goes to a special dinner at the naacp. i'm not sure president obama visited the neighborhoods in detroit. president trump is showing up. republicans are showing upper not just with face time but with better policies than the democrats. >> this is what you're referring to, a senior pastor said this about obama and biden. >> president trump, i'm so humbled that you would be here, president obama never came to the hood, so-to-speak, right? president joe biden, he went to the big naacp dinner but he never came to the hood. so thank you. >> you know, the thing is, though, congressman, on one hand you see this outrage. on the other, this outreach, you will see a ton of messaging fed to say in some way or another, republicans are racist. >> well, you know, these are their talking points because democrats refuse to take accountability for the fact that
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african-americans are doing worse decade after a decade decade after the great society. democrats have been failing after a can americans but -- african-americans but we can't just point the finger at democrats. republicans refuse to go to cities all over the countries, we have to do what original republicans did, mark down to where people are being oppressed and in slavery times it was oppression of the body, physical bondage. we have the obligation to go in and have alternative suggestions, alternative ideas, to give people the opportunity to be free from mental bondage. i believe if 95% of african-americans continue to vote for one party, neither party has to work for the vote. in the past, republicans ignored us. that a is changing with president trump. we're making the case, showing up, people are beginning to take notice and donald trump is need
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the state of michigan because this is a real race, not just about black and white. it's not red and blue. it's about have and have notes a and democrats are making ex queueses and michigan is the center of the universe in 2024. >> fascinating way to say it, transition from physical bondage into mental bondage. you said this on x you tweeted the following, my dad couldn't attend college across the street from his house because he's black. today his namesake, his grandson sat on the diaz with me on the most powerful committee in congress, god bless america, the only nation where a family can go femancipation to energy and congress in a few generations. it's pretty incredible. >> it's incredible. we're blessed to be americans. we have an obligation as dads in particular to pass on the message of freedom and liberty to future generations. i had the opportunity as the
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first freshman since 2011 to be on energy and commerce committee to bring my son to speak on the remarkable healthcare legislation we got passed in committee last week and i was only able to do that by the grace of god and strong father who protected us, provided for us, shown us that even though the nation has warts we have on obligation to pursue a more perfect union and by teaching my son he has a personal r- responsibility to give back to the great country is part of my job as a dad. my father is a combat veteran, vietnam veteran, i'm a global war on terror veteran, graduated from west point. my father wanted me to be better. that's what every father has a wish for their sons. thank you, dad. i love you. happy father's day. in particular for all the people in my district and the areas who are affected by the psychopath
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who went on a rampage at the water pad. no father should spend father's may the hospital. we're doing everything we can to bring resolution to your families. >> incredible personal story. thank you for that. incredible personal story you shared with us. happy father's day, congressman. thank you. >> thank you. god bless. happy a father's day. >> football fans gearing up for the ufl championship game on fox. abby hornacek is live with a preview. abby. >> that's right. we'll be joined by darryl johnson, who is the exec tip vice president of -- executive vice president of football operations to talk about the game tonight that will be happening right behind me. stick around. ♪ if it's meant to be, it will be, it will be. ♪ baby, just let it be. ♪ if it's meant to be --
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we're back with your headlines starting with this. the idf announcing it has begun daily tactical pauses of
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military operations in some parts of southern gaza in order to open a path for more humanitarian aid entering the strip but get this. israeli war cabinet was apparently never told about the decision and the times of israel reports that prime minister benjamin netanyahu called the breaks in fighting unacceptable. so who is doing them? it comes as we learn that eight israeli soldiers were killed they a blast they in rafah on saturday. just let them fight the war. and everybody loves raymond and the middle actress patricia me t joining one nation calling on christians to help jewish people as they face rising anti-semitism. >> you can see the body cam footage where they were gleefully murdering people. i was astonished and horrified.
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it's up to us to do something about it. the jewish people are feeling very, very along and they need to know -- alone and they need to know we will stand by them. >> she has been one of the most outspoken supporters of israel since the attack, forming the coalition as she calls for action from fellow christians. and you new study out of the u.k. link's ultra processed vegan meats to an increased risk of heart disease and early death. stick to the real stuff. the study is the first to link these processed foods to increased health risks. it says just because a food or drink is technically plant based doesn't mean it's healthy. yes, and amen. and earlier we asked you to submit, get this one guys, pay attention on the couch, submit your father's day flag or father's month flag. sylvia said dads are undervalued
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and sends this pa patriotic flag mockup. not bad. karen highlighting grilling, tools and bonfires in her design. >> photo shop real quick. >> not bad. rachel: i like it. >> father's day month. it's a good one. and then while leslie took the time to hand draw this flag this morning, honoring the importance of fatherhood, there's the serious route, dad, daughter, got some guns, that's a start. >> and they're holding a baseball bat. rachel: start ago movement. >> the guns are their arms. we're starting a movement. rachel: a whole month. >> father's month. >> i appreciate people hopping on photo shop, sitting down with a pencil, making a father's day flag. i do. rachel: me too. >> let's turn to chief meteorologist rick reichmuth for the fox weather forecast. >> i love the photo shop
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personnd the hand drawn person. >> it's an inclusive father's month. >> very nice. let's talk weather out here. we've got big stories happening this week. see the severe weather today across parts of the northern plains, that's going to turn into a major flood threat this week, some spots are going to get round after round of rain totaling 5 to 10 inches across parts of south dakota and minnesota. we'll be watching the tropics, you see the 16% chance of disturbance developing somewhere down around maybe western caribbean, into the gulf. that likely brings some big rain this week across parts of southeast texas, spots had big flooding over the last month, the ground it saturated with a lot more moisture coming in. flooding across the southern plains and northern plains and one last story that's going to be massive for us for so many people, biggest population zone in the country, mid-atlantic to northeast, get ready for record-breaking heat coming in by tuesday and wednesday.
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it will stick around for a while, first big heat wave of the year coming. back to you inside. >> summer heat. thanks, rick. >> you bet. >> closing in on kickoff for the ufl season's championship between the san antonio bramas and birmingham stallions here on fox. abby hornacek is live with a preview along with ufl executive vice president of football operations, darryl johnson. hey, abby. >> hey, pete. darryl is the best. we've been three years together. it's such a treat to see you here this morning, thanks for joining us. i want to start with viewership. because this is so exciting. this year saw an increase 34% increase in viewership. what do you attribute that to. >> the big thing is what we do, access we'll grant. things we'll do during the course of the broadcast that can bring the viewer into the earned spaces. to be able to watch on tv and be brought into a ufl huddle and hear play calls, i think to see the transparency between them
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with the rules as they talk through you the process, not just the finality of the call and the decision but how you got to that point, those are things that are on the broadcast and then hopefully the quality of the football is something that when they tune in and they see and i think probably a little bit of curiosity this career, what is the merger going to be like, what is this league going to look like after last season with them coming together. >> have you been happy with how the merger has gone so far. >> very happy. very happy. russ brandon, the president and ceo, he told us we've only been anen at this you at this for 15 -- entity for # 55 days now. what everybody was able to accomplish, with all the work we had to do to get the league back up, ready to play for season one, the effort has been fen onn only nail. >> so -- phenomenal. >> what has this been like? how's the reception when you go to different cities, what have people said to you, what's it been like. >> they've gotten competitive.
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in st. louis, this is the biggest one. the fan base embraced football. when we're 30 plus thousand in the stadium. we don't have that no where else. every community of fans has the their own thing, the beer snake in d.c., the pyramid of flesh is interesting. we'll have a group from san antonio that hasn't missed a single game all season long. they traveled to every game. when have you the fan base at the core, they're very passionate, very supportive. we've got to get that to grow within the communities. >> battle hawks didn't make it to the champion ship. tonight we'll see the bramas and stallions. any predictions. >> this will be a fantastic game. the only loss the stallions had was week nine against the bramas. we knew they could run the football on anybody. john and anthony, two key running backs were not there in
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week nine. they will be here today. they rushed for over 200 yards. this is offense during defense. i played on the offensive side of the ball. i don't like the phrase, defense wins championships. birmingham is the number one offense and san antonio is number one in defense. this is the offense versus defense. >> we have a lot to look forward to. thank you so much. great to see you as always. guys, back to you. >> thank you, abby. great coverage all morning. we'll be watching tonight. and donald trump vowing to bring back the power of america's you auto industry dura stop in motor city. >> we're going to bring back your you auto industry at a level greater than it was 30 years ago. [cheers and applause] >> maria bartiromo reacts live, next. ♪ ♪ have you always had trouble losing weight and keeping it off? same. discover the power of wegovy®. ♪ ♪
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>> rachel: donald trump slamming biden's economic record in michigan promising voters in the key swing state he's going to turn things around from biden's failed policies that are hurting their wallet. >> low iq joe biden's insane electric vehicle mandate will totally obliterate the u.s. auto industry and it won't take long. we stand on the shoulders of red blooded michigan patriots who laid the railroads, worked the
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factories, tilled the fields, forged the steel. we're going to bring back your aauto industry at a level greatr hand it was 30 years ago. rachel: sunday morning futures anchor maria bartiromo joins us now. it was a fiery speech, maria. i think he name checked the a auto union boss saying he's not standing with the workers, he's standing with joe biden and that's not helping the industry. maria: yeah. good morning, to you. happy father's day to everyone. i've got my father's army tags on to remember my sweet, wonderful, courageous vincent, my dad. it was an aggressive speech. he went to michigan to pinpoint the auto industry. it's not just about the auto industry. on the auto industry, michigan was motor city at one point. it was the place for the auto industry. there were jobs. there was euphoria. there was strength around building big cars an trucks for
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america. it's no longer seen that way. this administration's ev push has the unions believing that there will be fewer and fewer jobs to make an electric vehicle with all of the parts coming from china so there's been a real change and a be pivot suddenly, michigan becomes a swing state. suddenly, black voters become swing voters. i'll tell you, i think the democrats are really nervous, panicked beyond desperate because what is president trump doing? he's going in all of these blue cities and states and he's getting crowds, he's getting support and suddenly everyone's questioning, wait a minute, maybe the biden administration's saying i shouldn't go to the swing states, i need to go to states that a have long been democrat states because they may be turning into swing states. that's what we're seeing this morning. we've got less than two weeks before the big debate. the election is all that anyone's talking about and most people understand trump is
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winning right now and so that's what we're focused on this morning. we're going to talk about that with dr. ben carson, what he is seeing in the black community. he stood tall when president trump was arrested and convicted. he said i am proud to stand tall with my friend, donald trump, because he said that the whole trial was a sham. we're going to talk about that. we're also talking with kellyanne conway with the race, we lead are republicans fighting back, fighting biden's agenda and weaponized government. we have senators in the republican party who are saying we're not going to fast track any more biden nominees until after the election. why? because of the lawfare against president trump. we'll speak with senator the cruz on that as well as senator schmidt. we're talking with from the house representative anna paulina luna. she is questioning whether or not joe biden even makes it to the election. he may be pushed to withdraw and all of this is on the world
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stage watching the capacity issues of joe biden, that's a national security issue. victoria coats taking that on coming up in 10 minutes' time. we've got a big show. rachel: you sure do. we'll be tuning in. thanks for joining us this morning, always. maria: thank you. rachel: you got it. stick around for chip wade, he has the top deals for dad on tools, grills and apparel for your father. ♪ lord, you know what's on our hearts. you know where we struggle. you know where we need to be pushed. help us give it all to you. the good, the bad. help us turn to you in everything. amen. you should join me in more prayer on hallow. stay prayed up.
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(vo) if you have graves' disease, your eye symptoms could mean something more. that gritty feeling can't be brushed away. even a little blurry vision can distort things. and something serious may be behind those itchy eyes. up to 50% of people with graves' could develop a different condition called thyroid eye disease, which should be treated by a different doctor. see an expert. find a t-e-d eye specialist at
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if you have chronic kidney disease you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with farxiga. because there are places you'd like to be. farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ with absorbine pro, pain won't hold you back from your passions.
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it's the only solution with two max-strength anesthetics to deliver the strongest numbing pain relief available. so, do your thing like a pro, pain-free. absorbine pro.
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♪ >> we are celebrate the dads of our staff on this father's day morning. beautiful one. here's a throwback photo of senior booking producer bridget and her dad dave. >> nice. >> and this is another throwback photo of senior producer kelly and her dad, john. >> and this is production assistant diego with his dad angelo. senior field producer samantha celebrating with her dad, ken and her family. >> and producer kaye the with her mom and sister wishing a happy father's day to their dad, rick. >> very nice.
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>> yeah. >> i thought i was supposed to read. rachel: you saw rick. it's not you. different rick. >> no one is just like you. rachel: you're not katie's dad. >> we've been celebrating dad all morning long on fox square with rick. rachel: and joining us now with great last minute gifts and optioptions is diy expert and d, chip wade. >> it's great to be back. i love tools. with father's day it's synonymous with tools. check out this vice, if you're a dad or have a dad that likes tools, this is incredible. you can manipulate this. you can put it at any spot, lock it down and work on it. pipes, chainsaws, bicycles that are just awkward to work with -- rachel: that's a great idea. >> it's cast aluminum and steel, heavy torque ratings. you've got the replaceable vice jaws, different materials from foam to pipes, leather, according to what material you want to use and has accessories
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like flashlights that actually clip into the vice itself and magnifying glass. it's got it going on. next up, the easiest way to carry a bucket. this is called bucket grips. instead of holding onto the wire handle, when it's a full bucket of water, you can hold onto it with two hands. they clip on to any bucket with the rim. you fill the buckets full, the handle doesn't work. they clip together. you can find these at lowe's,, ask a lowe's associate. they will show you where it's at. we have buy one, get one deals, who doesn't love that. dads that love to grill, $50 off the black stone, comes with an eight piece tool kit for free. you've got the craftsman system or cobalt 24-volt, you buy the battery pack and get a free tool. lawn lawnmower, get a free blowr
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trimmer. you buy the dewalt battery pack and get two free tools. loxlowe' and in store. rachel: a handy dad, you're set. >> i love to be prepared. i've got a property where i like to make sure there's no water leakage. you've got a smart water monitor and shutoff. this installs on the inlet water supply of the house. it detects if there's leaks. a drop a minute, it will find it and you alert you and automatically shut the water off to avoid damage. you can look at the app and see how much water is used by each fixture and remote cut it off. if you're at place that you're not at all the time, it's a great item. senior dads, show them love. we want our senior dads not to
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feel isolated. we want them to be independent. one out of every three seniors claim they feel a sense of isolation. so this is a new technology from home watch caregivers called home watch connect. you see that device? it clips on top of the tv, super easy. it allows us to stay much more connected. what it does, it can give you aletters for any reminders, doctors appointments, what medications you're supposed to take. it has sensors on there like humidity, temperature, motion, loved ones can have confidence that dad is okay even when he's independent and on his own. can find this at home dis' what do you think? rachel: i think you should move grandpa in the house. >> everybody's got their own setup. right? 100%. rachel: it's a very -- >> i love that. oftentimes it's not possible for everyone in every circumstance. rachel: fair enough. >> i love what you're saying. this is a great technology to
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allow you that connection to you avoid that sense of isolation. all of this stuff up on the blog,. >> chip wade. rachel: we love chip. >> happy father's day. >> happy father's day to your husband. >> more "fox & friends" just moments away. ♪ introducing new advil targeted relief. the only topical pain reliever with 4 powerful pain-fighting ingredients that start working on contact to target tough pain at the source. for up to 8 hours of powerful relief. new advil targeted relief.
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did you know? omega 3 fish oil supplements can be difficult to absorb, depending on your diet, and may not reach the places you need them most.
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that's why i recommend qunol advanced omega-3, with up to 10 times better bioavailability. qunol houses its omegas inside phospholipid micelles that our bodies■ cells can easil delivering up to 10 times better bioavailability to better support your heart, joints, brain, and eyes. qunol advanced omega-3, the powe
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so tell me about your heart attack. our heart attack was... scary! never want to go through that again. but we could. with heart disease, you never know. so we made changes. green juice. yeah, not a fan. diet, exercise... statins helped. but our ldl-c (bad cholesterol)-it was stuck! stuck! just couldn't lower it enough. and high ldl-c meant a real risk of another attack. so i said, "let's ask our doctor about repatha." what can i say? listen to your heart. repatha plus a statin dramatically lowers ldl-c by 63%, and significantly drops the risk of having a heart attack. do not take repatha if you are allergic to it.
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repatha can cause serious allergic reactions. signs include trouble breathing or swallowing or swelling of the face. most common side effects include runny nose, sore throat, common cold symptoms, flu or flu-like symptoms, back pain, high blood sugar, and redness, pain, or bruising at the injection site. we won't let another heart attack set us back. and neither should you. listen to your heart. lower your ldl-c and your risk with repatha. talk to your doctor. >> a special father's day message for sean it in sign language from valentina when she fell asleep and all the videos were being made. here she is. >> very cool go to church, happy father's day ♪


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