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tv   Sunday Morning Futures With Maria Bartiromo  FOX News  June 16, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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signs include trouble breathing or swallowing or swelling of the face. most common side effects include runny nose, sore throat, common cold symptoms, flu or flu-like symptoms, back pain, high blood sugar, and redness, pain, or bruising at the injection site. we won't let another heart attack set us back. and neither should you. listen to your heart. lower your ldl-c and your risk with repatha. talk to your doctor. >> a special father's day message for sean it in sign language from valentina when she fell asleep and all the videos were being made. here she is. >> very cool go to church, happy father's day ♪
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♪. maria: good sunday morning, happy father's day to all, welcome to "sunday morning futures", i am maria bartiromo, thank you for joining me. today expanded the base, president trump meeting with black voters, congressional republicans, business leaders to unite around his agenda ripping through blue states as black, hispanics and young people pivot to trump while joe biden fundraisers and hobnob with hollywood this weekend. all of this asset republicans fight back on what they call biden's weaponize government vowing to block anybody nominees until after the election. coming up texas senator ted cruz on aging merrick garland and contempt of congress, missouri senator eric schmidt on joe biden's d.o.j. in the moves to take down joe's number one political enemy donald trump along with florida congresswoman anna paulina luna on whether president biden makes it to the election or will he be pushed to withdraw after more gaffes on
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the world stage. in italy at the g7, covid a former deputy national security advisor victoria coates on the national security impact of joe's capacity admits to awakening from voters of the united states to europe, doctor ben carson on how trump is storming through blue states in gaining support along with former senior advisor to president trump kellyanne conway on the state of the race, two weeks away from the big debate, it's all right here on "sunday morning futures" speed when we begin with the countdown to election 2024, 142 days away less than two weeks away from the first one-on-one showdown between president biden and president trump on june 27, president trump on the campaign trail after separate meetings this past week with congressional republicans on capitol hill and major business leaders in washington, the
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45th president seeking to unify the republican party around his agenda of lower taxes, border security and tariffs on imports and is meeting with senate republicans trump reiterated his desire to eliminate federal taxes on tips for service workers while telling business executives he like to lower corporate taxes and regulation to spur economic growth, following the meeting president trump traveled to michigan a key swing state for around table distraction for voters at a roundtable church. >> millions of illegal aliens are pouring in, the black community the is been hurt by the illegal aliens 16, 17 million they are taking their jobs, their down, six, 7% three years ago with me. maria: back on capitol hill 8% republicans led by ohio senator jd vance at vowing to block the fast tracking a bidens judicial nominee read as well as
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nominations for what they say is offered against president trump, joining us in the "sunday morning futures" is texas set a ted cruz of the judiciary in foreign relations committees, it's great to see you this money, thank you for joining us. >> good morning maria, great to be with you. >> how would you characterize president trump's meetings this last week, you were there with the campaigning and swing st states. >> it was terrific. on thursday we sat down and had lunch with president trump he was in excellent spirits, you would not know that he is persecuted and targeted by the democrats and you would not know he had been dragged through the mud in the new york felony trial none of that came through i'll tell you he is feeling strong, confident and optimistic and it was striking in the room the overwhelming sentiment was unity that everyone is on the same page that we have a job to do between now and election day, that is when in november and the
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urgency was underscored, if we don't win in november the damage to the country that's been done by joe biden the democrats has been in enormous in the focus was winning so we can trade the country around we spent a lot of time talking about getting the economy going again and cutting taxes and repealing job killing regulations included the administrations war on energy and how we get gasoline prices down and unlike american energy that will benefit americans consumers, how will we restore america's standing in the world and america's strength rather than giving into her enemies across the globe. >> you mention president trump's leading positions on some of the more important ways he believes he can get this economy back on track one of the ways he's talking about is not taxing tips i know you want to introduce pro worker legislation to examine the tip wages from federal
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income tax, tell us about it. >> that's exactly right this was an idea that president trump played out in nevada when he was there and i think it's a terrific idea and we talked about it on lunch on thursday and i intend this week to introduce legislation exempting tips from federal income tax if you look at tips there are a ton of different industries were tips provide vital elements of the compensation whether a waiter or waitress or a bellhop or bartender whether a barber or hairstylist or a taxicab driver or goober driver there are a lot of folks that are working incredibly hard on average tipped workers make about $6000 in any given year from tips right now they have onerous recordkeeping requirements that doesn't make a lot of sense and i think the president is exactly right that is simpler and fair to exempt tips from federal income tax, that means you don't have to go through the constant recordkeeping that is required.
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i gotta tell you i think this is a manifestation of how today's republic a party has changed, the old conventional wisdom used to be that the republicans are the party of the rich and democrats of the party of the poor of the working class that has been turned on its head today democrats of the party of rich coastal elites and republicans of the party of working-class men and women who collar workers antibiotics the people who were tipped workers are republicans over and over again many are immigrants, their young people, hispanics, african-americans, single moms, struggling to make ends meet and it you want to see the power, look at the reaction of the crowd in nevada when president trump says they go nuts they absolutely go nuts because they see a president that is fighting for them and i'll tell you the single policy alone could very well win donald trump the state
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of nevada i think is the right thing to do and i'm going to be fighting to get it done in drafting the legislation and filing it this coming week. maria: you see that in all of these states that he's going he's going to the south bronx, he's going to michigan, he's going to minnesota in the big crowds so suddenly all the states over strongholds for democrats are turning into swing states and to your point moment ago you see joe biden in california this weekend doing the big fundraiser, the democrats and the white house say that they raise $30 million at this event with george clooney, julia roberts and whole host of hollywood big shots, that's who joe biden is counting on. >> that's his base, hollywood movie stars and big tech billionaires that to the democrat party is fighting for environmental billionaires in california that to they care about people in bed with china, back to the democrats care about, if you're talking about a steelworker and taxicab driver
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in a waiter or waitress, the democrat party long ago abandoned those workers and in fact a steelworker is hammering steel meals make it harder and harder to stay in business as truck drivers are humoring them with regulation to make it harder to survive waiters and waitresses, take a look at california, gavin newsom, king gavin who jacks the minimum wage up so high that we've seen tens of thousands of waiters and waitresses laid off, that is today's democrat party far better to approach it the way president trump of the republicans are which is were on the side of the workers in the best way to do it that has been laid out has been exempt tips so they can earn more money in the people who are waking with a golf caddy or a taxicab driver those are often people that are starting to climb the economic
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ladder. i think back to when my dad came as an immigrant to cuba to 1957 he was 18 he could not speak english but he made 50 cents an hour washing dishes. from there he made 80 cents an hour as a cook and that was a second job. his third job was a teaching assistant at the university of texas then he became a computer programmer at ibm and an entrepreneur in a small business owner now he's the pastor. that's an american dream and helping people climb the ladder is usually important. maria: is all very, very proud it of course that is to america is, real quick the significance of holding merrick garland in contempt of congress, what does that get you, he says is not intimidated. >> this is been the most lawless and partisan attorney general we've ever seen the number of people on planet earth that were surprised with the biden d.o.j. said they will not prosecute merrick garland contempt citation to 0 no person out of the 8 billion people on the planet was surprised because the
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d.o.j. doesn't care under merrick garland d.o.j. exists to do two things, attacked the democrats enemies and protect the democrats friends and agreed to which d.o.j. has been weaponize and tried to stop the voters from electing donald trump is ridiculous in the degree that d.o.j. is protecting joe biden from the evidence of his corruption and protecting his friends is shameful, the damage merrick garland has done to d.o.j. has no precedent in history and is really sad. maria: were talking about it all morning, good to see you. >> thank you, ted cruz joining us now this. >> african-americans are greater wage gains under donald trump then they've seen under joe biden, unemployment has gone up under joe biden and it went down under donald trump we see that wages and crime and devastation but what donald trump offers is a better way forward we were
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better off under trump but that's not a black agenda that's an american agenda. >> that south carolina senator tim scott on friday, "mornings with maria" on fox business the support president trump is receiving from black voters undo poll, the 45th president is making major gains among black voters in the key swing state of pennsylvania. president biden has lost a third of support since the 2020 election, this propelling president trump into a two-point lead over biden in the keystone state which 19 electoral votes are at stake, jointly with reaction the former housing and urban development secretary doctor ben carson was with president trump and detroit and doctor carson is a pleasure to see you, thank you so much for being here. >> thank you maria thank you for having me and happy father's day to all the fathers out there. >> happy father's day to you it's wonderful to have you on this wonderful day, you were
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with president trump in detroit at the black church and you spoke before president trump and watch the reaction can you tell us what took place at the church. >> it was wonderful to see how many people were enthusiastically receiving the president in anticipation was tremendous and the interesting thing people are wondering why black population is migrating toward the president trump, it's not just the black population it is everybody in america because he represents resilience in the fighting spirit that can do attitude that has characterized our success and he's putting the agenda of the people on the front burner not politics, he doesn't go around with his finger in the air saying which way is the wind blowing and adapt to that which is what we see on the other side, it is so
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unusual to have someone like that in politics and you will see a tremendous difference, this is going to continue up until the election of the other side will do everything that they can to keep them out of office because he represents an existential threat to him of their domain. maria: are also talking about some of the issues that are affecting everyone not just blacks, hispanics and actors young people but were talking about the cost of essentials in the main issue as people go to vote in the illegal immigration story tell me about that what you believe is most important to the swing voters, the wall street journal op-ed how black voters become swing voters, virginia has not back to republican and president in two decades is that about to flip. all of these deep blue areas are now questionable for the democrat. >> the polling shows that trump
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is tied with biden in virginia which is traditionally a blue state and is leading in pennsylvania and i will continue to grow. again it is practical things when you look at the fact that the real inflation rate is up 19.3% that hits people in the pocketbook when people go to the gas pump, they are suffering and you don't go to the store and buy the things that you want you buy the things that you can afford. that's not the way that america normally works then you look at the immigration issue, people are concerned about the fact that the illegal immigrants are being put in line in front of them, the affairs of the people of our country are being
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neglected by the current administration and i was on the border with the lieutenant governor dan patrick of texas a few weeks ago looking at how effective eagle pass had been there are only three or four people a day coming through there with thousands before that and we were talking to the border patrol people and we asked them if they had corporation of the federal government how long would it take to shut the border down and they said a few weeks that's all, this is eminently fixable and so many other things are eminently fixable but the problems are having as a society right now are all self-inflicted units because we don't have leadership in the rest of the world is watching us and were a laughingstock, let's pray that god will preserve us until such time as we have leadership in this country you have somebody who is impaired with the nuclear
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cause in charge of the military and the safety of the people of our country, how can this be. >> that's what i was going to raise more questions about president biden's capacity when he was on the world stage this week in italy wandering off in the middle of an important moment there were georgia maloney had to redirect him. what are your thoughts on that you're a doctor jubilee president biden makes it to the election, the democrats are not stupid are they going to push to make and withdrawal? >> i'm sure they are gathering and trying to figure out how they get out of the dilemma which they created because they knew from the beginning that he was having cognitive issues and his wife and particular must've known that and there's such a desire for power and prestige
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that you put the welfare of the country and the people on the back burner. i hope the people of america understand that, i think the people of america are a lot smarter than many on the left give them credit for in the media thinks they can manipulate them so easily with these stories and how they don't have anything to run on so all they do is try to demonize donald trump but i've been with donald trump and when the cameras went around when he interacted on the street people he's very interested in them and that's why he is connecting with those individuals because they know he is real there is no agenda and you don't have to sit there and wonder what he's thinking he will tell you what he's thinking and he shows it. also recognizes our economy has done very well when we let market forces determine where we go rather than having government mandate where we go that's the
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difference between our system of the chinese and the russians. >> speaking of the chinese we have 50000 chinese nationals coming into this country in the last year largely from the san diego wide-open border, do you believe that that is by design of xi jinping? >> of course it is and is not just the chinese but who hates us the most the iranians coming in from there and over 100 countries. i don't just think they're coming in or twiddle their thumbs. we really did neglected the safety of the american people and i hope the american people realize that elections have consequences and is not just the presidential election we have to think about the senate and the house also if we want to make significant change and soon. maria: doctor carson are you expected to be part of a trump
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administration. >> i'm expecting to work for the rest of my life to save our country whether i do that from inside or outside government is up to god. maria: we will leave it there, thank you so much for joining me this morning, doctor ben carson is always wonderful to see you former secretary of housing and urban development, thank you, sir. a quick break the fallout over hunter biden's conviction in his federal gun trial as congress continues the investigation into president biden over alleged bribery, money laundering and influence peddling, anna paulina luna is here with missouri senator eric schmidt with the very latest, former trump senior counselor kellyanne conway with the breakdown of the 2024 presidential race ahead of the debate, that is next. ♪ ♪
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with absorbine pro, pain won't hold you back from your passions. it's the only solution with two max-strength anesthetics to deliver the strongest numbing pain relief available. so, do your thing like a pro, pain-free. absorbine pro. maria: new polls from monmouth university shows the approval rating before 40%, less than two weeks away from the first in-person debate between biden and former president trump on june 27 as new details are released this week and of the
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rules on the presidential debate among the issues expected the economy and immigration including the impact of bidenomics has had on regular americans and the report from the labor department shows overall inflation of 20% on joe biden's watch with the cost of the basic essentials, food, shelter, energy continuing to squeeze as real wages go down, former trump senior counsel fox news contributor kellyanne conway, great to see you. assess the state of the race for us. >> if trump is to lose at this moment we have a long ways to go for election day in the boat program that we put out is very successful and president trump encourages people to go early it'll be different than 2020 even 2022 when then state like pennsylvania fetterman beat oz on 700,000 votes cast by the time they had their first and only debate and googling how do i change my vote, you don't. i would love to see that happen in the politics, i think are doing a great job.
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here's the irony of this race, the irony that donald trump is expanding his mapping to counties, communities across the country and you can't name a single county or state where joe biden is expanding his map, trump is in detroit in the south bronx, wildwood new jersey and also in minnesota and virginia they're talking about new hampshire in the irony is joe biden is doing slightly better which means better than poor in states that are very white like wisconsin, michigan, pennsylvania trump is doing better in diverse states like arizona, nevada, georgia that's the irony and trump is the unifier that biden said he would not be. he is unifying the party he has people that said they would never support him a vote for him standing next to him, here is what trump is doing that is smart not only is he speaking up putting up, standing up he is showing up, when you show into a community that you get when 15%, 25% only you were showing america that accounts the president of all americans, you're doing another thing your
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practicing for the debate in standing at a podium and injecting humor and you and your policy accomplishments, biden is not doing anything like that, look at the contrast of this weekend and talking to a thousand people, and a black church coming eventually 16 and he said what you got to lose you been voting this way for a while. then you have joe biden hobnobbing with hollywood, it tells you all you need to know, california has seen the next hunter biden trial which will matter to voters, joe biden light on the debate stage about hunter biden i think president trump is going to do well in the debate and friday night i was sitting there he was sort of skewering at the moderators with jake tapper in cnn and people are upset and he'll be fine in my advice, let joe biden speak, let him slur let him struggle and stumble let him stand at the debate podium for 90 minutes with the lack of energy acute
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acuity and agility and be ready for most of the questions to be about abortion and january 6 and covid. maria: i was going ask about his debate and cnn came out with the rules, it no candidate reactions during the commercial breaks, podium depositions will be determined by a coin flip, microphones will be muted outside of speaking time, rfk junior could still qualify, interesting, maybe the white house wants a distraction of rfk junior or will that be a negative for president biden, give us your most important issues in terms of prep for the upcoming debate less than two weeks away. >> trump is the insurgent and cabinet and that's the best that he has his back to the 2016 hunger swagger underdogs underestimated outside into the system fighting for you in the forgotten man and women that feel invisible under bidenomics importer insecurity and the hot spots all over the world and yet
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he is in the cabinet record of four years, if he focuses on the binary choice what are the biggest pogs is meghan mcpherson's bidenomics, many of the ceos are looking at joe biden as ultimate government insider that regulates and makes it depend on foreign sources indeed taxes them and does understand that with the job creators operate versus the way a guy like them. i think for the debate president trump will focus on the binary choice that he has between his presidency and your life with him and life under joe biden also is going to be a test of will with energy and acuity i'm talking about a little bit of humor. i think cnn believes they're cutting down the microphones so donald trump doesn't speak the whole time, great but joe biden speak give him half the time. if rfk junior is there is bad for biden because it reminds everybody they made a huge mistake purging rfk junior from
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the party, they should've kept him and bernie sanders beat hilary clinton and 23 primaries and caucuses that's a real contender name one state they would be invited in the primaries, he wouldn't have but they're afraid of any competition, joe biden is reported he's going to be held open kit under camp david for the debate i promise you the most popular word in the debate prep by far is trump, they even had it in court, donald trump is not an indoor cat, look at him now back on the trail unleashed raising the money as a messenger with the message she has the momentum and donald trump i'm going to name five groups were he's doing better he's doing better than before among blacks, hispanics, union household, political independence and young people in fema groups he doesn't need 50% of any group i just said and he could be the next president. maria: we will be watching, great to talk with you former trump senior counselor kellyanne conway thank you so much. republicans are fighting back
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with editors blocking the fast tracking of anybody nominees unless the law fair against president trump ends. the house votes to hold merrick garland in contempt of congress for his refusal to hand over the audiotapes of president biden's interview with special counsel robert hur, anna paulina luna and eric schmidt on biden's d.o.j. next ship ♪ ♪ i bought the team! kevin...? i bought the team! i put it on my chase freedom unlimited card. and i'm gonna' cashback on a few other things too... starting with the sound system! curry from deep. that's caaaaaaaaash. i prefer the old intro! this is much better! i don't think so! steph, one more thing... the team owner gets five minutes a game. cash bros? woo! i like it. i'll break it to klay. cashback like a pro with chase freedom unlimited. how do you cashback? chase, make more of what's yours.
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not to after convicted of all three felony charges in the gun trial. the first son faces up to 25 years in prison but the sentencing guidelines ranges from 15 to 21 months and nobody's expecting hunter to get any jail time, on capitol hill the house voted to hold attorney general merrick garland in contempt of congress for his failure to comply with the subpoena to turn over audiotape and special counsel robert hur's interview with president biden, president biden has asserted executive privilege and blocking the release of the audiotapes while the d.o.j. said it will not prosecute garland, joining me now listening winning features exclusive anna paulina luna in missouri senator eric schmidt, great to see you both, thank you for being here, i want to start with you because the d.o.j. said it will not prosecute merrick garland over the contempt of congress charges they sent a letter to speaker johnson your next move in the house. >> actually several months ago i
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introduced a resolution for something called inherent contempt of congress, this is something that congress has the authority to do in a has begun since the early 1900s. what that does i anticipated the department of justice would not do their job so i had this teed up and ready to go and i brought it to speaker johnson's attention it allows congress to be the putative arm and hold garland accountable by using the start to at arms to go would get him as the tapes and bring them to the wall of the house and be a check and balance at the department of justice this has been done since the 1900s but that will be coming to the floor and hopefully we will bring accountability. if this goes to court as johnson has stated that is going to get stuck there is not going to do anything and the american people deserve more than strongly worded letters. were all frustrated and hoping to bring that accountability. maria: i know when the actual transcript of the special counsel interview with president biden in the written transcript,
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there were things edited out, were there any other worries, why must you hear the audiotapes that you didn't get from the transcript, was it doctored in any way. >> i believe it is possible that it's been doctored but i think it's going to show the american people whether or not biden is capable of making those decisions. we have a foreign-policy debacle and russian warships off of our coast and if he is not able to stand for this president i don't think you be the nominee this november that's what democrats are trying to protect him and the d.o.j. you don't think is good to be the nominee? >> not of the tapes come out, they have big problems and i think his cognitive inability is the number one issue for him currently. >> what do you think about all of this, what goes through your meeting with president trump how did it go you came out of the meeting and republicans, yourself and jd vance and others
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in the senate announced a blockade abided nominees to protest the law fair against president trump, tell us more. >> working to use every tool that we have everything to block these nominees and the department of justice has been weapon iced not just against president trump at the american people. and we could work with him in the rules but this is a response there has to be a response we can out of our country to descend to a banana republic the two tears of justice on the biden administration willing to put political opponents in jail and center americans and usher innovation and try to convert them to voters this is on the watch of the biden administration, this is their plan, he is very optimistic talking about unity and winning and saving this country. he's talking about the record, they could support for people to understand for the first time in anybody's lifetime we have an opportunity to judge two presidents on the record
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normally a president person challenger or an open seat now we have two records putting you on a secure border, not been involved in any wars ended economy for working families as opposed to the high inflation prices and you compare that to what the americans are living there right now the choice is pretty clear, president trump was upbeat and confident and i think you should be and i think will take the sun and expand the majority in the house and when the white house. maria: from a legal perspective, do you see similarities between what happened to trump officials and what biden is saying he's using executive purged underprivileged to hold the audiotapes back. isn't peter navarro in jail right now for using executive privilege about the subpoena on january 6, steve banded about to go to prison for similar reasons. from a legal perspective is this the same?
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>> they clearly delineated, this is what you get with soviet style any work toward friends and punish enemies and you see in other places in the world like her state department if it were happening other places would warn us it is happening here that's what merrick garland ought to be holding contempt in the hunter biden case people were trying to draw a parallel and he was on crack buying a gun as a former prosecutor that's a slam dunk case what people forget, they tried to hide a sweetheart deal in a pre-detected document not even a plea deal to give him immunity from prosecution did all the cases against united states of america thankfully the judge asked questions, that's one example again of how their friends are treated differently than their enemies it's a dangerous route to go to with his republic, if you didn't see the under president trump, all the claims that they make the threats to democracy, they are actually doing it president trump today do that and that's
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why think it's good when big this november. maria: your colleague andy biggs has released a timeline which he says proves that joe biden's collusion with prosecutors was the reason the president trump was indicted yet this is something that john ratcliffe has had on the burger many times that people like alvin bragg, letitia james, fani willis, michael colangelo all met with white house counsel before indicting president trump, andy biggs says he has a timeline and a graphic going through all the meetings that took place in 2022, what you know about this? >> i can tell you andy biggs is on and and number three at the department of justice that was sent down to new york to oversee the trial. when people say there's no possibility that this is scrubbed i turn around and show them the facts like andy biggs
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has presented. this administration in the department of justice to go after the political opponent because they no trump is going to win in the american people started at the fall and the withdrawn afghanistan realize that biden has no foreign policy that we are a mess and i frankly think the reason why the president trump is going to win big he was joking about this on thursday, every sickle time that they indict him he goes up in the polls and were working under looking forward to the win in november when we need to bring accountability and congress needs to get serious about not finding the weaponize institutions and i hope that working to bring that contempt about once we return and hopefully that will be the check and balance that we need. maria: go ahead senator. >> this is also to piggyback on the representatives point in november of 2022 gives biden some speech talking about all legal needs necessary to keep donald trump out of the white house after that he saw fani
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willis and jack smith and letitia james and alvin bragg the zombie cases were resurrected to keep trump off the ballot to get trump this clearly goes back to joe biden. again the american people are going to reject this it's not in our dna but there's so obsessed with power and control their willing to do anything to keep it and it's at the end of the day who's counting the votes and water fair and free election coming of the rnc launching an effort to voting, are they doing enough? >> i believe so. go ahead. >> i was going to say we have an overhaul at the rnc get president trump that made a point to talk about this when he was visiting with us in washington but we have to have accountability and massive ballot harvesting operation into ensure that there are people there to monitor as well as attorneys on the ground that are
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prepared to bring lawsuit in the event that we see people acting shady and i feel very confident as someone who is very much show akin to that in a good shape for this november. maria: 's editor, final word. >> the republicans have gotten the memo and we need to make sure we got the vote on election day and if they can vote before we want to encourage that to make sure all those votes are banked so much on the line for this country and we want to win. maria: early voting starts mid september. anna paulina luna, eric schmidt, great to have you both. great to have you both. stay with us, we'll be right i ) back. (♪) ♪ i don't care if we ever come back, ♪ (♪) ♪ that i always remember the fun we had. ♪ ♪ i love fishing with dad. ♪ now extended through june 16th save 10-percent on dad's favorite gift,
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maria: voters in the european union sending a strong message to brussels rejecting socialism, rejected policies and elections, this is europe continues to do with the massive influx of illegal migrants from the middle east and africa joining the net
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under national security advisor and president of the heritage foundation, victoria coates, great to see you, how would you characterize what went on in the european elections are voters having a reawakening not just in the u.s. but europe as well. >> definitely great to be with you i was in london with the elections happen it was seismic, what you're seeing our europeans particularly in france and germany rejecting progressive policies very much rejecting the extreme environmentalist agenda that is squeezing not only families but their energy cost and farmers and i think you're going to see some real seismic elections coming up in the future in individual countries like france, micron had to call a snap election he's going to lose control of his parliament and be handcuffed for his last two years this is quite dramatic. maria: the prime minister of uk how is he doing? >> unfortunately not terribly
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well, conservatives are rightly deeply concerned about the election coming up next month, this is not an election that will be for labor it is because british conservatives feel that they have not delivered on what they promise, they have not delivered on the economic potential of brexit, they have not delivered on conservative principles and johnson for example was far too green, far too extreme and the environmental agenda. i think this is a repudiation it'd encouragement to get back to the principles of british conservatives. maria: suddenly your hearing will france want to move out of the new, will take a short break and then get your take on joe biden on the world stage in italy as well as what's taking place in russia, stay with us were talking with victoria coates, stay right back. ♪ and what hero doesn't have a dark side?
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maria: i am back with armor deputy national victoria coates we have a fleet of warships in cuba, they have been there in the white house is telling us this is routine naval business, they are not worried. your reaction, their message is
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nothing to see here, there is unprecedented things that are going on, this is the first time in four years that they move this in and around cuba in the missile drills that they've engaged in our unprecedented nothing like this is happened before what you see hooton who is tied up in ukraine flexing his muscle, you could call this diplomacy if you will. in his deeply dangerous in the president trump were in office they would direct us of a u.s. presence in the caribbean because it is our backyard. maria: were not visible and then you see joe biden with more gas, what is your assessment of the president at the g7. >> that's another dangerous thing, that's what you see hooton pushing back on he sees the extreme weakness of present biden looking almost foolish and lost at normandy a couple of
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days ago and now in italy. i thought the prime minister of italy looked like the leader of europe in the leader of the free world much stronger than biden. giorgia meloni did well. please come back soon, we appreciate your former deputy national security adviser victoria coates. that will do♪ it for "mornings with maria". happy father's day. dancing is just one of the many inherited traits you can discover with ancestry dna. get it for dad, and together you can see which traits were inherited, the places where they started, and the people he shares them with. best of all, it's on sale for father's day. but get movin', this sale is only for a limited time.
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