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tv   Media Buzz  FOX News  June 16, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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>> a heavy media focuses on hunter biden trial in the drug addicts tail and even natural suffering his defense was downright awful, so awful that even in delaware where the biden name is golden the federal georgia took three hours to convict him on all three gun felony charges, so awful that nobody was buying it, so awful he had nothing to say afterwards but d.o.j. special counsel david wise did tell the reporters the verdict was not about addiction. >> 's choice to line a government forum when he bought a gun and the choice to possess that gun. it was these choices and accommodation of guns and drugs that made his conduct dangerous. >> to set up a contest for the press after donald trump a former president become a convicted felon in the hush money case the current president's son became a convicted felon in the illegal
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gun case two extremely different cases. after demanded the hunter must be held accountable because of his last name many conservatives immediately shifted their focus, the trump campaign say this trial has nothing more that a distraction from the real crimes of the biden crime family which is raked in tens of millions of dollars of china russia and ukraine. president biden stuck with a written statement until the reporter raises the question of the g7 in italy. >> i'm extremely proud of my son hunter he's overcome an addiction he is one of the brightest most decent men that i know and i am satisfied and i abide by the jury decision and i will do that and i will not pardon him. >> intensifying journalistic debate over whether the media are rooting for hunter biden and obviously not for donald trump. i am howard kurtz and this is "mediabuzz".
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>> when fox asked donald trump about hunter biden's conviction he responded that the problems of addiction. >> is a very tough situation for a father is a very tough situation for her brother or sister and it goes on and it's not stopping whether alcohol or drugs or whatever it may be it is a tough thing. it is a tough moment for their family the commentators clashed over every aspect of the hunter case except his guilt. >> of course hunter lied on a gun for them he was a crack addict who had an affair with his dead brother's wife entering the poor women onto crack as well. >> only shocking part he was convicted in wilmington but i guess even delaware the biden. >> situation of patriotism they love the justice department when
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their opponents are being prosecuted, they love american democracy when there candidates win but if they lose elections, suddenly they hate american democracy and they think it's corrupt. >> hunter is everything the media claims to despise a white privilege sexist spoiled brat that barks don't you know who my daddy is but he's a democrat so the media circles a wagon. >> is a negative for trump, the contrast to how trump has behaved and treated the rule of law. >> i sympathy for the defendant and when you hear his account of his struggle with drugs you can be anything but hypothetical. there is also an unavoidable series of criminal acts and all of us. >> this is the son of the president of the united states being prosecuted by the president justice department and found guilty. that is america that is the system and the system works.
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>> treated us to analyze the coverage of atlanta, clay travis a nationally syndicated radio host and here lucy caldwell and advisor for new america so many pundits say hunter biden is getting off easy, what a double standard and he lied about the gun purchase then he gets convicted in three hours and some in the media politics that who cares about that that is a distraction. >> to me a couple of big stories relating to hunter biden and is not about his addiction or the gun charge because at the bare minimum because he could've been charged for the first big take away the hunter biden laptop 100% real was introduced as evidence and has led to a guilty conviction and likely to lead to a guilty conviction in september over the far more serious failure to pay millions of dollars in tax charges but have we had any accounting over what i think is a clear attempt to keep the story from being released in 2020 by the fbi
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which had the laptop since 2019 and has authenticated as evidence in a criminal trial. to me msnbc, cnn, the washington post and new york times have they apologize to the audience forgetting all that wrong, the mpr we haven't seen it, the second part the only reason this case went to trial with a need to give a lot of credit to judge who gave a a lot of credit to this criminal trial and she refused to sign off on the sweetheart deal which is going to give hunter biden a slap on the wrist and no consequences. if you look at the laptop, hundreds of felonies that he documented himself and they cited his own book as evidence in the best possible jury for him that is wilmington, delaware convicted him if he's going to be guilty there he would be guilty everywhere, the more serious coming in september in california in may before and charges as well. >> the media's handling of the laptop story was shameful but hunter biden will probably do some jail time as a result of
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this case and if he is convicted, some trump allies according to the new york times wanted him acquitted because that would help their narrative that the entire criminal justice system is weapon nice against them. >> one of the things that we saw the maga machine and the maga media to the degree that it exist can't decide how to get on message about hunter biden it cannot both be that hunter biden this is finally justice being served, a judge didn't allow that to go through, a jury in a very friendly area convicted him and yet you see people on the hill and on this network and elsewhere saying things like this is a distraction and now michelle obama is going to be swapped in. >> i'm still waiting for that. >> i think she is to it's not on her radar at all what so
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troubling about this is a little bit hilarious the way that the maga side cannot get on message but is also very, very corrosive it's very corrosive to her institutions if when a jury trial is carried out and someone is convicted and the president himself is saying i will not pardon my son that were still hearing this is a distraction or this is a cover-up, that is dangerous to her institutions and dangerous to feed people messages like that. >> why did hunter biden take a plea as prosecutors were pressuring to do with the selected filings and leagues rather than expose himself and his father to the humiliating testimony from his exes and text messages begging him to stop using crack. >> i think he got bad advice i think it's a degree of them being furious over the fact that there plea deal collapsed in open court as it did. i think honestly if you talk to abbe lowell and hunter biden all of their visors i think they
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believe there is going to be one juror who refused to convict in wilmington, delaware because again this is the best possible jurisdiction for him to be standing trial. i think they were stunned that they got a conviction that happiness quickly and i think they miscalculated and by the way to lucy's point, i'm a dad and by the way happy father's day i have three boys and were good to go to the atlanta braves game later today that's where i'm spending my time. i do believe hunter biden will ever spend a day in jail, i think joe biden will pardon or commute him. i don't begrudge that choice i think if i were president of the united states in my son are being politically prosecuted, which i do think the biden's to believe even though i think the evidence is quite clear that they committed many felonies i wouldn't let my kids go to prison i don't think most dads would and were not talking about an extremely violent crime he didn't pay his taxes that he should and he should hopefully be able to beat this addiction
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but i would pardon my kid i think hunter biden will be pardoned or commuted right after the election, i was joe biden with tell us. howard: lucy who is a new mom, congratulations why would joe biden say he's not going to pardon his son and then they send out karine jean-pierre for 24 hours and what about commutation of the sentence and she wasn't given any guidance and when he was asked a question at the g7 he says his not going to commit to either i don't believe it. >> why would he say that he's telling the truth it is not going to pardon his son and is not going to commute the sentence and i guess joe biden will follow a standard that is different than what is being suggested. >> i said i would pardon or commute my kids i think every dad would and i will bet you a steak dinner. >> once he loses the election if he is the nominee he is going to
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pardon or commute his son sentence. now we have a narrative that joe biden is being deceptive it is going to pardon his son, now we have that, if we don't see joe biden pardon his son i am not even dumbstruck we can have a new narrative that he is a baghdad because only a baghdad would not pardon his son. i think there is evidence that he's a baghdad i think you can look ashley and what happened with hunter biden and his dogs he is a bad dog owner and i don't think joe biden is a particularly nice guy but i believe dads and moms tend to commute or pardon the child and i think he knows is bad for politics and they can't say everybody no one is above the law and then come out before the election and pardon his son, if you want to know the truth if i
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were president i would pardon donald trump from all the stupid federal charges and i would pardon my son and say it's time to fix the justice system in this country. >> this is a perfect vignette and the way joe biden will never get the benefit of the doubt with one sector of the media. >> what about the dogs, i don't like those dogs i don't know if i blamed on the president of the united states is there an impact on the election, a very different case, both hunter biden and donald trump being convicted felons. >> probably the biden campaign won't go so hard in the paint with a convicted felon phrase with t-shirts or mugs or whatever but this is very, very different this is the president son this is not the candidate himself. i've said this before and i want to say it again hunter biden we should not elect hunter biden president in november we should not elect hunter biden. >> i'm with you on that and clay, the charges in the alvin
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bragg case were sort of hard even to explain that manhattan jury in the former president gets convicted in the case of hunter biden the charges are clear-cut about lying on the form and so forth but is also not running for office he happens to be the president son. >> i think it's consequential and this is why i would go back to the original post report that came out that was censored because of the fbi refused to acknowledge which is the laptop 100% real, remember in the initial. >> they blew it off and said russian disinformation. the 50 what intelligence agents have made no consequences at all the most consequential letter that's ever been written because it allowed joe biden to claim it was russian disinformation and there should be consequences there but remember the initial report about hunter biden accepting money from ukraine and china, where are the most flashpoint issues that have risen during joe biden's presidency, ukraine, china and
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russia and everything surrounding that, the money that hunter biden received very consequential and also strong evidence you can say that is circumstantial and that is not clear-cut but very strong evidence that there was 10% reserve for the big guy that joe biden himself is connected through phone calls, meetings and all of the other evidence portions 200 biden's business review. >> i would say republicans have been gaining that for a long time and haven't proven it yet. when we come back if you're trying to embarrass the supreme court justice, is it okay to lie if you're liberal
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>> this is a badly hyped story that involves lying at the annual supreme court charity gala a woman named lauren windsor true justice alito into conversation, this became the secret tapes. new developments about supreme court justice samuel alito's compromise affects an open support and comfort with extreme far right causes. >> i don't know if we can know she can to negotiate the left of further polarization to end. >> the differences on fundamental things that can be compromised. >> people in this country who believe in god have got to keep fighting for that and return our country to a place of godliness. >> i agree with you. howard: morning windsor is a fraud a progressive activist posing as a christian conservative to get alito to say something incriminating. >> people who want to pearl clutch about this, please tell
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me how were getting answers when the supreme court has been shrouded in secrecy, are we going to continue our tradition of secular democracy or are we going to be led to christian theocracy by the supreme court. with so many shows treated less as a scandal, what did sam alito say that was so terrible. >> i hate the idea going into the event and secretly taping anyone saying anything you guys have been on the cocktail party circuit were people you might know, and say i watched you on this and listen to that segment and have a nice conversation to be friendly, you're not exactly bearing your soul with the person and it sounded like a clock to party conversation to me but there is no hypocrisy, it's not like you said i'm on the supreme court in the ten commandments is the only law that exist anywhere in the world and if anything the decision that came down afterwards 9 - 0
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on the morning-after pill that didn't grandstanding in the christian theocracy and everything is still subject to the rule of law and i wish we would talk more about the fact that somebody tried to show up at kavanaugh's house and kill him and that there's protester showing up in contravention of federal law and state law outside of their homes chanting out all hours for presidential areas and is part and parcel of not respecting the supreme court justices. >> the campus said i believe in godliness it especially when he doesn't use the word and agrees with someone else's. >> sure we know that these people have privately held beliefs but were missing two items, when the contrast between what alito said in what robert said, she also engaged robert a lot and they gave very good answers, roberts is very good
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answers, he said something like a modest job and not as tumultuous of a time that you think, i do think the contrast between alito and roberts is interesting. the other thing that is important so everyone knows a little bit of contrast lori windsor's playbook came from copying james o'keefe's playbook and i don't hear, i think you had james on your show, james o'keefe's does the same thing and this is a public event in the event she used her real name and i understand she represented herself but i don't hear the same people criticizing her tactics here in criticizing the playbook when it's executed the opposite way on the right against people who are far left. >> we actually talked about that a lot, i don't like the idea of finding a pretty girls in getting a guy who is a producer to go on a date with him and the guys trying to impress the girl
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and trying to pretend like he directs all cnn programming and you blow it up we talked about the on my radio show i don't like secret tapes. i say exactly what i think it of people take me secretly i'm not encouraging it by the way. if you take me secretly i would sound the same on the show and on my radio shows and i think that's why it's important to be living a consistent life in that respect in terms of your opinions but the new york times cnn all the sources that ran to follow over themselves would never do this kind of reporting themselves, it feels like a hide the ball trick to allow her to do it and react to it when the ethics of your own organization would not allow you to do it. >> somebody who criticized james o'keefe over the years for some of the same deceptive tactics which have been considered backache decades ago 60 minute producers will go undercover but after abc lost the lawsuit with
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an undercover producer it's considered unethical, my question to you, almost no one in the press is questioning a deceptive tactic of lauren windsor, she used to be a laborer but she was misrepresenting herself, why is that and why is that a subject to debate is it because the ends justify the memes of the left doing it. >> i don't think that's true, you showed a clip of her justifying on cnn it's not the case that no one's questioning it. >> it wasn't exactly critical. >> almost no one is questioning it. rather point where we've had such a corrosion of how we cover the stuff that it's incentives that exist in this media landscape and i think it's true that mainstream outlets don't use lauren windsor's tactics and a lot of mainstream's don't use james o'keefe but they're going to cover it it is also true that
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it's okay to hold a supreme court justice to a different standard than we would in the standard we hold clinton to wear a member of congress. it is different. >> i think clay is as least as important. >> it's a different job that's what i mean by a different standard it's a different job to be a supreme court justice, that's apparent to people. >> it's a lifetime tenure. >> i would say this all started with the decision, the jobs decision got leaked early and that really put the supreme court under the microscope in a way that it did not been before and we still don't know who did that, amazing. >> enjoy the ballgame, clay travis, happy father's day. >> even joe biden. >> up next the implosion of the washington post as british journalist bring a different approach to our shores.e ♪ online. so you can get back to your monster to-do list.
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raising troubling questions about the implosion of the washington post, the heart of a lengthy program by the new york times to british journalist and the publisher and his london pal robert burnett the incoming editor in the british phone hacking scandal two decades ago, these two men used fraudulently obtained phone and company records in their articles in today's report says lewis assigned one of the business editor of london sunday time written by robert burnett with material deceptively obtained by a private eye, a former times reporter said on the record that lewis had personally assigned him using phone records and the writer understood to be obtained through hacking lewis who is repeatedly denied any wrongdoing of the hacking scandal declined to comment, they were hired by washington post jeff bezos when the amazon founder bought the paper a decade ago he told the top editor feel free to cover amazon anything that you want
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and cover jeff bezos anyway you want as the paper faded as he got involved in other ventures such as the blue origin, spaceflight we know this from reporting by the post itself, when bezos fired his editor and american after a short tenure the newspaper lost $77 million in the last year and surrendered half of this subscriber presidency, will lewis who led the telegraph during the hacking scandal said he paid 150,000 british pounds for the information and he put the money in escrow to help source that might run into legal problems, you could work it out if i paid for the story adding that he will be engaged in this kind of checkbook journalism at the washington paper but lewis shot himself in the foot trying to pressure the post into not running a story about his role in some now are questioning whether lewis can keep his job lewis is on an apology tour i
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guess you would say having taken an arrogant stance towards his new reporters how is it the british invasion is taking control of the washington post, wall street journal, ap, new york post and cnn whose boss ran the new york times cavity before that i worked with were for plenty of british journalist and they are sharp and sound twice as erudite with those accidents, they are scrappy and scoop artist but the fuzzy ethics of fleet street can get them into trouble, as the royal family, some of that is not going to fly included the washington post which in fairness today is a front-page piece on safety problems in the medical unit of jeff bezos amazon, next on "mediabuzz" donald trump goes to capitol hill and the press loads on what he says or didn't say about milwaukee. ♪hu kayak. i like to do things myself.
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what was framed between donald trump and the hill was a media uproar, punch bowl news in others said that trump called milwaukee which happens to be hosting the gop convention next month a horrible city by morning msnbc supporting milwaukee t-shirt. >> everybody in the room since he didn't say it, as soon as the news broke people inside of the room debunked it, donald trump trashed the most important city in the upcoming 2024 election, you know why because these donald trump. trump tried to clarify what he met w fox aishah hasnie. >> i love milwaukee at great friends in milwaukee but as you know the crime numbers are terrible and they have to be very careful but i was referring to the election and the ballots in the way it went down it was very bad of milwaukee. very bad, that was a fake story into most democrat run cities.
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joining us in jacksonville, chief political reporter for the washington times, and miami richard fowler the radio host and fox news contributor, staging a day of unity with the republican party, smart idea goes off script when you have to defend your comments about milwaukee which for the record of been there many times it's a cool city especially if you like beer, the depressed hijacked or did trump sabotage himself. >> i think president trump makes it easy for these things to happen because we know the way he talks in it really matters, context matters with president trump and when you're delivering a speech behind closed doors it's very easy for a detractor, he has some within the republican party and wanted to context out of comments and lead them to the right people and expose into a huge story, people see the online so much of the campaign about social media and people watching the clips online that can be damaging.
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however, milwaukee voted 80% for president biden in 2020, it's hard to see this really hurting president trump and a very blue city and he did pick milwaukee for the republican national convention he can't hate the city that much easier to rally there next week. i don't think this is good and packed the election overall, wisconsin is the ground zero state and the election. it's very important. >> i think the gop had trouble organizing the defense because you republicans like speaker mike johnson saying you never said that i was sitting right there but trump had already talked about with an explanation. >> in context to clarify statement that he made to fox news reporter is also problematic and hyperbolic, one he claims there was voter fraud in milwaukee and no journalistic evidence of voter fraud nor is there evidence of voter fraud of the courtroom and number two he points to the crime of milwaukee which is a narrative that the
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trump campaign wants voters to believe but the statistics point in the opposite direction, milwaukee with a 39% decrease in homicide and 11% decrease in property crimes and that the national narrative, earlier this week the fbi came out with onset a 26% decrease in homicides across the country in a precipitous fall in crime as a result that one could argue their lingering trump policies at the end of his term or a policy that came from the biden at the beginning of his term, either way the argument that president trump is running on is there is crime happening all around you and the data does not point to it. whether or not he put this in context or out of context it was indeed problematic. >> whether donald trump was referring to crime or not why would a presidential nominee say anything negative, he knows and the private meetings all the time, about a city where the party and the convention in a few weeks. like i said trump exude easy for these incidents to happen and
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it's a sore spot in milwaukee, wisconsin was a state he wanted 2016 he lost in 2020, in part because of the get out the vote efforts and some election integrity issues, i take exception of what richard is saying in wisconsin and milwaukee that help with the turnout that helped biden with the state and we all know the president trump should've won wisconsin and he felt the election integrity issues and get out the vote schemes that the democrats were behind his loss in wisconsin and ultimately in the entire 2020 election a real sore spot for him and he can't stop talking about and that's what happened last week at the capital. >> i recall when donald trump was president and he was attacking elijah cummings he called baltimore a disgusting rat in rodent infested mass, of course in the run by black democrats, this goes to the point you're making earlier. >> that's part of the problem every time he attacks it happens in places by african-americans run by african-americans
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leaders, with to make a very clear bright line between voted this integrity and voter fraud in turning out the vote campaign and where people go to their neighbors and say we want you to vote in the democratic party or the republican party for that matter that we are going to engage in civic engagement and were to talk to voters to go door-to-door, that is not voter fraud that is good electioneering in getting your base out to the polls, claiming that their voter fraud because you lost a election that's completely different. >> i think democrats working in the office in the election office, that's a well-known and well reported. there was an ethical problems behind the get out the vote milwaukee. >> we are short on time but there were early media reports that trump and his team were asking for republicans to help get his conviction overturned for president to move cases from state to federal court into deep fund jack smith investigation, that seems to be more news
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newsworthy. >> absolutely, i think what the president right now in his messaging, he is really trying to get off litigating the past election and moving on to the issues that people really care about. for the most part on capitol hill that's what he was doing and when i was there for both of his meetings on capitol hill in the message out of their that the party was getting behind him after having no questions as a leader of the party over the years the getting behind him that was the main story out of the capital and there was a lot of excitement because they felt like he was generating excitement and the base that was going to help their ability to win the house and the senate, to me that was the main story out of their and the whole milwaukee was a minor detraction. >> soon to be replaced by another two or three, i do have to say quickly we have to go to break that the press is enjoying bringing of negative things that some of these republicans are
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embracing a trump said about the past but that the nature primaries everyone has to get behind the new boss and in this case cite engine same as old boss, after the break the white house attacks are in c and some in the media are making a president appear confused at the g7 summit.
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fills into $50 million loan the rnc posted the most title what is biden doing. the president strayed from the assembled leaders talking to no one and now wound up on the cover of the new york post leander in chief, if you look at it from a broader angle the president had turned to chat with the skydiver who landed as part of a show near the world leaders and to give them a thumbs up before italian prime minister giorgia meloni guided him back to a photo. >> and to wander off like that and other g7 leaders looked on in agony right wing media at the g7 summit involving president biden, i get that biden is 81 looks frail and confused in this instant why with the new york post and anyone follow the rnc
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lead and the president was given the thumbs up to the. shooter. >> it's taken out of context same way trump is taking out of context so often here you have a video but i don't think the full video benefits anybody anymore and a problem with president biden is he looks frail when he's walking and i believe he has spinal stenosis i was looking at his past physicians report and he has difficulty walking and he looks like is a little bit weak in another incident where he leaned down and pressed his forehead in an out of the pope and that look pretty peculiar and when he speaks he sounds frail and he sounds like his mental acuity is fading and the new pullout and a third of all voters and is confident to become the president for another term that is overall problem this adds to the narrative the videos and it
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doesn't look much better. >> a legitimate issue in the white house spokesperson media outlets touting the images as desperate and lying in talking about the way the photo was cropped and biden wandered off and went off script in the media must face up to his cognitive decline but this is an example of it. >> a couple of things everybody needs to take a deep breath were dealing with two nominees in american history. exactly who celebrated his birthday this week we must take a deep breath and acknowledge the fact that were dealing with one candidate and joe biden who is gas prone and were dealing with another candidate who lives in the world of hyperbole these are the realities of and on the video in the journalism at best, sloppy journalism at worst, the
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american people are expecting us to cover the selection fairly and taken us to call the selection. when you do stories on your front cover without looking at the full video angle you create more distrust against this industry and the business at a time and the american people need to trust us more than ever what's on was different than the milwaukee comment. i had a problem with the milwaukee comment in the context in a problem with it, this is taken out of context and in context there is no problem with the u.s. clearly waving and giving a thumbs up to folks. "fox & friends" by the way, the trump campaign followed up by accusing joe biden of wandering around like a brain-dead zombie, nothing like a good way to raise money to push the narratives, let me touch now with the president and zelenskyy each
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taking two questions as its traditional. joe biden didn't like what are the questions i was asked and he said this. i wish you guys would play by the rules a little bit. i'm here to talk about a critical situation in ukraine, asked me another subject. >> he brings us up, the president seemed annoyed that only being asked about ukraine he was asked about another were in israel versus hamas so what if you feel strongly one reporter asking to be questions he can refuse to answer. >> part of the problem he does not make himself available to the press for questions very often, the only opportunity to get in the really important question the pressing issues is during the other events and i give reporters credit to jump in and i really hope nobody is intimidated by the play by the rules, there are no rules for us in the media, when we see a
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public figure that we need to talk do we have to ask the most important questions especially the president of the united states think back to the days of president trump when did anyone stick to any rules when he was president it was a free-for-all every time he was in front of the camera they have given joe biden for the most part a pass and i think every now and then someone breaks through the important question, wait a minute what's going on used to getting soft treatment. >> the white house correspondent association put out a letter say the problem could be avoided if the president would take for questions or hold a news conference and i think that's true you don't know when you get a get another shot and asking him anything. >> i think susan's critique is fair and the president could take more questions from the press no matter what president you're asking, all of them have a problem with these type of questions when you're doing a press conference about something else and you get a question that's not about that thing you are annoyed by that and that's the nature of the game, that is
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the nature of media, welcome to the club. >> no rule that you can't ask anything in the president can decide when is going to answer, thank you so much, still become kevin spacey's tearful omission and the downfall of a conspiracy theorist. ♪ oh my god. [phone rings] at the tone, please record your message. [clock ticks] ♪ ♪
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she is very beautiful i find are very beautiful she is a liberal she probably does not like trumper to hear she's very talented, i think she's very beautiful actually, unusually beautiful. at his meeting with hill republican cnn said trump spoke of the pop star and joe biden why would she endorse this dope?
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taylor has made no official endorsement in this campaign. kevin spacey oscar winning actor wont start in the "house of cards" has been acquitted of a series of sexual harassment and assault allegations made by young men over the past couple of years. but in an emotional interview with pierce morgan he now owes millions in legal fees and faces a crisis. [background noises] while it is f funny you asked tt question. because this week where i have been living in baltimore is being foreclosed on. my house is being sold at auction. >> tough time for spacey with all his major projectsanced. an act of injustice that has been delayed for years conspiracy theorist alex jones is declaring bankruptcy after adding immeasurably to the paint on the sandy hook element
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families by unspeakable tragedy to be a hoax. jones and his info war empire finally paying a price of follog years of litigation. caitlin clark initially deflected about being drug into the culture war in the wnba hours later another report as indiana fever star about being exploited for racism and misogyny she stepped up people should not be using my name to push those agendas it is disappointing, it is not acceptable. meanwhile clark is the only person who does not seem upset about the so-called snub by the u.s. women's olympic team should not practice with the team she was in the final portion is no international experience the selection committee says it would be irresponsible to pick her. all the sports abundance of thr should find something better to argue about. you see this nba logo is literally modeled after the legendary ge jerry west who just died at 86 praise and pouring in
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from lebron, ma magic, jordan ad others having watched him i can tell you gerry was the consummate pro through for decades as a big scoring player and coach for the l.a. lakers and later as an executive. he led his team to one nba champ champs of the only reason he did not win more as they kept losing to bill brosnan and the bolton celtics the man was a legend. that is it for this edition of media buzz i am howard kurtz happy father's day to all the dads out there. you may want to subscribe to my daily podcast media buzz meter i riff on the days top five stories and whenever i'm obsessed with on that particular day. we are back here next sunday 11:00 a.m. eastern with the only 11:00 a.m. eastern with the only media analysis show on national . ♪ ahoy! so get allstate.
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