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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  June 16, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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but st. jude has gotten us through it. st. jude is hope for every child diagnosed with cancer because the research is being shared all over the world. arthel: panic and chaos at a
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michigan splash park. families looking to beat the heat in the sprinklers suddenly running for cover as gunfire broke out yesterday. the mass shooting left at least nine people hurt including two children. an 8-year-old boy is listed in critical condition at a hospital with a bullet wound to his head. hello everyone this is a "fox news live" by arthel neville hi eric prince before hello everyone i'm eric shawn print thank you for joining us. police say this happened just after 5:00 p.m. yesterday at a crowded recreation center in rochester hills. that is north of detroit today say a suspect pulled up to the splash pad, got out of his car began shooting at random before he took off. police officers tracked him down at a nearby home where they found him dead of a self-inflicted gunshot wound. madeleine rivera live with more on this disturbing story. >> today investigators are working to piece together a timeline of what led up to the shooting and they are scouring social media looking for
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evidence or manifesto that would reveal the suspect motive. police say 42-year-old's suspect is had no connection to the victims he fired nearly 30 shots 9 millimeters handgun at the scene is that and other evidence to track the suspect down at a home in shelby township east rochester hills, michigan the suspect barricaded himself in the late senate they found the suspect inside dead bite suicide investigators also found an ar style rifle there could have been a second chapter. it is a gut punch for us we have gone through so many tragedies. we are not fully comprehending what happened at oxford. >> police said the suspect lived with his mom, their plenary
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investigation shows he had no criminal record but he may have had some mental health challenges. as for the victims they include an 8-year-old boy who was shot in the head. he is in critical condition a 4-year-old boy was hurt in his thigh. he is stable at 39 old woman with wounds in her torso and all them for one of them the other victims ranging from 30 to 78 years old they are in stable condition. eric: just so shocking, madeline thank you. >> meanwhile it more disturbing news at another mass shooting in texas for this one a deadly people and around rock which is north of austin's at least two people were killed after gunfire erupted at a juneteenth festival last night. several others were injured. investigator said the shootout grew from an argument between two groups if not identified the suspects who took off and are still on the loose.
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specifically presidential campaign trail and president biden's a big night in hollywood. the biden/harris campaign said it raised more than $30 million last night at a start centered event lots of stars attending. the president flew from the g summit in italy vice president harris is attending a conference on the war in switzerland. lucas tomlinson is life at the white house with more all the cash the president put in last night and the ladies in the campaign. >> that is right there's a lot of cash raised last night for the biden campaign sing us a record-setting night. over $30 million brought in as you mentioned with the photo from julia roberts you just played going to instagram account. but jimmy kimmel's former boss former president barack obama there. jimmy kimmel looks like he took the photo with this caption had a great time catching up with a few good friends together we
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will be to donald trump here's some reaction on "sunday morning futures" from texas senator ted cruz. >> look, that is his base. hollywood movie stars big tech billionaires and. that it's of the democrat party is fighting for. environmental billionaires in california that is who they care about. people who are in bed with china, that it's of the democrats care about. if you are talk about a steelworker pretty fit in my taxi cab drivers a waitress the democrat party long ago abandoned those workers. >> "fox news sunday" shannon bream as the top democrat on the intel committee president biden's foreign policy record. tune of 50 years united states history foreign policy has ever been all that much of an influencer of american votes for better or worse. >> senator chris murphy from connecticut. >> there is no doubt joe bite is
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been the president that is allowed ukraine to survive and fight another day. that joe biden support for ukraine congressmen would have not have passed this latest tranche of aid. >> also and fox news ascending governor doug berg room was on the program many things he is on the short list to be donald trump's potential run when he was asked by shannon about president biden's foreign policy record and governor burgum remind people of the biden administration months into office relaxing sanctions months after taking office governor burgum and that's the wrong message to be sending to vladimir putin. su fort lucas in just a minute will be time what the odds on who the former president will pick as his vice presidential pick. i know people to stay for that. that is what it is. a time former president trump's tour of battleground states in wisconsin yesterday he was in michigan meeting with black
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voters and speaking at the turning point action convention. speculation continues when he might name his running mate. you heard lucas say north dakota governor doug burgum is said to be on the shortlist. north dakota senator john hoeven is standing by to weigh in on that. there he is standing by. we will get to you soon, senator first we will go to madison is a alive in detroit. >> a arthel. this father's day weekend the two fathers running for president they celebrated very differently. president biden quickly spent saturday in hollywood, california he was at a star-studded event they are raising $30 million the largest single fundraiser for democrat nominee. meanwhile president trump was in the blue city of detroit talking to black voters at 1 180 churcha crowd of thousands at a turning point convention for the former president making the argument flipped to blue in 2 2020 wasn't
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2020 was abetter off under prest trump. >> in particular michigan was a better off with a trunk by a lot you are doing great. companies are moving back to cae car companies were moving out. you're not under eight mandates which could all be made in china it's a question of a few years. joe biden and his cronies and washington got rich by selling off michigan jobs and selling out detroit. >> something we heard from voters there inside 180 church earlier on saturday the president received multiple standing ovations. >> i do not agree with everything about president trump i do not agree with 1% everything anybody does it. however i'm not voting based off of personal funds and based on personal experience i have experienced trauma as a president of experience joe biden as president. president.i like trump as presi.
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i hear it everything i wanted to hear from trump. >> biden administration was quick to address president trump's two black voters in detroit saying" donald trump thanks the fact he has many black friends excuses an entire lifetime of denigrating and disrespecting black americans. black voters know better the black voters all of michigan voters will have a decision to make come this november while the president has left the state is likely not the last time he will be here it likely for either side. it's incredithis incredibly impe going into november. madison thank you very much. >> lucas just called casino who will former president trump name as his running mate? vice president pickett boosted fundraising to president biden raised over 30 million in hollywood last night. who could it be a question maximizes coach republican senator john of north dakota. senator, great to see you.
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before we mention names what qualities are you looking for the think the president should look for in terms of his pick? >> really good to be with you. great candidates he obviously is thinking about choosing. all that would be fantastic you want somebody who's going to be able to deliver your message at the end of the day people vote for the president that is who they make the decision on. unit seven to make your face and carry your message support you and help you once you get elected and be the most effective in terms of government. sue fort le let's take a list of some of the names you see governor doug trent said he's out there is a self-made businessman. what you think his chances are what would you look at for him and does he have any negatives? >> only president trump knows the answer to that question. he is a tremendous candidate. i've known and worked with him
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and business he's been a two-term governor is not an outstanding job. he knows energy but he knows agriculture he knows a business he could fit into a lot of different roles. the other thing is he's an absolute master in terms of information technology. now think about that. with ai and what's going on with the internet things like tiktok, social media, all of those things would enjoy and have a partner in the white house who is an expert when it comes information technology? he is rock solid across the board would be a great choice. steve or jd vance a senator from ohio with that you've got the state of ohio of course which is a swing state when you think about senator vance? >> a great life story. very talented. new to the senate were just getting to know him. already he has established himself in doing a great job of carrying the message for president trump's about and that
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is the key who can deliver that message that is what matters to the voters piglets other names tim scott, marco rubio, tom cotton any of those set out to you? >> tim scott and marco rubio, tom cotton intelligent sharp good friends work with them for a long time. again i start out saying the present is a tremendous lineup and i know there are others as well. we go back to a close friend of mine and has been they are outstanding candidates. and of course the president is doing an amazing job he was up on the hill just this past week he came up to help everyone and that race as well and offer his support whether it is the house or the senate because it's about winning all three. it's senate and house as well to get the right agenda and place for american spirits before we
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talk individuals in the past they have looked at geography but they looked at states they looked at balancing age george h.w. bush picking down oil because he was younger and indiana. picking senator biden he was an established washington hand i imagined and also the fact the former president trump picked mike pence former congressman and lots of governing experience. would you give the odds on who you think could be picked who could check those boxes? >> again great candidates. as i laid out doug burgum covers all of those phases and then some. but of course the president, president trump is the only one who knows which way this is going to go. and at the end of the day all of these individuals run amok the key is that reinforce the presidents and message in his agenda for america getting
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inflation under control. making sure our troops are supported and respected in the world. safety in our communities is a huge issue. those things that matter to people's what president trump is going to deliver. whoever he picks is the one most effectively help them do just that pic with one of the strong message is the president has been given the former president has to do with hamas and israel. he is saying the u.s. should let israel finish the job against the terrorist. you were over in the middle east you are in cyprus and egypt trying to get support for israel but what is the reaction there? what are you seeing in terms of the fight against hamas? >> is absolutely right. we have got to help israel completely defeat hamas that means completely destroying their military capability. is not just about the beating hamas is sending a message to all terrorists any of the other ironic proxies in the middle
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east or anywhere else in the world. isis, you name it we have to wipe out terrorism. and that means with hamas who got to help finish the job that is why i was over there i'm going to continue to do everything i can to support israel in that effort. and we need to across america we need to make sure we provide the health and support for israel to completely defeat hamas. eric: what you think of those who seem reticent or hesitant about that? the biden administration has been accused of that in some quarters you've got the protests out in the street ending the occupation. gaza is occupied by hamas, folks. what about those who want to say that is fine. >> they are right they are absolutely wrong. look what happened on october 7 here you've got israel was attacked by hamas horrible brutal attack and now they are
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fighting back. the individuals that are out there demonstrating that are mis- represented what happened we've got to see through that. we have got to see clarity in terms of supporting israel. it's a part of standing up globally that means our safety here at home as well. this twisting of the facts, we got to cut the cut through thath got to tell the truth and that is hamas is the aggressor here they have to be defeated. they are hiding behind their own citizens and hospitals and schools and everywhere else. think about that. can you imagine if anyone else did that we would call it out right away. went has bullet does it and they are doing it right now. they are the ones causing the casualties they are putting their own civilians in front of themselves. they could end this any time all this talk about a cease-fire we can have a cease-fire right now
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if hamas surrenders and they are the ones holding out for a cease-fire. they are the ones holding the hostages as well. eric: those critics blame israel but hamas could end it right now, y your absolute right north dakota senator good to see you. one name we did not mention the vp list have up that guy from north dakota. [laughter] >> thanks eric you've got great candidates he'll make a great choice for a qu for quickset ore a thank you. arthel: fall out it israel after the idf deadliest day in six months we will have a live report from tel aviv coming upov nextid. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪) [tense music] one aleve works all day so i can keep working my magic.
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eric: israeli government reacting to the loss of the eight idf soldiers who were killed in southern gaza yesterday paid the idf says one of its armored vehicles was hit by an explosion. it is a deadly essay for the idf since hamas killed 21 soldiers in january. meantime we are learning more about last weekend dramatic hostage rescue. trey yingst live and tel aviv with more on all of this. >> good afternoon we are following this tragic update from inside gaza. yesterday eight israeli soldiers were killed in a single incident
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what an explosion rocked the armored personal cable or. they are investigate the exact cause of the blast weather wasn't ied and rpg or antitank guided missile but they say these soldiers were leaving gaza and the southernmost city when the incident took place and additionally to other soldiers killed in gaza yesterday when an ied exploded next to the tank they were traveling in. as you noted one of the deadliest days for israeli forces inside gaza since the war began i've been speaking with israeli defense officials throughout the weekend trying to get an understanding of what comes next for this conflict we do know israel will continue to go after their mate inside gaza we are learning new details about the daring hostage rescuee operation took place last weekend brought for israel is home their new video being released by the israelis showing the special forces operating to save the woman rescued during
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the operation she is told by the israeli forces she is safe for their speaking to her and hebrew bring her out of the building all taking place on the southern front as israeli forces remain on high alert in the north the weekend sought more attacks along the board of antitank guided missiles, drones and rocket fire deep into northern israel israeli forces say they are preparing for the possibility of a larger conflicts with the lebanese militant group. >> the dramatic rescues and the loss of those soldiers just another example of the sacrifice of the brave courageous soldiers. >> thank you. at age 81 president biden is the oldest commander-in-chief in u.s. history. former president trump joseph celebrated his 78th birthday on friday for some all of this could be age questions about
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both candidates let's bring in blue stack and former advisor to speaker john weiner as well as congressman adam king. good to s see you thank you for joining us. i think we will start here. first do you think for some the agent comparison is an intentional distraction from comparing past performance and promises for the people? >> the age of question is what people should be concerned about but for both candidates leading the respective parties right now. i think the debate at the end of the month shows us that and they talk about the policy issues the cognitive decline in both candidates is very evident to anyone watching former president trump give a speech or anywhere that president joe biden is going. this should really focus on for
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us as voters is the vice president pick. people not given that in the past this election cycle devise a presidency that selection that choice is going to be more important than it ever has been before. >> okay so meanwhile to what degree of responsibility should all forms of media be held accountable with addressing this topic fairly and without favoritism. >> pointing out both sides of it. it is evident when you listen to the former president give a speech he goes on these tangents up honestly i don't think he knows where he's going with it. he seems to be very confused and puts us back to some things that are and has a repertoire or things he always says but similarly point out the fact president joe biden seems to be confused in a lot of places is i'm not saying this to be mean i think it is sad and disheartening to watch it is really sad for us as a country as a system where the political
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party but these two candidates in this position. their families are encouraging them to do this so many to step in and do some have hope at the conventions there's a conversation to be had about is this the best choice for each party to put these two gentlemen up there? i do not think it is i would hope again people having real conversations about the toll beforethefour years of being prt takes on any person whose how the 48 -year-olds and 56 -year-olds are present in the years have passed the toll it took on them. imagine what this does to somebody who is already in a declining cognitive abilities for another four years a very strenuous job will do it can't be good for their health and as a country i do have sympathy for i feel bad for them. honestly it's sad to watch for both of them to be publicly displayed in washer cognitive abilities decline like this.
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but as a party we should do better. >> let me jump in there you had a lot to say and i will follow up with a couple of questions, it was good. at this point do you expect either candidate to drop out of the race there's one question. the next one should an age limit to run for president be considered? what's the first question part of me still does believe joe biden is not going to be the candidate. i have long believed and august he'll let the party now he is not up for another four years of this job. is not good for him, his help for the country or for the party i think there will be an opportunity there for him to do that. i will say that first and second it's not just about the agent number. there are plenty of people in their 70s who maybe have a cognitive ability of a 50-year-old i didn't want to put a blanket statement like that but what we are watching play
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out for biden and trump is a cognitive decline. it's obviously age-related there may be a question down the road needs to be an age gap we have a retirement age of 65 yet we have two people running for the highest office in the land the commander-in-chief the leader of the free world they are in a decline it is telling our enemies we are at weekend we need to be putting out a strong presence on the world stage i don't see how either of these would project the strong image for us. >> i understand the age limit to run that is by a certain time you max out in terms of age we are certainly not trying to denigrate people in their 70s and 80s i know personally many of them who are very, very, very sharply also know being the president as a whole other ball of >> and such a grueling job
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really quickly short answer you said you think president joe biden will possibly drop out before the convention or at leae by august. what do you think about the former president trump is he in for the long haul or would he drop out as well? >> note he is in it for the long haul he is not leaving. >> why do you say that so it's essentially? >> he loves this. former president trump loves being on the center said she would not want to give to somebody else is he will hold onto it. >> mark gillespie good to see you. we'll see you next time thank you. >> good to see you, arthel. >> major cities and spending lots of money to care for migrants and for some gas what that means cutting the police and fire budgets is that fair? what do you see how much it is costing some cities and states next here on "fox news live."
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arthel: police have charged an illegal immigrant to the death of a maryland mother of five. was killed on a hiking trip last year using crime scene dna to track down the suspect jonathan hunt the murder last august left residents fearful and law enforcement angry. the arrest on friday up victor antonio martinez hernandez has eased the fear but not the anger. in haharvard county maryland mae clear. >> had never won him to leave monica and i went to die in the maryland prison system. i hope he spent the rest of his days there were 37-year-old went
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for a run last august she never came home. the body was found got a dna match from a home invasion here in l.a. and march 20203 were assaulted. when police arrested hernandez and tulsa, oklahoma. crossing the southern border illegally harvard county sheriff believes the white house that ad members of both parties in congress for not doing enough to tackle illegal immigration. appoint heat reiterated on fox and friends this morning. >> and unnecessary tragedy. we need to do a better job in this country of securing our borders. at least tried to do it and that is not what we are seeing for
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our federal government. this should not have been allowed to happen. >> hernandez is expected to be extradited from oklahoma to maryland to face murder charges. arthel: jonathan hunt thank you jonathan progress a constant surge of migrants at the southern border is hitting sanctuary cities across the u.s. especially hard. many are forced to make cuts ann public service budgets such as police and fire to make up for the cost of caring for those seeking asylum. dj summers adjoins as director policy research at commonsense institute that is tallied and dj good to see you. click cities are facing right now a serious cost it is not just what the city spends at the city level these costs will be outward and surrounding community outward into surrounding institutions. it is not just what happens at
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the city level that is in these costs to care for the migrants at the form of uncompensated healthcare for our healthcare providers in the city it is in the form of education for all of these students the denver metro area school district have absorbed over the past 18 months at this situation has continued. we tallied up all of those costs and are looking at costs in the metro area north of three and $40 million that is for denver alone. >> that is for the denver metro area at denver metro school district. denver metro health care providers. estimates for uncompensated care and with the city of denver itself has spent. which to date is somewhere around $71 million. eric: let's take a look at the numbers and break them down a couple full screens to show you. denver, 42000 migrants arrived in the last year there you have
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it that is the number three to 40 million. you delve it down deeper into the budget, take a look at this. denver is going to have to cut the fire department and the police department cutting cops by 8.4 million two and half million from the fire department what does that mean for the citizens who do not have police and fire protection because the city has to pay for the migrant care. >> really this is a perception problem as much as anything else. colorado and the denver metro area and denver specifically are facing some serious pr issues at the moment. there is the housing affordability issue that is an enormous problem here. there are already perceptions of es tied to the use of drugs in public spaces. homelessness numbers that have come out. a spike in crime that started in 2020 we have got all of these issues colorado is already kind of looking at as a pr blackeye.
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we know are contributing in some way to declining net migration rates we are losing more people in colorado more people are moving out then used to move out in the last 10 years. we are talking about a city in a metro area that is faced with this problem at just exactly the wrong time. many of the resources devoted to all of those other issues to crime, to drug overdose, to a homelessness for the response from migrants uses some of the same resources. uses some of the same response at tactics and then some of the case some of the same nonprofits administer the programs for migrant response as administer the homeless response. so we are talking about air coming out of the same balloon for a myriad of problems from the denver metro area. list talk about denver let's look at new york city billions of dollars for new york last year 1.47 billion upwards of
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$3 billion expected. and folks, weren't you live some other unexpected places in the end of the state of indiana says it spending $130 million in mississippi $25 million and migrants illinois been more than $638 million so far more than half a billion dollars i was going to go on? the lee into the workforce would become taxpaying citizens? when is it going to stop? >> the real question is workforce absorption. how long is it going to take for these people to be productive net economic contributors. and that is a slow going process. the city of denver has had a lot of rapid response to get those work authorizations happening right now. to get those people into the workforce. i think to date they have authorized a little less than 2000 of this community to be
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into the workforce. so it is going to take a lot longer to get this whole 42000 come to the denver metro area. i assume it's going to take the same amount of time and all those other cities. >> emmanuel's costs in the tax payers. the tabs going up or dj summers on the commonsense institute. thank you for joining us. >> thank you for having me i was delighted. arthel: alright dj and eric. thank you many americans are struggling with the cost of owning a home so what can be done to help as continues to impact millions right here in the u.s. we will ask our expert. that is coming up next. here's to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost. ♪ i'm gonna hold you forever... ♪
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some people saw a response as early as 2 weeks. with austedo xr, dan can stay on his mental health meds— (dan) cool hair! (female vo) austedo xr can cause depression, suicidal thoughts, or actions in patients with huntington's disease. pay close attention to and call your doctor if you become depressed, have sudden changes in mood, or have suicidal thoughts. don't take if you have liver problems, are taking reserpine, tetrabenazine, or valbenazine. austedo xr may cause irregular or fast heartbeat, or abnormal movements. seek help for fever, stiff muscles, problems thinking, or sweating. common side effects include inflammation of the nose and throat, insomnia and sleepiness. ♪ as you go with austedo ♪ (male vo) ask your doctor for austedo xr. ♪ austedo xr ♪ arthel: persistent inflation may be put in the american dream of buying your home out of reach for more and more people. a new study finds a cost of owning and maintaining a single-family home is up 26%
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since 2020. that's nearly $4000 more each year mortgage installments not included but let's bring it real estate developer leslie is the ceo of aruba development company and he i'm sorry mr. leslie. he is the ceo of your company and founder of main street economics pre-thank you very much i apologize. let me ask you here. beyond saying bite and onyx, not working. break down for us would you what components are causing the rise and unaffordable prices? >> it is pretty clear the main causes are going to be inflation and interest rates. that is causing a supply shortage. we have a supply shortage prices go up. with high interest rates are keeping present homeowners from being willing to sell because they do not want to give up the
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3% interest rate in order to get to a higher interest rate which becomes unaffordable inflation is driving up the cost of new construction. all of which is making it very difficult to afford new housing for people in the housing market. arthel: if you sell your house whatever money you do make on that, the prophet is not enough to buy a new home given the extensive height prices that we have. let me go here you mentioned developing homes. let's look at the average prices of homes in q1 of 2024 which is $513,000 compared to q for of 2020 at 397,000. now again you are a developer you are real estate developer so no offense but here comes a question do major developers have a hand in this scooping up
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properties, flipping them and slapping on a huge price tag? quickset is not the primary problem. the primary problem is that we have inflation which has driven up interest rates and trying to control inflation. that hasn't driven up the cost of ownership to the point where people cannot afford it. some investors are coming into try to fill that demand with rentals. that is a solution to the problem. that's not a long-term solution. the long-term solution has to be government policy. arthel: save the developers coming in to accommodate the consumer with affordable rentals nothing wrong with renting at all. many people would prefer to own their home, purchased their home as opposed to renting. what do you say to that? >> i think they do prefer to own their home. it has become unaffordable since the interest rates, the price of
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the homes the shortage of supply which is driving up prices and the cost of property insurance and taxes all is making it unaffordable. as an interim step that is not a bad solution over time i think interest rates will come down you have to get the government policy right before that's ever going to happen. arthel: may be government polict spending under control i heard you. and also that maybe there's something the government can do with a hugely inflated property insurance and homeowners insurance cost. you mentioned that property insurance of course is depending upon where you live according to the percentage of the value of your home. the homeowners insurance is out of control. i want to run through a couple other things with you while i have you. i want to look at the rise in building to rent homes this is according to renta café we show the graphic a steep spike over
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five years between 2019 and 2023. soap mr. rubin, are americans buying the american dream only to rent it out to afford supporting their families? >> the difficulty we have is people cannot afford the homes. so investors are coming in to fulfill a shortage. that is a temporary thing i believe if we get interest rates back under control and house prices a level off i think that could change. in the meantime it is a supply and demand issue that the driving up prices, making it unaffordable. causing other investors to fill a demand people want to live in single-family housing and they cannot afford it so they rent. that will change in time but we have to get back to good economics in our government before interest rates can come down inflation.
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arthel: let's look at the average rates on 8:30 year loan. it is down 7.09% that was in june which is down to b show te graphic please which is down from seven-point to 2% in may. it is up significantly from pandemic arrow at low's of around 3%. will we ever see three and 4% rates again? should the two big to fail banks work with american homebuyers a bit more. is there something the banks can do? >> i think we will see better interest rates down the road at 3% was it abnormal low 7% is very high. it will come down. we have to get inflation under control first. and to get inflation under control we have to get our spending under control. this is why i started my non- profit main street economics to educate people about what is going on and how we can fix the
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problem. arthel: i am running out but ultimately forcing the government has to get the spending under control with the number one think they can do to do that in 20 seconds? >> we have to get spending under control at the national federal level in order to get inflation under control which will get interest rates under control. >> got to go up more to talk to you about maybe i'll come back real estate developer leslie rubin thank you very much and we will be right back. now, how about something to put a smile on your face? aspen dental provides complete, affordable care with dentists and labs in one place plus free exams and x-rays for new patients without insurance... and 20% off treatment plans for everyone. quality care at a price worth celebrating. it's one more way aspen dental is in your corner.
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>> well it's the last remaining blockbuster in the nation and it was gifted a brand new store sign after its original sign was stolen. the general manager of the store in bend, oregon says she asked for help on social media. that's when the company that made the original sign gave them a new one for free. she said she's not sure why someone would want to steal the sign but is happy to have a new replacement. can't believe there's only one left. wow. >> sign of the times. katie ladecki punches her card to the olympics, heading to paris marking her fourth time on team usa. the seven-time gold medalist secured her spot during the 400- meter freestyle during the swim trials yesterday in indianapolis. ladecki is the ninth us swimmer
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to qualify at least four times for the world stage. go, katie. >> wow. you think that blockbuster, they still get new movies? i mean, there's only one left. >> you might have to let that go. i'm going to have to call you after the show, because i'm not with you at the moment but i will be back with you soon so in the meantime, i'm going to work with him, guys. that's why you choose glucerna to help manage blood sugar response. uniquely designed with carbsteady. glucerna. bring on the day. all these games on directv— and no satellite on the roof! think about this: blue jays, cardinals, orioles... what's missing? the andean condor? no, walnut-brain! pigeons! they'd rather name a team after socks! to be fair, we're not very athletic.
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>> form per president trump attending a round table discussion at a detroit church tu


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