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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  June 16, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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>> form per president trump attending a round table discussion at a detroit church saturday reaching out to black
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voters in the swing state of michigan. this as the biden campaign says it raked in more than $30 million last night at a hollywood fundraiser, attended by former president obama, george clooney, and julia roberts. welcome to fox news live. i'm mike emanuel following his multiple events on detroit saturday, mr. trump will soon head to the battleground state of wisconsin this week. madison alworth is live in detroit talking to voters throughout the former president, about the former president's visit to the motor city. hello, madison. reporter: hello, mike. so, former president donald trump, he's back in florida celebrating father's day today but yesterday, he was very busy right here in detroit, michigan. so he made multiple stops including at a historically black church where he spoke to voters there. then also pivoting to speak to young voters at a turning point convention. his messaging across these two events was very similar. the former president focused on immigration, the auto industry, and the economy, making a point that under the current
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administration, inflation has run rampant. >> the numbers are crazy, the food numbers, the energy numbers, yet joe biden has no plan, he's got absolutely no plan. he doesn't even know what the word inflation means. i don't think if you gave him a quiz, i think he should take a cognitive test like i did. i took a cognitive test. >> [applause] reporter: president biden was not in detroit to defend himself , but the dnc's messaging was on full display here in motor city. across the town, dnc paid for billboards to attack the former president whose now a convicted felon. biden himself was in california at the star-studded fundraiser, raising over $30 million, the largest fundraiser for democrat nominee. voters that we spoke to on the ground here in detroit specifically at 180 church they told us that they really appreciate that trump is making this on the ground push, specifically in swing states and
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in traditionally blue cities. >> because he understands, at least i assume he understands, what's important is to meet people where they are, okay? you can't sit in washington and talk to someone in detroit. you can't sit in washington and talk to somebody in california. you have to meet them where they are to show them that you actually care about what's going on in their community. and that's the key for an effective representation, an effective government and better communities. reporter: the campaigning doesn't stop. the next stop for former president trump is going to be the battleground state of wisconsin this week, but for now , like i said, he's enjoying the sunday celebrating father's day and i hope, mike, after the show you're able to do the same. happy father's day to you, friend. >> thank you so much, madison appreciate it on a beautiful day , great to have you thanks. the biden campaign says it raked in $30 million saturday from a star-stunned fundraising event in los angeles attended by
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celebrities and former president biden o. lucas tomlinson is live with details. reporter: good afternoon, mike. i'll also extend happy fathers day. president biden is waking up in los angeles likely enjoying his father's day after that record- setting haul last night at the hollywood fundraiser rak ing in over 30 million bucks, and it's not julia robert's photo from the event last night but we do have one from president biden's exit counts saying had a great time catching up with a few good friends. together we will beat donald trump and there's former president biden o. jimmy kimmel looks like he took the photo along with president biden and when it comes to the president's foreign policy here is on "sunday morning futures" some reaction to the president's fundraising last night. here is texas senator ted cruz. >> yeah, look, and that's his base. hollywood movie stars and big tech billionaires, that's who the democrat party is fighting for. environmental billionaires in california, that's who they care about. people who in bed with china, that's who the democrats care
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about, but if you're actually talking about a steel worker, taxicab driver, talking about a waiter or waitress, the democrat party long ago abandoned those workers. >> when it comes to foreign policy here is a thought exercise from "wall street journal" columnist who writes, imagine 2020 turned out differently and it was mr. trump who revived nordstream two, awarded mr. putin the plum of a presidential summit. it was a trump administration that predicted a quick russian victory and urged the zelenskyy government to flee and held back weapons just something to think about there, mike. now here's connecticut senator chris murphy earlier. >> well, there is no doubt that joe biden has been the president that has allowed ukraine to survive and to be able to fight another day, without joe biden's support for ukraine, congress would not have passed this latest tranche of aid. >> officials say president biden is expected to lay low this week to prep for his first debate with former president
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donald trump. that debate now in less than two weeks, mike. >> lucas tomlinson live on the north lawn. for more let's bring in republican congressman from the great state of florida mike waltz. congressman, welcome. >> good to be with you and happy father's day. >> thank you, sir. from politico, biden's final foreign trip turned out to be all about trump. "there was little biden could say during the summit to vapor ize other leader's fears of a trump comeback. the mere fact that the presidential race remains a toss-up has unnerved much of europe. congressman, what do you make of that? >> well, of course they're nervous, because president trump rightly has been very clear that having only 11 of 31 nato nations meet the bare minimum of their 2% defense commitment is completely unacceptable and the gravy train is going to be over come this november. look, we literally just can't
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afford to subsidize european security anymore when the interest on our national debt is greater than our entire defense budget, so these european politicians are forming in their seat because they know they are going to have to make tough decisions on their massive entitlement programs, their massive socialist style spending, in order to fund their own defense, and i'm not talking about the eastern european leaders and the baltics and po land, romania. they're doing what needs to be done to defend themselves. i'm talking about germany, france, italy, spain, the big economies of europe that have been perfectly happy with the good old kind of the good old back-slapping, you know, invite biden back into the club of american taxpayers digging into their pockets year after year after year for european defense, rather than having to make the tough decisions to ask european taxpayers to dig into their own. >> on biden foreign policy here
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is connecticut congressman, i'll play it and get your reaction. >> nato is stronger than ever before. there are two new members of nato. european countries are starting to spend the 2% they are required to do so. the invasion of ukraine was turned back and will not succeed hamas will be taken out of the picture in the middle east at some point. europe and the allies are more together than ever before. >> what is your assessment, congressman? >> well, i have a lot of respect for representative himes and his ability to put lipstick on a pig there but the fact is, the war should have never happened in ukraine, deterrence failed. biden practically invited russia to do it with demonstration after demonstration of weakness from nord stream two to a summit after they hacked our largest pipeline, the colonial pipeline, in the united states, to comments like minor incursions and on and on, and the same -- what
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representative himes didn't mention is the totally failed iran policy. it has been the appeasement of iran that has lulled them to now be flush with cash and emboldened to support groups like hamas and hezbollah as they attack israel and the huthis who just put two missiles into a ship registered, just two days ago, 90% of global shipping is no longer transiting the red sea and the suez canal. a rag-tag terrorist bunch put a halt to major economies and are driving prices higher and higher and we haven't even started talking about china which is tripling its nuclear arsenal, launching more into space and the rest of the world combined, and now has a larger navy than the united states and growing, so this , i think the entire world is saying, you know what? we're going to have to make tough choices and step up in terms of burden-sharing if we're
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an allie of the united states, or five more years of biden and we watch deterrence crumbles, and literally the world catch on fire. i'll tell you who is dreading the return of trump. that's our enemies. that is iran, that is china, that is north korea, cuba, venezuela. they're the ones cheering the biden campaign on, and i think you're going to see more aggression between now and november because they think they can get as much as they can under biden's weakness. >> congressman mike waltz, the great state of florida, thank you very much for your time and analysis today, sir. >> all right, thank you. >> a 23-year-old undocumented immigrant from el salvador arrested in oklahoma friday has been charged with the first degree rape and murder of a maryland mom last year. jonathan hunt is live with more on this heartbreaking story hello, jonathan. reporter: mike, its been 10 months since rachel marin was
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murdered but investigate offers never game up on the case and in announcing an arrest on friday brought some small measure of comfort to the marin family. >> when things seemed like really bleak and hopeless, the lead detectives said to me, he said patience will win in the end and that's what they've been doing. they have been diligently working very hard and they've been patiently working through all the leaps and it's because of that that we have an arrest today so i'm very thankful and just very grateful to these men. >> rachel morin went for a run last august on a trail in bell air, 30 miles northeast of baltimore and never came home. her body was found the next day on that trail. police got a dna match from a home invasion here in l.a. in
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march 2023 in which several people, including a young child, were a salted, but the suspect disappeared. that changed friday, when police arrested victor antonio martinez hernandez in tulsa, oklahoma. hernandez originally from el salvador apparently into the us in 2023 crossing the southern border illegally. the county sheriff blamed the white house and both parties in congress for not doing enough to tackle illegal immigration. >> and i want to now direct these comments to 1600 pennsylvania avenue and to every member in both chambers of congress. we are 1,800 miles away here in hartford county away, 1,800 miles away from the southern border and the american citizens are not safe because of failed immigration policies. >> hernandez is expected to be extradited from oklahoma to maryland to face those murder
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charges. mike? >> chief correspondent jonathan hunt. jonathan thanks very much. >> sure. >> in one of the deadliest incidents for the israeli military since october 7 the id f says eight troops were killed in gaza on saturday, as cease-fire negotiations drag on. trey yingst is live in tel aviv with the latest. hello, trey. reporter: good afternoon. we are learning more about the deadliest day for israeli forces in months that took place yesterday inside the gaza strip as the war against hamas continues. there was a single incident that involved eight israeli soldiers. they were killed when an explosion rocked the armored personnel carrier that they were traveling near gaza's southern- most city of rafa. there is currently an investigation ongoing to determine the exact cause of the blast but it is believed to be either an improvised explosive device, or an rpg fired at the soldiers.
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additionally there was a separate incident that took place in the northern part of gaza that left two additional israeli soldiers dead when an i ed exploded next to the tank they were traveling. all of this taking place as we are gathering more details about that daring operation last weekend that rescued four israeli hostages, the police, special forces releasing new video of their operation that saved noah argamani and three others inside central gaza. they said they came under heavy fire from hamas that was guarding these hostages and additionally they used undercover forces to try and scope out the area ahead of time these forces came from the israeli shinbet, a top intelligence agency, they were able to gather that intelligence and ultimately rescue the hostages. mike i have been speaking with defense officials and they say similar operations could take place in the weeks ahead as they look to rescue more than 100 hostages that do remain in
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hostage captivity. mike? >> trey yingst reporting live, thanks very much. for more on tensions during the middle east joining me live is hudson institute senior fellow rebeccah heinrichs. welcome. >> thank you. >> you heard about eight soldiers killed in an explosion. what's the impact? >> first of all just a terrible tragedy. hearts of course go out to their family members. it just shows that all of these weapons, any time you see something like this that happens remember all those weapons going into hamas are coming from iran. that's the origination of them and it's not going to cause, i don't think, any support for this war effort on the part of israel to flag. if anything it's going to continue to motivate to the israeli people and the government to stay united that they still have a lot of work to do. >> the white house has been trying to get hamas to sign off on a cease-fire agreement. is there any chance this gets done? >> no. i think that the chances are near zero and that's because there's a fundamental thing that needs to happen and that's that the leader of hamas, guy by the name of sinwar has to
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surrender or be eliminated. that's the perspective of the israelis so any time you see a us official or european official talk about a cease cease-fire, really what they are saying is that hamas is some sort of legitimate negotiator and that their word can be taken seriously but we know hamas and the leader wants to continue prolonging this war, wants to continue to maximize civilian casualties and suffering and so until he's eliminated or surrenders there is not an end to this conflict. >> is there a way from washington to know how this war is going? how israel is doing? >> well, i think we're going to use our own intelligence but also corroborate with the israelis and they can give us pretty good estimates of how many hamas militants they have killed, how many they believe are still in gaza. a lot of the weapons coming out of gaza are landing in civilian areas on the part of hamas, and so just shows you just kind of how psychotic the leaders of hamas really are in exploiting the civilians, but we can know
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about how many more hamas militants are there based on the idf intelligence and how much more needs to be done before israel is satisfied with the war. >> president biden and ukraine president zelenskyy signed a 10 year partnership. not a treaty but could be torn up by the next president. what's your assessment of that deal? >> well i think the deal is a sweetener because the biden administration doesn't really have a real plan to end the conflict and so he's trying to give ukraine some measure of encouragement that the united states is still going to stay committed. of course as you just said, it depends on who the next president is whether or not president biden, president trump , although president trump has signaled he wants ukraine to succeed in this too. we just don't know exactly how that's going to play out, but some of the promises on the part of biden i think are useful. he wants weapons to continue going to ukraine, that's something that maintains bipartisan support in the house and the senate across the american people, but something that joe biden still has not yet
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done, which is to give ukraine a plan for a victory and allow ukraine to hit the targets inside russia necessary for ukraine to really deal blows that causes putin to say that this war is no longer going to be worth it for him. >> g-7 leaders agreed to give ukraine a $50 billion loan backed by russian assets. how big of a help is that? >> it's a start. right now, the europeans have not been willing to actually seize the sort of the whole pot which is about $300 billion of frozen russian assets. the us congress just passed our own bill called the repo act which does allow president biden then to seize the $5 billion that we have access to and then what that does is it enables, it causes, it forces putin essentially and the oligarchs to pay for the damage that they caused in ukraine. fundamentally, somebody's going to have to rebuild ukraine when all this is over. it should not be the american people, nor should it be any of the civilians and other democratic nations. it should be putin and his
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cronies. >> rebeccah heinrichs always fascinating, thank you for coming in. >> thank you. >> a passenger duct taped during a violent in-flight tirade now facing a record fine. don't go away. ♪ chewy, a citi client, uses citi's financial expertise to help drive its growth and keep its supply chain moving, so more pet parents can get everything they need... right when they need it. keeping more pets, and families, happy. ♪ for the love of moving our clients forward. for the love of progress. ♪ ♪ have you always had trouble losing weight and keeping it off? same. discover the power of wegovy®. ♪ ♪ with wegovy®, i lost 35 pounds. and some lost over 46 pounds. ♪ ♪ and i'm keeping the weight off.
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collect its largest fine ever against an unruly passenger duct taped to her seat after kicking and spitting on flight attendant s. madison scarpino is live with details on this historic find. reporter: hello, mike. it's a flight people on board likely won't forget. the faa says that the passenger was pushing and hitting flight attendants, trying to open the cabin door. she was eventually duct taped to her seat but even bound and gagged. the faa says she continued head- butting, ticking and spit ting at the crew and other passengers and the faa wants nearly $82,000 from the 34- year-old weather wells. the san antonio press obtained the lawsuit. it says wells ordered jack daniels neat in her first class seat before acting unhinged. the american airlines flight was from dallas-to-charlotte in 2021 that year, the faa says there was a disturbing uptick in cases
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of violent passengers. here is another unruly passenger from 2021. video shows this man screaming and cussing on a frontier airlines flight. when flight attendants tried to step in, he starts punching them the man later duct taped to his seat on the plane as well and it's not getting better. the faa says there's been a rapid growth of this behavior since 2021. just this week, the agency said that it's cracking down on this to make sure all passengers are safe this summer. it says anyone who a assaults or threatens people on the flight can be fined up to $37,000 per- penalty and mike, so far this year, there's already been 900 cases of unruly passengers and over 100 of those cases are involving drunk people. back to you. >> might want to mix in a little moderation. thanks very much madison
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scarpino. two dead and multiple people injured after a shooting at a juneteenth event in round rock, texas last night. two groups began fighting when at least one person pulled out a gun and started shooting. >> it just breaks your heart. it breaks your heart for a family that was coming out to enjoy their evening and now their life is forever changed as a result of somebody who could care less about somebody else's life. >> police say no one is in custody yet. police are looking for a motive after at least nine people including children were shot in what appears to be a random shooting at a michigan splash park. madeline rivera has the latest. reporter: mike it's so sad these people were just looking to cool off on a hot summer day. today we have more details about the victims and suspect. he was 42 years old. police say he had no criminal record but may have had mental health challenges and lives with his mom. they are working to find out his
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motive, why he drove to the splash pad in rochester hills, michigan saturday firing nearly 30 shots sending people scrambl ing in fear. authorities say it appears the suspect had no connection to the victims. a .9-millimeter handgun was found at the scene. police used that and other evidence to track the suspect down at a home in shelby township, about 15 minutes east of rochester hills, michigan. the surveillances barricaded himself in the house for hours before police breached it in the late evening. inside they found the suspect dead by suicide. investigators also found an ar- style rifle on the kitchen table. >> i believe that because we had quick containment on him that if he had planned to do anything else, and wouldn't surprise me, because having that on the kitchen table is not an everyday activity. that there was probably something else, a second chapter potentially. reporter: the victims include an
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eight-year-old boy who was shot in the head. he's in critical condition. a four-year-old boy who was hurt in his thigh. he's stable. a 389-year-old woman in critical condition with wounds in in her torso and legs, all from one family. other victims ranging from 30-78 years old were mrs. hurt but in stable condition. >> when i got on-scene i started to cry because i know what a splash pad is supposed to be. it's supposed to be a place where people gather, where families make memories, where people have fun and enjoy a saturday afternoon and it wasn't today. reporter: police say they are scouring the suspect's social media accounts, and electronic devices to figure out a motive. >> difficult story, thank you. >> of course. >> as angel reese and caitlin clark resume their on-court rivalry today a new twist in the team usa roster drama is stirring. stay tuned. here's to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein,
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>> authorities are warning beachgoers along the east coast to be extra vigilant for sharks after three women were attacked last week. this as a heat wave is set to hit the northeast this week. cb cotton is live at the beach with more. reporter: hi, mike. yeah, our meteorologist over at fox weather say that summer heat wave is expected to send temperatures about 20 degrees above what is typically expected in mid-june so we know people are going to be flocking to the beach. we also know that there is still some concern about shark sight ings even though experts say shark attacks are rare, and shark attacks in florida earlier this month has concern fresh in the minds of beachgoers and now the nypd is one of several agencies turning to aerial surveillance over the summer. the nypd is using these drones to survey city beaches for shark sightings and the drones can also drop flotation devices to swimmers below who may be in distress or drowning.
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an nypd drone operator explained to fox how this new technology can help in a dire situation. >> we are the eyes up above, situational awareness that other officers on the ground, the eyes in the sky to help other officer s and if they are in a stressful situation on the ground, we can stay calm in the air and use our communications with our radio and let them handle what they have to handle on the ground and radio to our responding officers what we're looking at and what to expect when they get there. reporter: and again, these efforts come as shark attacks remain fresh on so many minds. three swimmers to include two teenagers were attacked off the florida panhandle earlier this month. emergency officials say those attacks happened in under two hours and less than five miles of each other. no shark sightings at new york city beaches so far this summer but mike, you may remember, a woman was bitten last year. that shark attack marked the first one new york city had seen in several decades, so we hope there's better luck this
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summer. mike, back to you. >> cb cotton live, thanks very much. >> i think it is a disservice to the wnba. >> i think that's ridiculous. >> it's kind of a bummer. >> that was just some reaction to the news that caitlin clark has been left off the usa women 's basketball roster for the olympics. for more, let's bring in jonathan hutton, host of " outkicks 360", jonathan welcome >> mike good to see you, man, appreciate you. >> to me leaving caitlin clark off the olympic roster was a blown opportunity when you consider they are trying to grow the game and shouldn't you have the woman who electrifies ticket sales and ratings on that roster your thoughts. >> yeah, no doubt. i mean, if the us women's national team would have select ed caitlin clark, we be checking box scores like i'm doing right now where the indiana fever are leading the chicago sky as we speak by two and angel reese was just called for a foul against
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caitlin clark, hitting her in the head. literally happening right now. she's got 18 points, mike. i never needed to look up a box score in the wnba prior to this season when she entered the league and here's the story line for the us women's national team. nine of the 12 players have competed in the olympics. two of the three remaining have one wnba title and then the other spot is a wnba mvp, and all 12 players are deserving to compete on behalf of our country but if clark were on the team, more fans, new fans, would tune in and learn that. people care to keep up with her. she's their opportunity to literally globalize the wnba. she sells out arenas. 20,000 showed up this past weekend in d.c. they moved games to different arenas because of her popularity think about what that would look like in paris this summer. >> right. >> and when you consider what she brings and what the same players who are pushing for
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women's basketball awareness , they have a lack of awareness for what her massive popularity means for the overall growth of women 's basketball moving forward. >> to kaitlyn's credit she put on a clinic in terms of public relations with her response saying that she is root ling for the team to win gold and maybe one-day she can be on the team. meanwhile the washington post reported this week, this year, the wnba and its teams are still expected to lose around $50 million, according to two people with knowledge of the figures. so growing the game is truly critical, right? >> no doubt. here's the other critical thing to mention here and think about. they've lost around 250 million, maybe more, since the nba has been funding the wnba. the league owns about 60% of the wnba. they are in rights negotiations right now. they are still in control of the wnba and the money allotted to the league. they are going from 2.7 billion
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to an estimated 7 billion moving forward with their new rights agreement. that is going to be a pr home run and setup on a tee, for adam silver the commissioner of the nba because he can funnel more money to the wnba if he so chooses and they don't have to have a losing season so to speak on their bank account anymore, because they get to, the nba can a lot more money than just 60 million per year in their rights fees. they are more popular and bringing more because of caitlin clark. the momentum is on their side and for whatever reason, they continue to make and by the way, the us women's national basketball committee has done this too, continue to make some weird decisions. >> then there's men's basketball hall of famer and very entertaining analyst charles barclay who announced this week that he is hanging it up in terms of his tv announcements. let's play him. >> filled with joy and gratitude, but i'm going to pass
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the baton next year. i'm going to just retire after 25 years and i just want to say thank you and i wanted you all to hear it from me first. >> so tnt lost the nba contract are you surprised by this , because one would think that nbc or espn would pay him a boat load to jump over to them. >> yes. yes, i'm surprised, because charles barclay is the best thing going. he's the joe rogan of sports really, and when you consider what he means to the nba brand, people tuning into hear him, tell his honest opinion, there are few people in media right now that are willing to do that anywhere. speaking from the sports angle. espn they wanted barclay, and he said that he didn't want to go through the car wash, meaning he didn't want to have to do every single thing throughout the week with all the different shows and programs they would book him for meanwhile, tnt, he had a really nice gig. he still does. he goes in twice a week, he's in
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atlanta, everything is there and he now has his own production company too, mike. i'm curious. he kept saying he's retiring from tv. amazon's in on the nba negotiation rights. podcasting is big. i don't think we've seen the last of charles barclay by any means. he's just tired of the business angle and he cares about the 200 or so employees behind the scenes connected with inside the nba which is by far the most popular sports network, tv studio show goning for any sport because it's honest and direct. barr clay's being direct there but he's also direct with " outkick" where he's discussing how he might produce his own show going forward. i think the good word is tv. >> that's a good tease. jonathan hutton, thanks so much hopeful you'll come back.
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>> done more for and i say this , i say it proudly, more for the black population than any president since abraham lincoln. >> [applause] >> i'm here for one reason and that's donald trump, and because he needs to make america great again. >> i'm curious. i'm curious. i have friends that like trump and i have more friends that dislike him. >> former president trump spoke saturday at an engagement event for black voters at a church in detroit as president biden raked in a reported $30 million for his campaign at a star-stud ded hollywood fundraiser. let's bring in our panel, jk strategies founder jack and democratic strategist welcome to both of you. >> thank you. >> so what about the contrast. former president trump going to
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a black church while president biden was in hollywood with the a-listers. ll play a clip from the pastor as a matter of fact. >> president trump, i'm so humbled that you be here. president obama never came to the hood, so to speak, right? president joe biden, he went to the big naacp dinner but he never came to the hood, so thank you. >> all politicians fundraise, let me be fair about that but are the optics a bad look? >> first let's welcome former president donald trump to the campaign trail, where president biden has been for months, talking to voters not only in michigan but also across battleground states, like pennsylvania and georgia. look the president has been on the campaign trail. he's opened offices. he's hired staff to do voter out reach and voter engagement so there has been a tremendous campaign presence for president biden's team on the ground and yes he's at a fundraiser but you have to compare that to all of the incredible work he's been doing in the months leading up
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to this moment. former president trump hasn't had a campaign presence prior to this really engaging those key voters he's going to need to win the white house in november. >> jc penney what about the contrast and the former president going places that traditional republicans don't typically go like inner city detroit and he's going to wisconsin this week. >> first happy father's day to you. >> and to you. >> i hear you on that because that is something that a lot of republicans have been wanting republican candidates to do for a long time. ronald regan went to the bronx way back in 1980 but how many other republican candidates whether they won or didn't win actually has done what this president has now done twice. detroit and the bronx and i think this is an example of what's going to be replicated around the country, so i'd be a little word worried if i was the biden campaign because there's increasing numbers state by state of black voters that are supporting the former president. >> all right then there's the trump veepstakes. senator tom cotton from the the
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great state of arkansas was asked if he wants the job. >> i think if the president xi ed you to serve in any capacity of our great nation you'd have to consider it but i also know there's probably only one person who knows whose on his short list and i suspect the president will make a decision about his vice president when he's ready and it'll be a good for him to take it. >> are these people on the short list basically going on television to show the former commander-in-chief what they can do? >> i think they are. you know, when you look at former congressman johnson, when you look at senator cotton whose there going on tv and really touting the president's accomplishment, former president trump's accomplishment talking about what a great job he's doing, it's them bidding for that spot. i think that senator cotton could be a reasonable choice for vp, but he doesn't really do much to expand former president trump's reach. he's not bringing new folks into the coalition. these are folks who likely would have been with president trump
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regardless of whether he's the vp or not. >> another guy suggests is it in the mix is north dakota governor doug burgum. >> serving underneath him for four years was fantastic. it was like a breeze at your back and then we had, i had to serve under joe biden and that's like having a gail force wind in your face. >> jack, is he effective and what about the veepstakes? >> first i'm happy to hear about senior advise or to the biden campaign that the former president's accomplishments and also that senator cotton be a reasonable choice because i think all of these short list folks are reasonable choices. with the governor, i think that governor burgum is a dick cheney type. he's ready on day one. i happen to think that senator r ubio, senator tim scott and even governor youngkin be maybe the most clever picks
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for the president but that's for him to decide with his senior team. >> and we have the drama to play out over the next month or so and we'll find out so, thanks very much. great job. >> coming up a very special fox news salute to fathers. you're going to want to see it. stay with us. [sfx] water lapping.
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [sfx] water splashing. ♪ ♪ [sfx] ambient / laughing. ♪ ♪
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>> the uso is hosting daddy and me events fostering the connection between military fathers and their children. let's bring in joel trammel from fort liberty, north carolina. so tell me about your experience thanks to the uso, with the daddy and me event. >> so my wife signs us up for these things, and they're a great opportunity to spend time with your children and get some quality time to be able to just connect with your children, especially with us that have jobs that are very demanding, working long hours, and possibly getting deployed. >> speaking of that, as a soldier, there is the possibility of deployment at some point so does that make when you're home for a day like father's day extra special? >> yes, it does.
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my kids are everything to me and so as much time as i can spend with them is just extra time for me to bond with them and connect with them. >> what do the uso activities mean to you, your family and fellow soldiers? >> they mean a lot. the uso does a really great job especially here on fort liberty and its given us opportunities to go to different events, baseball games, hockey games, and for us just to spend time together and get away from having to worry about everything else. >> i can see the emotion on your face. what is your message today to your beautiful children? >> i just want them to know that i love them. i will always be here for them, and that they're my world. >> and what's on the agenda for father's day? >> looks like they want to go swimming, so we're going to go swimming. >> well we wish you, your family, and all your fellow
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soldiers a very happy father's day. thank you for talking to us about the outlets today and of course thank you for your service, specialist. >> thank you. >> before we go, we wanted to take a moment to thank all the amazing fathers who raised our fox news live team. executive producer eric strain with his dad, brian, i like the yankee hat there. line producer elvin catmer with his late father, producer mallory drummond with her late father, chris, associate producer olivia shakelton, with her dad tom, associate producer mary plankey with her father kevin, associate producer with her dad magona, associate producer chris veris with his dad george, producer julian randall with her dad jeff and grandpa jim whose clearly a big
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fan of the network when you see that hat on her grandfather, and then there's the whole reason that i get to celebrate today, arguably the greatest blessings of my life. my son savish, who recently graduated from high school, and he was becoming an eagle scout and our sweet daughter tess who made me a girl dad too and remembering my dad, friends called him "sam" always in my heart. happy father's day. coming up next, fox news sunday republican governor from north dakota doug burgum got a little taste of him in our segment who is high on former president trump's vp list and connecticut democratic congressman jim himes join shannon bream, that is next so its been quite a show. we're breaking down the veepsta kes, a lot going on the campaign trail. we'll see where it all goes. i'm mike emanuel. thank you very very much for watching.
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for all the great dads out there , you are appreciated, you make a difference. happy father's day. thanks for watching and have a great week. ♪ i'm gonna hold you forever... ♪ ♪ i'll be there... ♪ ♪ you don't... ♪ ♪ you don't have to worry... ♪ "9 out of 10 people don't get enough fiber" benefiber is the easy, gentle solution for every day. its plant-based prebiotic fiber nourishes good bacteria in your gut working with your body to promote digestive health. with so many ways to enjoy, benefiber is your fiber, your way.
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