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tv   Fox Report With Jon Scott  FOX News  June 16, 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm PDT

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horrendous inhumanity that is taking placeing there. our economy prosperous and vibrant is on its back. people are very down. people are very distrusting ofsn each our country is coming apart. why? because the democrat party has the man they want in the whiteit house this is the mindset of the democrat party they hate america. ask yourselves this question, where is this party trying to take us? we know were trump and the conservatives want to take us. where is this a party trying to take us? they are taking us off the cl cliff. this election is so critical wet have a great opportunity to putn our foot down. it is called november. oh sue tomorrow night. ♪. jon: campaign season in full swing former president donald trump had sued two more swing
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states this week while president biden is currently heading back to the white house after a glitzy fundraiser in los angeles. good evening i am jon scott and this is the fox report. ♪. jon: trump s patrol spent the wd the battleground state of michigan eating the local religious leader at historically black church in detroit before speaking at a conservative convention. now he is preparing to hold rallies in wisconsin and pennsylvania. all states eat narrowly lost to biden four years ago. madison is live in detroit with the latest. quick salute john. president trump is back in florida today after a very busy day here in detroit on saturday. he started his day of campaigning at historically black church at 180 church where he spoke to voters. then pivoted to turning point convention he spoke to young voters. across those two events he
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really stuck to the same sort of messaging hitting the same ideas talking about how immigration was an issue. talking about the auto industry and the economy. making a point under the current administration inflation is rampant. flex the numbers are crazy. the food numbers, the energy numbers joe biden has no plan he has absolutely no plan he does not even know what the word inflation means i don't think if you gave them a quiz -- i think he should take a cognitive test like i did. i took a cognitive test and i aced it. >> president biden was not in detroit to defend himself at the dnc messaging was on full display here in the motor city across town the dnc paid for billboards to attack the former president who is now a convicted felon. biden himself was in california at a star-studded fundraiser the event raised $30 million that is
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the largest fundraiser for a democrat nominee. voters we spoke to here in detroit at 180 church tell us they really appreciated trump as visiting boaters on the ground and make a push in swing states and traditionally blue cities. >> because he understands, as i assume he understands what is important is to meet people where they are. you cannot sit in washington and talk to someone in detroit you cannot sit in washington and talk to somebody in california. you have to meet them where they are and show them you actually care about what is going on in their community. that is the key for an effective representation and effective government and better communities. >> the next stop for the former president battleground state of wisconsin is going to be there on tuesday we expect he will be talking about immigration again as well as crime in this city both michigan and wisconsin are going to be important sites for the president. he is pushing to win them back
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after michigan, where i center aballoon 2020. jon: medicine thanks. while former president trump campaigns in swing states and blue states he holds to flip present by an attentive fundraiser in hollywood he skipped a ukraine peace summit to rub shoulders with the likes of george clooney, julia roberts and jimmy kimmel. lucas thompson is live at the white house with the president will arrive in a couple of hours. >> that is right president biden such as vice president to the ukraine peace summit in switzerland he flew from italy to be in los angeles to rub elbows with the hollywood a listers at that big fundraisers for the biden campaign saying that netted a record of $30 million the record-setting call. we have more photos from that event we would like to share them with you here is president biden with jimmy kimmel and his former boss former president barack obama. not everyone enjoyed the show here's texas senator ted cruz.
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>> look that is his base hollywood movie stars and big tech billionaires that is to the democrat party is fighting for environmental billionaires in california, that is who they care about people who are in bed with china back to the democrats care about. you are actually talking about a steelworker of your talk about taxicab drivers. your talk but a waiter or waitress the democrat party long ago abandoned those workers. >> editor chris murphy defended the president not being in switzerland for the ukraine peace summit. lexi has to campaign for reelection the fact of the matter is there's going to be a handful of massively funded billionaires on the republican side the put lots of money in his campaign for joe biden has to raise money to counter that. glitzy subject of foreign policy earlier on fox congressman mike wall said european nations seem to spend much more on their own defense saying uncle sam cannot keep the footing the bill. he also had a message for america's adversaries.
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>> who is a dreading the return of trump, that is our enemies. that is ironic, that is china, that is north korea, cuba, venezuela for their the one cheering the biden campaign on. i think you are going to see more aggression between now and november because they think they can get as much as they can under biden's weakness. >> as you mention president biden ret returns her to the whe house late tonight flying cross-country from los angeles. is likely to be ramping up his debate prep the first debate with former president donald trump looms in less than two weeks. jon: lucas thompson at the white house force, thanks. police near austin, texas on the hunt for whoever opened fire at a juneteenth celebration last night to people were killed, six others hurt including children cops of the city of round rock safe fight broke out between two groups at a park where shots were fired. police have not released any
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details on what they know about the suspects or a possible motive. in massachusetts eight people were hurt in a shooting at a pop-up party early this morning it happened about 30 miles north of boston police there say the gathering happen on a commercial property was organized on social media. two of the wounded are in critical condition for it all the victims are between the ages of 17 and 23. no arrests made in this case either. yet another mass shooting breaking news on the fox report last night. this one at a michigan splash park it left in nine people including two young children injured were two victims are in critical condition one just eight years old police said the suspect who took his own life may have at other attacks planned. madeleine rivera has more. >> today investigators are working together to piece together a timeline what led up to the shooting and they are
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scouring social media. looking for evidence or a manifesto that would reveal the suspects motive. police said the 42-year-old suspect appears to have no connection to the victims. he fired nearly 30 shots reloading three times before it leave the brooklyn plaza splash pad. authorities found a 9-millimeter handgun at the scene use that and other evidence to track the suspect down at a home in shelby township about 50 minutes ease of a rochester hills, michigan for the suspect barricaded himself in a house for hours before police and breached it late saturday night. they found the suspect inside dead by suicide. investigators also got ar style rifle on the kitchen table leaving them to believe there could have been a quote second chapter. >> it is eight got a punch obviously for us in oakland county we've gone through so many tragedies. we are not even fully comprehending what happened at oxford. the suspect lived the parliament investigation shows he had no criminal record but he may have
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had some mental health challenges. as for the victims included 8-year-old boy who was shot in the head he is in critical condition. a four-year old boy was hurt in his thigh he is stable over the 39-year-old woman in critical condition with the wounds in her torso and legs. all of them from one family. other victims range from 30 -- 78 years old will also hurt they are in stable condition. jon: madeleine rivera thanks. the israeli military make an unexpected announcement today that it will pause activity during the day along the main road in southern gaza. the stated goal is to allow more humanitarian aid into the territory. the decision comes less than a day after eight israeli soldiers were killed the deadliest day for their military and six months. meantime senior advisor to president biden is headed to israel to try to prevent the war from spreading to lebanon. trey yingst is live for us in tel aviv with more. >> john, good evening israeli
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forces suffered their deadliest day in months went eight soldiers were killed and a single incident. they were traveling and a line of armored personnel carriers leaving when an explosion took place. an investigation is still ongoing into the exact cause of that blast and ied antitank missile or rpg is the likely cause a bit further north to additional soldiers were killed when their tank was targeted with an ied. clearing operations continued today in the strip but with diplomatic efforts stalled the war will certainly continue the israeli military is trying a new maneuver to allow more aid to enter gaza announcing today they will be conducting operational pauses in the daytime to get more aid into southern gaza with development on the southern front the north does remain active as well amid fresh rocket fire and drone attacks of the lebanese and militant group hezbollah israel is condemning strikes against the rhinebeck organization in southern lebanon. this country certainly bracing for the possibility of a much broader war in the northern part
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of this country we do understand according to officials that spoke with fox news over the weekend diplomatic efforts are ongoing around-the-clock to try to find a solution. jon: trey yingst reporting from tel aviv, israel thank you. new york's columbia university is opening its campus of the public tomorrow for the first time since anti- israel protesters set up the encampment about two months ago. the ivy league school was one of many to a protesters take over parts of its campus. police moved to break up the encampment in late april lee's smaller group occupied one of the buildings and damage property there. a couple of weeks ago protester set up a new encampment during the school's alumni reunion weekend. it was quickly broken up by authorities. and coming up on the fox report. >> get your head down and don't touch anybody.
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>> unruly airline passenger who spit at flight attendants and tried to open the cabin door is getting sued by the faa. plus dave calhoun the embattled ceo of boeing is facing more questions on capitol hill this week. aviation analyst former faa safety team men's bert kyle is here to tell us what we might expect. ♪ liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. with all the money i saved i thought i'd buy stilts. hi honey. ahhh...ooh. look, no line at the hot dog stand. yes! only pay for what you need. ♪liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty.♪ your best defense against erosion and cavities is strong enamel. nothing beats it. i recommend pronamel active shield because it actively shields the enamel
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jon: faa is suing a texas woman for nearly $82000 in fines. lawsuit focuses on violent and erratic behavior on a plane three years ago for two flight attendants and a passenger had to restrain her. madison is life in atlanta with details on that. a flight people on board will likely won't forget. or just find the faa has ever imposed for the faa says the woman was pushing and hitting people trying to open the cabin door she was duct taped to her seat bound and gagged the faa says she continued headbutting and killing the crew and other
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passengers for the san antonio press. the 34-year-old heather or wells ordered a jack daniels neat and a first-class seat for the chaos began for the american airlines flight was from dallas to charlotte in 2021 disturbing and major uptick in cases of violent or threatening passengers here's another case until 2021. [inaudible] [inaudible conversations] video shows this man screaming and cussing on the frontier airlines flight. flight attendants tried to step in he started punching them the man later was duct taped to a seat on the plane the faa says there is been a rapid growth of this behavior since 2021. in march passengers on another american airline flight put a man in a headlock for
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threatening to take it down. just this week the agency said it is cracking down on this to make sure all passengers are safe this summer. it says anyone who assaults or threatens people on a flight can be fined up to tens of thousands of dollars per penalty but just this year there has already been over 900 cases of unruly passengers. over 100 of those cases involve drunk people. back to you. >> why am i not surprised? madison, thanks madison. >> importsupports from airlinesd untied to bolts or over tighten bolts on the boeing 737 max aircraft have borne the phrase from passengers of it is a boeing i ain't going. that is not good. >> boeing's got some challenges boeing is very important to this
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nation from an economic standpoint and military standpoint. they're pretty important i have my concerns if they continue orr the going they will continue to exist senator cruz and jon jon tester they are preparing to ask some tough questions of departing dave calhoun this a choose eight likely they will press him on the company safety culture as well as whistleblower allegations about quality control of the country for more on this we will bring in kyle bailey former faa team representative. he is also a pilot. kyle, the title of this hearing is interesting. it is called boeing's broken safety culture that is pretty ominous. it is bad news for the company, isn't it? >> that is exactly right, good afternoon. the bottom line is this really going to be no surprises coming
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out of this week's meeting. i think it is stuff we already know. it has already made the news and print on top of that we have an outgoing ceo there really is no new ceo elect in place. the future of boeing really is in question as far as the ceo is concerned. but it has a lot of problems on his hands. jon: 737 max is really at the center of boeing subproblems. best-selling aircraft and is my understanding and the month of may no airline ordered a new 7:30 seven max. all of the sudden because of these many problems the crashes, that killed three and 46 people resulted in the grounding of the 7:30 seven max for so long, airlines do not to buy them and people do not want to fly them. >> that is exactly right, john. and also front lack of better
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term the action plan that was put in place by the department of justice so boeing could be shielded from prosecution from the two max crashes there are questions as far as that they live up to those expectations? according to the justice department they did not. the ceo is going to have tough questions on tuesday to account for. jon: one of the criticisms that's leveled david calhoun is a boeing was a generally always run by airplane guys. by engineers in. and that calhoun financing. that may be that case but he has lost the company, the country has lost $23 billion under his leadership since january of 2020. the stockholders have to be fuming about that. >> that is true. keep in mind just to put this in perspective there are 171,000
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employees worldwide at boeing. just in the facility alone the manufacturing facility in washington they have almost 10,000 employees. so, to change a culture of a company that size is just mind boggling. i have said in the past that i do not know why this is not happening. there should be a consortium among the other manufacturers. kind of getting together and determining what we are doing a right ensuring that with the other manufacturers. even though boeing has had a horrible couple of years never whenever the competitors want to see this happening. when planes are having problem it's a proper airbus it's a problem for boeing it would be in their best interest to get together and determine what is airbus doing right? maybe boeing could learn from them maybe airbus can learn from boeing. obviously not giving away any
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trade secrets. there's a lot of things it could be done outside the box. but for sure the new ceo that is in the future coming to boeing ain my view has to be an en engineer. quite frankly i could count on my hand in the individuals who would be qualified to run boeing, the organization. it is a very difficult organization to run because of its size and complexities. >> i want to put on screen a list of the u.s. a flag to carriers and the number of boeing aircraft they fly specifically 737 max. alaska has 65 of the next nighte americas 56 of the max eight print southwest with 250 of the max eights and united has about 150 of both kinds of planes. it is not like you can ground them all again without handicapping these airlines. it is replacing calhoun he said he will lead by the end of the
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years that going to fix the problem? >> it is not going to be a short-term fix. doing to say in fairness to boeing, a lot of the things we are seeing it is the perfect storm and social media. everything is pretty much being picked up by the media. a lot of the stuff we are seeing up the doors going out but the minor things a lot of these could be happening for the previous decade. it will be corrected. it will take time is not going to beat overnight fix by any means. that meetings on tuesday it like i said they will show no surprises at all. jon: i will echo what senator tester said boeing is a huge and important company to the american economy. let's hope they get this thing fixed and quickly. kyle bailey good to have you on, thank you. >> thanks john. >> on bump stocks would you not favor a congress acting to ban
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bump stocks questioning use after that shooting at a las vegas if the vote came up that would sail through congress. are you in favor of that van right now? >> cook strongly in support of the second amendment what we are going to do. >> asked the ban on bump stocks. >> your going to focus, we are going to focus, we are going to focus on the produce of the american people what the priorities of the american people are today is to focus on closing our southern border. >> you're not can answer that question? sue the senator impossible presidential vp pick tim scott pressing on the court ruling overturning a federal ban on bump stocks. the attachments mixed semi automatic rifles fire like bully automatics. six -- three decision the justice said the atf alcohol tobacco and firearms exceeded its authority without being on. david's fund has more.
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>> this is a bump stocks and attachment to a semi automatic weapon that enables it to operate at speeds rivaling a fully automatic machine gun supreme court six conservatives ruled it's not an illegal machine gun the atf overstepped its authority manning the attachments. from the 2017 at las vegas and massacre a government use weapons and fitted with bump stock to open fire at a concert killing nearly 60 and wounding hundreds then president donald trump directed at the atf to ban the devices. previous democratic administration. it's no more with justice clarence thomas writing we conclude a semi automatic rifle is equipped with a bump stock is not a machine gun it does not fire more than one shot by a single function of the trigger. michael cargill at texas gun store owner they keep plaintiffs successfully sued. >> this is the government the atf who walked into my home and
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decided something that was legal they now decide it is illegal. they're going to turn him into a felon if i don't get that up. >> three liberal justices dissented writing the majority artificially narrow it didn't definition hamstrings and governments efforts to keep machine guns from government like the las vegas shooter. a statement following the court's rulings president biden doubled down. to call on congress to ban bump sucks past past an assault weapon ban take additional action to save lives for this case is seamless about gun rights but more about administrative policy. however in the coming days it supreme court is poised to rule on another gun case was second amendment implications. challenging a federal law banning those under domestic violence restraining orders from keeping a handgun. in washington david's fund fox news. jon: coming up on the fox report, southern california is a new ean epicenter of the border
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crisis and the correct end of migrants into san diego. it might not be going as planned. san diego county supervisor joins us on this at next. dad and i finally had that talk. no, not that talk. about what the future looks like. for me. i may have trouble getting around, but i want to live in my home where i'm comfortable and my friends are nearby. i can do it with the help of a barber, personal shopper and exercise buddy. someone who can help me live right at home. life's good. when you have a plan. ♪ ♪
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back two weeks ago after a video from 2016 surface showing combs attacking his then girlfriend at a hotel in los angeles. combs has since apologized for that incident. last month howard university rescinded his honorary degree and a scholarship program in his name. an indianapolis wnba start caitlin clark took another hard felted at this time from her college rival angel reese of the chicago sky. reese was called for a flagrant foul after review clark scored 23 points as her indiana fever won by eight. for more on these and other stories demo the fox news apps scan the qr code on your screen or go to the migrant crisis has been spreading a west since texas fortified its border but southern california san diego sector is now the latest hotspot
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for illegal immigration but customs and border protection says migrant traffic they are now tops the number of crossings in arizona and texas for the district five supervisor jim desmond. jim, not too long ago president biden announced a crackdown on the southern border. how is that going there in san diego? >> we have seen no evidence of any crackdown here in san diego county. we are still having three or 400 migrants are dropped off each day. in our streets in san diego county. there's been no end in sight. we have had this happening since september of last year. we have over one or 52000 i've yet to hear we've reached the 2500 number were going to start turning people back. unfortunately is not changed here in california puts out the red carpet for more and more people to keep coming here. so far we've not seen any effect
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of the president's executive order. jon: what's the effect on the county on your budget for these illegal crossings? >> we have many people that come to the hospitals. many people in our shelters we do not know how many people actually believe after the depadepartment of homeland secuy drops them off at our streets. our airport is becoming a migrant shelter for people sleeping there. i cannot really put a number on it but there is a toll we have or just having to pay extra vigilance and things like that we've had more fires break out on our borders small fires basically for migrant starting campfires at night they are spreading we are having a lot more calls for services for people who are injured coming across the border. jon: it's my understanding the president's order it says if there are 2500 border crossers, illegals a day and that persists for seven days that is when the
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limiting efforts to kick in that is 18000 people before they try to do anything, does that make sense? >> it does not make sense at all to say were going to allow 2500 people to come across illegally in the first place. we should not be letting anyone come across illegally. i've made the analogy before that is like allowing some crime like auto theft was 22500 a day and then were going to start enforcing. we have a people are actually coming up on our beaches and boats there's been about a dozen people jump off the boat and run into our neighborhoods those are not counted as part of the 2500 because they are not coming to the border. the getaways are not counted the people who just don't go to the border patrol agents or ask for asylum. i have no idea how they're going to keep track of this with the numbers but unfortunately california as a sanctuary state. even if you come here illegally
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you are not going to get turned and or law enforcement cannot even inquire as to your immigration status. >> there are more than 30,000 chinese men from mainland, china of military age who have somehow managed to arrive in the united states. here are some of the other number 770 plus from jordan, 670 plus from turkey. the only countries that the united states customs people and border patrol people will send it back up abel from georgia, more doable, russia, and it was becca stand but if you want to wander in from china or iran or any other countries like that you are allowed to stay until you get a hearing. >> yes but we have actually heard also is there are more people coming from other
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countries. a few years ago is mostly people from mexico or from latin america or central america and they were coming across the border. now we have people from all over the world. their numbers are larger now than people from latin america. we are getting much much more, many more people the journey starts in their country of origin. i talked to an individual who was from india he said he paid somebody in india a smuggling effort in his own country. he did not have to give his money to a cartel but those types of industries are all over the world now. getting people across our border illegally and then they could to jump ahead of the line at anyone trying to do it legally. jon: why is san diego county five supervisor jim desmond we wish you well as his human flood continues. >> thanks jon. jon: meantime democrats escalate
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their attacks on the conservative supreme court justice members samuel alito and clarence thomas senior congressional correspondent chad pergram has the latest on that. >> supreme court justices. >> justice alito is an insurrectionist sympathizer. joined by his right wing body clarence thomas. bwhthe democratic's justices clarence thomas and samuel alito of questionable ethics. thomas were traveling on lavish getaways on the dimes of gop mega- donors. >> he had done it 60 times he was a vacation taking the hint,y lord directs alito for controversy will flags flying at his homes and pay. >> a legacy of the roberts court will be one of unchecked corruption. >> thomas lawyer said ethics rules do not require him to report such trips so long as donors do not have business before the co courts. alito says his wife flew the flags. republicans say the democrats complaints are camouflage for what really needles the left.
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>> democrats like the back the judges are making just the justices are making decisions 81 demands chief justice john roberts just penalized justices. >> he can say justice alito no longer no longer presides over certainly republicans appalled by the ultimatums. >> them with the supreme court to be subservient to the congress be republicans say the attacks are just politics. >> is an election year they're trying to make much to do about nothing but democrats do not seem to disagree when it comes to electoral strategy. >> and demothe democrats in elen after election after election since the fall of roe v wade and 2022 are a winning pair democrats are not only campaign this fall against the gop former president trump, but also the supreme court. on capitol hill chad pergram fox news. >> much more fox report ahead for you right after this.
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jon: and a russian special forces stormed the detention center this morning after several inmates took two guards hostage by some of the hostage takers are accused of having ties to isis. the terror group also claimed to be responsible for the mass shooting at a moscow concert hall that killed more than 100 people in march. stephanie bennett has more on this. when jon, russian special forces freed it to prison guards shot six of prison inmates accused of having links with the islamic state militant group who had taken the guards hostage. this all happening at a detention center in the southern city of russia's federal penitentiary service said in a statement the criminals were
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eliminated the employees who wearebeing held hostage were released. they are un- entered state media say some of the men had been convicted of terrorism offenses were accused of affiliations with the islamic state militant group. according to russian media, three of them were detained in 2022 for planning to blow up a russian courthouse the six men and should knock out window bars and climb down several floors by rope before taking the guards hostage with a knife in fire expert report say they managed to smuggle knives, iso flags at mobile phones into their sales negotiations with the authorities they demanded a vehicle, firearms free passage out of the prison but instead russian special forces decided to storm the prison intense automatic gunfire could be heard. isf carried out a number of attacks on russian soil in recent years an affiliate of ois claimed responsibility for the most recent attack in march when gunmen opened fire on a concert hall in moscow.
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that attack in march left 145 people dead and injured more than 500. jon: stephanie bennett, thank you. here are some other headlines from around the globe. ukraine peace summit in switzerland 78 countries back the country's territorial integrity and a statement today. vice president harris was there yesterday pledging america's full support to a just and lasting peace but saudi arabia, india and south africa did not support today's declaration. [inaudible] in brazil thousands of people are protesting a bill that would impose harsher penalties for abortions. if past the loss at anyone having an abortion after 22 weeks could be charged with homicide. and it saudi arabia 14 jordanians are reported dead at the annual muslim haus should pilgrimage apparently some of
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the deaths are attributed to heat stroke. temperatures they are expected to reach a 116 degrees tomorrow. more than 1.8 million muslims are taking part in this year's pilgrimage. and has stony dive team found remains of a finished plane shot down by soviet russia more than eight decades ago. an american diplomat on board the plane when it went down is considered when the first u.s. casualties of world war ii. in the humber, germany estimated 40000 soccer fans gathered to watch the euro 2024 match between poland and the netherlands. the fan zone a police officer shot and wounded amount they pick acts who you had threatened several people. in australia, some panned that diplomacy china's most powerful politician after present position paying is visiting down under promising to deliver a new pair of giant pandas to an
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australian zoo to help amend that strained diplomatic ties between those two nations. in thailand buddhist monks and blessed a pair of newborn twin elephants. this mail and female set is r rare. elephants are considered sacred in thailand. that is a look at some stories from around the globe. coming up summer is nearly here some lifeguards are sounding the alarm about sharks. >> upcoming summer heat wave is expected to bring scorching temps from the midwest to the northeast you can bet people are going to flock to the beach. emergency officials are turning to drone technology should try to keep everyone safe. i'll have that story after the break. ♪ you'll get better
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jon: summer official. while northeastern is prepared for a timely extreme heat wave southerners are keeping their eyes peeled for sharks but some of the region's most popular beaches. cb cotton is live at rockaway
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beach in queens, new york. >> "fox weather" meteorologist says this upcoming heat wave is expected to send it temperatures about 20 degrees what's typical for mid june. we know people will be out here on the beach. experts say will shark attacks are wher rare they are fresh on everyone's mind. especially is what we saw in the florida panhandle three swimmers include two teens were attacked at the emergency officials said those attacks happen in under two hours and less than 5 miles of each other. nypd one of several agencies turning to drone technology. watch this. from the sky to the water below nypd is turning to technology to help swimmers who are in danger. >> this device helps save you and communicate to the public announcement system the pa system you are not alone. help us on the waiver nypd deputy commissioner says more
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deputy commissioner says more than 30 specialized drones are now flying over new york city beaches. each one has thermal imaging capabilities carries a deployable float which can be dropped to a person in the water. >> this device opens up as soon as it makes contact with the water it would open up and a flotation device about 4 feet. and that white pd stresses these drones are not a replacement for lifeguards but rather an extra set of eyes at beaches the summer. the drones are crucial city leaders say they still need to fill 200 lifeguard positions if they don't, several stretches of beaches mate remained closed. >> in the coming weeks nypd hopes to increase the number of drones in its fleet so officers are prepared for any possible emergency this summer. back to you. jon: nice night out there thank you. stay with us.
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the zoo is living up to their name these cute little creaturers native to argentina bolivia and paraguay and let out a screeching sound if they feel threatened. oh. after a long recovery 14 resident penguins are waddling back to the wild and rescuers discovered hydrated malnourished and anemic and rescue rehabilitation center nursed them back to health and safely able to resume their migration journey that's how fox reports on this june 16th father's day, i'm jon scott thank you for watching. we'll see you next week. ♪ ♪ >> hello everyone. i'm tammy bruc


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