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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  June 17, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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are encouraging heavy use and gateway or not on its own, today's marijuana should really be avoided by everybody. >> doctor kevin, thank you for sharing. people need to know this, people need to make their own decisions but they need the facts. happy father's day, thank you for joining us. >> thank you. thank you for spending your sunday with us. have a great week ahead. happy father's day to my father. thank you to my wife for being a father and special thoughts to those who have lost their fathers. good night from south carolina. >> todd: a major arrest in murder of marilyn mother of five rachel moran and the suspect is
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an illegal immigrant wanted in el salvador. the family attorney will speak to "fox and friends". >> carley: and a teen who survived a 60-foot fall from a cliff. we'll ask him about that. >> todd: did you see this? >> hammer. three sky players coming over. i think they are going to look at this. >> todd: sports world in a frenzy after angel reese's move on caitlin clark. we'll get more into that. you are watching "fox and friends first," i'm todd piro. >> carley: i'm carley shimkus. we start with this.
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hundr hundreds thousands of migrants could get legal status thanks to new parole plan from the biden administration that could be announced by tomorrow. >> todd: madeleine rivera has details. >> madeleine: it is called parole in place, offer deportation protection for those who have lived here 10 years and stream line process for migrants to obtain permanent legal status and u.s. citizenship without having to leave the country. this could be as large as daca. this is on the heels of executive order the president ann announced earlier this week. president biden says he is taking action after months of inaction by congress. poll numbers show voters are
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futing the blame on him. numbers do not include 1 be.8 million gotaways since beginning of his term. the matter has been called a matter of national security. >> directly related to threats to americans. we have actual administration officials stepping forward and our committee and committee members concurred on intelligence we're seeing, rut of administration policy we have terrorists actively working within the united states that are a threat to americans. >> madeleine: white house officialses it will likely be met with legal challenges. >> todd: new details come week after multiple isis operatives
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arrested in the u.s.. suspected jihad terrorist arrest s ed with arsenal of weapons in new york city. >> carley: chris swecker joins us now. the president could announce this order that adds protection to migrants living here illegally will be a big topic of conversation this week. what do you think about it? >> chris: it creates more incentive. it would grant asylum. to grant them voting status. that has created a gaping vulnerability in national security. we opened 1800 miles of border and people come from countries
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we have no chance of 1vetting ad we're vetting after the fact. >> todd: in light of the arrest of those operatives and the individual near "the guardian" airport, how do you see the next terror attack playing out and what is concerning about that to you? >> chris: the eight arrests of the suspected terrorists they are deporting, it is shocking that is not happen ing everyday. vetting after the fact is no comfort. result of this vulnerability and risk of october 7, i don't think we will see 9/11 type of attack, we will see two-man cell or four-man cell in a low-tech type attack with shoulder weapons,
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explosives, easy to obtain and smuggle into the country and they have seen what fear and what chaos they can inflict on society in mass shootings we've had in the past. you could have an attack, russia-style attack. that type of attack, in a large public gathering, in a special event, a shopping mall. that would create chaos, in a subway. you don't want to invite that to happen by talking about it, but it is out there and a huge vulnerable. >> carley: it is terrifying, when it comes to the eight tajiks arrested, jim hind said this about information they
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could provide. listen to this. >> there is attention between arrest the guys immediately, which is safest thing to do, ve versus surveill them and see who they are talking to, can they point us to other people? >> carley: bad news, they were in this country to begin with, fully vetted and released into the united states. the silver lining, we can learn something from them. how do ub feel about that and how important is that information? >> chris: it is very important to gather intelligence on an ongoing basis. fbi showed lack of initiative down on the border. people are streaming across from special interest countries and we are not searching their resources, interviews them and vetting them on the spot. that surge of resources would
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develop additional intelligence and deter terrorists from coming into the country. either they don't have resources or initiative, they should be doing that right now. >> todd: they are busy processing paperwork. chris swecker, we appreciate your time. biden campaign rolling out adcampaign against former president trump this morning for being a convicted criminal. >> carley: brooke singman has details. >> brooke: biden campaign is seizing on former president trump's recent conviction. here is a look at the brand new ad. >> this election is between a convicted criminal who is only out for himself and a president who is fighting for your family. >> carley: the adcomes just says after president biden held a star-studded fundraiser hosted
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by jimmy kimmels and former president obama george clooney and julia roberts. texas senator cruz says biden depends on those names. >> that is who they are fighting for, billionaires in california. people in bed with china, that is who democrats care about. if you are talking about a steel wo worker, taxicab driver, waiter or waitress, the democratic party abandoned those. >> carley: and say j.d. vance could flip biden voters in several swing states. a strategist said he would be a lot of help across the rust belt and help pick up votes even outside of his home state ohio.
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he would be an asset everywhere, especially in pennsylvania, michigan and wisconsin. today trump is meeting with speaker johnson to discuss how republicans can keep or grow their majority. >> carley: last week the senate, this week the house. 1000 evacuations ordered in los angeles, first major wildfire of the season. >> todd: it is bad. president biden's immigration policies being blamed for the murder of a maryland mother of five. the family's attorney is here next. >> i want to direct these comments to 1600 pennsylvania avenue and every member in both chambers of congress. we are 1800 miles ashes way from
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the southern border and american citizens are not safe because of failed immigration policies. ell ) limu, someone needs to customize and save hundreds on car insurance with liberty mutual. let's fly! (inaudible sounds) chief! doug. (inaudible sounds) ooooo ah. (elevator doors opening) (inaudible sounds) i thought you were right behind me. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, ♪ ♪ liberty. ♪ if you have moderate to severe ulcerative colitis or crohn's disease... put it in check with rinvoq... a once-daily pill. when symptoms tried to take control, i got rapid relief and reduced fatigue with rinvoq. check! when flares kept trying to slow me down i got lasting steroid-free remission with rinvoq. check! and when my doctor saw damage, rinvoq helped visibly reduce damage of the intestinal lining. check!
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>> todd: fox weather wildfire alert.
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exploding to 14,000 acres in two days in los angeles. 60 miles north of downtown los angeles, strong winds fuel the flames. that blaze is 2% contained. officials are warning residents to be ready to evacuate. and major flooding could come to the gulf coast. jd. >> janice: some areas not getting enough and some areas getting too much. dev development possible in gulf of mexico. that is heavy rain along the gulf k0e69 aiming for texas gulf coast including brownsville, corpus christi and houston. we need to see this area of low pressure develop more to get a handle of the forecast.
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three to five inches lalong the texas coast, some areas could get more. record-breaking heat moving to the northeast. millions will neel record-breaking temperatures with humidity on wednesday. take precaution, young kids, pets, elderly, heat alerts, excessive heat watch, philadelphia and new york, boft op and portland. potential record high for syr syracuse, lansing, michigan. this is a big deal, here are f forecast highs and humidity is what gets us. sevee storms for upper midwest
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and would you believe we have snow in northern rockies. we have everything here. everything and the kitchen set. we'll keep you updated. >> carley: an arrest has been made in murder of maryland mom of five rachel morin 10 months after her body was found naked and beaten to death on a remote hiking trail. >> i want to thank all of the law enforcement for hard work. they really did care about our family and my daughter. they were going to work d diligently to fooind the person that murdered her. >> carley: people arrested hern hernandez, who entered the country illegally in 23 after repor reportedly murdered a woman in
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el sa el salvador. the family attorney join us now. we heard from rachel's mom there. how is the family doing, be ing left with so many answers for so long. it is difficult to hear. >> they are incredibly relieved they caught this man and can get to legal process in court and they know he is not causing harm to their family or anyone else. it is a moment of happiness in this tragic time in their life. a little happiness, but catching him does not bring rachel back. >> carley: accused of murdering a young woman in el salvador before coming to the us illegally in 23 and beating a mother and a little girl in los
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angeles before murdering rachel. during the press conference, hardford county sheriff had this to say. listen here. >> i want to direct comments to 1600 pennsylvania avenue and every member in both chambers of congress. we are ownvery very miles away from the southern border and the american citizens are not safe because of failed immigration policy. this is second time that an innocent hartford county woman has lost her life to an illegal immigrant. hernandez came here to escape ape crime he committed in el salvador. he murdered rachel. >> carley: what legal action is the family planning to take?
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does the fact it is an illegal immigrant, does that factor in >> the family has not thought about that yet. this is an american problem. you would think that the border patrol would be able to stop people and say, are you wanted for murder in your country? if so, you can't come in here. that is a big problem. maryland is a long way from the southern border, it is making its way all the way to maryland. it is something that washington has to fix. >> carley: may 20th was rachel's birthday, the very day the lead led to the arrest of the suspect who murdered rachel. that is an incredible detail. >> it is. we don't know what that lead
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was. our firm put up $35, answer are answer are 0 reward and we had digital campaigns in lengenglisd spanish. i am sure we will find the lead out, right now a lead led them to this man in tulsa, oakley. >> carley: law enforcement agents worked this case everyday for past 10 months, some even traveled to el salvador. incredible work by them. thank you for joining us. our thoughts are with the morin family this morning. >> thank you and thanks to law enforcement. >> amen to that. thank you. biden administration being accused of downplaying arrival of russian nuclear fleet in
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havana. >> todd: off the coast of florida, which is congressman cory mills's home state. he will be here to talk about it n next. you know who knows what she wants? me! i want a massage, in amalfi, from someone named giancarlo. and i didn't live in that shoebox for years. not just— with empower, we get all of our financial questions answered. so you don't have to worry. i guess i'll get the caviar... just kidding. join 18 million americans and take control of your financial future with a real time dashboard and real live conversations. empower. what's next. ♪ ♪ have you always had trouble losing weight and keeping it off? same. discover the power of wegovy®. ♪ ♪ with wegovy®, i lost 35 pounds. and some lost over 46 pounds. ♪ ♪ and i'm keeping the weight off. wegovy® helps you lose weight and keep it off.
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>> carley: an alabama teenager named hayden hill is being called a miracle boy after surviving a 60 foot fall from a cliff while on vacation in italy. h hayden and his parents join me. you were on a vacation in italy and there was a massive rush to get you to the hospital. what happened here? >> so initially we were, our tenth day in italy. this was going to be the last day to see the mediterranean beach. we had about 30 minutes left so
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me and a friend decided to go out at night and see the beach. we came up on this wall that was about as tall as my knee, i stepped over it. it slowly descended, i figured it was a trail. at some point it slopped off and i fell off a 60-foot cliff. >> it is a blessing that he's still here today, it was unbelievable when you stood back and looked at how far he fell. we are so thankful to coast guard for getting to him safely and bringing him to the hospital. >> carley: getting the phone call about your son while you are back in the united states is every parent's worst nightmare
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what was that like for snu >> it was unbelievable. he had his cell phone and called me for an hour while he waited for the coast guard. it took them three hours. for an hour of that,y i was on the phone with him. we decided he needed to save battery, his light was how they were getting to him. >> carley: hayden, tell us about the extent of your injuries. >> when i fell, you realize you fell off a 60 foot cliff, when i fell, i hit the only soft spot. if i would hit any other spot, i would haves been dead or have
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severe damage. i dislockdowned my hip and femur inward and ankle fractured. we are in recovery now and i hit my head and thought thought there might be trouble, no brain bleeds or nothing. >> carley: i'm sure every doctor thought it could have been worse. is which, you learned quick lesson in the italian healthcare system. what is your lesson there? >> tough one. we want to thank the italian hospital for taking care of hayden. it was difficult to arrange transs port.
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woo we had help from our local senators. i have a friend that is an alabama representative who helped us make the communication go along and arranged transport to get out. we want to thank the doctors, but we had disconnect. he is home now. that is all that matters. >> carley: interesting to hear alabama lawmakers helped you along the way. sharon, what is it little rock to have your son sitting next to you after this 60 fool fall? >> i don't have words, it is just a miracle and not something any mother wants to live through. >> carley: chris, what about you? >> we are thankful to have him
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home, thankful for our community, had prayer vigils and been on the phone. we live in a small, rural community that probably never gets a lot of publicity that is good. it goes to show how special it is to live in a small town that takes care of everybody. >> carley: amen. h hayden, thank god. quickly, before i let you go, what is next for you? >> i'm hoping to make a quick recovery and i am planning to go to calhoun for a year and go to uah for engineering or cyber security, something like that. i'm hoping to recover so i can play some sports, too. >> carley: sounds like a great future. donate to hayden at operation
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let's bring hayden home, this is pricey to get you back to alabama and help with recovery, a added cost goes into that. best of luck, glad you are home safe. >> carley: there is this. an american tourist found dead on small greek island and three tourists are missing. the six year old vanished while visiting a friend. the cause of the death is unknown and one of the missing tou tourists is 59-year-old albert, a retired sheriff deputy not been seen since tuesday. the girlfriends we are sick to our stomachs, he is out there
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somewhere. >> todd: wes moore will issue mass pardon of marijuana convictions. this is one of the biggest acts of clemency for 100,000 people. we have a real opportunity to right historical wrongs, you have to start removing barriers that continue to sit on communities of color. those pardons will not release anyone from prison. caitlin clark and angel reese squaring off for second time in wnba careers. this is the play everyone is talking about. watch. >> go, go, go. >> clark hammered. three sky players coming over. i think they will look at this. >> todd: look at it, they did, upgrading foul to tflagrant one
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it is clear, watch it. one person went for the ball, the other person didn't, that was reese. clark made her free doll tlot t /* /*throws. >> the refs affected the game. >> you are going to play that clip, what 20 times before monday. >> it is part of public. it happens. >> todd: she's almost taking too much of a high road. serena williams saying, if people are negative, it is because they can't do what you do. hope she will continue to do what she is doing.
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great advice. and dechambeau defeating rory mcilroy by one stroke and c calling the win the best of his life. [cheering] >> todd: good for bryce dechambeau. rory mcilroy watching as dechambeau defending the victory. rory mcilroy missed a few short putts, including one at 18. you can't miss these. this marks dechambeau's second victory, the first in 2020. i thought he was not going to win, he hit it in the snack
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cart. he got out and tos sand trap. >> carley: and dechambeau said happy father's day to all the dads, his dad passed several wins ago, this win was for him. >> todd: progressive senator jamal bowman. >> carley: the squad member is calling in backup from bernie sanders and aoc. cheryl casone is here with details and the big money being thrown, tossed around in the new york house race coming up. >> todd: throw it in the air. ♪ ♪ (fisher investments) at fisher investments we may look like other money managers, but we're different. (other money manager) you can't be that different. (fisher investments) we are. we have a team of specialists not only in investing, but also
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also in financial and estate planning and more. (other money manager) your clients rely on you for all that? (fisher investments) yes. and as a fiduciary, we always put their interests first. (other money manager) but you still sell commission -based products, right? (fisher investments) no. we have a simple management fee structured so we do better when our clients do better. (other money manager) huh, we're more different than i thought! (fisher investments) at fisher investments, we're clearly different.
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a slow network is no network for business. that's why more choose comcast business. and now, we're introducing ultimate speed for business —our fastest plans yet. we're up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to triple the speeds... at no additional cost. it's ultimate speed for ultimate business. don't miss out on our fastest speed plans yet! switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today! >> todd: israeli prime minister netanyahu announced he is dis disbanding his war cabinet amid w warnings about hezbollah's threat. former idf spmer idf sppokesper hezbollah is crown jewel of evil and most powerful iranian proxy
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equipped with more firepower than several european militaries have today. that is concerning. russian naval ships including nuclear submarine have arrived in cuba. the pentagon is accused of down playing this as experts say this is concerning. >> we are going to monitor any foreign vessel operating near u.s. territorial waters. these exercises don't pose a threat to the united states. russia has moved this around cuba and the missile drills are un unprecedented, nothing like this has happened before.
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you see putin who should be tied up in ukraine flexing his muscle in our backyard. >> todd: biden administration calls this routine. >> carley: biden administration gearing up to release more oil from the strategic petroleum reserve. >> todd: cheryl casone is here with more. cheryl, you can't release enough oil to impact the price is any s significant way. this depletes our reserves. >> cheryl: financial times is reporting white house is ready to release more oil from spr to keep gas prices down during the next few months. millions are expected to hit tz
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road this summer. biden says prices are still too high for many americans. u.s. gas prices average $3.45 on sunday according to triple a, that is $1 higher than when biden in january of 2021. all of this is part of biden campaign effort to combat criticism over inflation as we get closer to the election. the narrative coming as no surprise. thes latest fox news poll show economy and inflation second most important deal breaker for voters in the upcoming election. we are less than two weeks away from that debate. >> carley: president biden is hunkering down and will be
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preparing for it. cheryl, this is this squad member bowman's camp is sound ing the alarm. >> cheryl: they are bringing in bernie sanders and aoc, holding a rally in the bronx for jamal bowman who is facing latimore. -- the hill writes saying bowman ignites civil war among democrats. he raised $1 million and made triple what he raised in april
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with 800,000 coming. true story about bowman, all 've the synagogues say enough is you have in, they say he is antisemitism and been critical of israel, which is you troo. they don't want him to be their voice in congress anymore. his polling is abysmal behind latimore. bernie sanders and aoc can blame c corporate, that is not happening. >> todd: a fire bowman needs to put out. don't miss cheryl every weekday morning. >> carley: you are hosting today. lawrence jones will look at what is coming up on "fox and friends". happy monday. >> lawrence: good morning, i
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missed y'all, how was your weekend? >> >> carley: good. >> todd: i was sitting for you on saturday. >> lawrence: thanks for pitching in. jam-packed monday morning, biden administration set to unveil a border measure this week, offering legal status to illegal immigrants living in the country 10 months or more. former president trump will meet with house speaker johnson after a long weekend of conversations with the black leaders in michigan. there is rumor congressman donalds is on the v.p. list, he will weigh in on the latest to american voters. search intensifying for a sheriff deputy who went missing
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in greece last week. we will talk to his sister-in-law on the state of the investigation. and -- won't be enough, then dan d dakich on the latest with the ang eel reese and caitlin clark controversy. we have a busy monday morning on "fox and friends". don't misa minute of it, see y'all in a bit. ilts. hi honey. ahhh...ooh. look, no line at the hot dog stand. yes! only pay for what you need. ♪liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty.♪ (♪) this is not just delivery (♪) this is knowing even superheroes... can use a sidekick. (♪) walgreens.
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(♪) this is not just a pharmacy. (♪) this is living the care in healthcare. (♪) walgreens.
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>> todd: president biden was hollywood swinging this weekend for a star-studded fundraiser feeing a slew of celebrates including former president obama calling on young voters to vote. if young people aren't engaged and say i have agency and can i change how things can work to make sure it's working for my generation and future generations then joe biden is going to be reelected president of the united states. kamala harris will be reelected as vice president of the united states. and i'll be able to do what ex-presidents are supposed to do which is not hang out with jimmy kimmel. but the "wall street journal" says the support of old a lister won't help young people capture the heart of any gen z voters. a republican voter joins me now. christian, let's go that list request again. barack obama.
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jason kimmel were there at this event. any of those older celebs getting to you vote biden. >> todd, thanks for having me on today but who? who did you say? my generation doesn't watch any of these actors. the best they have is probably jack black. i had to google what movies he was in. and the best he has is probably the latest mario movie but then again, i don't think my generation even knows his face because, well, he was just a voice actor that movie. and the last thing my generation wants is just another old person telling us who to vote for. the best way to get my generation's attention is by other young people they have to be real, relatable. a role model for other peers. i will give to the biden administration. they have gen z surrogates telling them to vote for joe biden. but, they are harry, chris malory and victor sheath. they are really pathetic at best they are only arms of the prop
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propaganda machine telling us to vote for an old senile ban that's that's what they are told to say. at best no opportunity to win gen z. with trump, the people he has telling us vote for trump it's actually based on facts and reality. because, at the end of the day, under joe biden, gen z can't spend freely. we can't speak freely and we certainly can't walk freely. at least my fellow gen z's laken riley can't. >> todd: more about the money than the endorsements christian hodges. have to let there thank you, sir. >> president biden was rubbing shoulders. and visited church to n. a bid to court black voters. >> president trump so humble you would be here. president obama never came to the hood so to speak. right? [laughter] president joe biden he went to the big naacp dinner but he never came to the hood.
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so, thank you. >> joe concha is a fox news contributor and he joins us now. joe, you would think those pastor's comments would be at least a big part of the story covering this trip that donald trump took over the weekend. but here is the media conch of it. "the washington post" writes: trump portrays rampant crime in crime black church in detroit. a.p. says trump blasts immigrants taking jobs at black church in maga event in detroit. the tones of those headlines, joe is, notable. joe gentlemen portrays rampant crime. yeah, like he is making it up. no, this is something that people are feeling in place like detroit, carley, todd, great to see you by the way. >> todd: likewise. >> joe: joe x post don lemon. he said it was impossible for him to believe that donald trump could possibly have that kind of black support in places like
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detroit with don lemon implying the whole scene you see on your screen was likely staged somehow. it wasn't and the mow monday tum behind trump is quite real not only among black voters, but hispanic voters, independent voters, women voters, and according to a forecast released by economists over the weekend. donald trump now has a 69% chanks winning back the presidency while joe biden's chances are 31%. that's less than one in three. we have never seen numbers like this before for trump. turning to hollywood may help biden juice his numbers in places like holiday and beverly hills, great. it only underscores the fact that democrats are now not the party of working men and women as though used to be but as the party of elites and cultural cities east and west. while its leader in joe biden in public appearances like we saw owe g-7 looks like the madame tussauds version of himself looking like he was injected with for mald hide.
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donald trump if he has 15 support black voters in michigan according to one poll. others may have him higher than that it may sound small on the surface but it's not. hold in pennsylvania, georgia among black voters joe biden is burnt toast, todd. >> todd: you nailed the key point. this is less and less about black vs. white. minority vs. white. this is more about elites versus the rest of us. i think that's what that appearance underscored most of all. also, joe, one thing we will be watching this weekend a the media will probably talk to you about it later on. how is the media going to spin gitiond joe biden off the stage. last week when it was the situation there watching the paratrooper land. it was trump has dementia somehow came out of thin air. >> ainsley: came out of the cover of the n "new york post." thanks for being with us, joe have. great day. "fox & friends" begins right now. ♪ ♪


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