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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  June 17, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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fox broadcasting day pew at the ufl championship. >> instant offense, tom brady, ledger dear quarterback. >> i can't go on the field anymore. >> he is joining us here at fox sports as an analyst this fall. can't wait to see him. >> aishah: life is good for tom brady. >> bill: big debut is on fox around the 9th or 8th of september. the word is from those close to him is that he is putting in the time and work to get good at this. everybody be watching and can't wait for football. can i say that out loud? okay. let's roll to this now. a new hour begins. house republicans eyeing a possible sweep in november? the speaker mike johnson, house republican committee chair richard hudson meeting today with donald trump at mar-a-lago strategizing plans to govern the country and take back republican
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control of congress. that is in the offing. we'll debate that and see how it goes. dana has the week off. i'm bill hemmer. welcome to aishah. >> aishah: hello. thank you for having me. good to be with you. >> bill: you beat the heat. >> aishah: i like the heat. i'm aishah hosni. republicans are mapping out steps to be ready on day one if trump should win a second term and planning also depends on maintaining control of the house and possibly flipping the senate. taxes and the deficit, those are the top priorities. trump says that he wants to reduce your taxes, cut them and keep them low. unlike democrats who say that they want more of your hard-earned dollars. >> we will make the trump tax cuts permanent and cut taxes even more for working families and small businesses. they will let them expire and give you the biggest tax increase you have had ever by four times.
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>> bill: that from the weekend. chad pergram has the follow-up on capitol hill. good morning. >> good morning. reupping those expiring tax cuts will be one of the biggest goals for congressional republicans and the former president. most republicans appear to back mr. trump following last week's meetings in washington. >> i think it has a lot to do with the way he has run his campaign and speaking, his plans and policies. we're in desperate times in the country. the biden administration has made a mess of every metric of public policy and i think that has a unifying effect on our party and the american people. >> republicans want to make sure they have a plan in place to govern if they control the presidency, the house and the senate. but how they handle tax cuts and cut the deficit is hard. the numbers may not add up. they also want to curb regulation and then there is the border. >> on day one of my new
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administration we'll begin the largest deportation operation in american history. we have no choice. this is not sustainable. >> democrats say even moderate republicans from swing districts are standing behind mr. trump. minority leader ham hakim jeff east. >> the drag on the so-called moderate republicans in new york will be the anchor of the extremism with respect to reproductive freedom, donald trump and the other right wing votes that they continue to take here in washington. >> democrats are taking pains to control -- connect republicans with former president trump. they argue the gop is pushing an extreme agenda when it comes to
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abortion and democrats believe they have a winning message this fall. >> bill: nice to see you, chad pergram on the hill. >> aishah: joining us now with guy benson, host of the guy benson show on fox news radio. good morning to you. want to get to this breaking news from the des moines register that came out with a new poll from iowa showing that president trump is leading biden now 50% to 32% among likely voters. not the kind of news that you want to wake up to monday morning if you are on team biden. what is interesting is the "washington post" editorial board headline from sunday. let's put it on the screen here. it says biden should assume the polls are right, not wrong. president biden has a polling problem and he needs to admit it. >> let's talk about this des moines register poll. trump at 50% in iowa is not that much of a shock. he won the state comfortably in
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2016 and 2020, eight or nine points. joe biden at 32%, the incumbent president in what has been a swing state not that long ago is the eye popper. 18-point margin. trump is strong and has a bare majority. the incumbent has less than 1/three support in that state. astounding number. this is considered the gold standard poll in the state of iowa. it is a woman who runs it and she almost nailed trump's margin in the last two elections in iowa. in fact, trump barely out performed her poll, just a little bit. if he is even in the ballpark of up 18 points in a state like iowa, the story isn't iowa. the story is minnesota to the north, wisconsin in the neighborhood. if he has got that kind of margin there and she is tracking that correctly, the democrats have to be very worried about
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the upper midwest in general. >> bill: "washington post" is on that. aishah read this. here are cnn sunday. >> joe biden trailing trump in key battleground states and polling well behind your senate colleagues who are running for re-election. how can you look at this -- these statistics and these numbers and not conclude that joe biden is a drag on the ticket? >> oh, that's not going to be the case. >> look at the numbers. >> that's one poll. >> biden is under polling all of them. >> everybody sees it and we'll see where it goes from there. trump has a decision to make whether or not the vice president on his ticket really matters. here is a couple of things. insiders predict rust belt republican could flip votes talking about vance. quote from a republican strategist. he would be a lot of help across
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the entire rust belt and help pick up working class democrat votes even outside of ohio. he would be an asset everywhere but especially in states like pennsylvania, michigan and wisconsin. it's ironic we bike that with the des moines register poll out now. vance is in the mix. >> he is in the mix. based on all the reporting. i've kind of looked at all this with a jaundiced eye for a while. when they leak out they have a final finalists and doing vetting of these people part of me wonders if they'll go somewhere else. i'm not sure trump needs help with the types of voters they were talking about. trump is the help with those demographics. where he needs help is in suburban areas with a more traditionalish normal republican to reassure voters who want to go to trump but a little uncomfortable with him as a person, that's the type of person i would urge him to pick. he will make his decision and a
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dramatic, i think, discussion all the way to the last second. >> aishah: bill and i were talking about this during the break. the vp, people will come out to the voting booths for president trump. but the vp could really clinch it when it comes to independents and female voters. is nikki haley really out? >> the former president said she is out in no uncertain terms. >> aishah: is it a miscorrection? >> possible. there are other people in the midst who would be popular. mike pence endorsed ted cruz in 2016 and he was picked anyway. mike pompeo. it is one of these names, burgum or the rest of them. there are certain voters teetering and tired of joe biden, cannot take it anymore. they aren't 100% sure they want to whole trump show back.
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giving them a different look of a republican that makes them feel a little more reassured, i think that's probably a priority here in terms of doing the electoral map. trump does have this instinct about what voters want to see. >> bill: we'll know within a month when the convention rolls around. guy benson, thank you. freedom from the clutches of hamas. what a story. as it happened, watch. [shouting and gunfire] >> bill: amazing stuff to watch. we had a little bit of this last week. israeli government released new body cam footage capturing the moment these elite military forces rescued a hostage noah during a dramatic raid in gaza went into two different
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buildings at the same time. hamas terrorists abducted her from that music festival on october 7th and became the symbol of the attacks. she is reunited with family and friends. >> aishah: there is a shake-up at the very top of the israeli government. prime minister benjamin netanyahu now dissolving his war cabinet and that move is tightening his grip over his decision making in the fight against hamas. trey yengst is live in tel aviv with more on what it all means, trey. >> good morning. it is day 255 of the war between israel and hamas. with no end in sight israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu has decided to dissolve the war cabinet. it comes after two out of five cabinet members left following political disagreements with the israeli leader. some far right ministers in the
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government were pressuring netanyahu to take those positions and why it is being dissolved. huge disagreements what direction the war should go. this week the israeli military announced daily pauses in southern gaza to allow for more aid to enter. that decision drew condemnation from the israeli prime minister and called it unacceptable. a massive backlog of aid yet to be distributed. something the pauses help to address. this weekend was the most deadly for israeli forces in months. 12 soldiers killed, eight in a single incident when a suspected anti-tank missile struck their carrier in rafah. there are new attacks from hezbollah. >> hezbollah is increasing aggression is bringing us to the brink of what could be a wider escalation. one that could have devastating consequences for lebanon and the
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entire region. >> israeli defense told fox news over the weekend that diplomatic efforts are ongoing to avert a further war with hezbollah but time is running out. >> bill: four miami police officers facing charges after a deadly shoot-out in the middle of rush hour traffic and we'll tell you what happened. >> aishah: as president biden deals with international crises, americans at home are showing a growing desire for strong and decisive u.s. leadership. >> bill: this illegal immigrant accused in the rape and murder of a woman, a mother of five. critics are blaming president biden's immigration policy for this murder. >> i don't want him to leave maryland ever again. we don't have a death penalty but i hope he dies in one of our prisons who are that he did to our community in this case. ene.
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>> aishah: four miami police officers, two armed robbers and a 25 mile car chase. we're live in corral gables, florida with the story. what happened? >> i can tell you it all started, aishah, at a jewelry shop with an armed robbery five years ago. two men abducted a ups driver, led them on a high-speed chase. those police went through miami. it all came to an end with a hail of gunfire caught on camera. taking a look at the footage right now. ups truck got caught in traffic the suspect shot at officers. chaos erupted and a barrage of gunshots hit the ups truck from 18 officers who four responding
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agencies. the shoot-out killed not only the two suspects but the 27-year-old ups driver and the 70-year-old richard, just an innocent bystander sitting in his car. a grand jury indicted four miami-dade officers with manslaughter charges could carry up to 30 years in prison. two of the officers still work for the department. the union that represents the officers criticized the indictment last week saying, quote, we're extremely disappointed that after almost five years, these officers are finding themselves indicted for something they had seconds to decide. none of those officers were charged for the deaths of the hijackers. they turned themselves in over the weekend. and were released without bail. aishah. >> aishah: dana marie, thank you very much. >> bill: to a brand-new survey from the reagan institute showing a growing number of americans want the u.s. to take
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a lead role in global affairs. policy director of the reagan institute, nice to see you. did you see each other in december? now it's june and the weather is warm. here is the question. is u.s. involvement in international events mostly beneficial or harmful to the world? 62% say it's beneficial. >> americans are looking for the policies of ronald reagan. they want america to be engaged around the world and lead from a position of strength. they think that's beneficial for the world as you previewed and beyond that they think it's beneficial to us, to the united states ourselves. >> bill: so on ukraine, that would be part of this, right? peace through strength is the theme you hear consistently. three things here, what is p importance of winning in ukraine. 75% say it's important. sending u.s. weapons to ukraine,
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57% agree with that. sending u.s. weapons to israel, 57% support that as well. that's helping your friends, that could be peace through strength, rachel. >> peace through strength and the reagan doctrine that we saw in him pursuing the cold war. applied to the 21st century. if our friends and allies around the world are willing to take up arms in defense of their own freedom to push back against authoritarian aggression the united states should help them. we should help them by arming them in today's world with the conflicts we're seeing in europe and the middle east, sending military aid, u.s. weapons to both ukraine and israel. >> bill: they will get their wish based on administrations decisions here. china, i was looking at the survey here. top concerns about china touches on everything that we cover almost every day. 83% are worried about theft of technology. 83% worried about human rights
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violations, 82% worried about a.i. capability. 82% worried about a military build-up. china is becoming a focus of so many things in the u.s. as we reflect on our stage and standing in the international world. >> absolutely. the american people really see it as such. china is not just an economic challenge as we've seen it previously, it is not just a security challenge in the military domain with their own defense build-up in recent years and potential threat to taiwan. but it is also applied to american values, to the principles of freedom and democracy that aren't just american values but universal values. what we see in polling data is americans are concerned about china and the chinese communist party in all of those regards when it comes to the economy, defense and security and when it comes to the principles of freedom and democracy. >> bill: pop quiz.
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anything surprise you in here? >> you know, it never ceases to surprise me the american people are tuned into foreign policy. it surprises me in a sense. conventional wisdom is americans are focused on problems at home and maybe don't want to be involved in entanglements abroad. but what this survey shows is that the american people are keyed in on international events. the chaos and conflict we're seeing unfold in regions around the world puts them not only in headlines but puts these conflicts and america's role in these conflicts and what we can do from a position of strength to lead the world front and center in the minds of the american people going into the elections in november. >> bill: nice to see you again, rachel. thank you. >> aishah: russian president vladimir putin will travel to north korea tomorrow to meet with kim jong un. the latest sign of a strengthening show of force
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between anti-west allies. russia and north korea could sign a partnership agreement during putin's visit. the kremlin says he will make a stop in vietnam later on this week. >> we have a genius, ladies and gentlemen. he solved the middle east. >> bill: if you areing up against the king of comedy take your best shot and not miss. jerry seinfeld getting the last laugh when an anti-israeli heck lear tried to shut down his show. startling numbers on the backlog of immigration cases. >> good morning to you. we have some brand-new jaw dropping internal data from ice showing how overwhelmed the agency is. coming up after the break we'll tell you how many cases each ice officers has to manage on
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average. a hint, it's in the thousands. we'll be right back. verybody. now i sleep with inspire. inspire? no mask? no hose? just sleep. learn more, and view important safety information at ♪ ♪ have you always had trouble losing weight and keeping it off? same. discover the power of wegovy®. ♪ ♪ with wegovy®, i lost 35 pounds. and some lost over 46 pounds. ♪ ♪ and i'm keeping the weight off. wegovy® helps you lose weight and keep it off. i'm reducing my risk. wegovy® is the only fda-approved weight-management medicine that's proven to reduce risk of major cardiovascular events
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>> bill: ice agents pleading for backup overwhelmed by illegal crossings. they've got new ice data reveals how dire the situation has become. bill melugin is back in southern california where he is witnessing the harsh reality firsthand. what do you have today? good morning. >> good morning to you. we have our hands on some brand-new internal ice data. jaw dropping and shows just how overwhelmed the agency is now. before i get into it a context what it is. ice has something called a non-detain docket made up of migrants who have crossed illegally and released into the country with a future court date and also includes illegal immigrants who have already been ordered deported by a judge but still here in the country. with that in mind take a look at these staggering numbers here. federal sources telling fox news ice non-detained docket has
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exploded to 7.4 million cases so far in fiscal year 2024 on track to hit 8 million by the end of this year. as you can see, these cases have more than doubled since trump's years in office. we're told over 1 million cases have been added to this docket just since october 1st largely due to mass catch and release at the border. ice is buried now. take a look at this second graphic here. sources tell us right now each ice officer is currently managing an average of 7,000 cases each. yes, you heard that right, 7,000 cases per ice officer. that is an impossible task given current staffing levels. ice only has 6,000 deportation officers nationwide right now. not all of them work on this non-detain docket. republican congressman mark green is reacting to these numbers telling fox news in part quote the bipartisan laws passed by congress make very clear that
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illegal aliens must be detained. biden and mayorkas have directed an overseen the mass release of illegal aliens into our communities. would be border crossers around the world are making the bet if they cross under this administration they'll be released into the interior. these numbers show that's usually a winning wager. back out here live important to point out all numbers i just mentioned don't include the nearly 1.9 million known gotaways who have entered the u.s. under the biden administration so far. the gotaways never encountered dhs and don't have a court case and not on this docket. ice is still responsible for going into the country, finding the 1.9 million people and removing them. it is physically impossible right now given their staffing levels. they need more manpower and resources and they need it asap. send it back to you. >> bill: beginning another week on the southern border, bill melugin. >> aishah: the numbers are always so crushing to hear.
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the migrant crisis extending beyond the southern border as five children wake up today without a mother after an illegal immigrant, who crossed into the country during the biden administration, is accused of killing their mom, rachel moren. the tragic story that could have happened to any one of us. the sheriff investigating the crime is calling out the white house's failures last hour on "america's newsroom." listen to this. >> that is a public safety crisis and one that we can so easily fix by really coming up with a workable immigration policy for our country. it is just insane that we would allow things like rachel's murder to happen. we allowed it by letting him into this country unchallenged. >> aishah: joining us now is the national border council vice president. art, thank you for joining us on the program this morning. as i understand it in talking to bill melugin, the u.s. has a deportation agreement with el
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salvador and the triangle countries. that makes it very, very easy to send these people back if they needed to. why didn't that happen here? >> well, unfortunately it is like bill melugin said before, there is a lot of individuals that come across, they just ask for asylum and get released and you have to factor in the gotaways. it is unfortunate and we continue to say it will continue to happen. we sound like we talk about conspiracy theories, we're not. we've been saying it for quite some time. it will continue to happen. they have allowed more and more people into this country and haven't vetted them. everyone is overwhelmed within the system so that's why the gotaway numbers have continued to go up. we don't know realistically how many have gotten away. let's factor that in and why this continues to happen because this administration has refused to say there is a problem and they've refused to fix the problem. instead they continue to throw band-aids here and there and none of it is working.
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they had the fast app for individuals. that didn't work. they are talking about this new executive order. that hasn't worked. that has made it worse because of the exceptions they put out. one of them being for the accompanied juveniles. that will go up. the number of unaccompanied juveniles coming into the country will go up. it is little band-aids they put on. the equivalent of turning off the sprinkler system during a monsoon. >> aishah: this is what we know if we can pop it on the screen. this is what we know. we don't know outside of this. in 2024, 184,000 just this year. on top of the 1.6 million since president biden has been in office. 1.6 million is the population of phoenix, arizona. then you listen to bill talking about how one ice agent is responsible for 7,000 cases. it is not manageable.
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>> i've been out here for decades. i've seen how bad it is. i can tell you that this 1.6 million is well over 2 million. i'm telling you right now it is over 2 million. there is no way for them to physically get that number. there aren't enough agents on the line to be able to count the gotaways. things will get worse. unfortunately it takes for a paper to be leaked or some politician to talk about it. people need to wake up and realize today there is a problem. don't wait two or three months for somebody else to tell you. it needs to be taken care of now. people need to pay for these consequences. congressman green says it right. what they need to do is a simple fix. detain people. stop releasing people. if they come across the border, if they are asking for asylum check and see if they have a real claim. until that asylum claim is looked thoroughly through do not release people. the only reason this is happening is because they know all they have to do is say the
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magic words, asylum and they'll get released. >> aishah: the f.b.i. director comes to congress all the time and tries to ring the alarm saying we're at the highest level of a possible terrorist threat. that's coming from representative mike turner talking about director wray saying, you know, we really do have to pay more attention to the border. art, thank you for joining us on monday morning. we appreciate your time. >> thank you. >> bill: tough story. a famous celebrity chef is lucky after a bike accident. that's today's hemmer celebrity news. gordon ramsey was in the hospital in connecticut. he is doing okay. he got bruised up like a purple potato. the hell's kitchen host thankful his injuries weren't more serious. watch this. >> i'm lucky to be standing here. it has been a brutal week and i'm sort of getting through it. but i cannot tell you the
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importance of wearing a helmet. >> bill: man, oh man, he is lucky. do you see that? >> aishah: i've never seen anything like that. >> bill: listen, gordon, you got away with one and you think he realizes it. get back and healthy soon. good to see him back on the job. >> aishah: we're watching a dangerous heat wave building across the midwest pushing into the northeast and threatening the health of millions of americans. we'll check the forecast next. chuck schumer getting roasted. does he know what he is doing if front of that grill? looks like he does, right? jimmy failla on why his cheeseburger gets a failing grade. we can't wait, jimmie.
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>> aishah: nine people were shot when a gunman unleashed a barrage of bullets at a splash pad park in michigan over the weekend. among the victims a couple who shielded their two young kids during the shooting. they were shot a combined seven times. mike tobin is live in chicago with the latest on this story. hi, mike. >> hi. unfortunately this father's day weekend will be remembered by some for the blood shed. 42-year-old man opened fire at a waterpark north of detroit. that couple was shot seven times. no one knows why nash opened fire on the waterpark. no criminal history.
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he struggled with mental health. he releaded during the attack and fired 28 rounds from a nine millimeter handgun that he dropped at the scene. nine people were shot. police tracked nash down in a trailer where he lived with his mother. other weapons in the trailer including a rifle leading police to speculate that he had more ambitions to more blood shed. he turned a handgun on himself at the trailer. >> after a period of time we breached the home and deployed drones to begin an examination of the home to make a determination if it was still a hostile actor and located the individual deceased in the home. >> round rock, texas north of austin two groups at a june teeth celebration guns came out. two people killed were not part of the dispute. sh
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shooters have gotten away. >> our goal is to get them and put them away to life. no stone unturned. >> police released a description of one man. a black male 19 to 20 years old with short dreadlocks and last seen wearing a wide hoodie. >> aishah: thank you very much. >> bill: president biden appearing to freeze on stage at a big fundraiser over the weekend with celebrities and former president and all that money out there. this is how it went down. ♪ so president obama eventually suggesting it was time to go despite the standing ovation. tugging on that sleeve and gently guiding him off stage. jimmy failla is the host of fox across america and fox radio and fox news saturday night. hello to you. i want to point out how many people in that audience, for an off the record event, had a
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camera and were taking pictures or video. what do you make of that? >> i want to point out early in my comedy career i was yanked off the stage on more than one occasion. i might have the perfect guest for this to be clear. everything you need to know about that video. obama is a master of optics. he is not extending that hand knowing what the consequences of doing so would be unless he decided the optic of leaving biden in the position he saw him in was worse. so i do believe the tell here is not biden, it is obama. and the choice to get him out of there. they were applauding, walking off. biden stopped. here is everything. every time biden goes out and does one of these big money donor events he does it with a panel. he needs people filling time. whether your take away it was a tug or not a tug, whatever the -- the reality is they aren't sending him out there under his own volition for a full hour in donors.
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when was the last time you saw trump on a panel filling an hour? >> aishah: i was bringing this up earlier. the president of the united states. if he wants to stand there for a half hour or hour let him do it. who will walk you out? >> he is either not in charge or in some state of cognitive decline. i was in d.c. and biden telling everybody he will beat thomas jefferson. we'll see. >> aishah: fourth of july is coming and people are getting out grills even majority leader chuck schumer. he tweeted himself at the grill trying to flip some burgers here but got a lot of -- was roasted pretty hard for that cheese sitting on top of a raw piece of meat. probably not the way to do it. did you catch it? he tried to explain it away by saying we live in an apartment building and never done this.
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the first time i've done it grilling out. >> if anybody is trying to lose weight before the fourth of july eat at schumer's. the democrat apologists are saying it is a maga conspiracy. i'm kidding. every time a democrat tries to act relatable they highlight how unconnected they are. when liz warren wanted a beer. she didn't know how to open it. that's the problem. >> bill: a few more for you. the vp using a gas stove on thanksgiving. do we have that? kathy hochul wearing white to grill. it's not that bad. pelosi's freezer full of ice cream. you are a man of the stage and that's where you excel. and so jerry seinfeld is on
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stage with a heckler. the heckler didn't stop. this is about how that went down. >> we have a genius, ladies and gentlemen. he solved the middle east. he solved it. we are all on your side now because you have made your point so well. you have to go 20,000 miles from and screw up a comedian. that's how you solve world issues. >> this is the whole problem in a microcosm. these people who are doing this stuff aren't in it for the cause but for the clout. no way upending a seinfeld show will redirect anybody's take on the middle east as he said. if you are trying to impact change you don't come after comedians. we get paid in chicken fingers the first five years and if
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things go well you get bumped up to burgers. he is doing fine but they are never crafting foreign policy strategies at a seinfeld show. >> aishah: get the grill ready. >> you made your point so well is what seinfeld said. >> a tyranny of the minority. >> aishah: supersonic air travel could soon be a reality. new factory for those rapid planes is opening today. how fast do they go and when might they be ready for everyday air travel? grady trimble is at the site feeling the future of supersonic flight. hi, grady. ♪ ♪ ♪ [ engine revving ] listen. horsepower keeps you going, but torque gets you going. ♪ ♪ [ engine revving ] oh now we're torquin'!
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>> harris: the border crisis hit
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the interior of the country. a 37-year-old woman was killed by an illegal video. viral video of president biden at a fancy fundraising is race raising big controversy. officials are warning americans across the country, a heat wave could be deadly. kat cammack, brian kilmeade and a packed out of "the faulkner focus" minutes away. >> bill: thank you, harris. tomorrow marks one year since the tragic dive of the titan submersible on its way to visit the wreckage of the titanic. the company that owns the salvage rights will use remote operated vehicles. a real estate billionaire out of ohio plans to visit that shipwreck in 2026. five people killed when the titan imploded. an investigation is still
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underway to this day. >> aishah: supersonic flight could be a reality. boom supersonic is opening its first factory set to be the world's fastest airliner. grady trimble live in greensboro, north carolina with the details. when can we jump on? >> a few more years yet. the planes that eventually will come out of this factory will fly faster than the speed of sound and twice as fast as commercial airliners do today. that means getting from new york city to london in around three hours 45 minutes or australia back to the west coast is about half the time it takes right now. so boom supersonic is still testing a smaller prototype plane. this is a look at its commercial supersonic plane. boom ceo says newer materials and technology will bring the
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cost to flyway down compared to the concord to around the price of a business-class ticket on a regular commercial flight now. boom says the factory will be a boon to the local economy bringing with it 2400 jobs and creating an impact of more than $32 billion. >> if we let the next generation of products get built outside the country, those advanced manufacturing jobs leave and it is very difficult to get them back. i deeply believe the next generation of airliners will be supersonic and need to build them in the u.s. right here in greensboro to insure continued american leadership and manufacturing. >> they hope the make the planes in three years' time. you could be flying on one of these by 2029. >> aishah: sign me up. i'm excited now. grady trimble, live. >> bill: before we go i want to share this with you. what a day it was sunday in
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north carolina. brieson dechambeau won by a single stroke after rory mcilroy did this. he missed the three footer. bogeyed the last three of four holes. squandered a two-shot lead. dechambeau a two-time u.s. open winner and shared it with the fans there in pinehurst, north carolina. >> aishah: i don't know sports but i knew that was bad. >> bill: you could compete? you could probably do really well. aishah, thank you for being here. >> aishah: good to be with you. "the faulkner focus" is next. >> harris: we begin with a fox news alert. president biden's bo


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