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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  June 17, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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north carolina. brieson dechambeau won by a single stroke after rory mcilroy did this. he missed the three footer. bogeyed the last three of four holes. squandered a two-shot lead. dechambeau a two-time u.s. open winner and shared it with the fans there in pinehurst, north carolina. >> aishah: i don't know sports but i knew that was bad. >> bill: you could compete? you could probably do really well. aishah, thank you for being here. >> aishah: good to be with you. "the faulkner focus" is next. >> harris: we begin with a fox news alert. president biden's border crisis
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has left a family of five children without their mother. police picked up an illegal border crosser with the rape and murder of 37-year-old rachel moren as their investigation continues. i'm harris faulkner and you are in "the faulkner focus." rachel was killed along the popular hiking trail in hartford county, maryland. it happened last summer and it has taken all of this time to get us to where we are now. that's 1800 miles away from the closest point of our southern border. the suspect is from el salvador. he has known gang ties. he illegally crossed the border in february of 2023. he allegedly killed a young woman in his home country and a month later he brutally attacked a 9-year-old girl and her mother in a home invasion. police arrested him for rachel moren's murder over the weekend in tulsa, oklahoma. more than ten months after her body was found.
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the hartford county, maryland sheriff said this. >> he killed a woman in el salvador and why he fled here to come here through our open border. we have such a porous border and he came right through. this is the result. >> harris: congresswoman kat cammack is in "focus." let's go to david spunt with more on the story. >> police never gave on finding rachel's killer. her family lived in fear the person may attack again. the suspect killed that woman in his home country of el salvador before crossing our border illegally early last year. she was just 37 years old. a mother of five and last august she was found dead along the popular running trail in bel air, maryland about 30 miles northeast of baltimore on the way to the delaware border. police say she was raped and killed. body left for others to find it.
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this was last august. authorities on friday in tulsa, oklahoma arrested this man, victor hernandez just 23 years old charged with her rape and murder and fox news is told that before he illegally crossed the border he killed a woman in his home country before escaping here. police got a dna match from a home invasion in los angeles, california. look at the ring video in march of 2023 where several people including a young child were assaulted. the suspect disappeared. police are saying he is the suspect and here is the victim's mother. >> when things seemed really bleak and hopeless, the lead detective said to me, he said patience will win in the end. and that's what they've been doing. they have been diligently working very hard. >> the suspect expected to face extradition from oklahoma to
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maryland to face charges could take several weeks. if convicted he will spend the rest of his life in jail. the white house has yet to comment on this. it is becoming very political based on what happened at the border. we haven't heard anything yet. press secretary karine jean-pierre will be briefing at 2:00 today and i suspect this will come up. >> harris: i wish you were in that room with the details that you have to put at her binder for her to look through and try to find a way to get out of answering any questions. they do owe us some answers now. he just took action at the border. i want to know how anything this president is doing is making any difference. thank you. as david alluded to, this is not the only case like this. at least six other illegal immigrants are charged in violent crimes since february. also that month, i should mention, was the month that man
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was charged for the murder of laken riley. also in february an illegal immigrant was charged with killing a 2-year-old in maryland. in may another one arrested for the kidnapping and rape of a child. kat cammack. you have law enforcement support in your own home. your husband is a swat emt and shared on this program you are focused not just on crime in general but this particular kind of crime that maybe could be prevented if we weren't letting so many people in and not able to vet them. >> absolutely, harris. your heart just breaks for rachel's family. you heard her mom just now talking about this case and i would venture to say that not only was this entirely preventable, it never should have happened in the first place, but this illegal, this criminal, he probably is not only just a serial predator but possibly a serial killer linked
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to crimes around the country and we have seen where he has left a trail of destruction in his wake. he is not the only one. i had some communication with the hartford sheriff's office today talking about this case and the sheriff and his team are doing a remarkable job. but we agree on a couple of things. one, this president, president biden is not going to up hold the law no matter what the supreme court says. it will take a change in administration before they get serious. this can't be political. every town in america is a border town because of the failures of joe biden. we have republicans and democrats who need to step up to the plate to fix it. but even that being said, it is going to require a change in administration. we have too many americans -- >> harris: you make an excellent point. the president has flouted a u.s. supreme court decision on student loans and laughs about that. check out his social media feed. i don't know how much of it he
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is actually doing himself. the san diego union tribune reports that border crossings and those releases of illegal immigrants remain steady despite the president's executive action. during an eight-day period that began on june 5th this biden signed that action more than 2,700 people were released into the united states. more than half the number of people released in any given week in april. i've read through the report as far as the details that we can get. i want to make this point. when they say non-document docket, those migrants, they talk about them as migrants are made up of two groups of people. those who cross the border illegally or as we call them criminals and those released into the u.s. pending their immigration cases. future court date, also including illegal immigrants who have been ordered to leave and have not. that number, the total number
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for fiscal year 2024, it is not over yet, 7,400,000, congresswoman. >> man, harris, this just makes me blood boil because when you think about what this administration has done in the span of four years to undo not just the trump executive orders and all our border security initiatives to keep the country safe and uphold legal immigration they are destroying communities around the country. i spoke to border patrol agents and checking in with them in the wake of this biden executive order that was really just designed to give top cover for political reasons. you know what they told me? they said it has gotten worse. biden's executive order made the situation at the border worse. why? because now everyone is rushing to the border even more so than before because they feel that
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they are going to be capped out. so it is putting more of a burden on those states like new mexico, arizona, california. texas, thanks to the good work of the men and women there and governor abbott have effectively been able to shut it down. for those other states that have liberal leadership and don't care about the border situation the way texas does, they have created a crisis. under mayorkas leadership, we have no buses, the planes need to deport and get people back to their countries aren't there. manpower and resources aren't there and they have taken more beds out of ice's control. so you have the situation, you have no way to actually enforce what is in this e.o. they have made it worse. it all goes back to them trying to give top cover for electoral purposes. as a result, americans are dying and communities are less safe. >> harris: those communities feeling the pressure are the
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communities of color that the president says he needs and can't win without and the very people now giving the former president donald trump not just a look, but being welcomed into their community when he shows up. the biden administration is working on a parole in place. i can't get to wait to get your thoughts on that. policy that would legal status for hundreds of thousands of people living in the united states without documentation. 7,400,000 of them. many of them have been here for years. they expect that number to grow to 8 million by the end of the year. two points here, congresswoman, that you just pointed out. it is getting worse. that number won't get better, it will get worse the more action he takes? parole in place would lead me to believe that somebody has to keep up with these people. how do we keep up with people we don't know where they are.
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>> that's the million dollar question. you talk to anyone in dhs and anyone who has the courage to come forward, they will tell you point blank there are millions of people that they know are here in the country, they don't know where they are in the country but they know they have derogatory information from their home country that would make them ineligible to be here. talking sex predators, talking gang members, violent criminals, terrorists, people who have ties to terrorist networks. this is not just hundred of thousands, we are talking millions and its is not a question if but when the next terrorist attack happens. communities of color are feeling the pain of the open border crisis. president trump was in detroit opened with welcome arms in one of the black churches and they had a very open and honest dialogue what it will take to get everyone going in this
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economy and it will take a change in leadership. biden could never do that and why trump is winning on so many fronts in so many different communities. i think what we'll see a quickly a complete security of the border but a plan to find and deport these criminals out of the country that absolutely have derogatory information on their file. they don't need a pathway to citizenship and the biden administration they'll vote. >> harris: on the list today is what it would look like getting into the white house, retaining majority in the house and gaining it in the senate and what those priorities are at a meeting today at mar-a-lago with trump and the speaker. thank you for breaking this down with me today. these numbers are really disturbing and popping. appreciate your time.
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>> appreciate you, harris, have a good week. >> harris: the stars turned out to raise big money for the biden campaign over the weekend. the glitzy hollywood event raised big questions about is he okay? his acuity. "fox & friends" co-host brian kilmeade with simulcast with me. he has his radio show on now. we'll bring both audiences together. israel faces the possibility of war with another enemy, with even more dangerous potential than hamas. republicans are blaming biden's weak leadership. stay close. with so many choices on there are so many tina feys i could be. so i hired body doubles. mountain climbing tina at a cabin.
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>> harris: tens of millions of people are bracing for
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potentially record breaking heat this week. it could be dangerous. new york governor kathy hochul is deploying 450 national guardsmen and women to provide additional assistance across her state. senior meteorologists janice dean with the details on this. janice. >> we're outside right now, harris, on the plaza will temperatures about sore into 90 dgs starting tomorrow. let's take a look at weather 17 and the temperatures right now across the nation. really the 2/three of the country where we have that dome of high pressure setting up. that's where we'll see and feel the soaring heat. there are the potential record highs. 93 for syracuse, new york. lansing michigan, 94, chicago 93. heat alerts today. you have a widespread area of excessive heat watches and warnings set up for parts of
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michigan toward indiana and ohio. so temperatures are going to be in the 80 to 90 degree range but the humidity will make it dangerous. the heat risk for the east today. you have major and you have extreme heat. again that's the temperature combined with the humidity and there is the setup. not only today but through the work week and that's why we've got officials telling people what they will do. cooling stations set up and open the pools and let the kids out early more than likely throughout the work week depending on when you get off school. bottom line this is early for this and will last at least five days for millions of folks. we'll continue to keep you up to date. not too hot just yet but it is coming, i can tell you that. over to you. >> harris: i'm glad you explained that. 84 degrees is the forecast high for much of the northeast today. you say it is early and going to get warmer. thank you very much.
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brian kilmeade is about to simulcast with me on a $30 million haul from a single biden event that's being eclipsed by concerns about the president's fitness for office. one foreign delegate at the g7 that he is the worst he has ever been. during last week's summit he wandered off during a skydiving demonstration, skipped a dinner. look at the prime minister for italy. she goes and gets him. it's one thing to wander off. turn around, mr. president, this is the guy who landed from the sky. okay, let me put my sunglasses on. miranda devine is warning republicans in her column. don't fall for joe biden's nice old man act. he is just lowering expectations. that strategy risks engendering
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sympathy for a man deserves none and lets him off the hook for all the damage he has wrought on this country. he might act like an incompetent and walk like a robot. the president has the uncanny ability to exceed all expectations when it counts politically. miranda devine the in her op-ed. this clip from saturday's hollywood fundraiser. ♪ >> harris: fox news chief political analyst brit hume has a take on what you watched. biden is senile and decrepit but not sure obama needed to lead him away. biden absorbed the applause for
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a bit. when obama reached out and grabbed his wrist. i bet white house staff is annoyed with obama. the white house did say biden simply paused to take in the applause. brian kilmeade host of "fox & friends" and the radio show happening right now with his listeners joining us and host of one nation with brian kell mead on saturday nights. if you aren't trying to help the president in that moment. >> i think he is trying to help him. my gut tells me obama knows his way on a stage. i don't care where he is at a church where he has to sing after the death of a shooting in south carolina. nobody can say that he does not have stage presence and great instincts. he looked over and he said we have to go. and that was it. it wasn't because there was too much applause. same look we had five days prior at the white house lawn. he doesn't -- you watched him
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put those sunglasses on and people at home if you are listening on the radio he was very slow. i'm thinking to myself will he get it to his head and get the wrap around around his ears? those anonymous sources among world leaders have to be wondering is america as weak as their president looks? >> harris: i do want to ask this, though. why isn't everybody on the same page? if the white house comes out and says it is one thing but probably the most popular president currently, barack obama, is trying to do something different and help the guy out, well, why aren't they all on the same page? >> one thing about this white house they miss a lot. one thing they try to do is not put him out too much doing anything. it always seems to be a problem. now they don't let him answer shouted questions and gets mad at the press for asking more than two questions. the horrible topic called gaza
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that might be the number one topic in the world he didn't like. now you have a white house not on the same page as the former president. people come up to me and say barack obama is running the white house i say i don't think so. i don't think the biden people like the obama people. you look at axelrod. he calls it as he sees it. he has no problem saying joe biden has to stop talking about the economy. he has to get clear on miss messaging. his campaign is in trouble. you don't do that if you have that mutual respect. let's say cheney and bush camp had. >> harris: or you sit quiet. over the weekend a liberal media panel mocked trump. >> this was a great week for the president. he is having his back-to-back weeks both the national stage and domestically. >> the president is playing
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chess and the former president is playing hungry hungry hippo. >> he is playing uno and somebody keeps telling him draw four. [laughter] >> harris: symone sanders, none of it is good if you are the sitting president. that's unfriendly for biden. >> they said the former president has been off and the current president has been on, really? the president had a horrible week. i don't think steel can believe when he said that president biden has been on? he arrives -- arrives at the g7 and sleeps a day and blows off a dinner. this is where you use your friendship to get knowledge on the economy, military, what's going on with putin. not if you go to sleep. so how could that look good? how could you say he did well? then when zelenskyy says i need
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you to stick around to switzerland or a way forward with a peace summit with russia he says sorry, jimmy kimmel has a gig for me and george clooney will be there and i need to show up there and he sends the vice president instead of sitting with ukraine while the former president sits in detroit in an all black church. >> harris: 100%. when i say symone sanders has the win there she is trying to point to something that is equal to what we're seeing on the stage with joe biden. she can't so she just draws out all of the board games and they start to joke about all the things. that actually helps trump because what it is saying is you don't have a game plan to replace the guy who has put you in such trouble now. a quick word about ukraine. by sending kamala harris she said what looked to be the quiet part out loud talking about the peace if you look at her comments. that's not something that biden is doing at all. he is putting all the pressure
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on israel. find peace. you know, take a win with hamas. it is interesting where they are going. i'll let you get back in your audience. appreciate the simulcasting. >> brian:, same to you. >> harris: a russian court has set the trial date for reporter evan gershkovitch. he was working for the "wall street journal" when russian officials arrested him and put him in prison. trial begins next wednesday, june 26th accused of espionage. russia says he collected secret effort for the c.i.a. evan and the "wall street journal" denies that and the united states says he has been wrongfully detained. evan gershkovitch is one of several americans detained inside russia raising new fears the kremlin is looking to use u.s. citizens as bargain chips.
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anticipation is growing over who president trump will tap to be number two on the republican ticket. the name rising to the top of one person, plus polar opposite weekends for the men at the top of the ticket. >> democrats are now not the party of working men and women as they used to be, but as the party of elites in coastal cities east and west. >> harris: president biden raking in millions at a hollywood fundraiser. president trump spent time in an inner city black church. they welcomed him in and said thank you, mr. president, for coming to the hood. power panel next.
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terms of the rights of individuals. >> could this be the scariest part of all of it? >> president biden: i think it is one of the scariest parts of it. >> harris: if you look at this past weekend, no wonder former president trump understands americans on the economy and illegal immigration pressures in every state. he is meeting with them. trump was in the inner city over the weekend. biden was at a glitzy star studded hollywood fundraiser raising more than $30 million. trump was in detroit, michigan, a swing state where they are tied right now. courting black voters. voters that biden is losing in droves. and trump was laying out economic plans to cut what he called costly biden-era regulations. he got a warm welcome from the pastor of the church. >> i am so humbled that you would be here. president obama never came to the hood, so to speak, right?
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president joe biden went to the big naacp dinner but never came to the hood. so thank you. >> harris: it was a stark difference from biden's date with hollywood elites. republican senator ted cruz with this. >> the old conventional wisdom used to be that republicans are the party of the rich and democrats are the party of the poor and the working class. that has been turned on its head. today democrats are the party of rich coast ali -- coast ali leitz. >> hollywood and some of the stars of the democratic party gathering in last to raise money for president biden and tear down his opponent. the biden campaign says it raised about $30 million in this event where jimmy kimmel moderated a discussion with biden and former president barack obama.
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democrats are focusing more on former president donald trump's convictions in new york. in that discussion obama said we have the spectacle of the nominee of one of the two major parties sitting in court convicted of a jury of his peers on 34 counts. his organization being prosecuted for not paying taxes, set aside all the other stuff, he says. this weekend's fundraiser featuring several stars top the $25 million fundraiser in march in new york. biden is contending with trump's rapidly improving fundraising. in april he pulled in more than $50 million at a dinner in palm beach trying to build on the progress with black male voters in detroit. >> michigan was better off with trump by a lot.
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you were doing great. companies were moving back and the car companies weren't moving out and you weren't under a mandate to build all electric cars, which will all be made in china. >> in that speech trump also focused on limiting immigration and his opponent, president biden's involvement then in 1994 as a senator in passing the 1994 crime bill. >> harris: doug collins and brad howard, gentlemen, great to see you. doug, i will come to you first. compare and contrast the two men in the last 72 hours. >> well, i think comparing showing one playing to frankly his base, the ones who won't push back and fund this campaign who don't -- who are liberals in hollywood that frankly are not in contact with american street values as far as what people are feeling right now in everyday
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not millionaires and you have donald trump at an african-american church speaking and as i've heard many reports today. the thing that consistently came out from those in the meeting and listening to him was he listened. they felt like he was trying to understand where they were coming from not there simply to get votes. he was but to say how can we include you in this mix and he has been saying that ever since he first ran for president back in 2015. i think there is very much of a stark contrast here. i don't think -- i disagree with ted cruz, i think people are coming home to conservative values meaning there is more jobs for everyone and everybody has an opportunity and not dividing as we see the current democratic party to seemingly do. >> harris: what's interesting trump can do both. i was before biden was out in california raising millions of dollars. every time biden calls him a convicted felon, the reason raises itself basically. he can also meet with people of
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color and pick up the areas where biden is falling. what does biden do? >> let's be clear, biden has been with the black community for decades. >> harris: it is not helping them now. let's stay on point. >> he has credibility with the black community. >> harris: some black folk can't speak for all black folk. you have to get the vote. for the first time in history it may not be taken for granted. >> correct. >> harris: particularly the crisis at the border. >> president biden and kamala harris have been leaders and involved in the black community for decades and results for the black community and new poll out in may 62% of black americans approve of the job performance of joe biden. so i highly -- i think this is a
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last-minute superficial attempt to develop inroads. >> harris: the former president has been going to the black community. we'll move on. we should know in a month who former president trump will choose to run as his vice president and fox obtained that short list of eight names. senator marco rubio, we're told now, has some stock reportedly on the rise with him. people are singling out his name. a strategist told the hill i happen to think he is the candidate the biden campaign fears the most. it could be hugely helpful to the hispanic vote. j.d. vance was on the short list as well and a top gop strategist says about him he could be effective in working class
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democrats in ohio, michigan and wisconsin. vance was in "focus" with me friday. >> the most important thing here is to recognize we have a very popular agenda. more importantly we have an agenda in the republican party that is good for the country that can redeliver peace and prosperity. i don't use the vice presidency or senate to advance your personal ambition, use it to advance the good of the country and what i would like to see in a vice president. there are a lot of people on the list who could do that job. >> harris: brad, who do democrats likely fear most as a vp candidate? >> if i were adviseing trump, a number of factors to consider as most political experts would. it would be qualifications for the job. adding electoral map that is helpful. rubio speaks to the hispanic community from the state of florida and political chops. but trump has said the most important quality to him is
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loyalty to trump. not to the constitution, not to voters but to trump. so i think voters have to keep that in mind. we'll see who he picks and see the calculation there. it's telling his former vice president mike pence has refused to endorse him this cycle. emblematic of the trump will have bringing together his base. >> i think it's going to be harder for florida to do some electoral issues. anybody will be conservative and put america first agenda forward. i don't think the donald trump will have the problem with a v.p. candidate. the problem the democratic party has is the v.p. candidate. they can't get rid of joe because they can't put her up for re-election. >> harris: neither one of them are in a positive territory in any of the polling when you take a look at the averages. they are both pretty low kamala
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harris and joe biden. one says the united states is facing a high level for a terror attack. where the attacks are coming from and whether america is prepared. israel is facing the potential or a war with something more powerful than hamas. what it could mean for the middle east and u.s. lieutenant colonel daniel davis will get into it with me in "focus" next. he's a brand new dog, all in less than a year. when people switch their dog's food from kibble to the farmer's dog, they often say that it feels like magic. but there's no magic involved. (dog bark) it's simply fresh meat and vegetables, with all the nutrients dogs need— instead of dried pellets. just food made for the health of dogs. delivered in packs portioned for your dog. it's amazing what real food can do.
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>> harris: this is breaking news now. president biden's department of education has announced the university of michigan and the city university of new york did not adequately investigate anti-israel protesting on their campuses. now as you remember these are the first two completed investigations by the department of education into that explosion of anti-israel and jewish hate on campuses nationwide that rocked us and continues to. school is out but we're still seeing the jewish hate on streets. the department launched investigations into dozens of other schools which saw encampments and arrests and
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violence. more investigations are expected to be resolved in the coming weeks. we wanted to let you know about these two schools. >> we are sitting in resistance as a community. >> president biden you are weak. [chanting] >> harris: speaking of protests this was outside the fundraiser in los angeles over the weekend. anti-israel protestors lining up by the hundreds demanding biden stop, quote, funding genocide. of course, they are talking about the israel/hamas war. they call him genocide joe. you know that. you've seen the signs. meanwhile, israel could be facing a second war with a different iran-backed terror organization. this one is hezbollah in lebanon to the north. the group has been ramping up missile and drone attacks and the israeli defense force have a
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warning. >> hezbollah is increasing aggression is bringing us to the brink of what could be a wider escalation, one that could have devastating consequences for lebanon and the entire region. israel has a duty to defend the people of israel. we will fulfill that duty at all costs. >> harris: about those costs, here is what a former idf spokesperson says about just how dangerous hezbollah is. he calls it the crown jewel in the iranian empire of terror and evil and is by far the most powerful iranian proxy equipped with nation state capability and more fire power than several european militaries have today. in the military comparison hezbollah is far more powerful than hamas, a side-by-side comparison hezbollah has an estimated 100,000 fighters. hamas has a little bit more than
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12,000. fire power, hezbollah with 150,000 assorted rockets and missiles. hamas one fifth of that number. danny davis, what are your concerns about a wider war between hezbollah and israel? >> my biggest concern is israel might bite of more than can it chew. eight months of combat operations in gaza and as i talked about on your show before the military capacity of hamas, even though it is significantly degraded from what it was, remains high because of a lot of the collateral damage caused by israel and civilians they killed created more enemies for them. benjamin netanyahu has his country on a course that won't succeed. if they go into hezbollah, they
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are designed for defense, not offense. it would be extremely difficult for the idf to go into hezbollah. it won't be easy if anybody thinks it would be. >> harris: hezbollah is firing on israel and a dual problem. also of recent days firing on israel. so what does it do sandwiched in the middle? >> they've been going back and forth. both sides have. israel when the explosion of 200 rockets last wednesday came after israel and assassinated a hezbollah general somewhere in the northern part of lebanon, so it was a retaliation for that. they've been going back and forth from the beginning and hezbollah has said from the outset that they will stop if the war in gaza stops. they are directly connected. so if one finishes the other one can presumably finish. >> harris: where iran comes into play. those are both, you know, fully funded and driven by iran. let's not get it twisted.
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we know that about hamas and hezbollah. you are saying hezbollah is going to look and say look, if you stop hitting at hamas, then we'll stop hitting at you. i don't know that you can trust anybody in this scenario, though. hamas raped and killed and tortured. >> you don't have to worry about -- hezbollah does not want to go to war with israel because they are not as powerful as israel. if they go to a fight it will be devastating for devastating as well. they want to keep their presence. they could extract a heavy toll on the idf. i don't know if the idf could win given the preparation that hezbollah has made. >> harris: you get worried the united states gets involved. >> absolutely. i'm worried about that from day one that it could escalate and go beyond the borders. a lot of people in the u.s. who said if the war expands into
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hezbollah into lebanon we should get involved. i absolutely categorically disagree with that. israel can handle it and handle themselves even if i think they shouldn't do it, we definitely should not get involved no matter what happens with that. >> harris: it is hard to believe our focus isn't on ukraine and russia and pushing for a cease-fire as much as they have been against israel to push for a cease-fire and now reports that the president of the united states would consider talking with hamas and keeping israel out of those conversations to bring on a cease-fire. we are in a stuck, confusing place with foreign policy under the current president for sure on this. >> i will tell you the administration has no plan and no strategy in either one of those wars. it is stumbling along and causing both to continue on. it is terrible. >> harris: thank you, colonel davis, appreciate your time and expertise.
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