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tv   Hannity  FOX News  June 17, 2024 11:00pm-12:00am PDT

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spice wooden tail, great burgerey burges. >> let's hope schumer's not eating uncle buzzy burgers. yeah. >> john from medford, oregon,s o who finishes their hotdogs before starting the burgers. g i didn'tyou puthinrertin understand. don't you put your burgers and your dogs on at the samet . they cook about the same length. how are the dogs done? and the burgers are still gray. we need a full investigation? >> leon from grand rapids, michigan inv . t fakes? are we sure schumer's burgers weren't cheap fix? i'm sure anything chuck's doing. chad frois doingm new york. >> jesse, can you man a grill? i can man a grill. of coursgrill.e i can, man. >> how dare you?sean h sean hannity is up next and always remember, i'm waters, and this is my
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world. >> and welcome to hannity. and tonight another american isd and murdered because of joe biden's borderbecaus. led a maryland mom of five killedla along a popular hiking trail and an illegal immigrant is charged with and this is not the first womani he's allegedly killed. ah have a full report straight ahead. also tonight, the cheap shotead. s against the wnba as caitlin clark continuee wnba with a blo. to her head last night. and chuck schumer. yek schumes, senate majority ler can't even cook a burger on, a grill. he's a real man of the people. plus, a so-called data guru from fake news. cnn was left absolutely yet speechless because of yet another new polll showing f record support for donald trump among africadonaldn. he we see the same thing among hispanic americans and young people. spanic acans andwe're going to p coming up. but it is no surpris e donaldin trump is making gains mith minority voters working
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people across the country. the democrats are in a full fledgepeoplee countrd panic. just listen to james carville daily. here is what one pastoreekend in detroit over the weekend told donald trump. >> take a listen. president trump, so humble that you'm st yo be here.ama ne president obama never came to the hood. sove to to speak. right. president joe biden, he went but to the big acp dinner, but he never came to the hoodr ca. so thank you. thank you. thank you, pastor. thank you.ur my. >> now, joe biden, he wasn't. he wetroit weekend. no, he was far, far away los in lausanne jenna ellis raising millions of dollars in the southland at an exclusive star studded fundraiser. let's see. barack obama. orge idiots like george clooney, maybe one of the dumbest actors ever maybe o. your and look at your screen. here he is yucking it up s with julia roberts. oh, and left us barbra
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streisand, other hollywood elites. as you can imagine, people at least affectedfected by crime of biden, inflation, biden, biden's border crisis,s they're the ones that seem to like joey the most. but there a glaring problem that even biden's biggest apologists can nhao ignore that the president of the united states isthat the a experiencing a serious mental decline. they're trying to deny mental it. i'll explain. every day it gets worse. you can see it with your own w eyes. te now enter a new word fromrd the leftist media mob, courtesyr of the biden white house. they kind of work in sync togetherd sing t. cheap fake videos. keep that in your head if you dare to show mumbling, bumbling, stumbling, fumbling, shuffling and dazed and confused joe. sh's simply not true what your eyes are showing you. like the border invasionow, the borders closed, and the border is is secure. hunters laptop. that's russian disinformation.
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and at the very end, that very elitist, star studded fundraiser i in california. former president obama seems sob worrieama d that biden might be able to kind of make his way stkeoff stage. obama gently beat. he pulled joe by the hane pullds very cute. it was a loving moment. put his arm around him, guided him to the exit. piers morgan put it quote,t the obama biden arm grab wasn't just a senior momentma. t wa it was the moment that everyone realized that the president'nts not fit for office. piers, with all due respect, we've known that a long time. ws but of course, this wasn't the first problematic incidentfs in recent weeks. remember last week biden was filmedweek aimlessly wandering y from the group of g7 leaders. gronobody else moved to go in e other direction, just joe,e mi before italy's prime minister gently guided him back into the foldk . according to one report, biden's condition literally shockecond d allies at the g7 theting and inside sources
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are saying that biden was, quote, the worst he has ever been. they calle thed behavior embarrassing. biden even mysteriously whiter h decided not to go to a dinnerr with the other g7 leaderleadersa days earlier. you might recallt at the juneee 18 celebration at the white house, biden was just like the s for like a full minute and look very confusel minud before gettg tapped on the shoulder. now, this followed a wall street journal. report featuring democrats and republicans who are stating the obviousg th that biden is showing major signs of slipping. so house toe white respond to this? they'll do what they always do. the border is secureill do a ane borders closed. right. inflation is transitor?y. another lie i never once talkedo to hunter or my brother ort thei anybody for that matter, about their foreign business deals. thness dthey are now trying to m that the very real videoatsha you are seeing don't exist or
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that they were doctore ord or o that they're artificial intelligence or some kind of deeme p or taken out of context. now there's lying, as usual. these are real videos played in context. but according to karine jean-pierre, you justu can't believe you're lying eyes. >> you can take a lookre. >> i think you all have called this the cheap fakes video, and that's>> you what they are.a they are cheap fakes video. they are done in bad faithre b. that was definitely a cheap. it factthis was widely checked. that video was wildly fact checked, including by conservative media on what happenedd what happened that wht occurred. the president walked over to give a thumbs up to divers who had just landed right in front of him former president obama and melania there to be physically. put hands on the president to guide him. and sean gibbs, the stageir directions. are they doing that on their own or has anybody asked them to ruwn them ton the show?
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first of all, when we spoke to the most recentrecent president obama, president biden have a relationship. a, they are friends. t they're like family to each other. and i think that's what yoother. u saw. you saw the president put his hand behinhand od on the bak >> sf president biden and they walked off the stage. >> yeah. they're such good. obama once said famously about joe. never underestimate his ability to f things up. let's be clear. cheap fake videohings. air deepfakes did not make mak joe biden say that uncle beau's he was eaten by cannibals. cheap fake videos did not make biden say that we are in doubt by though. you know the thing by thes di thing. cheap fake videos did not generate the her repord notha that said biden had serious memory issues didn't even knowea was vice president in 2009. videos didn't make joe fall up the stairs again
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and again and again or on stage as it's happened. it didn' onstage at him fall oft and not know whether or not o to exit stage left or stage right, which happens all the t which timetime, or when he shr with error like this, you know ,cheap fake videos didn't do that. cheap fake videos did nothat. t secur have biden lie about border security, saying the borders closedsaying tis and secure andt inflation was transitory. chead thatp fake videos did notm generate the story of him looking at his watchoking atierd as american soldiers bodies were flown home afte flownr idic horrific afghanistan withdrawale and cheap fake videos did not make joe lie about hunter's laptopaptoe and lie about meetingth with hunter's business partnersy and being way more involved than he ever indicated. cheap fake videoved thans cause biden to mumble and bumble and stumble and make words and p that are incomprehensible over and over again. >> just a quick reminder. take a look at last seen those r
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so long as i say that nine our freedom can be secured wotif, donald trump and a value will lesson don't mess with the work unless you want to get the benefits. >> groundbreaking asian-americans like vera wang and and joan jinggangshan nashua changa co koala. >> donald trump thinks. care is health care is a privilege. barack and i think it's we thina right for people that bad care. is i'll it effective strategy to mobilize children in our subject to pressure isolatednisi punish china. >> now here's the point. ut if they'll lie about something t on tape that the world can seeae ,imagine what else they're lying about. here's the scary part, though. the biden white house seems to issue the most brazen lies about issues that are catastrophic. like the afghanistan withdrawal or the border inflation.
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so it really makes you wonder i just how bad is biden behind the scenes? because in front of a camera, he's really bad. here's yet another example fromg just a few hours ago. >> take a look. than a look you very much for being here for this. well, actually, we are going. i am worried about your mother. hey, are you worried about what ? are you, like, barking? what was that, anyway? so. well, the white house triedhe to claim that the video you saw was a cheap fake video saw. he the only thing fake are thed th hees and the tall tales that biden tells over and over. here's a reminder of some of the somm. the but will they pretend that every embarrassing videeteo of biden is fake? there are too many. will they continue to tell that biden is as sharp as ever bidend the scenes.
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we know that's a lie that joe biden accomplishes more inhour one hour than most americans do in an entire day. do you believe that? and when, if ever, will anyoneae pr the mob, in the media ever get tired of the lies or will biden's pals in the press, they'll just continue to protect their fellow democrat for the next 140 days. 91 days until early voting begins in pennsylvania and only ten days until this all important debate. and, you know is their strategyr to destroy trump at all costs and act like your fairoytrump that that would seem like the real deep fake strategy. wouone last point.n days and in ten days, we're goingin to have a debate. enomenon there's one interesting phenomenon. there has beene has been one nie seembiden didn't seem to to be off, seemed to be alert, seemed to have a lot of energyls ,hyped up, jacked up, joe, as i call them. that was the state of the uniotn . i don't know if it was was red bull. i don't know if it was caffeine pillor caft was or whatever it .
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i would expect fully that in ten days we will see the reemergence of jacked upight joe. let's see if i'm right herenews with reaction. contaews contributor joe conch and fox business host charles payne is with us. >> all righte., joe, you, by the way, i think by far and notre even close are the best media fox ic in the countrbest my cery the best on fox news. i hope you one day get your ow,n show because you certainly deserve it. and you've done a great joservea that deepfake videos is the new term of the day. so my question about deepfake videos is, they really deepfake or is the deepfake the big lieet and the protection racket that the media is for? >> joe bidenhes ? >> i want to go with the latter on that one. if b is the answer, yeah.f b if you want to know why most a of the media is as trusteds as gas station sushi, look no
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further than exhibit 147,000 this week. right to your point, we see video after video, unedited, mind you, nothing fake or cheapp about these videos. no jump cuts whatsoeveno jumr. n they're played in full. weem could all see them of a president like we saw in california having to be led off by his former bosshavin he freezes up like, you know, i just watched this with my kidswatche, the ten man withoutl from the wizard of oz or w a president in italyithout looke a four year old wandering off to chase balloons at the boardwalk and walking away from all these other leaders who didn't fee l also to walkso t off or freezes up like o you're watching the the madam two so version of joe biden at that juneteenth ceremony whereia again nothing was edited about it. eduthe froze literally for 20 ts 25 seconds while everybody else is dancing arounsed him. look at that video right there. you tell me what is manipulatede about that in any way, shape or form. and you have people in this industry saying, no, what you just saw isn't real, just like inflatiooureallyn isn't real ane
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economy is actually great. you just don't know better. yo know , if i got to hear one more time about behind closed doors, bidebiden is actually a rocket scientist with the energy of a 16-year-old. we hear that froy m democratsd r and other so-called journalists. it's telling people, rainena it'sy went, bears don't really themselves in the woods. they say no, biden away fromro cameras. he's actually explaining how the flux capacitor works or he's mappingm ca out ukrainian warr strate strategy like he's another norman schwarzkopfe he's. but then once he gets out in public, you see this completely different person. so this is whyompletentrson theu distrusted. they're begging us to ignore what we're all seeins towhat wg and hearing, but it's falling on deaf ears. sean, at least among those who are saying, tho sober and e eyesight and hearing. and this is why donald trump poll s continue to improve while joe biden continues to regress. . you can't lie about this stuff. what we're all seeing and that is a perso an drasticallye, in decline, particularly over the last couple of weeks at this pointicularlt. >> you know, charles, i call it the blue checkmark. you know media cult that all talk to each other, but they're in cahootsha with the democratsr
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we know that theaty they didn'te want to they didn't want to tell the american people the truth about hunter's laptop in thet leading we know that there was no evidence for these 51 former intel officials they'd ever examined hunter's laptop. they had no knowledge whatsoever. they had n wanted biden tot to be trump. and, you know, you got to wonde r what point, you know, are they just going to sell their soul and just, you know,er allow the country to pick somebody that's clearl picy notp to the job? >> is that their goal here? >> they've already done it. to your point, it feels like they a conference call because you know what the quote unquote, experts are saying with the quote unquote, people who are asking the questions are saying they're always the same. the answers are always the same. it's amazing. and then i'll have a worthey wid of the day or phrase of the day. and, you know, it's really amazing to pick up on whatly amg joe saying it's not working. >> it's fading quickly. >> their influence is fading so quickly. i got to tell you, over d on social media,
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i saw so many people post, you know, the latest freeze up and they were making commentar y about it. these are ordinary folks who are saying, listen, no one's no one's fooled. in fact, all you do is add insult to injury when the immediate tells people or even laughs or scoffs at people for not feeling good about themselvesr , they? oh well, how dumb are they? they don't realize this. ealizethe best it's ever been fr american households. you know, on friday, we had a sentimenhouseht number, consur sentiment number. it was an unmitigated disasteret . >> an unmitigated disaster. and free for all was free falling. are democrato iss are democrats who are saying, i feel rotten right now. the economy feel saying s rotteg right now. so now people are not buying it. caho pretty clear that they're in cahoots, for lack of a better word. lac abut at this point, it's bd insulting, though they really are nuts and they've got a foul deal. we know they're going to cheerlead president biden their attempt to cheerleading back into the office. prd.but you know, i was watching the last couple of weeks and i'm thinking about peter seller intoffices
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being there, you know, but even peter sellerpeter ses, the cand, right? i mean, really, a few times it was peter sellers. and being there and it's justmag amazing how someone predicted back then that a certain a handful of people could get anyone elected if they think so. and i thint an ek that still that thought still prevails amongst the elites in washingto- thatn. >> all right. charles payne, thank you. joe concha, thank. first now, the very firstdebate presidential debat ie is just. ten days away. rules have been set, but what can we expect from the candidatess havet buan, thes like fake jake and fake dana bash? will they even to be fair, no. b will joe be jacked up when yep he makes his return? my prediction prediction is yep . here now with reaction, rnc co-chair lara trump is with us.o i did see good news in terms of the work you've been doing,rk 100,000 volunteers, 500 lawyers. you're going into every everyrit precinct, every district. mak and you're going to make sure
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that the laws and the rules folo of states are followed. also, you're following uwi up ot you know, banking your vote, voting early, voting by mailg eg and legal ballot harvesting. >> how are those efforts? thinse eyeah, well, listen, thie most important thing. >> id ist is our number one focs and priority right now at the rnc. we've always said have to focusn is we have to get out the vote and we have the candidate to do that. and it's donald trump. we know he continues to inspire more and more people everyump.uv sean to do >> and then we have to protecttt that vote and that's what we're focused on. so as you just said, w you sege have pledged to have 100,000er volunteers all across this acy in the most important locations. we want lawyers all across this country. o by the way, if anyone wants to be part of this team, protect the vote. eaed is where you go becae nothing could be more important. >> look, we can never repeat 20, 20 ever again. and while we can't go back right now, sean and litigate that election we can use whattwe we learned there and apply it to this one. thate want to have a fre one.e
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and transparent election. >> that's exactly what we're focused on. and that's awe'ronn exactly whae intend to do. and it's going very well. thannd k. >> all right. so we know that fake jake tapper is is not a donaldal trump supporter. he's been pretty transparent about it. he's a liberal talk show host. the same with dana bash. reside it's going to be three on one.nt but you're the former. you took on the challenge. i don't think you'll regret it . however, the joe biden that we're talking about tonight, i don'the jot think will be thee biden we're going to see on debate night. i think the jo ing toe biden we seee is g on debate night is going to be the guy that we saw at the state of the union that he's going to be all hyped up, you know, hyper caffeinated, whatever it is,70 per it's interesting that 70% of the country does like . e idea of drug testingce i like the idea. they do it to athletes. they do itito athl to horses ine racing. why not do it to presidential candidatesno? i like the idea. 70% of americans apparently agre
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e with however, what do you expect for >> tdebate? >> yeah, well, this is nothing new. of course. the cards have always been stacke nothing new. d against donalde da trump since the day he came down the escalator to announce n who is running for president as a republican. repuy of hisis entiret time in office. right. they fight against him every single day. >> and yet look what he actually accomplished. the more successful donaldtualla trump is, the harder they fight against him. >> and it actually seems to boomeranghian s on him. look at the indictments, four indictments, a mug shot co, 34 felony counts, sean, and that has actually made him stronger. >> the right now for donald trump has gone up this debate, i'm sure, will be no different. they've stacked everything they can to helpever joe biden. i think donald trump looks at this and he says, i'v ae gotn an opportunity here to go face weapace with the guyity here, weaponized his department of justice against me to the guy who iss hif running our couy into the ground. and i want to takend opportunitg even knowing what they are going to throw at him, because i believe when
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the american people can compare these two men on a stage, ther e is no doubt, no matter how hardy they try to help joe biden, donald trio he trump will wha be successful. >> and i believe that's what we will see next weekt . all right, lara trump, great to see you. thank you for being with us. when we come back, breakinth usg tonight, joe biden about to give another massive benefit to illegal immigrants. it should shock you, but i s guess you're usehoult d to by n. guess you're usehoult d to by n. >> we'll tell you what it is straight ahead. it's as i was saying, in the sp navy, the toughest job in the navy, the toughest job in the navy is a navy wife. ht and if you've made the deployments and you've been the deployments and you've been the wife at home oan. the spouse at home, you understand what i'm talking about. your spouse earned the right to apply for a va home loan. to apply for a va home loan. >> you to borrow up to 100% of your home's value. so if you're in a situation where you need newday some help financially, give us a call. >> no one takes care of veterans like new day, usa. >> hi, grandma. i played baseball today. oh, great.
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called the number on your screen call 800 25834943. >> se: >> now the deadly effects of biden's open borders agenda bideg across the country over the weekend. harvard county, maryland sheriff jeffrey geller announced an illegal from elbein salvador is being charged with the and the murder of a mother od with and murf five. and the problem? it's not going away. take a loolek at this.
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earlier today, fox's own bill milligan sharing a videon t of the border in southern california showing a grouplleged of alleged chinese nationals crossing illegally. chinnational year, which started in october of last year. erit's estimated over 30,000 chinese nationals have entered our country illegally on top of the 26,000 just from china alone last year. and according to a new report,o, biden is expected to announce a policy exp waiving penalties r illegal immigrant spouses of u.s. citizens. and meanwhile, california governor gavin newsom, he's under fire for posting this videohe's, ex the platform formerly known as twitter, toutinasr.g the work that he's e on the border. the not so veiled allusionse reo report. and he has one after another. anyway, he's blamingrt? republicans for biden's crisis. >> take a look back down here at the border, tijuana, right behind me. down hereitctor
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with the national guard meeting with customs agenttionals. well, as border patrol talking about our partnerships, 390 national guardsmen and women that have been working particularly. at that's the battle beenworkine at the state of california. look at the bottom line. the end of the daynd, they needs more resources. everybody needs more resources. and the republican party has been consistently standing in the way of providing ntly staaythe resources, the sue the men and women working hard, oft only here at the bordeborde but out throughout the state of california in this country to addressd this the issues related's tim to the border. >> it's time for them to stop playing politics. . >> maybe if it wasn't a sanctuary state, maybe ifyou e you weren't paying for free health care and housinre forg and food and health care for all these illegal immigrants, maybe if you didn't offer all of that, maybe you'd have more money. e us some video was met with widespread backlash tonight and eight illegals with suspected ties to isis were arrested in a multi-cityg operation sting last week. senator linseylast w graham, senator rand paul, they are pressing the dhs and secretary
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mayorkas for answers. here with reaction, south senator linsey graham and hartford county sherif f jeffrey geller. jeffrey, i did notice that your your governor is blaming the broken immigration on donald trump for the death of thifos mother of five and thf and death of this mother of five. this guy came here in 2023. and i'd like to know, how doen you get to that point when the border was never more secure than never when donald trump was president? shannopresn you are 1,000% righ. i mean, i've been in office now ten years. i've gone through from a president to president trump. and the border was never more secure than i mt under president trump. the flow of drugs and the flow d acrossals the southern border in particular, my chief deputyeo and i were down there last year, the same day the vice president was saying the border would secure. wepen ga were looking at open open gates and in what i'd constructed, well, no lighting,
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no no security at all. and of course, they're not gettinreg resources. presid and we have a president who invited so man manyy people to invade, who come to this country. >> then a loo comet of thosed are looking for a better life. and i get that. but a mixed among them are the terrorists and are the persons, sadle terrory the murder of racl morgan here in our county. and one we had another incidenta last year with an illegal immigrant who killed a young lady in this county, much in the same way rachel was killedcounty mucme. just unacceptable. and senato sean: sr, you know, , i'm sorry, but it's joe biden that has blood on his hands heren that. joe biden does. these are his policies, you know, and he'sese ar been le to the country for three years now. they decided to switch gears, w thblame republicans, which ist true, because his idiotic would have allowed 5000 illegals in before they even enforced the border laws. but the question is, i when you look at 30,000 chinese nationals in this fiscal
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year alone, which is not overfrm and 26,000 last year and tens of thousands from from russia, iran, syria, yemen, egypt, afghanis stay in kazakhstan,a. venezuela, and you tell me, are they coming here because they want a better life. are the other chinese nationals buying up thousands of acresarm of farm, ranch, land and land near a military installationranr are they looking for a better life for themselves and their families, senator? orr ts an is it the the worst national security threat in our lifetimeat? >> well, it's the worst? national security threat in our lifetimethe wors. t but let's don't let's don't just pass over what happened to racher whated to ral. a the sheriff is a great mannd and i appreciate his determinatio n to get this. case solved. tht the man who's accused of killinge s accu her n captured three times and released by the biden administrationleasedy th e he came back the fourth time. the man who murderedrdered lincw riley, accused of killing her was released on parole not because of a factor in the law t
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. no space to hold him in el paso, texas. so there's two young women murdered by people that were in our custody that were let go by the biden administration. >> they dot have blood on their hands, and it's about to get worse that they do thi s executive order tomorrow, allowing a million people here illegallllowiny to be paroled an place. it's like pouring gasoline a fire. >> and what about reports that we read over the weekend that, in fact, you know, the mail in ballots and some of thesemail ballots are endingf in the homes of illegal immigrants? >>mean, do we have to worr immiy that. yeah, you got to worry about what? you got to worry about a bunch t people trying to kill us. these eight people frome peop tajikistan were captured,nd released, then vetted. in so here's what they're doing under the biden administration. they catche biden they releasee they poorly. then they let the people go. then they try figure outwe are who they are. we're dodging bullets every day when it come dodgingys terrorisa young women like the two that i just mentioned are dying. n th
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the largest number of deaths for young people in this country. fentanyl, poisoning coming across our southern border from china. they literallya. have blood on their hands. the only criminal running for thly is not donald trump. it is joe biden. what he's doing to this countr s . the border is a crime. people are dying based on his policies a d. hurt, nobody got hurt. nobody lost a penny. based on what happened in nestwn york. but americans are dying by the tens of thousands e dyinens bec. of the policies of joe biden, the victim of joe biden' os criminal activity or the american people. >> you know i'll give you the last word, if you don't mind. >> sheriffd , i am telling you, i'm not i don't have the law enforcement experience that you have. you don't need to be a genius to realizet need g that when yol all of these people coming from our top,l of go political foess with ties to radical islamic terrorisradim, that therethis are terror cells in this country and 911 or worse is coming.
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now, it's not a matter of if.t' to me, it's almost a guarantee. eei hope and pray to god i'm wrong. i don't think i'm wrong. i doi' it overng and over again. and i think the only answer, 53% of hispanic americans want illegal immigrants. 66 62% of americans want illegal immigrants deported. they wanted.t law enforced. >> can that happen? >> but it's up to congress, obviously. and 1600 pennsylvania avenue, as i said in my news conference about, rachel orange killer, who again, we a small just30 30 minutes north of baltimore to havrth e two of these cases where someone we're not unique. this is happenine arg all over the country. you have two of these cases right here that just multiply that across our country. how many people are losing their liveeopl s and certainly, yes, i do believe that you can looke at the fentanyyol problem and te lives that that's costing. but i do believe that we were at threat of something much to o
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bigger and terrorist related because we just failed to do so many elected officials. my oath of office is to protect the citizens her office in harpr county to public safety issue abd everyone in congress to the president of the united states needs to abide by their oath of office and do the same an to protectc the american public. >> now, well said. all right. we appreciate it, sheriff. thanks for the good work you're doing, senator graham. n:i'm looking forward to the dan i have you on and getting able to start being able to say, i warned you, told you this was going to happen. i pray to god that day never. comes. thank you both. when we comethank . >> even fake news. b cnn's stunned. i mean, stunnep'd by trump's growing support among a big part of the democratic base, african-americans, hispanic americans, young people. we've got the tape. newt gingrich reacts straight ahea d. i'm richard card. and i love my house. my hose is lightweight. >> oh, no. my hose will not on and
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listening right over the weekend, formerpaig president donald trump made a campaign stop in detroit asd he'sn detroi got another evt planned soon in philadelphia. this is presidensudelphia.t trug to expand his outreach to traditionally democratic, including african-americans, hispanic americans, and young gr his efforts, they appear to be paying off. here's what happened whe paying n evenreview cnn reviewed some recent polls live on air. takeedntls a look 20 1%. >> and again, john is is keep looking for signs that this is going to go back to normal. and i don' t bact it yet in theh polling, if anything, right now we're careening towardght nos a historic performance for republican presidential candidate, the likes of which we have not seen in sixnde ha decades. i' oh,ve n i just never seen anything like this. >> i'm, like speechless becausmo you always look at history and you go, okay, this is a historic moment. if this pollin g is anywhere near correct, we are looking at a historic moment right now wher ae black voters under
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the age of 50, which have historically been such a big partf 50ich have of theng democratic coalition, in. leaving it in droves >> charlamagne tha god calling out biden an godd democrats over their poor outreach and now barack obama, he's trying to step in and help out. joe telling internet influence his at a fundraiser over the weekend that he needs them to comde e out in favor of bidee don't forget the free beern. and birth control for young people pretty desperate. here with reaction, former house speaker fox news contributor newt gingrich. this poll is pretty staggering. and this is one of many polls. this is no w poll after poll u very consistently. well, we'll look at africap ton american voters first, but careening towards a historic performance among black voters, the likes of which we've, not seen in six decades. >> at this time in 202s,0, donad trump had 7% of the of the african american o vote, and nor he's up to 21%. but here's the worst part fopror
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biden is that if you look at his advantage, biden's advantage over trump among under black voters under 50, that's grea 5att, except he's down 43 points from his 80 point lead among the same demographic at this point in the 2020 campaign. now, i don't think every poll ta could be that off. dot you?amatic because this is dramatic. well, i mean, first of all, i think we shouldn't that black americans are dumb oror insensitive or incapable of learninlearnig. they're looking at grocery store prices. they can't afforre d and they know b it's biden's fault. they're looking at millionidsds of illegal immigrants coming into their neighborhoods, taking their jobs, threatening,t their families with violence. and then joe biden is responsible. you turn around, they knowl th the tools are working. despite all the money we pour into the teachermonepour is uni.
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and they know the democrats are responsible. theythey look at big cities whee democrat after mayor, democrat mayor after democrat mayor is corrupt, incompetent and incapablocrat e serving their interests. so what you're beginning to see is a movement that says, tru know, what have got to lose by trying out donaldum trump? i think he will get a higher vote than any republican in since eisenhower and may in fact, exceed eisenhower becaus ande. the momentum for the next four months, i think, is all going to be in biden hink trump's favor as people talk to each t other, you'll notice. well, while trump is a 21a... and people are saying, boy, that's good, biden has collapseden has d.d the number k democrats and for that matter, latino democrats who are now undecided and, potentially could switch to trumpe are breathtaking and that's whye you're beginning to see places like minneapolis. you knowes
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, i mean, minnesota, the last poll, trump's up for, well, if if he carries minnesota by any margin, he's on the verge of a 1980 ronald reagan blowout. jimmy carter and i don't see practically how the democrats offset realitys. let me ask you, but it's not just african-americans, it's hispanic americans. it is it's young people. i mean are old mutual friend james carville, who i like he's crazy, but i like him. you've debated him, i'm sure, over the yearsebated h i've debm fun guy to hang out with. but he's crazyg ou. but he's not as crazy as the modern, you know, radical izedt. democratic party. and he's trying to bring he'se y back to it.smar they'd be smart to listen to him, but they're not goinistt to. when you look at all of those demographics combined, it seems like allbined, i this election,e down to biden's open, if itow comes down to the economy, stupid, if the comes down to sii
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law and order versus defund, dismantlnee better laws, if it. comes down to america abdicating its rolif ie, the wos stage as the leader of liberty and freedom and surrenderingr oe in the war on terror, like in the case of hamas, i don'tn c see how this election could even be close. i mean, but i gueslo.s it will e . >> i don't know. that will be close. i meanose., first of all, as i'e pointed out on your radiot on show earlier, when the bar when the debate's done next week, whether biden does well or biden does badly, the following day, people to the groceryy st store and his support collapses doaiorn. i don't care how many million dollars biden raises llhis advertising can't overcom the reality of going to the gast station, not being able to afford to buy a house, not being able to findy a good job learning that immigrants nowrics are getting more jobs than thanf
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americans. and all these things fit in and r waybeyond to each otheit i beyond television and way beyond social medithe soa. and the is almost all bad for joe biden. it really is. all right. do you expect jacked up, joe orm regular mumbling, mumbling, fumbling joe at the debate? jo i expect jack done joe. he will he will be aggressivep he'll be jacked up and he'lll go like crazy. and i justgo hope that trump can stay very calm, very reagan like let biden be a fool and just endure it and counterattack. >> i will tell you, it's simple. they're going to go with one strategy to off donalwe havd t. he doesn't have to take the base for sure. all right. doesve th, great to see you. >> oh, happy birthday. it's newt gingrich's birthday. >> when we come back, north dakota governor doug burgum, he joins hannity for the first time as a trump veep, as trump vp speculations trum is swirlin. and caitlin clark again just
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pounded by her wnba rivals. oh, and chuck schumer. epic fail as he tries to prove ' that he's a man of the people and cana ma actually gril and everything. and everything. straight ahead, i try to put net my arm around any vet that i can. >> absolutely. >> absolutely. at new day that's what we're doing. we put our arm around the veterans. the veterans. i think that the veterann for th there that he needs to refi his home, he may want to purchase and we can help them and provide that financial solution for them and their families. >> it's a great rewarding feeling. everybody in the company, akes r they have that deference and that respect and that love for the veteran that makes this company so unique. >> no takes care of veterans like new day, usa. >> hello, i'm former arkansas governor mike huckabee. >> a lot of times you can't control the amount of sleep that you're getting, you can't fall asleep or you're tossing and turning all night. you can't get the sleep.
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and relax. >> ellipse does all the work for you. call now and order ellipse. all right. speculation over donald trump's vp pick continues as we now inch closer to theck rnc and the convention. and one contender is north dakota governor doug burgum, who is quickly gaining momentum. a trump insider, the new york h post. that burgum is somebody who is very smart someb as a lot of moo not interested in public service, to enrich himself . and he understands trump onun b a business levelusines and he'st and a steady hand, but still
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a sharp surrogatilene when needd for trump. here now with his first appearance, by the way, no, north dakotar... governor doug burgum. governor, great to have you. appreciate you being with us. do you want the jo b? f all, >> well, sean, first of all, great to be with you. thanks for havind tog me on and i know there's a ton of interest in this proces a os. that's going on right now about the vp thing. but i think what's clear is aces trump is winning across every demographic can win this whole thing on himselog . i mean, he's winning against hispanics, he's winning with blacks. he's winningith bloc with under. the guy is so strong. but the real thing we oughtidens to be talking about is joe biden's choice for vp, choicausd earlierowe in the show with with joe, with him obviously failingght no right now in front of the world stage in thent national stage. and then he picked four years ago someone who's got no business experience, nos operating experience between biden and harris. they've never created a privateh sector job in their life. and then here we are faciner agt a set of issues that asm
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businessman like trump can really take care of, whichanliku our economy. trump's proven that he can take care of the border, and trump's energy policy is going to change the whole national securitenationaly scens so i think that the, you know,o the focus ought to be on biden's choic s e. make >> and who knows if biden is i a even going to make it to the starting line. let mertin>> sean: go to the beg a little bit. and i'm not trying to bebeing a i'm just trying to betr be persistent in a nice wayingy if asked to be v.p., what wouldd your answe r be? >> well, i think, john, i don'td want to speculate. this w is a decision for president trump and trump alone. he's got a lot of greaa trump ts that he can make. >> said if the if if asked, what would say if you were. t i think, again, i.o i just want to say, you know, again, we think about the private sector in my private sector experience. i mean, these big personnel decisions. i have a lot of trust have af trusgtrump makin that decision. but i think if there's questions about the process, those should q go to the go back to the trump team. my focus right now, i had an
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opportunity to run again as governor for a third term in north dakota, chose notbeca to do that because there's been a governor under president trump. i've been a governor underrnor biden under president trump. it was like a it was like a beautifu al breeze at your back and under joe biden. for our state and natural resources state with acurity big national security footprint, an agriculture, gal it's -- it's like having a gale force twin in your face because right no w we're pushing back on over 30 different biden mandates30 dif. talk about being a dictatorship. this is the this is what'sng happening under biden. they've got one party ideologues creatin u g, rulesg th and mandates that are raising the price of food, raising the pricic food,e of gasoline. we talk about that. every host is on. it starts at the point of production. they're putting rules and regulation and red tape. so an egg stat rered tapee, an energyl state like ours, our oil production is down. iran's up. tion is a i mean, joe biden's energy who policies, i don't know who wrote them. russia, iran, venezuelse a orr, china, one of those four. they're the ones that are benefiting and hurting the american are tre . so as far as as far ase my future right now, the only thingri that we're
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focused on is making sure that president trump wins in novembens in nor. do you think if you look at what the usual criteria is to pick a vp, do no harm? you certainly check that box. you've had a very successful governorship for your great stat for youe. you've done a great job. by every measure, governor, congratulationr.s to you. >> north dakota, however, y yo is not in play demographically. you wouldn't check a box that that people often look to when it comes to choosing a vp. >> any argument the other waany i mean, what would you be looking for? a view of the of running foru wt president right now? >> well, i think president trump has gorute the he's got a golden opportunity, unlike joe biden, who'des saddled with his choicee of four years ago, president trump doesn't need a vp years to win. he can focus on someone who can help him govern and someone who could help him get stuff on d -- done. >> and i think he's got a lot g of great choices to help him dot o that. >> all right, governor, great th see you and love your state ,love the people of your
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state. have been there many times. thank you for being with us. we appreciatanr bein wappreciae. when we come back, chuck schumer roasted his online and, well, embarrassing father's day post. i'll give you my take. and caitlin clark slammed again. >> we have the tape. >> your emblem of devotion. have your engagement ring custom made by the jewelry exchange. choose a one carat lab grown diamond for 599 or a natural gia for 19 9018 came outside for 99. thousands of choices. >> always the best deal. the jewelry exchange, direct a heart attack. >> do they have life insurance? no. but we have life insurance, john. i'm trying to find something we can afford. >> fortunately, in only a few selectquote found john a $500,000 policy for only $29 a month, and his wife and a $500,000 policy for only $21 a month. go to select cocom now and get the insurance your family needs at a price you can afford. >> selectquote we shop,
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>> a lot of storms are forecast in the atlantic and nobody is bigger. nobody is better. we are the weather experts. this could be a storm of epic proportions. this one is hurricane hqicane h all right. so over the weekend, senator chuck schumer apparently gotn: ove to use a gt for the first time in his life, he was rippen hid on social medl for proudly putting cheese on a raw burger in what was a pretty disgusting attempt to mimic. weetty dis the common man. right? anyway, schumer eventually deleted the post the man. for good reason. chuckie is no real man of thd e people. all right. also tonight, speaking of things that are hard to watch.eaking o caitlin clark hostile welcome to the wnba continued yesterdacaitliy when e was the victim of a flagrant foul look heard in the voting last season. clarke hammer the foul believe
12:00 am
two injuries across the head and they will go to the monitor to review this one. yeah, that's the series is being reviewed but up very quickly now reports wnbaa will will lose $50 million this year. you have such a gifted lo player being targeted and a lot of gifted freshmen players this year by far less talented, jealous people that. y simp you know, as an organization. they just simply deserve to fail if they're thalye tot shortsighted. watch caitlin, though. she's going to get rich with endorsements that others cant ri only dream of because of her incredible shootinndorsemeg gif. all right. that's all the time we have left this evening. as alwaye e haves, thank you foo joining us for making this show possible. please set your dvr so you never, ever, eveg asr ever s an episode of hannity. in the meantime, let not your heart be trouble. greg gutfeld standing by to put a smile on your face. have a great t