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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  June 18, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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>> before jury selection in his trial starts on august 20th, he will continue working as a surgeon in dallas while he and his wife await the birth of their first daughter. something that made him emotional after court. >> you know, it's -- it means a lot. but what kind of world is she going to go into if her parents are not going to be willing to stand up for doing what's right? >> federal prosecutors, martha, argue that he illegally accessed patient information before accusing the hospital of lying about performing transgender medicine on kids. according to the indictment he obtained unauthorized hipaa protected information and intentionally contacted a media outlet to grossly mischaracterize texas children hospital medical procedures in order to damage the reputation of the hospital and its physicians and promote his own personal agenda. now texas children's hospital
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has not responded to our request for comment. as for what comes next, the doctor has a motions hearing coming up on july 8th. send it back to you. >> martha: thank you, nate. >> we've got this now. an illegal immigrant out of ecuador in custody in a sickening sex attack accused of assaulting a 13-year-old girl in a new york city park in broad daylight. a lot of information. we still don't know about this. we're taking the story in right now and say hello and begin a new hour now. tough news here. i'm bill hemmer, dana has the week off. welcome to martha. >> martha: i'm martha maccallum. they say the suspect was armed with a machete when he approached a 13-year-old boy and girl and forced them into a secluded area of the park where he tied them together by the wrists and sexually assaulted the girl. this is an absolute nightmare for any parents who want to give
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their children enough freedom to walk around the neighborhood a bit. eric shawn has more in our newsroom. hi, eric. >> hello. it is just horrific. imagine this, two teenagers in a park in broad daylight, girl and boy as you say, 13 years old playing in the park where officials say the crisis at the southern border potentially caused a horrific crime. now they say an illegal immigrant from ecuador is a person of interest suspected potentially of this rape and assault. the police source says this photo shows the man who is shirtless and missing a shoe after people saw him on the street about 1:00 this morning and held him for the cops. the police had released a sketch and photo of the suspect in this case and people thought this is the man so grabbed him and wait i had for police. he is being held in this case in which a 13-year-old the pair had
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a machete pulled on them in the borough of queens in new york city. >> children were forced to follow him into a secluded area of the park. he tied the boys and girls wrists together and sexually assaulted the 13-year-old girl. >> police say after the attack, the suspect took the school mate's cell phones telling them not to move for 20 minutes and he fled. they went back to school and told school authorities and that's when the school called 911. authorities say this man entered the country in 2021 and does have an arrest record. among the charges we're told drinking and subway fare invasion seems to be the latest case of a horrific crime apparently tied to an illegal immigrant. on friday lots of attention after this -- after an alleged gang member was arrested. that suspect from el salvador in the murder of the jogger rachel morin, a mother of five who was snatched and killed as she went
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running in a park outside of baltimore. right now we're waiting for the latest developments from the nypd and plans a news conference in just over two hours from now on this case involving the teenagers just a shocking crime to report to you today. back to you. >> martha: see what more we can learn about that. >> bill: a moving target from the get go you could say. what started the pandemic of the coronavirus? that's the question at the center of a hearing just now getting underway in the senate side pressing medical experts whether the deadly virus leaked from a lab. we talked a member of the world health association. >> doctor fauci was wrong in two regards. the first is that about the epidemiological evidence about the origins of the pandemic. the vast majority of the available evidence leans toward a research-related incident
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origin, a lab accident. >> bill: chad pergram has more from the hill as it gets underway. what do we expect? >> good morning. there was a time when experts dismissed the possibility of a lab leak sparking covid. it was called a fringe theory. what changed? the senate is exploring whether the virus came from the wuhan lab. there are questions for anthony fauci. >> they need to comply with the law and let the american people see what we know about the origins of covid. everybody basically thinks it is a lab leak and the question is why and how? i don't know why the biden people are so sensitive about this. this happened before he came to office. i don't get why they are so super defensive about fauci. >> no appearance by fauci today. he testified before the house committee investigating the start of the pandemic two weeks ago. even fauci will not rule out whether covid-19 came from a
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lab. >> what is conspiracy is the kind of distortions of that particular subject like it was a lab leak and i was parachuted into the c.i.a. like jason bourn and told the c.i.a. they should really not be talking about a lab leak. that's the conspiracy. >> fauci says it is, quote, preposterous he would try to hide what started the pandemic. some major news organization suppressed talk about the lab leak theory even calling it racist. gop kentucky senator rand paul has long been skeptical of the official government line about how the virus began. >> ultimately the buck stops with anthony fauci in charge of the place and has a responsibility not only for the cover-up but letting dangerous research go on that likelihood led to a pandemic that killed millions of people.
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>> not all government agencies agree with how the pandemic began. the department of energy and the f.b.i. believe it started in a lab. most intelligence agencies believe it came from nature. that fuels debate about the science of the pandemic. >> bill: all right, chad. we're watching and listening. thank you for that, chad pergram on the hill. >> you all have called this the cheap fakes video. that's exactly what they are. cheap fakes video. they are done in bad faith. right wing critics of the president have a credibility problem. misinformation and disinformation. how desperate republicans are here. these deepfakes, these manipulated videos, and it is again done in bad faith. >> martha: white house facing widespread backlash after claiming the media is manipulating videos to make the president appear frozen or frail or at times mentally confused. we will show you three specific
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videos from just within the last week that the white house is referring to here. these have not been cropped, they have not been sped up or slowed down or edited in any way. let's go through them one-by-one. ♪ juneteenth celebration at the white house and the president last week standing very still at a white house celebration that is while everybody around him is dancing. here he is, this one from three days later. so something else draws his
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attention, it appears. he wanders away from to other g7 leaders, give a thumbs-up to others who landed in a nearby area. but then the italian prime minister pulls him back to the g7 leaders' group where they are about to hear something from the jumper who then speaks to them and here he is two days after this. ♪ that's the last one. he appeared kind of frozen on the stage. this also got a ton of attention after the star studded fundraiser in california. you can see former president obama taps him on the hand, puts
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his hand over the current president's hand and kind of pulls a little bit. you can see that quite clearly and then he has his hand on his back as the president slowly leaves the stage. gearing him towards the exit area where they are going. the white house i guess wants you to believe that these things are faked, that they are not actually happening. we just played these sections for you in full. bret baier, anchor of special report. good to see you. obviously we're at a very intense moment here in this campaign just five months out. a big debate happening next week and the white house is, i think, making a very concerted effort to try to throw cold water on these things getting attention not just from the media but from regular folks all over social media as well. >> bret: i think this is fascinating. i think it shows the extent to
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which the age issue and really the competency issue for president biden is surfacing in polls, not just in republican critics' corners but independents. they won't go down this very detailed defense saying it is deepfakes or cheap fakes. there was nothing fake about former president obama reaching over to president biden's wrist and tugging him to go. it wasn't fake when the italian prime minister reached out to say hey, come back over here. you could characterize it that if you didn't mention that president biden was turning to the other parachuteer that had landed and gave the thumbs-up and not part of the story, fine, you could say it is not characterizing the full context. as the video itself shows, those people did grab the president. i think the dancing one maybe he doesn't like to dance. it looked like he was frozen there but i think that the explanation by the white house of accusing the video being
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altered is stunning in this moment when it is such a big issue. >> bill: this was the des moines register yesterday. well respected poll has donald trump up an easy 50 to 32. he will win iowa. what surprises me is the 32% number for joe biden. you think about right now in iowa trump was an easy winner in 2020. you know what's up here? that's minnesota and over here, that's wisconsin. you start to think a little bit maybe you get spill over into these other states. we'll see how that goes. this is our current forecast. everything in yellow is a legitimate toss-up state. put your eye on the northern state here, great lakes states. michigan and wisconsin and minnesota. wisconsin is too close to call. minnesota and michigan are lean democrat. it could change. we'll see over the next five months. donald trump will be in
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wisconsin today. going to philadelphia on saturday, too, pennsylvania again one of the states we have in yellow a toss-up state. minnesota in 2020, joe biden an easy winner by seven points. just come back to wisconsin a moment here. want to make this point. in 2016, donald trump beat hillary clinton in wisconsin by 22,700 votes. there was a third party candidate gary johnson on the ticket then who got 106,000 votes. in third party candidate in 2020 and that's when joe biden, by a whopping 20,000 votes out of 3.2 million cast beat donald trump and take the electoral votes there of ten. as you start to put this together and walk over and talk to martha about this. we know this, bret. in wisconsin this year jill stein the presumptive green party candidate will be on the ballot and we think robert kennedy, when he starts getting signatures starting in july, he
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only needs 2,000. so in all likelihood in wisconsin you will get maybe four candidates on the ballot. why is that important? biden has to win wisconsin, period. if he doesn't, that's what cracks the blue wall, bret. >> i totally agree. one of the reasons why the republicans chose milwaukee as the sight for the republican national convention. wisconsin is crucial and most polls have it really tight. a little bit advantage to biden in recent polls. it shifts back and forth depending on the week. you mention minnesota. that has come down to three or four points and the former president is trailing there but it is really within striking distance. there are states like virginia much more in play than they used to be. these -- i think since the conviction, you have seen some softening in independent numbers for the former president. but overall, if the election were held today, it looks by our
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reading of all of the average of polls the former president would win. it's not today. we have a long way to go. >> bill: maris came out with a poll 49/49 and show softening among independents. maybe something like that is happening. we'll see in time. >> martha: let's look at this cnn media montage of people covering this race absolutely aghast at the numbers that they're seeing. watch this. >> how can you look at this -- these statistics, these numbers, and not conclude that joe biden is a drag on the ticket? >> i just think here we are in the middle of summer and things will stabilize and get back to normal as they always do. >> the numbers, are you saying don't believe the polls? i keep looking for signs this is going to go back to normal and i don't see it. yet i just never have seen anything like this. i'm speechless. >> martha: he is talking about
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the swing with black voter support where biden was up 80 in 2020 and is now up by 37. we've all covering these races for a long time, too. i don't think we've seen moves like that ever. >> bret: we haven't. if that held, it would be astonishing and it would be a major factor in this race. republican only has to pick up two or three or four points in the black vote to change the dynamic in the swing states. you are talking about 20, 25, 30 points in a shift. i think we should be careful on these polls at this point. but it is worth looking at this snapshot in time and seeing where things stand. >> bill: nice to see you, bret, see you on special report at 6:00 tonight. thanks for coming on. show the hearing now. opening statements are underway. dr. anthony fauci and others will be there. we spoke last hour with two great guests who are present in
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this room and we'll see how far we get on the origins of covid, taxpayer funded money and all that stuff coming up shortly. you have a summit of rogue nations. vladimir putin is in the hermit kingdom of north korea. you have moscow and pyongyang, are they flexing their muscles as anti-western alliance gains strength? >> martha: we're already seeing warning labels on cigarettes and alcohol for ages. but now the surgeon general is calling for them on social media platforms. this is a huge development. will this help to keep kids safe? we will speak to the man who made this decision, the u.s. surgeon general joins us next. >> bill: big changes could be coming in the u.s. military. it could involve women. k? i really tried sleeping with it, everybody. but i'm done struggling. now i sleep with inspire.
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>> bill: 22 past the hour. watching this hearing on covid. this was said just a moment ago. roll it. let's listen together. watch. >> we know viruses have come from animals in the past. yes. this time there is no animal reservoir or no animal handlers with antibiotics. a lot of reasons why there are indications that this could well have come from the lab. this is what the discussion will have today. a discussion that's long in coming. been over three years that we've been asking for this. >> bill: rand paul is leading the way on a lot of that stuff. morehead lines from that hearing as it continues on the senate side. 22 past. >> martha: women have never been required to register for the draft. that could soon change thanks to lawmakers on capitol hill. mike emanuel live in washington with more. hi, mike. >> bill: the senate version of
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the national defense authorization act which sets out military national security priorities would require women to register for selective service. missouri republican senator josh hawley is not a fan writing on x i'm not voting for any defense bill that forces my daughter to register for the draft not now, not ever. not alone. texas republican congressman chip roy reacting, you can go straight to hell over my dead body. the argument for women being part of the draft comes from experts such as the national commission on military national and public service. it concludes, quote, this is a necessary and fair step making it possible to draw on the talent of a unified nation in a time of national emergency. now there are two different versions of this bill. one in the house and one in the senate. it is possible women in the draft could get dropped as lawmakers iron out the differences. martha. >> martha: thank you very much. mike emanuel in d.c.
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>> bill: an issue that continues trying to protect your kid online. the surgeon general calling on congress to require warning labels on social media platforms. dr. vivek murthy wrote about his reasoning and he joins me now. good morning to you. just so our viewers know, here is the percentage spent at least four hours a day among teenagers, 51% four hours plus a day. average time almost five hours every day. doctor, you write this. you say one of the worst things for a parent is to know your children are in danger and unable to do anything about it. what do we do about it? >> well, it is good to be with you today and here not just as surgeon general but as a parent of two young kids. like millions of parents around the country i look at what's taking place online on social media in particular and worried about all of our kids. the most common question i have
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been getting around the country has been about social media. parents want to know is it safe for my kids? last year i issued an advisory from our office that looked at the data and shared what we found, which is number one there isn't enough data to tell us social media is safe for our kids. we see more data that raises concerns about harm. young people, adolescents spending more than three hours a day on social media face double the risk of anxious eye tee and depression and our kids are telling us on surveys. they're telling us that nearly half of them feel social media makes them feel worse about their body. you put this together and recognize very quickly when 95% of kids are on social media these harms have a potential to fuel the youth mental health crisis that is the defining public health issue of our time. the one label i'm calling is one part of a larger set of strategies we need to put in place to warn parents about the harms but make social media
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safer for our kids. >> bill: it requires congressional action. it seems like a simple thing to do. americans need more than words, you write, we need proof. here is mark zuckerberg on the hill late january of this year. >> mental health is a complex issue. the existing body of scientific work has not shown a causal link between using social media and young people having worse mental health outcomes. >> bill: what about the collection of sensitive data and push. this is massively complex and a reason why it hasn't happened yet. >> it is complex and that's why last year's advisories i laid out a series of steps that they needed to do to protect privacy and harmful con tecti like violence and sexual content that many minors are exposed to online and protect them from bullying and harassment and some
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manipulateive features seeking to lure that your developing brains into excessive use. that is nearly 4.8 hours on average a day for adolescents comes at the expense of sleep, in person interaction, physical activity and learning. there are a number of steps you have to take. the issue is complex. i believe in america we can do hard things. we can take on complex issues and when what is at stake is the health and well-being of our children we should absolutely do that. >> bill: you have to get people to buy in to get it done. the last idea is interesting. require companies to share their data on the health effects with the scientists and public including you. last thought on that. >> absolutely. the data transparency is vital. researchers say they can't get all the information they need to understand the mental health impact. i don't want to feel that data is being hidden from me about the products my kids are using. i will tell you what is
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encouraging to me is the fact that there is very broad public support for addressing the harms of social media. in congress there is a broad bipartisan support as well. that's good news. we have to summon the will to get these measures across the finish line. if we don't one more year kids are struggling and being exposed to harms on social media and the rising rates of suicide, depression and anxiety among our kids should alarm all of us and push us to take action as soon as possible. >> bill: thank you for coming on today. come back, we have more to talk about. thank you, sir, for being here today. >> thanks so much. >> martha: justin timberlake due in court this morning after he was picked up for a dwi in the hamptons. the moments leading up to his arrest right now. "new york magazine" under fire for an article dismissing republican women. senator marsha blackburn is here
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>> bill: here are some news. justin timberlake has been arrested and now he has been released without bail. he is charged with one count of a dwi, cited for failure to keep right and failure to stop at a stop sign. justin timberlake was arrested in sag harbor. breaking news earlier today and we'll wait to get more information about what happened then and what happens next. stand by. we'll let you know when we know. kansas's a.g. is suing pfizer over the covid vaccine claiming the pharmaceutical giant misled americans over the vaccines
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safety and effectiveness. lydia hu, what did you find out? >> good morning. this consumer protection action was filed yesterday by the kansas attorney general. he accuses pharmaceutical giant pfizer of misleading the public when it publicized its covid-19 vaccine was safe and effective. when he says pfizer knew its vaccine was connected to heart problems. failed pregnancies and even death. the state also says the vaccine didn't prevent against the transmission of covid as well as it claimed. listen. >> many people who chose to get the vaccine did so sensing it was urgent and they had to do it for their own safety. and in that situation, it was crucial that the pharmaceutical companies speak truthfully and present all information that they have. this consumer protection suit against pfizer is based on the fact that they had information that was contrary to what they
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were saying publicly. >> in a statement shared with fox business, pfizer said its vaccine has saved lives and that the state's lawsuit has no merit. they add this, quote, since the initial authorization by the fda in december of 2020 the pfizer covid-19 vaccine has been administered to more than 1.5 billion people demonstrating a favorable safety profile in all age groups and helped protect against severe covid-19 outcomes including hospitalization and death. biontech is not a defendant in the lawsuit filed by kansas and that action files a similar lawsuit filed against pfizer by the texas attorney general. the company there asking a federal court in texas to dismiss that lawsuit. the kansas a.g. expects other states to join in his action or file their own lawsuits soon.
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>> bill: we shall watch it. thank you. >> martha: president biden's attempt to expand civil rights to lgbtq, a judge blocked the rule in six additional states. marsha blackburn is with us. what is your reaction to this move, senator? >> yes, i was pleased to see this because tennessee is one of those states. what we know is title ix is there to protect girls and women in sports. martha, for 50 years title ix has allowed girls to compete and excel, to get college scholarships, to learn about team building, and to develop those skills that will help them all of their lives. the biden administration continues to try to diminish
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that and to take those opportunities away from young girls and young women. >> martha: speaking of women, i want to take a look at the cover of "new york magazine" , very provocative cover. not easy to sell magazines these days but the title on this one and people can see the picture are republican women okay? and you can see how republican women are depicted on the cover of this magazine. here is a quote from it. how did republican women end up like this? on the cusp an election season that could further reshape democracy and women's place in it the questions facing the women of the republican red are tricky. are they supposed to be cut throat or cute? cold enough to kill a dog or warm enough to bake an apple pie? to whom is their devotion addressed, country husband, god or trump. women fundamentally cannot lead a party that wants to oppress
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women and they cannot be fully human with it. wrong quote but had to read it so people could get the idea. what do you make of this, senator? >> i laughed all the way through this article because i thought the left absolutely requires submission of women to their ideology and their goal is to really erase the lines of gender and they would love to be able to do that. but they require that you submit. and if you ever challenge them, if you ever push back on them, then they are going to cut you off. they cannot stand strong, conservative, independent-minded women who really like being female, who really like being a mom, who really like being a
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woman. that does not fit their template. i look at the left sometime and i think they are the stepford wives of the leftist ideology. you have to be in lock step if you want to be a female leader on the left. >> martha: irony to me they talk about supporting women but only support liberal women. they should just say that up front. they aren't supportive of women across the board. they are only supportive of women of one political ideology. are you supportive of women being drafted? >> martha, i think the issue before us is having women register for selective service and this is an issue that comes up periodically. and there are plenty of women
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who like serving and i have nominated women for the military academies. and in is not about combat, it is about their opportunity to serve if they are going to choose to be a part of our nation's military and when you look at tech and some of those fields, these women are saying we want these opportunities. we want to go to the military communities and our question should be how do we open doors of opportunity for women? whether it's sports or careers and something that we are viewing large scale. how do we allow women to live out their version of the american dream? of course, as you saw from the "new york magazine" article, what they are trying to do is narrow opportunities for women, which i find so odd in this presidential year. the left cannot allow women to move to donald trump in the manner that you see other groups moving to president donald
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trump, who, by the way, is going to win this election. >> martha: we look forward to hearing more on the selective service issue and draft for women. senator blackburn, thank you very much. [shouting] >> bill: those are criminals brazenly targeting police if broad daylight. the president's own security detail proving how out of control california's crime crisis has suddenly become. the proper annuity used correctly can be a tremendous tool to help you achieve financial security. here are the benefits. stock market growth, protection against market losses, compound interest and no annual fees. sound too good to be true? if you have at least $100,000 to invest, get your investor's guide and see if it's right for you.
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>> bill: just watching this hearing underway in the senate side. we'll see where it goes. we played a clip with rand paul a few minutes ago. he has been leading the charge so we'll see what kind of headlines we get from this and we're watching it on the hill right now. let's move from washington to california where the crime is out of control in places. destroying property, stealing from family businesses, even robbing president biden's security detail at gun point. secret service. according to leaked emails governor newsom is working to stop changes from being made to the state's disastrous prop 47 crime bill. kennedy saves the world, host of
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the podcast. kennedy and brian brenberg. hello to both of you. prop 47 passed in 2014, reduced punishments for drug possession and thefts under $950. >> what has that gotten them? people wanting to overturn the thing. that's what's on the docket in california here. what is so interesting is the legislature is trying to poison pill the proposition so you have this proposition to make theft under $950 a felony again for repeat offenders and the legislature is saying if you do that, we will pull all of our legislation to help fight crime. why not do all of it? i don't get. like shooting yourself in the foot. voters have to believe they could use it. in california, it seems they are more interested in firing at each other politically than actually figuring out what to do with the guys firing at the businesses leaving the state right now.
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>> martha: how liberals have lost the west. people have great intentions at cocktail parties talk about intentions and what they believe but they don't look at outcome. >> it's the unintended consequences of these intentions that are the most harmful and that's what is tanking these states. it is heartbreaking to see. he is a liberal and talking about the problems in -- talks about in oregon in that piece how they took money out of the small dwindling education budget to make sure they had tampons in boys restrooms in elementary schools. it is like the intentionality is a little misguided but meanwhile instead of actually solving problems and looking at the issues, because california is a one-party state run by democrats, they are solely concerned about politics. so there was one reporter in
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sacramento who said well, gavin new some wants to put it off to 2026 because it is not a presidential election year and vulnerable house seats in california. if you have a big crime bill on the budget. a ballot measure, you are going to get independents and conservatives who are scared and frustrated and they will come not just vote for that but maybe vote for some of the candidates who could possibly turn parts of the state more purple than they are now. >> why it matters, some of the businesses closed because of crime. whole foods, nordstrom, target, subway, denny's. macy's taco bell. that doesn't count the small businesses that continue make the headlines. this has to happen because it is a state in crisis. the legislature should be saying we love the proposition and here is some more legislation. instead they are saying one or the other, which means california could get neither.
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>> bill: you still have a home there. >> i have a home there and keeping it for now. steve hilton talks about this a lot. i love california. it is an amazing place. the politicians are awful. the state is still great. the people who live there are wonderful and they are the ones who have to take it back and they are trying with ballot measures like this. >> martha: i love california and i want to save it. we'll see. all right. america's housing crisis thanks to you guys. is prompting new yorkers to pack up and leave speaking of that. so where they are relocating and how the real estate market is adapting. (vo) sail through the heart of historic cities and unforgettable scenery with viking. unpack once, and get closer to iconic landmarks, local life, and cultural treasures. because when you experience europe on a viking longship, you'll spend less time getting there and more time being there.
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to help people like me in your community go to and give eleven dollars a month.
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all these games on directv— and no satellite on the roof! think about this: blue jays, cardinals, orioles... what's missing? the andean condor? no, walnut-brain! pigeons! they'd rather name a team after socks! to be fair, we're not very athletic. let's get started. bill, where's your mask? i really tried sleeping with it, everybody. now i sleep with inspire. inspire? no mask? no hose? just sleep. learn more, and view important safety information at >> harris: the white house is spitting mad and hurling accusations over videos of president biden. they are the same videos that have many americans right now questioning whether biden can really lead the country. plus a new executive order from the president due out today. critics are calling it mass
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amnesty. they are warning it will bring even more illegal immigrants into america. and the president's debate strategy is taking shape. some concerns that it could backfire and help his opponent, former president donald trump. senator john kennedy, art del cueto and leo terrell. "the faulkner focus" top of the hour. >> martha: as new york city's cost of living skyrockets, thousands are moving across the hudson river to new jersey. what a fantastic idea. my home state. we did that a long time ago. alexis mcadams is live in jerry city. what's it like across the river? >> it's beautiful. people say it is a great skyline of the big apple but rather see it from here and get more bang for my buck. on one street in jersey city i found every person said they commute into new york city but live here because it is cheaper. watch.
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>> julia and her family call jersey city home. >> quiet at night. doesn't feel so polluted and disgusting. things are a little cheaper also. >> julia is one of nearly half a million people who work in new york city but choose to live in new jersey. as more people ditch the big apple's sky high real estate prices. >> why are so many people leaving new york city and buying in jersey city? >> so i think a lot of people really appreciate the proximity to new york. also the fact that you can get a lot more for your money here. >> the average price of a home in jersey is 30% less than new york city where the average home price is $8 hundred thousand. >> you have aspirations to make that kind of money but right now we don't. >> real estate experts say it is now one of the most competitive housing markets in the country.
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>> things are selling way above asking price. >> there is a difficult time for home buyers because of high interest rates and generally still housing shortage, lack of inventory and therefore about 1/3 of the property receiving high irrelevant offers. >> people are competing so much these homes are flying off the market before they even are listed. so as that continues to come it has become one of the most competitive rental markets in the country. you were ahead of the curve when you moved. >> martha: i lived in manhattan for a long time and moved to hoboken. jersey city is the new brooklyn. see you tomorrow. "the faulkner focus" is next. >> harris: it's coming up soon. president biden


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