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tv   Special Report With Bret Baier  FOX News  June 18, 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm PDT

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>> wanda, arrested for ballot fraud. what's going on? >> quit following me. >> jesse: quit following me. say that to johnny all the time. >> greg: must be hard to have jesse day and juneteenth back to back that's that cut into your presence. >> jesse: kind of like when leap year is on my birthday. >> harold: erika's 78-year-old dad bob had to go on dialysis. once she discovered that she was a match with her super hero dad the pair underwent a surgery at the same time at the uc san diego health center, congratulations to them and god bless them. happy father's day. >> judge jeanine: such a great story. >> greg: i have seen better. i had to say something bad. okay? it's in my contract. that's it for us. have a great night. >> bret: greg, it's good to be back. i love these tosses.
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i also have a long tongue. thank you. good evening. i'm bret baier. former president trump rips president biden's new immigration policy from battleground, wisconsin. we will talk about that and more with one of the people said to be on trump's vice presidential short list ohio senator j.d. vance. and why congress is taking a deeper look at the covid lab leak theory. ♪ >> bret: but, first, breaking tonight an election year move on immigration from president biden. the president saying he will protect from deportation spouses of u.s. citizens who have been in the country illegally for at least 10 years. critics call the modify which mh could impact half a million illegal immigrants unenforceable. republicans are hitting back against the administration's claim that unaltered video showing the president appearing confused or getting ushered off stage or back to a group are, quote: cheap fakes. and manipulated in some way. senior national correspondent
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rich edson starts us off live from the north lawn of the white house tonight. good evening, rich. >> good evening, bret. the president who has implored congress to pass immigration reform has released another unilateral immigration action. one that sets an even greater contrast with his opponent this november. >> in the east room of the white house and near the 12th anniversary of the obama era daca. shielding hundreds of thousands of migrants from deportation. colorado, arizona, and new mexico, the president campaigned on the issue. >> when he was president, he separated families and children at the border. and now he is proposing to rip spouses and children from their families and homes and communities and place them in detention camps. >> to qualify under what republicans are calling biden's new amnesty plan, a person must have already been in the united states for 10 years and be married to a u.s. citizen. they also cannot have a criminal record. senior administration officials
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say his policy would apply to half million adults and around 50,000 children younger than 21 whose parent is married to auto u.s. citizen. another campaign issue the president's age and mental acuity. >> thanks to all the members of congress and homeland security secretary -- -- i'm not sure -- all kidding aside? >> use of the term cheap fakes. a phrase that apparently means videos cropped or taken out of context. >> the republican party really manipulating what was being said and what was being seen we have been calling it cheap fake and calling it out from where we are from where we stand. >> republicans and conservatives claim the administration is simply branding real videos they don't likes a fake. quote, karine jean-pierre is big mad that we distributed unfiltered unedited clips of biden in public. we will do more. >> for definitional clarity there are cheap fakes and deep fakes. cheap fakes what the administration is talking about are events video that actually
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happened. they are framed in a particular way, edited in a particular way that makes it lose some sort of context. deep take fakes include things t never happened. i can assure you this is me. that's the white house. and it's really hot out. bret? >> bret: some ai definitions, rich, thanks very much. tonight, we have another example of the border crisis reaching far beyond the border. a vicious attack on a teenager in new york being blamed on a personal country. eric shawn,. >> eric: good evening, bret. illegal migrant from ecuador charged with raping 1-year-old in new york city park. that suspect tonight identified as 2 a-year-old christian giovani. is he facing rape, sexual assault, kidnapping charges, among other counts. this is shaky cell phone video showing police arriving to
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arrest him after police recognized him from wanted posters and pounced on him on the street 1:00 this morning. police say it was last thursday in the queens park. he pulled a machete style knife on two teens. the girl and a boy. both 13 years old. forcing them into a secluded area of the woods. that's where cops say he used a shoe lace to bind their hands together before raping the young girl. >> we know that he entered the country from ecuador through texas through eagle pass, texas back in june 25th of 2021. when he did come into the country, the federal government did take fingerprints and d.n.a. from him at the border. so that is still being worked on. >> the teens were able to describe this distinctive animal cat too that can you see here in the police sketch that also seems to match the tattoo on his chest. chorts say he lives in a nearby men's shelter and was known to the police. former nypd detective and new york republican senate candidate is calling for a crime task
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force to focus solely on illegal migrants. >> we are talking about people who have committed crimes. people who are here illegally, would should be scriewteddizing what they do. police say he was awaiting an immigration court date to see if he could stay in country but now the only court is he going to be seeing is criminal court when landy is arraigned on the charges that he faces at an arraignment later tonight or tomorrow here in new york city. bret? >> bret: eric shawn live in new york. thank you. ♪ former president donald trump is calling president biden's immigration action mass amnesty. he says the country is in the middle of the largest border invasion in world history. the presumptive republican presidential nominee was in racine wisconsin a short time ago. his third trip to the key battleground state this year.
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correspondent bryan llenas is there tonight. >> crooked joe is sending a message to the world that he rewards illegal entry. >> former president trump blasting president biden on immigration while campaigning in battleground, wisconsin. >> we should not be talking amnesty. we should be talking about stopping the invasion instead. >> the fresh attacks coming shortly after biden announced new deportation protections for certain undocumented migrant spouses and children of u.s. citizens. >> when i'm reelected joe biden's illegal amnesty plan will be ripped up and thrown out on the very first day. what they're trying to do is they are trying to use all of these people that are pouring into our country to vote. >> the former president also reacting to the broad daylight rape of a 13-year-old girl in new york. >> when i'm reelected we will begin removing these criminals, these horrible people from our midst. >> a new marist poll out today finds trump and biden tied in a head-to-head matchup nationally
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among registered voters. that same poll shows trump leading biden 42-41% in a five-way race including independent candidates. trump leads biden by double digits on the two key issues of immigration and the economy. with 30% of americans saying inflation is their top issue. trump hammering biden on inflation in wisconsin where gas prices are up over a dollar a gallon since biden took office. >> inflation has killed our economy. it's a nation buster. >> and today, trump told the crowd he will be fighting for american seniors, not illegal immigrants. there are more than a million seniors over age 65 in wisconsin making some 20% -- making up some 20% of the population. they can make all the difference in a state that trump lost by fewer than 21,000 votes in 2020. bret? >> bret: bryan llenas, live in wisconsin. bryan, thanks. new york's top court is refusing to hear former president trump's
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gag order appeal. the court of appeals found the order does not raise substantial constitutional issues in their words that would warrant an immediate intervention. the order prevents him from commenting on witnesses, jurors, and others involved in the case. former president trump was convicted on 34 felony counts. the judge in that trial is expected to rule soon on a defense request to lift that gag order. we will talk to one of the people considered a potential running mate for the presumptive republican presidential nominee ohio senator j.d. vance live in a few minutes. russian president vladimir putin is meeting with north korean leader in pyongyang. comes as both countries vow to resolutely oppose u.s. efforts in ukraine and the korean peninsula. correspondent alex hogan has details and the u.s. response tonight. >> a warm welcome as vladimir putin visits north korea for the first time in nearly 25 years.
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in the early hours of the morning, north korean leader kim jong un personally greeted the russian president at the airport. during putin's two day visit talks are expected to focus on beating u.s.-led sanctions and strengthening military cooperation. the biden administration admits it is concerned about the closer ties. >> north korea is providing significant munitions to russia and other weapons for use in ukraine. >> this trip is also expected to highlight russia's need for weapons and north korea's need for technology and economic assistance. putin proposes developing new payment systems he sees as not being controlled by the west the last time putin visited north korea was in 2000 just months into his first term as president. he met with kim jong un's father kim jong il. today the two countries touting their warming relations. north korea state media broadcast this russian army performance showcasing the two
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country's flags as well as russian weaponry. putin says this is a friendly visit. nato calls it a challenge. the west will need to address. >> putin's visits demonstrates and confirms the very close alignment between russia and authoritarian states and this also demonstrates that our security is not regional. it's global. >> kim jong un traveled to russia last fall, the white house says it will follow this ongoing visit closely. after north korea, russian president vladimir putin will travel to vietnam for conversations centering around trade. bret? >> bret: alex hogan live in london. alex, thanks. up next, fireworks on capitol hill as senators take a look at the possible origins of the covid-19 pandemic, yet again. first, beyond our borders tonight. gaza residents and hospital officials say at least six people have died following an israeli strike on refugee camp.
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the facility located in a central area of the gaza strip as the effort to go after hamas there continues by the idf. thailand's senate votes overwhelmingly to approve a bill to legalize same sex marriage in thailand. the measure has cleared the last legislative hurdle for the country to become the first in southeast asia to enact such a law. and this is a live look at seoul, courtesy of earth cam, busy streets there tonight. one of the big stories there, south korean officials return to work orders for doctors one day walkout protracted strike against government plans to boost medical school admissions. just some of the other stories beyond our borders tonight. we'll be right back. ♪ ♪
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>> bret: police in u.s. tandazo california say a secret service agent was robbed. it happened statement president biden was in los angeles for a star studded fundraiser. agent said his bag was stolen gunpoint in the community. officers found some of the officer's belongings in that area. no suspects have been detained. boeing ceo facing tough
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questions from senators today about the company's safety culture during his senate testimony today david calhoun apologized first time calhoun face lawmakers january incident plane lost part in flight. the justice department has opened a criminal investigation after inspectors said four key boltsy missing from that aircraft. ♪ gsh ♪ >> bret: senators taking another look of the origins of the coronavirus pandemic. and the theory once derided as a conspiracy is now gaining accept tantaros. here is senior congressional correspondent chad pergram. >> there was a time when the government and media scoffed at the notion that covid materialized in a lab. >> just like the hunter biden laptop story the experts said this was disinformation. >> that theory no longer fits
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around the fringes. senators questioned tulane medical school dean robert garry he co-authored a 2020 article arguing a lab leak couldn't spark the pandemic. >> did it come to you overnight. >> there was new data. >> like a revelation from god? >> it's amazing. >> gary reaffirmed his position today that concedes the science evolved. >> however the face of the pandemic response is now more open to the lab leak theory. >> we don't know what the origin of this virus is. i keep a completely open mind. >> gary sparred with senators about his article indicating a natural origin. >> that is scientific misconduct and fraud. >> we didn't put anything in a paper that we didn't believe was true. that's not fraud, sir. that is just the way that the scientific method works. >> other scientists uprated gary. >> this is the most egregious form of scientific misconduct. publishing a paper where you know the conclusions are untrue. >> questions linger about what went down in wuhan. >> it's one jump from one animal
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to one human. the most likely place that happens is in a laboratory. >> china is inpen democrattable when it comes to the pandemic. >> the chinese government may never fully disclose all the information they have. >> still some senators acknowledge covid origins may remain a stumper. >> we might be 98% or something but we will always be a little uncertain. >> roger marshall of kansas wants a 9/11 style commission to investigate the origins of covid and maybe classify the virus as a bioweapon. bret? >> bret: chad pergram live on the hill. chad, thanks. the congressional budget office saying today the u.s. deficit will jump to $1.915 trillion for fiscal year 2024. that tops last year's gap as the largest outside of the covid-19 era. it's the second straight big increase for president biden since the pandemic. the cbo cites increased outlays for student loans, medicaid, bank failure cost and aid to
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ukraine and israel. the office also predicting the u.s. national debt will reach $50 trillion with a t by 2034. stocks were up on weak retail sales data. the federal reserve comments as well. the dow gaining 57. the s&p 500 finished ahead to 14 to a new record close. the nasdaq rose 5 to its second consecutive record finish. up next talk live with ohio senator j.d. vance said to be on the short list of running mates for former president trump. first what some of the affiliates covering tonight. pop star justin timberlake is charged with driving while intoxicated. daily took this photo of timberlake in handcuffs shortly after the incident. police in sag harbor say he hit a stop sign and veered out of his lane early today. he was released without bond after his arraignment. fox 40 in jackson, mississippi with a reward for information about an escaped murder suspect growing to $10,000.
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video showing joshua zimmerman walking out of the desoto toe county courthouse unaccompanied. he is charged with murder, attempted murder, and other crimes. and this is a live look at las vegas from our affiliate fox 524. one of the big stories there tonight, the discovery of a mysterious monolith north of the las vegas valley. police say their search and rescue team found this strange formation over the weekend. it is located near gas peek in the northern area of the valley. lookout. that's tonight's live look outside the beltway from "special report." we'll be right back. ♪
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administration, we will begin the largest deportation operation in american history. we have no choice. this is not sustainable. >> former president donald trump on changes he intends to make, if elected on immigration. if he wins that second term in the white house. there is considered to be significant speculation who he might choose to be with him on that g.o.p. ticket. one of the names being discussed is ohio senator j.d. vance. he is with us tonight. senator, thanks for being here. >> thanks for having me. >> bret: first, i want to ask you about president biden's immigration moves today and what could be, you know, preventing deportation of more than 500,000 illegal immigrants. some of them spouses. many of them spouses of u.s. residents, children. what are your thoughts. >> it's one of the critical differences between trump and biden's immigration policies, bret, is you have a president who is effectively inviting people to come and break our laws and say if you do break them there will be no consequences and contrast that
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both the trump record but the trump plan for 2024. if you have people coming in your country flooding n record numbers, you need somebody standing at the border saying stop. go back and come through the proper channels. and the failure of the biden administration to do that, again, is one of their critical failures on immigration. one other point on this, bret, if you go down and actually ask people who are crossing illegally, there are a number of videos of reporters going down and doing. this they will say joe biden opened the border. and one of the things that he did was guarantee that if i get into america, i never have to go back to my country of origin. that is a recipe for laghtd terrorists into your country. recipe for repressing the wages of your workers, driving up housing costs and we have of course seen thunder the biden administration which is one of the reasons why so many of us working so hard to reelect donald trump. >> bret: you know, as far as deportations go, if you look at the last presidents, non-citizen removals by ice, trump as president deported only slightly more than one third illegal
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immigrants during first four years as president obama as you look at these numbers. and there you see deportations under president biden. there is a lot of angst on the left. even independents about how deporting 20 million people in this country would physically work. like what it would look like and how the country would deal with this. how do you respond to that? >> well, first of all, bret, i think you have to look at where the american people are on this. after four years or three years of disastrous biden border policy, i think they are actually ready for deporting a large number of people come here illegally and public policy polling shows that majority of hispanics want us to ramp up deportations, 62% of americans at large want us to do it. this is a necessary thing and the american people recognize it. i think in some ways, bret, the media has oversold how difficult this really is. the number one thing that you need do to implement a large scale deportation program is just to make it harder to hire illegal aliens in the first place. if they can't get work, if they can't compete with american citizens for jobs, a lot of them
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will turn around and go back of their own volition. and i think to the extent that you are doing large scale deportations, bret, which, again, i think we do have to do you start with the people who are most egregious. the people who broke our laws. who have committed criminal violations. the people who are just frankly really bad human beings who have come into this country illegally and then committed crimes. and i think you do those two things and you actually do a significant amount to do the kind of deportation you have to do. >> bret: first presidential debate next thursday. and politico writes. this. trump ramping up debate prep. mock debate. former president sat down with ohio senator j.d. vance top contend tore become running mate at the former mar-a-lago estate. trump advisers individual topics would they expect will likely come up at the debate. so this is a conversation about policy. this is not you pretending to be a mock debater? >> yeah. that's exactly right, bret. actually, i think it speaks very
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highly of president trump and how he thinks about policy. he doesn't want to do these sort of fake theatrical things. he wants to talk about the data. what does the data say. what are the policies? what have they led to? how can i discuss my plans to make things better? he is sort of thinking about really ohio to translate a very ambitious term 2 trump agenda into a policy speak that makes sense for normal americans. and, again, i think if you sort of talk to him, he is really worried about the number of illegal immigrants that have come to this country. is he really worried about inflation set. really worried about the fact that young americans can't afford a home and he really cares about becoming president again not for his own reasons because he wants to make those problems better for american citizens. so, debate prep is really, i think, at least in my limited experience with him, he is thinking about how to translate these really, really important topics into a message that works and, obviously, is he as good as it as anybody. that's why he is leading all the polls. >> bret: could you imagine yourself behind the resolute desk as president?
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>> well, look, bret, i think that's ultimately, that's donald trump's choice whether he selects me as vice president. my attitude is there's a lot that needs to happen in the united states senate. i like being a senator, bret. the president has not asked me. if he does, i would certainly let you know. >> bret: i mean to just say are you ready to be president on day one. that's the biggest job for a vice presidential pick, right? could you being comfortable being president. >> i feel comfortable with the fact that i could do the job. look, you is to have humility going into this, too. it's a massive, massive job for anybody to undertake. i'm not auditioning the job. i asked people of ohio to elect me to be ohio state senator. if trump picks up the phone and calls the first sort of thought could i be vice president could i stand ultimately in the big chair? and, look, if he asks me, i will think about it, but i think the answer is yes, frankly we have had way too many political
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insiders bret who have done a very terrible job of governing this country, some of them have had a lot of political experience, some of them have had no political experience. the final point i will say about that bret is, i know trump very well. i like him. he is in very good health. i think whoever he selects as vice president is going to have a real opportunity to be very good vice president for the country for the next four years and there are a lot of good people who could serve that job. >> you know, senator, there is an evolution, i know you have been asked about this before about past comments that you have made about donald trump. you said i have never -- i'm a never trump guy. never liked him. terrible candidate. idiot if you voted for him. might be america's hitler. might be a cynical a hole. cultural heroin, noxious and reprehensible. those are things the let is going to come after you and probably put in ads should you be chosen as the v.p. pick. how do you deal with them now. >> the simple answer is you have got to respect the american people enough to level with them. look, i was wrong about donald
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trump. i didn't think he was going to be a good president, bret. he was a great president. one of the reasons why i'm working so hard to make sure he gets a second term. i think you should when you are wrong about something you should change your mind and be honest with people about that fact. whether this is running as his running mate or running and supporting him as a united states senator, bret, i think it actually presents a real opportunity to talk to the american people because a lot of people didn't think trump was going to be a good president and a lot of people were happy to be proven wrong. and i think it prentsz an opportunity for me to make the case to the american people that, look, we have two very different sets of results, four years of joe biden. four years of donald trump. we know the trump record is one of success, the biden record is one of failure. i came around to donald trump and i think that a lot of americans will do the exact same thing. >> bret: last thing, senator. speaking of the left, a lot of the talking points have been about this threat to democracy from former president trump, that he would never leave office if he gets back into the white house. that he would become a dictator.
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here's some sound from today, actually. >> >> if you don't stand for anything, other than what he wants, you don't vote, you just put him in power. and, once he is there, nobody is allowed to disagree with him or say anything that he doesn't believe. >> what is that called? >> that is what a lot of other countries all around the world have. and it is not democracy. we are going to be the ones who decide if the american system of government survives or taken over instead by a strong man authoritarian form. >> bret: i want you to respond to that and for an independent who may listen to that and say that's really a possibility? what do you say to them? >> well, look, my response is those are the hysterical ramblings of rachel maddow who has been wrong about nearly everything and importantly to those independent voters, she can't say joe biden has lowered your housing costs. she can't say joe biden has lowered your food costs. she can't say joe biden has actually stopped the flow of fentanyl across our southern border.
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so she is going to attack donald trump in hysterical terms. look, i know donald trump. he cares about this country. and wants to run for make it better and not install him himself as some sort dictator it's ridiculous, bret. here's the most important point on this. if you actually look at the record of donald trump and joe biden. who has tried to throw their political opponents in jail. who has tried to use the power of the state to go after not just his political opposition. that's joe biden. if there is a threat to american democracy. it's coming from joe biden. it's not coming from the guy who governed effectively, who governed successfully and is now asking the american people for another term to make things as successful in 25 as they were in 2019. >> bret: obviously the white house pushes back about their steering all of these things, but the former president talks about that a lot on the trail on the legal front. senator vance, we appreciate your time, thanks a lot. always welcome on "special report." >> thanks, bret. >> bret: up next,
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george washington university law professor jonathan turley on his new book about threats to your free speech, and then the panel on president biden's new immigration order. and the republican pushback on those cheap fake videos from the white house. ♪ start your day with nature made. the #1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand. happy memories just come easier on the water. our founder, johnny morris and his dad knew this first hand, they created a boat that was more affordable... tracker, the world's #1 one best selling fishing and pontoon boats powered by mercury. proudly built in missouri and sold factory direct at bass pro shops and select dealers. for as little as 5 dollars a day... you can own a brand new tracker and make lifelong memories of your own. bass pro shops. voted america's best outdoor retailer. save even more and support conservation when you join the club.
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>> i'm proud that i have put forward a detailed plan to smash the censorship and industrial complex and restore free speech. >> in america we respect and protect fundamental rights of free speech to protest peacefully. that's america. but there is no place in any campus in america, any place in america for anti-still or hate speech that threatens violence of any kind against jews or anyone else. >> bret: a lot of talk about free speech. many people are concerned about threats to free speech in our country. tonight we are going to talk about that with george washington university law professor, fox news contributor jonathan turley the author of the new book "the indispensable right, free speech in an age of rage." it's on sale right now. jonathan, congrats on the book. >> thank you. >> bret: what's the elevator speech here. we talk about free speech all the time and it is under attack. >> it is under attack and indeed what the book argues is that we are living in the most dangerous anti-free speech period in our
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history. and the question is why we continue to struggle with free speech and the book goes back and looks at the very founding of the public when framers had a truly revolutionary idea that free speech really adheres to us as human beings. it's not just because we are citizens we need free speech to be fully human. that view was lost within a few years of the adams administration which became enemy the biden administration the most anti-free speech in history. president biden is rivalling that record. we have the largest censorship system in history. but, more importantly, we have this alliance of government, corporations, media, and academia and all supporting censorship, blacklisting and other forms of limitations and this book looks at that history and why we continue to struggle with what called the indispensable right.
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>> bret: you spent time at college and university. we have seen these protests now all over the country and they really fit in the timing of this book about speech and protecting it and where we stand. where colleges and universities stand. >> yeah. i have never really -- well, i never really imagined i would see what i now see on campuses become unorthodox unforgiving. academics and journalists used to be the defenders of free speech. so did the democratic party. it's now become -- come really invogue to be anti-free speech, to say free speech is harmful. it has to be curtailed. there is a movement to rewrite the first amendment because one law professor said it's excessively individualistic. those are popular views now on campus. and this book sort of how we got here why do we call it incidence
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cybil. >> in the middle of all of this there is upcoming supreme court ruling on case that is coming up we expect oorts the 20th or the 21st when the supreme court comes out. this is moody vs. netchoice llc and packss paxton and deals wite speech and what is protected under the first amendment. whether the federal government' efforts to combat disinformation online violates free speech rights of users on social media platforms. this goes really right to the heart of what we are dealing with on the high tech side. >> it does. the question is whether the court will take that issue straight on or whether it will try to take off ramp. the oral argument was not very clear on that point. but you are absolutely right. it incapsulates much of this problem we have this alliance i talked about. through the government,
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organized directed in part through the government. one federal judge called it orwellian and it is. and many citizens don't like it and that's the one positive aspect. you know i tell the stories of people who put their lives at risk to fight for free speech. and all of our periods of rage. but, there is one constant here. citizens don't like censorship. they still don't. it's in our d.n.a. what this book really tries to do to see if there is this common article of faith that we can still gather around, despite all our political divisions that this defines us in a way that we can't lose it. and i think that there is common ground there. >> bret: i like that common ground. book cover. indispensable write free speech in an age of rage. jonathan, congrats. >> thank you, bret. >> bret: up next the panel on the big immigration move and the controversy over what the white house is now calling cheap fake videos. plus, history, for one team, big
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>> it's more for the president to show, perhaps, the left wing of his party that he is doing something to help illegal aliens. the president making a move sweeping election year action. shielding 550,000 from deportation. the president taking a page from the obama playbook. aides hope the timing of the june announcement a&e leave katie pressure from his base. biden's aides believe voters want a balanced approach. offering new pathways to citizenship for long-term undocumented people in the u.s. with that, let's bring in our panel. kimberley strassel editorial board of the "wall street journal." marc thiessen and leslie marshall democratic strategist. kimberley in that write up from politico it sestak ling chaos at the border. republicans i think and at love independents would argue there hasn't been a lot of the tackling of chaos at the border or the security no we
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essentially had one order from the president a couple weeks ago. unclear they are even going to enforce those new border restrictions they put in place. that, of course, was then immediately followed by. this by the way, can i make an argument for why there is humane case to be made for people who have been here for 10 years. they have families, kids, communities, why you should come up with a provision to allow them to stay. but this is the height of cynicism on immigration politics. it's going to be litigated to death. these people are going to be pawns in the next round of this battle over what is allowed or not allowed under executive authority it. could be reversed by a future president. it poisons the well for future debates in congress over immigration reform loisly new poll out today. issue of immigration who is better to handle it. former president 54%. current president 44%. do you think this move today is going to move that needle at all with independents particularly?
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>> i think, yes. especially with some of the independents are latino and if they live in a, you know, a border state and they are concerned about this issue about families being separated. i think it's a good move for the president. and not just with voters but within my party with democrats for the more progressive and fatherless leaning faction angry at his one executive action and thought it went too far and thought it went harsh. but i would agree with kimberley that that and this are both going to be challenged in the courts. i also want to say of the approximately half a million people, you are looking at average of 23 years that these spouses have been here. and remember, this includes children. not just the spouses. >> bret: in the same, you know, week of news stories we also have this migrant marc in new york, arrested in broad daylight for raping a 13-year-old girl. we have had another murder tied to an illegal immigrant and these stories are continuing to pop up. >> yeah.
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that's why there was a new yougov poll that shows that 62% of americans support deporting all the illegal migrants including 53% of hispanic americans. this is wrong. majority of hispanic americans want all of them deported and i guess the problem that i have with this is leslie. you don't get to unleash the worst border crisis in the history of the country and then follow it up with mass amnesty by executive fiat. that is not how it works. and that political story said that he is taking a page out of the obama playbook. bret, you showed the numbers of deportations under obama, trump, and biden. obama had the most. he was called by the left the deporter in chief. so joe biden hasn't just reversed donald trump's immigration border policy, reversed barack obama's policies. maybe he ought to take a page out of that obama playbook and see how that works. >> bret: yeah. i want to turn to this white house allegation of cheap fakes is what they are calling it.
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not deep fakes but cheap fake videos where they say, kimberley, this video shown on this network and others of the president by former president. prime minister kind of ushering him back into the group as he turns to give thumbs up to a parachute skydiver. that these are somehow being manipulated. and i just wonder your thoughts about this messaging strategy. >> the only thing fake about this claim is that there is anything fake about these videos. and they are making this very odd argument that somehow unless you show the president an entire hour before he has a senior moment and after he has a senior moment that somehow you are slicing and dicing. what matters are those moments. and when people are being asked
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to now be choosing who is going to be the president of the united states, the president should rightfully be under the microscope. and when they have no other answer than to suggest that somehow there is bad faith in pointing this out, look, remember all of the attention when mitch mcconnell had his frozen moments. they addressed that. they dealt with it. this white house doesn't want to deal with what is obviously the competence of a president in office. >> bret: i mean, i don't know, leslie, growing insidious trend by highly misleading seq. live at this editing videos. i'm not sure. i mean, we are running them just as they come in. some of these are pool camera shots. >> what we just saw is a man standing there not dancing. not everybody dances and jives, you know, to music. i am one that definitely does dance and he would be picked on by the right if he did. but, when we look at the video of the g-7 in italy specifically, can you google this, guys, online, there are
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not cropped pieces of footage that we are seeing right now that show what is he looking at. you can see not just the -- yes, you can see that he is looking at, you know, somebody who just parachuted down. >> bret: not saying is he -- i'm not saying is he going out and going to go fall off a cliff or just walk to nowhere. is he giving a thumbs up but he walked away from the crowd and you can't say that the italian prime minister didn't grab him by the arm to get him back to the group. my point is that i got it. i mean, we showed the whole video. >> i don't feel that's what she was doing. if i pull you and say hey, look at that does that mean you can't turn around by yourself. that you have some kind of dementia or disability and i need to help you or did she not want him to miss what was going on here while he was thumbs up. >> bret: the voters can look at the videos themselves. >> not top five reason for voting. >> bret: i gotcha. i got to run. all right, thank you. ♪ ♪ finally tonight, a special
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day. >> and now it's my honor to present to the boston celtics the 2024 larry o'brien story and the nba championship. [cheers and applause] pretty awesome 18th banner soon raised rafters. the celtics completed a 4-1 series win over the mavericks to secure titled. fans took to the secrets to celebrate. jaylen brown took home the finals mvp award. president of news congratulations. i took the mavericks, bad bet. thanks for inviting us into your home tonight. that's it for this "special report," fair, balanced and still unafraid. "the ingraham angle" is next. ♪ ♪ >> laura: good evening, everyone i'm laura ingraham this is "the ingraham angle" from washington.
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