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tv   Hannity  FOX News  June 18, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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something to 1 of 100 senators said that a few times. pete from goldsboro i don't understand why 1 wouldn't talk to johnny he's so polite well go to the smoke shop by him a pipe and have a power. justin timberlake my pure republican otherwise he would've gotten arrested they asked him to campaign for biden and he said no. >> your conspiracy theorist and i like that. ed from kenosha i guess we know what johnnie's next assignment is extra small hazmat suit. >> jesse: some fit hazmat do you have that for johnny. remember hannity's next and remember on waters and this is my world. [ ♪♪ ]
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>> sean: welcome to hannity thank you for setting your dvr's monday through friday never missed an episode and buckle up because we are in the home stretch picking up speed the 2024 election is 139 days away 90 days until early voting begins in pennsylvania followed by many other states in the very first presidential debate takes place in just 9 days this is the earliest presidential debate in modern american presidential history with speculation and say insurance policy for the democratic party just in case there cognitively impaired president is incapable of performing jacked up joe or hyper caffeinated joe is a new candidate will be able to be installed at the dnc. what's the democrats number 1 goal maintaining power at all costs. in recent weeks biden's
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performance has been beyond troubling to say the least. so bad that they're willing accomplices in the media mob have now resorted to lying, falsely accusing them of creating cheap fake videos which is their favorite lion after today we can expect more of the same take a look. >> thank you to the members of congress. >> i know cheap fake a video. biden trying to announce his amnesty plan for illegal immigrants but his brain malfunctioned. not something that happens infrequently it happens all the time it's not a deep fake or taken out of context and not edited. it's debacle of our president of
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the country struggling mentally. for now we focus on the big announcement from biden another desperate ploy to win votes single-handedly he has decided to give more than 500 illegal immigrants amnesty they broke our laws didn't respect the borders or sovereignty cutting in a line and biden is giving them a fast track to citizenship and made a 3 year illegal immigration crisis where close to around 11 million unvented immigrants have been flooding into the country. hopefully will looking for amnesty. nearly 180 countries including countries with ties of terror are top geopolitical foe but get this today biden flat-out lied again claiming the border is secure. who said the border is closed and the borders secure for years and they've lied in a twisted
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fantasy joe said of the border he secured it on his own know it was secure and you screwed it up >> president joe biden: 's president i had to take these actions as trump and their publicans wouldn't do that as none of them are getting vetted and according to 1 biden official as they are checking the criminal records of anybody under 18 and it's impossible illegal immigrant record that doesn't operate with the u.s. iran and venezuela can go on and on to make matters worse many of the illegals have no documents or identification whatsoever no passports or licenses or nothing
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with oec crimes by illegal immigrants spiking this week in colorado when was killed after his drew his car was hit by a illegal criminal alien who previously had been deported 16 times that so easy it is to cross the border how tragic a 13-year-old girl sexually assaulted as an immigrant test they call migrants from ecuador forcing a 14-year-old girl and her friend into a secluded area in the park dying both of their risks with shoelaces brutally assaulting young of 1 of the young girls in 2022 they ordered the expulsion of this illegal immigrant from the country but
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of course amid the chaos of the biden border crisis it never really happened too busy going after trump for jaywalking that brings us another horrific case the rape and murder of a young mother from maryland. her. he got that wrong in the state of the union no apology the group their expect of killing our woman in his own country why was he here we have her mother a moment her daughter she says more than a statistic and she's right mother of 5 loved and needed should be alive today how can the president of our country ignore these crimes and in the same week off for amnesty flat-out lie until the country
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and these families of the borders secure have a calling them and apologizing how do you like the other way as more and more unvented illegal immigrants are pouring into the country people caught last week with isis terrorist ties biden's blood on his hands more blood coming out of his insane policies i pray i'm wrong but i'm not according to joe americans to understand the situation at the border rhythmically provide legal pathways decision ship and acknowledge the patience and goodwill is being tested by their fears at the border they don't understand a lot. >> biden repealed all of donald trump's border protections on day 1 bribed about and told us for 3 years the border was secure enclosed told illegal immigrants come 1 come all
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because he would surge resources to the border lowering more of this with the promise of amnesty stay here long enough you get that. meanwhile american citizens get raped and killed and robbed assaulted some of them involved in this while the american people are shelling out billions on food and housing and education and healthcare for so-called asylum-seekers now he wants to grant asylum en masse let's be clear the american people you know it's happening and you are horrified and rightly so take a look. >> more hawkish reviews on illegal immigration in the american public at large perhaps not so surprisingly look at this question comparing 2020 and 2024 this point biden against trump on immigration august the 2020
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biden was favored on immigration look at where we are on may 2024 donald trump is favored by 11 points what we see is more hawkish views on illegal immigration translate when american voters are looking at biden against trump on the issue of immigration with trump being the beneficiary despite the chaos joe biden refused to secure the borders doesn't even try another mass crushing people all over the world including our top geopolitical foe of china reporting yet and seen the national guard at california's border from mexico in months thanks to biden our borders have just solved the country as a free-for-all here with morris the texas governor gray gaba on the front lines governor was down there at the border with you it's amazing in the late of
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the specific crimes i mentioned this week the rape of a 13-year-old rape and murder of a mother of 5 nevermind the fentanyl and opioid deaths occurring at every state in this country for him to say the borders secure and to offer amnesty and never reach out to the families how do you get so detached from reality. >> seems detached from reality in a lot of ways we know this is pointed out a woman would be alive today at 13-year-old would be alive today if not for the border policies a joe biden there isn't the only only people harm from those that came across the border because a joe biden but if it's possible to make things worse he did it today the
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granting amnesty what it shows to the entire world is come to the borders quickly as you can it's possible that you as well might build to get amnesty is nothing more than a magnet that will increase illegal immigration what he had to auto weeks ago didn't stop a single person coming across the border what he did today was illegal for and constitutional in texas will take legal action and put a stop to it. >> you've had to go on your own the whole way governor every step of the way you been faced with lawsuits by the administration for enforcing the laws they themselves should enforce i was down there at eagle pass with you and president trump i saw the miles and miles of wire you put up there stopping 99% of illegal immigration passing in the area.
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>> in that area that you and president trump joined with me there is 1 time 5000 people crossing a day now and averages only about 2 people crossing daily arrested by the texas department of public safety and downstream from where you had your show there at eagle pass we have a military base in national guard military base housing up to around 2000 over national guard troops eventually helping to secure the border and well illegal immigration is gonna in the mexico new mexico california area but has gone down in texas around 74% because of resistance texas has put up. >> what other options that there do you have in enforcing the law
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or going indirectly you're transporting unvented illegal immigration from some of our top local flows with other options you have available is a don't see other options except taking things into your own hand at a deep cost the texas taxpayers. >> they take matters into their own hands which is what they typically do with large portions of the border more than 1200 miles long as there's more border barrier we will do that until we reduce illegal immigration by 100%. >> we appreciate you being with us as always thank you for your time as i young mother of 5 was
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murdered for popular hiking trail for the perpetrator from el salvador also suspected of another murder in his home country our deepest sympathies as prayers go out to the family we are joined by their mother and a family attorney randolph rice. i know there were no words i can offer you the comfort your family. how are you holding up power the kids holding up i can't imagine there you will. >> a difficult time for all of us just feeling hopeless at these points over these last 10 months not knowing if we would find the suspect and then having
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it announced a suspect was found brought back all those emotions, deep emotions of pain and grief so it's like processing or death all over again it's been pretty hard. >> and i speak as a loving mother and i did see your comments earlier you said something truthful and i don't believe it's political either i believe all of this is preventable if we enforce the laws that are border and you pointed out because of homeland security and health and human services not doing their jobs and agencies not doing anything to prevent this otherwise it could these crimes can be prevented does that make it harder because that would make it harder for me and i speak as a parent myself.
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>> it's a senseless death who would expect almost 2000 miles from the south border somebody coming from another country just randomly attacking somebody and brutally murdering them's like opening a doors and letting a stranger into your house when i'm protecting ourselves or our families by think if they left things in place i promised i wouldn't get political but we just left things in place my daughter might still be here today. >> sean: i don't know if you're going political or just common sense because the policies were working you said he's the 1 welcoming illegal immigrants here and look at the
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announcement today he could have mentioned your daughter's name this 13-year-old girl could've corrected the other girls name when he said the wrong name he could be looking at what families like yours are suffering through he's not doing it he talked about amnesty told the american people for 3 years the borders secure enclosed 11 million immigrants illegally later not true and to your suffering because of that. >> him suffering as a mother but her children don't even know. >> it's devastating and an unnecessary death. innocent lives are being taken every day it's unnecessary.
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>> sean: let me ask you a question randolph as an attorney here you have a pretty good reputation thank you for being here on the show my heart breaks for this family and i've talked to the family of laken riley i don't know if you ever recover from something like this if i were to go down to the border and to pick people up at the border in deport them to other states why do i think i would be guilty of human trafficking i was that our government is doing that very thing taking in people from terror ties and our top geopolitical photos was that not in the 80 issue being fought in court. >> rules don't apply to politicians unfortunately. it's not a republican or
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democrat issue it's an american issue they need to stop because her death was preventable the could've stopped the individual who month before this had murdered a woman in el salvador comes across the border comes 1800 miles and kills rachel they need to stop everything there reset reevaluate you can have policies in place that's fine we need to be odysseus coming across the border stop people like the suspect to killed racial does rachel. >> sean: have it we put all 6 aside and say if you want to enter the country enter illegally we did -- illegally make sure you don't have radical ties we do health check and oppose pandemic world and yet the show you won't be a financial burden on the american people at that point i don't care where you came from welcome to the country are part of the family.
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>> i can only say to her deepest sympathies are love and prayers to you and your family the best your grandchildren i know they will need you now more than ever counselor thank you for being with us as well we appreciate your time tonight when we come back by and is almost and can it into 1 point today will giving a speech will the white house try and say what we are about to show you is a cheap fake because if they think it is maybe we'll give them an opportunity to interpret it for us. replay the tape we have some very said news as well legendary baseball player willie mays has died at age 93 hall of fame player who played for the new york mets san francisco giants the mets during his legendary career a group watching and
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knowing he was on the best players of all time anyone who watched any baseball knows that there is a place in heaven for willie mays amen great player
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♪ my back got injured very bad. i was off work for about a year.
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[ ♪♪ ] >> sean: whether the media or the white house likes it that are not it's more obvious that biden isn't okay every time he makes a public appearance something odd or scary happens you decide. >> thank it is a member of congress. over they're going to try and claim it's a cheap fake video
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need more evidence that something is not right with biden this happens quite often quite often scary he's the president of the country they call it cheap fake videos you decide our freedom can never be secured otherwise. >> will teach trump a valuable lesson groundbreaking asian america. >> -- from things healthcare is a privilege obama and i think it's a right i will lead an effective strategy to mobilize this. >> of a chance for the media and the white house if they have a
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better way to interpret those words spelled them please tell us you'll put your interpretation on the screen anyway you like house that to be fair member the white house used to admit to biden's mistakes they still do quietly the correct the official transcript post them online days later back in april they said biden it made 148 mistakes so far this year there's been more since then including 9 in a single speech in detroit no speak clear ai didn't make biden say that uncle bo's he was eaten by cannibals it's not a cheap fake generated that was the robert her report which we have a transcript they won't release the tape to protect joe biden where it city in the report he had at memory
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issues didn't even know if he was still vice president in 2009 release the tape is not cheap fake video when biden lies about border security like he did today for the first for years of administration or inflation is transitory or that he never met with his son or brother or anybody for that matter about their foreign business deals the borders secure enclosed and to anybody telling you otherwise they are flat out to lighting especially our friend liberal joe over at msn dc. >> republican accounts claim the videos are unedited and promised to keep posting them. >> it's always 1 angle not showing the story. >> they lie about their lives which is what you would expect liars to do.
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>> they're lying about their parts. >> the same liberal joe that lied and lied and lied about the laptop in the weeks leading up to the 2020 election let me you down memory lane take a trip. >> it's a lie that's where we are in 2020 just there they are still talking in russian hopes come on history will expose you all as fools and useful idiots for the russians. >> really well don't speak so badly about yourself liberal joe we have peter doocy no 1 i understand where they are on with this if i was them i would be defensive as well but these are real videos we know the president has cognitive issues
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to deny his flat out lying at this point is a star way of going on all fence what he thinks strategy is. >> the strategy is totally different because remember after the report was released they decided they would start making jokes about misperceptions considering his age and acuity they are making jokes there is no punchline there just saying if you see anything that calls into question his age or acuity or that he may have lost a step it's fake don't believe your eyes and ears that medias misrepresenting things i see because my job more of the biden than just about anybody and there were less and less opportunities to do it so the reason these things are magnified because this president who came out and said he would run for a second term he would be fine for another 4 years they had any questions to watch him
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they give us fewer opportunities to watch and this thing over the weekend where they're at a fundraiser in los angeles and their cell phone video of obama tugging on the president's arm to get them to keep going up the stage that isn't manipulated but is 1 angle from a cell phone the campaign white house consult this problem if they just let the precedent to shoot have more angles better quality video but they have a strategy where they want less and less of the president out there if there is more video people could see 99% of the time he's out there this isn't an issue than it's not an issue they just continue to be spotlighted. >> sean: 148 corrections in
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terms of biden speaking to the american people is on an awful lot we have a list of his lies we've chronicled them you can't blame these videos for any of that for that show mumbles and bumbles and stumbles or news following in the big boys stairs on air force one he looks frail and cognitively like he struggling with that moment with obama was apparent at the g7 last week all the leaders stayed in 1 place he wandered off and looked at signing else and the italian premised or genuine -- gently walked over there with the rest of us is that the interpretation fair enough if you have a different interpretation sure we live in a free country the idea they are trying to claim that it's not
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reality is him flat out lying also congrats on your big promotion were very proudly. >> what they're talking about would not be a cheap fake of some but he was manipulating the presence image and the words coming out of his mouth that would be very expensive artificial intelligence technology we have been running the tapes all day the white house says they want more context added and certain descriptions of events added but that doesn't make the videos fake on these words we put up on the screen we have a hard time interpreting what they are if you would like to interpret them for us in the white house would like to respond let them know we will put their interpretation on the screen for america to see to be fair and so have a list longer of other words they can interpret as well and i would be
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glad to give them the full and complete list they're willing to respond to this show i tend to doubt. >> and what they will say in the briefing room if i have sean hannity's list for you webpage do you want to start on. >> what are they gonna say. >> i'll tell you during the break. >> he was an icy on 1 occasion i know exactly what he said and i would assume what he said to you he thinks even worse of me that your reporter and i am a host so very different positions you're doing a great job are very proud of you thank you coming up donald trump at a huge rally in wisconsin tonight some of the highlights also biting getting ready for a long relaxing weekend we check in with kelly and call on the way inflation or after the break as joe was getting ready drinking as much
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red bull is possible for the big debate in 9 days we will continue
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(vo) in three seconds, this couple will share a perfect moment. (woman) is that? oh wow! but we got to sell our houses! (vo) well, almost perfect. don't worry. just sell directly to opendoor. (woman) yes! (vo) close in a matter of days. when life's doors open, we'll handle the house.
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lumineux whitening strips. no peroxide. no pain. i can use them every day if i want. eat what i want. drink what i want. pop in a lumineux strip and hello... smile is back on point. easy. ♪
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[ ♪♪ ] >> sean: earlier today former president trump at a rally in the state of wisconsin. >> on day 1 i will make sure funding is cut for schools with inappropriate content. onto our lives of our children my next term we build a great iron dome over country i don't like never seen before a state-of-the-art missile defense shield entirely built in america i will end the biden inflation nightmare and we will end it quickly i will repeal cricket
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joe biden's insane electric vehicle mandate and we will drill baby drill drill baby drill. >> sean: while president trump is campaigning joe is planning to travel to his home in delaware with a fundraiser in northern virginia with her heading to camp david thursday for some much needed relaxation and some debate prep heading into next week showdown that we will cover here in the fox news channel your reaction we have kelly and conway and fleischer good to see you both i might be wrong but my best guess is that we've only seen joe biden jacked up an energetic during the state of the union under address only time we saw we didn't see before we haven't seen it since i
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expect that joe biden to show up at the debate with which means red bull caffeine pills whatever would you expect the same. >> they'll probably need to goose and juice him for him to be able to stand there for 90 minutes without the assistance of obama or his wife or the shaking hands with the air are frankly a teleprompter we haven't seen him much without a teleprompter and you know donald trump is preparing for the debate seated in new jersey and west palm beach he goes and talks to the people about the record of accomplishments over the last 4 years and his vision forward the best way to prepare as for biden's agility and acuity and debility and energy that will be in question but i think that cnn which probably thinks it's doing a civic
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service by muting donald trump's microphone is doing him a big favor let's have it joe biden speak i can't wait to watch biden try to speak let him perform feet away from the imposing intimidating trump i don't care what democrats say let it mumble and stumble in bumble and not be so humble with trump right there i hope trump will let him speak in that been in the remove -- room for debate prep with trump in 2016 and 2020 he takes the debate seriously but his debate prep us to talk about what you've seen him talking how he reduces inflation at the at the bar you know why you biden's going on vacation because here are his answers president biden what's your plan for ensuring twice 6 million americans who have no healthcare what is your plan to fix that border inflation to have a plan in the middle east and ukraine january 6 those are 3 answers
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for everything january 6th, trump trump trump and abortion. >> sean: they have 1 goal to pick soft donald trump it will be 3 on 1 we know if they is a liberal host as is dana i think trump is prepared for that the analysis to generate 6 democracy in pharaoh anything other than the important issues impacting america and the economy and immigration america's role in the world joe abdicating the role is leader of the free world surrendering the war of terror they don't want to talk about those things however with that said i think they want to pick soft donald trump if he stays cool answers as questions i think he will be prepared i thank you would be fine that you will have a hard time. >> i'm shocked the debate is happening stemmed that white
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house staff wants joe biden appearing on stage known teleprompter or assistance from anybody for an hour and a half. it's a surprise the pressure and joe biden to not flub and engage in some of those verbal mistakes we have all seen if i'm the anchor jake tapper or dana here's what i do i would pick up the robert her report and said he said you don't remember when you are vice president mr president what years were you vice president put it to him make joe biden answer the facts addressed in the question that report said he didn't remember the year bo biden died asked the president when his son died this is what journalists do based on government information which is hard-hitting and factual they pressed the politician and power press joe biden everyone saying these are cheap fakes he saying
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he's in great health and outruns the staff put to the test it's what americans wonder about the most how cognizant and aware is this man put it to the test if i was cnn that's what i would ask. >> to be omit favorite lie is joe biden gets more done in an hour than most americans get done in a whole day i'm like no i don't believe that. i have a hard time keeping up with everything circle back jen said that and i said really are out of shape. next are using scare tactics a last ditch effort to help voters in november wait until you seese what they are saying now. [ ♪♪ ] -cologuard®? -cologuard. cologuard! -screen for colon cancer. -at home, like you want.
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♪ ♪ [sfx] water lapping. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ [sfx] water splashing. ♪ ♪ [sfx] ambient / laughing. ♪ ♪
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[ ♪♪ ] is biden's popularity is continuing to plummet the left is getting desperate and relying on scare tactics to win over voters. they reportedly said she fears donald trump will quote come after her and last week conspiracy theorist rachel maddow said they're worried about her throwing her in other trump critics in a camp they continued to draw -- drama with the hard-hitting new show the view spreading lies joy listed joy behar was there for the action. >> you could be a target yourself some people think that sounds a little dramatic but i'm there with you so vindictive as
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with sponsors as give me as much power as you can in this country as if that's the basis much you want to get done as is there a world where democrats should have a backup plan for joe biden >> the backup plan is run a better campaign his record as president is a very strong record we are the economic envy of the world doesn't mean the economy is perfect but literally we are the envy of the world. >> sean: strong record and they are coming to take me away with course we forget about aoc were worried that donald trump will throw her in jail. reaction charlie kirk reformer white house aide stephen miller
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charlie i will go to you first i don't know what to say interesting thing is if you look at roger stone rudy giuliani peter navarro or steve bannon is it that they fear the loss they are in weaponization a justice that they have used going after trump they can't even tell what the charges still in new york nor the $18 million compared to its real worth is it a fear that what they have done come back to haunt them they have 1 thing in their favor conservative believe in the constitution and unless you broke real laws not made up ones that they bring up they don't believe in that go after the real laws that might have been broken. >> it's obvious and laughable to
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listen to them talk about this and it was particularly funny to listen to joy behar talking about using the irs to go against political groups like what the biden -- obama irs admitted to doing under his administration yet 2 cams people like on the view were generally in lease stupid people noisy what's going on i would not be spread if they'd they don't believe the stuff they have noisy what they are talking about but rachel maddow was a smart person she's not stupid she's been telling lies about this stuff going to the russia stuff i think it's a type -- a different type of derangement system syndrome for the people little loan by the stupid media and rachel maddow who should know better she knows what the truth is lee she should know she's lying. >> sean: she has paddled lies
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in conspiracy theories for years and years and years russia russia russia look at all the lies told about hunter biden's laptop in the weeks leading up to the 2020 election your take. >> what so ludicrous is for democrats attacking trump as some kind of threat to democracy as they are literally running to save democracy save democracy from joe biden's regime of censoring free-speech and to save democracy from doj hunted in targeting and jailing of political dissidents. the irs as charlie said targets conservatives government at every level weapon iced against christians and catholics and a limited government supporters and anybody perceived as an enemy of joe biden not to
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mention the president today issued an unconstitutional illegal executive angle amnesty considering the constitution and our laws orchestrating a criminal invasion this president his party his henchmen and his minions are waging war every day and democracy and donald trump is risking his own personal liberty and freedom to say freedom for every single 1 of us are they the same people that want to keep trump off the ballot move weapon eyes justice in the civil case i mean trump's areas not worth 18 million the judge stands by that to this day the case of alvin break a misdemeanor from 8 years ago illegal nondisclosure agreement up charged to a federal election come you get the last word.
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>> the important thing about all this even if they weren't all the great policies that donald trump is correct about democrats are allowed to win an election by doing what they are doing right now they will never run any other election they ever do that way -- not do that way. >> sean: stay with us more hannity straight ahead. [ ♪♪ ] [♪] your skin is ever-changing, take care of it with gold bond's age renew formulations of 7 moisturizers and 3 vitamins. for all your skins, gold bond.
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[ ♪♪ ] >> sean: as we mentioned and we'll be legend and hall of famer billy mays died at 93 he was a 25 time all-star widely considered 1 of the greatest baseball players of all times godspeed willie mays set your dvr see you never miss an episode of hannity in the meantime let not your heart be troubled greg will put a smile in your face have a great night. [ ♪♪ ]