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tv   Fox News at Night  FOX News  June 18, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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>> greg: thank you to our guests, our studio audience, "fox news @ night" is next. greg gutfeld, love you. >> trace: evening everyone, kevin corke in for trace gallagher. 8:00 pm on the west coast, 11 in
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washington and this is america's late news, "fox news @ night". breaking tonight, promises made, promises uncapped. more than 3 years into biden's first term his administration's progress has been minimal or worse on a number of areas. biden failing to deliver for example on crime and of course on the economy. >> the economy is one of the voters top concerns. why do you think recent polling numbers, that potentially the policies are resonating with some of the base or some of the americans here in the united states? >> listen, first of all, i think that we know that it takes time for people to feel the policies. >> takes time. but four years? and remember when biden promised high-speed internet to every american? well there's a new report out that shows that at least so far there's not much to show for that 42 billion-dollar investment of your taxpayer
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dollars. and then in the nightcap... >> do we know who is in charge of muting the mics? is that the moderators? >> they better get it right. >> kevin: cnn releasing the rules for the first presidential debate. critics suggest those rules swing towards the president. should have president trump agreed in the first place? we want your thoughts in the nightcap. as we find out more on that illegal migrant accused of raping a 13-year-old girl in broad daylight, we've obtained the mugshots of 68 convicted sex offenders who entered this country illegally just since october, begging the question, who is in our country? meantime the media buying into the white house narrative that those videos of biden looking lost, dazed and confused are just a bunch of cheap fakes. we will london spin that web in just a few moments but first to
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correspondent ashley strohmier who is live with more on many of those promises made and not many kept. >> reporter: hello kevin. voters looking at president biden record to decide whether he should get a second term may find that many of those promises made in his first term have yet to come to fruition, like this. >> not unlike with frank glenn roosevelt when he brought electricity to nearly every american home. we are making an equally historic investment to connect everyone in america to high-speed internet, affordable high-speed internet, by 2030. >> reporter: the promises off to a slow start according to biden's own fcc commissioner who wrote this on x, in 2021 the biden a ministration got $42.45 billion from congress to deploy high-speed internet to millions of americans. years later, it has not connected even one person with those funds. we have reached out to the white
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house for their reaction and have yet to here back. a majority of voters say they are struggling to see improvement in their wallets. vice president kamala harris promised to rebuild the economy in her 2020 victory speech but now she says this... >> the economy is one of the voters top concerns. why do you think with recent polling numbers, that potentially the policies may be aren't resonating with some of the base or some of the americans here in the united states? >> listen, first of all, i think that we know that it takes time for people to feel the policies. >> reporter: crime also continues to be a major concern, despite biden's 37 billion-dollar safer america plan that was introduced in 2022. the migrant crisis appearing to make matters worse with nearly 70 sexual predators known to have enter the country illegally a migrant was arrested just today for raping a 13-year-old in broad daylight in new york. all of these issues should be brought up in the presidential debate, that first one is just
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nine days away. >> kevin: you would think they would be brought up. we will have to see. thank you. we will see you in a few minutes. meantime we want to bring in fox news contributor jason chaffetz and new york post reporter lydia moynihan. jason, first to you, i want to share with you this headline, "biden's rural high-speed internet plan gets stuck in red tape." his substance of this one. lawmakers and internet companies bring the slow rollout on burdensome requirements for obtaining the funds including climate change mandates, preferences for hiring union workers and a requirement that eligible companies prioritize the employment of "out justice impacted people with criminal records to install broadband." wow is all i want to say about that. what say you? >> 42 billion, four years and not a single person as internet
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access? if you go to star link you can go and get these via satellite, you can connect every american pretty much in a couple of months. so if elon musk can figure it out and do star link, the government is not working for people. remember when they told us they would put up all of these charging stations and they had tens of billions of dollars to do it and they have less than 12 of them? it's not working for anybody. biden does not know how to her by the government, he's never run anything in his life, other than for office, and he's been there since the early 1970s. he does not know how to do this stuff. >> kevin: it's hard to argue. you ask for money accu float a great idea and then you don't deliver and people are left wondering what happened to the money. we are talking $40 billion. what gives? >> it's a staggering and this is not an isolated boondoggle.
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there were seven electric chargers produced so that's a much better track record them what we are seeing with this internet. i want to add, this comes after the government decided to end a contract with elon musk's star link. that contract would have put internet in 642,000 rural homes purchased $885 million, which is penny's compared to the numbers that we are talking about. the government in a statement said they did not think that was a good allocation of resources and this is how they spent the money? what's staggering is elon musk is spending spacious -- sending spaceships tomorrow's, he's working with nasa to get rockets off the ground. the irs can't even take a website live any of the government insists on continuing to pour money down a rathole on these public projects went in this case, and it seems and a
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lot of other cases, there's clearly a much more effective, much cheaper private-sector alternative. but unwilling to pursue that option. >> kevin: almost as if they really don't care about the people who must -- might be best served. i want to run this quick montage on the economy. we've talked at length about bidenomics. listen to this. >> no president has had the run we've had in terms of creating jobs and bring down inflation. it was nine% when i came to office. >> i think that we know it takes time for people to feel the policies. >> eventually prices will come down? what's the timeframe? >> i'm saying the president is taking action, there's more work to do. >> kevin: 15 seconds each. he lied when he said inflation was at 9 percent. >> under donald trump or four years and never even got close or over 3 percent. which will biden is saying is fabrication. people understand what's really going on here.
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>> kevin: lydia, wrap us up. >> she's promising that somewhere over the rainbow we are finally going to see a better economy and somehow that pot of gold is only going to be discovered if we elect them again for another four years. but again you can't pull the wool over people's eyes when they see the reality of what's happening to their paychecks. >> kevin: bonus points for the wizard of oz reference there. jason chaffetz, lydia moynihan, thank you for joining us, we appreciate it. >> thank you kevin. they arched done in bad faith. i think it tells you everything we need to know about how desperate republicans are here. instead of talking about the president's performance in office, we are seeing these deep fakes, these manipulated videos. >> kevin: deep fakes, cheap fakes, manipulation. for the record the fox news channel has not aired any manipulated videos of president biden. this is during up so much
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controversy without we would discuss it further with the knights media panel. curtis houck and amber duke. you know, curtis up and looking forward to talking to you all day long because this is one of those topics you kind of have to shake your head that because i know what i'm looking at. i've seen this with my own two eyes, the white house cannot spin this. >> this is raw video. there's no airbrushing of this at all. you think back to 2020 and i recall that moment where president trump walks slowly down a ramp at west point. >> kevin: that was what. >> it was wet. they made a huge deal out of it, some kind of cognitive impairment. msnbc spent 12 and a half minutes on one day complaining about that, wondering oh my gosh there's something a foot here. the white house, this phrase they workshop is a complete flop >> kevin: i love that. amber, i want you to listen to this montage of sound about cheap fakes. listen.
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>> cheap fakes, video -- videos of real a fence that are intentionally manipulated to fool viewers. >> this is fake, this is fakes. >> they are only helping joe biden, only lowering expectations. mainstream media outlets are now all in on the lies. >> i find what barack obama did inexplicable because he knows the narrative that is built up around his former vice president and yet everything you saw there was real. not one second was altered. >> kevin: how he nails it. not one second. >> it's incredible, this cheap fake term, i guess they can't say deep fake because that implies there was some sort of ai manipulation so they've come up with cheap fake which just means that it's a video that makes joe biden look bad. to be honest, this is really so desperate from the white house, from the biden campaign, to really tell people do not believe their own eyes. what was incredible about the obama video is that their
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defense was to actually put out their own version of the video that conveniently zoomed out to about 1000 yards on that exact moment that obama was grabbing biden's listed -- wrist and leading him offstage. but we are the one with a cheap fakes. >> kevin: you are hilarious. this is a new york magazine cover, very interesting. it says, they are attacking republican women and as you can see the tagline, are republican women okay? what they are really doing it seems to me, curtis,'s they are suggesting that if you are a republican woman that you are either crazy or somehow you just don't get it. your thoughts? >> i mean this is the magazine and the party where they don't even know what an actual woman is. they are constantly redefining. >> kevin: touche. >> a woman is all in your mind, it's all subjective here, it's a construct. so for them to make that argument during june, during pride month is just all the more comical. i think american people see right through this and that's
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why these magazines are failing, just like new york magazine in washington post,. >> kevin: your thoughts? >> conservative and republican women have been dealing with this for decades, the left accused us of having internalized misogyny or as hillary clinton said, voting the way our husbands tell us to vote. my husband and i voted for different people in the last primary so that's what actually true. but nonetheless it's all about discrediting anyone who thinks differently than the liberal mop they did it to milan you trump, they did it to all of the impressive white house staffers under the former president donald trump. and they will continue to do it because it's a convenient way to attack their political opponents. >> kevin: what's interesting to me is they do this and they know what they are doing. this is an intentional a eustachian of your ability to say these are the facts, my groceries are higher, my gas prices are higher, home heating is higher, there's more crime. they can make these decisions on their own, they don't need to be told how to vote or how not to
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vote. kind of silly. amber and curtis, thank you. president biden unveiling a new illegal alien friendly action today. one that will shield undocumented spouses of u.s. citizens from deportation. correspondent jeff paul taking a closer look and the state of the larger southern border crisis. evening jeff. >> good evening kevin. the new immigration policy would affect roughly half a million married couples and creates a legal pathway for not only the person who lacks citizenship but for their kids as well. under biden's new plan, spouses without legal status in the u.s. can apply to become permanent residents without having to leave the u.s. to apply in their home country. the white house is framing this as "new action to keep families together." a policy would impact to noncitizens who've been in the country for at least ten years. president biden called it a commonsense fix but republicans,
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including former president donald trump, criticized the new policy saying president biden is sending a message rewarding illegal entry. here's how president biden responded to trump. >> he's proposing to rip spouses and children from their families and homes and communities and place them in detention camps. he's saying these things. it's hard to believe it's being said but he's saying these things out loud. it's outrageous. >> reporter: in new york police arrested a 25-year-old ecuadorian man in connection with the rape of a 13-year-old girl. the nypd says the suspect entered the u.s. illegally back in 2021 through texas. they credited a group of high standards who recognized his face from surveillance video police had released, holding him until officers arrived. >> kevin: thank you my friend, we will see you in a few. for more analysis we want to bring in former acting attorney general matt whitaker and retired border patrol agent, sheriff thaddeus cleveland. first to your sheriff, this is
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one of those issues that i think really not just speaks to the problems that we are seeing on the southern border but also to the broader issue of the natural security of this country. i want to share, this is mr biden on the new border policy and i will get your reaction first, sheriff, listen. >> there's already a system in place for people we are talking about today, but the process is cumbersome, risky and it separates families. the current process, undocumented spouses of citizens must go back to their home country, leaving their families in america with no assurance they will be allowed back in the united states. >> kevin: when you hear it, it sounds good, if you think this will help, but i think there are a lot of people that will believe this won't help, it will make things worse and it may even act as a magnet. your thoughts? >> howdy kevin. i will tell you what, with this is is another effort by this administration trying to appeal to the american public by saying we are going to start doing this to be more humanitarian or
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whatever the case is. a week and a half ago it was the new executive order, before that the senate bill that was, i like to say, garbage. i must comment on this is about border security, not immigration. we need a secure border, our borders are unsecure. we have to get back to that. >> kevin: matt, listen, when i read it before i heard him talk about it i thought this is obviously going to play to a base that he is trying to attract. at the same time i'm concerned. i think many people are concerned that this will end up working as a magnet and make things demonstratively worse along the southern border. >> i don't think any of the biden border policies have had a positive impact on national security or public safety in the united states of america. it's very cynical almost.
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i think purely politics. but it really points to biden's problem on the border, that he can't secure his left-wing while he is losing people in middle and on the right. because you are seeing people murdered in our streets. every victim of a crime committed by illegal immigrant is an unnecessary victim and it should never have happened and it's happening all too often. >> kevin: exactly. let me share your former boss,'s reaction to mr biden, listen to this. >> crooked joe's action today is an illegal unconstitutional amnesty without approval from congress. no approval from the courts or the american people, but he never does that. >> kevin: this is ripe i think for a challenge. as a lawyer, has an attorney general, i'm sure you would be chomping at the bit to drag this to court. >> absolutely. remember this confirms certain ever meant benefits, whether that's an immediate ability to work, receive social security, to get medicare.
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and so all of those things compound but at the same time this is illegal. he admitted it was in this bill that sheriff cleveland said was a terrible bill. he admitted it was there so congress has the power to do it, joe biden does not have the power. >> kevin: sheriff, wrap us up. >> to matt's point and a president trump's point, what our president biden is doing at this point with this latest action, he's doing what congress should be doing, meaning congress needs to be making the laws, putting the laws forward, not the president of the united states. because he continues to do this, it's causing more problems and compounding the issue. >> kevin: one of the things that happens is he gets the headline in for a while this will be all the rage, whether it makes it over the finish line or not. the effect of it, especially as i mentioned earlier, the draw of it i think is only enhanced. sheriff and attorney general, thank you for joining us.
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still to come on the show, crime plaguing big blue cities across the country. no signs of slowing down. how one desperate democratic governor is making a quick 180 to curb her states problem. and later in the nightcap... >> does it surprise you trump would agree to these terms? i know his campaign is dying to get him shoulder to shoulder in the same room with joe biden but why on these terms? yes, you said it best, it's going to be great for everyone, meaning the audience, but not him. >> kevin: it will be awfully early, strangely early. i hope we will get more than just one shot but yeah, right now we are less than ten days away from the first 2024 presidential debate between joe biden and donald trump. hosted by dana bash and jake tapper. cnn releasing additional details on the parameters agreed upon by the trump and biden campaigns. muted microphones, no live audience, commercial breaks and perhaps msnbc is asking the right question, why did trump
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agree to debate on these terms? should he have done so so quickly? maybe, maybe not? what do you think? we want you to weigh in, @foxnewsnight on x or instagram. we will read your responses later on in the show. meantime 11:20 on the east coast, here is our "fox news @ night" trip across america. over to new orleans, louisiana, love that town. bourbon street, actually named after a french royal family, not the liquor back who knew. and finally to my home, denver, colorado, which sits exactly 1 mile above sea level, three-time super bowl champion denver broncos, three-time stanley cup champion, nba champion. we will see you after a quick break but don't forget you can always check us out. if you can't do it live, set your dvr and watch us any time. [♪♪] 's 5g network connects a hundred thousand delta employees
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>> kevin: 26 minutes after the hour, a bit of breaking news and sad sports news to pass along, baseball hall of famer willie mays has died at the age of 93. four years after jackie robinson broke major-league baseball's color barrier, he began starting with that then new york baseball giants, winning the 1951 rookie of the year award and would go want to win not one but two mvp honors. best remembered for making arguably the greatest play in baseball history, the catch which of course helped the giants get to the world series and win in 1954. the san francisco chronicle reports tonight that willie mays died of heart failure. he was 93 years old. surprising new developments tonight and a shocking new video
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to share with you as america's crime crisis shows little sign of abating. correspondent jeff paul back with the latest on that. >> reporter: we will start right here in southern california where police just released a new image of a vehicle they believe was involved in that armed robbery of a secret service agent. police right now are looking for this vehicle described as a 2004-2006 silver infinity f x 35. investigators say it could be involved in the robbery of a secret service agent who had a bag stolen at gunpoint on the same night president biden and former president all palma were fundraising in downtown la. in the bay area, take a look at this new video of eight smash and grab at a jewellery store in sunnyvale, california, this happened last wednesday. police say roughly 20 people stormed into that store with hammers and other tools, breaking into those jewellery cases, taking basically whatever
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they could. five arrests there so far. in new york governor cathy hochul considering a partial mask ban on new york city subways. it comes after several instances of anti-semitic acts by masked protesters including one described by the governor involving a group taking over a subway car where they chanted about hitler and wiping out jews. >> we will not tolerate individuals using masks to evade responsible for criminal or threatening behavior. my team is working on a solution but on a subway people should not be able to hide behind a mask to commit crimes. >> reporter: the governor says commonsense exemptions will be made for health, cultural and religious reasons. >> kevin: thank you again, we appreciate that. we want to get some expert insight from former fbi special agent at fox news contributor nicole parker. i want to begin by sharing what
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vinnie johnson said on x, california is so far gone that joe biden's secret service agents are getting robbed at gunpoint. i mean, at a certain point you just have to shake your head. >> it's sad, it's tragic. california is a beautiful place. i think it's an absolutely gorgeous place but i have so many friends who have all left, especially during covid in with the crime rates out the roof. a lot of people are leaving and they are coming to florida, texas. we are overpopulated because everyone is leaving california. a secret service agent held at gunpoint, imagine that. being a law-enforcement officer as an fbi agent, it is not make you immune from crimes committed against you, but you have a gun and there's a deadly force policy and when a gun is put to your head or you are put at gunpoint, deadly force is justified. i understand he or she did return fire but we don't know what happened to the suspect. but again, very chilling that
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that could happen. the jewellery heist up in california. twenty individuals, this was in broad daylight shortly after 1:00 pm on an afternoon. that's just acceptable now because it's been happening so often. when there are's note consequences for the crimes, the cycle continues. thank goodness at least five individuals were arrested but what about the 15 others? i was flabbergasted to see how they just went in, they took what they wanted and were on their way. >> kevin: and by the way, they talk about "the 5" who were arrested, i'd like to find out are we talking about adults goes in many cases like this they will actually use young people, juveniles, to commit the crime because they know that if they are arrested, if you get caught, nothing will happen to you and then of course the cycle continues. quickly i want to share this, cathy hochul talking about the mask ban or partial mask ban. i want to get your reaction to that. >> there will be exceptions for health, there will be exceptions
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for religious observance, there would be exceptions for cultural festivities. there should be some deterrent for people committing criminal activities. do you really want someone with a mask on walking into a bank? we have to be smart about protecting our businesses and our riders on subways from harassment as well. >> kevin: as bad as what she described is, i want to share quickly a tiny example of what we noticed on a subway, people again harassing others, again wearing a mask. listen. >> raise your hands if you are a zionist. this is your chance to get out! okay no zionists, we are good. >> kevin: in new york city of all places, nicole. >> it is evil, disgusting, wrong. is an fbi agent, during the summer of 2020, it was very heartening for law enforcement
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to know that they were enforcing masks, they were requiring masks, and it made it difficult for fbi and other law enforcement agencies to do their job when everybody was covered in masks. the first thing i noticed, when these protesters came out this year against all these anti-jewish hate things that are going on in the nation, the first thing i noticed was they all had masks on. if you are so proud of what you are doing, take your mask off and be proud of your actions. they are trying to evade law enforcement, they know what they are doing is wrong and they don't want to be held accountable but the problem the governor has issue was out there preaching you must wear a mask. they made it regular, it became normalized to wear a mask. now how are you going to enforce that? good luck enforcing that on the subways in new york, you can't even stop crime, you think you will hold people accountable for wearing a mask? i think it's absurd, frankly. good for her to have that thought but she is the one who was strongly enforcing the masks in the first place and made it difficult for law enforcement and now it's virtually impossible to undo that.
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>> kevin: nicole parker, a pleasure, thank you. talking about a very difficult circumstance up in new york but it's one that could be remedied and seems avoidable. thank you as always. coming up, in what world our top intel agency officials encouraged to paint their nails and learn crochet during work hours? well in the united states of america of course. and still to come, chris brown stuck mid air in the middle of his performance in new jersey, a portland roller coaster near functions -- malfunctions leaving nearly 30 people upside down. the days viral videos are coming up next. coming up next. but first, australia, nicknamed the bowl. i wish i was there. [♪♪] [♪♪] ♪ ♪ chewy, a citi client, uses citi's financial expertise
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when we say it'll be on time, they expect it to be on time. turn shipping to your advantage. keep those expectations with reliable ground shipping. thanks brandon. with usps ground advantage®. ♪ >> kevin: breaking news tonight, a nailbiter in the commonwealth of virginia where freedom caucus chairman is
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hoping to fight off a challenge from trump back to state senator john maguire. mr trump is portraying him as a backstab or after he endorsed florida governor ron desantis when he ran for president. at this hour, the race remains as you can see there much too close to call. a real nailbiter. we will keep an eye on that for you. meantime for the second time in less than a week a federal judge has blocked president biden's biology denying rewrite of title ix that would include woke transgender ideology says critics. ashley strohmier returning with more. >> a federal judge has temporarily blocked the biden administration from implementing changes to title ix. this is the second time in just a matter of days that a federal judge has dealt a blow to the rewrite of a more than 50-year-old rule. it was meant to protect students from discrimination on the basis of sex. president biden wanted to extend those protections to transgender
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individuals. republican senator blackburn thinks the reason is more sinister. listen. >> title ix has allowed girls to compete, to xl, to get college scholarships, to learn about teambuilding and to develop those skills that are going to help them all of their lives. the biden administration continues to try to diminish that and to take those opportunities away from young girls and young women. >> reporter: the chief judge halted the law in six more states writing in his opinion that sex and gender identity do not mean the same thing. biden's education secretary said in april these final regulations build on the legacy of title ix by clarifying that all our nations students can access schools that are safe, welcoming and respect their rights. so now the changes to title ix have been halted in ten states, more republicans are fighting
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implementation of the new rule which is supposed to go into effect in august. >> kevin: thank you. let's continue the conversation now with republican candidate for the california state assembly, california chairman carl demaio along with school bored president sonja shaw. carl, i'm going to ask you your reaction to this. from the freedom depending -- alliance defending freedom, a statement about the title ix decision and it reads, the biden a ministration's radical redefinition of sex will upend the equal opportunities that women and girls have enjoyed for 50 years under title ix. and will threaten their safety and privacy at every level. it goes on, our female athlete client has already suffered the humiliation and indignity of being harassed by a male student in the locker room and on her sports team. no one else should have to go through that. your thoughts? >> well the statement is exactly
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right. i make a republican and so i ascribed to the notion that we should treat people with dignity and respect but i need to tell the left that dignity and respect is a two-way street. it's not dignified no respectful to our girls when you ruin the girls sports. by allowing biological males to compete on girls teams against other girls, you basically corrupt the level playing field and you take away sports from girls. they enjoy the sports, they learn from them, they develop from them, they get scholarships from them. why do we need to ruin a good thing for an entire group of people because we are trying to somehow bend over backwards and give people, you know, whatever they want. also let me point out that what biden is doing is patently illegal and that's where the judge overturned it. if biden thinks this is such a great idea, why don't you have the members of congress vote on this and then face the voters back home in the polls?
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he does not want to do that because he knows that this is an extremist idea and he's trying to to avoid any sort of political blowback. >> kevin: this is exactly what the argument has been in washington, what they are trying to do the argument goes is they are trying to take this out of the hands of the people who would otherwise make that decision, that would be you the voter or the congressional lawmakers who then would change the law if it came to that. your thoughts? >> absolutely. we have a moral obligation to protect our girls. the original intent of title ix was to give them the opportunities and put safety and protections in place. i think it's time we say enough is enough. biden has perverted the original intent and we need to empower our girls to start walking away, so we force them into pushing back what title ix was originally put in place for. our girls deserve the opportunity and i along with so many will continue to protect and fight for that as well. >> kevin: a lot of young athletes of every level have
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benefited from title ix. i could talk about my sister who was an outstanding athlete both at the junior and high school level and there are millions of others just like her. very quickly want to share this about the intel community in pride month from representative that shows where this administration's priorities continue to be which is a virtue signal to the progressive left, rather than staying focused on lethality, effective intelligence collection and keeping america safe, it's just a total misplacement of priorities and it comes from the top and it comes from highly politicized political appointees that are pushing an agenda. fifteen seconds each. this is a shocker. if you read the story you to shake your head. carl, first to you. >> well the dei extremist concept has invested our department of defense, our intel agencies. have we forgotten the intel failure that led to the october 7th attacks in israel?
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our intel agency should be focused on their mission, not personal pronouns and all sorts of other social agendas. get back to work and protect our people. >> kevin: wrap us up. >> absolutely. these agencies are put in place to keep our nation safe. right now they are focusing on painting fingernails and doing all this other kind of bizarre activities. we need to get back to actually doing what they are supposed to do but lennon said it best and i will sum it up, you are not, like, we don't have to worry about the bombs being thrown, the way that our enemy is going to beat us is by destroying, destroying our, you know, everything that the united states was meant to be, anything of our ethics, our morals, values, and that's what they are doing. look, these agencies need to get back to work. >> kevin: they do. thank you so much. quick time-out, we are back with the nightcap after this break, don't go away. [♪♪ne] ed you can't get a home loan
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[♪♪] >> kevin: we are back with the nightcap crew, ashley strohmier, curtis houck, carl demaio, sonja shaw, lydia moynihan and jason chaffetz. tonight's topic, president joe parameters. less than ten days away from the
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first 2024 presidential debate between joe biden and donald trump. cnn releasing new details on the parameters. no opening statements. okay. muted microphones, no notes, no live audience. our question tonight, should former president trump have so quickly agreed to debate with arguably partisan moderators unbiased rules? and what is a rule that mr trump should have countered before accepting? i think it's a great question. beginning with carl demaio. >> i thought this was all obvious, no podium were no opening statements, no notes, no audience, on cnn they don't have an audience usually. but look, donald trump, no matter what you throw at him is going to win this debate. i don't think he's too concerned about all the rules, he just wants to get in there and show that joe biden is not capable of standing up and articulating his
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agenda over a period of time, an hour or hour and a half. it's a biased forum but i think you will do fine. i think trump probably should have asked for a drug test going in because maybe biden is having some, you know, mental boosting drugs, but he will be fine, trump will win. >> kevin: ashley. >> you know, i think trump just wants to get them up on the stage. i don't think he would've cared if they said we will muzzle you in between, he would have done it. >> kevin: sonya. >> i think the only thing that should have been added is no babysitters for biden. >> kevin: lydia. >> i think the terms are pretty good. biden can't rely on a teleprompter or notes. we haven't seen him without those accessories and i don't know how long. the fact that he's going to be -- that trump rather will be cut off handicaps biden strategy. i feel like biden just wants to egged trump on. trump kampe too aggressive and i think this is a good situation.
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to have two candidates actually debate ideas and concepts on the merits instead of screaming at each other will be sort of a novel and good concept. >> kevin: we will see evidence up like that. curtis. >> i think for the president, president trump, he needs to have joe biden stand. this whole discussion about maybe they sit is ridiculous. for trump the bigger issue is the biased moderators. jake tapper said we are fighting for legitimacy, fighting for the facts and truth. that's just one example of the biased moderation. he needs to watch out. >> kevin: jason. >> i like the rules. i think they will be fine and i think the moderators will be fine because ultimately gets the american people who get to decide. if the moderators are tipping the scale one way or the other, america will figure that out.
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but donald trump, it's a win for him, just the fact he got joe biden in june to come out from his hiding place and actually have to speak for himself without, you know, a teleprompter or somebody whispering in his ear. >> kevin: no handlers either. without we ask, what do you think, should mr trump have so quickly agreed? fifty/50 pretty much on instagram, not too far off on x. scott, yes, biden won't last long with only two breaks. trump just asked to watch joe implode. janice, he's definitely add an advantage so why not? he loves the stage, he will shine. michael, no live audience rule, trump feeds off crowd reaction and the love. absolutely, he's debating -- well no matter what kind of cocktail they pump them up with, wh that's it for the show, we appreciate you watching america's favorite late news, i'm kevin corke and we will see you tomorrow. and 5g solutions from t-mobile for business. t-mobile connects
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