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tv   The Five  FOX News  June 18, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT

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our economy is doing terribly. inflation has killed our economy. it's a nation buster. on the lasting office, inflation was at less than 1.4%.
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>> greg: donald trump holding a rally in wisconsin. i'm greg gutfeld with judge jeanine pirro, harold ford jr., jesse watters, sandra smith. it's " i'm great got filled with jesse watters dana perino and sandra smith. donald trump supporting them hammering biden's failures in wisconsin here are the highlights. >> we are going bit we failed as an incompetent president and quite simply we are going to make america great again. as our border is overrun inflation is raging and the middle east is exploding iran in emboldened, china's on the mar or the most incompetent president history is going to drag us into world war iii first he wandered off of the g7 in europe looking like he didn'te
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know where he was but he didn't. know where he was is anybody going to watch the debate? [ cheering and applause ]mp >> he will bede pumped up. joe biden spending $50 million to call trump a convicted felon with adds like this. >> the election is between aco convicted criminal who is only out for himself and a president fighting for your family. >> during the rally they put millions of problem's about the biden administration in real practical things on the other sideem joe is pushing the narrative as so far trump is up 20 points in iowa. >> 50 million not well spent everybody knows he's a convicted felo kn's numbers went up after the verdict.
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i don't think that is somethinga you woulntd want to spend moneyn the countries where this is you can't do positive adds like that as crime is a big deal milwauker third highest crime rate of any city in the country it's a battle as suburban voters there as he got into a 16 loss to barely in 2020 as milwaukee has that shows a much of a priority it was as their reverberate in the message of the republican partverby i hope he can become o
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be calm during the debate i don't want and rachel asked toud be measured collective and let joe do his thing so sandra jesse brought up inflation has its from our fact sheet the average d is paying $967 more per month to purchase the same basket of goods and services in too 1 almost a thousand dollars. >> but the point of staying calm just a honest as a mate as you've done this for this
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administration suggesting as it was at 1 point 4% you see an increasing number of american voters sceptical of the jobs ans numbers coming out about the economy. last year there was 10 months on downward revisions to the job number being told 1 thing andd they aren't. nobody knowsth. to believe they' know what they are feeling and they know what they are paying as it's not going to other uses and their family they scale back on soccer further kit ork whatever it is and necessities in their household. as if he's honest with the american people about what's happening with the economy they can decide for themselves if ths
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ministration as their family better off or if they were better off under donald trump.r: >> scaling back on soccer not a problem in my world. >> when they want to take onhold another sport or whatever it is where you have to cut back as a family is you cut back on your extracurricular tech activities those are tougoiceh choices fams are making. >> judge trump did a quick throwaway line as he says the country is so badly run as he is going as how do you dispute tha. has you spending 50 million on add to say trump is convicted felon as at the stars in
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hollywood as trump is out there about the biden administrationut and what he's going to dong fighting for american families in detroit and atlanta and michigan ohio and harlem talkini to ordinary americans about what they need as that thousand dollars a month as it's a biden tax so while joe biden didg during around and name-callingea he's addressing the issues it's not 9% and inflation the facts are the facts you can't alliedoe to the american people as 30% double what they were as joen sa
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biden can say during the pandemic how many jobs were lost well we know they were lost because we closed down manufacturing in the end donald trump is speaking to specifics of every american joe biden's name-callingific. >> speaker-01: harold you shook your head in sorrow and the green room and said i don't know how he doesn't but there's not a celebrity there and he can draw thousands but withoutnds celebrities biden is alone and frail i'm thinking about switching my vote and you want to have drinks later. >> i will have to run the tape on that 1 as i would say a couple of things this is what campaigns are about as somebody who enjoys campaigning for the m substance of them and you have w very narrow race a tight race h like we have is we listen to you
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some of it is true what you are saying and if it was trump would be up by 9 points it will continue to be the unfortunate when races are tight like thislo were only looking at freer 400 voter -- voters in a few state both will overreach and say things s that are not onlyonly exaggerations but cruel or mean by that the type of things they're talking about today with independent voters and thenumb number of jobs they createdte talking about the investmentd,s with the policies they help make in the country in all parts ofur the country getting into a fig dogfight about issues and substance in june 27th being the most important day in a very long time in politics in myus lifetimee i've never seen for president run against thee current president somebody so recently president who had such
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different visions fohar the country and all of us have an opportunity to see them and to hear them and lay them out without an audience where they stand on issues where they made certain decisions over the last few years in the last 8 years ot president trump and how they envision in their policies makem us strongeakr and better over te next 18 years i'm looking forward to this debate in a huge way. >> i'm amazed $967 a monthth almost $12,000 a year. >> it is. >> i read it on the internet.n we areey keeping an eye on theyn trump rally in wisconsin up next joe biden pushing mass amnesty for a brutal migrant crime wave. e
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[ ♪♪ ] biden accused of appeasing the far left on immigrations andim signing a new executive order fast tracking noncitizen spousew to citizenship letting half and illegal immigrants stay in the countrl imy using the opportuniy biden best republicans. >> the patients and goodwill is being tested by their fears at the border they don't understand it these are the fears my predecessors played on he separated families of the borden now proposing to rip spouses in children's from the places they live. >> critics argue it's ill-timed amid the time and migrant violence so walking is so expecl
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an ecuadorian migrant church with the rate sexual abuse and kidnapping of a 13-year-old girl in new york city the subject ofe a massivw e manhunt after usinga machete style knife to force tht young victim and her friend into a secluded area of a park tyinga them u pp with shoelaces sexualy assaulting the girl's traumaticr video shows good samaritans faintly helping to catch up using a belt to tie him up he'd been living in a migrant city shelf tough to get through thehh to think about with the kids went through. >> you can thing about what they went through but never canhrou imagine what they are going to go through going forward she will suffer from ptsd.ethe who knows whether her parents let her testify the little boy tied up with her also will sufferd the wild part about all of this thing trump said this in
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the middle the biggest border he binvasion we got the presidet who wants to amnesty to people people testifying 1 gave sworn testimony and 2023 they don't even request criminal records on these immigrants which makesesti sense the question is of theset millions coming and we want to know who is a pedophile who beats his wife was an identity thief who thinks they can drive trump? let them in unvented and that we see the results of it the ripple effect of the rape of this girl will go on for decades in that town with that family otherch children who can't go into the park because a dirt bag made a decision and he didn't belong here joe biden you owned this a dirt bag made a decision to molest a 13-year-old girl and
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submit a whole community to the impact of that and biden's overk there talking abouint how donald trump is separating families jor maybe you ought to be more concerned about american families like the family of laken riley the american familyf of the 13-year-old american families where joe biden let 68e sexual predatorsn in for el pao in texas, 62 of the 68 or 91% of the sexual predators lead in ind this perio pd played at parade n children these are predators not just sexual predators and joe biden knows that so don't give me nonsense about how it's time it's not time as time according to the 53%ac of the hispanics in the country that they be rounded up and deported and 60% of
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americans think the same thingin you victimize americans if you want to that to them okay weif y don't have a problem they shoulo come through legally at the samt time just saying chineseis pakistan whose pakistan last week it was to g kazahkstan it was outrageous. >> harold i will go to you on this more than half of hispanic voters want the deportations to happen when we see more and more horrific crimes like this happeninweg they people who are never supposed to be here in thg first place does it work more against democrats as we gety? closer to election day. >> thinking about it politically i know we are in the season but this is been going on illegal immigration and the challenges at the border for a long time getting worse. >> record number.>> >> i'm agreeing with you. h the question ih would have is what i've been asking for a while i think biden was latete
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with his executive orders he had a reason i don't agree with the reason necessarily but iem o understand it it's a system of government where you can't just tell congress what to do they worked at the toughest security bill i40n the last 40 years trup bradley said he told republicans to kill if he believes he can do better who might a coral withim him we see if he can get elected and he can but we know we could get thosgoe laws in place but those protections in place and border agents down there and stop some of these things wonder congressman said how can we not pass a bill if we arel complaining about thisif lang additional 2-3 million inn pebecause we think some whales n negotiate a better 1 may be but trumps not president and when hu was president he only built 40 miles away and had a republican majority in congress. >> joe biden reverse 64 executive orders for them to make that come in.
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>> why do you tell him >> is soloing to million to com in and nobody is monitoring 2500 a day. >> was killed because they didn't want to cope codify ourci rotten law everyone knows it was rotten. >> i disagree fowithr. >> even talking about this issue have been on the show for 8 years i've lost count have any people of coming home murder women and killed her children it's sad the 1 guy who want to do saying about it they went to war against and impeached himth terrorize his administration next guy comes in and only opens to border he's flying and makeas migrants and from other countriers has an app you canouc download to make an appointment to break into the country onceeo you get into the country all the democrat run cities aree sanctuary cities didn't report or deport everybody want stronge back because he wants to secure the border and master port he h has asa mandate if he wins doese
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not yes, he does that's democrac y near times same to sorry a coalition in place looking to sabotage that looking to subvert policy throughot bureaucratic sabotage, lawsuits in guerrilla tacticsag whatat democracy is tha kt if you can't even out the will of the peoplel executed in a democracy thee founders ofof this great idea to have a republic of checks and balances seed on of mob ruleve going nuts what the mob isomin coming outside of the country what do you do then you know the country harold we are facilitatingre f an invasion ino the country founders never imagine saying like this that you would have selfish factionsf politicians ceos and activistsgo and peoples conspiring to server at the constitution to what game power and profit 11 other women
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killed another teenager raped and no 1 cares about it we just cannot tolerate this because it makes money for corporations an. corporate colonialism you this labour from outside the country and it kills the wages of american birders -- workersr boosts profitability enhancing shareholder power and boosts p rent traces political.d to >> so americans need to step up november 15 put a stop to it gratefully. t >> to the point of bringing up he separated families the rapist arrived with his 3-year-old boy thank you joe for not separating them3- maybe focus on keeping tm out instead of keeping them together and made a people aliv. i understand i get your point on
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the bill you get to go before thatyou' why was trump elected e are talking but the border for years and trump was attacked over his views on the border in which all of his predictions of come sure they're not sending their best sounded so mean andde rude until you realized they're not sending their best they're sending rapists and murderers these are hypotheticals thesee are ththe outcomes of left-wing e politics these are the eggs broken to make a progressive omelette democrats mocked people like us who said this would happend th instead focusing on virtues signalling issues likere sanctuary cities gendered ideology and climate hysteria and called us inhumane and heartless people for focusing on this what's it got to take forwt
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you to abandon your anti- trump hysteria which prevents you fro doing the right thing to have to be your child your mother your wife what if we say these people are white supremacist will that help i'll do that. >> why not pass the bill say i i will win and make it strongerge prevent hundred thousandr . >> it allowed for 200 million a year to monitoher. >> i have the decency to say biden should have done sooner. >> it was a good >> a big debate and you will hear a lot of this on the debate thursday night. coming up you won't believe your eyes they call videos of biden making gaffes cheap fakes.
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>> who needs commander when he can unleash his attack dogs in the media to scare off anybody who dares question is mental fitness. the press helping the white house push its latest desperate spin on the biden brain freeze videos they are cheap fakes despite them being unedited. biden has declared any video of the president looking lost must have been manipulated twisted in a way to make it seem like joe was feeble and lost of course biden sycophants in the media are a land there's latching on to the talking point. >> is a growing insidious trend in right-wing media to take highly misleading and selectively edited videos of president biden the cast doubt on his fitness for office. >> republican account circulating clips responding saying videos are unedited and
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promised to keep posting them. >> they are lying to make want to talk about the biden they want you to see in the pipeline of videos that don't tell the full truth. >> we've been worried about deep fakes cheap fakes or simpler there distorted out of context of videos i think we'll need to be careful of what it is we put out there. >> greg is the next step when they start suppressing the biden videos like they did the laptop how does it feel to be taken out of context where were these anti- hoaxers when there was the drinking bleach hoax the migrant kids in cages folks the border patrol whipping migrants out the lab leak conspiracy erie hopes the russian collusion hoax the don't say gay bill hoax the pta pokes when we see something we've that it the media doesn't
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because they are the angina beyond those hoaxes as long as they go in 1 direction democrats are lucky we don't match their dishonesty we could and we don't we do not have to because basically we don't need to make up crap apparently they hold us to a higher standard than they do themselves only they can cheat because they believe they have a moral high ground they can do anything in moral they want they can interfere with elections unprecedented law fair saying you are banning books is he a phobic having no compassion for the poor or the homeless as they of the most dangerous person being 1 who excuses their bad actions especially win the good never materialize. >> the 1 thing they haven't said is what specifically was deep faked.
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>> we were going for this segment playing with network coverage why not play the original and play the edits let people decide for themselves the reason is the original is what we showed they got videos for the first time during those hours we are careful to play them out in their entirety we see them happen here. if somebody wants to decide maybe he was distracted maybe needed help their they can decide for themselves playing video so you can see a bother me during the coverage yesterday is what we talked about this we dipped in the live coverage of the white house of the first press briefing in 3 weeks we hadn't heard the press secretary way in as the videos accumulated she went on an aggressive defence of the videos and using the word manipulated. it's like some but he is putting
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the head of the president and somebody else's body which is just not the case the dancing video playing on stage of obama and people can decide for themselves what they are concerned about it. were probably everybody can agree on it's not totally normal to have another world leader come usher you on a stage and a major international ground like that italian preminister did with the paratroopers is responsibility of the media to cover as people can decide for themselves to be seen the video manipulated which makes videos like free and frail we ever played on the air? >> i don't believe so and if we have we didn't do it intentionally some of the things there might be things people use they don't know none of our producers or the network would do like that the larger point is there are a number of voters who
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get their news and access and consume news for unconventional ways ways different than even 10 years ago online is 1 way people do it i think both sides not just including campaigns but the utilize ai a way which is manipulative and larger question then this here. second don't like it when either side doesn't i don't like when democrats do against republicans doing malicious runner publicans to it against democrats i go back to the first segment the conversation they were having about some of the things trump was saying in his rally here about things he did differently or things he did as president that's where the debate should be and we should be willing to denounce any time ai is used in a false manipulative way. >> nobody has aia to joe biden to make him look bad anywhere we've seen there talking about
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cheap fakes not deep fakes but when we talk about both sides i don't think it's both sides political correctness started with the democrats they wanted us to say things in certain ways we weren't allowed to say there was an invasion at the border if we were we were is enough open all this other nonsense then we can talk to each other in social media they started the gaslight us then it was russian collusion you want to talk about fakes let's talk about that you know when mitch mcconnell froze twice both republicans and democrats. republican said this is a problem mitch mcconnell got the medical treatment needed to deal with it and that was the end of it you don't see the democrats do that. all the democrats they shut up you can't say it that way.
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guys it's a pool camera he's putting the stuff on here nobody is editing it joe biden's losing his mind stumbling bumbling and tripping that's all that's going on. >> jesse can i make a simple point joe biden ran on a simple fake fact that trump called nazis find people when anybody called data on the media and said it wasn't true there putting their careers in danger only a handful people said trump didn't say that trump didn't say that and still cnn and other networks if you called it out you got harassed. >> they're running on another hoax he will be dictator for life back to back hoaxes ahead the doctor going to rehab for his image
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[ ♪♪ ] as they flooded the airwaysold: promoting his new memoir handling.. >> getting it before the election and at this point yet a lot of interaction there aon little bit w. it's not a present -- pleasant thing to have the united states with a deep deal of respect for the presidency in the united states as the president has when he says hydroxychloroquine was the end of all that painful to me as there is no doubt that i had to do. >> judge is a strong reaction to
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that..ud >> i wasn't going to take a lot of timofe with this guy's nots worth my time fonor him to say a was offended or affectedt when the president screamed to him this is a guy made a stand 6 feet apart based up on nothing guessing masking kids who suffered from interpersonalsu relationship deficiencieffs had kids in high schools lose compared to other kids across the world and he is worriedth about the president yelling at him he should have been fired he is a phony that's all i have to say. >> is this a book you think americans will buy? >> any books of the written? >> a published 10. >> i published 8. >> i think he brings up in the book about a war and experts and expertise the damage to the experts were self-inflicted it s
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wasn't known experts that pushh the climate models which are getting redebunked or adjusted because the predictions were e it wasn't known experts who push the 6-foot distance rule which was the groundwork for a lockdown we wasn'tsuffer from today nonexperts who push no cash bail reduction of criminal penalties and with ensuings crime ways nn experts who put gender affirmation therapy resulting in permanent physical harm with. organ mutilation we gave thetl title expert to people who exploited it for status in a claim these experts killede ex expertise mission dance on their graves like they danced on these dead peoply e they killed during covid-19. t >> do you have a reaction to this mr primetime great. >> like a grey government objective analyst ati which the rest of the people in the press
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could bes as objective as greg and i if you look at the way he manage the pandemidrc they had s worst outcome of any major y a million dead shut downmill schools massive loss of learning massive wealth transfer and found she telling everybody toll stay insidine we should have alo been going outsideul is a great opportunity look at alternatives in pharmaceuticals he shut the country down and they injectedem money into the system that'sca what caused inflatiousn the massive misinformation about masks they sold us a vaccine that was an effective when theyc said youh couldn't catch it or spread it you can still spread out the vaccine not say it wasn't effective they covered up the lab leak was whole massive cover-up that we funded theyd
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treat thisan guy like royalty he should bhee put the screws >> what you think? >> they heard him in the new ry winterview reversed course ad whether schools need to be shut they're having a hard time at that people like myself my son was going into his kindergarten yearis we better think twice abn putting kids in school when is the dr said today on our air at the time we knew there was almost a 0 percent chance of death with children and that'ser tough to hear him reversedbe course and say you know maybe b they shouleed have been in scho >> who was it that said a hundred kids of died from covid-19undr that was a supreme court justice he didn't pay the price.'t p >> ahead police releasing a mug shot arresting justin timberlakeice . a mug shot after arresting justin timberlake.
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>> judge jeanine: welcome back. he's not in sync with the law. >> we just got them mug shot a justin timberlake taken after
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the singer was arrested for drunk driving in long island ne yorkis brand-new photo shows the popstar in handcuffs after his arrest later seen leaving courtv after getting chargeind with accounaftet of dwi.rk he had p been partying with friends before he drove off before blowing a stop sign. tmz claims they killed a -- t failed aim field sobriety testfl when asked to do a 1 leg it'dwa stand and walk and turn. apparently he refused to take ao breathalyzer what does that tell you? >> tells me he's if we get pulled over andon someone shoving alcohoe l down n throats on voluntarily are we supposed to refuse the breathalyzer. >> it's not a good idea what they will do is play with your license for a while.>> j >> i hope it works out for him
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you don't want to get behind the wheel if you are too you might hurt yourself let this be a weaponomeb -- lesson to justin timberlake. >> he's got money get a driver don't drive while drinking isaf what ite thought was interesting tidbit out of this was 1 of thep arresting officerspa didn't recognize him. he is 43 and it was a cop 20 something didn't know who justin timberlake was. >> do you?n ti >> we know him we're both in the same boy band but i left. i will just count the number of times it's used in the headlineu in uposen kind of way will drive me crazy he shouldn't be mad he should be grateful he didn't hurt anybody that's the bottom line we always do the platitudes
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don't trick and drive people doo it then'y don't care because thy are drunk they would go i agreel i agrel e and then they get caue some people end up killing people use very lucky he didn'te >> what you think should happen. >> i read a wake of called meaning there might be things is going furnace life he's from memphis, my hometown i hope he learns from this negri foot set around the table. >> i hope he doesn't get a break or a plea bargain because nobody's above the lawgain 1 moe thing is up next
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the bike riders can't have those covers only. you'd have to kill me to get this jacket off. it's electrifying for stars. a must-see summer movie. you scared away the bike riders? we did. only theaters this friday. >> bulk of president biden's schedule is going to shift to debate prep brand new internal ice data shows just how overwhelmed the agency is right now. diplomatic efforts are ongoing to avert a larger war with hezbollah. with hezbollah. only o the reverse support your brain n at >> mary janet. hey, eddie. hey, eddie. noors, >> fraser. frank. frank. brad. how are you? brad? fuel up to seven brain health indicators, including your memory. joined the new river brain health challenge. >> one more thing is sponsored by the river. brain health supplements do more for your brain. >> one more thing, judge. okay. it is time for season two of a
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life of luxury with judge jeanine. beautiful. beautiful. okay, so i went to ambergris cay in the turks and caicos. it's an exclusive private island resort, and there are no natives there, just you and people working there. >> and then i needed. >> yes, yes. and then i was skiing in park city, utah. and there i was on a horse and salamander and middleburg resort. look, if you want to know how the rich and famous lived, just pull this one up. it's available today. the life of luxury with judge jeanine. it's worth it. and you can call me robin leach. >> it's just right here. jesse, i hear your driver loves watching that show while waiting for you outside the club. >> all right. tonight, we have a great show, charles, on it is back. kennedy, jamie lewis out. tyrus. what a lineup. let's do this. >> greg super long tongue news . sandra, i know you're not on the show often enough, but we often like to cover the long tongues that you guys leave out in the in the daily coverage of our time.
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who's let's go let's go to oakland, california. look at this tongue on this bear. that's a yawning son bear named maggie. show us your tongue again. >> look at that. look at that. gene simmons, eat your heart out. oh, he's still alive, right? gene simmons. yes. all right. i don't know. anyway, the sun bears use their long eight two inch long tongue to reach insects in tight places and clean out honey from beehives. >> thanks to many uses for a long tongue. >> i want to wish everybody a happy jesse day. that's right. today, june 18th, is national jesse day. in honor of my perfect name and means god's gift or king in hebrew. checks out. i encourage all of you there to celebrate by watching jesse watters primetime tonight. we have the brother of rachel moran, and he'll be joining us at eight. >> and also, while we're at it, johnny caught up with one of the ballots stuffer again.
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>> mm-hmm. vonda. yes. >> arrested for ballot fraud. what's going on? following me. i say that to johnny all the time. jesse. >> it must be hard to have jesse day and juneteenth back to back. does that cut into your. >> your presence? it's kind of like when? >> last year. on my birthday. yes. harold, a san diego woman, gave her dad one of the great, great gifts. and when eric, a 78 year old dad, bob, had to go on dialysis, she knew she wanted to get back for all the great sacrifices he had made for their family. she was growing up, and once she discovered that she was a match with her superhero dad, the pair underwent a surgery at the same time at the you say you see san diego health center. congratulations to them and god bless them. happy father's. >> that's such a great story, harold. i don't know. i've seen better. no, i have to. something bad. look at my contract. oh, was a good for. that's it for us. have a great welcome to jesset. watters. >> primetime tonight. anothe


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