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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  June 19, 2024 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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i didn't hear a thing. yeah. now that's quiet. power start kicking gas today with up to 25% off, plus free shipping for a limited time visit. participating retailers like greenworks >> now we have a garage door that doesn't lift. >> so it went on and it took me a handful of minutes. so vendors who were knowledgeable, they did high quality work. >> they wanted us to be happy with the work done as well. it is a beautiful garage yeah say get started today at and ecom a bulk of president biden's schedule is going to shift to debate prep brand new internal ice data shows just how overwhelmed the agency is right now. diplomatic efforts are ongoing to avert a larger war with. >> gezbollah only on fox news channel jamie kennedy. james tony curtis. >> laura: good evening, i'm laura, this is "the ingraham
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angle". thank you for joining us tonight. biden doj want to throw a doctor in prison for exposing tr transgender surgery on minors. he's here for an exclusives interview. >> laura: dr. anthony fauci is back. >> have you thought about running for president? >> no. >> laura: is a member of the squad a spiritual healer? >> i hand began to move and lumps that were there were no longer there. >> laura: first, they are coming for america. that is focus of tonight's angle. now neil diamond's song "america" from 1980 was a tribute to the immigration story. the refrain we remember is on the boats and on the planes, they are coming to america. it is powerful.
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it is more like they are coming for america. not just migrants, politicians who wave them in. back in 2015, trump knew what was happening. >> the u.s. has become a dumping ground for everybody else's problems. when mexico sends it's people, they are not sending their best, they are sending people with lots of problems and bringing problems with us. br bringing drugs, crime, they are rapists. some i assume are good people. >> laura: his comments sparked fury from democrats and they called him xenophobia and cruel. most americans can now see trump was right. with each life lost to a criminals and each job lost to
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an illegal, it is keeping positions in place that guarantee suffering of our own citizens. biden has created a glide path to america for the worst of the worst. this freak, jose antonio ibarra, victor martinez hernandez and vistian giovanti, arrested in the brutal rape of a 13-year-old in broad day light. >>y hoo entered the country from ecuador through eagle pass, texas. for female victim, rape, sex seb abuse, robbery, kidnapping, endangering welfare of a child. possession of a weapon. >> laura: this rapist has been
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arrested before at the border and according to biden policy, caught and released. three more incidents, domestic violence.
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>> laura: well, we will live like this and worse if biden remains in office. democrats sole focus and everyone has to understand this, is to fast-track as many migrants from across the globe into the united states as possible in order to do what? in order for democrats to remain in power and then to keep down wages for their big donors. they can't publicly defend that policy, always expect them to dress it up and make it all confusing as possible. remember, few weeks ago, biden's sham border enforcement order changed nothing and in february, sham bipartisan immigration bill that would have let in 1.8 million per year and today biden legalization giveaway to those who broke the law when they overstayed visas or illegally
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entered the country. our under study president is excited about this. >> joe is doing what he always does, leading the way with compassion and experience, ta taking action that our nation needs to thrive. today joe is helping our country continue reaching for the dream of america. >> laura: yeah, your dreams mean nothing. the dreams of foreigners are priority number one. zero compassion from joe or any people standing up for american citizens. there was self-gobble goop. >> president biden: thanks to members of it's00 secr secretary -- -- not sure i can introduce you all the way. all kidding aside. may mayorkas. he is not all there and trump
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called him out today. >> another example is how biden and his communistsy are demolishing our system and replacing it with facist regime. i don't think he is calling the shots. upon joe biden's illegal amnesty plan will be ripped up and thrown out my first day back in office. >> laura: anyone supporting biden's open borders have blood on their hands and everyone who lined up weekend biden today insult immigrants who follow the rules and americans who pay the bills. >> president biden: from defending dreamers in court and expanding healthcare, including for dreamers. >> laura: does this man think the rest of america has any
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dreams? can we say tonight those dreams don't count? that is truth. to them, they don't count. i want you to ignore the so-called hoops any foreigners have to jump through to get legal status and eventually vote, 10 years in the united states, married to u.s. citizen, not a danger to society. none of this matter, none of it will be enforced and he can wave in exceptions to any rule. specifics do not matter. whatever number eligible under new amnesty for legal status and voting rights, whatever number that is, triple it. it is a bad game of three-card monty, they talk about enforcement measures and pretend to work with republicans on an immigration bill and sometimes
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do broad amnesty, like today. they are trying to lower wages and turn the country into something akin to california, super democrat majority p permanent chltsz they think it is immoral for you to want to keep anyone out of the country who wants to come in and their donors always want more illegals, why pay an american $20 when you can pay an american american -- illegal $15. >> every race, religious, color and creed, i'll be the president. >> laura: democrats want to build a country with a wealthy ruling class and everyone else scrambling for the scraps. you want to know what that looks like, come to washington, d.c.
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and walk around baltimore, chicago or any democrat-run big city. a lot of poor people and a small number of rich people. sink hole in ukraine, student loan handouts, on top of chaos contributing to this budget pay issue. our budget deficit increased by 408 billion since february. annual deficit closer to 1 know know.9 trillion and illegal immigration is a big part of that. this is criminal and this is their goal, america thrown into financial collapse. they don't care, middle class is crushed under that scenario and global elite will take charge.
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biden, schumer, nancy pelosi will be long gone, bankruptcy of america is what i'm talking about. they want hole so deep that even donald trump can't turn it around. we must. they are coming for america and we must use every legal stop, every way we can, that is legal to slow them down. that is lawsuits, do that now, and more meaningful fix on election day. that's angle. alan ohr and tom homan, former acting director of ice and fox news contributor. president talked about dreamers and dreams of these illegals in the country who are eligible for legal status. what does that say to legal
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immigrants who came here, what about their dreams? >> i don't think this is a sum zero gain, excluding other people. u.s. citizens married to people undocumented and not making families have a hardship and be ing part of the american dream. >> laura: tom, this is just same old immigration we had in the early 1900s, a wonderful melting pot coming together and they want what you have and people across the country have. they want freedom and to work. this administration has not done a single thing to secure the border, because of that 148,000 people dead of fentanyl. we have migrants dead crossing the border, we have terrorists
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crossing the border. we have u.s. citizen raped or murdered almost daily. what is the president's priority, create another fake program to award illegal behavior and let them stay here. >> laura: go ahead, tom. tomi we'll go to alan and the get tom back. >> laura: they see this horrific crime and the rape of a 13-year-old girl tied up in broad daylight in queens and brutally raped in front of her friend and this story gets repeated and other migrants are victims of crime. drugs and the things tom talked about. it seems to me like these people are collateral damage on the road to open borders. do their lives matter here?
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>> absolutely, i don't think anyone is in favor of open bo borders and biden's numbers have made numbers plummet. it is tragedy for any person to be a victim of any crime by an american or by undocumented citizen. crime is a natural thing that happens and immigration is not the root of the crime. >> laura: it's a natural thing? we have grieving parents tonight in queens, okay. when america was set into flames in summer of 2020 over the tragic death of george floyd, liberals shut the system down and said the system is corrupt. i understand their point of view. to me, american citizen being murdered by an illegal imbe
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grant dealt with by nypd on three occasions and released. this is working? how can anyone defend this? any human being defend this? >> it is not defending the process, it is helping people become documented to focus on on individuals who are a threat. it is a tragedy and unexplainable for anyone to go through such a harsh situation. >> laura: this is what joe biden is saying about the border. i think we have the sound byte. >> president biden: we have to acknowledge the good will of people are be ing tested by feas of the border. these are fears my predecessor try to play on. >> laura: tom, americans don't understand complexity of the border situation. sgls president trump understood
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it and i understand it. president biden came in and unsecured it on purpose. since biden been in office border patrol arrested 157,000 criminals crossing the border. 200 million paying cartel so they will not get vetted. this administration created daca, federal judge said that is illegal and this administration has abused the statute and created cbp apps and bringing millions in from four countries, cuba, nicaragua, haiti and venezuela and plan number three, helping keep hundreds of thousands of people here by
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twisting parole policy, parole supposed to be letting people come into the country on temporary basis because it is u urgent humanitarian issue or disaster. created something out of air and it will be defeated in the c courts. we can revoke parole and when trump is in office, that will happen. >> laura: from what i can gather in every poll, it is obvious that american people will not tolerate this. left has a scheme to disrupt whatever trump might try to do on the issue tom said and others if he gets back into office, we'll pose it next.
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>> laura: some democrats are already preparing for defeat in november and they're cranking up re resistance machine. "new york times" reporting left wing activists taking akction t sabotage and stop implementation
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from trump's mass deportation program to ending ev mandate and ramping up oil and gas. they mapped out 63 scenarios in which trump could pose a threat to individual rights and rule of law. >> what if the worst threatses come to pass? donald trump gets second term in orders, our lawyers are mapping out cases and theories. >> i'll be candid, after trump won, there was little coordination between activist base and legal base and we have to close daylight between the spaces. >> laura: defenders of democracy. tom cotton is joining me now. senator, none of this is surprising, conservative groups try to stop democrat presidents
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with variety of things. more interesting is what advice would you give to the trump team knowing the resistance is out there for his first 100 days. >> only thing i agree with all these people on, they need to be prepared for defeat this november. you saw another example of joe biden putting illegal aliens ahead of americans by giving illegal amnesty without auth authority. p wins, try to handcus actions. look at the issues on which they care most about though. the one thing that article talks most about is immigration. of course, who are they going to go to bat for? foreign, illegal aliens who are in our country. the kind of people who just brutally murdered and raped rachel morin or raped at knife point a 13-year-old girl in new york.
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that's the kind of people that these organizations want to go to bat for. so i think president trump recognizes that. he is ready for it he has a great team around him. hit the ground running in 2025. make sure the actions they take are legally air tight and they are litigated promptly to a resolution that supports the american people. doesn't support the interest of foreigners. >> laura: well, senator, house democrats set up a task force to deal with trump should he win. watch? >> what we want to do is to make sure that people know what the united states would look like if donald trump were, in fact, elected as president. he would seize supreme power. greatly expand and centralize his power. he would reduce the oversight of congress and the courts. there would be no balance to ensure that christian nationalism is embedded in every federal agency. and then he would eliminate the wall between him and the department of justice. >> laura: oh my god, so boring. she is reading.
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i love how she is on television and reading a screen. so, rich, what will look like? she has to make sure what it will look like. people say well it, certainly would feel a more like the america that we all know and love than open season on innocent americans as we see right now laura, as i said we don't have to imagine what america would look like under donald trump we know for four years. we had stable prices. we had growing growing economy with high paying jobs. working class. we had a secure border. we had peace and stability around the world. that's what america looked like under donald trump's presidency and what it will look like again. that's one of the reasons why the american people want donald trump back in the white house and joe biden out of the white house. i have to say that so many of the people mentioned this article and who talk about the resistance. they just sound like trump deranged lunatics. they are losers who are running a more rattle play in their own mind in which they are the protagonist. a lot of these liberals i could imagine what they would be like
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in germany in the 1930s. we know what they would be like. they would lock up their political opponents. street marches outside of the homes of supreme court justices. now, they are using any tactic to try to win they are condemning on campuses all around america condemning jews for the crimes of going to class a or wearing yarmulke. we think we know what most of these people would have done in the 1930s irrespective of the more rattle play unfolding in their own heads. >> laura: they certainly done a number on this country the last four years. america has changed and not for the better. we have a debt bomb that's about to explode on us as well. senator, thank you. >> up next, this is about your kids. protecting them could actually land you in prison if you're a parent. biden's doj is trying to do exactly that to our next guest. stay there. ♪ i look back with great satisfaction on my 32 years in active duty. i understand the veteran mentality. these are people who have served.
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>> laura: truly demonic things happening in >> laura: new bill just passed would prohibit school from forcing teachers to inform parents about any changes to gender or preferred pronoun. democrats argument is that traditionally minded parents or religious parents are a threat to their own child's safety. >> there is growing national attack on lgbtq, particularly youth. there are policies that require teachers to notify parents if their child identifies as transgender and expose students without their consent harm everyone. >> laura: forced outing?
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these are minors. ing this are sick. because talking to you and being informed about what your kids are doing that's called communicating with parents. so when governments protect groomers or prop d propagandistd treatment parents as the presidentials it time to strip of power. this is why so many parents have decided to break the public school monopoly and good for them. >> country's largest children's hospital announced it would stop providing so-called gender affirming care for minors. this was mandated by the state andeand considered a win for concerned parents and their children, but, behind the scenes, things at texas children didn't really change. disturbing new whistleblower documents reveal that the hospital never stopped these quote, unquote treatments. just three days after the hospital said it was stopping, one doctor surgically inserted a drug delivery implant on an
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11-year-old. >> now we learned all those details because one doctor at texas children's hospital knew that these procedures were wrong and he did everything he could to expose what was happening to these kids even coming here on the angle. last week dr. ethan haim came back again saying that heavily armed u.s. marshals showed up at his house at 7:00 a.m. to charge him with four felonies. but there were no details. he didn't even know exactly what he was being charged with. but we do now. dr. haim made his first court appearance today pleading not guilty to obtaining individually identifiable health exposing it. the indictment says he did it with the intent to cause malicious harm to physicians and patients. but malicious harm? isn't that what is being inflicted upon these kids? dr. ethan haim joins me now. you have a baby on the way i know and you face now up to 10
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years in prison. are you concerned that they are trying to patrick an example out of you? i think that's exactly what is happening. standing in that courtroom and hearing those words, facing up to 10 years in federal prison is terrifying. and you think about everything miss family birth of my first daughter the first full fear of not doing something. because the world we deliver. what kind of world is that going to be if we don't stand up. so we are going to go to federal trial. if anyone wants to help our legal fund, give, send go,.com. forward class whistleblower. we need all the help we can get. we need to fight. this we need to win because, if we lose, the door closes permanently on whistleblowers in the healthcare system.
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>> laura: your attorney says you are a mandatory reporter of child abuse who reported as a whistleblower to the state of texas when what you had seen in the hospital saying this is the government going out of its way to prosecute a whistleblower. what happens next? >> well, if there is one thing i would say, it's that the charges they are alleging are as unhinged and divorced from reality as the transgender interventions they are trying to cover for. you know, they have no basis in reality. >> laura: they are saying -- for the viewers, hold on, dr. haim, for the viewers who don't know the background here. they are saying that you went into doctors' files and extracted information from those files about patients without the authorized -- the authorization to do so used that information in unauthorized manner. >> they have their basic facts
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wrong. it's not that the most powerful federal investigative agency on the planet is so incompetent to get these things wrong, it's just vindicates what we have been saying all along this is a political prosecution. but, to answer your question what we do moving forward is we fight just like i said in the first time i was on your show back in january. we have our legal team together. we have dan patrick son ron patrick on our legal team. >> laura: i knew ryan since he was a little kid. many, many years ago. that's amazing. okay. great. >> he says hi. he was a former u.s. attorney for southern district of texas. one of the lawyers representing gary shapley in the irs whistleblower case against hunter biden. burke, the most intelligent of all jeff hall this is a brilliant legal team. >> laura: dr. haim, once again
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so people understand this and can you clarify some things. the indictment says that you didn't report up to your supervising officer about this is that true or false? >> say you are work tag bank and you found out your boss and the ceo were involved in corruption, something that may not be illegal, and the avenues to blow the whistle went through your was and ceo. it would be bose boss to your boss and ceo probably not. >> laura: well, we are on this case. we are going to be watching it very closely. and check out my social media and we'll link this up in information for people who are interested in this case. dr. haim, thank you so much. all right. the media are giddy. they are very giddy about the return of one person to the media ecosystem. who is it? we'll tell you next.
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plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today! >> laura: their messiah, the doctor of cool, dr. anthony fauci is back. cataloging how wonderful and b brilliant fauci was during
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covid. after forcing elderly to die alone, shutting down school, fauci was toasted by media c cultist who mistheir virtual cocktail parties. >> just say few days ago, your testimony in washington, d.c. made headlines for hostility you received. >> one thing i'm counting on you now is bearing slings and arrows you don't deserve. >> laura: fauci missed accolades. >> have you thought about running for president? >> no, people who throw darts at me think bad of me, i'm a pretty humble person. >> laura: only thing worse than being a brag art is someone who displays false humility.
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dr. atlas, fauci talked about how he would stand up to president trump publicly during covid and he took a shot. watch. >> that didn't work and he started invoking magical cures and it became clear that was not working he brought in scott atlas who told him everything he wanted to are had. it was figuring out if it was not going to go away naturally, i will act like it is going to go away. >> laura: dr. atlas, your response? took a shot at you, my friend. >> if it was not morally pugnant to watch him, it would be comical. he is presiding over biggest failure, most immoral fiasco in
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history with best of my recollection dr. birx. it is long-lasting damage on children and bigger things like personally destroying trust in science and public health gu gui guidance, not sure that is repairable. he is personally responsible for hateful division among americans with pseudoscience mandates demonizing people. he made a fool of himself during the testimony the other day admitting there is no data on his mandates and saying things like people lose their i'd logical bs when you make their lives difficult and you listen to fauci say listen, buddy, you want to go to school, you take
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the vaccine. listen, buddy, you want to go to work, take the vaccine. when powerful people, the elites have disdain for regular people. >> laura: one of my favorite topics, other than therapeutics that had value, most healthy people did 234089 need it, young people did not need it for the most part, that was all a lie. the country was so scared, they accepted the lie. lie. owe thinks he needs to diagnose america with another diagnosis. >> what you are seeing now is vitriol and pure hostility. if you are going to diagnose -- [laughter] , america as a patient right now how why diagnose is it? >> there is a degree of schizophrenia in the country. >> laura: dr. atlas, i agree
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with you i get so disgusted i have to turn it off because it's -- outrageous doesn't even describe it given to what happened with the country given these mandates. people lost their jobs. elderly died alone. kids robbed of schooling for no reason and the country was driven into trillions of dollars of debt. >> laura, again, i have to repeat, fauci and these people who wanted these mandates, they created the hostility jeer commonnization of people reminded me of back in world war ii era nazi germany. you saw people calling the police on their neighbors for having more than four people in their house and things like this. it was all wrong. it was all pseudo science. there was no data on that whatsoever. he denied basic data. it's an illustration of both gross incompetence but also a complete lack of more rattle. i'm actually fearful for the
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country. we have people in charge with no integrity. they won't admit they're wrong. and they would never admit they are wrong. it's not that admitting they are wrong changes anything. but that's the first step to having a cohesive society. when you need to restore trust. when you need to get people civil to each other, you have to admit error. and his errors were so heinous, so horrendous, it is the most awful legacy in modern public health history and unfortunately, laura, it's your field, really, that supports, media, have so abandoned their role as ethical journalists for probably, i guess, political gain, it is very frightening to me as an american. i don't want the country to be passed on to my own children. i'm a father in the stat state s in right now. >> laura: social distancing, the masks don't spread of influenza
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like viruses. none of that stuff made any sense. and they knew it. and they knew natural immunity was a thing. he blew off the natural immunity. he still blows that off. he says it's a factor but not an overwhelming one. really quick. >> yeah, two points that was known. i said it from march 2020, april, may, june, july, august, september, all the data was known and secondly, we have somebody here who displays the worst form of lack of integrity. he won't admit he is wrong. his career was based on this. and he would gain a lot of points. dig in. we can't allow history be rewritten or the country is finished as ethical and objective society. we don't give up. we have to say the truth. and hopefully truth will prevail. >> laura: and accountability. admission of error and accountability. dr. atlas, you are a bright, shining light. i'm proud to have had you on. i think first one on national
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television on this. thank you so much. who needs doctors? you have cori bush. jimmy failla on that and a there's an old saying in the navy that the toughest job in the navy is a navy wife. and if you've made the deployments and you've been the wife at home, or you've been the spouse at home, you understand what i'm talking about. your spouse has earned the right to apply for a va home loan. the newday 100 loan allows you to borrow up to 100% of your home's value. so if you're in a situation where you need some help financially, give us a call. no one takes care of veterans like newday usa.
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>> laura: it is time for wtf, what the failla. joining me is jimmy failla. an interview with squad member cori bush. it is always aoc, but she claimed she had miraculous powers. watch. >> this lady came to us and she had tumors, she wanted us to feel them. i remember, i put my hand on her and my hand began to move and the lumps that were there were no longer there. she was so happy and she went on about her day and i never saw her again. >> you think the tumors
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disappeared? >> i do. >> laura: call the vatican, okay. >> jimmy: after listening to cori bush, the woman wanted the tumors back. i hate to call her a fraud, but she's a fraud. it takes a lot to make aoc look smart, i believe that is bush's role in the squad. >> laura: you are a squad member, but nobody remembers you, like the odd squad, she does not get any attention. she needed some tonight, miraculous healing power. heal the squad first. morning joe had an interesting analysis or prediction about next week's debate. >> he cannot debate joe biden on
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merit, he will be a disrupter and biden team better be ready. cut off my microphone? i will walk to your microphone and get in your face, he could do that. >> jimmy: joe scarborough likes to talk about donald trump like it is guy who dumped him in seventh grade. did you see what donald did? who would do that, donald is like the worst. trump will not do that, at least somebody will use the mic. i am not sure biden can even talk after what we saw this weekend. >> laura: total leftists, the real republicans. mitch mcconnell endorsed trump.
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>> you were at the debate last week and could not name any drag queens on your own, this is opportunity to redeem yourself and if you can name three lgbtq advisors for your campaign and three drag queens in san francisco. >> jimmy: and this is why it cost more to get a uhaul out of san francisco than to move in. what does it solve if the candidate, crime is bad, what if you say i know cinnamon buns. does not lower taxes or bring back business. >> laura: does jimmy know drag queen names? end it at that. >> carley: first major heat wave of summer is your honor yooway with 92 mi


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