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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  June 19, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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of one of the pig's legs in the side yard of a house and everybody piled on top of him to keep him from squirming away. >> bill: you have a story that will go on for some time, right? and i don't know if viewers can hear or not. one of the cops on camera can be heard saying come on, man. >> martha: come on, man. >> bill: because piglet was elusive. paige, thank you for your time. forest white hal and paige thomas, you gave us a reason to smile today and for that we're most appreciative. >> martha: a good day when you are not looking at robbers or people breaking into houses and you have to deal with a piglet for these officers that's a good problem, right? >> bill: he picked a great part of the country to run for a day. >> martha: see you at 3:00. >> harris: we'll get into the
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breaking news now. he crossed into america illegally. he came from ecuador already wanted for murder. and now he is inside a courthouse in queens, new york after being rounded up accused of raping a 13-year-old child. a little girl in broad daylight at a public park. the suspect goes before a judge at any moment. the latest example of high-profile illegal immigrant crime in recent months and it is putting the spotlight on a critical question, do we really know who is coming across our southern border? i'm harris faulkner and you are in "the faulkner focus." we now know the 25-year-old suspect did enter our nation illegally in 2021 through eagle pass, texas. and he has had several -- several arrests since. last week he allegedly held a child and 13-year-old boy who
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was with her at knife point with police are calling a machete-stale blade and raped that 13-year-old girl. dramatic new video shows members of the community are holding that suspect down after recognizing him. they kept the suspect restrained until police arrived to arrest him. former president donald trump actually talked about this horrific crime yesterday. >> when i'm reelected we'll beginning removing these criminals, horrible people from our midst and we'll end up doing it immediately. we'll do it immediately. it is not like we have a choice. do we have a choice? we aren't going to live like this. it is horrible what's going on. we're not living the proper life. this is not -- this is not appropriate what is happening. our country is so badly run. >> harris: that arrest came the same day president biden moved to grant protections and
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citizenship pathways to 500,000 or more illegal immigrants. also the same day the house homeland security committee released new data showing president biden's open borders policies have allowed 617,000 criminal illegal immigrants into our nation. in "focus" republican senator james langford, first let's go to senior correspondent eric shawn. we know he is in court right now. what else can you tell us? >> he is in court awaiting arraignment. as we've said a 13-year-old girl is raped and that suspect reportedly ordered to leave the country more than two years ago. but like many migrants he never left despite his run-ins with police. he was ordered to leave our nation on february 22, 2022, according to the "new york post." he crossed the southern border a year before in texas.
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now he is charge with rape, kidnapping, sex abuse allegedly pulling the knife on two teens, a boy and girl, allegedly raping the 13-year-old girl in the queens park. residents recognized him in the neighborhood from the wanted posters posted. you can see in this video the struggle as regular people on the street just pounced on him to hold him for the cops. this woman called 911. >> we looked at the picture. we pulled it up. it was him. he brung him out of the store. all hell broke loose. >> the community stepped in and they tried a little street justice and we made the apprehension. the city needs this. we had to bring closure to this family. >> people are sick of this. the man lived in a nearby men's shelter and when he crossed the border in texas he was accompanied by a 3-year-old child. >> we know that he entered the
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country from ecuador through texas through eagle pass, texas, back june 25th of 2021. when he came into the country the federal government did take fingerprints and dna from him at the border. so that is still being worked on. >> we have asked the department of homeland security for any comment on him. so far we've heard nothing back. he right now as you said is in court awaiting the arraignment that should happen any moment. >> harris: a quick follow up with you. june 25, 2021, they took dna samples and vetted this man and it is still being looked at. what does that mean? >> they have to compare the dna samples and run through the dna tests probably because the border patrol takes the dna and this sort of thing so that's on record so that has to now -- those records have to be compared to nypd running his dna now is what that means.
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>> harris: i want to understood something was done with it but now they are comparing what they had with this man. i said he was wanted in another country on previous crimes. i want to make sure i'm correct with my facts on that. we'll follow the trail and see where he goes next in court today. republican senator james langford of oklahoma is with me now, member of the homeland security, finance and intelligence committees. senator, i will start with what may be obvious to some of our viewers when they think of you synonymously with bipartisan legislation that failed in the senate. you helped write that legislation and now i'm reading that you are against the very legislation you helped write. why is that? >> i'm not against the legislation, i'm against the politicizing of it. what schumer is doing is pulling up the bill to trying to attack republicans. never intended to be a political weapon but stop 2 million people coming across the border.
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i'm willing to work with anybody that is willing to make that stop. the criminal alien that you just identified is part of the million plus people that are in the country right now with a final order of removal that the administration is not removing. they are pay rolling in. it would have ended the free giveaways of the work permits and doubled the number of deportation flights and increased ice agents, border patrol agents, would have given new wall fencing. it got something going and my frustration is we talk about cases like this and we know biden is not going to do anything about it. we can't just sit by and say biden will do nothing and let another 2 million people in before the next election. >> harris: senator langford, i'm curious to know how hard the push was from you and potentially other republican senators inside the senate to get chuck schumer to look at hr2. that got pushed to the senate.
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it left the house. senator blackburn and i had the discussion how long it sat there from last may of 2023 and still sitting there now. how hard did you push to take a look at that republican-led bill that came out of the house? >> we had two votes on hr2 in the senate. they both failed. we didn't get all the republicans on that bill. 0 democrats on the bill. as your listeners know, we need to get 60 people to agree to something in the senate. in the house they passed it with a simple majority and barely passed it. they didn't get every republican on it in the house, either. they barely passed it in the house. it came to the senate and didn't get a majority in the senate. we tried it twice so my challenge is we can either do nothing, do something or try to get everything. hr2 is everything. we couldn't get it. i don't want to sit and do nothing while another 2 million people get in and do as much as i can to stop as many people as i can coming across the border right now. >> harris: meanwhile schumer and
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other democrats are weaponizing the whole idea we're in an election year. president biden announced a move to let more than 500,000 people who are not american citizens stay in the country because they are married to a u.s. citizen. the new program so it's being called new. i think the issue gets hit by other law. this new program makes green cards easier to get for spouses or children of those u.s. citizens in those households. this new border action just months before the november election, obviously and the president is promising he is not playing politics. watch. >> it is obviously a political move and he has been there 3 1/2 years, he could have done this from the beginning. >> he has allowed in nine or 10 million illegals across the border in three years. now he is granting illegal amnesty? this guy is totally out of control and completely lawless. >> harris: a few headlines after the announcement.
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the amnesty will continue until his poll numbers approves. and with husband colossal border failure he has engineered trump's comeback. the immigration orders are facing legal challenges which i know you know from both sides of the political aisle at this point. your top line thoughts on all of it. >> it is a mess. more than 10 million people have illegally crossed the border because of 94, now 95 with the actions this week executive orders to open up the border and to announce to people worldwide if you get to america we'll let you in and eventually give you citizenship. the biden administration is directly violating the law and they know it and why they are doing it before the election. they want to make it an election issue and also know the courts will going to throw this out because the law clearly states you can't do parole on someone currently in the country. they have to be outside the country. this administration is declaring people outside the country and
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giving them parole and giving them legal path to status. they know it's against the law but want to make it part of their election on this. the best thing we can do announce to the world is border is closed and tell people we still allow legal immigration into the country. we like as americans legal immigration. we just don't like things that are illegal. that shouldn't be irrational. >> harris: if you don't close it for a period of time to play catch-up. the million people who already face deportation notices and refuse to leave and we're not pushing them out, that is startling. you look at the amount of gotaways which we know is north of 2 million which mean those people got into our country. didn't know who they are or where they are is alarming. we have a lot going on we need to play catch-up on. had you passed that bipartisan bill could you have stopped any of what we're seeing right now? that's what democrats are arguing saying if they had passed this and that's what the president is saying, if they had passed this, then maybe lakin
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riley and others would be alive. your last word. >> we would stop future criminals coming in. the criminals that biden has already allowed in wouldn't have stopped the crimes happening. we're suffering the consequences and will for decades as a nation suffer the consequences of this administration's illegal actions. i would say the biggest issue as we deal with eight terrorists kicked out last week. we have more people coming all of the time. we should do whatever we can right now to be able to stop what's coming across the border because we don't know the next terrorists coming in as we live on borrowed time. let's do as much as we can right now under a lawless president and when we have someone who will enforce the law, we can get this back under control. >> harris: senator langford, appreciate your time. thank you. he is facing a tough primary challenge. some are accusing jamal bowman who hangs with the squad, the most far left on the hill
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accusing him of treating jews like tokens to win political points. a new report has some details. plus the race to become donald trump's running mate is on. >> i'm looking forward to the ticket. i don't know if i'll be on it. >> i want to focus on getting donald trump elected to the white house. >> could i stand in the big chair and look, if he asks me i'll think about it. i think the answer is yes. >> harris: who on the short list that we know about who bring the most to the republican presidential ticket? gianno caldwell in "focus" next. i'd like to take a moment to address my fellow veterans, because i know so many of you have served our country honorably. one of the benefits that we as a country give you as a veteran is the eligibility for a va loan, for up to 100 percent of your home■s value. if you need cash for your family call newdayusa. with automatic authority from the va we can say yes when banks say no. give us a call.
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>> harris: eight names that we know of are on the former president's short list for a presidential pick. so who would be best for the
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ticket with trump? one new column makes the argument for senator tim scott. here is a quote. scott is a great pick beyond the cynical notion that he could help peel off more black voters. his mild mannered attitude and happy warrior style of conservativeism would appeal with people in the suburbs. "washington post" told their readers who they thought would be the best thing. scott and burgum and rubio. >> i think on both sides it is the most important presidential pick. i think that what donald trump is really looking for is somebody who gets the trump agenda and is going to be a great fighter for the trump agenda and quite frankly somebody who could carry on that agenda after four years. >> harris: former trump aide told fox news the former first lady could have an impact on the decision. mrs. trump will most likely speak her mind when it comes to
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which person she thinks would be best to serve alongside her husband as he attempts to take back the white house. gianno caldwell, fox news political analyst with me now. first of all, what do you make of what others are saying who is really at the top and what is your own idea? >> actually, i endorse the idea it will be tim scott. i believe it will be tim scott. as you recall, harris, when he was running his campaign he had an inspiring message especially for conservatives. we need something that will be hopeful, bring our country back and a lot of fighting and politics going on but people want to feel good about who they vote for and senator tim scott was one of those individuals. certain life i think byron donalds is dynamic as well and probably the best messenger that i've seen for donald trump. strong certainly, but tim scott was also doing the hard battles when donald trump was in office. he worked on things like police
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reform, the first step act and many other pieces of legislation that he had donald trump's back on. so this is going to be a very interesting race and we'll be talking about this every week until that trigger is pulled. there is a lot of other good folks that could potentially be it as well to make the country proud. >> harris: part of the calculus has to be which voters does that person bring in to shore up areas the president would need. >> suburban women. >> harris: that was one of the articles mentioned with tim scott. far left congressman jamal bowman, as we know is a part of the squad facing backlash. he gets that a lot. after one media outlet, jewish insider obtained this text message. he messaged a jewish leader in his district asking for a photograph from an event that they had just attended, quote, so i can show the world i'm friends with jewish people, end quote.
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that text message is from the spring of 2022 when bowman was preparing to defend his seat in an august primary. jewish leaders in his district say it is just one example of how bowman has mistreated the local jewish community. one said he tokenizes the jewish people. he has faced backlash over his position on israel and he faces another upcoming primary battle. check out this ad. >> jamal bowman voted against condemning hamas's attack and supported the resolution the founding of israel a catastrophe and he denied babies were killed and butchered. >> harris: a recent poll shows latimer is leading bowman by 17 points. there is so much we could add. before i go to you. so this is the same guy who
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pulled that fire alarm, remember? congress censured him for pulling an alarm in the capitol when there was no emergency. lawmakers were scrambling to bring a vote to avoid a government shutdown and if he looks familiar to some, that might be the reason. >> that's exactly right and he continues to pull the fire alarm on his rhetoric. the commentary he has made as just mentioned. it is not just jewish folks that make up a large part of his district. it's african-americans who don't stand with him as well because he has been talking more about gaza than talking about the issues impacting that district like crime. a big issue for the black voters there. let's not forget this is social who is a socialist. a member of the democratic socialists of america and they want to abolish the police. he is way out of step. he had his time in the spotlight and he failed his constituents
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and certainly for many of those people who believe that israel has a right to exist, he has failed on that front as well. >> harris: he is fighting to keep that third term and they are about to vote. it is not that far away, 17 points are a lot. we'll cover it. >> you can't make that up in a week. >> harris: we're celebrating as americans, as a nation, juneteenth, a federal holiday, celebration and opal lee, the grandmother of juneteenth did a walk from the african-american museum of dallas to -- it took 2 1/2 years to reach the people in texas after lincoln signed into freedom emancipation day, what juneteenth is called. opal lee is 97 years old. in 1939 a mob burned down her
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family's texas home. she became an educator, activist who fought to see juneteenth observed federally. this month she told a local tv station, quote, it is not a texas thing or a black thing. it is an american thing. this year local charities teamed up and built her a new home on the site where the old one was set ablaze. juneteenth isn't just a black holiday but for all americans marking the day federal troops arrived to enforce the emancipation proclamation in texas two years after it was issued and celebrates the end of chattel slavery. >> this lady is really an inspiration. she walked from ft. worth, texas, to washington, d.c. over 1400 miles to bring reverence to the day of juneteenth and what i can really appreciate about this lady, she didn't say oh, we need to go get even because somebody,
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a mob lit fire to her family's home. she said look, we'll be non-violent, we're going to mention what this day means and what it should mean for all americans and in a way we can be proud of. we have a history in this country where things didn't always go right. we know slavery and jim crow and any of those things. this is the best country in the entire world and it is a beacon of hope for many of us. i'm thankful to see what has happened here. >> harris: all right. here we are on that day and gianno, great to have you. thank you for giving me your vp picks. if it turns out to be tim scott you would have been the first one to say that. you said that a long time ago. thank you. the surgeon general says it is time to get serious about protecting our children from the very real dangers of social media and in doing so, there is a role that parents should play. what is that? plus poll after poll showing
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voters are worried about president biden's fitness for a second term. every day they seem to get a new reason to have questions and show concerns. >> it's disturbing to think he could be commander-in-chief for another four years given his age and given his mental acuity that clearly isn't up for the job.
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and hello... smile is back on point. easy. ♪ >> harris: a new national poll shows joe biden and donald trump are tied just more than a week before their first 2024 presidential debate. some numbers we're seeing in various polling comes after a series of recent unedited videos that have sparked fresh concern about president biden's age and mostly mental fitness. just yesterday there was this moment. >> president biden: thanks to all the members of congress and homeland security secretary -- i'm not sure -- all kidding
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aside secretary mayorkas as well as secretary and advocates and families for law enforcement, faith leaders, everybody that's here. >> harris: wow. okay. many on the left are trying to defend the president. >> his age is an asset. >> he is wise. >> he is wise. he has wisdom and experience. >> when the former ex-president defeated president trump, made a mistake about one thing or another he would make the same mistake seven times. >> she won't see you've seen any impairment on his part? >> the president has no impairment. >> this is a very rigorous job and the president has been able to do this job every day for the past three years. >> harris: however, recent polling finds the president's acuity is a major issue. this one trump is beating biden by nearly 2-one margin when it comes to having the mental sharpness to be president.
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28% say biden is too old to be president compared with just 2% who say the same thing about president -- former president trump. fox poll also shows that most voters say biden is not mentally sound enough to be president. that's interesting. those are all different ways of saying one single thing. they have agree he is not mentally fit to be president. david avella, gopac chairman and matt bennett, former clifton white house deputy assistant. great to see you both. matt, i will start with you. to me this is really less about age and more about meeting the moments at home and on the world stage with the most mental acuity one can bring with him. >> yeah, i agree with you. these guys are functionally the same age. donald trump is 78 years old. i think there can be all kinds of debates about who makes more
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gaffes. trump confused nancy pelosi and nikki haley. >> harris: i don't think there can be debates. haven't seen president trump tripping and stumbling and previously leading up to that point. there have been. >> i think that's just wrong. it is not true. >> harris: we have some on screen while you talk. >> trump talks about sharks and electric boats and confuses people and said that joe biden ran against obama in the general election. makes all kinds of mistakes. i will say this, we can argue about this all day. these two guys will be on a stage with no notes, no aides, no intervention, americans will see who has more mental acuity. >> harris: david. >> where matt and i agree that in seven days voters get to assess for themselves which of these two men have the mental acuity to be president of the united states. the biggest problem for president biden is he will say
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many things that americans disagree with. he will say the border is secure and in poll after poll we see voters don't believe the border is secure. he will say that life is getting less expensive for americans and americans will say no it's not, it's still very expensive gasoline and food. the president will make statements that americans just don't believe to be true. as that helps inform their vote and the great axiom of perception is reality. and when you sit at 38%, the perception is this guy is not doing the job. >> harris: matt. >> look, i think that's right. we'll have a debate about the issues and we are going to, you know, first of all we'll talk about the fact that one of these guys has been convicted of 34 felonies. we'll also talk about >> harris: what about the 38% david just mentioned for the democratic president right now? i kind of -- i wish you would
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actually talk to what he is saying. that's really where the debate is here. the conviction didn't move the needle for joe biden. so i don't know why you would want to go back to that. what david avella is talking about are all the ways the polling is continuing to show americans not happy with the man who is in office right now. let me go forward and i will come back to you, matt. president biden is struggling with key voting blocks and losing support among hispanic and black voters. he won with both groups in 2020. former house speaker newt gingrich said that's a big deal. let's watch together. >> the number of black democrats and for that matter latino democrats who are now undecided and potentially could switch to trump are breathtaking. i think he will get a higher vote than any republican since eisenhower and may exceed that. the momentum for the next four months i think is all going to be in trump's favor. >> harris: newt gingrich.
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breathtaking for trump. what is happening with biden, matt? >> the race is tied. you started the segment showing the polls. both at 49%. look, i think this is an historic election between a former and current president. for the first time in a re-election campaign we don't have a referendum on the president, we have a choice between two presidents. americans remember what happened under trump. they see how chaotic appeared mean per spited he is every day and weigh it against real concerns about inflation and crime and the border. those are not made up things. they are real. but they are under control and they are coming down. they will have to make a judgment about which of these guys they trust more. >> harris: david, what would you say to matt? >> we learned last week that house democrats are now meeting to start planning for a second trump term and how they will try to stop his agenda.
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you see in swing state after swing state when the president goes in, democrat elected officials are nowhere to be seen. those who are running for office and on the ballot for him this year particularly in key swing states they happen to be busy. those are signs that house democrats and senate democrats and governor candidates are concerned about being seen with joe biden. when 38% think you are doing a good job and 56% think you are doing a bad job, you are in a hole and even your own part doesn't want to stand with you. >> harris: president biden will focus on trump being a convicted felon, what matt talked about. an opinion piece titled biden has no leg to stand on argues the problem with this, though, is that biden's character is severely lacking and cares more about himself and his political ambitions than he does about the public despite what his campaign would have you to believe.
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an op-ed in the examiner. >> complete nonsense. people know who trump is. they run on a racist lie about barack obama not being born in the united states and know he accused people falsely of crimes that he has attacked people for their disabilities. he is an adjudicated rapist and convicted felon. no comparison between these two guys. >> harris: didn't ask you to compare there. i wanted you to respond to the "washington examiner" op-ed which would have required you to talk aouguy. you keep talking about donald trump. but you are not happy to because you don't. all right, david, go ahead. >> we get into these final months, harris, and you have donald trump saying look, i want to extend the tax cuts, the bipartisan tax cuts that we passed during my administration. we want to make sure that we are using every source of energy production to keep america going. i want to build up the national
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defense and you have a biden message of oh, he is a convicted felon, oh, january 6th. americans will say donald trump is the one focused on the issues i care about. that will have the biggest impact on who wins this election. >> harris: matt, the last few seconds. >> look, i hope it is an election about those issues. donald trump is running on 100% tariffs which are taxes on americans and if that's the case we'll win. >> harris: i gave you a chance to say your guy's name. oh goodness, all right. great to have you both. thank you. great debate. record high temperatures expected from west virginia to maine. some 200 million americans we're told are at risk. plus some conservative women are firing back after a "new york magazine" article called them subservient. senator marsha blackburn says the irony is rich.
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>> the left absolutely requires submission of women to their ideology and if you ever challenge them, if you ever push back on them, then they are going to cut you out. >> harris: we'll get into it. the left's scorn for women who don't fit their mold. is it real? tomi lahren in "focus" next. your best defense against erosion and cavities is strong enamel. nothing beats it. i recommend pronamel active shield because it actively shields the enamel to defend against erosion and cavities. i think that this product is a game changer for my patients. it really works.
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>> harris: historic heat projected to sit on cities and states for days. potentially dangerous conditions for millions of americans expected to last at least through the weekend. fox weather's katie burns is in philadelphia. katie. >> hi, it's hot and it's muggy and only going to get worse from here. some parts of the northeast will feel heat they've never felt before today and it is not even officially summer yet. this is really the way we're ringing in the spring season. we have 200 heat records that could be set with temperatures soaring across the region really
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all week long. here in philly we're going on day two of temperatures in the 90s. people are feeling this and more of the same expected for the coming days. near the famous rocky steps, the rocky statue and art museum in the philadelphia area. a lot of people like to get workouts in the spot. relatively active despite the heat. most people tell me they got an early start this morning and plan on spending the rest of the day inside in a.c. >> if you get out here before 10:00 you might be in good shape. after 10:00, no go. >> it's hot. it's hot. you can't do it. i got these cups. you fill that up all day keep that up 40 ounces and stay hydrated. i suggest you stay hydrated in this heat. >> good tips for people. we have cooling centers open for
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anyone looking the find relief in the area and across the region. >> harris: i was reading that las vegas earlier this month, june 6th was the hottest it has ever been on that date. this is hitting the whole country. i know we're focused on the east coast right now but it has been a wave and the southwest part of this nation has been very hot early as well. katie burn, thank you. the u.s. surgeon general vivek murthy is calling for a new warning label on social media. it is receiving enthusiastic support. the "new york post" editorial board with the headline. absolutely slap a surgeon general's warning on social media asap. >> there is very broad public support addressing the harms of social media. if we don't one more year will go by where kids are being ex pokesed to the harms of social
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media. it's something that should alarm all of us and push us to take action as soon as possible. >> harris: "wall street journal" investigation finds a large number of social media influencers are young girls. but their audience is 92% adult men and many of these men reportedly have a sexual interest in children. one opinion writer calls it vile. she also asks questions why are parents allowing their children to be influencers in the first place? among the things they want to know. tomi lahren, "outnumbered" host. >> the idea of putting a label on social media sounds good in theory. i wonder if it's little more than a worthless virtue signal. what this is going to come down to is parenting. parents need to teach their children while they have access to the world via the internet and social media the world also has access to them. it is disturbing the number of
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child predators and pedophiles that are lurking in the shadows of the inner web and social media to find their prey and communicate with them. this is a very real thing. i believe it all comes down to parenting. parents have to give their kids and teenagers the tools to navigate social media in a healthy way. there will be teenagers on social media and use it and communicate with their friends and some influencers. that's the day and age we live in. parents, not the federal government, will have to be the back stop for this. >> harris: "washington examiner" opinion piece with this headline. social media needs more than a warning label arguing raising parents awareness of the harms of social media is a worthy goal but parents should be able to limit their children's social media use, references laws in states such as florida, georgia and utah which require parents' permission to create accounts. outright ban on social media for
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children under the age of 14 and even a social media curfew for kids under the age of 18. they are meeting your idea of better parenting on this issue with some tools for the parents in at least three states. i would say this, we had all the cards stacked against us when the brainiacs decided the best way to teach our kids is stick them in lockdown on devices and to expose them extra to devices in general and to that addiction of having no eye contact and always on that device. tomi. >> absolutely. there are still a lot of parents out there. i understand that it can be frustrating to be a parent. there are a lot of parents that get their kids started on social media or on the internet or on a screen at a very young age. they use it as a babysitting tool. it has to start at a young age. if you get your kids on a screen so you don't have to deal with them don't be surprised when they are eight, nine, ten and 11
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years old and hooked on the screen. don't put the screen in fronts of them as a babysitting tool and it will go a long way in preventing the addiction. >> harris: conservatives are dragging "new york magazine" for a title story titled how did republican women end up like this? it teased the article with a post saying quote, the surprising evolution of the republican woman. the wrath, sweetness, strength and subservience to the maga right. many are calling it hypocritical. social media is on fire over it. one user wrote do you know any republican women in your family or circle of friends? it seems like you are lazy and narrow minded enough to form strong opinions about all of us based on a few politicians and media personalities. all of that was posted. another says i'm a republican woman. many of my friends are republican women. none of us look like this nor are we subservient.
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this is garbage, republican senator marsha blackburn with this. >> the left absolutely requires submission of women to their ideology. they cannot stand strong, conservative, independent-minded women who really like being female. who really like being a mom. who really like being a woman. that does not fit their template. >> harris: tomi, we read this article for "outnumbered" days ago. i have to tell you, it does not celebrate women at all. it just tears down the ones who are not like the author of this. >> and i would also wonder, harris, if some of these journalists doing the hit pieces on conservative women take the time to talk to conservative women or republican women. if they did, they would discover that conservative republican women come in all shapes, sizes
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and colors. we see that every day. in the halls of fox news as well. this goes beyond that. i've been asking for a last several years where are the feminists. we heard that it stands for female empowerment and women supporting women. going back to the women's march in 2017 that pro-life women and conservative women were told to stay home. they didn't belong there. now we're being told that we can have biological men in women's sports and that's okay. what i feel like this is boiling down to is the feminist movement is about abortion at the end of the day. it is not really about female empowerment, lifting up women. showing that women have various voices and decisions and minds of their own. i would encourage the leftist media to maybe talk to some conservative women and might find a whole world they aren't used to. >> harris: they should start with you, tomi. i volunteer you. thank you. "outnumbered" is next.
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