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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  June 19, 2024 9:00am-10:01am PDT

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>> we are awaiting the arraignment of the illegal immigrant from ecuador charged with the rape of a 13-year-old girl in a new york city park. the case bringing the national spotlight once again to the heartbreaking consequences of the border crisis. hello, this is "outnumbered." i'm emily compagno here with my cohost, kayleigh mcenany and harris faulkner, and also joining us today, most of the "kennedy saves the world" podcast, kennedy. former texas land commissioner and managing partner and michael best llp, george p bush. authorities have released the mug shot of the person charged in the horrific attack, and custody after group of new yorkers recognized him and took him down. that moment, caught on video. there he is, you can see him cowering on the ground while civilian heroes held him down and waited for cops to arrive.
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the nypd laid out the violent charges during a news conference yesterday and explain how this dangerous suspect could have ended up on our streets. >> a violent criminal has been taken off our streets. the rape of a 13-year-old girl last thursday in queens shocks our entire city. >> the charges are going to be as follows for a female victim: rape, sexual abuse, robbery and the first degree, menacing, unlawful imprisonment, kidnapping, endangerment of the welfare of a child, possession of a weapon. for this victim, rubber and the first degree, menacing, criminal possession of a weapon, unlawful imprisonment, kidnapping, unlawful endangerment of a child. his arrival to the country is consistent through the path a migrant would take. he comes their eagle pass, texas, where he was detained and placed under arrest for entering the country illegally. he is then detained. while he is waiting for processing, he is basically, he is let go. >> hours after the news
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conference, biden took to social media to tell his executive action to secure the border. this person was already in the country illegally, just like the illegal immigrant charged in the death of 22-year-old lincoln riley. the illegal immigrant charged in the murder of a mother of five, rachel -- and so many more. these are real people with real lives that have been destroyed. the liberal media is trying to get you to believe this is just right wing fearmongering. >> i want to ask about the murder of this maryland mother that's been in the news. it's gotten a lot of attention. she was killed last year. an undocumented immigrant was just arrested, and her death last week -- what do you say to critics who blame the administration for allowing something like this to happen? obviously, this is something you here and right wing media all the time. >> first and foremost, of course, our hearts break for
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the children, the family, the loved ones, friends. the criminal who committed this heinous act should be held accountable to the fullest extent of the law and forcefully so. that's my response. >> you seem to see more, even democrats, at least a third of democrats, and even latinos in some cases in favor of mass deportation. i guess it's a question of people's fear of, i guess, employment competition, or fear of a disorderly process. >> a lot of fearmongering. >> this is one of the reasons people have this sort of thinking. here's the three cable networks reporting. this is -- our banner said "soon, biden announces protections for -- and cnn's banner said "biden announces protection for a document at spouses." here was fox's banner: "migrant arrested for raping 13-year-old." a lot of fearmongering.
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>> i don't see anything funny about that whatsoever. i don't think the rest of america does either, especially the family of that girl. >> george: thank you for having me. this is the number one issue for voters and it's playing out in the streets every day in america. is the chema's policies of the biden administration to not close the border, to turn around all of the executive actions of president trump just four years ago, resulting in now 10 million additional documented immigrants in our country now with an estimate in excess of 20 million. this doesn't include this one estimate which is 2 million. bylaws matthew will have criminals enter this country. whether it's -- by law of matthew will have criminals enter the country. whether it's found across the border, or every day criminals, communities across this country, namely in sanctuary cities, taxpayers will have to deal with this issue. until we wait for new
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leadership, install a sense of order on the border, which regretfully this administration, secretary mayorkas is detached from. will continue to see these stories. in texas, we reel from the experience of elizabeth medina who was slaughtered in her own bathtub last fall during the winter. she was 16 years old, she was a cheerleader in high school. she had her whole life in front of her. for this president and the secretary not to empathize, and to level with the american people about this crisis is not only that policy, but it's bad politics. >> can i ask a quick follow-up? you come from such an incredible political family. what do you make of the president and his comments about how he does not have the authority, is wishy-washy about things? what do you make about that, that the landscape in which he has essentially taken week action? >> this administration, whether it's this, inflation, immigration, or his competency -- always shifts responsibility at some deals. it's never his issue.
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he is behind the big oval office desk right now. he has to accept responsibility, reinstall and enforce existing policy. if we just enforce our existing laws and he sent a memo to his ice officials to deport, which by the way, a majority of latinos now support, he would reinstall a sense of confidence, but i don't see that happening. >> talk to me about the shaping of this narrative. when they say, as we saw in mainstream media, that only the right wing media is covering this, this is a national catastrophe that has affected every american in some form or another. >> and when they laugh at the banner we showed about this person being arrested for raping a 13-year-old girl, we have kids on this couch. that resonates with every parent. it doesn't matter your race or demographic background. for those people to laugh at that, and for joi reid to say "one-third of hispanics --" it's 53%. it shows you that there were good people and bad people. the good, hardworking people in
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this country want the bad people who violated the law to not be here and not be competing for things, but it's always about politics. the president reversed all of these immigration policies through executive action as soon as he got into office, and that was just a show of force. that was just about optics. now, he's doing something right before the election because he wants to win because he is so desperate. he is most desperate for those voters in the middle. it used to be texas, california, arizona. those were the states that worried about immigration, but now, it's independent voters across the country, and they are more sick and disgusted by politics than just about anyone. that's why this is such an activating issue. >> emily: kayleigh, that chyron was 100% factual. indeed, an illegal immigrant was arrested for raping a young girl in broad daylight. what's the matter with them
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seeing the facts up close in black and white? >> great question. that was the first time i'd seen those sound bites. remember interviewing a mother, an angel mother in 2017. she met with president trump, because trim cared enough to hear her story. back in 2016, he gather these angel moms and dads in a room, looks them in the eye, listens to their stories. one of the first political candidates to do so in a long time. she told me the only people "interested in covering my story are fox news and breitbart. no one else listens to me. everyone else laughs at me." to see those clips. jim acosta. you are talking about a mother of five who was killed by someone who should not be here, and you invoke right wing media as somehow this is problematic that we are covering her story? you move on to joy reid. she is upset about a chyron covering the rape of a 13-year-old girl. why did their stories matter less? they should matter more, because they happen at the hands of people who should not be here. lincoln riley, the police
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officers assaulted in times square. we can list all the victims. the biden administration, for their part, i'm beginning to think they are delusional. i read some reporting and political this morning that their parent to talk about the extreme immigration policies of donald trump. "extreme" has become mainstream. your point, 52% of latinos according to cbs want mass deportation. 60% of the american public overall. people have woken up. people care about angel moms. maybe taken eight years, maybe it took trump coming on the scene. people care. did in 2016 and look at what happened. >> and if they don't care about these 13-year-old girls in particular or american 13-year-old girls, what about the hundreds of thousands of miners being utilized by the cartels, sexually assaulted, raped and murdered as well? do they not deserve their attention? speak i can't tell because i don't remember them. i don't know what their priorities are. the flexon showing our banners and competition and all of that, the flexon that is just to get
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viewers, so they think. it does not work for them, though. people are already experiencing the truth. they don't need to be preached at by people who are obvious they are either not expensing the truth or don't care about it. two things really hit me, and you touched on one. it has to do with biden, with what he's done here recently. by giving that mass amnesty, basically to more than half a million people, it could be as much as 1 million from what i'm hearing from some lawmakers pick the spousal thing was already written into the law, but he's going to regenerate that. it's like "i've tried to help and it made it worse for the first executive action, and now more people are coming some going to do this sort of thing see you may be alleviate some of the concern among voters." i'm sure they talked about the numbers, because you have mentioned it. if you get a half million people to benefit from your policy and it's going to be a tight election, do you think that helps? do you think turning them into americans helps? giving them the right to stay here because they've been here
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for ten years and they married someone, they have the right to stay per this new law. the man who was accused of raping that 13-year-old child was on the nearby men's shelter. these people are already living here among us. the president just hold hundreds of thousands, potentially some of them -- we don't know who all those people are, by the way -- that they can stay. that's not everybody. may be, of those married folk we have vetted and we know who they are, but some of them we don't. statistically, do the math of how many people have come across the border and how many people are in these shelters. they said on june 25th 2021 they did dna on this guy. that's what they reported earlier. that was three years ago. oh, my goodness. he has allegedly done a lot since then. >> the 68 sex offenders that came over this sector alone, 91% of whom had children as are victims. that is not fearmongering, that is fact.
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concerns are growing over present biden's age and ability to serve. that is top of mind for voters, as he prepares to go head-to-head against president donald trump. that story next. ♪ ♪ ♪ chewy, a citi client, uses citi's financial expertise to help drive its growth and keep its supply chain moving, so more pet parents can get everything they need... right when they need it. keeping more pets, and families, happy. ♪ for the love of moving our clients forward. for the love of progress. type 2 diabetes? discover the ozempic® tri-zone. ♪ ♪
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>> as president biden prepares to spar with trump, the white house is still trying to discredit unedited footage of our commander in chief. biden team is desperately trying to convince voters that he is fit to lead. one problem: recent polls suggest americans are not so sure. lucas tomlinson is live at the white house with more details. >> the white house has a new term for those viral videos for the present, when you won't find in the dictionary. here's karine jean-pierre at the
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white house yesterday. >> secretary jean-pierre: this is something that came directly from the media outlets, the fact-checkers are calling it that. we are going to be clear about that as well, calling it out from where we stand. >> a recent fox news poll mike said "do you think joe biden has the mental soundness to effectively serve as president or not" gimmick 41% yes, 57%, a majority, said no. here is donald trump at a rally in wisconsin yesterday. >> joe biden is humiliating our country on the world stage. he is actually humiliating us. you saw what happened this weekend. it's turning the united states into a total joke all over the world. first, he wandered off the g7 in europe, the stage. it looked like he didn't know where the hell he was. >> at the white house yesterday, president biden appeared to
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forget the name of his own dhs chief. >> president biden: my name's joe biden, i am joe biden's husband. thanks to all the members of congress and -- secretary -- [mumbling] all kidding aside. >> president biden -- tomorrow he heads to camp david to spend about a week preparing for his first debate with former president donald trump. that's about a week away. >> one week to come but no one is counting except, we all are. thank you very much. the white house, trying very hard to make us not believe what we can see with our very eyes of unedited footage. not only of the footage, we have the robert hur report. robert hur had hours to sit before president biden. robert hur said this. "he suffers from diminished faculties and advancing age. he dinar member when he was vice president, even several
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years when his son bo died. he is a well-meaning elderly old man with a poor memory. his memory appeared hazy." this is robert hur. another campaign try to call him a maga prosecutor, but he's robert hur. >> if you can charge and based on all those things, how the world is he running the country? i mean seriously. if you can't even adjudicate a case against them and based on classified documents that we know he took as a senator, because he's got a bad memory or, you know, what is it, a dislocation with the facts? whatever the situation is for him and his mental acuity in those moments, we needed to hear those types. whatever they've scrubbed out and even the reductions from the transcript tell us a lot. whatever they took out. we need to be able to hear how he processes in real time. i think it's fair to have some real questions now. just based on that. i said this earlier on "the focus."
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irrespective of these recent days, we arty have enough of this, in terms of unedited video. i know the white house has chosen to fight about these last few clips of him. while them, make it stop happening. the gibberish he spit out yesterday. make it stop happening, and it won't be a thing. my question is if robert hur saw the facts before him pale in comparison to the man who was -- how is that same deficiency enough to lead the country? >> george, from a communication strategy, for a while, they try to go if he is old but he is wise. i think that's a better strategy. does he mess up and slip sometimes? sure, but he has wisdom and decades of its appearance. instead, they try to deny reality, deny tapes exist. they are forgetting about the polling. it's not just the fox poll. we have the abc poll. "would you think is too old,
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biden, 28% and --" this poll, who has the necessary and physical health, biden 26%, trump 45%. this is the reality they need to reckon with. the american people's reality. >> absolutely. i think this is a top three issue. absent from the beginning will come down to three is: immigration, inflation, and intelligibility. regretfully, biden is feeling it on all three. the commander in chief is supposed to instill confidence and respect not only domestically, but abroad appeared whether it's falling on stage in front of air force academy graduates, or the laughingstock abroad, is a concern i think all american voters will take into consideration when we go into the ballot box. i think about the debate which i think is next week. i think about ronald reagan in 1984 when he is 74. he made light and use tumor in such a brilliant way to disarm this by questioning walter mondale's youth and an
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experience. even he left. i can't see president biden pulling off that level of wit or humor on the stage. i think it's telling early on. tried to schedule an earlier. i think it's highly perceivable but he will have further actions. >> fantastic parallel to someone owning age. to your point, i don't know if biden can execute that. a day of reckoning is coming on debate day. very low. can he reverse the perception of the american people. >> the aggregate is what is so important. this is like when you're watching a movie. not just "where were you, i was like? i had to pick up the kids and do an errand." that explains it. or, when you're watching a movie when there's a million lives in a million questions, he gets exhausting. americans can see right through it. i think back to -- remember this spokesperson, the one in the
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'90s and 2,000? she was a credible. she always told it like it is. she would have the answers back to the press like "what do you think? where are you me that?" i'm not asking for that short temper to come out of karine jean-pierre, but there could be a shaving which is acknowledging the 50 years of service this president has had while also saying "people need help sometimes. what's wrong with having assistance or whatever?" to your point, it's like a cruise ship trying to pull a u-turn. it's too late for them to reverse course. it's too late because the gaps are too big. >> you can't be expected -- to run the country. that's what surprised me with
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one robert hur gave us that report. i think they have to juice him up. i think there is a hyperbaric chamber. i'm not a doctor, but i should be, because i think i would be a much better caregiver than what he is receiving right now. i go back and forth. on one hand, i go "this is elder abuse." the people of profiting from presidency who either -- the trappings of power the power itself. shame on them for propping him up and pulling the string and filling him with god knows what during the state of the union speech. he is to blame for this.
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it's an insult to voters to say you can't trust your own eyes or your senses, because they are being presented as such. >> he's got a red bull at least, but who knows. coming up, fo former president trump will have to continue to campaign under a gag order after this appeals court shut down his latest effort to have it lifted.
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>> the new york appeals court has rejected former president donald trump's request to lift the gag order in his criminal case. it appears trump will have to campaign under judge weimer sean's gag order for the 2024 election. even though trial is order, they claimed that his refusal to lift the gag order is a vast overreach of power.
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a local new york judge effectively limiting what the presidential candidate -- to the election. putting aside the questionable value. a countervailing cost for the political system. george. >> i'm not a new york lawyer. i'm a texas lawyer proudly. there isn't much precedence. >> so you're better. a humble brag. [laughter] >> bigger and better. [laughter] other celebrity's that have been under simple gag orders typically have that lifted by the district judge. i think president trump will eventually have his court in day. >> how high critical? could go to the u.s. supreme court? >> if he chooses to appeal that, he can. look, i think it only
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benefits -- since this campaign has occurred throughout the country against the president, and only benefits him -- i mean, if you look at the correlation between this legal aspect of what the left is bringing against him, particularly blue progressive das, you will see that it is -- his polling has only increased and gotten stronger with time. >> and the fund-raising. plus time i was with you, i remember sharing that it's not like democrats are asking me for advice, but i wouldn't have shut down that strategy. it's focused on issues. that's what this president is not interested in doing. >> and i was long before the verdict. i have to share with the audience, you were hot on this issue. i saw you pound your notes. >> i am. so viewers understand, this is the highest court in new york. it's essentially there supreme court. when you are talking about political speech, core political speech, you get the highest level of scrutiny. it's considered under strict scrutiny. and were not -- i know it sounds like legalese,
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but the point is we make sure that laws do not affect political speech. i do not see how anyone can argue that a gag order on a presidential candidate seven days before presidential election does not indicate the first amendment. donald trump's lawyer specifically said there is a debate coming up. what happens on the stage when joe biden sites michael cohen or stormy daniels? trump can't answer. how was that good for the american people? this is the highest court in new york, and i find the ruling to be shameful. >> how can that happen at that debate? it's like someone accusing you of murder and you can say "i didn't do it." >> and the thing about this, think about and the court of law. we talk about this often. the prejudicial nature, the court bounces whether something will prejudice or it has probative value. essentially, let me weigh whether the damaging impact of this particular issue outweighs whether it helps, the point is that you always defer to the
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defendant. you always defer to something that is remediable so that you err on the side of helping the defendant, protecting political speech or whatever constitutional right you have at that moment. it boggles my mind that they wouldn't err on the side of protecting a political candidate, a presidential political candidate, especially since the trial ended. i'm not the president's attorney, but i would say answer away, mr. president, and deal with the consequences after, because the consequences for him speaking as he should on that stage during the debate will have far greater consequences, better for him than acquiescing to this ridiculous gag order. >> what emily is talking about -- therefore the mark and people. if they cannot hear from the presidential candidate, how do they vote? it's the height of election interference. >> it's been benefiting the former president so far, so if i were him, i would secretly want them to keep the gag rule in order, the gag order in place.
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>> he's got to build a fight back. >> he should fight back, should look like he's fighting back, but secretly "i would love to tell you the truth but i can't, my lips are sealed by this entire establishment that is trained against me and just wants to squash me and you and your future prosperity." i think it's one of the best things that has happened to him. it's one of the remnants of the case. it's the stinky baloney that's been left in the fridge for over an hour and every body knows that it smells to high heaven. at this point, it's benefiting him. let's keep him where it is. >> it's not just housing costs that are going through the roof. renters are suffering from a high price is too next. veteran homeowners, have you looked at the interest rates on your credit cards lately? get ready for a shock. the rate on credit cards is now over 22%. if you want to save hundreds of dollars every month, pay off the balances on your high rate cards with a lower rate va home loan from newday usa. and get the financial peace of mind
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everywhere but the seat. the seat is leather. alan, we get it. you love your bike. we do, too. that's why we're america's number-one motorcycle insurer. but do you have to wedge it into everything? what? i don't do that. this reminds me of my bike. the wolf was about the size of my new motorcycle. have you seen it, by the way? happy birthday, grandma! really? look how the brushstrokes follow the line of the gas tank. -hey! -hey! brought my plus-one. jamie? >> fox news just received a
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statement from justin timberlake's attorney. as we get new details on the pop stars drunk driving arrest, we will share what we can. police released this mug shot of justin timberlake who claims he only had one martini before getting behind the wheel. officers at the scene said he smelled like alcohol, his speech was slowed down, he was unsteady on his feet and perform poorly on all the field sobriety tests. according to "the new york post," one witness says justin timberlake was "wasted," even taking someone's drink off the table when they went to the bathroom. is he out of cash too? that sounds like a bigger story. new video appears to show the pop star driving his suv in the hamptons moments before being pulled over. they pulled him for allegedly running a stop sign and weaving out of his lane. the guy could hurt somebody. fortunately, the streets were empty at that point. here he is in handcuffs, an
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image provided by the daily mail. investigators say the former nsync singers' eyes were glassy and bloodshot. he refused a breathalyzer three times. he has virtual hearing scheduled in july but is set to perform in chicago this week before stopping for a show in new york city next week. he reportedly told the arresting officer "this is going to ruin the tour." which part? fill us in. justin tuma looks attorney commented this way. "i look forward to vigorously defending mr. timberlake on these allegations. i will have a lot to say at the appropriate time, but am currently awaiting full discovery from the district attorney's office." emily, you are taking notes, my friend. >> okay, so justin timberlake allegedly said according to t the -- "forever jamaicans --" it ruins their lives because this prevents a lot of people from gaining employment or from staying employed.
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we know that the ceo recently who got that dui was relieved of everything. this affects americans. as you know when you are driving, you see the highway signs where it says dui, you can't afford it," because it's really expensive. it's a minimum fine, maximum jail sentence a year and it revokes his license for at least six months. keep in mind, the dwi here is a blood alcohol content of .08% or above. if it was less, that is a different charge. the thing about celebrities is there is a different penalty tickets how they behave and handle it. we all remember when jim top got a dui, reese witherspoon's big famous agent husband and reese witherspoon said "don't you know my name." she had a big reaction caught on the body cam footage and was charged with disorderly conduct. a lot of celebrities have had dwis and duis, and it matters how you handle it in the moment because your true colors shine
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through. i think here, he will obviously pay the fine and likely not serve jail time, but the issue really is how he overcomes this issue to his fans. >> kennedy. >> the body cam was activated on the arresting officer who pendley was so young he didn't know who justin timberlake was. >> that's rich. [laughter] there are so many sycophants -- >> there are some basic offense and hangers on with the establishment that none of them stopped him? none of them offered to get him a uber, stretch hummer, or a rickshaw home? literally anything. he has the means, the manpower, the hangers on and facilitators, and none of them activated? i have an issue with this. he puts other people's lives at risk. he said he had one martini. out of a 5-gallon bucket? i don't care what else was in his system. he was impaired. it's called playing homeless. that's what we call it back in
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college. he is like the presidents. morally compromised. i don't feel bad for him. horrible choices. he does not deserve our sorrow or empathy. >> in the video before they pulled him over, i pointed that there were nobody on the streets. but you read the reports and there were other drivers. clearly there would be somebody around. to kennedy's point, this could have gone so many different ways. think the good lord everybody is safe in this. >> absolutely. it is an opportunity, as a celebrity, to speak up on the issue and say "i did the wrong thing and i want to raise awareness about the harms of intoxicated driving what's. accept instead of shifting. >> that would be refreshing. i don't know how big that trick was. >> one of a martini. >> speak of the best in forbes 2019 said it was $57.5 million. to your point, and huber would
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have been -- get one. >> i doesn't have his own driver. >> that's the other thing, you plan ahead if you know you're going to go out drinking. you uber. a fee of $60 million surname set up in advance. that's a tiny town. >> he said he has a problem drinking. he told oprah that in 2014. in 201 2019 -- >> finger canoodling. >> it's a very intimate act. [laughter] >> i'm out of words now.
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>> the ecuadorian migrant accused of raping a 13-year-old girl in new york city is expected in court this afternoon. we will watch for updates on that, and the texas governor greg abbott will join us live at the top the hour to react to that and what the present -- on biden's latest mass amnesty move. we will ask him about all of it. plus, taxes in the economy, center stage, as former president donald trump lays out maganomics at his rally
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yesterday -- baker will join us to discuss. is china partnering with mexican drug cartels? we will dig into that with the former dea agent who caught pablo escobar. come join us top of the hour as america reports. >> there's maganomics, and then bidenomics. americans are saying that they don't think they will be able to afford a home. mortgage crisis is up over 100% since before the pandemic. renting is not much better as prices soar across the country. fox business is kelly so very is here to tell us about this latest surge. >> right now, fueling inflation. this is keeping the fed from lowering interest rates. >> that's the number one killer of the marketplace right now. i think shelter inflation is the largest problem with inflation coming down. we are stuck in the low threes of inflation, which shelter inflation is over 5%.
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>> this as the president of the new york federal reserve telling fox business just yesterday that he expects interest rates to come down in the next few years. and this could of course help housing affordability. let's look at the top four housing markets with over 1 million people to see about a 5% rise in average over the last year. this is louisville, kentucky, hartford, connecticut, providence, rhode island. the sun belt is driving new rent costs nationally for a new flat when that is in the case a lot of metro areas. take cities like austin, nashville, phoenix. these places have an abundance of apartments, steering rent growth into the negatives and the cost of new leases there is declining, and this as some economists say good job -- causing landlords to feel like they couldn't keep increasing rents. >> thank you. kennedy, i go back to this, i saw $100,000 is what you need to afford a home, or you are
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renting, and renting is surging. >> people aren't making that kind of money because wages have not caught up with either inflation or the increasing price of rent and home values. one of the biggest problems is also supply and demand. if you have a low mortgage rate, you are holding onto your house. there's not a lot of houses, so the prices go up, and landlords in big cities see some of the economic data and they know they can keep raising rents. they are an average 4% -- >> here for example in new york city, the raising rents are rising as the quality of life is eroding rapidly, so people have to scrape every penny to try to make their rent to live in a city that is horrific to exist in. a reminder that the economic hotlines have seen a triple hold increase in calls, including those who are gainfully employed and own their home and have assets. the point is that they still cannot make ends meet. they cannot pay their bills. they are struggling on the mortgage.
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they are over extending on credit cards, and yet they take the boxes. according to the spy demonstration, there is no problem and they are not in poverty because they make a certain amount, arbitrary line that they have to offer. >> this study was conducted that shows that -- a certain percentage of americans -- will add stress to the lifestyle. because of the bidenomics fiscal stimulus, this annual deficit, annual spending that we are not -- so that results in a highly inflationary environment. your cost of energy, your supermarket goods, your cost of housing are crippling working americans throughout the country. >> one of the most disheartening things i learned today is that there is strong consideration reportedly inside the by demonstration of tapping the oil reserves again. we are so far from energy independence at this point. those high prices are not going to go away. just like it's hot, it's warm.
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it's cold, it's winter. we will have to get punished to be kept warm and cool and all of those things for years -- the decisions that a bid made the last three years. >> average income in this country, $53,000, get it takes $106,000 a year to buy a home. more "outnumbered" next. two: take out an average of $70,000. three: pay off your credit cards i'm admiral tom lynch chairman of newday usa. we hear from veterans all across the country. they worry a lot about being in debt and having the money they need for their families. big credit card balances can add up over time. and now just making the minimum payments can break the family budget. refinance and take control of your credit card debt. call newday usa and get the financial
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let's get started. bill, where's your mask? i really tried sleeping with it, everybody. now i sleep with inspire.
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inspire? no mask? no hose? just sleep. learn more, and view important safety information at ♪ ♪ >> harris: [laughs] >> emily: new video in to fox news shows climate activists vandalizing stonehenge with orange powder. the climate group, called "just stop oil," was by this latest stunt. they are protesting all fossil fuel use within the united kingdom. just stopped oil claimed on social media that the orange substance was made of cornstarch and would easily wash away.
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you don't know that, kennedy. what i'm looking at is a beautiful relic, an important part of our globe's history, and i'm watching what looks like unhinged trash children trying to destroy it while i see good people who have faith and honor and pride in things like this, and historic monuments like this, trying to stop them. i see no value in amplifying this video. >> kennedy: absolutely not. and why are you mad at stonehenge? that was erected before there was oil! if you're going to throw cornstarch on something, go to a shell station, station, weirdos. >> harris: 5,000 years old. i will say, one of them is 73 years old. >> that was the one with the white hair and there's a little one on the right. george, never an excuse for this. why do we see an uptick in this, people trying to destroy art and treasure? >> george: they are you losing the arguments that our world needs more energy than ever, especially with population growth and the needs of the
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developing world. energy is the largest cost for the world's poor, and america is delivering that in states like texas. it was probably petrol that got them there for the protests. keep that in mind. >> kayleigh: when climate activists get together, at least they are not riding bikes naked. a member when they tried that? if i can advise you guys, i liked when you glued yourselves to coffee tops, i think it was at starbucks or something. go back to that. >> kennedy: glue yourselves to train tracks. >> emily: i like when i saw a law enforcement destroying their bags and ripping them off the highway on the way to burning man or coachella or whatever that was. i really enjoyed that. that's what they deserve. thank you, everyone, for watching. if you get the dvr when you can't watch us live, and now here is "america reports." >> we were all trying to, that's the point. we had to, like -- he ran under


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