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tv   America Reports  FOX News  June 19, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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delivering that in states like texas. it was probably petrol that got them there for the protests. keep that in mind. >> kayleigh: when climate activists get together, at least they are not riding bikes naked. a member when they tried that? if i can advise you guys, i liked when you glued yourselves to coffee tops, i think it was at starbucks or something. go back to that. >> kennedy: glue yourselves to train tracks. >> emily: i like when i saw a law enforcement destroying their bags and ripping them off the highway on the way to burning man or coachella or whatever that was. i really enjoyed that. that's what they deserve. thank you, everyone, for watching. if you get the dvr when you can't watch us live, and now here is "america reports." >> we were all trying to, that's the point. we had to, like -- he ran under
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the car. he was hiding under the car like a pet. basically it was just me and jeffrey, like, screaming. we found the 13-year-old rapist. >> we know he entered the country from ecuador through texas, through eagle pass, texas, back in june 25th of 2021. when he did come into the country, the federal government did take fingerprints and dna from him at the border, so that is still being worked on. >> sandra: brutal crime in new york city highlighting the unchecked prices at our southern border after a migrant who entered the country illegally is accused of raping a 13-year-old girl. hello and welcome, everyone. i'm sandra smith in new york, and it's good have you today. >> gillian: i'm gillian turner intro john roberts. this is "america reports." the man charged with a disturbing crime is slated to be in court in the next hour. police say they held that girl in a 13-year-old boy at knifepoint, and then force them into a secluded area of the new york city park.
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he allegedly tied up both his victims, raped the girl, and fled with their phones. >> sandra: the suspect remained on the run for days after that attack until community came together to take him off the streets. today's cover of "the new york post" says it all, calling the takedown a town haul. we are now learning just three years ago, in eagle pass, texas. joining is now is texas governor greg abbott. governor, we are grateful to have you on the program today. >> how you doing? >> sandra: the first, your thoughts on what you learned from all of this? it is so shocking for all these numbers to see what is happening right there in their own community and having to take matters into their own hands. >> well, listen, it's totally the result of biden's open border policies. you giving one example, but there are so many others, such as the mother of five who lost her life, and illegal immigrant who came from el salvador, and lake and riley, the stars just go on
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our americans are dying at the hands of those who are allowed by his policy. you talk about how this person came across eagle pass back in 2021, that joe biden allowed in. because biden was using eagle pass as ground zero, where there were up to 5,000 people crossing a day, that's exactly why i ordered our national guard to wire shut the crossing in eagle pass. no longer do we have thousands of people crossing the border a day. on average there's only two people crossing a day at that location, and those people are arrested by the texas department of public safety. >> sandra: governor, you go through the details of these stories as they come out. american citizens who are harmed, in some cases killed by somebody he was never supposed to be here in the first place, or was here illegally. and you look at the charges now
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against this man. rape, robbery, sex abuse, medicine, unlawful imprisonment, act in a manner injurious to a child, criminal possession of weapon. the neighbors had to step in. they said, we know this guy. they bound him by his legs with a belt to keep him from running away. is that where we are? this border crisis has spread so far beyond the border that now you have american citizens having to take matters into their own hands? >> you mention two things, both of which are prolific. one, for a while the illegal border situation was something contained, but texas and arizona, largely, and that has changed over the past couple of years. now this is an american issue. every state is now a border state. and then you add to that the fact of the matter which, under the biden administration, they have abandoned the rule of law in large cities across the
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country, and our fellow americans don't have law enforcement the way we did last decade, and they are in fact having to take matters into their own hands, because you can call on enforcement and they may not show up for 30 minutes, an hour, or a day. our fellow americans are sick and tired of it, and by god, we are insisting on the rule of law in the united states, even if it means a fellow american stepping up and doing what they have to do. what texas has had to do, in fact, because of the open border policies, texas has taken it into our own hands securing the border. real quick, in the past two years, because of texas building a border wall, because our national guard is building a razor wire barriers, illegal immigration into our state has decreased 75% while it's been going up in t the new mexico, arizona, and california. >> sandra: i also want to get your reaction to this, a brain interview that happened on this network this morning with maryland governor wes moore. he faced some tough questions
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over the rape and murder of a mother of five. this is the democratic governor of maryland, who says he's infuriated by the murder of rachel morin but refused to criticize joe biden and its policies by name. >> harford county, in our state, where this brutal murder happened, is 1800 miles away from the border. so when people think this is an impact if he states, this is impacting every single one of us. this thing is so long-standing, and there's been a lack of courage that we have seen for a long period of time in washington that has allowed this to take place. >> sandra: he placed the blame on "washington." your reaction? >> remember this, four years ago we had the lowest immigration 45 years and i think is a plus he's put into place by donald trump. in his first day in office he is executive orders to deliver all
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the policies that lead to that immigration, and joe biden opened up the borders and now there's been more than 11 million people crossing illegally including people crossing illegally and going to maryland and killing that woman there. >> sandra: governor, i want to ask about the president's latest move, touting his plan. this was yesterday, his remarks on daca. listen. >> keeping couples to getting remarried, where one is a u.s. citizen and one is undocumented. they been living in the united states for at least ten years. these couples have been raising families, sending their kids to church and school, paying taxes, contribute into our country. living in the united states all this time. it's fear and uncertainty. we can fix that. >> sandra: your reaction to his latest moves? >> listen, this is the last straw. americans have had it. because of joe biden's policies we have had record breaking illegal immigration that has led to crime.
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now this amnesty proposal is a magnet that would entice even more people to come to our country illegally. this is it, americans have had it. to make matters worse, what he's doing is completely unconstitutional, illegal. texas is going to step up and take legal action and shut it down. >> sandra: as you mention, governor, we have life pictures where we have seen a lot of activity in recent days, a flight camera provided to our viewers. so we can continue to keep a look on the crisis. as you mentioned, this is no longer the epicenter. we are seeing the flow over the border and so many other border states now, as this reaches across the country. the white house itself, governor, is estimating that, as a result of the president's plan, that the number of immigrants expected to be affected by this new biden plan, 500,000 illegal immigrant
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spouses, 50,000 illegal immigrant stepchildren. i mean, we haven't even started to talk about the medical system inundated with those who are here illegally that need medical care, the schools have taken on a huge burden, and kids who are behind because of the pandemic. there are problems everywhere. politically, how does this issue take form as we had to november? >> for one, when the cartels learned that more than half a million americans, immigrants, getting amnesty, they'll use that to gin up even more business, entice even more people coming across the border. politically speaking, listen, this is a disaster for joe biden. we've all already seen the polling about how biden is underwater with regard to his illegal immigration policies, and this is only going make that policy worse. this likely will lead to joe biden losing his job,
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because he is going against the overwhelming majority of americans, and what americans want. they don't want open borders, they don't want amnesty. they want the laws of the united states enforced, and joe biden is appeasing to do that. >> sandra: governor, it's always good when you can come on. appreciate you being here. >> thank you, sandra. take care. >> anything under 90 i'm okay with, the once he gets over 90 that's where i want to be inside. >> i'm doing very badly with the letter. thank god for air conditioning. >> i know astroturf is on a lot of dog parks here. it gets really hot. >> we're trying to have a good time heading home for the air conditioner. it's hot out here, definitely. >> i would say this is hot for just moving into summer. >> gillian: americans frantically now looking for ways to try and keep cool as this record-breaking heat wave sweeps the eastern part of the country. right now more than 200 million americans are baking in 90-degree plus heat. those temperatures are going to go up over the course of the week. fox weather has been tracking
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all that. we have chief meteorologist rick reichmuth on how long this heat wave expected to last, the first let's go to zach greene, live on fox gray new york city. how is it feeling out there? >> it is getting steamy as we speak, and this is the core of the heat taking over the entire northeast onto the mid-atlantic and backing up into the upper midwest, where yesterday we recorded 30 independent daily high record temperatures. we have 70 more poised to set records by the end of the week. this is spanning all the way from burlington, vermont, through chicago where they saw a record high on monday afternoon of 97 degrees. manchester, new hampshire, shattering a record of 94 that was set back in 2018, and many other locations from west virginia all the way down to d.c. new york city is currently sitting with a heat index value in the triple digits, and we have hours to go before we wrap up this warmth. but still, on this juneteenth, that is not something stopping tourists from getting out and about. i spoke with one of the visitors
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coming from wisconsin, saying he's just trying to get out of the cold. >> it's really nice just walking pass all the different doors that are open, getting a breeze, and going a couple more doors, getting another breeze, and working through it. >> it's amazing to witness some of these tourists around here. they are still trying to take it vantage of the sunshine, but they have to dodge in and out of the shadows to make sure they remain safe. 500 cooling centers have been opened up here in manhattan alone and the governor actually deploying 50 national guard members to areas in cities in albany as well as syracuse, who saw a heat index of 100 degrees. with a heat dome of this magnitude, yet very stagnant air. it is sinking air. as that happens we get air quality concerns, so folks with respiratory issues, folks who deal with long irritants, this is a scenario where we have to stay inside and enjoy the ac. if you can't do so, sign a family member or a friend to remain cool and safe. the gillian? >> gillian: and people who can't do that are taking advantage of those cooling
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centers. thanks so much. sandra? >> sandra: for more on the record-breaking heat, let's ask the question to chief meteorologist rick reichmuth we are all wondering in the fox weather center right now. how long is this heat wave going to last? >> a wild. i think part of the problem with this heat wave is just the duration of it. sometimes to be a heat wave you need that for three days in a row. we'll be talking about in some cases at least 7-8 days. take a look back here, by the way. really cold across parts of the west that had snow this week in the northern rockies. not the entire country is hot, but we do have it for mid-atlantic all the way through the northeast. we are going to watch his temperatures climb. this is friday's heat index. 96 in new york, 99 in baltimore. watch what happens saturday, it climbs to the mid-atlantic. if we just go to washington, d.c., you might be saying, hey, it's warm right now. watch what happens. saturday, sunday, it's great if you like the mid 100s, 104, 105. monday, bit of a break. when it happens, it's not going to be a massive break.
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we are not going to get temperatures back into the 70s or low 80s. we maybe a going to get temperatures back into the 80s and lower 90s. but we do have to get through these next 4-5 days. the heat is going to continue to increase. >> sandra: wow. find some place cool and keep the ice water handy. rick, thank you. by the way, just in the last hour, the national hurricane center officially named its first storm of the hurricane season. what do we know about that? >> i tell you, we are expecting a really active hurricane season this year, just know that. if you live anywhere from texas all the way up towards maine, we will see a lot of activity this year. the first has been named, alberto. this is mexico, it is in the bay and it's going to move off toward the west. so you say, landfill here across mexico, most of the wind is to the north of the storm. so we are talking about a lot of wind and a lot of rain with this across parts of texas. at lower rio grande valley we are seeing some spots with
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3-5 inches, maybe more than that. this area is dealing with drought, however, some good news, but certainly the coastal areas are going to be battered even with some moderate storm surge at times. i want to show you one other thing. we have two other storms we are watching. you look at this one and you say, that is alberto. it's not. is going to be another area that we expect potentially to have some sort of development here by the time we get toward sunday-monday across parts of the day. that means potentially more rain coming in across parts of south texas by the time to get towards early next week. to be when you're going to be busy. thank you very much. good to see you. >> we have a commitment to make sure israel has what it needs to defend itself against a whole variety of threats. >> gillian: are israel and iran have been back to her group has blood heading to war? up next, new reporting we have detailing explosive and intelligence. that next.
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>> plus, all eyes on the supreme court as we await a presidential immunity decision, and whether former president donald trump will go to trial for election interference. the impact they could have on the race to the white house. ...gas for long. hmmm? quite the paradox... -it really is both. -hmmm. the lexus rx plug-in hybrid. ♪ ♪ ♪ citi's industry leading global payments solutions help their clients move money around the world seamlessly in over 180 countries... and help a partner like the world food programme as they provide more than food to people in need. together, citi and the world food programme empower families across the globe. ♪ i brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein! those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks.
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>> sandra: developing at this hour, we could be finding out as soon as tomorrow whether former president donald trump will go to trial on those charges of election interference, and it all depends on the ruling by the supreme court addressing the issue of presidential immunity. justice correspondent david spunt is live in washington. we are all watching this, david. break down what exactly could happen here. >> you got to bet donald trump and joe biden are watching both of those scenarios. or all three of the scenarios.
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the longer it takes to get a supreme court decision, the further it pushes back the potential trial. as with just about everything, they are caveats. is this even go to trial? the former president is charged with overturning the 2020 election results. it was supposed to go to trial beginning in early march, that deadline came and passed. the case itself has essentially been on ice since late december. once an appeal was announced in the case. d.c.-based federal judge tanya chutkan overseeing the case stopped all activity, at least publicly, on the docket until the issue is resolved before the supreme court. the first appeal was to the circuit court. those judges ruled that the former president does not have absolute immunity to avoid charges. but the supreme court decided to take over and weigh in, even though the d.c. circuit ruled unanimously that trump does not have full immunity from prosecution. we don't want to speculate with the court is doing. it was argued at the end of april. they typically have until the end of june, which means about
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another week or so truly see opinion. depending on what they do, it could be good or bad for special counsel jack smith. this man right here who indicted the former president last year. if the court holds that trump enjoys broad immunity, expect this case never to happen. if they ruled that he has no immunity, expect the case to happen perhaps even later this summer or early fall, even though it is close to an election. if it's a complicated ruling that sends aspects back to the lower court, that might delay things, as well. we don't know until we know, and judge chutkan still doesn't know if she will perhaps be presiding over the biggest case in her career, possibly in just a few months. that old rule about prosecuting close to an election is really indicting someone. it's an unspoken rule of doj not to indict someone close to an election. judge chutkan is not bound by any sort of rule. she can have a trial whenever she wants, but there would be a lot of low back and push back if she wants to move to trial, let's say, end of august or early september. >> sandra: thanks for laying
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out the scenarios for us. we'll be watching it. gillian? >> gillian: there's also u.s. israeli officials now sounding the alarm about the growing threat posed by iran back terror group hezbollah. they are detailing explosive that u.s. agencies have uncovered about their nuclear capabilities, including a computer modeling program iran has allegedly acquired that could be used to develop or at least help in developing actual nuclear weapons. mike waltz serves on the armed services, foreign to my foreign affairs, and intelligence communities. thanks for coming here in person. great to see you. what do you make of this news? let's start off, because they are so many different angles here about this computer program that the iranians have that could sort of help them move towards a nuclear weapons capability quicker. >> three key elements to them having a fully functional nuclear weapon. the enrichment of uranium, that is what so much has been focused on with the iran deal, and when
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people talk about a breakout in weeks or months for them to be able to break out, it's about having a fully enriched and uram to have a bomb. this computer simulation is, how do you get the actual bomb formed and build the warhead that it fits on top of the missile, and then of course we know iran has been in violation of u.n. sanctions, has been developing a missile program. so this would be an absolute crossing of a threshold for the ayatollah to say, take that enriched uranium and put into a nuclear warhead, and there's a lot of distress, frankly, of the intelligence community and the administration. remember, biden's lead negotiator, also obama's lead iran negotiator, has been under investigation now for over a year. can't get any answers as to why, but has something to do with being compromised by the iranians and leaking information to the iranians. >> gillian: thankfully off the
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job. >> sideline, but we can't get any answers as to what was compromised. this was a lead negotiator for the obama iran deal, and also worked for biden. so a lot of mistrust. >> gillian: take a look at this "wall street journal" editorial out today. deadline is, news flash, iran wants a bomb. he goes on to say, given the progress, ramallah is making a choice to either risk action now or have failed to explain to americans sooner or later how iran came to build a bomb on mr. biden's watch. do you see the situation we are in right now in those terms? >> i do. i don't think that's an overstatement. i think if this administration -- we don't change demonstrations in november, but if they continue on his appeasement path -- just a few years ago, this administration, biden was negotiating through the russians with the iranians about another iran deal with concession after
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concession. if they don't reverse course, bottom-line, gillian, we could have an iranian nuclear weapon on biden's watch, and we could have the destruction or catastrophic damage to israel on biden's watch. we already have a 90% reduction in shipping through the red sea and the suez canal because of the houthis on biden's watch. >> gillian: these fears have been percolating since october 7th, but it seems like all the counterterrorism experts now are really saying, let's stop this from becoming a full-scale regional war where israel is taking on hezbollah. because that would put israel and the united states in a worst-case scenario position. do you see it that way? >> a war with hezbollah, which i think is emi imminence, will be catastrophically greater in magnitude than we have seen with hamas. hundreds of thousands of what they called them rockets, which they would use to overwhelm
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israeli defenses, followed by precision guided missiles that could hit their nuclear reactor, the airport, headquarters, key military posts within israel itself, not to mention tens of thousands more well armed soldiers. at the end of the day, all roads lead back to iran. if this administration wants to tamp down and de-escalate, they have to dry up the cash in iran, who is selling 90% of its illicit oil to china for cents on the dollar. we passed out of the house of representatives secondary sanctions on chinese buyers of iranian oil. the refiners, the brokers, the shippers, and yet the senate won't pick it up and the administration is opposed to it. at the end of the day that the change policy on iran. this is what's going to come out in this election. you contrast, just a few years ago, under president trump, isis was defeated, baghdadi was dead, iran was on its back foot, general soleimani was dead, and
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we had the abraham accords breaking out and our allies were secured. contrast that with the entire region on fire, under biden, blinken, and cruz's watch. they have to say come this isn't working. let's go back to maximum pressure and shift policy on iran. >> gillian: quickly, before i let you go, a couple of seconds -- if the israelis got embroiled into a bigger war fighting has belied directly, that means we the united states would have to be a lot more involved, right? >> i think inevitably it would suck the united states in. i wouldn't want that and we would then be talking authorization of these of military force. >> gillian: it seems like he would have to be. >> but this would be an x essential threat to the existence of israel. and i guarantee, i would be demanding that we step up to defend them. >> gillian: thanks so much for your time today. great to talk as always. >> on day one of my new administration we will throw out bidenomics and replace it with
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maganomics! >> sandra: former presi president trump vowing to scrap bidenomics, so what does "maganomics" mean for the american economy? we are going to ask gerry baker. he will join us speak for next. >> gillian: there's also this. the high-profile careers of social media influencers make content creation seem like dream work, but insiders are now coming forward to allege it's not all it's cracked up to be. not all it's cracked up to be. those insiders coming up next.f t. one day, your joints hurt. hi grandpa. next, it's on your skin. it's painful. i couldn't move like i used to. i got cosentyx. feels good to move. cosentyx helps real people move and feel better. it treats multiple symptoms of psoriatic arthritis for less joint pain, swelling, and tenderness back pain and clearer skin. and cosentyx can even help stop further joint damage. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting, get checked for tuberculosis.
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♪ ♪ >> sandra: former president donald trump pledging to throw out bidenomics and replace it with maganomics on day one of his new term. what does that entail exactly? let's bring in gerry baker, fox news contributor and editor at large for "the wall street journal." everybody at home wants to know what it means for them.
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and what policies he is touting that is going to benefit every day americans and their pocketbooks. >> the interesting thing about his first term, while he's said a lot of unusual and unconventional things, most of the economic policy is fairly standard republican economic policy. big tax cuts, special for corporations, lots of deregulation's to deregulate the economy. the big difference from previous republican thinking was tariffs, and that was a big departure because normally in the past they have been in favor of free trade. i think in the second term we are probably going to see some of the same, the tax cuts are going have to be renewed, and they will certainly do that if he has a republican congress, but i think we'll see some more interesting targeted policies aimed at particular workers. we will see a lot more tariffs certainly, some of which will hurt. it sounds like it, but it's really interesting. it is politically savvy. a lot of people get tips, and it's much easier now because they used to be paid with cash.
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now most are probably on cards or apple pay. >> sandra: it's very popular and social media right now. >> i think there will be a lot of that. one of the key criticisms that a lot of speeds people have of the older republican party is that it didn't really put workers first. i think there's going to be a lot more emphasis in the trump term on putting workers first. >> sandra: interesting. this is what he said yesterday in wisconsin. >> i will stop biden's wasteful spending and rapidly terminate the green new scam, which is a total scam. we are spending money like drunken sailors. and i will repeal crooked joe biden's insane electric vehicle mandate, and we will drill, baby, drill. we will drill, baby, drill. we will be cutting your energy costs in half, and doing a very fast. >> sandra: will he win over new voters with that message in this economy? >> i think he will. obviously there is a core of younger voters in particular who have bought into this green ideology, sort of a religion,
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its replaced conventional religion. but america sits on this astonishing reservoir of natural gas and oil, and we are not exploiting it in the way that we could. as you well know, sandra, he's right about the green energy scam. there's a lot to be said for investing in green companies, more environmentally friendly energy sources, and they do that. we are seeing some investment going into that. but the massive subsidies we have seen for things like electric vehicles, the massive so-called inflation reduction act bill that was passed a couple of years ago under biden, it gives huge amount of monies to companies. it's not economic. we have this amazing opportunity of using our own energy, at the same time, and natural gas is much less damaging, and i think the message of "drill, baby, drill," lower energy prices -- >> sandra: maybe you need to be more specific. they may think oil. >> i think fossil fuels, the
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opportunity that still exists is great. but i do think we should hear more from him and from republicans about the green energy scam, and the ways so much of this so-called green energy is not going be very helpful for the environment, either. look at the mining you have to do to get batteries, the electrification we are going to need for all the data that we are going to need with all this ai coming on stream. the idea that this is somehow magically more green than traditional energy. >> sandra: i was just talking about the reporting on serbia giving into what will be the largest lithium mine in europe, and much to the chagrin of the environmentalists. they are trying to stop this two years ago, nothing got the green light and it's going to happen, all for the sake of green energy. "wall street journal" on the dueling commies. i want to ask you about this. in economic gamble either way. voters know they will get more of the same, the second term
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carries more uncertainty, because of its unbridgeable nature. but when you're losing financially, you might be inclined to make a bigger gamble. gamble. explain. >> yeah, because the editorial says, we know what we get, much more government spending and much more subsidies for green business. we are probably going to get higher taxes, i suspect, because we have a physical problem, and we have a mixed policy in the first term of traditional republican policies, conservative policies, and more radical work-oriented policies. people are willing, probably -- look, the big problem biden has that isn't going away is the prices are 20-25% higher on average. some prices have doubled in the last three or four years, the prices of some goods. that's a very uncomfortable environment everybody finds. every time you go to the story you see what happened to prices. that will make people think, if this is what biden gave me, if i've had this for the last three years, then yeah. and they remember back to trump when inflation was under 2%,
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under control. people didn't even notice price increases back then. >> he was at 1.4% when he came in, not nine. i always learn some thing when you're here. thank you very much for coming. >> thinks for having me. >> sandra: gillian? >> gillian: president biden is heading to camp david tomorrow to prepare there for next week's presidential debate while his opponent is getting ready out on the campaign trail. >> joe biden doesn't have a clue. is anybody going to watch the debate? [audience response] he's going to be so pumped up. >> gillian: with the latest polls tell us now about key isss for voters as we count down to . deroy murdock used here to tell us what he things are the strong as lines of attack. >> sandra: plus one of the bay school systems in the country banning cell phones in the classroom. could the same thing happening h your child's school, and showed it to? many are over 22%, near 30% if you pay late.
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♪ ♪ >> gillian: welcome back. the first presidential debate is now, if you can believe it, just eight days away. biden's advisors are counting on the event to give them of the big boost in the polls, bleeding here take the upper hand against trump. deroy murdock is a syndicated columnist and a fox news contributor. he joined me now to take a look at some of the latest polling. deroy, let's start here. biden has somehow managed to make this incredible jump, leapfrogging over trump. he was behind, and let's go first to the polling for independent voters, just for the control room. biden is now leading trump by two percentage points among independent voters. i found that pretty surprising. everything we have been hearing would indicate he would be going in the opposite direction.
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>> that's kind of surprise. i don't know if this is an outlier. there is the first i've seen that shows that kind of result. he has a positive response in terms of fund-raising and even after the conviction in the alvin bragg case. he's been having these brain freezes and so on, that can't be good for him. he's had a pretty calm and relaxed and fairly constructive tone, so why, if all those things are happening, biden is up in trump is down, it's a bit surprising to me. i would be curious of other polls reflect that refit sort of an outlier. >> gillian: it is not all, obviously, that news for form of president trump. he is tied head-to-head against him in a matchup, if the votes were to take place today. there's also this breakdown of where voters stand on some of the key issues. on the economy, trump is way
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ahead of biden. on immigration, speed is way ahead of biden. abortion, biden is leading trump, and the u.s. role on the world stage, trump is leading biden by just a point to there. so accept -- with the exception of abortion, it looks like on the major issues a lot of the voters are prepared to back trump. >> that's true, and i think maybe i ought to talk a bit more about the fact that, under his presidency, we had peace for strength, middle east peace agreements breaking out, russia and china and north korea more or less staying in place and believing themselves, and under biden we have war through weakness pred.c. rockets coming across the lebanese frontier from has below the situation in gaza, russian warships in havana off the coast of miami, also to global instability. i think maybe the fact that trump is only up by one point in terms of foreign policy says maybe we had to talk more about his excellent success in terms
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of peace through strength versus war under weakness, which is what we see under biden. >> gillian: i want to know what issues you think each of the candidates should lean into in the debate. just now, eight days away. let's start with preside president biden. >> i think what biden really ought to do is tell us what he wants to do if he wins four more years. we hear from biden a lot about january 6th, and that trump is terrible, apparently they're going to spend $50 million on new ads talking about present trump being a convicted felon. he was, in fact, convicted on 34 very flimsy and phony charges. how does that make it any easier for beauty people to pay their bills,buy gh electricity charges, which are higher than when biden took over? tell us what his vision is for the next four years. i would be curious to hear what his plan is. that would be a simple thing for him to do. >> gillian: before i let you
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go, it's obviously an important anniversary today, juneteenth. wondering if you have any reflections to share with us in terms of the candidates, the election, and where we are as a country. >> i see juneteenth is an excellent opportunity to look back at all that black americans have been able to achieve through the freedom after slavery, the emancipation and huge opportunity that allowed for people like booker t. washington to start to ski university, like madam c.j. walker to, in the 1905 or 1910 or so come the first black female millionaire in the country by selling hair care products. my favorite is e stanley o'neal. his grandfather was a, his father was a farmer, and he became chairman of merrill lynch. the o'neill family went from slavery to the chairmanship in two generations. that is absolutely extraordinary. we got to use juneteenth as an opportunity not to talk about systemic racism and all these terrible things the left likes to talk about, but the tremendous opportunities black
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people have taken advantage of in this country, and done very well for themselves and made this the most amazing and incredible and attractive country in the world. largely as a result of the contributions of black americans. speech he we could obviously talk about this for the rest of the show today, but you put it beautifully. thank you so much for taking time with us. we appreciate it. >> please to be with you. thank you. >> sandra: police releasing a mug shot of justin timberlake after he was arrested for allegedly driving under the influence. so what comes next for the pop star? >> gillian: plus, the downside, a tropical storm warning for parts of texas bringing flooding and dangerous wins. we'll go to corpus christi next and find out just how bad it's going to get there. >> up to my knees and water, a bunch of stuff in the water. i was very surprised. i don't think you get this bad this fast.
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i don't know how long it's been there. long enough to produce eggs, it seems. it would appear that it has begun moving towards us! visionworks. see the difference.
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♪ ♪ ["senorita"] >> sandra: all right, everybody is talking about it, and their new developments in the rest of justin timberlake, including this mug shot. it was taken after he was arrested and accused of driving while intoxicated. alexis mcadams is here. i feel like we've already chatted so much off camera, alexis, and we were mentioning that billy joel is just asked to
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comment on this and he said "please don't judge." what are you hearing and what is the latest on all this? >> billy joel said that, the people who are out there in the hamptons say justin timberlake was "wasted," even taking other people's drinks off the table when they went to the bathroom and drinking them. billy joel was leaving that restaurant, and this is what he had to say. watch this. >> and really know him. judge not yes >> sandra: this shows what appears to be justin timberlake's 2025 bmw driving down a street in sag harbor. just minutes later, investigators say the 43-year-old that was arrested for driving while intoxicated. and he was stopped for weaving in and out of the lane and blowing a stop sign. the star spent the night and lock up out in island, and this picture by the daily mail shows and being escorted out of the stadium to my station paid a rough morning. they say he smelled like alcohol, had slowed speech, and perform poorly on field sobriety
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tests, to name a few. his attorney telling fox news, "i look forward to vigorously defending mr. timberlake on these allegations." mothers against drunk driving has been speaking about this. they say this pop star should use his celebrity to set a better example. listen. >> it would be appropriate, i think, for justin to take ownership publicly of his actions, to acknowledge the mistakes he's made, to make sure that he knows that it's never okay to drink and drive were to use substances and drives. he has a very powerful platform. >> justin timberlake is set to have a concert in chicago on friday. as of right now that is still on, and he'll be back in new york city next week for some shows. timberlake reportedly told the arresting officer, "this is going to ruin the tour." he has a virtual hearing scheduled in july. >> sandra: the idea that the arresting cop was too young to know who he was was really something. and billy joel getting biblical on us, he had some problems of his own, so he is urging people
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not to judge. at the end of the day, eggs we discussed last night on "the five," thank god nobody was hurt and we will see where all this goes next. thank you very much. good to see you, alexis. gillian? >> gillian: and ecuadoran man in the u.s. illegally charged with the rape of a young teen will be making a court appearance in new york city. a live look at that, plus this. one of the most notorious cartels in mexico accused of laundering money in the u.s. and they said chinese nationals help them do it. retired dea special agent steve murphy is with us on that coming up of next. i was losing interest in the things i love. then i found a chance to let in the lyte.” discover caplyta. unlike some medicines that only treat bipolar i, caplyta is proven to deliver significant symptom relief from both bipolar i & ii depression. and in clinical trials, movement disorders and weight gain were not common. caplyta can cause serious side effects.
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>> an illegal alien with mutual and multiple prior arrests approached 213-year-old children with a machete in broad daylight, force them into the woods, tied them together by the wrists, and raped the girl at a park in queens. i grew up in queens. it's horrible what's o


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