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tv   The Five  FOX News  June 19, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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we have had the janet jackson saga when the top came down during that super bowl performance. and then we have also had that infamous 2019 incident when justin was caught holding hands with a costar in new orleans, an incident that he apologized for. he said it was a lapse in judgment. he once again blamed it on drinking. so i don't think that this is going to damage his career. irrevocably. however, i think the place that he really needs to do a lot of work is in his relationship with wife jessica biel because i can't imagine that she is feeling particularly fond of him right now. in fact, sources tell us that she is embarrassed by this incident and that she actually has yet to see him in person. >> neil: wow beard all right, charlie, thank you for that. we appreciate that. and from that we go to the treasury secretary of the united states, janet yellen, with us tomorrow. there is no connection with that at all. ♪ ♪ >> judge jeanine: hello, everyone. i'm judge jeanine pirro along
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with harold ford jr., jesse watters, shannon bream, and greg gutfeld. hi, greg. it's 5:00 in new york city, and this is "the five." ♪ ♪ in the media is horrific migrant crimes like the illegal immigrant monster who raped a new york city 13-year-old in central park. just one of the millions of unvented biden newcomers. today the suspected child rapist showed his sorry face in court and tried to blame his drawing problem as the reason why he held a 13-year-old girl and boy at knife point with a machete style blade. and "the new york post" has just reported that he made a chilling confession. he told cops that he recorded the sickening attack.
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anyone with a heart beat would be disgusted. and it's no wonder why a majority of americans, including hispanics, fact trump's deportation policy. a propagandist like msnbc's joy reid think that it is just due to the fearmongering. >> here is the three cable networks reporting of the spirit our banner said, soon, biden announces legal protections. cnn said biden announces new protection for some undocumented spouses. here was fox's banner: migrant arrested for raping 13-year-old. that's the problem, fearmongering. >> judge jeanine: and his if that wasn't disgraceful enough, joe biden's dhs secretary on the couldn't be bothered to remember the name of rachel moran, the maryland mother of five, who was raped and murdered by yet another illegal immigrant. >> what do you say to critics who blame the administration for
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allowing something like this to happen? obviously this is something that you hear in right-wing media all the time. vico jim, first and foremost, of course our hearts break for the children, the family, the loved ones, the friends of the individual who was murdered, the woman, the mother. jim, a criminal is responsible for the criminal act. >> judge jeanine: you know, jesse, i'll start with you. i'm going to spin right off that. mayorkas couldn't admit the name of the victim in this case. the woman, the mother. rachel moran. and he won't name her, but the crazy part of this is it's his administration, the dhs, that is supposed to be doing the vetting and the man charged with the murder not only is charged with
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murder in venezuela, but also was arrested because he was in the process of raping, molesting a 9-year-old girl. >> jesse: i agree with him, the criminal who did the rape is responsible, but he is the secretary of homeland security, who was so irresponsible, it created the opportunity for the rape. that's like my gait being broken at my house and i tell my gait guy, can you fix my gait? it's broken. he doesn't fix it, and someone just waltzes in, steals my car. the guy that steals the car should be charged, but the gate guy is responsible, as well. he is in charge of security, and he's not doing his job. now, i have covered child rape on this network for 20 years, judge. and judges give soft sentences to sex offenders, when someone gets out and commits another crime and they are let out again to do it again, we cover these stories because there is a
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public interest. if you are saying this isn't important, then you are not an american, because you want to cover injustice. and you also want to protect innocent children. so it's not irresponsible or fearmongering to show the dangerous results of a politician's public policy, so the voters can make an informed decision in november about how they choose to vote. that's what we do here in this country. many laws are named after victims. you have jessica's law. you have megan's law. and they are there in order to honor the victims so these things never happen again. if this is just such a trivial story, why did joe biden name laken riley, called her a link did he say that? it is because these stories are important and need to be cov covered. even the audience over at msnbc must be thinking oh, my god. >> judge jeanine: you know,
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have a couple thoughts, shannon, about when someone who is molesting a 13-year-old is videotaping, i do this for 30 years, prosecuted them, they are taking the memorabilia, all pedophiles do that, they take pictures and photos. the idea that we are fearmongering by reporting this kind of stuff. are we supposed to just forget about it? as opposed to sending a message to the public that we are going to prosecute you? we are going to get you? you are going to jail. that is part of the deterrence prosecutors use all the time kids before i can't imagine your thoughts, we would get a censored right off for the cable network if we got how you really feel talking about this. my thought was complete revulsion and disgust when i heard that. if that reporting from "the new york post" is true. then i thought, great, there is evidence, you idiot, that will be very helpful in trial if he is indeed guilty and this goes to a jury to take a look at that. of course we have to talk about this. and it is not just "right-wing"
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or "right-leaning" groups that are upset about this. look here in new york, there was a city council meeting where people blew up, seeing it in chicago where people are suing their own leadership. you are seeing it in boston and many other cities where people are angry and frustrated about what's happening in their communities and that is not something you can just write off. jesse, you are right. average americans sitting at home watching this are disgusted and outraged at this. what secretary mayorkas saying this is about the individual and it was his criminal act. that's true, but that's not what they say when there is a gun involved. it's immediately, we have to sue the gun industry. the gun is the thing that is at fault, the gun is the thing that did it. you're going to follow their logic on the border being open is what has allowed people here. they wouldn't have raped, hit people in cars and killed them, duis come all kinds of other things, but for them being a lot across the border. they would not have been able to commit those crimes in this country. >> judge jeanine: it is the old but-4 backtest. greg, congresswoman jayapal, do we have a sound from her?
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let's take a listen. >> the economics of immigration are absolutely, you can't argue with that. we have brought in so much money for immigration and the surge in immigration has already brought in so much money and will continue to do so. >> judge jeanine: all right, she says, the congresswoman, that illegal immigration has brought in so much money. not talking about what it costs this country to house and feed them, educate them, hospitalize them. >> greg: yeah, they are divorced from what their incentives lead to. they incentivize it and then we deal with the consequences. if it is fearmongering to care about rape and murder, maybe it is me, but that seems like the right thing to be fearmongering about. i mean, would you rather have us fearmongering over the coming ice age or the carbon footprint of your air conditioner? or white supremacy in the military? or people making the okay sign with their fingers? think about the fears that are
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important to the left, right? trump's posts on x. misgendering young people. i'm sorry, joy. you've lost the authority to define fear when you exploit phantom threats that mean nothing to the american people. this is the flaw with trump, republicans, and even myself, is that we didn't figure out this trick sooner, that when you blow the whistle on something bad and real, the dems portray the whistle-blowing as worse than the actual evil you are blowing the whistle on. remember 2015, trump accurately predicted the consequences of an unprotected border. but the new story was about the course bluntness of his words, about the coming wave of criminality. that was worse. it was the words about what he was predicting and not the prediction itself. and then of course it came true. but again calling out the threat
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is worse than the threat itself. and democrats focus on rhetoric, it is for a reason. it is to shift the emphasis away from a problem that they know they are responsible for while putting the whistle-blower, which is the other side come in a defensive posture in which the media then exploits further. meanwhile, the prediction unfolds and more people die and raped because unfettered immigration will lead to more crime but instead of admitting they are wrong, this is what they do, they try to smear you for being outraged so you won't call it out. i'm not even interested, at this point, in who is at fault, politically. we just want this to stop. and we can be outraged about that. and if you are not outraged about that, joy, you are not human. >> judge jeanine: you know, harold, 53% of hispanics in this country, 60% of americans believe that the idea of a mass deportation is appropriate. the left doesn't seem to get it. they are refusing to accept what
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the majority, it seems, mandate, want with these illegals. >> for it so, first off, we are right to cover the story the way that we cover it. and whomever wants to cover it up, other ways can do that, but don't be critical of us for shining a light on this. you said it well, judge, and greg, you did, as well, around what happens when the press brings a light to this. you inform the public. you put pressure on prosecutors, police officers, the right kind of pressure, and even politicians, to act. greg, your point about one of your points about this is not a partisan issue or a political issue. we need to act. i know that president trump has said, if he is elected again, he will deport 10 million, if not more, people who are here. it's important to note the president who deported the most people from this country over the last 20 years was
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barack obama. some in his own party criticized him. it is important to note also that the queens d.a. who has charge this man was rape and kidnapping is a democrat named melinda katz. who has a reputation for being tough on crime and i hope she lives up to that reputation. and finally, again, i just hope people in politics, we have a great microphone here and i would argue there's a group here has been as prolific and as constructive and loud in calling attention to this issue. i would only hope that politicians would do the same and not wait for an election to do something on this issue. >> judge jeanine: okay, thank you. coming up, joe biden's trump is killing democracy scare tactics are bombing with the voters. ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> greg: democrats freaking out over how their trump panic porn is bombing with voters. axios reporting open with senior democrats including some of president biden's aides are increasingly dubious about his victory in november which relies on voter concerns about jan six, political violence, and donald trump's character. worried they will get booed from joe's inner circle. and here is another way they can backfire. the media is giving republicans the best reason yet to vote for trump. >> a lot of talk about trump seeking retribution if he gets to office. he is so vindictive that he will go after however he has with the irs, may be, even sponsors to
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get us off the air, maybe. >> no more worried about me than i am everybody. >> i think it is bad to have somebody saying give me as much power as you can in this country so i can use it to go after other americans, so i can use it to go after these subhuman, internal enemies, and i will destroy them. >> greg: thank you, wally cleaver. so, harold, here's what i want to know. when people predict these things about trump, they assume that he is vengeful, which i have not -- i just see him as always moving on. but the other thing, shouldn't they actually say how it would work? if trump is going to get "the view" canceled, how would that actually work? >> harold: i don't know. i listen to those who talk about the former president, if he is elected, about being revenge-full comment i have heard the president say his
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success or revenge would be his success goodbye wish he wouldn't even use the word revenge, just look, i'm going to make the country so great and so smarter and so richer and so healthier, people won't even think about those things. i think the more he mentions those words, the more you invite, i think, some of the things that are being said. too, 300,000 voters will decide the race periods they had all the time. six or seven states are the key states. there is a new marist poll out today that shows as we head into this debate, the two candidates. most likely to vote in november, mr. trump has a one point need. i read the cross tabs because i am a nerd. it says one of the reasons the numbers have come a little bit back for biden is that non-white voters have come a little bit back to biden and independent voters were affected -- i should say come have seemed less likely now to vote for president trump
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after the trial here in new york. the good thing for president trump is that his numbers seem to stabilize. none of his supporters come his strong base supporters, are leaving. finally, i wish, i hope, i've set it for a while, i hope the campaign gets focused more on what you're going to do for the country and how you make people's lives better over the next four years, to talk about democracy and all of those things. i get it. but i'm just not convinced that is what is going to win the election. i understand some of that exercise, but at the end of the day, having actively negative message running for president has never worked. mr. trump sometimes is negative, mr. biden sometimes is negative, talking about democracy and the things he talks about. talk about america and what you are going to do to make our lives better. that has always been my approach. >> greg: i think you are hitting on the problem for the dems, shannon, they are relying on hypothetical doom scenarios were all trump has to do is point out the realities of american life under joe biden, and there is no contest. >> shannon: or if you are pointing out the scenario of the
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irs going after people, i would remind folks of lois lerner. the irs had to confess and admit they did things wrong in targeting conservative groups and apologized to them, so that actually has happened under different administration. but i think you are exactly right. as usual. a lot of people have no idea who who have some of these folks are. former fbi director andy mccabe saying he is having torturous conversations with people about leaving the country because they are afraid trump is going to s for them in jail, people whom do not know who that is. then how much it cost them to fill up their gas tank and buy groceries on the fact that they can't buy a house. i do think every day stuff is going to get with people much more then this talk of trump throwing everyone in jail. >> greg: that lead me to this question, judge, goes back to this huge gaping hole in their thesis. if trump is such a threat to democracy in their lives, why aren't they pitting a feeble, unfit candidate against them? it's like they are sending a room but to fight a sherman tank. it makes no sense.
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>> judge jeanine: that obviously is a good point. they understand. they can say, you know, we are changing the videos and we are getting involved in cheat fakes and all of that nonsense but we all say the same thing and you have to say to yourself, why are they so dug in with this guide? who looks -- he looks foolish. he is an embarrassment on the world stage. you know, there is a interesting point, and it is that apparently 30% of americans are worried about inflation, and 29% of americans are worried about preserving democracy. and so, you know, they are kind of hanging on that one, saying, even though we can't talk about anything positive, we can't talk about the evs, we can talk about climate change, we can't talk about anything positive that joe biden has done, we can really focus on a threat to democracy, and the numbers
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really indicate that that is an argument that they should stay with, and they will stay with. i agree. look, this claim that donald trump is going to cancel "the view," first of all, you are not that important. secondly, didn't "the view" air between 2016 and 2020? i didn't trump people go on "the view," like kellyanne conway and don jr.? they are going to sick the irs -- going to stick it on them? lois lerner? you are so right, shannon. the whole thing is this prediction that is so bizarre that it is unfathomable. they don't know what they're talking about. >> greg: jesse, i save the best question for you. >> jesse: i didn't do it. >> greg: nicely done. you have something in common with these people, they think they are the center of the universe, and they believe they are so important that they pose a threat to the country. it's almost like a humble brag,
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like, oh, my god, they are going to come for me. no, shouldn't trump just called them up personally and say you will be fine? [laughter] >> jesse: just like that, you'll be fine. so they saw the kind of attention and money trump got when he got unfairly prosecuted. and that is what they want. they want a mug shot. they want a trial where all of their colleagues go down and report on the injustice they are receiving. their ratings aren't great. they want to be popular again. they are not as influential as they use to be so they want to be unfairly targeted because that is historical. they want to have trump make history with them so that is what that is about. this leak to axios was significant. this was a leak from the highest levels of biden world saying this is a losing campaign, and they name check mike donnelly, who is joe biden's oldest and dearest advisor and who is
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running a campaign for the first time not on policy. if you think about it, jan. 6, democracy, trump's character is not democracy policy. that has never been tried in the history of residential campaign. obama ran on the war come obamacare, the economy. trump ran on trade, immigration, and isis. biden ran on covid. biden's running on january -- i mean, that is the riskiest campaign strategy of all time. and if you look at polling, polling doesn't change around june. it usually locks in. right now there must be freaking out and they are trying to get a little distance from this losing campaign. >> harold: polling moves around a little bit -- >> jesse: a little bit, not a lot, harold. >> harold: we will see. >> greg: let's talk another hour about the polling. >> jesse: across tabs! >> greg: coming up, liberal media morons slapping warning labels on videos that biden
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all these games on directv— and no satellite on the roof! think about this: blue jays, cardinals, orioles... what's missing? the andean condor? no, walnut-brain! pigeons! they'd rather name a team after socks! to be fair, we're not very athletic.
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♪ ♪ >> shannon: the media going into fact-check mode as the biden campaign is setting up a task force to wage war on what they are calling cheap fakes. that's what they have been calling those unedited videos that have gone viral of president biden sounding wandering, lost. a bite and officials as the campaign has set up a team to mitigate risk posed by cheap fakes, we help media organizations who follow -- sounds like some of the press got the message. cbs news slapping a digitally altered warning label onto the upper left corner of this unedited clip of president biden at the g7. >> take a look at this clip, for example. it shows biden and other world leaders watching a skydiving demonstration before the president is seen walking away and looking in another dire
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direction. and outlets claimed that he was sort of just aimlessly wandering away. >> shannon: cbs has taken down . they say they showed the wrong version of that video, so judge, do we give them the benefit of the doubt? >> harold: i know you are not -- >> judge jeanine: [laughs] look, i mean, if you want to put a truth to the lie, then show us what was digitally altered and what the truth is, and what they did was they took down digitally altered because it wasn't. >> shannon: i don't even get what that is supposed to mean. >> judge jeanine: they were trying to show that somehow it was changed and when they got to the point where joe biden is the only one going off and everyone is going the other way, maybe we did that too soon. >> shannon: to be fair there are others who say there are bigger, longer video that shows there are other people he was talking to over there.
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but that is not digitally altering. >> judge jeanine: that's not the point, is it? isn't the point that the world leaders are in one place and the prime minister from italy has to walk in front of all of the world leaders to go over to joe biden who is staring in another direction to bring him back just like barack obama had to put his arm around him and bring him back, jill has to grab his arm and bring him back. look, what percentage of the american people think he is also sold for a second term? >> shannon: the majority. >> judge jeanine: it's well over a majority. if they are so into truth, why won't they give us the audio of the hur interview. why are they so resistant to cognitive test? why are they creating a task force, are you kidding me? just show us camera, took one picture, everybody used it, they are saying. >> shannon: ap did a
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fact-check. he stood still for about seven seconds, looking out into the crowd. greg, i think that is what we all agree happened. >> greg: yeah, they call it a pause. >> shannon: so? >> greg: i guess you can just call it anything you want beer we might have just died for seven seconds, you don't know. >> shannon: adult full. >> greg: we don't know. >> shannon: he's breathing. >> harold: i'm a doctor, remember, shannon? with these videos of joe, they say the evidence is worse than the subject matter that it exposes. they are biden deniers. some would call them dementia crats. and no mike elderly incapable sick person because the fact he is not all of the biden mishaps are obviously true. i'm going to go back because i sound like a broken record to the fine people hoax. the media democrat op that edited trump's words to make it sound like he said nazis were fine people.
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it was the ultimate cheap fake because it cost nothing and lead to everything. you could argue that hoax led to the present state of america and the division that we have now. biden claims this was the hoax that inspired him to run. any journalist could have looked at this, transcript, and debunked it, but they didn't. we called it i would. you would get targeted if you did. but the hoax didn't just elect a president, it demonized 70 million people because it created this division pitting one half of the country versus the other because if you say trump said nazis were fine people then you also say the people who voted for him favor a nazi-loving candidates of this was the trump derangement syndrome that lasted for years. of the media had done their job we would probably be in a much nicer, calmer place, but they felt they had the moral imperative to support an immoral live. and this is the hoax that gave
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us four years of biden, so much fake racism, so much hate crime hoaxes, so many other hoaxes that came from that. from one thing. so they could shut the f up when they talk about hoaxes. >> shannon: self editing. >> greg: i know. >> shannon: so impressive. >> greg: that was a digital edit on my part. >> shannon: so jesse, does this feel like they are protesting too much? i guess the judge said, we have seen -- not just republicans, it is independents, democrats, large majority of them say in polling they don't think he is equipped to do another four years. that is before we saw these videos from the last couple of weeks. >> jesse: he is now facing, joe biden, more scrutiny than he has his entire career. this is an election campaign, seventh inning, he is traveling, the weather is nice, and for the first time ever, they can't hide him. and now you've had juneteenth, the obama fundraiser, and the italian wandering game, all in about a week.
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and everyone is on their phones like, oh, my god, clay, sand, did you see this? and they can't stop it. this is the first time they cannot control the image of joe biden, and instead of just telling us he is a little old, but he is a good president, they say he is running circles around everybody, you guys must be insane. they are just making the live bigger and bigger. and everybody knows the guy wanders. how many times have you seen him grab his arm? if greg and i were doing an event or something like that -- >> greg: would never happen never happen. >> jesse: and we were leaving the stage and i went to greg and i took his arm like this, and then i just walked him off the stage. that's weird. no one would do that. people would think that was strange. people within greg was too old and needed help. maybe that was true. maybe next time we are in public, i will do that just
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to -- him off. it is so clear. effect that cbs has now interfered in what was that, the fabricated evidence in 2004 with the papers with rather? than the russia hoax? the mosley stall saying the laptop was only? and now this? any time cbs reports anything on the election you know it is bogus. >> shannon: harold, what about that? people are seeing the videos and everything else. it's kind of like when the white house keeps saying all of the polling, "new york times," cnn, saying people do not feel good about their financial situation and worried about their family and do not see it getting better, the white house says you are fine. and you are just keep spending money, you are okay. the polling does not reflect the reality. people hear that about these videos and they think there is a disconnect somewhere. >> harold: so, the democrats have nominated -- likely to nominate joe biden. and the republicans are likely to nominate donald trump. the great thing about our system of government is people have a chance on the right to go vote for whomever they want starting early october, late september,
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through november, depending on when your state starts early voting. number one. peer number to, both of these candidates are old. it's a unique time, it's a unique moment, two-thirds of the country, two-thirds of the party members of each party would rather have had different nominees but we are where we are. >> jesse: harold -- >> harold: listen -- >> jesse: grabbing his arm, pulling him in other directions >> harold: i listened for 10 minutes, you gave me 45 seconds. i watch video where president biden in italy. there are others. but if you look at the video closely, he's actually looking at three guys that just had come down and skydive to. there are other things he has done, to your point, you are right, i don't know what the president obama think him he says he was staring -- >> jesse: there he is. where is he going? >> harold: look at the right part of the thing, three guys standing to be right. >> jesse: he is the only one wandering. >> judge jeanine: he is standing -- >> harold: number three. they are getting ready to take a picture. >> jesse: stay still, though.
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>> harold: today three u.s. companies are worth more than $3 trillion, marketing cap, no country in the world has that. we talk a lot about doom in our country and have a lot of bad things. 15 million jobs are created in the last four years. 3 million more people have health insurance than they did before. upstate new york, arizona, florida have gotten more government investment to build things, advanced manufacturing, including chips as well as infrastructure. even democrats, some republican who didn't vote for these things, they go home and brag about it. >> jesse: so why is biden talking about january 6th all day? >> harold: i would be doing -- i would talk about -- >> jesse: you should be president. harold ford jr. for president. >> harold: i -- >> judge jeanine: i would vote for harold. harold, i would vote for you. first of all, he didn't create those jobs come he brought them back from the pandemic. >> shannon: a lot of them did come back from the pandemic. harold ford, 2024. okay, had come of the race for san francisco mayor now comes with a new litmus test: how many
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drag queens can you name. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> jesse: have you ever wanted to rule over the worst run city in america? well, how many drag queens do you know? >> you were at the debate last week and couldn't name any drag queens on your own. i was wondering if you -- this is an opportunity to redeem yourself. and if you could name three lgbtq advisors for your campaign and three drag queens in san francisco. >> jesse: the san francisco mayoral debate turning into the woke olympics here while san francisco just won the title of america's worst run city. how many drag queens can you name? >> shannon: probably zero.
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these people are not serious. you can't take them seriously. this problem in this city, they got fentanyl addicts all over the streets. they've got major problems. you know who else thinks the country -- or the city is not being run well? the people who live there. back in march they voted to give the police more powers, less paperwork to use drones for crime, and they also voted it is mandatory people who are on welfare and suspected of using illegal drugs have to get drug treatment. the people of the city are desperate for help. this is not a right-leaning base that just voted overwhelmingly by more than 60% for these things. the people who live there, including the woman on "fox & friends" first this morning, used to be a fundraiser for president obama, she lives there, says the city has gone to complete hell and she is now a trump person. >> judge jeanine: yea. >> jesse: can you look the voters directly in the eyes right now, harold, and assure them you will be appointing drag queens your administration? >> harold: no, i can't. all politics is local, the great tip o'neill said.
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this is very local. not that i don't understand lgbtq issues and concerns, but what i don't understand is a city riddled with the problems that you enumerated, shannon, with crime and housing affordability and drugs and homelessness, i'm hopeful that we just got that one part of the debate. but i can't even imagine that being a serious issue that voters would be concerned with. this is one of the great cities in the world, certainly one of the great cities in america, one of the great cities in the world, and i hope they get their act together. >> jesse: i can name one, rupaul. >> greg: you are special. >> judge jeanine: i can't. is it my turn? here's the thing. you are too sweet to say they are not serious people. those people are nuts, okay? they are nuts. they don't care about the people who live in san francisco. they don't care about anything. they are just like gavin newsom. wasn't gavin at one point the mayor of san francisco? it was wonderful under him. i want to talk about what's wonderful undercabinet now.
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the country's six worst roads in the united states are in california. oakland, san francisco, san jose, anaheim, long beach, and los angeles. gracie gavin can take credit for that. and san francisco, you know what is moving out? amazon, anthropology, target, old navy, google, macy's, whole foods, starbucks, and they want to talk about drag queens. that's it. >> harold: the most fortune 500 companies, too. >> judge jeanine: they ought to pay for new roads. >> jesse: greg, i know you have been to give drag queens the whole time here at >> greg: don't i always? do you know the names of drag queens is now the do you know the price of milk question and woke america. >> judge jeanine: harvey milk. >> greg: except everyone buys milk. no one buys drag queens. no one spends their days wondering how much their drag queen will cost or will the drag queen get broken into or will a drag queen get mowed coming home from work. this is a perfect illustration
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of the destructive cost of luxury beliefs. may be in san francisco it wasn't the worst sadie in the nation you could afford the luxury of memorizing the names of drag queens but the leader thinks this is a priority, knowing who honey mahogany is or candace kane, one of the best, instead of knowing what to do about crime, drugs, or homelessness, you shouldn't be leading anything. >> judge jeanine: bravo. >> greg: i already know your drag queen. messy waters. >> jesse: you called me dirty waters. >> greg: shannon bream. >> jesse: shannon bream [laughs] >> greg: harold. engorge. judge. fudge jeanine! [laughter] >> jesse: coming up, it is a vegan insurrection. an angry mob of plant eaters storm a restaurant for adding meat. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> harold: welcome back. vegan restaurant in l.a. angry over meat and dairy being added to the menu.
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what do you think about this, greg? >> greg: it's like people who are offended by comedy they didn't paid to see. go somewhere else. that it's not for you. us of our narcissism and activism overlap. it has to be about them. >> harold: judge, speaking of things being about... p5 oh, stop it, i'm not. i'm getting beaten up here. >> harold: no, you are not. >> judge jeanine: these vegan protesters, they weren't there when her business was failing. but now that she is bringing in meat so she can survive in this business, they want to criticize her. they are worthless. >> harold: miss bream? >> shannon: she said it forced her to close down. struggling as a small business to survive in california where it is hard enough, took police three hours to show up. >> harold: prime time? >> jesse: i agree with fudge jeanine. >> judge jeanine: oh, stop it! >> harold: might be a good commercial. "one more thing" is up next. ♪ ♪
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my daughter and i finally had that conversation. oh, no, not about that. about what comes next in life. for her. i may not be in perfect health, but i want to stay in my home, where my family visits often and where my memories are. i can do it with help from a prep cook, wardrobe assistant and stylist, someone to help me live right at home. life's good. when you have a plan. ♪ ♪
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♪ >> judge jeanine: time now for "one more thing." harold? >> harold: america lost a bit of our goodness and grace and forgiveness in this fellow right here. the great willie mays who was the oldest living baseball hall of famer. he spent most of his 23 years for the new york san francisco giants. he played one season in the negro leagues. hit 660 home runs. many people believe he would have broken babe ruth's home run word if he had not served in the war. he got the medal of free goal president obama in 2015. rest in peace. you made life better for most of
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us. >> judge jeanine: greg? >> greg: morgan ortagus elizabeth. kat timpf and tyrus. that's a lineup. hey, let's do this. ♪ ♪ all right. you haven't played this shannon, i'm going to play an animal sound. everybody has got to guess what it is. let's play the animal sound and i will go around the table. [growling] it is not joy behar eating. >> judge jeanine: hippopotamus. >> harold: go with the judge. >> jesse: lion. >> shannon: alligator. >> greg: let's play the video. >> jesse: it's a gator. >> greg: shannon, short-term memory loss. we wrestle those bad boys down there. >> jesse: how patriotic are you, judge? how do you think you would look at a proud american tanked to we
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have one in a smedium. red white and blue swim trunks. greg, don't be upset we are selling mesh. shop browse it all, baby. july 4th right around the corner. also around the corner "jesse watters primetime" luxury high rises for the homeless. you should hear the amenities these people have. >> judge jeanine: now it's time for >> judge jeanine: sometimes it's better to just plead the fifth. take a look. >> hey. did you eat my doughnuts? you didn't? are you shear? >> yeah. >> judge jeanine: brenda? and that's it for us. have a great night. >> bret: hey, judge. i'm loving the life of luxury series. be. >> j


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