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tv   Fox News at Night  FOX News  June 19, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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>> greg: thank you to our guests, or studio audience, "fox news @ night" is coming up next, i'm greg gutfeld, i love you, america. >> kevin: good evening, i'm kevin corke in for trace gallagher. 8:00 pm on the west coast, 11 in
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washington and this is america's late news, "fox news @ night". breaking tonight, americans sick and tired of the illegal immigrant violent crime epidemic as the border crisis and the crime crisis often become indistinguishable. but the media still not getting it. >> our banner said biden announces legal protection for undocumented spouses, cnn, biden announces production for undocumented spouses. fox, migrant arrested for raping 13-year-old. >> i think that's part of the problem, fear mongering. >> kevin: fear mongering. someone actually laughed when they talked about that. funny isn't it? meantime there's also no video tonight showing the details of how that accused illegal immigrant was caught after a group of neighbors were forced to take matters into their own hands. you will want to stick around for that. and happy juneteenth. and moments we have the great leo terrell with his thoughts on
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the holiday and just how far black americans have come. meantime, a brand-new fox poll revealing whether voters will be prioritizing the candidates themselves are the issues at the ballot box. this presidential election. but before we reveal the numbers, we want to know what you think is most important. we need your input. we want you to weigh in on the nightcap. we will share your responses later in the show. and 86 la city workers including police, firefighters and paramedics want fired for not complying with the city's covid mandate. they are fighting back. we have their stories, just ahead. we begin this half hour with ashley strohmier who has an update on the migrant crime crisis. good evening ashley. >> reporter: hello kevin. new yorkers showing how fed up people are with the brutal crimes being committed in the country by people like 25-year-old christian, an illegal immigrant who has been accused of raping a 13-year-old girl in broad daylight. new video shows a group of good
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samaritans working together to take down the suspect, tying him up until police arrived to take him into custody. he has told police about that incident since his disturbing, describing himself as nervous at first, then getting comfortable and recording it. he was arraigned on 11 charges today including predatory sexual assault, the highest sexual assault count anyone can be charged with back and rape in the first degree. this is just one of many alarming incidents involving illegal immigrants in recent weeks. one venezuelan man allegedly opened fire on nypd officers after a struggle ensued during a traffic stop. houston-based deportation officers arrested five illegal aliens, one in -- wanted for murder in a two weeks ban. one person is dead after a driver wrecked a semitruck along the colorado highway. the driver has a long history of removal from the u.s., reportedly being deported or voluntarily returned to mexico 16 different times, just since 2002. and then today president biden criticized donald trump for
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calling immigrants "animals" and while those comments maybe painting a group of people with a broad brush, the crimes we just laid out were egregious. >> kevin: thank you so much, back to you in just a bit. meantime we are going to take a deeper dive into this growing epidemic tonight with civil rights attorney robert patillo and judicial watch president tom fitton. tom, i want to get your thoughts on this, a tremendous soundbite, talking about this idea of well we want to keep families together, that's why we are trying to make changes to our immigration policy. but an open border is not the answer. listen and we will get your reaction on the other side. >> today he has the audacity to say this is to keep families together. what did you do to keep lakin riley with their family, rachel, he ripped up 84 executive actions kick did away with title 42. what have you done for the family of laken riley, rachel and the 13-year-old? >> kevin: that is a powerful reminder of this is not just
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about policy, we are talking about real lives, real families, real death, real assault. this is real life here and we can't just say well it's a policy position. >> well it's lawlessness. we have these aliens crossing unlawfully and it's no surprise people willing to do that, some of them, too many, have significant criminal records in addition to the criminal act of crossing the border and being here illegally. on top of that, you have the president encouraging the unlawful behavior by rewarding those who cross illegally with amnesty outside the law. so it's compounding and leading to a vicious circle. what i love about the left is that they pretend that illegal aliens commit crimes at no different rate than citizens. will the fact is, there is something terrible about it because when an illegal alien commits crimes like this, because the cry would never have happened put for their presence, which is unlawful.
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>> kevin: keep in mind if you break the law to get here, you might break the law once you are here. robert i want your reaction, and ohio sheriff talking about this mass of crime, and granted some people would argue listen kevin, and occasional crime here or there does not paint a proper picture broadly speaking of all the people who have come here illegal or otherwise. and yet, again, things can happen. listen to this sheriff in ohio. >> over the past three years since biden has been president, i've had 1000 people in my jail from other countries. 1000. of that 1000, they've committed 2000 crimes. >> kevin: what on earth do you say to that? >> will look, for the last 25 years we've had republicans walking away from immigration reform. starting in 2005. obama compromise 2015, the rubio trump compromise in 2018, a
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langford bill in congress right now. they've never wanted to do anything about this except talk about it. the reason the american people are frustrated as you have republicans who know how to fund raise, they know how to talk and campaign on immigration but when it's time to compromise they walk away. >> kevin: what about what reagan did? he made a compromise in people's head that should do it. that did not do it. >> that was in 196 and that was called blanket amnesty at the time. of republicans have not come up with anything besides amnesty since then, the democrats have legislation that can solve the problem. we just need partners willing to come across the aisle to pass real laws. >> kevin: pass real laws is what they will tell you on the street and capitol hill. in the 15 seconds we have left, what if anything happens this year if at all other than an executive action that will likely be shot down by the court? >> they can't get amnesty through congress which is code for the reform that my colleague here is highlighting. and so what biden is going to do is to push amnesty through executive -- he's going to break
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the law in order to achieve these political results, which is so terrible in my view. >> kevin: which means it's either back to court or if there's another president come the fall, it will all get changed again. robert, i owe you a solid, thank you. tom, thank you. time now to talk about how the mainstream media is suspending this collision of two major crises with independent women's forum senior fellow and district media group president beverly hallberg along with the federal staff contributor evita duffy. i love talking about this because this is one of those issues where no matter how you slice it, you should be honest about what the country is facing here, beverly, and yet at the same time sometimes if you listen to let's just say different networks, you might get an entirely different viewpoint of how things are going. let me share this from mr biden yesterday talking about the goodwill of the american people as it relates to fear mongering and welcoming immigrants.
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>> the patients and goodwill of the american people is being tested by fears of the border. they don't understand a lot of it. >> our banner said soon biden announces legal protections for undocumented spouses, cnn said biden announces good protections for some undocumented spouses. here was boxes, migrant arrested for raping a 13-year-old. i think that's part of the problem. fear mongering. >> kevin: fear mongering if it's not a family member of yours. the laughter is just despicable. beverly. >> what kind of surprising too is that joy reed focused her segment on the fox news headline just not seeming to understand that fox news also covered president biden announcing this executive order. there just happens to be another story, a big story, and that is the tragedy in new york where this 13-year-old girl was allegedly raped. i'm glad we have a small bright spot in that in that it's the neighborhood and community coming together to apprehend the suspect. what it seems like she doesn't understand his first of all what the news is.
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as you were saying, for her to have this laugh, to say this is be a mongering, how does that make this girl and her family feel? on so many different levels, this is just poor taste and i think just shows how joy reid doesn't understand the news industry. >> kevin: i think i speak for most people when i say its disgusting to laugh, especially at something like that. the argument will be it wasn't meant to make light of what happened, but she did laugh. >> here's the thing, joy reid is insulated from the crime that we are seeing from this immigration crisis. she is somebody who has a doorman in a penthouse who gets driven, she doesn't have to take the subway. she's completely isolated from all of the really horrible things that regular americans are being exposed to. but here's another important thing, is this is about democrats, democrats not believing in freedom of information, because she saying we can't report on the news if
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it doesn't actually jive with our narrative. the director of -- john easterly said they believe the government's job is to protect americans cognitive infrastructure, meaning our minds. democrats in the media and our federal government do not believe you should have freedom of information, they don't believe you should be allowed to say, think and hear things that they do not approve of. >> kevin: that is exactly what i've heard from critics and i think a lot of people would agree. in the 15 seconds we have left i'd love to get you pulled quickly to weigh in on this. this is from fox, the headline says biden's ads haven't been working, now he's trying something new. people are talking about this idea, beverly, that what the president is really doing is he's trying to shift the focus again to threats to democracy, but it doesn't seem to be moving the needle much. fifteen seconds. >> the economy does stand out.
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i will say, the debate will be huge next week. there is a low bar for president biden. if he can just not stumble his way through it i think that that may play well for him but he has major issues especially with the youth vote and his age. >> kevin: a vita, ten seconds. >> bidenomics is not working for americans, people can't afford their rent or groceries. this open border is not going to fix the problem. >> kevin: evita duffy, beverly hallberg, thank you for spending time with us tonight. there are reportedly growing fears inside the democratic party that president biden's campaign does not believe all the polls showing him trailing former president trump and therefore they don't have a serious plan to beat him. correspondent christina coleman live with that tonight. hello my friend. >> reporter: hello kevin. ask io's reports that some of president biden's aids are becoming more dubious about biden's plans to win the election. reporting that biden's campaign
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strategy relies on voter concerns about january 6th, threats to democracy and former president trump's character. but most voters are concerned about inflation and the economy. reporting that a democratic strategist in communication with biden's campaign said "it is unclear to many of us watching from the outside whether the president and his core team realize how dire the situation is right now and whether they even have a plan to fix it. that is scary. meantime trump still hammering biden on the economy, blaming the president's policies on everything from energy to immigration, for inflation and housing on affordability. here he is at a rally in wisconsin last night. >> biden's inflation price hikes and energy destruction have caused the average american family an astonishing $28,000. think of that, 28,000. on day one of my new administration, we will throw out bidenomics and replace it with maganomics.
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>> a new fox news poll shows president biden leading the former president by two points in a head-to-head matchup. fifty% of respondents say they would vote for biden. it is best showing at this election cycle, in the first time he's been ahead of trump in our poles since october of last year. it's also a three-point in that improvement from last month for biden but still within the margin of error, still a very close race. >> kevin: thank you so much. let's discuss what appears to be an increasingly dire situation, at least for some democrats, with senate working group executive director attorney james kimmey along with rnc surrogate and attorney mehek cooke. great to have you both with us tonight. let's begin with you, james, i want to share this, this is from frank, a smart pollster, he's talking about this notion of yeah, the polls are tight but the problem is, the polls are tight. he will explain it and i will
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get your reaction. listen to this. >> yes, trump dropped a few points after being found guilty on 34 felony counts. but remember this, that would have destroyed any candidate as recently as ten years ago. the fact that donald trump is still even with or in some cases leading joe biden after being found guilty of 34 felonies, oh my god, that is so significant. >> kevin: i think he's on it, i think he's right. >> he absolutely nailed it. i think anybody else, any other candidate. >> kevin: dead in the water. >> absolutely. but there's something about donald trump. i think the american people like him, they are realizing that what we've seen these last three years versus what we saw in trump's first four years. on top of that i think people are realizing that what trump has been saying all along, the trial in new york a complete sham. i think people are realizing he had a rope judge, potential
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mistrial on the horizon and then the appeals will ultimately throw it out. the american people aren't stupid, they are realizing what's going on and the fact that he's in polling trailing by two points, the campaign is just getting started. >> kevin: and not only is the campaign just getting started, president trump hasn't spent a lot of money yet either. he's a sort of back loading all the campaign cash. i think james neal's it when he talks about the idea that we have two very recent data points we can compare just a few years ago to how things are going now, that seems to be what's happening in the polling. >> i think you are right, kevin. at the end of the day we have very distinct data points. we have four years ago were president trump had the strongest economy, we had a secure border, and we knew that our children were going to continue to prosper and live the american dream. under joe biden's america, all we have continued to see his death and destruction. is open border crisis has allowed over 12 million illegal
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immigrants, and then joe biden decides to double down and allow half a million more illegal immigrants to get some sort of amnesty in the united states. what about black americans, what about hispanics, what about asians, what about the people working the hardest and not thriving today? biden has abandoned his base and this is why president trump is going to continue winning in polls. >> kevin: this is another issue and i'm glad you mentioned it. it's not just black americans, hispanic americans, i talk to asian-americans, south asian americans who have been in this country, who came here legally, they work hard to get here, and they are incredibly frustrated. they feel like sometimes their voices are heard by this administration either. or he quickly i want to get you both, ten seconds to get your thoughts on the virginia fifth. this is the district five gop primary. ninety-eight% of the votes mcguire over good. another trump vote of confidence maybe the difference here.
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>> absolutely. i would say when it comes to virginia's fifth congressional district, it is so deep red. don't try to trump donald trump. donald trump came into this race obviously for a lot of issues that he had with the congressman. you look back at the history of how the congressman got into congress, it was through a pretty archaic convention system. this was his first real primary. the people are speaking up and i think we will know more on friday. there will be a state-funded recount, very seldom do we see actual overturns of results during a recount. i think mcguire will be the next congressman. >> kevin: i think he will and i think the former president felt like good did not do him a solid by going with ron desantis. mehek cooke, i ou, thank you so much for joining us tonight, we appreciate it, thank you james. >> thank you kevin. we are going to use juneteenth as an opportunity not to talk about systemic racism and these terrible things but the tremendous opportunities black people have taken advantage of in the country and
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done very well for themselves and made this the most amazing and incredible and attractive country in the world, largely as a result of the contributions of black americans. >> kevin: today on june 19th americans across the country celebrating juneteenth, the 159th anniversary of the end of slavery. want to talk about what the day means and about what was said there so eloquently with fox news contributor leo terrell. i don't have a ton of time, i just wanted to get you on the show tonight and get your thoughts because i think sometimes, leo, people forget how incredible, broadly speaking, certainly individuals, but i think broadly as a group, black americans have done when compared to countries all over the globe. your thoughts? >> i think very simply that this country is the greatest country on the planet. black americans since the horrors of slavery, you look at where we are now, we have black mayors, black governor, we had a
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black president, a person of color, we have two black individuals right now hosting a new show on the number 1 cable show in -- and a block contributor, this is what america is all about, the opportunities that exist. i want to be clear, systemic racism no longer exists. we are not living in the 1950s. this country has freedom and liberties for everyone. that's why people of -- all over the world coming to this country. but the race card unfortunately is still being played by a particular segment of the community. why? because they want to divide us. this country is stronger when we are united. i would rather be called an american than a black american. we are all one people. >> kevin: i'm so glad you said it that way because i grew up at a time in this country's history where everyone talked about we are all the same, we are just people trying to get along, and we all get along together, that whole thing. now it seems as if at least politically speaking there are forces trying to divide this country when in fact that would
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seem to be the least productive, in fact the most counterproductive thing possible. in the last 15 seconds or so we have left, what's the one take away from a day like today? >> i think it's a day that we have to appreciate and we have to go forward. the one thing i can say about president trump, his message of issues involving immigration, lower taxes, low inflation, those are american issues that affect people black, white, brown and yellow. i think that's what you see a shift from the democratic party, the party that plays the race card, to trump, because he's talking to all americans regardless of color, kevin. >> kevin: i think you are right on that and because you are so captivating, we will have to get you back and get you on some of my legal panels here. for the record, i want my hat. i still don't have my my leo hat. >> glad to be here. >> kevin: great to have you, leo terrell. coming up, remember this?
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>> raise your hands if you are a zionist! this is your chance to get out! okay, no zionists, we are good. >> kevin: oh boy, the nypd now on the lookout for this anti-israel protester. more on the charges he could be facing coming up. and later in the nightcap... all of this is to try to make the case that biden is slipping, infused and so on. of course trump is no spring chicken and every time trump lately seems to be talking about biden's mental acuity, trump has a glitch or slipup himself. >> kevin: well a recent fox news poll reveals that a majority of the voters out there care a lot more about issues then character when it comes to electing the next president. what do you think? let us no one x and instagram and we will read your responseso in the nightcap. don't go away, we are right back. [♪♪] noth i recommend pronamel active shield because it actively shields the enamel to defend against erosion and cavities.
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>> kevin: 27 minutes after the hour. breaking news, we have our first named storm and what is expected to be a busy atlantic hurricane season, although it's just a tropical storm, alberto is presenting severe weather throughout the coastal and southeastern parts of texas tonight. even though the eye of the storm is not expected to come within 100 miles of the u.s., we are still likely to be dealing with torrential rains, packing deep tropical moisture that is expected to soak the gulf coast of the lone star state over the next 24 hours with waterspouts and even tornadoes possible, from galveston all the way down to brownsville, we will keep an eye on it with our fox weather team. meantime tensions between the biden administration and israel are on the rise again tonight with the white house canceling tomorrow scheduled meeting with israeli officials about iran
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claiming that benjamin netanyahu is stepping out of line by suggesting the u.s. is withholding military aid to israel. correspondent trey yingst has that from tel aviv. >> reporter: israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu slamming the biden administration this week, claiming the united states is halting weapon shipments needed to fight iran and other common enemies. >> it's inconceivable that in the past few months the administration has been withholding weapons and ammunition to israel. >> reporter: the video statement reportedly upset american officials who canceled a scheduled meeting between the u.s. and israel regarding iran. a source familiar confirmed to fox news. the white house denies the u.s. is blocking arms shipments and pushed back against the idea that it canceled a meeting which was supposed to be tomorrow, claiming that details were still being finalized. >> i'm not going to talk about what we saw in diplomatic conversations. i can just say, i can just say
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again that we have a commitment to make sure that israel has what it needs to defend itself against a whole variety of threats. >> reporter: that commitment comes amid growing concern about a broader war between israel and the iran backed militant group hezbollah that launched more rockets into northern israel in recent hours. the israeli military said in a statement tuesday that operational plans were approved by the head of it's northern command to take offensive action against lebanon. hezbollah's leader spoke this afternoon about the possibility of a larger conflict. >> if the war was imposed on lebanon, the resistance will fight with no regulations, no rules and no ceilings. >> reporter: as the regent braces for an attack from iran's largest proxy, the iranian's are reportedly expanding their nuclear program at a key underground facility. >> kevin: trey yingst, thank you. with get some expert analysis of these latest developments in israel's war against hamas on the republican nominee from
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virginia seven congressional district seat, former green beret derrick anderson and the host of stack back tonight, erick stakelbeck. da, first of all congratulations on your victory in the primary, looking forward to the next election coming up in november? >> that's correct. >> kevin: congrats to you. i want to get your reaction to this quote from a senior official to ask io's talking about benjamin netanyahu, suggesting that the u.s. is somehow withholding aid and assistance to israel. it reads partially, it's hard to fathom how a video like the one netanyahu released on tuesday helps with deterrence. there is nothing like telling hezbollah that the u.s. is withholding weapons from israel, which is full back to make them feel emboldened. your reaction? >> look, i mean i mean i understand netanyahu's frustration. time and time again we see the bonnet administration be lackluster, be late in any sort of response. we've seen this happen whether
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it was the initial response october 7th, president biden spent a decent amount of time waiting to make any sort of response on it. we've seen even giving advice to netanyahu and how they need to be conducting military operations. i was a green beret on the ground, i fought on the ground, we used to call that armchair quarterbacking. in this specific situation, what we are seeing is the funding and/or the equipment sent over, the biden administration on one and what's a cease-fire, he's even negotiated behind israel's back for a cease-fire, but then two seconds later he turns around and says israel has a right to defend itself. you can understand netanyahu's frustration with president biden and his and ministration, i would handle the situation. >> kevin: interesting point. what is the strategy here? on try to make sense of it because as da just pointed out on the one hand they are almost talking out both sides of their mouth. on the one hand saying all the right things but on the other hand maybe slow walking. what's the strategy and thinking here if you are the
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administration? >> it's tough to figure it out. i'm confused because a few weeks ago joe biden himself said in an interview, we are withholding an arms shipment to israel over the raw for offensive. so the administration themselves have admitted that they are holding up arms shipments to israel though netanyahu verified the obvious. in terms of strategy, the main strategy for the biden administration, if you can call it that, is to avoid a larger war at all costs. why? because there's an election coming up in november and the last thing joe biden wants is a major middle east war. that means tying israel's hands, not only in gaza but also in the north. hezbollah, the threat that dwarfs hamas, armed to the teeth with at least 150,000 rockets and missiles, it's a question not of if but when israel will have to face that threat. but again the biden administration trying everything to try israel's hands there as well. that is the strategy. >> kevin: people who don't
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know the danger in this circumstance, we are talking about hezbollah. this is a whole other animal here. we are talking about coming down from lebanon and what the israelis could be facing. we are a little short of time on the segment but i wanted to get your thoughts on what's happening in new york. let me play a very quick clip from this subway, they were sort of singling out people. i want you to listen to it and get your reaction. >> raise your hands if you are a zionist! this is your chance to get out! okay, no zionists, we are good. >> kevin: police are looking for that guy. fifteen seconds, what does it say about where we are right now? >> it's not good, kevin, not good at all. my initial response to that is when we see what just happened over the last couple of months and weeks at our college institutions and higher education with these pro- hamas protesters, it's no wonder that
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this type of activity is now bleeding into places like new york city subway systems. >> kevin: it's incredible. ten seconds. >> is this 1930s germany or is this new york city? we are at a dangerous moment in this country and around the world for the jewish people, no doubt. >> kevin: incredible stuff. thank you gentlemen, we appreciate it. coming up, a group of firefighters fired during the pandemic for refusing to get vaccinated, now they are fighting to get their jobs back. we have the latest on that story coming your way next. [♪♪] what tractor supply customers experience is personalized service. made possible by t-mobile for business. with t-mobile's reliable 5g business internet. employees get the information they need instantly. this is how business goes further with t-mobile for business.
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i was terminated in november of last year at thanksgiving and it's been, wad, seven months now and i still don't have my final paycheck from the city of los angeles. they put on a great face in stating that they removed this mandate and there's a pathway back, but at this point, you know, there's nothing that they've said or proven that has been true.
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>> kevin: former la firefighter john knox just one of 86 la city workers who were fired for not complying with the city's covid vaccine mandate. want to talk about the fight for some of them to get their jobs back with a host of the prevailing narrative podcast, matt bilinsky, and california gop delicate roxanne hoge. let me begin with you, mathiew, this is a soundbite i want to get your reaction on. this is from an attorney who's representing city employees suing over the mandate. she sort of lays out what the city is saying with respect to a so-called pathway to return. listen to this. >> they are welcome to reapply and there's no guarantee as to seniority, back pay, reinstatement of their pensions. what do you do for a 35 year battalion chief that you took out of his command? what do you do for that man? you make him whole. >> kevin: absolutely right, at least if you are a normal
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compassionate attorney and/or city who cares about the workers. your thoughts? >> the irony of all this is that california is typically protective of workers really across-the-board. kind of holding them to the most stringent requirements around to terminating employees and paying and making sure to honor the deals they had in place. to then take people who are putting themselves on the line as public servants for public safety and treating them like this in this regard simply because they would not abide by what was really a temporary measure for having a permanent consequence and impacting their careers is something we are not even really enforcing and any other facet of society, it stinks of hypocrisy and a mistreatment of people who put themselves on the line. >> kevin: people who put themselves on the line. it's an outrage frankly. roxanne, i want to get your thoughts on this gavin newsom post as we talk about our next topic because we are a bit short
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on time, i want to make sure i get your reaction. he's talking about stopping organized retail crime. i been waiting to tu up on this. he said on x, california is stopping organized retail theft, so far this year the retail crime task force has made 636 arrests, recovering nearly $5.7 million in stolen goods. that sounds like a great number, until you think about how much crime has gone up. >> since he started organized retail theft, it's awfully nice of him to pretend to stop it. do you remember when he got the streets of san francisco squeaky clean for china? it's kind of like that. >> kevin: makes sense. i want to share what a frequent guest on the program said, the love dr, he says you can arrest as many criminals as you want, if those arrests don't result in prosecutions, convictions and prison time, arrests are worthless. new sum is actively closing
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prisons, making it impossible to take criminals off the street. many das refused to prosecute. matthew, is he onto something? >> absolutely, hit it on the head. he's kind of like the friend that pays you back a lone and thinks he's done you a favor. it's like no, this is something you were supposed to do, you caused the problem in the first place, supporting prop 47, supporting district attorney's who took a lax approach towards both supporting police in their attempts to arrest and prevent retail crime and prosecute retail crime. and so this is just getting us back, this is trying to take credit for it while trying to defend the citizens attempt to reverse prop 47 which decriminalized so much retail theft which was the genesis of the problem. >> kevin: ten seconds left, short on time, your final thoughts? >> there's no republican or democrat way to fill a pothole or have safe streets, but in
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california we have learned that there's absolutely a gavin newsom way to mess it all up. >> kevin: thank you both for joining us tonight, i appreciate your thoughts from the golden state. [♪♪] meantime 44 after the hour, first up into nights viral videos, during his concert in new jersey last week, chris brown quite literally hanging by a thread when he faced some technical issues that left him suspended in midair. he was actually performing his hit song under the influence during the malfunction which led to crewmembers having to grab a ladder and get brown back on the ground safely. pretty wild. rodeos are a classic american pastime but have you heard of a ford bronco off rodeo? it's true. earlier today in horseshoe bay, texas, or group of military connect and individuals and families did just that, the event was hosted by ford. during their first ever proud to honor bronco off rodeo, to
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celebrate the service of the many brave men and women who have fought for our country. something tells me those veterans won't be getting stuck in the mud anytime soon. i want a bronco raptor. meantime nearly 30 park goers at an amusement park in oregon found themselves flipped upside down when the atmosphere malfunctioned mid-ride. it left everybody on board trapped in upside down for several minutes. riders shocked at first but after, you know, three minutes or so, being stuck in the air, yeah, if you began to panic. thankfully portland fire arrived on scene, they were able to lower the ride manually and no injuries have been reported. if you have a viral video you want to share, just hit us up online, on social media, @foxnewsnight. coming up, question for you, do you care more about a presidential candidate's character or would you be more interested in how they might get
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the job done? let us know on x and instagram @tracegallagher, we will read your responses in the nightcap, that's coming right up. .. [♪♪] and doug. (bell ringing) limu, someone needs to customize and save hundreds on car insurance with liberty mutual. let's fly! (inaudible sounds) chief! doug. (inaudible sounds) ooooo ah. (elevator doors opening) (inaudible sounds) i thought you were right behind me. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, ♪ ♪ liberty. ♪
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[♪♪] >> kevin: we are back with a nightcap crew, full house, ashley strohmier, christina coleman,...
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how cool. tonight's topic, person or platform. a recent fox news poll revealing 59% of voters say they are prioritizing issues of, you know, over who can do a better job. did i get that right? they are wanting to know if you get the job done, not your character. which is more important to you? ashley strohmier, character or issues? >> i'm not sitting down to dinner with these people, i need our adversaries to fear and respect our president, not laugh at him when he or her walks through the door. >> kevin: make sense. >> i mean kevin, and we have both? i'd like to have both. i think the issues right now, i'm on the campaign trail every day. it's the economy and the border absolutely that we hear over and over again. >> kevin: issues trumps there. matthew. >> you know what they say, you don't know what you have until it's gone. we always thought there would be
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a baseline of competency amongst our presidents and elected leaders. since we've gone below the baseline i think people are realizing what they lost from having a competent official at the head of the operation so i think that's what people are focusing on. >> kevin: roxanne. >> people go to the dentist and they all say that they flaws. no one is thinking about issues, about character, you go with your got, my god wants to be safe and they are thinking about trump. >> kevin: make sense. christina. >> i agree with the majority of people in the survey. if we continue to deal with crime, inflation, fentanyl pouring across the border, i won't be happy. >> kevin: robert. >> i have to go with character over anything. while i can change their platform and politics, i can't change who they are as a person. >> we spent the last three years looking at what not being able to serve looks like so i agree with the survey, i think it's time we get someone in there who can get the job done. >> kevin: this is interesting. let me take you to our online poll. we wanted to know what's more
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important to you, or the most important to you, character, issues, resoundingly it's issues let me take you to some of our responses. we've got some good ones tonight. some of these are pretty hilarious. let's start with proud cuban-american, character aside, we need to correct this mess or we won't have a country left. okay. how about leslie. leslie says i only care about the economy and the border. sound familiar right. how about michael, he says anyone saying character has not been paying attention. that maybe a shot at you robert, i'm not sure. janice says, issues, inflation, a crime and the border are destroying this beautiful country. we seem to have a theme here. cecil, trump is the doctor that tells you what you need to here it rather than you want to here. and this from scott.
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it has to be about the issues and fixing america. i think i speak for most people when i say ultimately if we can have both, that would certainly be ideal. if we can't have both, it's the issues. what is the old saying, is the economy stupid? i think the issue is stupid. thank you for joining the nightcap. for a nice full house. we want to thank all of the -- all of you for watching "fox news @ night". i'm kevin corke, i've been in for the past few days for my good friend trace gallagher, he will be back next week but in the meantime don't forget to join us tomorrow night and friday night when i believe it's jonathan hunt stepping into the big chair. be sure to join us for that. meantime have a wonderful night with those you love and we will see you tomorrow night. [♪♪] ♪ when the sawdust settles and the engine finally roars the thing you care about most is a job well done. ♪ but when you get your tools from harbor freight
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something about the job feels a little different - your wallet. because we believe no matter what you're working on you need high quality tools at a great price. and that's what we're all about. ♪ whatever you do, do it for less, at harbor freight. ♪
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united states, janet yellen, with us tomorrow. there is no connection wit [ ♪♪ ]


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