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tv   Hannity  FOX News  June 19, 2024 11:00pm-12:00am PDT

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missouri what gets built first, california's speed rail or biden's high speed internet guy ? >> that's a tough one. lisa from aiken, south carolina my internet didn't go up,t but my bill went up from $60 $ to $100 a month,10 $100 a nothing. >> i mean, homeless people are livings nothin in luxury high r. >> that's just chump change. darryl from imperial, missouri, please do an update on the homeless high rise in a year. great tv. i think it's going to look like the fraternity house that i remember kevin frohem orlando, florida. >> do you know who wasn't allowed near the grill at the juneteenth cookout? >> chuck schumer. that's all for us tonight. dvr the show, sean's always remember, i'm waters and this is my world.
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>> and welcome to hannity. and tonight. coming up here, vice president harris has some deep thoughts on the economy. you need to know how completely out of touch she is. plus, two of america's top geopolitical foes. they are now teaming up and they're taunting your very frail and cognitively struggling commander in chief. and also tonight, the anti-trump fearmongering from state run media outlets like fake news, cnn media, and see how it is spiraling out of control. but the blatant lies from these outlets might be even worse. for the past week, americans holier than thou, so-called journalists that are really talk show hosts that are very liberal reported that a string of very real, unaltered, unedited videos showing your president joe biden struggling in public calling them cheap fake videos, the media mob and democrats,
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that's the new favorite word. >> take a look. cheap fakes videos of real events that are intentionally manipulated karine jean-pierre. >> and others are calling these cheap fakes. but what it is, is truly deceitful behavior. >> what the white house is calling cheap fakes, we're hearing about so-called cheap fakes. >> it's playing out on right wing media. >> these videos. i mean, they're blatant lies. these are cheap fakes with the white house and biden. >> people call them cheap. fakes are a little bit simpler. they're cheap. they're just distorted out of context. videos chopped up in certain ways are constructed in certain ways. >> that's what we're seeing. we've seen of the cheap fakes. joe biden suggests that he's out of it. >> all right. we are only eight days away from the first presidential debate, and i think it is past time for the moderators, you know, fake jake tapper on fake news, cnn, fake dana bash to get their network in check, because right now we are witnessing north korea
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levels of nothing but outright propaganda. and as can see, they're not doing journalism. they lie. they say they're journalists. no, they're not. they're state run media. they're certainly not holding truth to power. the state run media is simply repeating white house talking points all in what is a desperate attempt to defend their chosen candidate. a look. >> they think there is so much misinformation, disinformation, as we've been talking about. you talked about the the president wandering and it's not true, right the president wasn't wandering. he was talking to a parachute or that was right in front of him. and what you saw is the party really manipulating what was being said and what was being seen by the american people is also very insulting to the folks who are the viewers who are watching it. and so we believe we have to call that out. we've been calling it cheap fakes. that is something that came from directly from the media outlets in calling it that. the fact checkers and it that.
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>> all right. this is just utter. none of these videos are fake. none of them are altered and none of them are edited. not the video of biden wandering at the g7 before italy's prime minister gently guides him back to where the rest of the group stayed or the video of biden with what a thousand yards stare at the juneteenth celebration or the video of obama. come on, joe, grabbing him by the hand, helping him regain focus his arm around him and guiding him off the stage. now you have a different interpretation. that's fine. but we see what we see and we know joe's real cognitive state is not good or any of the dozens of others unaltered videos showing joe law stays confused i exit stage left or right or when he shakes air. that might be one of my favorites. and tonight, another very real and troubling video is now making the rounds. take a look at your screen. this is the president. and by the way, you decide,
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shuffling across a parking lot at night, then barely seemingly barely able to make it into a waiting vehicle. it did take joe quite a while to figure out how to get into the suv as he struggled to climb into the seat. this video is not slowed down. it is not altered. it is not edited. it is not a cheap fake video in any way. some made up term by people that don't want you to believe your very own eyes, what your eyes show you. if you have eyes to see, you can see if you're a democrat watching tonight. this is your 24 candidate and every day is getting worse and worse. and biden doesn't just have trouble walking. his ability to communicate and comprehend, it's even getting worse. now, before i play this next montage, i want to extend something we have extended privately, and that is an open invitation to anyone at the biden white house who
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willing to come on to this show and explain to this audience, all of you what words joe biden is saying and every one of these clips. we want their interpretation. we have tried our best to provide closed captioning, but understanding the mumbling, the bumbling the ramblings of a cognitively impaired 81-year-old is not an easy task. and if you think we're getting this wrong at the white, well, please let us know. give us your interpretation, and we will air it the way you think it should be aired. now, we did reach out to the biden white house today, and as per usual, they refused to get back to us. so i can't help them if they're not willing to help us. and anyway, here is our best attempt to figure out what your president, joe, is saying. you decide. >> thanks to all the members of congress and homeland security secretary and i'm not sure going to show all she
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knows, so long as i say that night, our freedom can never be secured. >> quoting donald trump. and of valuable lesson, don't mess with the mental work unless you want to get the benefits. >> groundbreaking asian americans like vera wang and and joan jing changa shanghai ko koala who will never forget lying around and seen him lying around. actually, america is nation that can be defined in a single word. i mean, put him to anyone over fake news cnn and see a pattern here. we now have videos of biden wandering off in public, shaking air, dazed and confused as lost on stage, freezing up at a late night celebration. dozens of examples of biden forgetting and names and dates.
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and there are other bizarre moments like his story about corn pop and the at the pool that would like to feel his leg hair kind of creepy that comment and his tall tale about good ol bougie tragically eaten by cannibals or the time that said he got arrested in south africa and. he grew up in a black church and he drove a big rig. not true. any of it. or all the times that biden read the directions, the teleprompter pause, for example, or reliance on those giant no cards and prescribe questions that he knew in advance from the media mob. let me call on joe from the ap . what did they script that all out ahead of time? is that the way they they do a press conference? is that what you call it or the time that he falsely claimed that he had cancer or the moment when biden called on congresswoman
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jackie walorski during an event weeks after she passed away? or more recently, when biden mistakenly introduced an american who is still being held hostage by hamas. we can go on for hours talking about all of biden gaffes and missteps and tall tales and outright lies. we could also cite reports where republicans, democrats, world leaders, they're all worried about joe biden's mental behind the scenes. this is what the world looks like when we have a president that has abdicated his role as leader of the free world. and it's not a pretty picture. it's a more dangerous world as a result. or we could just ask a simple question why does the president of our country need eight days away from the white house? completely dedicated to a 90 minute debate prep? is he really that. that's a rhetorical question because the answer is obviously
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yes. the by the guy barely campaigns. he almost never holds a press conference. he almost never sits down for a live interview. couldn't even do a super bowl interview, for crying out loud. the easiest of all to do. he takes more time off than any of his predecessors. most days he either has one event on his public calendar or zero events. and when we do actually see him in public, it's always a disaster. he almost never has a clean day . in fact, this year, the only event where biden didn't totally, completely and utterly humiliate himself, that was the state of the union, where he appeared, as i said, immediately thereafter jacked up. i call them jacked up, joe, i don't know, hyper caffeinated ,a joe, whatever, joe. call him whatever you want. by the way, i'll any amount of money. i'd say better than 5050 odds that we'll see that show at the debate. now, i don't know if he had a lot of red bull. i don't know if he had excedrin that has caffeine in it. i don't know if he had a caffeine pill or something,
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whatever. i don't know. but he should let us know because apparently it can perform miracles. we've not seen that guy before and we haven't seen him since his state of the union. i'm predicting if we see it again, we're likely to see it in eight days. now, of course, do expect a similar jacked up performance at this debate. so be on the lookout for wide eyed joe biden. but i think the american people now have more than enough evidence to assess biden's ability to serve. and joe's cognitive decline being, obvious and troubling and his policy decisions have been worse. how's the economy? work it out for you? how's open borders working out for the country? how do you like higher energy prices? how's defunded dismantling no bail laws? how's that working out for the country? and how's it working out for the country when you have a president surrendering in the war on and as a hissy fit over comments the prime minister of israel. that isn't getting, you know,
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1/10 of the financial support that joe is giving ukraine. and joe won't even allow them and give him moral support so they can win their war against radical islamic terrorism. after happened on october the seventh, that's a sad moment in his life. and presidency. maybe the saddest the american people. you are paying the price. but in 138 days, early voting, by the way, in pennsylvania starts in 89 days. other states roll out thereafter. you can help steer joe biden in a much into a much needed retirement full of rest relaxation, far away from the levers of government. here is the reaction. texas congressman, former white house doctor ronny jackson, along with fox news contributor joe concha. congressman, start with you. okay. i mean are these deep fake videos, if they're unaltered and unedited and maybe the media mob, maybe if they're being intellectually honest, maybe they think it's a harsh interpreter nation
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to think that joe walking away from other g7 leaders is a bad idea. maybe seeing obama to go pull his hand, put his arm around them, walk them off the stage. if it wasn't for all the other cognitive issues, maybe they might have a point, but everything in between. could you determine any of the words that we were playing and closed captioning for people? i mean, because i'd love to. somebody in the white house to call us and get back to us and explain to us what it was that he was actually saying. >> no, sean, i think that they need to assign as a biden whisperer or somebody can figure out what he's saying. i mean, he might as well be trying to figure out what the dogs saying when they're barking at you at this particular point. you know, this is a sad, desperate attempt to spin the reality of what's actually happening here and to try to get the american people to stop asking the question that they're asking now is what's wrong with this man? right. i mean, there is visibly something wrong with him. they can try to spin the last few days or weeks as much
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as they want. but at this particular point, sean, we've got three years, three and a half years now where we've seen him do this over and over and over. he's established a pattern a dangerous pattern. and, you know, we've got he set us up for a potential domestic terror attack here in the united states with this open border policy. and, you know, he's destroyed our economy. he's made us an actual laughing stock overseas using this these world leaders. i mean, i can't imagine what's going their heads right now. and like you said, it's not just our allies that are, you know, got him around trying to keep him off stage. it's our adversaries. we've got wars, warships in cuba right now. and we've got, you know, the russian president meeting with north korea. we are in a dangerous, dangerous situation right now, thanks to the incompetence of our president, our commander in chief right now. >> yeah. let's get your take. joe concha, look, i i've said this since back in 2007 or eight, that journalism in america is dead. i knew i was right. i don't think i knew how right
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i really was. i think that's been proven out again and again. you know, now now they've got this attack. if you show an unedited, unaltered video of joe biden wandering or mumbling, bumbling or stumbling or fumbling or being barely able to walk as he shuffles along, somehow that that that that's a fake video. i don't think so, joe. well, i would say, sean, that this kind of journalism destroys the media's credibility. but then what credibility is even left at this point? apparently rock bottom has a basement. i mean, here you have cbs, nbc abc, cnn, all running with this ridiculous i mean, forget ridiculous. we're at ludicrous speed at this point, this narrative that these videos are fake or manipulated. but we have three basic things as human beings. that's eyesight, that's and we have a brain. and anyone with those three things knows that these videos are 100% real and that
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this president mentally, especially the last few weeks, as you see on your screen, is sinking faster than you know that pier in gaza. i mean, i have to say, your old friend, by the way, brian stelter, on cnn last night. and by the way, what is going on or that network? didn't stelter get fired last year? wasn't jeffrey toobin, who was on all the time? also now, hang on a second. they brought humpty dumpty back and i missed it. how did i miss that? >> he's on, like all the time now. apparently along with him. there's jeffrey toobin. there was he handed the shaft last year? i mean, these guys are on cnn more than people are actually paying. so anyway, stelter said last night that the biden videos were oftentimes, quote, made up ,unquote. >> i mean, shut the shut the front door. all right. do these videos you see on your screen right now look made to you? and by the way, and i'll leave it here, sean, let's talk about audio of joe. joe biden are i guess, is that manipulated as well.
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i mean, did he or did he not say repeatedly recently that inflation 9% when he took office? it wasn't. did he say, as he did this week, that only he is acting to secure the u.s. southern border? yes, he did. and he did it with a straight face. and oh, by the way, did he say that his uncle was eaten by cannibals recently? yeah, he did. were those cheap fakes, too? >> so let me ask you this. yeah, go ahead. >> i've given the white house, and i have i've reached out to them. and if they think that when i put up the closed caption and when he goes, but la la la la la and doesn't say anything ,if they think that our pronunciation is wrong, i'm giving them to this show to give us their pronunciation. so far, they're not getting back to me, joe, and i'd like to know why. >> because this is the most risk adverse, the most homogenized, the most protected president we have seen in modern history. and quite frankly, then therefore, all the people around him also aren't
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going to obviously respond to you or respond to any serious journalist. but let me let me finish with this challenge to democrats and all their allies in the media moving forward. if joe biden is as lucid as all claim, simply release the audio of the robert hur. thank you. that should settle everything. right, guys. it's certainly should. dr. jackson, joe concha, appreciate both of you. joe, this is why you're the best in terms of media analysis in the entire country and especially on fox. thank you. all right. now, americans, they just don't trust the biden administration when it comes to the economy. and when asked why. this is what your vice president had to say. >> the economy is one of the voter's top concerns. >> obviously, polls out today show inflation slowing. why do you think, though, with recent polling numbers, that potentially the policies maybe aren't resonating with some of the base or some of the americans here in the united states? >> listen, first of all, i think that we know that it
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takes time for people to the policies that biden and harris, they have been in office for almost four years now. and when exactly are you supposed to feel the impact of their great policies? biden-nomics, they were bragging it for over a year. every day, more reports shed, more light on the harm caused by biden nomics. like this one saying that more retirees are considering returning to work due to a sky high. biden inflation, while another reveals that parents are taking on more debt just to take their family to disney on vacation. why? because prices are soaring at the parks. and according to a new poll, nearly half of all americans are struggling to stay where they financially, they're going backwards, while only 9% say their financial situation is improving. here with reaction, the house to of the house though how host sound biden the host of kudlow
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on the fox business network. our good friend larry kudlow is back with us. larry, great to have you. well, we've seen the numbers and june has come and gone and the fed can't lower rates yet again. i don't know if we'll even see any of this year. we see now, i don't know why the last four months have been 3.2, 3.5, 3.4, 3.3% inflation rate, gdp up year over year. so inflation is not tamed either. now, i have three headlines today. disappointing retail sales showing biden inflation has taken its toll. retailers closed 3000 store because of stores, of course, because of biden and all the administration inflated. their job creation number by nearly 800,000 in 2023 larry. it sounds like they were lying to us like they lied about the border and lied about never talking to one hunter or his brother or anybody. your reaction.
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>> so thanks for having me, shawn. you know, you're right. the consumer seems to be sputtering. probably about half the country thinks they're in some kind of financial trouble. i mean, over the course, biden's entire term, the consumer price index gone up about 20%. so that number is not changing. it's not getting any better. here's the best headline i can think of. the congressional office just put out brand new numbers. okay. we have a worsening debt crisis . and the cause of that crisis is spending. just in the past four months, it looks to me like spending has been really estimated by two and a half trillion dollars higher. it's not a revenue problem. it's a spending problem. all these programs continue. this is inflationary.
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debt is rising roughly $50 trillion. this is according to the so called nonpartisan cbo. and as a share of the economy, it's about 120%. now, what does that mean? well, it means you're not going to tame inflation if you have a spending and debt problem that keeps growing every four or five months. and that's what people are looking at. and that's what they're feeling. i mean, real wages have continued to decline by about four and a half percent on a weekly basis. gasoline prices have come down, but they're still up about 45% from where they were four years ago. food prices, groceries are up 20%. but you can't stop inflation unless you curb spending. and the bidens have a spending problem. i mean, these cbo numbers, we've looked at this on the business network. experts have looked at this. this is completely unsustainable. this is the kind of numbers you'd think if you were in a
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depression. but we are not in a depression at. it is just going to continue the inflationary surge that we've had over the course of biden's whole term. well, 56 trillion. they estimate that that will be debt that we owe. and the interest on that debt is now about $1,000,000,000,000 a year. >> we cannot sustain our economy with those numbers. >> it's impossible. larry kudlow, thank you. we come back. under joe biden's watch, a new axis of evil is forming as our commander in chief turns his back on america's biggest ally, throws a temper tantrum and a hissy fit. we'll give you the details straight ahead. >> a lot of springsteen on fox and friends. >> watch her moving performance friday to let your lover in ruin. your name. baby, we can make a mess. the all-american summer concert series presented by lowe's, lowe's homes home improvement. >> what would you do if you saw
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your mobility flexibility and balance, plus stimulate healthy circulation. th biden's weakness on the world stage is allowing a new axisyoue
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of evil to form right before your eyes. now, during his visis t to north korea, russian president vladimir putin thanked kim jonga for his support of the ukraine invasion and. the two countries, they signed a mutual defense pact. so how's2 coung mutual joe respe emerging threat? well, he's leading from behindot and turning his back on our strongest ally in the middle ea. rep look at this new report. the white house cancels a meetin the g. they had a temper tantrum, a meeting scheduled for tomorrow. orrow fo prime minister benjamin netanyahu, because he posted a videer benjao saying the u.s.. withholding military aid would would be a disaster. tonight, the white house is pushinr tonig back on this clai. really? here with reaction, hoover institution senior fellow victor davis hanson, florida congressman michael waltz, s. florida congressman from a . great state of florida you know, i'm looking at this and i'm thinking is in a badhave
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enough that we have a president of the united states that after the worshetisl terror attack in israel's history, where the equivalent of 40,000 americans were were murdered in a day, you extrapolate out of a population and hundreds hostage and you had murder, , beheadings, even of little children. and i've see even the videos of that day and america says, we're not going to help you. and by the way, we don't want y you to actually fight and win the wato actuar, the radical ish terrorists that attacked you. lamito me, that is the presidene of our country surrenderingong? in war on terrorism. am i wrong? no, you're not wrong, sean. and in this case, of course, i would prefer these disagreements on either side happen in private. en in prbut at the end of the d, i think bebe finally said, enough is enough. you've chuck schumer callingg fo
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for regime change whilenjamin netanyahu is trying to lead his government in a waads hir wf hostages being held. you've got biden and his alliesw in the "new york times" demonizing netanyahuimes persony . you have them not objectingo th to the u.n. for the first time and abstaining anythingit with the anti-israel measures they're and then tapping the brakes on arms that they badl and tappingy need. guided by the way, many of them are precision guided, which is exactly what they need to prevent civilian casualties. and oh, by the way, you've gottn the international criminal court threatening to arresgtgeni them for war crimes and whende it was exactly hamas that that committed them, not the democratically electeddemoct israeli government. have all of that happening and? what did they cancel, sean? they cancel a meeting on ira thn because we have new information that iran could be weaponizing h
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they enriched uranium into a nuclear weapon. so of ale l the things, you're going to throw a temper tantrum on it is what we're fromg to do to stop iran from having nukes. it is just asinine having polir bad policy. and meanwhile oil. you have what we hate in florida. hurricanes. a u have us going from a cat one to a cat five hurricane in terms of this axis of evil between china, iran, russian and north korea. itch and you've got a president that's just asleep at the switch. this is only going to get worse from now until november, novembernovember. and donald trump can't come soon enough. but i deathly afraid of whatafra happens between now and thenid you know, it really is amazing. victor davis hanson and maybe you can explain it to me. you're far smarter tha far sn i. viw is it that between being vice president, o president, that joe biden only has a historay of up to the
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mullahs of iran? the number one state sponsorerro of terror? they were partly responsible in in the training and the arming of the terroristsg anh hn on october the seventh, helping hamas. they help hezbollah in lebanon. they're helping the houthi rebels out in le of. they're responsible for world wide terrorism. g and he has turned a blind eye to sanctions. he has given waivers that puts tens of millions of dollars, ii the hands of the iranian mullahs so they can continue their pursuiant, nuclear weapon, which i believe is the real existential threat to the world, not global warming. as joe biden claims. if you can explain that to me, you're a far smarter guy thanu r i could ever want or dreamr gu of being. >> well, sean is a continuation of this bankrupttinuin and scaro policy of ben rhodes and the obamas. remember, they cookeama'd up ths
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idea that they were going to empower an iranian hezbollah, hamas, who the axis and this was going to be the persian shia counter balance to israel and the moderate gulf regime. >> so they trashed saudi arabia, they trashed israel. they built up this axished isrbs and they called it creative tension. and then we could vacate middle east and then play one side off against the other, completely obliviou andys that our friends in the gulf were far better than the iranians. of cours farr there, israel is the only democracy in the middle east, but thiemocracys ie most dangerous time in our lifetime. sean all the way untilinaugura inauguration day because putin sees he's trying to get nuclears proxies in iran and north korea to do what he thinks we're doing in ukraine and ukraine is not nucleare thinks wer. more importantly, he looks at biden and he says eithery he's debilitatedhe lik and he wt react or the obamas are in control. and thei remember what they did in 2014 when i took the dome brass and the crimea and i
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remember the hot mic and seoul. so whatever it is, it's an open, open window for me. and then finally, sean it doesn't do any good to project this lack of deterrencef after kabul and the chinese balloon and not do anything to the houthieterrencehingss ann to demonize i mean, to call putin constantly crazy s.o.b., ,murderer and don't don't carry a twig and then shout out loud, you know, these are these insults. >> it's very dangerous what he's doing. and the military short 45,000 recruits. he's cut the budget. it's a perfect and we're in we're in grave danger. >> and you got a couple of axisl of evil, right? you got now you have russia and north koreisil, yeaha on top of russia and china and irant and then you have a president that's abdicated his role on the world stage as the the of liberty and freedom worldwide. and that void is apparent than ever and more scary than it's ever been as well. frightening times. victor davis hanson, congressman, thank you both.eals
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when we come back. a bombshell new report revealing panic among biden's nw inner circle with new fears that the biden campaig fn relyia on a losing strategy. on a losing strategy. we'll check in witingh senator ] scott as "hannity" continues the you get your clear choice. dental implants changes your struggle with missinge teeth forever. teeth forever. it changes how you eat, how you feel, and how you enjoy life. feel, and how you enjoy life. it smile at you. clearc >> clear choice network doctors have changed over one hundred thousand liveshoy. with dental implants, and they can change yours tootation., bea clearchoice day changes every day. day. schedthere's a free consultati. >> it's an as oyi wamentss sayim , in the navy, the toughest job in the navy is a navy wifeto apy and if you've made the deployments and you've been the wife at home or even the spouse at home, you understand what i'm talking about. about. your spouse has earned
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that they were either, you know ,silent about, said nothingabou about or that they said and lied to us and said were mostly peaceful peacefu. that, let's see, resulted in dozens of deaend americans, thousands of injured cops hit with rocks and bricks and bottles ths and molotov cocktails and billions of property damage. d molotos billiowhere the vice , kamala harris, and a candidate at the time actually tweeted out a bail fund after the minnesota or minneapolis police precinct was burned to the ground. they forge t those moments of insurrection by seemingly supporters that they didn't th. to lose absolutely, john. they did. bottom line is simply this. those summer riots were the most expensive riots in the history of america. sean, the democrats are losing their minds because they're losing their voters, their race based coalition, race baitingp
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to keep the votes. it is crumbling beforee boat their very eyes. it's donald trump with the workinh donag class coalitin that's attracting more working class people black, white, hispanic, asians, because under donald trump, they have more moneyde in their pockets. they're not talking about inflation. they're talkint inflatiog aboute can't afford it. same thingo, better language, african-americans, hispanics, white folks, asians are coming a together, supporting donalredloe trump because a closed, secured southern border means less migrant crime in poor neighborhoods. s it means more open schoolss across our nation. and frankly, the crime that's g inner cities under blue mayors goes donal with donald trump, he willw and
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restore law and order, but 100%s the summer riots to pandering. the pandering tour of joe biden fail is very encouraging. >> the polls are also donald trump is very encouraging. >> the polls i see, especially with a big part of the democratic coalition and their base, which is african-americans, hispanic americans, young people. however, you know, i don't like to be pollyannish. does it or do republicans need to look at independents, maybe those that that might have been swayed by this sham trial in new york that don't know the details of what really happened in that cass wie? do they have to be worriedha about older people that might have been swayed by the fake news? swayyou know, industrial comple, which pretty much is the rest of the media. but for the fox news, the new york post, the wall street journafo newl, yes, there's no t
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one of the things we're seeing with this new working class coalition is it targets independent voters as much as it does any other. however, jobs is important, but the justice system it wreaks under joe it's one of the reasons why we've seen a coalition of newer voters looking at donald trump. at donalbottom line is simply tn the judge is making contribution to joe biden, when his daughter is raising hundreds, not millions, hundreds of millions of dollarso for democratic candidates, canfice't get a fair trial whe alvin bragg runs for office with one objective to put donald trump in jail. you can't get a fair trial. the bottom line is simply this in order for us to clean outrria the justice department, conf merrick garland and,
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restore confidence and lady justice and her blindfold, we've got to fire joe biden and elect donald trump. independent voters want actually, they require a fair and just america, a two tiered justice system. we'll get that done. weaponizing do j againstts doe your political opponents won't get that done. >> that don sean. and by the way, i don't thinke. he should have gotten a report like the her report that said, well, yeaht . did all these things when it comes to top secret classified document its, any jury would likel probably see him as a nice old man. them ay forgetful. that's not that's not exactly t' equal justice. the way they treated donald trump and joe may want to pay close attention because unlike the things they up about donald trump, it hunter biden,s so joe biden's son implicates his own father a
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s, benefitingm hi financially from his foreign businessforeign deals and expos the lie that he never talkedexp to his son, his brother or anybody about those deals. i'd worry about that, about that if i was joe biden, especially i if he's not president in january of 25. senator, great to have you. thank you. yeah, go ahead. thank you both very much. god bless. all right. >> appreciate you being with us. when we come back, the left resorting to scarek th to try and win come november. that needs to stop . the ne we're going to tell you the new lies and the paranoia and the strangenesndois that isg emerging because they are desperate. when we return, straight aheadce . >> springsteen on fox and friends. watch her moving performance. friday, the legion of honor. all in your name. maybe we can make a mess and pay the all american summer concert series is presented by lowe's, lowe's gnomes home
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resorting to scare tacticse lefn of the election. this is nothing more than phonma and feigned outrage you may a want to call it. i have a namame foe for it. >> cheap fake outrage. take a look. you said recently that you thought that you, as an outspoken critic, be a targetd e yourself. some people think that sounds overdramaticet yours, but i'm right there with you. i think that he is so vindictive that he will go out after however he has to do the irs maybe or even submit our sponsors to get us off>> i t the air. >> maybe i owe you. i think it's bad to have it' h somebodyav give me as much power as you can in this country so i can use it to go after other americans. and i don't think anybody's safe if that'ss k the sort of basis on which he wants to get more. >> but remember, ion h hf donala trump wins, we are lookingf at the potential dissolution of democracy in thet united states of america. it sounds nuts, but like
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i wouldn't be surprised if this guy threw me in jail. >> oh, it's nuts. last week, conspiracy theorist extraordinaire rachel maddow saying she's worriedmight that donald trump may throw her and othethr trump in a camp at a day camp, a sleepovere what camp. not sure what she means. meanwhile, a texas man shemeanwt sentenced to 33 months in federal prison. he was threatening to kill congresswoman maxine waters. as we consistently say on this program. let me be clear. that type of behavior is unacceptable. every politician needs to belitf safe no politician should be threatened or harassed, cian shoperiod. and maybe congresswoman waters also needs to tone b down her rhetoric. in case you forgot, here's a reminder. rememberrgot her, i'll take trut tonight. >> take a look toni. t. >> and if you see anybody from that cabinet in the restaurantin ,in a department store at a gas station, you get outte
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and you get and you on them and you tell them they're not well done. and then she said, i'll take >>. ld trump out tonight here was reaction project 21 chairman horace cooper along with the tutor, dixon podcast host tutor. dixon is with us. utortutor they're just afraidtha that things that have been happening, you know, iftrum they're worried chrissy teigen is worried that trump will come after her, rachel maddow thinkse she'll be put in a camp. well i, aoc thinks she'll be put in jail. joyless, thinks her show cancele will be canceled. i don't even think he knows. have these people number one and certainly he didn't do it the last time1 didn. are they that fearful? no, he didn't do it the last t time. but this is exactly what theheyr are doing. when you hear joy behar talking about, oh, i'm afraids that they're going to send the irs after me, i mean, look what they did to matt taibbi. >> this is the exact kind e of stuff they done to republic
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. and they are just talking from a position of knowledgpositie ot they have already done. and let's be honest, the vie w, and. maddow and all of those people,l they're looking forwarld to this. they've never had as good of ratings as they did when donald trump was president. if donald trump is president again, they are going to thrive for the nexts ther four years. and they're starting that ratings play right now. thisstartings is like sweeps wn for them. they're just going out there and they're planting these seedgs and they're like, oh,tc gosh, watch us, because it might not be lontg. be off >> we might be off the air. yeah, i think so. what what's your take on this ? well, a crack comes to mind. promise or threat. y we >> is it really likely that we won't see the view the or rachel maddow anymore? i mean, it's ridiculousig that these shows right nowht no which are so pitiful, so sad, they only talkonly tal a few fed listeners and the best thing hav
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that could have happened to theedm is to have alica republican president named donaldpresiden trump elected to up an audience againan. the truth is this we live in a t society where the left projects onto the right, things that thee left has done. it is the left that targeted the new york posed thet. it is the left that said to at&t, you've gott conc some conservative programs on your cable network. you got to get rid of them. i it is the left who punishes people who try to put books outo that are critical, say, of howw government is responding to covid. >> govern it's the right, it's the left. >> so this overheate thed rhetoc really needs to stop. mi and some of these folks need to look in the mirror. >> yeah. do you think it continuess
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twitter or are we just going to hear more and more? you knowor more, hyperbole. i think it's feigned phony outrage. er i think they know better. ma maybe they do fear that the thingsyb thi that they have accd happening to the right, a lot of it made up will happen to them. uld happo themi as long as the a close as they are, it does continue. >> but i think anys her cl donad trump is out there, there is this fake outrage and they have t reo continue going. but i think that what we sawh with maxine waters is theect ex perfect example of when you take it too far. and am e iti that anybody who threatens you like that should absolutely get jail time. that iy s you s not acceptable. but she should also, as you said, watch her rhetoricthey the and they can push this too far. even rachel maddow can push this too far, because this is not what the right is doing. i don't even think donald trump knows who she is or knows who chrissy teigen is, just guessing. i'll ask him when we come back. thank you bothing. disturbing new updates about the illegal immigrant who allegedly this 13-year-old girl in broad daylight.
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12:00 am
with hezbollah only on fox news channel, a disturbing update about the illegal immigrant that was arrested for allegedly assaulting that 13 year old girl in queens in new york, in broad daylightha girl it cont prosecutors allege the suspect admitted to recordinheg thiscorn whole attack. he apparentle wholy threatenedae two teenagers at knifepoint. a boy and a girl ties theme yo together, gags them, the youngn girl after. a five day manhunt. the suspect was dragged out fromspect wa under a car by thed after a group of new yorkersa made a citizen's arrest. our prayers are with this family. >> how sad. that's all the time we have left. please set your dvr. in the meantim thee, notg your heart. be trouble. greg gutfeld, put a smile on your face. have a great night d will p smile i