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tv   America Reports  FOX News  June 20, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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democrat. this is more republican and this could go either way. this tells me nothing. >> what do they? >> what does it say if you have milk spewing through your bag, yogurt melts everywhere and pacifiers? i don't know if you are democrat or bump up your mom. >> my wife's handbag says i work really hard and if i had a handbag at which i am in favor of the second amendment because i think a gun bag and count as i handbag, right? >> i think it's hilarious very delightfully entertaining. i don't know how accurate they are because it seems to me all of these bags she cited is a million dollars of the conclusion is anyone who owns any of those are superrich. >> that is and i have had i will say two of my girlfriends who are asian said to me you can't have a louis, leslie, you are not asian and this was in l.a. so in l.a. it's my money and it's by group not politics. >> we are out of time, "america reports" now. >> why won't you answer the
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question? >> because the question is -- for the question is -- >> radical left. >> use, shut up it's hard to get any word in with his concrete >> don't use the word smart with me. >> give me a break. >> you know what? there's nothing smart about you, bro. >> you are the worst president in america ever had. >> china eight your lunch, joe. >> your racist. >> you have treated this country so bad. >> everyone knows he's a liar. >> one week out, between them going head-to-head in the cnn presidential debate as fox news polling shows a razor-thin race for the white house. here we go, seven days out hello and welcome everyone i am sandra smith in new york and check it's great having today. >> great to be with you i am jacqui heinrich john is off this is "america reports." for the first time since october box polling and shows president biden leading by two points in a hypothetical
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matchup. >> sandra: positive views on the economy have now hit their highest level so far of his presidency. we will dig into this and the implications of it with robin wolfenstein more. >> jacqui: first peter doocy live on the north lawn peter, what do we know about the president's debate prep? >> jackie it looks like president biden is looking to make this more about donald trump's record than his own. >> when he was in the white house he led an insurrection and it got so big we couldn't even buy toilet paper this country. he told us in order to get rid of covid we had to inject some type of discontent mike disinfectant or bleach. that's the failure of donald trump. >> president biden is underwater on the issues that typically decide an election but he was starting from such a position of weakness on the economy and inflation that 41% approval for the economy and 37% approval on inflation are his highest in
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over two years. 35% approval on immigration is five points higher than last month. there is also a new reason to think the democratic party's emphasis on democracy as a key issue is having an impact because the number one issue in the latest fox poll with 68% saying it is extremely important in their 2024 vote the future of democracy. we also just learned at next week's debate the last word is going to go to donald trump. the campaign has flipped a coin and the biden team chose tails and they got to pick whether or not they wanted their preferred podium position or they wanted to pick the order of closing statements and the biden team wanted a podium more than the last word so that is how it is going to go. jackie? spewing interesting choice, thanks. >> sandra: thank you, jackie. les brandon walker robert wolf and steve moore. i was distracted because robert
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kammer is telling me about he has been involved in the debate prep with joe biden in the past so what would you advise jack product on president biden going into this seen the numbers in the polls and his performance on the economy? with this chart let's get it in before we get the condo. showing his numbers on the economy are improving. those who rate his performance for, it's going down in two debate night. those who report it is excellent is going up. how should he approach the debate? >> how i approached with obama and clinton not the biden campaign but hopefully they stick when the mic is off they are not yelling and screaming like we saw beforehand otherwise no one gets to say anything. i think the contrast is real but i think the most important thing for president biden is the trend is his friend. yes, inflation has been sticky for a long time but if you look over since inception inflation
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is up about 19 plus percent on prices but wages are up almost 17%. wages have been outperforming inflation i think 12 straight months if not longer. so we are seeing some good things. we still have an incredibly strong job market, wages are doing well so i think there are a lot of good things. i think the biggest contrast will be and steve i have this debate often is taxes. >> sandra: steve i will let you weigh in on taxes as you dropped that because this will be a big debate on the state hopefully because it has to get worked out is the fact the biden administration, they have been touting the wage growth and of the slowing of inflation growth but the prices have not come down. so when you look at this fox news polling about the economy while the numbers have come down on those who are kept on my pessimistic about it from 65% back in june of 22 to now
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56% that feel pessimistic about it, that is a drop, yes, but still more than half of respondents saying they feel pessimistic about the u.s. economy. >> yes and that has been consistent, sandra, for the last 3.5 years where people do feel not confident. there was a report that came out a few days ago showing consumer confidence among american consumers is lower today than it even was during the call would crisis. so i am a little confused about these polls frankly. but if i were advising donald trump in this debate i would ask the question are you better off then you are four years ago? if you ask that question, and i am looking at the same numbers robert is looking at, despite the slight improvement of the last few months the average worker in terms of weekly earnings have lost about $2,000 in purchasing power per year since biden has been in office. that is a big deal. it means people are poor and
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financially stressed out. >> if i can reply to that if we are better off, steve, i would love to be in the debate of whether we are better off because you continually inform president trump continually wants to make it like his presidency was only three years and the fourth year didn't exist for covid. it will be better off? are you kidding me? over 10 million people unemployed we were we better off to over 10% unemployment. we were getting annihilated in his fourth year. and the deficits went up by 7 trillion. so we know we were better off because the facts don't lie. >> hold on i mean covid first of all every single democratic governor in the country shut down their economy. republican governors got the economy open like six months faster than all of your friends in the democratic governors but more importantly the last six months trump was in office the economy grew by 11% of the economy was on the way for a big rebound. look, the direction of things does matter. people of the more confident
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that things are going to get better, that can be a problem for trump no question about it but we have not solve the inflation problem, it is still out there and people are going great stomach angry at the gas pump and the grocery store. >> and at the price of housing and interest rates they take on a mortgage, that is huge as well. by the way, robert, we have had this debate before we keep hearing from the administration how inflation was high when they took over, it was not it was att 11.4% and it's only going up from there. a lot of that is because we were coming out of the pandemic and spending money even though the situation was not improving this is the day and see chair jamie harrison who is making the case that president biden can go after donald trump in this debate, listen. >> i think it's a make or break moment for donald trump because this is what joe biden is going to do. he is going to focus on donald trump's record. his record as a fatal businessman. >> steve, i want your response
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on that. >> trump is a businessman he is not a failed businessman he's a billionaire. arguing he is a failure is crazy. i want that debate. does america want a lifetime politician as their president to get us out of this economic mess or do you want somebody who knows how to create jobs, start businesses, meet a payroll, biden has even boasted, sandra, he has not had a real job. >> sandra: i want to finish up with you, robert and this question about a portability paired our good friend larry kudlow has written and talked a lot about this affordability crisis that we are living in right now. the price of everything is up, gas prices up or to have been 50% all over the country depending on where you live in some cases it is up even more. food prices up 20-25% so while we hear from biden that inflation is slowing it is slowing from the highest he reached in his presidency so what will be the strategy without targeting donald trump and his policies what is the strategy in the biden
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administration to say we are going to improve things for you? i have in front of me multiple people telling me they are winning paycheck to paycheck lio paycheck having a hard time putting dinner on a table. >> i'm not here to say things are easy out there that's not what i recommend. i recommend you take a contrast, you look at what the bipartisan infrastructure bill is doing with wages and manufacturing. you look at what the chips active there is a lot of policy that is working. i think almost more importantly stephen, who is a good friend of mine, wants to make that the president was a three year president trump but he doesn't want to look at the part of inflation post covid that happened as well. so you are either president all the time are not all the time -- >> sandra: that have been under biden. >> we know supply chains were impacted. >> we couldn't stop spending money. >> you are right because 7 trillion -- wait this is my time i didn't interrupt you. >> it was 100% when trump left office! >> sandra: let robert finish
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his poem to my point. >> you have to mute his phone. speak i have the red china mike tie on for you. you have the blue. here's what i have to say like i said trend is our friend the peak of inflation down by 60% let's look at gas prices down by 50% from a high of $55.40. >> but they were higher. >> steve listen looking where unemployment was and look where it is today. you have to pick and choose the times. you want to pack as if nothing happened in that fourth year. >> sandra: good debate prep for the candidates. >> they were up by $6,000 of income and $300 per biden. >> gdp didn't reach 10% you know that when he was in office and you didn't pay for the taxes. >> you are both great thank you so much have you back, sam. all right. >> we put two and two together and we started playing like we knew how he was going to catch him but as soon as we left for work i went over there and when i got there like 21 he came.
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>> how many were you? >> i think ten of us. did he put up a fight or did he say anything? >> he knew better not to put up a fight. it was horrible and 13 innocent little girls so we don't condone that. >> a heroic new yorker explaining how he helped take down the illegal migrant accused of assaulting a 13-year-old girl and it comes as we learn horrific new details about that incident perry prosecutors revealing these suspect said he recorded in broad daylight the attack in queens. alexis, the suspect confessed? >> hey, jacqui the suspect confessed to a few things according to investigators including he said he tied up these two teens in the park gagged them with a handkerchief and says he recorded the sexual assault. telling those police in this interview they said at first he
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was nervous but then he got more comfortable so he pulled out his phone and started recording. he is now looking at the possibility of life behind bars and we will look at horrific details take a look on your screen. this is that migrant facing those charges as the investigation continues. he is let out their christian anger out of the police precinct with a large list of charges including predatory sexual assault, rape and kidnapping pairs of 25-year-old held these two teens at knife point, cut off his teen girl's clothing and raped her at a p park. prosecutors say they had a sample of his dna and used it to match the dna that was found in the water bottle near the crime scene. this description from these brave teens that help to quickly track down the suspect so now people ask where is he from? inge is originally from ecuador he entered originally illegally in 2021 where did he cross? like so many near eagle pass,
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texas, telling border patrol he was headed to an address in queens. neighbors are second by his attack saying they had to do something so they jumped into. locals took down the migrant on tuesday when he showed up at a local bodega. they held him down until police came. one of the men who helped catch inge is ramos. >> innocent kids it's sick for somebody to even do that. to know he has a daughter of his own is even more sick because i don't play, i've got two daughters and everybody in the community is pretty happy we did that. >> after the attack this migrant telling investigators he went to go by my drugs he'll be back in court in july, jacqui? >> alexis mcadams thank you for that incredible story. we have expert analysis, and the last two hours the next two hours to this ongoing border crisis will be joined by utah congressman blakemore and art del cueto that will come up
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i had. >> sandra: bracing stomach breaking moments ago former president donald trump has called and offered condolences to the family. the victim's mother says she is "deeply touched" by a president trump's kindness and concern. rachel moran's body was found last august in bel air, maryland, come to suspect an illegal immigrant was arrested last friday in oklahoma. jacqui? speech still xp on a horrifying moment when two cyclists were hit by a car is at an airport. what led to that hit-and-run and how officers responded plus >> wait, wait, wait! hang on! sleep >> sandra: dramatic shoot-out caught on body camera three officers in the cross fire what led to that confrontation just ahead.
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>> jacqui: welcome back and breaking right now out of california the fbi has raided the oakland mayor's home. it is not clear what the agents were looking for or what they may have seized but within the statement the agency says it's conducting "court or its authorized activity" after a recall campaign against the mayor with enough support to endorse the november ballot. we will continue watching that. center question marks me thank you, jacqui. horrifying moment out of texas is expected a drunk driver slamming into these cyclists near the dallas-fort worth airport. police say he is now in custody. garrett is live with the details on this. what kind of shape are the victims in? >> sander, they remarkably will both be all right. when you see this quick video you will see why it is so remarkable. this whole ordeal in a matter of
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seconds was captured from a rear facing bike camera. you can see a white car complying up my knees two cyclists and knocking them off their bikes and then running over one of the victims before speeding off. this was near dfw airport monday evening on a roadway that is popular for groups of bikers. the driver 31-year-old benjamin highlander is in custody thanks to a cyclist who followed him to a nearby cyclist who called police. hollander admitted he had been drinking before the crash and according to a police report from our local station k dfw they found a half-dozen empty empty cans of beer in the back of his car. highlander is facing charges migrate and assault a deadly weapon and driving while intoxicated. the man he ran over is a 69-year-old retired hoot physician who says he is amazed to be alive. he had a concussion, a fractured rib but is back home and walking
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again. he says he is planning to be back out there riding again s soon. >> sandra: oh, my goodness gracious that video is hard to watch. will wait for more updates thank you. jacqui? >> jacqui: sandra at the governor of utah is sounding off on denver for sending illegal migrants to salt lake city. calling it completely unacceptable. the mayor of denver telling our affiliate there the cities brought or bought rather over 2,000 tickets to salt lake city over the last year and a half. let's bring in republican congressman blakemore who is here for the district we appreciate your time thank you for coming. >> thank you, jacqui. you when i want to review a piece from "the new york times" because they put out an article about how this is happening they tracked a family in salt lake. they say it, listen to this quote "when your hotel stay paid for by the city of denver ran out the family ended up on another bus this one headed to selleck said he thought to be a welcoming destination thanks to
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plentiful jobs and the deep influence of the church of jesus christ of latter-day saints. "so i ask you where are these migrants getting the idea that salt lake is a good destination for them? >> they are getting the idea from disingenuous people trying to pan off of what is really going on this is horrific immigration policy from the president. they want to pretend they are being so humane when in all actuality they are putting these poor immigrants in the worst situation possible and selling them a bill of goods they have been told lies since they've been engaged with the cartels of the border to get them into taxes and then ngos are transporting and using dollars they either raised or have been provided through some sort of federal grant a bit of a shell game and in the cities you want to say we are the ones that are so humane, so helpful, but they don't have room and they are
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sending them to utah and that quote is so disrespectful because utah is one of the most well-run states in the country in fact it's the top of everything from volunteerism to economies and to say they will be welcoming because they are good people, we are good people that we run things under the rule of law which is why we have such a great welcoming society there but it is so disingenuous and it's really frustrating because we don't have the capacity, we are not given dollars we are not taking federal money to go through these programs to become a sanctuary city and say let's send them to utah. it is so wrong but the problem is this horrific policy we have seen from president biden's administration. >> jacqui: to your point is hardly the first time we've seen the cartels take advantage of the benevolent values of people in this country. but the mayor of denver is seeming to blame texas of all places. a spokesperson for his office said to axios the vast majority of newcomers arriving in denver
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do so on buses from texas with no intention of coming to denver which is why part of our operations including purchasing tickets for newcomers to get to their desired location, a little bit hesitation there? to direct the blame back to the administration coming from the cities. >> sorry to cut you off or interrupt what i'm saying the same thing you are this is not texas' fault. these mayors and these democrat mayors from the cities need to do the right thing and be honest and say this is a problem with the biden administration's policy of the catch and release policy has proven to be a failure. we have to be willing to reengage in the remain in mexico policy and do things that deter cartels from continuing this onslaught of what they are doing to our country. so to put the blame on texas is absolutely horrible. it is not texas' fault. they have dealt with so much over the last three years. they have taken the brunt of
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this with other states located at the border and to try to claim that, we need people that can actually call out their own party and say yes president biden has failed on this issue that's what i want to see from that some of these democratic mayors. i know they believe that end it is what they say behind closed doors but will they actually come out and criticize more heavily? new york you hear them say if they said we can't do it anymore it's happening in denver and now a major problem for our state. >> to your point we heard from marilyn's governor about the murder of that mother of five allegedly at the hands of a migrant and a real hesitation or refusal even to point any blame toward the administration, democrats unwilling to call themselves out there and carry it up but this is a growing problem under this administration. i want to show you the numbers on new proceedings filed in utah
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with an immigration court data tracked by syracuse university. in 2021, little over 3,000 cases fast-forward to 2023 over 21,000 and then through just may of 2024 it's 20,836. the year is not even out yet. i want to ask you also, you had a democratic senator chris murphy who said to an outlet recently that democrats are the only party if it is taking any action on the border. he is able to say that because he can point to republicans walking away from that bipartisan deal. that will be refrained that is repeated all the way up to november. how do you and your colleagues counter that? >> yes, it's the same thing. democrats have a very strong ability to grab onto a talking point and sort of run it through an election cycle. it's like saying tax cuts only benefited the wealthy. like they live on that
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particular talking .1 middle class and lower income americans actually gained more and had more opportunities from that, so this is an opportunity where, you know, you can almost see it play out. that immigration deal, we have to deal with remain in mexico. we have to reimplement that. we have the catch and release, the bipartisan deal that is starting to brew was not strong enough on border policy. it addressed some immigration reform and that is the only thing democrats want to deal with. you have to deal with border security first. that will deter the court, cartels. i read it to everybody these lawmakers all largely agree that we have to do all of these things. border security and immigration reform on a merit-based system but if you go straight to the immigration reform where so much of the democratic policy has been pushed towards without border security you will continue to exacerbate the
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problem. >> even though the border union endorsed that bill, sir? >> it was stronger border policy. >> even though they did endorse that bill because of the border security elements? question marks because with regards to streamlining visas dealing with daca you have to deal the border first. >> jacqui: we are out of time congressman blakemore thank you for being here hope to have you back again soon. >> think of having me. >> sandor? >> jack in the pentagon facing backlash over plans to feed u.s. troops with experimental lab grown meat. to help reduce the military's carbon footprint. kennedy, i cannot imagine she has anything to say on this, she'll be here to react as critics say american soldiers are being used as guinea pigs. >> a lethal storm there, robert over to you. >> yes tropical storm alberto
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has made landfall down in mexico and yet the effects are still happening here on the texas coastline. we will have details the break on all of it. everyone can get that iphone 15 on them. (man) now that i got a huge storage and battery upgrade... i'm officially done switching. (vo) new and existing customers get iphone 15 on us when they trade in any iphone. verizon they say seeing is believing, but with stearns & foster® that's only part of the story. we handcraft every stearns & foster® using the finest materials, like indulgent memory foam, and ultra-conforming intellicoils®, for a beautiful mattress, and indescribable comfort... every single night. shop now,
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glenn close?! with millions of possibilities you can book whoever you want to be. that's my line! booking.yeah be too sad news donald sutherland has died. he was in invasion of the body snatches at 88 years old his son confirmed this on twitter. key for posting with a heavy heart i tell you my father donald sutherland has died. i personally say one of the most important actors in the history of film never daunted by a role good, bad, or ugly. he loved what he did and did what he loved. one can never ask for more than that. a life well lived." may he rest in peace. everyone will be remembering him today, jacqui as i want to go look up some of his most recent
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appearance as i see he has a memoir set to be released in november of this year. >> certainly a loss. he could bring so much gravitas to a role. either playing a villain or a father figure. just a real star. sad news today. >> a look at some of his news today a remarkable actor his many, many roles over the years donald sutherland died at the age of 88. jacqui? >> jacqui: tropical storm alberto has now downgraded to a tropical depression after making landfall in mexico the deadly storm continuing to slam towns along the texas coast with torrential rain, massive waves, and coastal flooding. fox weather correspondent robert reyes live in corpus christi, texas, and robert that systemic landfall but impact still being felt hundreds of miles away. >> yes indeed, jacqui isn't that
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amazing? topeka mexico where trouble storm alberto made landfall this morning where than 500 miles to the south and the effects all the way up the texas coastline lasting nearly 1,000 miles. you see this is one example of what that storm surge has done to some pockets of corpus christi and also this padre island bay right here. the thing is about all of this yesterday as we look at all of the video as alberto was out in the gulf wavering a very disorganized system trying to make its way into mexico with the impacts here significant with storm surge 2-4 feet sideways rain that came up to 1d unfortunately three people we are told have lost their life in mexico. no fatalities to speak up in the united states but there are areas like in galveston island near houston a couple completely
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submerged by the storm surge that came in periods 16-foot waves by the gulf what we were going through and just pelting rain. it now it yesterday the toughest bands came in and we can see the experience we were caught live in them as the sideways rain came in like bbs. unfortunately right now there are over 50 counties still in emergency declarations plus flood warnings are in play in this area even though the sun is out but these wins still persist. at one point over a 15-mile-an-hour wind gusts. the problem is, jacqui, we have another system bring to the south and we hope those impacts are not as significant as we experienced with this one, back to you. >> jacqui: stay safe out there we will continue watching it robert ray for us thank you so much, sandor? >> sandra: jacqui the pentagon getting heat over a new proposal to feed american soldiers lab grown meat. the public-private company file made is making the pitch to help reduce the carbon footprint for
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the department of defense has given over $500 million to buy a made. let's bring in host of the fox news podcast fox news podcast kennedy saves the world of which i had a pleasure of joining you on. was it yesterday? this week has been crazy. lab grown meat to the soldiers, where are you on this? >> they are not going to disclose really to anyone in the military exact way how it is made or what it is made from or what other chemicals they have to use to cultivate the meat, so there is an issue of freedom here. there is no more personal freedom then what you choose to ingest what you put your body what you feed and nourish yourself with. now what some of the vaccines that soldiers and airmen have been given in the past that would be very dubious about a program like this that the uc davis study said it may actually cause more harm to the environment to purify and
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cultivate this meat then having livestock to begin with so yes, they are animal cells immortalized and purified it, i mean some creepy frank in science. >> it's experimental. this is the national cattlemen's beef association responding. >> they sued opera. >> sandra: i remember it's outrageous the department of defense is spending millions of taxpayer dollars to feed our heroes like lab rats for u.s. cattle producers raise the highest quality beef in the world with the lowest carbon footprint and american troops deserve to be served to that same wholesome, natural meat. you know what who came to the defense of the american ranchers and farmers? under federman. this was a statement on twitter as some dude who would never serve that slop to my kids i stand by our american ranchers and farmers, good for him. >> there is truly nothing like american beef and i don't know if you've ever seen the cattle in maui, they are absolutely pristine specimens. not to mention texas and
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california and other parts of the country where american ranchers take great pride in their lives start. there are beacon soldiers, that is fine, they can make that choice but the other heroes and warriors who are serving should not be forced to do this. as you know this they banned lab grown meat in florida so how that play on florida's many bases there if the government is trying to force its soldiers to eat this? >> sandra: senator fetterman is the only one who was brought up the taste of the stuff we've all tried it, you can decide for yourselves. perhaps this is even more interesting, uc davis is coming to the defense of the farmers and ranchers as well with this headline "lab grown meat's carbon footprint potentially larger than retail beef and using existing processes highly energy intensive." >> of course it's like mining crypto or what about some of the batteries that go in electric vehicles? it's actually worse for the
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environment than the mitigation that electric vehicles might provide. so it's these unintended consequences which come from heavy-handed government programs and i don't like that people in the military will be forced to eat this against her will. >> sandra: i can hear your nancy pelosi voice. >> where's the beef? >> sandra: pass it now we will find out what is in it later. own, man kennedy great to see you. jacqui? >> jacqui: thanks, sandra. president biden and former president trump are said to go head-to-head a week from today. i marty having flashbacks. how both of them are preparing for the upcoming debate and whether it's going to be a make or break moment. we will ask former white house speechwriter matt t's and plus this. >> very distracting to have your phone in class. >> it's more entertaining during free periods at school. >> i don't think they need them during the day at all. >> what if something happens? you know, i want to be in contact with my kids. >> everyone is talking about the state of new york setting new standards for kids on
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>> jacqui: the cnn presidential debate just one week away and top presidents including some of biden's aides are reportedly worried the biden campaign has a losing overall strategy. the campaign has been focusing on democracy, political violence, but polls show that is not the only issue resin and with voters. let's bring in marc thiessen from former white house speechwriter and fox news contributor we've been looking forward to this debate for a while it looked unclear it would have it for but now the lead up to it you have had trump suggesting biden does well because of drugs and the biden team seems to be priming
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themselves for potentially a good showing from the former president. i want to play with kate bedingfield said listen to this. >> people were put off by the angry uncivil way he conducted himself, but i think everybody with an expectation that is the donald trump who is going to show up next week i don't think that is true. i think donald trump will show up next week as the most disciplined version. >> what do you make of that? >> i think he is right and i really agree with her but i think he is absolutely right i think donald trump has been and credibly disciplined and focused like a rich laser beams at these rallies comparing with the disaster laying out the disastrous environment comparing with his record. right now because of that joe biden is the most unpopular president in the history of presidential polling. the only way he wins this is to make a referendum so he and the moderators will try to turn this on 22020 on the election on january 6th. every time they bring up 2028 you know what time should say? they say do remember what i remember a question mark the border were secure appeared in
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2020 inflation was low. in 2020 the world was at peace. none of those things are true today. if they bring up january 6 the board was secure appeared on january 6th the economy was going well. wages were rising. and don't let them distract him from the message which is the disasters biden has unleashed on the country and how much better things were under his presidency. >> it seems like a few people in biden's orbit are concerned about that very possibility because you had someone close to the president tell axios basically the folks around biden's closest allies in this small room people that are been with him a long time are afraid to speak up if they want to be critical of the strategy. one person said it is unclear to many of us watching from the outside whether the president and his core team realize how dire the situation is right now and whether they even have a plan to fix it. that is scary. so, it is not unusual for biden and his people to stay in lock step but if are tuning out any
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feedback from people on their side, what does that mean for the possibility of a course correction ahead of the debate or ahead of november? >> the problem is there is no course correction they can may. campaign on his record? americans disapprove him of everyone since after world war ii. 660% think his presidency is a disaster. he can't campaign on his record. has only place to make this a referendum on donald trump's character. is only play is to save the american people member how much you hated him? all the things he said that annoyed you? and trump's answer is you are a disaster. >> jacqui: to your point the fox polls show that he has all of his eggs in the democracy basket and there is a reason for that 68% of people say in that survey the future of democracy is an extremely important issue but at the same time you have other voters saying the election
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is mostly about issues and who can do a better job. 59% there saying that is what the selection is about so if you are going to make democracy the issue, where does that imply? outside the issue of abortion which as we see is really only a factor in swing states over issues like the economy when you break down that pulling. >> first of all 168% or whatever that number is says the democracy is a major issue for them a lot of those people are concerned about our democracy because they see the polarization of the justice department they are not necessarily provide an. a lot of people think democrats are a threat to democracy as well. i think personally that there is a bigger threat than anything donald trump were present. >> i should correct myself and say a big issue in swing states where abortion is off the ballot we will not leave it there and return to this conversation, thank you for being here appreciated. center? >> sandra: a big change for louisiana classrooms. >> if you want to respect the rule of law you have to start from the original law given.
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which was moses. >> sandra: a new republican backed law requiring all public school classmate, classes have t poster of the ten commandments but our lawsuits already on thwe way? inspire is a sleep apnea treatment that works inside my body with a click of this button. where are you going? i'm going to get inspire. learn more and view important safety information at okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪)
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♪ ♪ [sfx] water lapping. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [sfx] water splashing. ♪ ♪ [sfx] ambient / laughing. ♪ ♪ >> sandra: legislation passing
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in louisiana saying that the ten commitments are in every public school classroom. summer getting ready to fight it. joining us now in studio with more on this, lauren ware is it going? >> the ten commandments are really part of the bedrock of judaism and christian act on my christianity but's republican governor says it has historical significance on america's founding documents and our legal system very louisiana lawmakers say it be displayed in every public school classroom. governor landry scott signed it into law yesterday alongside several other education-related measures the g.o.p. drafted legislation mandates a poster sized display of the ten commandments in large easily readable font be required in all public classrooms from kindergarten up to state-funded universities. within minutes of the signing a group of civil liberties organizations announced they plan to file a lawsuit challenging the bill as a blatant violation of the
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separation of church and state saying in a joint statement hb 71 should result in unconstitutional religious coercion of students legally required to attend school and are thus a captive audience for a school sponsored religious messages paired proponents of the law believe the supreme court is now on their side and they expect other states to start following suit. >> i think this show is that the aclu and others are slow to understand where the court is continuing to go on religious liberty litigation so that's how we feel very confident in louisiana law passing constitutional scrutiny. >> state funds will not be used to implement the mandate, posters will be paid for through donations. center? >> sandra: lauren green that is a debate we will keep watching thank you very much. jacqui? >> sandra dramatic new body can put into revealing a moment's deputies were shot in a standoff in a military illinois home.
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