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tv   Special Report With Bret Baier  FOX News  June 20, 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm PDT

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amazing discovery at george washington's home. archaeologists cherries stored in the cellar of mt. vernon estate. 29 bottles intacked from 18th s century and contain cherries and berries that currently being analyzed. scientists say the perfectly preserved fruits from more than 250 years ago is unprecedented. so pretty cool that they wrapped those up and the fruit is good to eat. >> jesse: burrowing under ground? beavers? >> greg: that's true. >> jesse: a lot of people don't know they are great burrowers. >> judge jeanine: how did they know did they taste it. >> katie: took them out. >> richard: would you want to eat those cherries? >> judge jeanine: no. >> jesse: come on. eat the cherries. >> judge jeanine: that was for the drag queen. >> jesse: have a great night, everybody. over to bret. >> bret: much easier toss than last night. thank you. >> jesse: yes, it was. >> bret: thank you.
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>> bret: good evening, welcome to washington. i'm bret baier. breaking tonight two u.s. adversaries raising eyebrows this national security circles causing real concern here in washington as both country's leaders touted their nuclear ambitions today. russian president vladimir putin saying he will revisit his country's policies on using nuclear weapons while iran is drastically expanding one of its not so secret nuclear sites. we begin with russia. chief national security correspondent jennifer griffin has details tonight lye from the pnc. good evening, jennifer. >> jennifer: good evening, bret. more nuclear saber ratling from vladimir putin during his second stop in acre shah in search of friends. weapons for his war in ukraine, and a return to the cold war. the veiled threat came thursday during a press conference in vietnam. putin said he was thinking of changing russia's nuclear doctrine, lowering the threshold for the first use of a nuclear weapon. currently russian doctrine allows nuclear weapons to be used only in response to a nuclear strike or in the event
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of a conventional attack that moscow views as existential threat. in a master class of verbal jujitsu, putin blamed the rest on working on low yield nuclear devices when in fact it is russia that is doing so. >> we must pay attention to this. and we are paying attention. this is connect dod my statement of what we are thinking about possible changes in our strategy. we do not need preemptive strike yet. because, in contra strike, the enemy will guarantee to be destroyed. >> the threat came one day after putin met with kim jong un. his first trip to north korea in 24 years. and signed a defense treaty promising to provide military a sassistance to each other if either is attacked. a rare show of friendship inside the hermit nation. >> it demonstrates the desperation that a country like russia needs to align itself with the dprk to subjugate the
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people of ukraine. >> the head of the house intelligence committee warned, again, about russia's plans to put nuclear weapons in space. >> administration is sleep walking into an irreversible day zero. this threat would mean that our economic international security and social systems come to a grinding halt. >> putin's efforts in north korea may have already backfired. south korea, which until now has only provided humanitarian aid to ukraine said today it would now it boo consider lethal aid to kyiv. not exactly the response putin was looking for. bret? >> bret: jen, another topic the pentagon pushing back on reporting that the humanitarian pier it built off the coast of gaza would be disassembled early. what about that? >> well, rough seas and bad weather, bret have samed me aid deliveries. the troubled pier assembled by the u.s. military has been operational just 11 days since it was anchored on may 17 of
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the. today the pentagon announced the pier which had been disassembled and towed to israel in anticipation of more bad weather was reassembled and reanchorred to allow some aid to begin flowing again. the pier was assembled to bypass israel, which was preventing enough aid from flowing through the land routes into gaza it cross. the u.s. has spent $230 million to send 9.1 million pounds of food and supplies into gaza. much of it still waiting in gaza warehouses for distribution. bret? >> bret: okay. we will follow that jennifer, thanks. senior state department officials meantime say they have grave concerns over iran's efforts to advance its nuclear weapons program. the country is now expanding a top nuclear site, and doing it quickly. state department correspondent gillian turner has details tonight. >> the u.n.'s top nuclear watchdog has confirmed one of iran's most seekive nuclear sites is undergoing to a dramatic expansion alarming top u.s. officials.
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>> iran continues to expand nuclear program in ways that have no credible peaceful purpose. we remain deeply concerned with iran's nuclear activities and will continue to vigilantly monitor them. iran must cooperate with the iaea without further delay. >> the document first obtained by reuters reveals iran's plan to triple the sites of enriched with uranium with brand new centrifuges. blinken met just days after prime minister netanyahu accused the u.s. of slow-walking claims to israel. a claim u.s. denies. israeli and u.s. intelligence have new information about a computer-month-old ling program iran has reportedly acquired. u.s. officials say it could be used to help the regime build a nuclear weapons arsenal and build it faster. >> we do not see indications iran undertaking the key activities that would be necessary to produce a testable nuclear devise device. florida republican congressman mike waltz says this new computer program could be the key that unlocks iran's speed. >> when people talk about a breakout in weeks or months for
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them to be able to break out, that is basically having enough volume-rich uranium to have a bomb. this other element, this computer simulation is how do you get the actual bomb formed, build the war head that, it fits on top of a missile. >> so, once the iranians have enough enrichard uranium to actually build a bomb, the biden administration estimates the breakout time to be about 18 months. israel estimates it's as little as one year. bret? >> bret: gillian turner, live at the state department. gillian, thank you. new york democratic congressman jamaal bowman is apologizing for saying reports of sexual violence against israeli women during the hamas massacre of last october were lies and propaganda. saying in an interview this week with new york radio station wnyc, quote: immediately, when the u.n. provided additional evidence i voted to condemn the sexual violence. i apologize for my comments. i am not going to be perfect. i'm going to make mistakes. i'm going to say things that harm people, even though i don't
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mean to. when i do, i'm going to take accountability for it. bowman is in a tight democratic primary to try to keep his seat. former secretary of state hillary clinton has endorsed his opponent wes chester county executive george latimer. ♪ voter say this year's election is mothersly about issues and who can do a better job. 59% feel that way. just 29% say it's about character and the fitness to serve. this is how the presumptive nominees stack up on the big issues. former president trump gets the nod on immigration. the economy, the israel-hamas war and guns. president biden is favored on standing up to elite interests, stability and normalcy and the
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future of american democracy. last night's fox polls indicated president biden and former president trump are locked in this tight race within the margin of error. head-to-head matchup tied with biden a slight lead now. now only one week away from both men facing each other on a debate stage in atlanta. senior white house correspondent peter doocy has our story live from the north lawn. good evening, peter. >> peter: bret, good evening. we are now within two hours of the time that president biden is expected to leave his delaware beach house and head to the presidential retreat at camp david, maryland for debate prep. so far white house officials not telling us how long is he going to be there. >> the president, as he should, is preparing for this just like he prepares every day to fight for the people of america. >> peter: just 45% of americans approve of the job is he doing in the new fox news poll, that's unchanged from last month. the approval number plummets to 35% on the key issue of immigration. although that's an improvement
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of 5 points since march. it's the economy, seen as the top issue for 62% of independents. topping the future of democracy seen as extremely important to 61% of independents. >> when you look at both battleground polls and issues that drive voters, the economy, the border, national security, trump is dominating in all of those i still think this is his race. >> r.f.k. jr. will not debate biden and trump next week qualifying in only three of four polls required and only a fraction of state ballots; however, the kennedy campaign points out cnn is holding candidates to this requirement but is not requiring presidents biden and trump to meet this requirement by claiming they are each the presumptive nominee of a political party. so, it will be one-on-one. and biden's inner circle is split about which donald trump biden needs to prepare for. >> i'm so happy that the mics will be shut off when you are not speaking.
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and you won't have audience members. maga members in the audience screaming and yelling. >> show up next week is going to be the most disciplined version of donald trump. there is somebody who i think the muted mics probably help trump. >> peter: a week out the president's superiority a podium. biden officials called tails and would be coin toss against trump folks today so they got to pick. either position on stage or final closing argument. and the biden team said the president's priority is to be stage right. which means that next week the last word in the debate will go to donald trump. bret? >> bret: peter doocy live on the north lawn. we are one week away from full coverage on fox news channel. we may be just hours away from blockbuster u.s. supreme court opinions on presidential immunity and other major issues. justices released four opinions today, including one on taxes. it has a number of people scratching their heads. fox news chief legal correspondent, anchor of "fox news sunday" shannon bream
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explains. >> if you haven't received any income. how can you be required to pay income taxes? >> according to the supreme court, you can. charles and kathleen moore partnered with a friend to invest in a company operating and providing tools to farmers in india. and while claiming they never saw a return on their investment, other than the joy they say they got in helping make a difference half a world away, they did get a tax bill for nearly $15,000. the company did make or realize income, but it never distributed any to the moores. the irs still billed them based on the mandatory repatriatization tax. a part of the trump era tax bill passed by congress back in 2017. the moores sued. calling it unconstitutional today the court held 7-2 that congress did not exceed its authority in crafting that one-time special tax justice
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kavanaugh riding for the majority quote congress has long taxed shareholders of an entity on the entities undistributed income. this court has long upheld taxes of that kind and we do the same today causative was clear what the court did not decide whether today's opinion would apply to any so-called wealth tax. on the richest american. kavanaugh called that a hypothetical the court is avoiding for now justin thomas in a consent 1st amendment allows for federal in connection with tax only applies to income actually realized by the taxpayer, quote: the tax and history of the amendment requires a distinction between income and the source from which that income is derived. and the only way to draw such a distinction is with a realization requirement. >> the court said if it had followed extreme that it could have created such upheaval to
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the u.s. tax system that it could have cost trillions in incoming tax revenue. ultimately saying this the constitution does not require that fiscal calamity. bret, we will do this again at 10:00 a.m. eastern on friday. next round of opinion. >> bret: there are a lot of opinions yet to come. this docket, they have got a lot of work to do here. >> shannon: they do. if has not been, in the 17 years i have been covering this late in the term that we have had this many big ones we are waiting on. everything from presidential immunity which, of course, impacts the federal and legal cases against president trump. but all future presidents as well. we have got the january 6th obstruction charges against hundreds of defendants, including president trump, but you have got abortion, have you got guns, you have got social media, censorship, have you also got federal regulatory power. just to note we have got 19 left, and the court has added next wednesday as an opinion day as well, bret. >> bret: you will be busy. shannon bream outside the court. shannon, thanks. up next, we talk with two political consultants, one republican, one democrat, about the presidential race and the
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latest polling. and then dramatic video showing the moments when three law enforcement officers were shot. ♪ it's good to get some fresh air. fresh air? hi guys! bill, you look great! now that i have inspire, i'm free from struggling with the mask and the hose. inspire? inspire is a sleep apnea treatment that works inside my body with a click of this button. no mask! no hose! just sleep. give me this thing. where are you going? i'm going to get inspire. inspire. sleep apnea innovation. learn more and view important safety information at
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>> this is going to be very close election. no reason for anybody to belief it won't be. if he is ready to go he demonstrates that all the time. >> he is thinking about how to translate these really important topics into a message that works. obviously, is he as good as it as anybody. that's why he is leading in all the polls. >> bret: we are one week from the first presidential debated, consequential. we're going to take a look at the presidential race, the latest polling, joining us republican media consultant alex cass tee an know and democratic strategist matt bennett. thank you both for being here. we had the new polls out and one interested motivated to vote in the presidential election. extremely is now 66%. you see republicans at 74. democrats at 64. and very at 16%. people are starting to plug in well before traditional labor day movement. and this debate is a big deal early. >> it's a big deal early. i think though republicans should control their high hopes here because i think biden has
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performed big events like states of union. they give him his debate viagra and is he good for a good 30 minutes. if he is still debating after four hours we will have to call the doctors. and trump is going to be much more disciplined, i think this time. he knows what has happened before that people are worried that biden's weakness. i think we are going to see two candidates at their best. thanked might leave the race exactly where your poll has it. >> bret: it's interesting two different styles of preparing, the president is going to camp david. we understand it's going to be a lot of mock debates, ron klain running that. we hear that the former president is having policy discussions, not really and doing a lot of on the road campaigning, your thoughts as we set up this big night a week from tonight? >> one thing that the biden team is very aware of is that incumbent presidents and they
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tend to be kind of arrogant about i'm the president i have been doing this a long time. >> historical look back to obama it? >> was awful. bush had a rough first debate they know that can't afford to happen to biden. so much scrutiny of performance. not record and policy but his actual performance. they are going to be working on that really hard. i know the president is going to take that very seriously. you know, i'm very curious to see if you are right about trump being disciplined. i have heard predictions of that before. but never seen it. so it will be good to see if. >> halley's comet. happens but not often. >> bret: had a town hall in iowa where he had a different tone and tenor on the questions. he had dealt with it differently than he had before. polls, we our national poll and again, it's within the margin of error. you look at these swing state
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polls and the real clear politics average. some place like arizona that he lost, trump up 4.6. wisconsin that he lost. trump unjust slightly .3, and michigan, that he lost. there you see .2. how do you read these polls? is it too early to kind of get a sense, a picture? >> no. i think we have got a very good picture. i thought your national poll was well-done and informative. it tells us that we have got two candidates people don't want to vote for. and there's -- it's almost like prebuyer's remorse. one of them gets ahead a little bit and people go great, looks like trump is going to win. next thing you go oh, wait, trump is going to win? what would that be like? they swing to the other one. i think we are going to see these minute into the shifts all the way through. like electrical musical chairs. no one wants to end up in biden's chair or trump's chair swing voters when the music
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stops. we will see these minute into the swings and at the end of the day i think the issues want to give this to trump but what you have in your survey, the steadfastness, the reliability on the personal characteristics people feel safer with biden. it's a jump ball. >> do you think the biden campaign, matt is, really going to go hard on this threat to democracy? do they think that's the horse to ride as far as an issue? >> no question about it. i mean, for a variety of reasons. both of these guys are going to be telling americans the other guy is about chaos and i'm order. we know what trump is going to say. what biden is going to say look at january 6th. look at the fact he is a convicted felon. look how chaotic he was as president and how he communicated about covid and everything else. most fundamentally look at the fact as president he tried to overturn and free and fair election. that is going to be at the core of what biden is saying about trump. there will be policy debates. there will be discussions, of
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course, about immigration and the economy. at the bottom, when you choose a president, it's very personal decision for people. and they need to make this about trump. we haven't had a former president against a president in decades and decades. do you have two administrations and what they did and what they did and what they are doing to compare and contrast. >> the economy is improving a little bit for biden, best economic numbers he has had. but it's only 32% approve of the job he has done. when you look at all the other issues. there's a reason hispanics are breaking for trump. there's a reason not only black men, young black men but black women, biden has lost 20%. >> do you buy those polls? those shifts. >> yes, something is happening there counter culture. trump's strength appealing to a lot of people being hurt by this economy and by immigration and
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crime stronger than abortion issue. here is another thing to think about. it may not be captured in the poll. if you can't figure out when a pollster asks you if you are voting for the convicted felon who has been convicted 34 times. that's probably uncool. you haven't been paying attention. trump may have a little bit of a shy trump voter factor, three our four points in here he could mo this from a tight race to a race he wins by 3 or 4. >> bret: fascinating. des moines register poll the number one thing how you feel is exhaustion. we are four months away from an election. that's the number one answer. matt and alex thank you so much. >> good to be with you. >> breaking news about a mother killed in maryland allegedly by illegal immigrant. we have new information. plus, three deputies from illinois shot during dramatic confrontation.
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we will have that shocking video. as we go to break, actor donald sutherland has died. he was known for off beat characters such as hawkeye piers and robert altman marsh movie. the stone professor in animal house and more recently he starred in the hunger games films. donald sutherland was 88. ♪
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>> bret: breaking tonight new information about the rape and killing of the mother of five children in maryland. ice officials tonight say he was caught and deported three times before reentering the country illegally last year correspondent nate foy is in new york with the latest. good evening, nate. >> good evening, bret. according to ice sources the man accused of raping and murdering rachel morin in maryland entered the united states illegally four times in a matter of weeks last year and he succeeded on that
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fourth try. 23-year-old victor martinez hernandez arrived back in maryland today. authorities in tulsa, oklahoma, extradited him there after arresting him friday. ice sources tell fox martinez hernandez crossed the border in mexico illegally on january 19th of last year. border patrol sent him back to mexico under title 42. the same thing happened when he crossed illegally on january 31st in texas. and on february 6th in new mexico, again. but then on february 13th, he crossed undetected in el paso, texas, and entered the united states as a got away. he is one of just under 1.9 million known got-aways under president joe biden. we're averaging about 500 per day over the past week and there are 194,000 known got-aways so far this fiscal year. martinez hernandez is from el salvador. is he charged with first degree murder, rape, and assault is he
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separately accused of another el salvador assaulting a weapon and 9-year-old girl in los angeles. the 37-year-old morin went missing while going for a run last august. search crews found her body the next day. today her family received a gradual donald trump. family described it as i'm deeply touched by president trump's kindness and concern. he was genuine and truly wanted to know how our family was coping. tonight martinez hernandez is in a maryland jail cell awaiting trial. ice has lodged immigration detainer against him. bret? >> bret: nate foy in new york. thanks. >> you got it. >> bret: the fbi raided a home connected channing coo oust her from office received enough signatures to qualify for the ballot. property records indicate cao is associated with the property but does not own it. recall organizers say the behavior has blood on her hands amid rising crime, auto theft
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and street robberies. >> bret: we have dramatic individual grow of the moment three sheriff's deputies were shot during confrontation in illinois. senior correspondent mike tobin shows us tonight. >> shots fired, shots fired. >> stunning video showing the peril law enforcement officers can face in an instant. deputies and officers with the ogle county response team pull a wounded officer to safety while still under fire. the alleged gunman, 32-year-old jonathan was rained today on charges of attempted first degree murder, aggravated discharge of a firearm and possession of a gun without an illinois firearm owner's identification card. the incident was june 12, in a remote area northwest of dixon, illinois known as lost lake. his mother called 911 saying her son was threatening to kill himself, harm others and was
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armed. deputies attempted to negotiate with him for an hour and a half. a phone was even thrown into the house. >> after more than 60 attempted calls were made with no answer, it was authorized to enter the residence. [gunfire] >> shots fired. >> if you are protected by body armor when shot. another hit in the arm. deputy jason countier was shot in the face, triaged on the scene and rushed to a hospital in rockford. >> suspect jonathan g, # 2 was located inside the front door of the residence with the gunshot wound to the stomach. located near were multiple firearms. >> deputy underwent surgery and left the hospital friday to the applause of fellow officers.
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>> he appeared in court by video. treated for a gunshot wound to the stomach. the stiffest charge he faces attempted first degree murder carries maximum penalty of 30 years in prison. >> bret: up next, californians will not get a chance to vote on new tax policy. we will take you live out there and tell you why. here is what some of our fox affiliates are covering tonight. w svn in miami. arrest of rapper scott trespassing and disorderly intoxication charges. called to the miami beach arena early this morning where residents reported people fighting on a yacht. they say scott refused multiple requests to leave. >> this is a live look at rickwood field in birmingham, alabama from fox sports. one of the big stories there tonight from fox 6, the historic field hosts a game between the saint lewis cardinals and the san francisco giants. the contest in the country's oldest professional ballpark is in honor of the negro leagues.
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there will be a special tribute to willie mays who played there as a young man. mays, as we told you died tuesday at the age of 93. can you see the game on fox broadcast network starting at the top of the hour. that's tonight's live look outside the beltway from "special report." we'll be right back. ♪ sweet home alabama ♪ where the skies are so blue. ♪ where the skies are so blue. ♪ we ♪ where the skies are so blue. ♪ say we will. which is why we were voted america's #1 container moving company. book your move today at
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>> bret: tropical storm alberto bearing down on mexico tonight the first named storm of the season has left at least four people dead so far. it is already effecting the southern u.s. we will continue to follow that new york governor kathy hochul has signed a bill that would allow parents to block their children from getting social media posts suggested by a platform's algorithm. feeds on apps such as tiktok and instagram would be limited for people under age 18 to post from accounts they follow. the measure would also block platforms from sending minors notifications on suggested posts between midnight and #:00 a.m. ♪ >> californians will not be allowed to decide on a ballot initiative this november that
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would have required voter approval for any future state tax hikes. the state supreme court says that can only be done by changing the state constitution. national correspondent william la jeunesse has details tonight from los angeles. good evening, william. >> william: what this means, bret, is governor newsom has successfully denied californians the opportunity to vote on a proposition that had already qualified for the november ballot by an overwhelming margin that taxpayer protection act would have given voters the right to approve or reject new state and local taxes. and stop government agencies from imposing hidden taxes disguised as fees. but governor newsom and democrat super majority in sacramento said the initiative would deprive the state of money for necessary services. they also argue the act represented an illegal revision of the state's constitution. rather than just an amendment. well, the court agreed unanimously with six of the seven judges appointed by newsom or governor jerry brown. the initiative sponsors says the
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decision proves california is, quote: a one party state. >> this is salute power. and this is why the legislature seems consumed with all manner of issues that have nothing to do with the betterment of california but everything to do with the exercise of political power. >> critics also accuse the governor of hypocrisy. newsom frequently lectures republicans about protecting democracy whereas he actually went to court to preemptively stop a vote using taxpayer money to file the suit. nationally, this is also a big win for democrats because, had the act been on the ballot, it could have turned out thousands of conservative and moderate voters that could have made a difference in six very close house elections here for the battle in control of congress. bret, late today, the governor thanked the supreme court for protecting the state constitution. >> bret: all right, william, thank you. stocks mixed today after taking yesterday off for the juneteenth holiday. the dow surging about 300 points. the s&p 500 lost 14 for the day
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after briefly topping 5500 for the first time. nasdaq dropped 141. up next, the panel with the latest on the presidential race and this week's key u.s. supreme court rulings. first, beyond our borders tonight, reuters identifies 14 grave yards expanding quickly in ssudan's war torn disease taking a mounting toll as combatants block fuel and aid. one author calls the cemeteries the canaries in the coal mine in sudan. this is a live look at jerusalem. one of the big stories there tonight, a company drilling for natural gas off the coast of northern israel discovers a 3300-year-old ship and its cargo. authorities say it is one of the oldest known examples of the ship sailing far from land. it indicates the navigation abilities of ancient sea fairers were more advanced than previously thought. just some of the other stories beyond our borders tonight.
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>> if biden goes out there and messes up, it's game over if he walks out there and a week later is he lower in the poll it's panic in the party. >> this is what joe biden is going to do is he going to focus on donald trump's record. his record now is a convicted felon. >> bret: this is all the talk. a week from tonight. the first presidential debate see it simulcast on fox news channel with complete conch. the headline is the coin toss has happened. and president biden has chosen the right side podium for this debate and the former president trump will have the last word. just to remind people, take you back to september of 2020, the first debate last time. >> make sure you, in fact, let people know -- >> -- he doesn't want to answer the question. >> senator. >> i'm not going to answer the question. >> why won't you answer the question? >> the question is. >> people just as radical left. >> will you shut up, man? >> that was really a productive segment, wasn't it? [laughter] keep yapping, man. >> the people understand, joe.
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>> 47 years you have done nothing. they know. >> bret: okay. there you go. let's bring in our panel. mary katharine ham, columnist for outkick. olivia beavers congressional reporter for politico and matt could you continetti fellow at the american enterprise institute. talking to those pollsters, democrat, republican, matthew earlier about how consequential this one debate may be. this early, and it's really notable that they are not even going to be official nominees by the time the debate starts. >> absolutely. i think it's important for former president trump, he has had kind of a rocky news cycle with the conviction in new york, that is starting to show up in polls like the new fox poll. so i think he needs to go into the debate next week and he really needs to reframe the election once more about joe biden and joe biden's performance in office. because, when you look at the internals of our poll here at fox, you see that trump continues to win on the issues. especially the economy, especially immigration if he can
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reset things about the debate. make it about the issues rather than about the conviction. i think he will have a successful night. >> bret: mary katharine, we see a slight shift in independents in recent polls in recent days including ours if you look at swing state polls the real clear politics average of key states the former president is leading in the states he needs lead in. some of them significantly that he lost before. >> that is a huge deal and balance it against the slight shift that we are seeing, which i would like to see more of to know whether it's a blip or a pattern here. but what was good for both of these guys is going into a big moment like this. can you view this as a tied game, quite realistically. and they probably should. particularly trump. because he didn't do well against biden last time. because he was too punchy. because he wasn't, maybe, taking it as seriously as he should. there is reports that his debate prep has been pretty extensive this time around having policy briefings if not mock debates. biden is a little bit more traditional. i think both of them want to highlight the disorder and chaos
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of the leadership of the other. and what the risk is that we'll descend into disorder and chaos on the stage which is what they want to avoid. temperate performance from trump i think would do well. >> bret: olivia, i mentioned that iowa poll "the des moines register" said 60 plus percent of the people said they were already exhausted. that he was something to considers that we head into the first debate as well. >> it is. we have seen the two of them going at it before. but i think that one thing that we haven't seen is it's been unprecedented that we don't have any primary debates. joe biden really didn't have one that he did. trump refused. to say and now we finally get to see them come together. i have been thinking about how donald trump was on capitol hill not too long ago. and he got a ton of praise from the senate and from the house. because he had kind of pulls dollars back what republicans would say would maybe be his first instincts. they are hoping that they see him doing exactly what he did on the hill. on the debate stage, which is being himself but not going out
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and creating sort of a scandalous moment. >> i would say that moment he came out and gave a little spiel after his meeting on the hill hit all the right notes, he talked about the economy, he talked about inflation. he talked about the border, he talked about crime and then he was like i'm out of here, thank you, unity. that tone will help him immensely. >> bret: i bet that president biden is going to prepare to try to stoke the former president in a number of ways including calling him a convicted felon. >> absolutely. and he will try to troll trump as he often does in these fundraisers which is really the only time we get to see biden talk extemporaneously. but i think the rules of the debate are interesting, too. their muting the mics when the other candidate is talking. that offers trump an opportunity to sit back. i think the longer biden talks, usually the worst it gets for biden. so the danger there is that trump steps on biden right before biden begins to unravel. and that's a place where, again, some restraint on trump's part
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could pay off big at the end of the debate. >> bret: meanwhile, the supreme court, massive things are being despited. we could have them tomorrow, we could have them next week. the biggest in play right now is the immunity case. which really factors into the former president in this case about immunity. here's a political playbook, essentially three outcomes. trump's qulam is rejected, which could clear the way for a criminal trial on the charges, although whether that would be before the election is still unclear. the court finds that the former president has complete immunity and the federal case head up by special counsel jack smith is dead, dr. mat electrically expanding the scope of powers in the process or the justices make a split decision requiring judge chutkan to separate the actions trump took in official capacity as president from those he took as a political campaign democrat which almost certainly push the cases start past the elections. significant mary katharine. >> hugely significant. that's part of the reasons they have been deciding it for a while. what's interesting to me since i
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don't know the outcome of this yet. some of the tea leaf reading tends to extend this attack on -- to discredit the supreme court. and i think when you say hey, they might decide this wrong, so that we can't convicted him before the election, you are a little bit giving away the game about what is going on here and appreciate that the justices are not playing that particular game. >> bret: olivia? thoughts? >> i think that this will have huge implications for the presidential race for other presidents going forward and a lot of legal experts, people in politics are watching to see whether the supreme court defines what is official action. whether they give more parameters of what is covered in immunity, and i mean, we're very curious to see what happens. >> bret: matthew, there is also implications for jab 6th folks in jail being held on different charges. >> that's a separate case involving the obstruction charge. and there the supreme court could rule in a way that invalidates many of the january 6th convictions. i think on the larger question
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of immunity, it is funny to me that the same people who are talking about how important this case is are attacking the court for taking its time. well, if it's an important case, they should take their time and they should judge deliberately. i think what we will see is a decision that's very narrow and probably kick the trial until after the election. >> bret: how much do you think the supreme court will factor into this election. back in 2016, it was a big factor for donald trump's win over hillary clinton. how much this time? >> i mean, we keep ending up in a situation where our candidates sort of put either law enforcement or the justice system, including scotus in this position where they can make a huge impact. in this case, look, i'm glad that they considered it quickly. some argued that they should have let it ride. i think it's important to decide the immunity before you get to extra parts of the process that can, indeed, punish the person and take away rights from them. it's going to be consequential. and it's going to be consequential in the public mind in addition to the actual legal decision. >> bret: there is also abortion
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case in here, olivia, and clearly abortion is going to be an issue that democrats believe is going to be gold for them in different states. >> we have already seen that happening in house races where they are beating the drums about abortion. when trump was on the hill, he tried to say let this be decided i think we can many out on top. he also acknowledged that republicans were hurt last cycle from a roe v. wade. i think republicans are trying to figure out what their message is and see if they can you know, at least sort of avoid having enough blowback on them. >> i think there is also the issue of chevron coming down and making a lot of people of the left and emergenciry of the left short of lose its mind during this summer. we will see what happens. >> bret: there is lot of lose their mind moments on both sides. >> just so long as we don't have to watch that 2020 debate again. >> bret: yeah. that's right. all right, panel. thanks. ♪ ♪ >> bret: finally tonight a
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"special report" salute alaska. all the way out in alaska a trapped baby moose was rescued by a man and two police officers. spencer warren arrived at work and found that animal stuck between the sea plane and dock. warren called the police. officers morgan tracy and charles lee respond to the scene. officer lee parked his vehicle in front of the baby's mother to prevent her from interfering with the rescue of the officer. helped warren pull the moose out of the water and we don't often have moose rescue stories. we thought we would end with that one. tomorrow on "special report," research at the international space station benefiting both professional and amateur athletes. we look at some of the sporting equipment developed by nasa in some cases tested in space. thanks for inviting us into your home tonight. that's it for this "special report," fair, balanced and still unafraid. ingraham angle is now. ♪ ♪ >> laura: good evening, everyone. i'm lawyer ingraham. this is "the ingraham angle" from washington tonight. my angle in moments but, first