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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  June 20, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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say? >> it's mind-boggling to me but as you know laura because you're so wonderful every time you stand up to the national agenda, you face a step of criticism but there's no denying that the ten commandments is the blood life which all the laws of our country are based upon. >> will they hit the country so they will hit the ten commandments. anything that touches on the founding of the country or founding principles they think is awful raw and racist and unfair. the ten commitments may put that at the top the list. representative thank you very much we are going to follow this case and we know it will obviously be challenged by the usual suspects for that is it for us tonight. make sure you follow me as social media appreciate you're watching is always. america now and forever i hope you like the debate advice. jesse watters takes it from here >> jesse: welcome to jesse watters primetime. tonight...
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>> he's going to be so pumped up you know all the stuff that was missing a month ago from the white house? actually i think it was joe. >> i can't even believe i had to fact check that one. >> hoaxes, cocaine jokes and fact checks. one week until they debate. >> we do a little trolling, we do. >> i think this climate change dialogue we should address it directly what it is switches pollution. we want to terminate pollution. >> the liberals new plan to fight global warming, block out the son. >> we got all this chocolate running the city and you're trying to figure out why they are hating on me? >> happy de i thursday. plus. >> you sound dumb. [ ♪♪ ]
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>> we are one week from the cnn presidential debate and joe biden is officially off the grid. the president is taking the entire week awed -- off so he can cram kept david. they expect him to sling the same corny lines democrats have been pushing for years but sources tell cbs biden has a surprise up his sleeve. >> we should expect some surprises as well because this is such a critical performance for president biden not only on the content but on has physical performance as well. >> surprised physical performance? what does that even mean? is he going to rip his shirt off and do push-ups? what does cbs know? >> republicans should control their high hopes here because i think biden has performed at big events like states of the union. they give him his debate viagra and he is good for a good 30 minutes if he is debating after four hours we'll have to call
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the doctors. >> trump on the other hand is not taking the week off from campaigning, doing a rally in philly saturday taking a bite out of the biden base. the former president says rallies are the way he does debate prep. >> is anyone going to watch the debate? church or. >> he is going to be so pumped up is going to be pumped up you know all that stuff that was missing about a month ago from the white house. what happened? who left it, somebody left it i wonder let's see somebody left a laptop and office of a gentleman who is supposed to fix the laptop from hell. a never picked it up and somebody didn't pick up hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of cocaine i wonder who that could've been. i don't know. actually i think it was joe. >> now we know it wasn't jo's coke but it's funny trump knows that the crowd knows that the only one who doesn't know it is
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the media. >> i can't believe i had to fact check that one but it was not president biden. >> what's happened the last few months is convicted felon, more extreme statements even than ever before. this cocaine example this is normal now for donald trump to throw anything out there. >> double trump on stage suggesting president biden we'll be on cocaine. the point l maker, this candidate, this convicted felon lays dirty. he plays ugly and has done it many times in the past. we could spend the next three and a half hours listening to his allies. we wouldn't get through them. he lies like a rug. >> there fact checking his jokes. to me he doesn't see anything funny about cocaine found of the white house got nothing funny. or joe's dog kudo nothing at all. the president scared to dance at a juneteenth party that's not funny.
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when trump is ripping and making media fact check jokes as a positive message. that's a dangerous donald. one is the last time we saw the kind of swagger? >> double trump's rhetoric even and even his swagger looks more late 2016. the donald trump in detroit and those events he did he was oddly lose, he was trying to be funny and all of this where from about 2017 until 2022 at even 2023 through the primaries its been nothing but angry grievance trump. angry, angry, angry. it's interesting if he somehow drops the grievance he could end up looking like that to a 16 candidate the outside disruptor. >> trumps happy disruptor strategies powerful card genuine. is how he beat the establishment attorney 16. in 2020 it was tough for him to be the fun outsider, use the incumbent dealing with the
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pandemic riots fbi coverups. this year trump's got his swagger back and it could be his secret to winning swing states and even picking office oppressed. >> minnesota is a reliable democratic state and votes democrat in every presidential campaign poll after poll icy trump within within two or three points in minnesota. i don't think in media understands exactly what's going on right now. >> jesse: both democrat and republican voters are attracted to commonsense policies from a former president who doesn't wander around in fields. they missed the trump ears, their quality of life, standard of living. but cnn says voters are forgetting how bad things were. >> we talk a lot about trump and nation. i hope joe biden reminds the american people where he found a spear he found us curled up in our beds, locked up in our houses in the middle of a pendant lynn donald trump was
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telling us to inject bleach to cure it. i hope some of this trump amnesia were all suffering gets cured by joe biden next week. >> jesse: they don't have trump amnesia they have biden regret. nobody is thinking about the pandemic anymore we are thinking about groceries, gas, a tight border. democrats cannot debate the issue so they are going to ride out the hopes. >> the former president saying he would be a dictator on day one and would use the department of justice in a way to weapon eyes it against his political enemies, we on the other hand approach our work around saying that we are going to fight for freedom. >> jesse: weapon eyes and the justice department. but we are about to show you is a timeline p. review could decide for yourself. or before trump announced he is running for president, joe biden promises he will stop trump from taking power. >> we have to demonstrate he will not take power, if he does
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run by making sure under legitimate efforts constitution does not become the next person again. >> jesse: that messages are as loud and clear because nine days later, the democrats send an illegal kamikazes. november 18th very important date. garland appoints jack a smith special counsel on two different trump cases. the same day, the 18th, nathan wade meets with white house lawyers for eight hours. the same day on the 18th, the number 3 guy at biden's justice department matt cole angelo gives his two weak notice to start working with albin break. what are the chances on the same day? the four criminal cases against all trump emerge from the biden administration and come alive? everything we just reported is well-documented. but talking about it's racist. >> for a variety of reasons the narrative makes no sense.
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is factually false and it's also dangerously and prodigiously racist because it assumes da alvin bragg who is black could not have executed this prosecution on his own without the supervision of a bunch of white elders. >> jesse: if msnbc is calling it racist in means you're a. but we are going to keep letting those insults runoff like water off a ducks back. we will keep pointing out the facts and lapping in their face and fighting for the country. -- laughing. north dakota governor doug bergan grins me. what's up grand rapids michigan? how are you guys doing? >> jesse fantastic. so great to be with you jesse. we've got a great group of americans here they care deeply about the country. they are all here tonight because they want to show that they know that this election is going to be determined right
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here in grand rapids michigan. let's hear it for me now who's going to win in 2024? >> trump! >> you just heard that biden we'll be cramming at camp david for a week, no campaigning no nothing just cram, cram, cram what's the former president trump doing in terms of debate strategy? >> he is out talking to real americans about the challenges that affect their buddy. when i say everybody they affect democrats, independents and republicans the thing you talked about whether it's the open border or the fennel growing in our country or migrant crime occurring whether it's inflation or high interest rates these aren't partisan issues, these are affecting everybody in america who is trying to work and put food on the table and gas in their current. he is talking to real americans about the issues that matter the most to him. i think that's fantastic. >> jesse: alright because joe biden has joke writers helping him. all of obama's old joke writers
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are giving him lines. you will have a few canned lines he will deliver. our member trump was pretty funny with cricket. sixteen he had a few zingers that really just brought it down. and got a little angry and 2020 with the one debate. is he going to come out loose? once the posture going to be against biden 101? >> i think president trump is going to have a terrific debate performance. one thing i've said the first lady i wish every american could see president trump the way we've seen in the past six months. he is genuinely exceedingly funny but as you know jesse the best comics are smart people, highly intelligent and highly perceptive. they know their audiences. i think president trump is been amazing. you're rebuttal at the front about how the media doesn't understand human, president trump is fantastic but when he's making those points is also making a point and he understands how his policies are
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america were great and understand how under joe aladdin were no longer at peace the world and no longer have prosperity in our country. >> jesse: and you know he with her hostess at him, roundhouse after roundhouse of popes. he will say dictator day one and bloodbath and lock up your political enemies. you know, if you're fortunate enough to be on the ticket you're probably going to have to handle these types of attacks to. how do you handle these hoaxes? >> i could tell you the first thing about the dictatorship because we are living in my home state wherever i go i'm sharing with people like this here in michigan that we already understand what being a dictatorship is like p. review canto 30 rules and mandates, some over a thousand pages long coming out of the biden administration. none coming from congress that are raising the price of fuel, electricity, raising the price of food. these are ideological mandates
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coming down on the states. that's what authoritarians do and what dictatorship still. if you say out like what the supreme court set i'm just going to do it anyway. that dictatorship right now is joe biden. >> jesse: please tell everyone in grand rapids jesse watters primetime loves them. let's hear it for grand rapids michigan everybody. doug bergan and his beautiful wife. [ cheering ] >> jesse: while biden goes on his darkness retreat, democrats are a the worst if he screws this up he is cooked. >> this is the entire election as far as i'm concerned. the entire world we'll be watching. if you're a carbon-based life form you will be watching. if he's got a functioning brainstem you'll be watching because if biden goes out there and messes up it is game over.
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>> jesse: trump campaign press secretary carolyn babbitt joins me now. caroline there is a lot of pressure on joe biden. you see how much pressure there is, he his team thinks if he doesn't perform it is over. it's over early and no coming back. does the far president donald trump feel the tip of pressure? >> president trump is very excited about this debate however, the mainstream media also set the bar so low for this debate for joe biden that if he gets up there and doesn't soil himself and is in fumble and bubble over every word he says than the media is going to declare this a win for joe biden. trump knows what he's getting into with cnn it's owing to be a three on one debate with three people who have not treated him fairly act light about but he is ready. it shows his commitment to deliver his winning message to the american public that he is willing to go on cnn. the real question for joe biden's victory is going to be if he can stand up there and
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defend his abysmal policies. can he defend his inflation crisis and is wide open border invasion leading to loss of life? that will define how well joe biden does in this debate. >> jesse: how aggressive can donald trump b.? they have some microphones muted so there won't be crosstalk. he's gonna deal with tapper and the cnn moderators. is he going to joust, will he stay calm? personally i think calmness is key. what is the deal in a week? how's it going to look? >> president trump is going to be president trump. is going to be his true authentic self. that's why millions of americans across this great country love him dearly and he's going going to talk about his record of success in comparison to joe biden's record of failures and weakness. he's going to bring his optimism that he's been bringing to the campaign trail over the posture months that's why he is pulling
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massive crowds and was constant on a tuesday -- wisconsin. americans are excited about president trump's visions to make this country safe and wealthy and prosperous again and you will hear him talk about that. you will be his true comical funny authentic self next week. >> jesse: when chuck todd said trump has his swagger back look out. i don't even know what to expect. biden is going to call him a convicted felon khakis going to say this guy's a convicted felon. i'm not a convicted felon. what is the president say about that? >> it's an attack that doesn't sit well with the american public. all throughout the witchhunt in new york we saw public polling that saw the majority of americans view the sham trial for what it was. election interference led by joe biden's regime. the democrats are chilly at the masters or projection joe biden included. every time they put their finger and call president trump a name
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they themselves are guilty of that. joe biden and his crime family are the real criminals sitting in the white house. we know they have profited millions off of sending hunter around the world as their bagman and he is the true -- he will utter those words as well while he has a wide open border invasion in our country. 's weak foreign policies leading us into world war iii. >> speaker-02: >> got felt had a great line he said trump should just say joe you put me on trial but you're own department of justice said you're too old and stupid to be on trial. may be try that one out. >> that's true as well. >> jesse: thank you so much carolyn. johnny hit the streets. >> what's going on with joe biden wandering around looking confused all the time? >> that's his nature. [ ♪♪ ]
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u fox news alert two venezuelan migrants illegally cross the border charged with the murder of a 12-year-old girl in houston texas. migrants allegedly abducted the girl strangled her then dumped her body in a creek. the illegals were living together as roommates and were caught on surveillance camera following jocelyn into a convenience store the night of her murder. it comes days after group of migrants were arrested for kidnapping a 14-year-old girl in indiana. they affected the grow and were caught travelling with her across state lines in missouri. migrant criminals are waging a war on women and need to mediate is dead silent. this means our media doesn't care about protecting american women only their own political power. migrant migrant social biden
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migrant murdered rachel warren. solving illegal crime and immigration is a main pillar of the trend campaign but instead of reporting facts the leader calls trump racist about joe. and its backfiring because guess what? more hispanic voters trust trump on immigration them biden. now the media is under twisted position calling hispanics racist for wanting to secure the border. the biden campaign has a new tactic spend money. here's their massive ad blitz airing during a soccer tournament. >> creating new jobs and investing billions to create new american businesses and even making our communities safer from gun violence. trump talks and talks joe biden gets [ bleep ] done. >> jesse: after bringing fried chicken to black family biden kicking soccer balls to
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hispanics. another group biting can't afford to lose black voters right on cue. harris placed the race card. >> look at what donald trump did to apparently criticize milwaukee by kay he did that with my home city of oakland and as it relates to baltimore as relates to atlanta and philadelphia and i'll let you're listeners connect the dots in terms of what although cities have in common but there seems to be a pattern at play. >> what they have in common is they are run by democrats. working-class americans are ditching the democrats and now joe's only strong base of support is the media. a lady from the view said trump murdered her family. >> cutlass americans lost loved ones to covid-19. my husband lost both his parents taught blood doctors within three days of each other. >> i'm sorry. >> thank you. we remember those pandemic briefings are member the injection of bleach perhaps,
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dangerous recommendations. you are particularly disturbed at a red by his refusal to wear a mask. what was this time like for you having to contradict the president of the united states and what should everyone know about how he handled the crisis? i blame him for my in-laws death. >> imagine sitting next to the doctor who funded gain of function research at the lab that leaked the buyers they killed you're in-laws and blaming trump. we are sorry for your loss and joe i know it's early but we are sorry for years. outnumbered cohost and former white house press secretary kayla mcelhinney joins me now let's go back to the top. the damage these illegal alien rapes and murders are doing to the campaign, how they do think this is and you think their strategy of silence is going to work? >> no, it's not. their names lake and riley
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rachel moran a 13-year-old's name we don't know assaulted in a park now we know a 12-year-old girl murdered. and jesse the more details we learn more horrifying this is to every mother in america. it's happening in brooklyn where a girl her assault was filmed by an illegal migrant and now we're learning in his case and the case of this girl murdered these individuals were literally caught by border patrol and released. the definition of catch and release. and if you don't think every mother in america is listening when it happens in the maryland two mother of five and blake and riley in georgia, we realize it could be any of our daughters, it could be any of us going out for a run on any given day because we can now count at least five stories in the last few weeks and it's a horrifying thought. i believe this will be chicken late into the minds of suburban women have framed right way and presented factually as we presented it. >> jesse: and it's not stopping. this is only going to pick up
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steam going into the summer and fall there is no hiding from it. the soccer and add, goal! and the racecar for black americans. he is bailing out college student loans it is grotesque. the blatant pandering what does that say about the biting campaign? >> i think it says they have nothing, i gathered in the last few days trying to thank in my mind what's going on around the table as they are putting that campaign. you have this pandering which is about the only positive message coming out of the campaign. but everything else is darkness. i was just reading in the new yorker mike donnellan comparing january 6th, saying this will be like 9/11, it will be whatever own votes on so they can go dark georgia gender sixth and they will try both and neither will work. >> jesse: today's have biden
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buying tacos that had? is that true? >> oh goodness i hope they went breakfast tacos. >> are member trump had the happiest cinco de mayo and biden called him racist and no buying tacos. i don't know up is down left is right. >> joe biden got them for him i'm sure. >> i'm sure that's exactly what happen. alright caleigh good to see you. >> thank you jesse. [ ♪♪ ] >> jesse: happy de i thursday. [ ♪♪ ] with so many choices on
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there are so many tina feys i could be. so i hired body doubles to help me out. splurgy tina loves a hotel near rodeo drive. oh tina! wild tina booked a farm stay to ride this horse. glenn close?! with millions of possibilities you can book whoever you want to be. that's my line! booking.yeah
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>> a juneteenth celebration ending in gunfire after a massive shootout started in the streets of oakland last night. but residents trying to dethrone far left mayor with a recall effort over the surge in crime. the mayor may be in more hot water after a house was raided by the feds this morning. christine is here with the latest. >> reporter: hello jesse at
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this democratic mayor is dealing with a lot right now apparently. a house that belongs to the mayor was raided by fbi agents seen carrying boxes out of the house this morning. the fbi would not confirm exactly why they were there. they released a statement saying the fbi is conducting court authorized law enforcement activity. we are unable to provide additional information at this time. the fbi also searched two other nearby houses. the san francisco chronicle reports the two homes belong to members of a politically influential family that owns a recycle company. local media reports that company is under investigation by the city's public ethics commission over ethics of using straw donors to -- including the eventual mayor all of this as residents fed up with the city's crime and budget problems have been trying to get the mayor kicked out of office. just yesterday organizers of a
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recall effort to get her removed from office announced they have in o'fallon signatures to get the recall on november's ballot. keep in mind she was just sworn in as mayor in january last year. jesse. >> jesse: that escalated quickly. thanks christina. >> yeah. >> jesse: stop me if you've heard this today it's hot outside. >> a tad bit hot for me and i am done. i am done. >> it feels fine in the shade but when you're walking in the sun getting all the heat on you from the concrete it's oppressive. >> issue get out of here before 10:00 you might be in good shape. no go it's hot. you can't do it. you can't. water all day. cup the stanley cup. >> as temperatures rise so does the propaganda. >> thanks are not going to go back to normal.
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we are moving into a completely different climate era and the implications are profound. the way that our cities are arranged and built do not work. >> we would not be seeing this unprecedented extremes if it weren't for the fact that the planet is the warmest it has been. >> what we are seeing now is a taste of what it's going to be like all the time. >> not just the media car politicians warning us about a weather pandemic. >> certainly into tuesday, wednesday characteristic, friday we're going to be having an extreme heat event. this is not a natural hot weather stretch for us here in the state of new york especially upstate but we are going to be seen temperatures at levels we have not seated in our lifetimes. >> jesse: no one is buying ten years left to live live. but we'll want a cleaner and healthier planet so what is the solution? >> we want to do the same thing
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here communicate the right way i think this whole climate change dialogue is not good to work. at the gets been used the last two decades i think we should address it directly what it is which is pollution. we want to terminate pollution that is the message we should get out there. >> jesse: net quickset dirty rivers are smoggy skies skies and don't you dare litter. but that is not enough for billionaire sociopaths like liberal mega- donor rachel pritzker teaming up with the university of washington to block out the sun. yes ladies and gentlemen the liberals want to block out the sun to stop global warming. how? the idea is to shoot chemicals into the clouds to meet the more reflective so they reflect the sun's rays were back at it. bill gates tried something like this a couple years ago at a bomb to. last month scientists tried to hairspray the clouds and the project got shut down a 20 minutes of public health risks.
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acid rain comes to mind.go aheag god and see how it shakes out. i would rather take my chances with fate. environmental lawyer in senior legal fellow environmental legal institute steve malloy. steve, is at the hottest it's ever been we. >> now is not even close. it's hot outside, it is summer capital the temperatures we are seeing in this eastern heatwave we've all experienced before. many decades and generations ago it was much hotter when they were much lower emissions and much less urban heat. it's the concrete and asphalt in cities that chaps eat. we've seen it all before but we haven't seen is the amount of lying and propaganda. that's really going through the roof. >> so it's not the hottest it's ever been, what about blocking the sun steve? is this a realistic solution, to
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hairspray the clouds to reflect the raise back at the sun? >> this is really interesting because these guys are kind of on the right track portal weeks ago there is a study that came out in an nature journal and it reported that 80% of the warming spike we've had the past year is because of the sun, cleaner air allowing more solar radiation to strike the planet. the other 20% of the warming was el niño totally natural nothing to do with a missions. so these guys are right that the sun is what drives our weather and our climate but they are crazy if they think that they're going to be able to shoot aerosol particles into the sky to reflect the sun and somehow control the weather. who's going to make that decision and what of the consequences going to be? what if the chinese start doing agreed we want that to happen? the whole thing is kind of nuts. what i think is going on, it psychological warfare.
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russia president vladimir putin threatens nuclear war. these guys are sabre rattling by threatening to block out the son. what does it say about soul in psychology that they think that they can shoot something into the sky and block the sun out and change the entire world? what does that say about them personally in your opinion? >> while it's like being a megalomaniac. first authors nothing going on that so badly to blot out the son. not all. >> megalomaniac i think you nailed it. steve think is so much. >> our hse ticket. >> are voters buying the cheap fake hopes? >> biden and obama were on stage at obama had to grab joe by the hand and escort him off the stage. >> i don't think joe biden knows english so he probably got a personal translator. [ ♪♪ ]
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joe biden begins a long week
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ipt ei thursday primetime favoured ably. in honour of our chapter where bring you the biggest -- primetime broke the story on new york strip of despair were clans of homeless addict wander the streets and assault innocent civilians are where is the mayor? talking about chocolate. >> you look at our ministration you'll see for yourself we've got all this talk late running the city. and you trying to figure out why they are hating on me? [ laughter ] >> jesse: i don't know mayor behind it looks like neapolitan. bonilla chocolate strawberry. now wants te i engine without a little pride? kamala harris invited the circus to town and it made dylan look square. the cast of queer eye strutted into her office like they owned the place and maybe they do.
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[ laughter ] [ ♪♪ ] >> just so you know we will fight average net open drawers it's in our dna. >> sean and louis that we are. >> jesse: we heard later that they gave dougie afresh a fabulous fabulous makeover. it was fabulous. the airline pilots association saying they are done with offensive language but we are talking about the aft word we are talking about the competent tush topic. according to the diversity exclusions at they want to stop pilots from saying cockpit because it excludes women. no more manpower either a, instead people power or human power. the guide also advises against her just a group of people as you guys since the word is not
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inclusive of women, transgender people and people with different identities. and whatever you do do not say mother or father. those phrases could ostracize different family structures fox news has reached out to alpa and they told us there are real threats to aviation safety but opening the doors of opportunity to ensure we have a robust supply of qualified aviators isn't one of them. no de i thursday is complete without a victory of course. elon musk loves what this new ai startup is doing. they are called scale ai and the founder alexander wang said he is not using di at all. when he does his hiring he will be using an ei merit excellence and intelligence period mei is the new te i. human pit is the new cockpit. [ ♪♪ ]
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>> jesse: you seen the videos of joe biden freezing up and wandering around but the democrats don't want you to believe you're eyes they call them fake. but do you think there fake? johnny went out to find out. [ ♪♪ ] >> what's up with joe biden wandering around looking confused all the time? >> he is old. >> he's kind of slow right now. >> you sound dumb. >> that escalated quickly. >> that's his nature. happy juneteenth everyone. >> let's talk about juneteenth. joe biden was at a juneteenth event at the white house having a good time and he is frozen. >> he was they forgot to turn him on. >> why isn't he moving? >> joe biden. there more important thanks we should be criticizing him for.
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>> there's a genocide genocide happening under the side of the planet. >> this guy doesn't understand that? how could he not understand that? >> at the g-7 joe biden wandered off into a field away from all the foreign leaders all by himself then the italian prime minister had to pull him back. >> oh, my god. >> what that [ bleep ] this is weird. >> i feel uncomfortable to be honest that someone like that is in power. >> then he puts the sunglasses on. >> they no idea what people want to see. >> at a fundraiser biden and obama were on stage and obama had to grab joe by the hand and escort him off the stage. >> sure national under pressure. >> why do they keep having to escort and places creek. >> looks like an as a caretaker. i think he died two years ago.
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>> i see dead people. >> why are you asking me about joe biden forgetting things? there is violence happening this is a waste of money. >> talking about the significance of the passage of time the spirit democrats are saying those real videos you just watched two they look fake to you? they look pretty real to me. >> know these people think these thanks are fake they try to propagandize their faces. >> that make a lot of sense. >> do you trust the media? >> of trustee. >> who do you trust? anderson cooper? >> you think i watch anderson to berkeley. >> wolf blitzer's. >> wait spec rachel maddow? the view? >> oh honey. >> a not even a big true -- fan. >> i don't even know what they knew set. >> why do the democrats deny joe biden is old and frail. >> they want to have the democrat empower. >> people can stand behind who they want and control.
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>> is joe biden to old? he will die after he is elected. >> why are we talking about some guy walking off queen. >> he is not some guy he is the president. >> you are right you are just some guy. >> i don't how to put this. but i'm kind of a big deal. >> the democrats don't want you to believe what you see with your own eyes how does that make you feel quick. >> what is actually? >> to thank there's typically. >> why do republicans not want us to believe what we see? >> admin example. >> give me an example. >> all these videos. okay. >> you just don't get it. >> is dull much of old and frail? >> the gratis leader of all time. >> he is savage. >> he looks a well fed. >> we are all fat. [ ♪♪ ] >> you're going to be a josie waters on fox news what do you want to tell him? >> i don't know who you are but this is the wackiest interview
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5:55 pm
and the things that we did overseas and not everybody can do that. adam! how's it going, brother? we live pretty close to each other. so he's always coming over. when i go to jack's house, we watch a lot of football, hang out. we go outside the friendship has kind of grown into a family i was overseas on a deployment. i got separated from my marines and i got hit in the neck, and it broke my neck and paralyzed me. 14 years ago, i was on a training mission. did a military freefall, and i had some faulty equipment. i hit the ground. going, 30 to 40 knots and was instantly paralyzed. i met jack fanning when he invited us to park city, utah, through his foundation. i was able to actually get on the mountain and ski with my family, i can't put into words what that meant.
5:56 pm
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5:59 pm
statement emma is on the advisory board for hope for education and on for profit which provides economically disadvantaged children scholarships to attend high quality values based schools. she did set delmas children it hudson school a great event for a great cause if you want to get involved visit hope through education usa for education usa do it now it's do some text. kathy from salt lake city the special announcement last night was a total -- a total cheap fake you were right. teresa from cypress if those liberals are hot they should sit
6:00 pm
in the icebox courtroom scott from texas ask the dinosaurs what happens when you block the sun. how did the dinosaurs diet thought it was a meteor. that they die because the sun went away i don't bobby joe from new york johnny is so funny can i pinch his cheeks. which cheeks for me from cleveland ohio my 4-year-old grandson named his hamster jesse watters pizza 1 handsome hands to her. thanks guys name all of your freaky pets after jesse watters dvr the show hannity's next remember i'm waters and this is my world. [ ♪♪ ]


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