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tv   The Five  FOX News  June 20, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT

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statins helped. but our ldl-c (bad cholesterol)-it was stuck! stuck! just couldn't lower it enough. and high ldl-c meant a real risk of another attack. so i said, "let's ask our doctor about repatha." what can i say? listen to your heart. repatha plus a statin dramatically lowers ldl-c by 63%, and significantly drops the risk of having a heart attack. do not take repatha if you are allergic to it. repatha can cause serious allergic reactions. signs include trouble breathing or swallowing or swelling of the face. most common side effects include runny nose, sore throat, common cold symptoms, flu or flu-like symptoms, back pain, high blood sugar, and redness, pain, or bruising at the injection site. we won't let another heart attack set us back. and neither should you. listen to your heart. lower your ldl-c and your risk with repatha. talk to your doctor. rick reichmuth. that will do it for all of us here. now "the five." ♪ ♪ [ ♪♪ ] >> i'm jesse watters with judge janine richard fowlem r and greg
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gutfeld it's 5:00 in new yorkd city and this is the 5. [ ♪♪ ] democrats worried by them will blow it at the cnn presidential weedebate. >> this is the election as farm as i'm >> the world will l be watchingn abiding goes out there g and messes up it's game over these lower in the polls its panic in the party if you stand toe towa toe with a runaway train like donald trump for an hour and ae fihalf you are fit to be presidt point-blank the whole presidencr in a bottle. com >> maybe that's why he's spending the next 7 days cramming like crazy while trumpk is tearing it up on the campaign trail the confused commander-in-chief a secluded at camp david to prep for a 90th minute debate's right-hand mann running point making sure the
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big guy doesn't wander off the stage joe won't have access tolt his handy little note card soon they havs e binders with questis and answers to each of them.ill a report claims they will be juicing joe with his favourite drink of orange gatorade. if biting gets flustered the obameta team of exspeech writers have a couple answers and zingerers. >> we passed a large justin climate bill in history yourimat member climate change because you changed the climate in the s courtroom stinking it up with your farts i'm bringing down cost you're promising to cut taxes for your rich friend but donald if you have to cut theira taxes soxe they will hang out wh you are they really your friends did they even call you after the whole fart thing. >> while he gets his reprogramming at camp david they deal with a different type of ttrauma. >> you don't mean the simple side this donald trump rather
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rick and his swagger looks more like 2016 in the campaign you yocoverage than he looks in 202. >> donald trump will fire up crowds hitting books for his prepfor the former president holding your rally in philadelphia saturday night he's also doing policy meetings with advisors and congressional allies. greg what you expect to see from joe biden are they scripting joke? >> i'll like a good fart joke but telling biden to make fart jokes is like telling alec saf baldwin to make a gun safetyyour jokes it blows up in your face perhaps your pants. tape it cici to the back of your life alert button and pretendld and hold on like that. trump should prep to debate joec but practising otin a crash test dummy even when i say that i know i'm making a mistake because predictingit a b biden disaster means anything short of
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a disaster is a biden win so don't listen i would not treat this like he's an invalid trumpn needs tova go in and focus on ta harmful woke policieves that damage the country talk about how everything costs more not just food but your quality of life and personal freedom crime raises the price of freedom just like inflation the big point of what makes this rare is 2 successive terms back to back 2020 until now as the last 4 years with the amazing marriages it's cause-and-effect. as the debate and coverage willl favour a f soft landing for bidk cnn was picked for a reason they bought to every false narrative about trump they are about asob objective to bidenje as biden is what about hunter so that will
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be a vital issue end in a perfect world trumps specific realities outweigh biden's abstracted doom prophecies when joe says you are a convicted felon you say so what i stood for a sham trial you are deemedr unfit to a stand for a real 1 ad they will try and paint trump is a meanie and i think trump justt has to h say you don't have to like me you just have to like the policies because that's whah it's about you don't have to like your boss to know he'st running a great company. >> katie going in there for a week for a 90 minute debate the whole time at camp david do you think that smart preparation orr do youep think they are overdoig it can you be too prepared ifbe you're joe biden. >> way too prepared overthinking thingsfini the underestimate yor opponent that could be a fatalfw
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flaw whether it's in sports or in politics neither side shouldc underestimate what could happen here. joe bideoun could do a decent jb but the bar has been set so low for him based on his own behaviour, of the watering off not being available for press interviews stepping right over that bar. when it comes to what issuesalki they are talking about when it comes to the liberal media questions are much easieresti questions about democracy andis questions of him saying he's atr dictator trump can be very v specific of what biden has donei with himm, into the country and what donald trump did when he was in office for the first tims in decades and centuries ween basically ts2 incumbents wantina second term you aren't having au first time runner runningid against the incumbent president of comparatively ask for a second term which is something
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they put side-by-side and certainly america's watching head of the rnc biden has to do well if he wants to get to the dnc convention with rumours of replacing him. >> you agree with van jones if he doesn't have a great night thursday ieats that it. is the race over week.ce i >> it would definitely be hard to come back from not having at. good night here's what we do know i agree with katie and greg because we've seen 1 could sayu it's because of clips of howlike have utilized clips around the president. a cheap fake or deep fake whatever you want to call it. g what you've seen is as long asin the president can go in there going up for 90 minutes he winsu the debate beyond that they have another mission to achieve they talk to his base of voters asru what trumpmp is going for him jo
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biden has some waffle in his. base he can win the bass next week having a real conversation 1 acknowledge inflation is aowle real thing and second what they've done for them over the last couple of years we have th strongest numbers in american eahistory no more lead pipes inv america thanks te o the work i'e done. 's. >> no pipes in america. >> it's been taken up because of the american rescue plan becausr of the biden infrastructure bill when we started we spent 2 weeks covering flint to michigan no longer a problem because the lead pipes were removed. >> and flint. >> other places as well jackson> mississippi that's a general statement story but jackson mississippi because ofn, m legislation passed by the bideng administration he hao s to sell. that of polling showed an upticp for the president while votersve say the economy is still notcome because they wanted to be the economy they say looks better for biden that is for trump.
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>> janine? >> trump is killing it in swingn states we know that is where ths election is going to happen ith think that becausein of all thet not trea tt fakes i hope the taskforces out there working identifying cheat fakes butut because of b the biden behaviour there is a low expectation of right now and i believe biden there is a low expectation and h think biden will over perform they will juice him up the way they juice them up for the state of the union i think he is goine to stand up there for 90 minutet whatever they're doing and he is going to be more in control thea way he was during the state of the union what's interesting is there was a coin toss and biden took the coin toss and had the right and had a choice do youec want tido decide which podium or who goes last he decided to be
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on the podium on the right asr the viewer looks at the television he thought that washy important i don't know why would that would be important to him t is because he gave trump the right to choose to be the last figure which as a prosecutor i was believed was the mostnt important thing you could do. but i think that joe biden is feeling good going into this thing but i also think that according to an article is that it will beit the main debate. if you recall in 2016 the debate between the vice president's it was all about the flight. in 2020. but in 2016 hillary clinton and donald trump it was about that point when trump said around and said to you would be in jail. i said to given that we pay such a little to long periods of news
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there will be memes that come out and whoever controls theis memes will signal get up therehr their message out there let mett say this there is 1 entertainert on that stage there is 1 guy who is able to tell a story of howue america succeeded under him ando another guy who can't explainwh why things are so bad if they stick to the factual evidence and the strength i think trump wins but i think biden will over perfor m.up >> you mean juiced up joe not? with gatorade i don't think it t was gatorade. .> i don't think so either >> i'm eyeing up democrats and liberals are shocked americans e want to kick out migrant monsters
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all these games on directv— and no satellite on the roof! think about this: blue jays, cardinals, orioles... what's missing? the andean condor? no, walnut-brain! pigeons! they'd rather name a team after socks! to be fair, we're not very athletic.
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♪ ♪ >> greg: democrats s democrats shocked to finfinm out a majority of americanspp support immigration policiesor that would support this deport illegal aliens response will for heinous rapes and murders he turned to a polling denier when confronted with the data. >> polling found 62% of americans or in favour of a national program to deport all undocumented immigrants.with >> i'd like to sit down with your team and show how they've gotten this wrong because i sawa polling lla week ago that showew when you explain to people someone has been here 10 yearse or mortee and they are married o a u.s. citizen do you think the should havpae a pathway to citizenship 70% polled said yes,
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because it's the right thing to do. >> the illegal scumbag got extra david to maryland the killer entered the u.s. as a got away he called the mother offering condolences to the familiesow b blasting the dhs chief forer a calling her slain daughter an individual saying the biden in administration hasn't bothered to reach outbo. >> to not even acknowledge myed daughter iges a person or that f she's ema female or a mother to categorize her as a statistic just shows how impersonal they are. >> the rigid killer was scott by a border control 3 times in a matter of days in january early figure 8.23 they kicked her back
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to mexico under title 42 entered in as a got away what you have to >> would have to say i almost 2 million got away since joe far biden has been there there's a reason the, y are got a ways i'h said thiavs a million times why would you refuse the welcome mat of illegal for gets housing of phone money education they get flown to parts of america where the rest of us after drive and hope we can afford guess to be a got away suggest you have something to hide there's au reason youdo don't want to go or the border the whole thing about tom perez the head of the dnc saying americans don't rea understand it is a classic c classic left condescensionla wee just not smart enough to understand that they want thesed illegals are rounded u up depord 62% of us 53% of hispanics ins
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the countriny just liquor not smart enough to understand or comprehend biden's economics that crime is really down these people are totalitarian theyus want u ts to believe what theyev tell us to believe and not what we think. tom perez you don't. ame >> speaker-02: the american people and there's a reason for that donald trump you was your member the angel moms of theer kids who were killed and calledd the family he went to other people speaks to the mother nots joe biden joe biden doesn't do that stuff just let's 11 million peopleden march into the county joe's foreign policy is based on whatever he wants donald trump barnes policy based on talking to americans experiencing whata americans are experiencing and making a decision after that.
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>> richard when you see this list of female victims of crime and the harm done to their families you have to ask where e the empathy is from the ?democrats they always seem to pivot to another story whether the story is it's nothing but fear mongering ofer in the casef tom perez spouses undocumented for 10 years. as when do they empathize with the families that have their loved ones killed. they understand empathy when it comes to avi certain virtue signal what can you say with that. >> no matter how you lose theme it's very sad disheartening going out to all those families i think the interviewee sought the top of the clip there the daisy interview happened thee biden administration issued their policy iss executive ordeo expand the program existing for
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folks here in mixed status familiesmily the way for the hui 1 of the partners is an american citizen and the other isn't and they try to make it so they have an equal status what makes m the policy interestintingg is it affects at of folks half a million families won a sitting member of congresh her husband came to this country as a child. >> you're doing what i just said. >> i'm not were talking. >> hold on a second. >> you hold on.. >> i asked you about this. >> and empathize. >> what about rachel moran. >> i just did. >> you did the preface we feelad bad for yo fu. >> i agree if the bill but were not talking about the bill we are talking as your intragroup
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and the questions. i don't think these things areyo exclusive you can protect the bordere and you can also deal with the folks undocumented here >> is not doing it. >> he di d he passed a exec it awarded to shut down the border. >> the problem is got much worsa >> he shut down the border have we heard a 1 time, 1 time they had 2500 we are going to shut it down not once. texas is talking to california talking to new mexico or arizona no. not once ari they stop them from 2500at. as it was popular with that does that mean they are saying under 2500 a day.ex making it worse while claiming to solve the problem making moro of a national security crisisis what donal.d trump has. more outrage from da w there in the white houswhe showing over e
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murder sir excuses being made the rest of you going undetectem they are venting them they are not vetting them there wereve others who've come for murderine women in their home countries in the statthe of the union the president of the united states sayingon, these are the peopleo are the fabric of the country as they wil l not to demonize those immigrants never using the word illegatal immigrants when talkig about the issue.when when it comes to the pivot it is cynical for the white house this k week to sign the executive orr y people to get on board with even though it's a g violation of the lawo not goinr through congress butd. they arec calling ital family reunificatin so they can be on the side of empathy while they have been on the side of allowing millions of people potentially who p are criminals to come into theinal country and victimize americans the families are
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changed forever people lost their live ls while they claim they are there for family reunification they lost 85,000 children in the system claiming they're different different to donald trump because he's separating children to make sure they were being 6 traffic byeir strange men pretending to be there fathers who weren'ty finally democrats saity it's republicans who wouldn't vote for the legislation as they want more money to process criminals like the guy who killed rachel moran. they want moreed r money to do t they want more money to stop thh people from coming in themo country they want more money to process them and give them housing and healthcare and food and shelter that's what theyat want the'sy don't want to stopis this problem every time there i a problem they pivot nor say c it's worth the cost for whatin they are trying to do in termshe of theirir virtue signalling abt illegal immigration. >> if the majority of hispanics favoured deportation of illegal
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alimmigrants are they also fearl bigots are they racists? >> yes they are xena folks. >> when you reach the age of 45i like ill do you have wisdom outu your pores and you will realizel >> are you sure that's wisdomdo great. >> i thought im?>>t was just we. >> will realize oftentimes whent you do the right thing, theg, right thin tg is always the hard thing. it's hard toit wake up early in the morning and go to the gym it's hard to avoid vices it'so hard to have a salad instead ofi a sliczze of pizza.e the democrat philosophdey is les do what is easiest. let's elect junkie sleep on the street.nd let's spend th ne money and not care what the budget is. let's not enforce immigration laot ew and might feel good to o but it doesn't lead to good outcomes it's challenging to balance the budget sure it's tough to tell people know stop,t you can't come into the country
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but this is what adults do andr thadults all over the country every day are making these decisions because they are strong character and morals s ad now you have a democratic party after fraud fraud years that has said let's do the easiest thing possible and let everybody inyb they calodl it compassionate thy say it's humane but it's the exact opposite now the pendulumi is swinging backte and hispanico majority of the country want the reaction of mass deportations ot these people everybody will get upset they throw a tantrum whatever this is a reaction with the democrat policy has been time for adults to come to the room and make tough decisions it won't look goo'sd it will be toa and hard but it's of the righti thing to do. >> i'll have to say is james langford wrote a border bill tht most conservative border believ ever seen. >> no 1 cares gimmick democrats are willing to do the right
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thing in the house blocked it. >> not even a shutdown he was r labelled aeps a republican in ne only for the border billmocr democrats didn't want to vote for the were willing to vote for it andblic they blocked it. >> biden did sing by executivee order wherore he said he secured the border the sign said he secured the border.g >> nothing secures the boardse more than congressional action and that's what he wanted. >> he said he secured the boardn by executive orderot and not 1 time have we heard since the promoted himself as securing the border which h e initially said t he didn't have power to do not time avenue we heard that oe han to stop them from coming in.g in they are coming in more and more >> if you believe in borderin security we passed the bill. >> they can see for vagrants the swanky high-rise in la now open thanks to taxpayer dollars. tha. ♪ ♪ veteran homeowners need cash but worried you can't get a home loan because of your credit? here's great news.
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♪ ♪ >> open for vagrancy the homeless will be living high on the hothg as luxury high-rise se shelter opens for business the 165 million taxpayer fundede project taking hea$1t coming wih a bunc sh of sweet amenity is le a gym and art a music room and n library the la mayor knows those freebies will be controversiall to most peopleto but she had ths excuse,.ti >> the amenities herese will be talked about in a way that isot not so positive. s a gym, music, art, recreation all the things needed to heal all part of the extra health. >> yes, he knew the 600,000-dollar condo with a gym way to solve homelessness inli california and lfoa first place
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after college was $450 monthly you university fraternity house and that there was a mouse. my mother came to visit a brownie on the side of the bedside table with mouse nibble bites and she says jesse watters they did not raze you to live like this. this is how i'm living mom thist is expensive's the next apartmet was 950. my parents helped meas $ and the moved into a place around 200,000 below a month -- 2000 and month the bathroom is in the kitchen that was here ina manhattan. now you're going to a place that has more amenities then the producers on her show have libraries jim's most apartments in the city don't have these amenities so now you are rewarding bad behaviour and punishing good behaviour all the families saving and behaving and
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living honourable lives are squeezed out of california by ao atrocious public polic, y.ens >> what happens to the when the rich people in california payini for this leave california andne they don'ty have money.orni >> then more rich people come into california who can afford to stay i that's how it plays out yet thio super richor and super poor nothing in between. you can solve homelessness easy you enforc oe the laws onyo loitering in vagrancy you arrest those who don't comply those mentally old go to a facility those incapacitated by drugs go into treatment and facilities leaving a tiny fraction of the homeless the who aren't thereby there own doing a timely fraction is a tiny faction they can get the shelters and services you can get to thatt last step for that tiny fractiol until you go for the other ones that require structured empathyi
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it's notke like you say a feel-good destructive imposter of enter edition -- empathy people also don't talk about hot you need to get the mentally ill out of this city view want mental health you don't treatn' mental illnesst in aloud stressful area they placed sanatoriums in the countryside the scandal of homelessness is because of activistofs with no real world experience applying false empathy on a problem which calls for real empathy through boundaries structure and forced treatmenstrut or immediate evicn tough love is what we called it people don't understand concepts of empathy shouldn't lecture us on compassion your compassion i' destroying people's lives it'ssi nocat about physical structurese those get wrecked in a year it's about establishing boundaries and moral structures. t >> judge democratic politicians have stolen billionshe for the
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homeless industrial complex andn in la they release new results showing increase in homelessness despite of the money they spent >> any surprisbee it's not abou. the homeless i want to know who got the contracts to build that building. i want to know who has thentra contracts to supervising the building to maintain and clean the building where the contracts bid contracts or were they n i wantontracts and the to do comparison the campaigns's that is my first second o sf all this all of thee apartments 275 of them. 40 or 7% are for veterans.the the ones who put their lives on the line under willing to go oun of this country and get it all for us. we give it to the homeless and drug addicts as greg is said they need some restrictions they
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need to be a noncity area they sublet these apartments make some moneyap go out and buy drus and it can be a dangerous situation at the end why a high-rise these people are drug addicts most of themmo you makei them siggnn a waiver of liabili if thehiy get high and fall offf the buildingal. >> richard? >> your point around veterans 1 of the leading voices in the law that says if you're a veteran and you are homeless get your veteran benefits you qualify for affordable housing working to change the leap will also working to deregulate this theg reason there's not mucheles affordable housing is because of the regulation she's working to get rid of that since she's been mayor she's only been mayor for 2 years 16,000 new affordable housing units online so they cah afford to live in la.
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>> and homelessness is u p afterth all of that.atde coming up a freeloading democrat staffer roasted after boasting how biden wiped out his student debt help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost. ♪ when the sawdust settles and the engine finally roars the thing you care about most is a job well done. ♪ but when you get your tools from harbor freight something about the job feels a little different - your wallet. because we believe no matter what you're working on you need high quality tools at a great price. and that's what we're all about. ♪ whatever you do, do it for less, at harbor freight. ♪
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[ cellphone ringing ] phone call from the boss? sorry. outdoor time is me time. sticking it to the boss, that sounds fun. we have sort of a flat hierarchy, so -- wait, flo isn't the boss? well, you could say i'm a boss at helping people save when they bundle. nope, thanks. we're not gonna say that. -i'd rather not. -very cringey. how do you keep your teeth so white with all the coffee you drink? my secret lumineux whitening strips. i mean, that is white. and because there's no sensitivity, i feel like i can use them more often. and you can get this at walmart or target. hi, i'm gina. i've tried so many things to lose weight. none of it worked. i would quit after a few days or a week at the most. golo is not like any of those. with golo and release i not only met my goal i've surpassed it. and i'm keeping it off.
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♪ ♪ >> judge jeanine: eight democrat congressional sta you make a democraticpp congressional staffeedr ripped r boasting about student loan bailout scam from biden he posted this on twitter saying i just got a call to let me know my student debt has been cancelled this is why elections s whmatter thanks joe biden all right richard. >> i knew you would come to me. >> isn't it great to talk to people get to sign a contract wh pay for that contract and the
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guy who bought the trick -- t pickup truck insteadru of goingo college gets to pay for that contract. >> i'm not sure how this got given as taxpayers pay it. is what matters in the story asi with thece public loan forgivens program created in 2007 by george w. bush. >> the supreme court said that-- but it's a different program this program goes to borrowers 10 years of public service social workers congressional orkestaffers is joe biden did es it in march he came out to change the regulations of the program 78,000 borrowers together loan forgiven majority teachers nurses social workers guidance counsellors recreation centre directors they work with the american peopleae each and every day and they deserve is for their 10 years of paying their student loan debt on time
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program from george w. bush in >> let me ask the question the u.s. supreme court these college loan forgiveness are legal they do not come under the staff as nobody is forgiving the debtid it's being paid by somebody else it's stolen.much how was this over the years $7.7 billion is actual loan was 8 to grant coming to something like 50 bucks a month what a lazy fat slimeball. i'm sure his phone will costsm multiple timessu that i'm sure e is netflix buying a ton of twinkies he couldn't pay that off he couldn't pay it off himself he had to get somebody else to pay that.?
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don't call it forgiveness or cancelling call it theft it's election bribery right before your eyes. >> student loan relief as contributed 27% jump in rejectee federal budget as the deficit would hit 1.9 trillion they say as of this tuesday the office was underbite when he 7% as they predicted it wouldn't be a w problem and now we know becausee of student debt it is. >> no such thing as a free lunce or student debt forgiveness as they said as to be bragging, about this youyo don't to put s everything on twitter they put that tweet and it's on private or whatever so you can't see them s o he's thinking joe bideng not george bush from 20 years
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ago it's something that maketh americans upset the majority of americans do not have a college degree and they work really harr whether you're a dad or momr sending your own get to college as now they are paying it not just through that as well. >> quickly the idea of gettinggi some minimum wage and having to pay for this as these get so spoiled haven't done anything saying they're not responsible. >> you did aare deep diode on e social media as yes seats at eagles at nationals gamesls of these ae hundreds of dollars ticket prices.t now myin data got in trouble wih credit cards when i was young i put 5 grant on a card as a debt is a sin he cut up the card and made me work my tail off the
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rest of the summer so i broke even if i was going to philadelphia games at $500 a seed as ahead as the orange spraying climate change fanatics are coming for your house. -remember when i said we need to screen for colon cancer? -was that after i texted the age to screen was now 45?
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[both] because i said cologuard®! -hey there! -where did he come from? -yup, with me you can screen at home. just talk to your provider. [both] we'll screen with cologuard and do it my way. cologuard is a one-of-a-kind way to screen for colon cancer that's effective and non-invasive. it's for people 45+ at average risk, not high risk. false positive and negative results may occur. ask your provider for me, cologuard.
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>> richard: >> 's grandpa artoe ready to gie up his set house to save the planet. as they said this to give it thg large family homes and get alarg roommate as a ways to giving up the house? >> not a chance nobody's moving and i'm very happy you can'tvery guilt me into it i'm not lonely him very happy that's enough. >> she is not lonely just a. >> i hear 5 judge indian she might sublet or room herself. >> she's advertising a new york : adtimes.ter] [ laughter ]ie >> not until the air-conditioner gets fixed. >> and the marble. gat >> when al goure and bill gatese give us,p their massive massive homes yes, but until then leave
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them alone. r >> washington post iics in deep t"trouble right now they're not even trying they have a chartof with the topics in your life and you just apply climate or racist to it that's 2 stories and sometimes they go is racism causing climate change does racism cause climate change insulting onto has been for theu climate or bad for racism maybe they havrae darts at they throw the darts of their as you canal actually dlyo this story without thatry say maybe we should thint about community centred around shared access get people together not a bad idea this grid up with that. >> don't we have those?ho >> the and they have a good idea i will be there in a couple years. >> having boom mates. >> judged any is not moving. 1 more thing is up next.
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then your face will surely show it. ■ ■ if you're happy and you know it, take a shot. ■ and when you call or go online right now to donate $19 a month or more, we'll send you this adorable love to the rescue® blanket as a thank you and a reminder of all the smiles you're bringing to kids faces every day. will today be the day you send your love to the rescue? when you call the number on your screen right now and give as little as $19 a month, just $0.63 a day, you'll be making a life changing difference for a child just like sarah. your monthly gift today could change a life forever. because of you, we are happy and we know it. thank you. thank you. thank you. thank you. please call or go online right now to give if operators are busy, please wait patiently thank you. thank you. please or go online right now to give if i present busy.
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please wait patiently for love from your daughter or right away. >> this is what we call luxury from turquoise waters. you'll be engulfed in the world of indulgence and serenity. this is the back to the great outdoors. this is so exquisite. we are skanska scale for all of our and okay, we're ready. this place is extraordinary at every turn. judge jeanine is taking you inside the world's finest accommodations. she was a large guy. see you later. life of luxury. new season streaming now only on fox nation. >> you know how your car insurance rates just kind of creep up? experience compares your current car insurance coverage with over 40 top providers, and it's tailored just for you. >> i just saved over 900 bucks when it comes to car insurance. we do the work. >> you save the money. free at experian .com slash car. the fox news shop lets you show your patriotic pride all summer long with our proud american gear, featuring all new styles from tees
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and tanks, devices and flip flops, swim trunks and more order now for delivery by the 4th of july. go to shop today. >> that's your time. now for one more thing. emma is on the advisory board for hope through education. it is a not for profit organization that provides economically disadvantaged children scholarships to attend high quality values based k through 12 education. and she sat down and spoke with some of the students today at hudson farms during the sporting clays classic. great event for a great cause. hope through education. if you want to get involved tonight, jesse, what is primetime? >> johnny was out there talking about cheap fix watch. why do democrats not want you to believe what you see with your own eyes? >> why do republicans not want us to believe what we see with our own eyes? give me an example. give me an example of all these videos. >> okay. oh, tonight at eight, greg. all right. tonight we got another great show, emily campuzano,
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andrew gruel, active entire as tune in or tune out. >> let's do this. greg's check out my . i love showing america my favorite. >> and today it's a named walnut. >> oh, wow. you just had some dental surgery. this is at the point to find zoo and aquarium in washington. and after dental surgeries, got to eat something very soft. >> so this had just two teeth pulled and needed antibiotics. so they gave him a peanut butter sandwich where they hide the meds in it. >> all right. for vicki beavers probably got peanut butter all over the place. >> yeah. what an adorable. all right, that's all right. so. oh, i may have mentioned that i did something on fox nation called the life of luxury. now, if you weren't watching that day, i'm running it by you again. you have to watch it. you just pick the best places to go on vacation and see how the rich and famous lived so downloaded on fox nation
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life of luxury with judge jeanine. it's worth it. and it was fun. >> eat your heart out, jesse. was that a long gavel or a croquet mallet? it was croquet. scared of that when you're wielding it that way? >> yeah. richard so i want to circle back on a promise that i made a couple of weeks ago to jesse, because i'd like to say promise made, promise kept. >> let's watch on the free on wednesdays. not only was it undignified, funny for them, they're fundraising off of this. okay? it's like the t shirts for you on wednesdays. >> article jesse. one of those. >> jesse knows you're free on wednesdays, so you should wear it during the debate. thank you very much, richard. now, free on wednesday. now is free seven days a week, right? okay. thank you, richard, very, very nice. >> did you get this and donate to the budget? yeah, i did it in your name and my name. great. so i'm. and is your mama love it. >> all right. there has been an amazing discovery at george washington's home.
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archeologists have unearthed cherries stored in glass bottles in the cellar of his mount vernon estate in northern virginia. the 29 bottles, which are intact, are from the 18th century and contain cherries and berries that are currently being analyzed. scientists say the perfectly preserved fruit from more than 250 years ago is an impressive dented so pretty cool that something does happen. >> the fruit is actually good to eat apparently. >> do you know what's really good at kind of burrowing underground beavers? yeah. a lot of people don't know. they live right through burrow or how did they know that it was still good? >> do they taste it? >> well, they took them out. you can see them you want. won't eat those cherries though would you know fudgy cherries. oh yeah. okay. pretty cool. react to that anymore. that's what that was for the drag race tonight. y. e a great night, everybod >> welcome to jesse watters. >> primetime tonight. he's going to be s


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