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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  June 20, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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archeologists have unearthed cherries stored in glass bottles in the cellar of his mount vernon estate in northern virginia. the 29 bottles, which are intact, are from the 18th century and contain cherries and berries that are currently being analyzed. scientists say the perfectly preserved fruit from more than 250 years ago is an impressive dented so pretty cool that something does happen. >> the fruit is actually good to eat apparently. >> do you know what's really good at kind of burrowing underground beavers? yeah. a lot of people don't know. they live right through burrow or how did they know that it was still good? >> do they taste it? >> well, they took them out. you can see them you want. won't eat those cherries though would you know fudgy cherries. oh yeah. okay. pretty cool. react to that anymore. that's what that was for the drag race tonight. y. e a great night, everybod >> welcome to jesse watters. >> primetime tonight. he's going to be so pumped up,y
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you know, all that stuff that was missing about a month ago from the white the tha hous >> actually, i think it was. joe, i can't even believe i have to fact check that one. hoaxes, cocaine, jokes and fact checks. one week until the debate weekee do a little trolling. >> it's called we do a little trolling. . >> i think this whole climates change dialog is not goingclshod to work. >> i think we should address it back to what it is, whicsshn. is pollution. >> we want to terminate pollution. liberals new plat to tn to figho global warming. >> block out the sun. ohfight glk ou, oh. >> we got all of this chocolate money. the city and you're tryingng t to figure out why they hate normie. >> happy d thursday. hey, plus, you sound dumb.
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>> we're one week from the cnn presidential debate and joee biden is officially off the grid. the president is taking the entirefficially of week offh cram at camp david prime time expects biden to sling the same corny lines and hoaxes. democrats have been pushingbeenp for years. >> but sources tell cbushing fs that biden has a surprise up his sleeve. su expecte shou some surprises as well, because this is such a criticaxl performance for president biden, not only on the content but on his physical performance as well. >> surprise, physicalhysica performance. >> what does that even meal n? is he going to rip his shirt off and do push ups like rfk? >> what does cbs know? republicans should controld cont their high hopes here, because i thinrotheir k biden hf performed at big events like state of the union. orthey give him his debate,, d e and he's good for you know, a good 30 minutes. if he's still debating after 4 hours, we'll havisr
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e to call the doctors. >> trump, on the other hand, isn't takings. the week off froi campaigning. he's doing a rally in philly saturdaygning, d, taking a big t of the biden base. >> the former president says rallies are the way he doeswa debate prep. o watc >> is anybody going to watchurco the debates? s >> he's going to be so pumped up, he's going to be pumped upuf . you know, all that stuff that was missing about a month house.m the whitethat what happened? who who left? is somebody left at the eye, i wonder let's say somebody of aa laptop in an office gentleman was supposed to fix the laptop from. he neverse picked it up and somebody didn't pick up hundreds of thousandsh of of dollars worth of cocaine. co i wonder who that could have beetn? i don't know. actually, i think it was joe. >> and now we know it wasn't joe's coke.y tr but it's funny. trump knows that. thatd knows that. w >> the only one who doesn't
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know it is the media. know i can't even believe i hae to fact check that one, i guess, if that's what you're calling it. but -- but it was not president biden. >> what's happened in the last few monthsden. is convicted feli more extreme statements even than eveorr before. i mean, this cocaine example, this is normal now for donalmple trump to throw anything out there. >> donald trump on stage >> dou that president biden will be on cocaine to back up the point i'll make here, this individual, this candidate, this convicted felon, plays dirty. he plays an uglyidate, t he's da many times in the past. we could spendst the nextd three and a half hours listing his lies. we wouldn't get through thema hg >> he lies like a rug. i mean, they're fact checking his jokes. >> the media doesn't see joke about cocaine found in the white house. nothing funny or jus t dog cujo. nothing funny at all. or the president scarede at to dance at a juneteenth party. >> that's not funny whenth par trump's riffing and making
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the media fact check jokes and ha is a positive message.tie that's a dangerous donald. kien's mes the last time we saw that kind of swagger? >> donald trump'f swagges rhetoc even, and even his sort of swagger? it looks more like 2016. 2016. the donald trump in detroit and those events he did, he was oddly loose. be he was trying to be funny andan all of this where from about 2017 to 2022, we had and even 2023 through the primaries,ve it's been nothing but angry grievance. trump right, angry, angry, angrt any. , an >> it's interesting iferes he somehow dropsting the grievae ,but he could end up looking end more like that. >> 20 16 candidate where he's the outside disrupter. >> trump's happy disrupterto strategy is powerful. it's genuine. tell we beatr strategi the establishment in 2016. atto 2020 was tough for ho the fun outsider. he was the incumbent dealing be t with the pandemic riots. fbi cover ups thisic riots year,
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trump's got his swagger back, and it could be his secrets gois to winning the swing states and even picking off a surpriscret minnesota is a reliable democratic state and votesmocrai democrat in every presidential campaign. in poll after polly presid, i se trump within two or undee points in minnesotin with i don't think the media understands exactly what's going on right now. >> both democrat and republican voters are attracted the common sense policies from a former president who doesn't wander around and feels they missed the trump years, their quality of life standard of living. >> but cnnof says voters are ju forgetting how bad things were. >> we talk a lot about trump amnesia, and i think i hope joe biden reminds the american people where he found us. >> he found us curled up in ourd beds, locked up in our houses, in la, you know, in the middle of a pandemic. teen donald trump was tellinpeg
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us to inject bleach to cure it. >> and so i hope b that someleac of this trump amnesia that we're all suffering gets cured by joe biden next week.thy voters don't have trump amnesia. they have biden regret't. and nobody's thinking about the pandemic anymore. we're thinking about grocerys tt is gas a tight border? but democrats can't debate the issue, so they're going to ride out the dictator hoax. >>e the former president saying he w dictatorone a on day one and he would use thee department of justicpae in a wao to weaponize it against his political enemies. eyt ag hand, approach s our work around saying that we are going to to fightht for freedoms, weaponizing the justice departmentfreedom..t what we're about to show you is a timeline and you can decide for yoursel ysfde for right before trump announces or b, unning for president y joe biden promises he'll stop trump from taking power. >> we just have to demonstrate that he will not take power by if we if he does run, making
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sure he under a legitimate efforts of our constitution, does not become the next president again. >> and that message was heard>> loud jesseessages and clear bee days later the democrats send in the legal kamikazekamika is november 18th. very important date. garlanzevember 1 d appoints jack smithappoin as special counselts on two different trump cases the same day the 18th. >> nathatrumses.n wade meets wih house lawyers for 8 hours, the same dayite the 18th, the number three guy at biden's nu, ice department matt colangelo, gives his two week notice to start working with alvint coleo bragg. >> what are the chancesn on the same day the four criminal cases against donald trump emerge from the biden administration and come alivne? everything we just reported is well documented, but talking about it's racist for a variety of reasons, that narrative makes no sense. >> it is factually varietyf fae
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and it's also dangerously perniciously racist because it assumes that d.a. alvin bragg, who is black, could notecutio have executed this prosecution on his own withoutn ithout the supervision of a bunch of white elders. >> if msnbc's calling i you racist means you're right, t but we're going to keep letting those insults roll off liker water off a duck's back. we'll keep pointing out the factwe wils, laughing in thr face and fighting for the countrntryy. . >> north dakotah dako governor doug burgumta joins me now. whoa! what's up? w ar grand rapids, michigan. how are you guys doingguys doi? >> jesse ventura, so great to be with you, jesse.t grou we've got a great group of americans here that care deeply about the countryericansh they're all out here tonight because they want to show goat they knowey wan that this election is going to be determined right here in grand rapids, michigan. they're goine determ
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g to maker me a difference. let's hear from me now who's going to win ngoing to in 2024. >> all right. so you just heard, doug that biden's going to be cramming at camp david for a week. no campaigning, no nothing. just cram, cram, cra campam. what's the former president donald trump doing in terms of debate strategy? wellrategy, he's out talking tol americans about the challenges that affect everybod y. when and when i say everybody, they affect democrats, independents say everybo and re. the thing you talked about, jesse, whether it's the open border, whetheru it's the fact knowledge pouring into our country, whether it's migrant crime, that's occurring, occurr whether it's inflation, whether it's high interest rates. these aren'tin's partisan issues.thes these are affecting everybody in america who's tryine g to wok and put put food on the table, gas in their car. >> otabl he's talking to realha americans about the issues that matter the most to them. t i think that's fantastic debate prep. >> all right. because joe biden has joke ters writers that are helping him. all of obama's old joke writerei
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are giving him lines. he's going to have a few canned lines and he's going to deliver . i remember trump was pretty funny with crooked in 69. f >> he had a few zingers that really just brought it th, and then it got. a little angry in 2020 with that one debate. >> is he going to come out loose? oinwhat's the posture going tog against biden? o beone on one? >> well, i thinkebate president trump's going to have a terrific debate performance. but one thinmance.e thing g i'v, the first lady, catherine and i, i wish every american couldph see president trump the way we've seen him the last six months. 've seenhe's genuinely exceediny funny. but as you know, jessehe is genh the best comics are really smart people, highly intelligent and highlyaudience perceptive, and they know their audiences. and i think president trump's been amazing. your little your your monologue on the front about howabout ho the media doesn't understand humor. president trump is fantastics is when he's making those points. he's also making a point and he understands the pain points of america. he understands how his policies
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for america were great and he understands how in our joe biden, we're no longer we're noa longer at peace in the world and we no longer have prosperity in our country. know, joe is goingyo to throw hoaxes at him just round house aftee r roundhouse of hoax. he's going to say dictatory on day one bloodbath. lock up your political enemies f . you know, if you're fortunate enough to be on the ticket, you're going to probably'renougo have to handle these types of attacks, too. how do you handl handlee these hoaxes ? >> well, i can tell you the first thing about the dictatorship? couu , because wee living in that and my home state as a governor, i wherever i go, i'm sharing with people like this here in michigan that we already understandlike e what being a dictatorship is like, because youa can't have over 30 rules and mandates, some of them over 1000 pageses long coming out of the biden administration, none of them coming ut o from congress that are raising the price of fuel, raising the priceectrit of electricity, raising the price of food. these are these are ideological mandates that are coming down on the states.
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that's what authorities prisonsa do. that's what dictatorships do. they're they follow the democratic processtorship . at and then if you say, oh,se i don't like what the supreme court said about student loan forgiveness, i'm just going to do it anyway. well, we know what it's like undeo it ar dictatorship. >> and that dictatorship right now is joe biden. all right. please tell everybody in grand rapids. jesse watters, primetime lovess. them. let's hear it for grand rapids, michigan. everybody in doug burgum for gr and his beautiful wife. while biden goes on his little darkness retreat>> j, democrats are fearing the worst if he screws this ut ifp, he is cooked. >> this is the entire election, as far as i'm concerne>> td. the entire world will be watching if you if you are a carbon based life form, you've gotased to b life watching.a if you've got a functioning brain stem, you're going to be watching becausebrains if biden goessses u out there and messes up, it's game over. >> trump campaign press secretary karoline leavittress
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joins me now. caroline, there is a lot of pressure on joe biden.much >> you see how much pressure there is. his team thinks if he doesn'trf perform, it's over. i mean, it is over early and there's no cominit is over . >> does the former far president donald trump feel that type of pressurdente? well, president trump is very excited about this debate. trea however, the mainstream media alw also set the bar so lo for this debate for joe biden, jesse, that if he gets up there and doesn' bidt ift soil himself and doesn't fumble and bumble over every word he say as, thenm the media is going to declare this a win for joes goin biden.. president trump knows what he's getting into with cnn. this is going to be a three on one debate with three people who have not treate d himht abo fairly, have lied about him. but he's ready and it showuts his commitment to deliver his winning message to the willican publit todeliver c thas willing to go on cnn. and the real question for joe biden's victoro on cnny is goina whether he can stand up there and defend his abysmal
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policies. >> can he defend his record high inflation crisis? ca can he defend his wide open border invasion that is leading to a loss of life acrossion i this country? that will define how well joe biden does in this debate. so how aggressive can donald trump be? >> they have the mics muten thdt there's not going to be cross talk and he's got to deal with. tapperrestalk. and the cnn mode. is he going to joust? is he going to stay calm? personally, i think calmness stay what's what's the deal? what is the deal in in a week? >> how is it going to look? >> well, president trump is going to be president trump. he is goin presideg to be his t, authentic self. that is why millions hi americans across this great country love him dearly. and he is going to talk of about his record of success in comparison to joe biden's record of failures and weakness. and he's going to bring his optimismcord o that he's been bringing to the campaign trail over the last several months. >> that's wh they he's pullingir massive crowds in wisconsin on a tuesday in the middle
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of the afternoon. onat'sowan why he's set to have a big rally in pennsylvania on saturday night. auesdayonsin.america are excitb about president trump's vision to make this country safe and wealtht trumy and prosperous ag. and you will hear him talk about that. and he's going to behim ta his , comical, funny, authentic self next. that's i mean, when chuck todd says trump's got his swagger back, look chuck oun >> i don't even know what to expect. he's going to i mean, biden is going to call trump a say icted felon. he's going to say, this guy's a convicted felon. i'm not a convicted felo an. e s >> what does the president say >>out that? well, it's an attack doesn that doesn't sit well with the american public. sit weall throughout the witch h in new york, we saw public polling that shows the majorithn yicans of americans view the sham trial for what it was, whichvihe was election interference led by joe biden's regime. and the democrats are truly the masters of projection. joe biden included, every time they point their finger and call president trump a name, they themselvengerand cs
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are guilty of that joe biden and his crime family are the realthey thef criminals sittingi white house. we know they've profited millions and millions white off of sending hunter around the world as their bagman and joldetrue biden is the true threat to democracy. i'm sure you'll hear him utter those words next week as well. while he targets his political opponent, has a wide open bordeter thosasr that's inu our country and his weak foreign policy is leading this nationr into world war three.ol >> all right. gutfeld had a great lineii. spr >> i hate to give him fel credit for it, but he said trump should just sayd , te joe, you put me on trial. but your own departmentbupart of justicement said you're too o and stupid to be on trial. >> maybe b try that one out. that's very true as well. all right. >> t brian.o much, >> johnny, hit the streets. what'sny hit t going on with jon wandering around looking confused all the time? >> that's his nature. >> that's his nature. happy juneteenth, everyone. >> it's an as old saying in the >> it's an as old saying in the navy, the toughest job in thetad
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>> yes. multiple meetings. a billion with a b. we've got the honor. you got this. fox news alert.u fo >> two venezuelan migrants who illegally cross the border are bein alertezuelag charged we murder of a 12-year-old girl inr houston, texas-old. texas. the migrants allegedly abducted the girl, strangled her, girl dumped her body in a creek. the illegals were living together as roommates and were caught on surveillance camera following jocelyn into ainto convenience store the night of her murder. conce stors aftert day a group of five migrants were arrested for kidnapping. s r groua 14 year old girl in i. the migrants abducted the girlgi and were caught traveling with her across state lines. and missourith state l. e wa migrant criminals are waging a war on women. womenand the metoo media is de. silence. this means that our media doesn't care about protecting american women only their ownolc political powealr.
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>> biden migrant murdered rachel moran. the president's still hasn't. said her name solving migrant crime and illegal immigratiogaln is a main pillar of the trump campaign. but instead of reportingn pihe the facts, the media calls trump racist to help joe ourbout joet and it's backfa because guess what?ckfi more hispanic voters trustrs trt trump on immigration than biden. on immand now the media is in t the twisted position where they're calling hispanicsracist racist for wanting to secure the border. so the biden campaign ha fo secs tactic spend money. here's their massivepe ad blitz pandering. i mean, airing during a soccer tournamenturing , creating 15.6 million new jobs, investing billions to create new america.n businesses. and he's even making our community safer from gun violenced ev. trump talks and talks. joe biden gets it done. >> after bringing fried chicken to a black family, n biden's kicking soccer to hispanics. anotheccer ballsr group that bit
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can't afford to lose black voters. rd t, kamala plays the race card. >> you look at what donald trump did to apparently criticize milwaukee. you know, he did that with my home city of oakland. th city ofhe did that as it rels to baltimore, as it relates to atlanta. re aand philadelphia. and i'll let your listeners connect the dots in terms of whalet all those cities have in common. >> but there seems to be a pattern at play. what themmonmsy have in common is they're run by democrats. s americans are ditching the democrats. and now, joe, only joe's only strong base of support is the media. a lady from the view said trump. murdered her family. >> countless americans lostd loved ones to covid. my husband lost both of his parents to doctors within three days of each other. i'm sorry, from the pandemic. thank you. nwe remember those pandemicthos briefings. i remembere pandemic the inject of bleach, perhaps the hydroxychloroquinepe akin dangerous recommendations.
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you were particularly disturbed ,i read, by his refusal to wear a mask. yeah. now what? what was this time like for yo.u having to contradict the president of the united states? and what should know about how he handled the crisis? because wi blame him for mym fo in-laws death. >> imagine sitting next to thery doctor who funded gain of function research at the lab that leaked the viru otions the that killed your in-laws. and blamin g trump. sunny, we're sorry for your loss. and joe, i knoe i knoww it's ea, but we're sorry for yours. >> outnumbered co-host and former white house press secretary kayleigh mcenanyst anw joins me now. the s just go back to the top. the damage that these illegal alien and murders are doing to the biden campaign. doin >> how big do you think thisaign st and do you think their strategy of silence is going to worke is? no, it's not. their names lincoln, riley,
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rachel and a 13 year old whose name we don' mt know assaultedow in the park. now we know a 12 year old lear murdered and jesse. the more details we learn, the more horrifying this is to every mother in america. it's happening in brooklyn, where a girl, her assault was filmed by an illegal migrant. w and now we're learning in his case and in the case of this girl murdered, theseng in hirded individuals were literally caught by border patro le defi and released. >> the definition of catch and release. ni of catcase.and if you don't y mother in america is listening mothddt happens in marylan to a mother of five, when it happens to lincoln riley down in georgia and, we realize it c be any of our daughters. it could be any of udas going oa for a run on any given day, because we can now day countlea at least five stories in the last few weeks. and it's a horrifyin ig thought. so i believe this will matriculate into the minds of suburban women.women it frame the right way.t and if presented factuallywae as we presented it. >> yeah. and it's not stopping. this is only >> jes not going to pick up
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steam going into the summer and into the fall. there's no reallummey from it. >> this soccer red goal and you got the race card for blackican. americans. he's bailing out college student loans. het coe uses the word grotesque, the blatant pandering. doe >> what does that say about thee biden campaign? >> i think it says they have nothing. they i mean, i gathered this ie last few days trying to, you know, think in my mindnd wh' what is going on around that table as they're planning their campaigng one. ve thi >> you have this pandering, which is about the only i guess you could quote, positivh isabog message coming out of the campaign. but everything els of es ju is darkness. i mean, i was just reading in the new yorker. now, mike donline was comparing january 6 and saying that this is will be like 911. it's going to be what everyone votes on so they can go dark why six orjanuar they can go pander. and they're going to try both. neither will work. >> did they show
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they're telling me that they showed biden buying tacos in that ad. >> is that true? oh, goodness. tacos ti hope they weren't. >> breakfast tacos. yeah, stuck. i mean, i remember trump had the happy cinco de mayo with the taco bowl at the trump tower trum r and biden b called them racist. and now he's buying tacos. and i don't knowg , yelp is down lefties, right? >> sure. joe biden got them for him. joe bidi'm sure that. exact i'm sure. sure. that's exactly what happened. all right, kelly what al, good. >> see you. thanks, jesse. happy dea thursday. >> i never knew your cat was so cuddly. cuddly. >> right? she really loves these delectable squeeze up treats y delectable, delectable. your hilarious, delectable squeeze up deliciously delectable, delectable american dollars, quietly funding china. we have allowed american funds to invest in companies producing the goods to kill young americans.
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is apparently dealing with a lot right now, a house that belongs to mayor with apparen was raided by fbira agents. they were seen carrying boxes out of the house this morning. the fbi would not confirm exactly wh y they were there.statemen they released a statement saying, quote, the fbi is conducting court authorizedau law enforcement activity on made in lane. we are unablthormente to provide additional information at this time. the fbi also searched two other nearby houses. the san francisco chroniclsoeme reports the two homes belonged to members of a politically influentiaicallyl family that os recycling company. callaway solutionsrecompany.. local media reports that company is under investigation by the city's pubi public ethics commission over allegations of usingc straw donors to contribute to multiple city council members, includingo who later ran for mayor and won. all of this as oakland residents fed up with the city's crime and budget problems, have been trying to get mayor tao kicked out of office. just yesterday the, organizers a
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recall effort to get her removed from office announced they have enoughd they valid signatures to get in on november's ballot. and keep in mind, tao was just sworn in a shes mayor in januarf last year. jesse, that escalated quickly. e >> thanks.scalat stop me if you've heard thisou'v today. >> it's hoet. h it's hot. but it's been a tad biot ft harr for me. i'm done. i've cut on some air so that i can breathe through the night ie and i'm done. like it feels fine in the shade. but when you're walking ouelfint in the sun with the concrete, like getting all the heat up on you, it's like, oppressivl t >> if you get out here before 10:00, you might be in nood shape. after ten. no g girl like a dog is that ba. you can't do it. you can't order all day.stan i got the stanley culey p. >> and as temperatures rise, so does the propaganda. >> things are not going to go. back to normal. we
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are moving into a completely different climate era and the implications for that are profound. the way that our cities are arranged and built do not work in a era extreme warming. >> we would not be seeing these unprecedented weather extremes. we wouldn't be seeing all of this if it weren'tedented for a that the planet is the warmest that it ha s been. >> what we're seeing now is aof taste of what it's going to be likeng all the time. >> it's not just the media. the politicians are warning us about a weather pandemic, certainly into tuesday, certa wednesday, thursday, friday, we are going to biny charace havinn extreme heat event. exls is not a natura hot weather stretch for us here in the state of new york, . areally upstate but we are going to be seeing temperatures at levels we have not seen in our lifetimes. >> n not so one's buying the ten years left to live lie, but we all want a cleaner and healthier planet. >> so what's the solution? et satwe want to do the same the
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here, being able to communicate the right way. i think this whole climatedial change dialog is not going to work. i think this has beeogs non used for the last few decades. i think we should address ito da directlyde what it is, which is pollution. we want to terminate pollutiongu . >> that is the message. we should go out and get outt e. ther e that i don't want dirty rivers or smoggy skies. and don' t you dare litter. but that's not enough for billionaire sociopaths like liberal mega-donor rachel pritzker, who's teaming up with the university of washington to block out n. su >> yes, ladies and gentlemen, liberals want to block out gen the sun to stop global warming. >>to how? the idea is to shoot chemicalsls into the clouds to make them more reflective so they reflect the sun's rays right back at it. bill gates tried something liket this a couple of years ago and it bombed. last month, scientists triednd to hairspray the clouds and the project got shut dow n in 20 minutes because of public
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health risks. acs to mind. s tr but go ahead, guys. try playing g god and see how this shakes out. i'd rather take my chances with faith. >> environmental lawyer and senior legal felloncesw, eny and environmental legal institute. steve milloy. steve, is it the hottestwe it's ever been? >> no. no, it's not even close. i mean, it's hot outside. i it's summer, but all the temperatures we're seeing in this eastern heat temperat wave we'vel expe all experienced before many decaderis and generations ago, t was much hotter when there were much lower emissions and much less urban heat. island effect. n heat islandherbaissionan effect is very important. it's the concrete and asphalt in cities. it traps heat. i so we've seen all this before,ut but what we haven't seen is the the amount of lying and the propaganda. i mean, that is reallylyda going through the roof. all right. so it's not the hottest it's ever been. it's not theever bwhat about bl, steve? is this a realistic solutionblog
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to hairspray, the clouds to reflect the rays right back at thee cl sun? >> well, so this is really interesting because these guys are kind of on the right track. you know, two weeks ago, there a was a study that came out in one of the nature journals and it reportet ad that, you k, 80% of the warming spikeike we that we've had in the past year is because of the sun, because of cleaner air've past s allowed more solar radiation to strike the planet. the otherallowingsolar 20% of t was el nino. totally natural. it's got nothingof war to do with emissions. so these guys are right that the sun is what driveser our weather and our climate. but they're crazand ouy if theyk that, you know, they're going to be able to shoo bt aerosol particles into the sky to reflect the sun, to somehown control the weather and you know who's going to make that decision? who' the consequences goinguenc to be? do we really what if the chinese start doing that? do wes going to e chine want th i mean, the whole thing is kind of nuts. you know, what i think is goindn
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on? it's just psychological warfare. you know, putig on n, he's saberr war. rattles by threatening nuclear war. you know, these guys are sort of, you know, saber rattling by, you know, threatening to block s out the sun. what is it say about someone'sst psychology that they think that they can shoot somethinge into the sky and block the sunsu out and change the entire the world? what does that say about them personally, in your opinion? well, it's like being a megalomaniac. first of all, there's there's nothing going on. there's nothing going on that'so so bad that we need to blot out the sun. not at all. all right. megalomanit the all.a hack, i think you nailed it. steve, thank you so much. yeahiac i th. ke >> all right, jesse, thank you.t are voters buyinerg the cheap fake hoax? biden and obama were on stageoe and obama had to grab joe by the hand and escort him off the stage. i don't think joe biden, no english. >> so he probably got a personal translator.
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happy d-ii thursday prime times favorite day of the week in honor of reverend al sharpton. we're bringing you the best stories about diversity, equitp. yprimet ,inclusion. >> primetime broke the storyor on new york strip of despair,r where clans of homeless addicts wander the streets and assaultwe s an innocent civilians. >> so where's the mayor? he's talkingd assaul chocolate.ou loo >> you look at our administration, you will see for yourself m. ning >> we got all of this chocolate rain in the city and you'rere ot trying to figure out why. >> hey, normie, how.>> jes i don't know. mayor bologna. it looks like neapolitani don't vanilla, chocolate and strawberry. >> now, what's dea in junes te with that? a little pride i. >> kamala harris invited the circus to town, and it made dillon look square. >> the cast of eye strutted m into kamala's office likee like they own the place. >> and maybe they do the.
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>> all right, we talk just soras you know, we're going to fight. every urged not to open doors, and it's in ouit's ir dna.n and >> see, there's john lewis. there we are on the edmund pettus bridge. that'sloare. why i'm running for president. >> yeah. >> yeah. we heard later that they gave dougie fresh a fabulous makeover. >> it was fabulous. the airlinus fabulit was fe pili saying they're done sae, e arnsive languag but we're not talking about the f-word. we're talking about the cockpiat . according to the diversity equity and inclusion guide, the pilotic.t association wants to stop pilots from saying cockpit because it excludes women. >> no more manpower either. instead, use people power or human power. the guide also advises against o addressing a group of people as you guys, since the words not inclusive of women,
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transgender people and people with different gender identitie woms. >> and whatever you do, do not say mother or father.moth >> those phrases could ostracize different family structureser d . out >> fox news has reached out to alpa and they told us this there are real threats to aviation safety, but openingy the doors of opportunity to ensur e we have a robuste supply of qualified aviators sut one of them. >> in odi, thursday's complete without a victory, of coursei s elon musk loves what this new startup's doing. the company's called scale ai and the founder, alexanderwag wang, says he's not using ai ats all when he's doing his hiring. he's going to be using emmy ai, merit excellence and intelligence. huma ai is the new ai and human pit is the new cockpit.
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you've seen the videos of joe: o biden freezingu and wanderingnt around, but the democrats don't want you to believ te your eyes they call them fake. but do you think they're fak th. >> johnny went out to find out what's up with joewand biden wandering around looking confused all the time. >> he's old. he's pretter ll the y like kind of slow right now. >> you sound dumb. >> boy, that escalated quickly. that's his nature. >> happy juneteenth, everyone. okay, let's talk. about juneteenth. >> joe biden was at a juneteenth event at the white house. everybody was dancin talk ab s atgim and having a good time. and he was frozen. he was. e was thn him on. he is fr why? why isn't he moving? is he okay? >> joe biden looked like a glitch. a little. there's more important things b that we should be criticizing him for. what are those? there'e g him fos a happeningne
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on the other side of the planet. >> and this guy doesn't understandhappening unde any of. th how could he not understand that at the g7? joe biden wandered off into a field away from all the foreigno leaders, all by himself, >>d then the italianreigal prime minister had to pull him back. oh, my god. it o. >> oh, what the. this is weird. >> i feel very uncomfortable. to be honest, someone like fee that is in power. >> and then he putsower. the sunglasses on because he's liks thssese, god, i have a what people actually want to see. >> what do you want to see?to se i want to see a free palestine. yes. a fu i had a fundraiser. biden and obama were on stagnd h and obama had to grab joe by the hand and escort him off the stage. >> joe biden. no english. trudy and i suffered the pressure. why don't i keep having toon escort him placeal unds? o it looks like he's his caretaker. that's not himself places creek >> i think he died like, two years ago. i start people.
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why are you asking me about joe biden? forgetting thing s? iolenc there is violence happening. this is a waste of money. this is a waste of time. is wasteyou're giving me a lot e right now. >> i'm sorry. talking about the significance of the passage of time, the democrats are saying that those reasignificofl videot watched are fake. do they look fake to you? no two the, they're pretty real >> people don't wander for fake. none of these people thinkth thk things are fake. >> they are trying to propagandize their bases. that actuall pr fy makes a lot of sense. >> do you trust the media? i don't trust you.>> do who you trust.>> who >> anderson cooper. you think i watch anderson cooper? wolfyou trust? blitzer. i wait. that's where you know wat rachel maddoch w. rache oh, honey, the view. you're not a big joy behar guy.- >> i don't even know what name you just said. what is what is losing it? a watch? why do the democrats dent y and that joe biden is old f and frail? they want to have the democrat. empowered people can stand behind something they can control.
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>> we've been this has been a secret whothey wan project wen working on for a long time. >> is joe biden too old? he's got a derogator>> iy, r he selective. why are we talking about some guy walking off? we t some guy. he's the president. you're right. gu iyou are just some guy.. >> i don't know how to puto pu this. t . but i'm kind of a big deal. democrats don't you?t to believe what you see with your eyes. how does that make you feel if ite with ho what we see out here, down? >> what is actually do you think they think you're. probably. why do republicans not want us to believe what we see with their own eyes? give an example. >> give me an example of all do these videos. in. t geat >> you just don't get it. is donald trump old and frail? t it>> is he's greatest leader o time. >> he is savage. he looks very well-fed. >> we're all fat. you're on jesse watters on fox news. you >> what do you want to tellte jesse? you guys have a great day. i don't know who you arell him?, but this is the wackiest interview i've ever been a part
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scott from anna texas ask the the dinosaurs what happens when you block the sun. how did the dinosaurs die? i thought it was a meteor. did they die because the sun went away? i don't knowwent ay i don'. >> bobby joe from bergen, new york. johnny is so funny. ca johnnn i pinch his cheeks?wh which cheeks? remyich ch from cleveland, ohio. >> my four year old grandsony 4- named his hamsteyer watters piza . that is one handsome hamster. love it.thanks thanks guys, name all ofll your freaky pets. after jesse watters pizza. >> dvr the show. hannity next. and always remember, i'm waters and this is my world.


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