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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  June 21, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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it's tough to your point to have any faith there is going to be a change ahead when you are looking at two decades of unsafety there. thank you very much for being here. your last thought. >> really quick, too. to that point, it used to be that you are at the wrong place at the wrong time, it can be you being a kid laying in your bed, it's unacceptable. >> thank you, appreciate it. >> always comes from the heart with gianno. coming up this afternoon, by the way, asia will be in for john, governor jeff landry, the first signing into law the 10 commandments having to be posted in the public school classrooms, the school choice law getting passed, universal school of choice, looking forward forward to that. >> we hosted yesterday afternoon together but jacqui great to work with you,. >> we begin with this breaking
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news, americans dying at the hands of illegal immigrants, who should not be in our country. the deadly consequences of president biden's open borders are hitting home hard. i'm harris, you are in the falkner focus, texas police caught two men from venezuela, they are accused of the murder and brutal strangling death of a 12-year-old girl. both of those suspects crossed the u.s. border illegally from mexico. future court dates scheduled. so, they were caught and released, catch and release. we are learning about the illegal immigrant who is suspected of raping and murdering maryland mother of five, rachel morin. i.c.e. is confirming border patrol agents as well. three times and sent him back to mexico, he entered a
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fourth time as a got away. remember how that works? they come into the country, detection services don't pick them up, cameras nothing, i have been down to the border, it's not easy to sneak in but it's not impossible. and they are good at it. aided by the drug cartels. we know of more than 2,000,000 got aways. the ones that we think are in the country but we don't know who they are or where they are. all of this happening under president biden. his bail hearing, the suspect, is set for 1:00 p.m. eastern today in maryland. former president trump called rachel morin's mother yesterday, the former president offered his condolences, she says she was deeply touched by president trump's kindness and concern. and that mom also said the current administration has yet to reach out. rachel's half sister has a message for biden. >> as far as i'm concerned, the
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biden administration has the blood of rachel morin in their hands. rachel's story can help make a change, to change people's heart, to want to secure our border and keep our country safe, you know i think should be honored by that. and, you know, just -- i just pray that this crime stops. and really get a handle on it is to vet these people coming in. >> all of this recent violence is over shadowing border patrol counters in may with her lower most of his entire term. senior correspondent mark tobin with more on the texas arrests. my? >> two venezuelan men allowed to stay in the u.s. after entering illegally know a 12-year-old texas girl is killed and they say they killed her.
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her mom saw her going to bed last sunday night jocelyn snuck out of her room. it's not clear how she made contact with the suspects but they were captured by surveillance cameras right up to the last moments of jocelyn's life there they walked to a bridge where police say the pope world was murdered dumb today by you her body later found in a great. medical examiner says the cause of death is to regulation. >> just unfortunately she got caught with the wrong people at the wrong time. >> a spokesman tells fox news jose crossed into a pass on an unknown date he was picked up in may by border patrol and released with a notice to appear in court at a later date. 21 year old johan jose martinez crossed into el paso also picked up in march and released also with an order to appear in court. the two were picked up by police early thursday. >> now we want the justice system to do its job. if there was ever a circumstance where you do not give someone
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bail, this is it. >> the acting houston police chief says evidence is being examined to determine whether jocelyn was sexually assaulted it said only that the crime scene was horrible. >> harris: mike tobin, thank you. is now rodney scott retired border patrol chief and you served our nation and protected our border for nearly three decades. we are so grateful to you for that and for your leadership. i want to start with this idea of exactly what a got away is to the u.s. government. and what it means to have more than 2 million of them in this country right now. >> thank you for having me on here. we classified got aways and two ways and i will get to that but the main thing about the cutaways we do know a few things about them. we know they took extra steps and paid the cartel and amount of money to avoid law enforcement and we know they did not stay at the borders. it's a transit area.
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2 million people are throughout this entire united states. that 2 million you're talking about, those are only the known got aways. is that means border patrol was already completely overwhelmed dealing with something else. in this case normally it's the fraudulent asylum-seekers. on camera they would see another illegal entry or they would pick up footprints but they are outside of their reach to see people run across the border. those are the known cutaways. america needs to understand is there is this huge wealth of unknowns where we now know the united states border patrol traditionally prior to the biden administration was patrolling hundreds of miles of border and keeping a high level of confidence of what was or was not coming in. today there are no border patrol agents out there at all. many of those areas the biden administration shut down the border infrastructure that is technology the cameras being installed over the last administration and there are no sensors out there. so we don't know.
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>> harris: wow. when i was there in september of 2022, '23 rather, there were those detections out there. those devices and whatnot. who would think it would be a good idea not to have that? what part of the biden administration thinks it is brilliant not to have any detection ability? >> yeah, we can't really speculative on that. i want to be clear, stuff installed was from the likes arizona they have some camera systems. that is still out there. but the border wall had a technology built into it. it had a sensor system and a camera system built into it. in the biden administration they cannot figure out work could not legally allow that to continue and they shut off the wall so they chose to shut off everything. then they diverted the money from the arrow stats in south texas that gave a bird's-eye view of the border, they diverted that money to speeding up the process to get
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an amount of border patrol in the united states quicker. those are conscious and it does not overshadow. that should tell people what their intent is. >> harris: that part you're talking about particularly that i saw in the rio grande they were dismantled it and left it out and all of the heat, the rain, whatever just to route all of our dollars there so of there were detection devices that were part of that portion of the wall that i saw, which made a mile long gap, rodney, it was left to rot which was mind-boggling. you said they don't stay at the border but if it were not for what governor abbott had done with the razor wire and all of what he is doing to keep it at bay, how much worse could it be? because this seems to have, i don't know, and expeditious push no for these cutaways. >> it would be significantly worse. going back to the technology and infrastructure we were talking about with the rio grande river the challenge is infrastructure
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are significant worse than in mexico and california. that's one of the places we were building it out. so if it weren't for governor abbott's initiative with operation lone star in texas we would still be seeing massive illegal entries there because there would be no detection, there would be nothing to slow them down. texas standing up and putting all of that and has really pushed a lot of the illegal traffic into the states that are very welcoming to it currently like california. where we had had almost complete control of the southern border in california for years. that is in total chaos today because of the buy demonstration. >> harris: i want to mix in some pollock's with you. new fox news poll and chose president biden's approval and emigration has picked up five points since march. now the highest it has been in a year. the survey taken after president biden announced his executive action curbing amnesty for some illegals and shutting down the border when it came
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counters 2,500 where if you do the math we know it was over 1,000 at one point until the california last week, so if it's happening at one entry point, it only makes sense we have hit that number. but anyway, the same poll shows most voters like the idea of restricting the number of asylum-seekers. i want to get your take on what he is doing and why actions we have shown so far have not really helped, but why that is having an effect politically. >> the actions haven't really helped because they are designed that way. we have to go back and remember biden created this border crisis through executive orders. he can fix it by simple simply ample mending some of those policies again but what you're saying i think at some smoke and mirrors and the complete dishonesty of this administration. they use little bullet points and they really encourage all the media and a lot of them fall into this to only focus on southwest border apprehensions between the ports of entry.
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and they highlight any change. they have pushed over 100,000 illegal aliens into the ports of entry under this administration through their illegal parole programs and they don't talk about that at all. so when you look at nationwide numbers, when you look at what is coming in on the coast, across the canadian border we never talk about the numbers really have not decreased to the extent they would like people to believe. however, there is an election coming up and they are trying to whitewash the policies but please don't forget they campaign on this and it was intentional. >> harris: i tell you those northern border, quarter numbers are more difficult to get but they do exist. we are pressing to get that. appreciate your expertise and your time as we learn about the murder of another american child now. and the suspects are illegal immigrants who crossed the border into our nation. thank you, rodney, appreciated. >> thank you. >> harris: there is outrage now after a far left manhattan
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district attorney alvin bragg decided to let dozens of violent anti-israel protesters go free off the hook no punishment for them the law says it is okay. critics say this will only fuel more of the destruction and the violence. plus the pressure is on for both parties candidates as they prepare for next week's big debate. and the stakes are high. >> he has this brief 90 minute moment to try to get people to believe that is the real deal unless biden can hit a knockout punch against trump. he loses the debate by definition. 's beyond biden and trump taking very different approaches as they get ready to spar on the national stage. of course it is national but there will be nobody in the room, no audience. biden didn't want that. stay close.
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be one game on president biden power president trump repairing for next week's debate and how they're doing it is quite different. former obama white house official van jones says "biden does not have a choice. has to succeed next thursday night. ">> this is the entire election as far as i'm concerned. the entire world will be watching. if you are a carbon-based life form you will be watching. if you have a functioning brain stem you're going to be watching. because if biden goes out there and messes up, it's game over. if he walks out of there and a a week lower he is lower in the polls it's panic in the party. >> haspewing insiders telling fox news he is skipping any sort of mock debate and instead working with allies and aides ongoing after biden on things like the economy and trump is
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multitasking. he will be campaigning in battleground pennsylvania tomorrow. biden, however, we are told is locked down with advisors at camp david for a week of prep. a new column says that only proves he is not up for the job. here's a quote "either biden is so unprepared or unable to defend his own record that he needs seven days of debate prep away from the presidency to be ready to speak for a total of some 35 minutes on thursday, or that tax is so monumental for him and his current mental state and at his age that he needs a vacation just to steady himself for that task." power panel now fox news contributor and host of the guy benson show on fox news radio. and jose aristimuno former dnc deputy press secretary. jose i will come to you first. what is your reaction to that column in the "washington examiner" and what it had to say about president biden?
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>> good to see you, harris. this is what i will say i think first and foremost we will let the american people make a decision if joe biden performs well in the debate or he doesn't perform well. let me say this. they study that's what you're supposed to do so i don't think which criticize wanting to do well in a debate i don't understand that. >> harris: it doesn't bother you he is gone for a weekend at his opponent will be campaigning? it's just a thought and an open question. >> you know what? is aborting to campaign a whole lot he was locked up in that courtroom for a lot longer. >> harris: we are going to fix your audio and while i am doing that with my crew maybe you consider the fact the fund-raising is now tougher for joe biden. and trump is beating him in that category. so when you talk about campaigning and fund-raising, that sort of thing, biden is not winning, a guy. >> i think it is probably a smart move for the biden
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campaign to send the president off for a long. lack of time rest and prepare. i am not quite where van jones is like it is over if he does very poorly, but there is a lot riding on this debate next thursday. and joe biden does not really have a lot of interaction in a sustained way standing therefore two hours answering questions, this has not been in his wheelhouse i think for various reasons recently sold to really prepare him i think is the right move. i think trump should take this very, very seriously. i think he should be preparing more. he can go on the campaign trai, he can multitask, but i think may be having a mock debate would be a good idea. really work shopping the questions i think we all know are coming and how he can pivot back to the issues that would help win in the election rather than getting dragged it down to holes, i think that would really behoove trump and we will see if that is something he is willing to do because it will take some discipline but preparation here i think is in order.
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>> harris: you know, it may not just be the fund-raising i mentioned either, gaia, again we are working on jose aristimuno's audio, here is nbc's chuck todd. >> i don't mean simple by this, but donald trump's rhetoric even and even his sort of swagger looks more like 2016 in the campaign you covered so closely, katie. then he looks in 2020. one trump is losing, the worst version of trump shows up and one trump is winning or he think he's ahead he is actually a different person at a different candidate. donald trump in detroit and those events he did he was oddly loose. he was trying to be funny and all of this. if he somehow drops the grievance, he could end up looking more like that 2016 candidate when he is the outside disrupter. >> harris: you know, jose i am hoping you can hear some of that as i come to you to get your response on it. this idea be careful what you wish for on the left side of the
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aisle with donald trump. he is winning. when you look at those key battleground state polls it has been cons consistently so. >> look, it's going to be a make or break moment for the president prayed he needs to perform. if we look at donald trump look biden isn't capable to do debates he can't tie his own shoe now they are saying he will do well, so trump keeps going and flipping going back and forth. at the end of the day the american people need to make a decision. now both candidates need to talk to the future. i think the mistake is of trump starts talking about the past and starts getting into personal attacks i think he will lose the debates like he lost in 2020 but i agree with jones and i agree with a lot of demos democrats that say joe biden needs to be on the offensive and he needs to perform well. there's no question about that. >> harris: there is one thing to be on the offensive, gaia, and i would say this for both of
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these men as they go forward. keep in the forefront the american people. donald trump does not have a problem doing that because he is under a gag order. and he will be under a gag order that night too unless something huge happens that we are not anticipating at this point. so it will be interesting if biden chooses to be the angry man from the state of the union what will that look like? >> and how does trump relate? there'll be questions i think about january 6th and who won the last election and the convicted felon stuff, that is all coming. abortion is coming. you can see -- >> harris: that is true. >> you can anticipate what they're going to do so trump needs to be ready to make his points. he doesn't have to back away from what he is going to say but make it quick, make it pity, and get back to the bread and butter of this campaign which is are you better off today than you were let's say five years ago? 2020 was in an insane year with kofi cockburn in every thing else. have a 2019?
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i was the country 2019? we can get back to that it sort of his message we could do that again because we are failing these last four years. if that is what the american public decides on one way or the other i think trump wins the election. >> harris: ironically given all you just talked about about pandemic and i know jose would not argue with this because we both remember the number 1.4% inflation at the end of trump's term even given all of the pandemic, it's fascinating because we haven't even sniffed that category under biden. in fact at one point we were north of 8%. all right, gentlemen i will bring you back jose, gaia, thank you. a conservative group is suing the department of justice for records on hunter biden. it says they could show he should be prosecuted under an old law for "or debauchery." plus a hearing is underway right now in florida on the former president trump's classified documents case. >> aside from all of the other
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constitutional issues trying a case involving classified documents separately speaking there long way off from ever seeing this case an active trial if it ever gets there. speed on some of the liberal media and critics are not liking this. here is what is happening. today trump's defense team and even the third-party are allowed to testify and they are arguing special counsel jack smith's appointment was unlawful. could they sink the entire case against trump? we will get into it. attorney rebecca rose would lend is with me in the studio in focus next. it isn't. not with rosland capital. with rosland... the entire process from start to finish is built on one concept... one... keep... it... simple. rosland capital - a trusted leader in helping people acquire precious metals.
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judge aileen cannon is going to hear arguments on monday over smith's request for a gag order on truck. so look at this. we are busy on a friday with her courtroom, will be busy on a monday and busy on a tuesday and her courtroom. she has been the target of some criticism from liberals and from democrats in particular who have called for her to step down. fox news contributor andy mccarthy is pushing back. >> the wrap on josh cannon is just ridiculous. this is a classified information case, they are very hard to get to trial. she could have satisfied the media and said you know we will have an august 1st trial date that everyone would have known was illusory. instead she is trying to move through a massive pretrial work that needs to be done so she can set a realistic trial date and for that she is being accused i think falsely of postponing the case because she is trying to
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help trump's electoral effort. >> harris: our correspondent jeff paul outside the courthouse in fort pierce, florida. jeff? >> harris the first of what will be three days of hearings underway hours ago in fort pierce, florida, and there aren't any cameras, phones, recording devices, or computers allowed inside the courtroom, but our team who was inside listening to the arguments this morning say so far the day has been dominated by technical arguments and a dense legal analysis of the u.s. code. trump's legal team argues doj regulations don't actually allow for attorney general merrick garland to appoint a special counsel. they believe since his appointment was unconstitutional smith cannot prosecute the former president in this case. therefore the case should be thrown out. special counsel smith's team says that argument does not hold water. several courts have rejected similar or near identical challenges regarding other special councils in the past. because of that, judge
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aileen cannon who was appointed by trump back in 2020 is facing some criticism for slow walking the case and seemingly delaying it past the november election but former u.s. attorney for the southern district of florida kendall coffey says the pace of the pretrial hearings is justified given the gravity of the counts of felony accounts the former president faces. >> a lot of unfair criticism is being lodged against a judge can end. the fact she is giving extra attention, extra time to these issues is a positive. and people forget about the fact that classified information procedures act is complex. >> according to our folks inside judge aileen cannon has been very engaged, she has been asking lots of questions on both sides. there on a break right now and we are expecting court to last several hours today going well into the late afternoon. >> harris: jeff paul we really appreciate you bringing us what
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is going on inside the courtroom. you said they are on a break so if anything happens the news warrants will come back to perry defense attorney rebecca rose woodland is back with me in focus now. first of all let's talk about why today is happening. the critics of this judge have been harsh on her and you say what? >> i say she is a judge, she is monitoring her courtroom. she is maintaining civil interest in a case. she is listening to all of the sides of this case and saying i want to hear your side, i want to hear your side. she is enabling all of the parties to properly argue their positions. that is what a judge is here to do. they are not here to rush a case along. i mean that is the point of justice. i find it very offensive that there are so many attacks on this female judge. she is working hard at getting to the facts. >> harris: what about
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jack smith and special counsel, should have been appointed in this case in your estimation? >> trump's argument or trump's legal team argument is it was an unconstitutional appointment. we have seen legally that those arguments don't always hold up federally and in the caseload does not really support that but this is the specific case because we have never seen issues of this magnitude with a former president. so let's see what she does. she is listening to all sides and making that. >> harris: it's interesting because of what is at stake here it is worth even all of that wider look because for the first time it's a former president. understand what you're saying. i haven't heard anybody make that argument because the critics want to pull on the low-hanging fruit of well she was appointed by trump and all of these other things. but i get it. okay. just last hour of the district attorney alvin bragg's office in manhattan filed a formal
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opposition to donald trump's request to terminate the gag order after his new york conviction. bragg's offices arguing the limited purpose of the orders was to protect certain participants in this criminal proceeding from threatening and inflammatory and denigrating statements by the defendant. ended there remains a critical need to protect the jurors in this case from attacks by defendant and those he inspires to action. what is your response? he is still under the gag order. the case is over, sentencing is coming up july 11th. does this hold water? >> unfortunately judge merch and may believe it holds water, but the first amendment allows the former president to speak, he has first amendment rights. he is now trying to campaign and why shouldn't he not campaign to explain what happened? he did face a guilty verdict on 44 felony counts.
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so it is now very crucial for the president to be able to express his views. >> harris: quickly, two thinks perry what happens if he breaks this gag order because he gets attacked or gets pressed by one of the moderators at the debate next thursday night or by the current president in that debate? >> what happens? we will see. >> harris: he has the right to defend himself. >> i argue he has the first amendment right and that all of this is on appeal that this gag order is even constitutional. >> harris: is this election interference? >> currently right now we are seeing he is trying to go out, speak to the american people, and he has been prohibited from that so what is that sound like? to me that sounds like overreach of a new york prosecutor in a federal election year. >> harris: wow. men at district attorney alvin bragg we will say his name
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again but who just dropped the charges against dozens of anti-israel protesters and he says there was lack of evidence against impaired remember, these people are all over social media some had them faces covered with mask scope, some didn't some talks to the media, some didn't. any way they up riding. barricading themselves, occupying buildings at columbia university and that was just in april. you are watching the police body cam footage from inside hamilton hall on that night that they had to go in and get all of the students. those students and outside agitators that then occupied that particular buildings for 22 hours before police kicked them out. there's a lot of anger today over d.a. bragg's swing and all of this. police sources are telling "the new york post" "we have a d.a. giving them what amounts to a mandate to push the envelope further now. jewish community relations council calls it a green light
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to chaos, a green light for destroying property. and after the hamilton hall take over a student witnessed the chaos was with me on "the focus" and said this. >> i was on campus until 5:00 a.m. and of the takeover and siege of hamilton hall. and i will say it was one of the most terrifying nights of my life. i saw students climbing through windows from the street in the canvas because the gates were locked down. i saw students taking over the building and then creating a rope pulley system to get other things food and items into the building. i don't see how i can continue my next three years here without thinking about this. >> harris: did you have any problem seeing the faces that were not covered? >> i don't understand what has happened now. bragg has released what he claims 30 students and another 13 are still facing prosecution. i don't understand it in this
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well settled constitutional law yes, protesting his legal and restriction of time, place, and manner. it is also very clear constitutional law that any violence is unacceptable during a protest. this is violence, this was trespassing, this is kidnapping. what is happening to the rule of law in the city? >> harris: i want to know it did not get said and why not? alvin bragg never even mentioned the threats against those jewish students and that some of them had to be sequestered for their own protection. universities across the country but let's just focus on that crazy night at columbia university for those 22 hours. hughes heard that one student saying he feared for his life. i mean, the consolation around these jewish students was toxic and threatening and dangerous. he could have said today these cases have nothing to do with that but he didn't even mention those cases. >> no, he did not mention anything so it is unclear as to
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who was released and who is being held back. these 13 people did they not accept a plea deal? is that why they are continuing to be prosecuted? i am not sure. i cannot understand from the press release what has happened. >> harris: it was an interesting morning for a spirit of fact, thank you very much. the white house is claiming that grocery store prices are finally dropping. however, the receipts don't show that. fox news poll also shows voters are down on the economy and families are hurting. plus former president donald trump is vowing to eliminate taxes on tips if he retakes the white house. >> i think it makes a lot of good economic sense but i think it's also good politics. it basically trump is saying the blue-collar workers, i care about you. i know you have suffered from biden inflation i will let you keep a little bit more of your money. >> harris: how that proposal
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the one we have breaking news fox news has just confirmed the trump campaign is planning a large event for the president and virginia and it is set for next friday. virginia is a state democrats have not lost in 20 years. it is fully and play. recent state polls show donald trump has some serious gains in that state. he has even tied with joe biden in some of them. remember biden won it, democrats have had it, not only is biden sliding but he is losing in a place he had won. we will follow all of this and bring you any updates on next friday trump goes to virginia, it's getting spicy. >> and remember with trump no tax on tips. you work, work, work and then they come out and they harass you. i've been hearing about it for years how unfair it is.
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for restaurant workers, for hotel workers, for caddies, for car people, it's a lot but anyone receiving tips no more tax on tips. >> harris: formal president trump recently announced a plan to make tips exempt from federal taxes. axios calls it a vegas style gamble saying it has multiple potential payouts and is being made essentially with house money. a new fox pole sows 62% of voters approve this idea only 32% disapprove and partisanship is a factor in all of this. democrats don't like it by 10.1 trump's name is mentioned but they love it by 40 points when you don't say trump's name. as you might expect the opposite happens among republicans. they like it more one trump's name is attached. trump would need congress to make his plan have impaired republicans on capitol hill say they are ready to help.
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>> there are a ton of different industries where tips provide vital elements in our compensation whether you are a waiter or waitress or a bellhop or bartender. whether you are a barber or hairstylist, whether you are a taxi cab driver or. there are a lot of folks working incredibly hard on average two porkers make about $6500 on a given year from tips right now they have very onerous recordkeeping requirements that does not make a lot of sense. i think this is a manifestation of how today's party has changed. >> cohost of the big money show on the fox business always great to see you, jackie. let's start with way too like this and how you think the american public likes in a matter whose name is attached. >> that's what i think is so interesting. when you take the name off of it is a policy a lot of people in this country support. that is what is important about what president trump is doing when he hits the campaign trail. is not only heading policy, but
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he has evolved his economic policy coming up with new proposals that people can get around. what have we heard from the biden administration on the economy? certainly nothing new. up much of the same we have seen over the last three and a half years that people don't love. when it comes to tips this is really amazing for most working-class people and it shows trump understands we are at a different moment in time. this is when not 2016 or 2020 after inflation where people have gone through the working class like ted cruz just mention those people that get tips they need that money. they needed in their pocket. >> harris: so what is the student to offset inflation? i do want to wipe the slate clean. the number of inflation has come down, the prices, though, went up by as much as 8% or more for a sustained period of time. it's not that they are cheaper in every category, it's that they are not going up as fast. >> rate. >> does the tip situation help offset that? >> yes because it is wages for workers getting out there and
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trying to do the right thing for you right now wage growth although it has been up has not kept pace with inflation and harass you make the point a lot of this inflation has been sticky. when we are talking about food prices you are talking 20% overall since president biden took office. wages have not grown that much. so ultimately one people can hold onto the tip money it will help them navigate the economy, it's going to help them put food on the table. >> harris: one thing that biden is trying to move around as gas prices where people drive the most but he will tap that oil reserve again which puts us -- was a dangerous question work >> he is artie taken it down to half and god forbid we have an actual emergency where we need it for example i covered those storms a few years ago down south in harvey and texas and mine and florida the colonial pipeline was shut down. we needed to move oil around and we getting that reserve back up just in case people needed it. so god forbid that happens, you will be in the situation where you don't have the supply and he. he may get lucky, they may not
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happen this year but that's not really the point. >> harris: i don't know if i want to go on some of these luck. i rather go on their plan. that's what he was hard to do anyway. white house says the economy is finally improving but new fox poll suggests voters don't agree. the white house rode a new blog post saying inflation is way down from his recent peak periods in grocery prices have fallen and because wage growth has been strong grocery purses and powers of. however as i mentioned the prices are still high on the stuff we eat. frozen noncarbonated juices, hot dogs, bacon, uncooked beef and fresh fruits all increase from this time last year. from the amount on your screen did you see how big some of those numbers are? let's put those back up for the audience to see. overall grocery prices have risen by nearly 21% we just heard jackie say that an investment strategist says this. >> the average person the common man rat realizes the quality of
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living, their standard of living has deteriorated over the last three years. and this just includes food, energy, utilities, insurance, children's clothing, and shelter. so it excludes flat-panel television screens, trips to barbados, anything you don't have to pay for this just includes the things that you have to pay for. >> harris: yeah i mean who eats a trip to barbados? anyway a news fox news poll shows 68% of burgers stomach voters say that the economy is fair or poor. some say there find it financially and they will stick those grocery prices back up so people can really see but meanwhile your reaction to this? >> my reaction when i saw this as i rolled my eyes. these are the stories we are covering on fox business literally every day. that 20% we talked about on the overall cost of groceries since biden took office i was talking to the morton williams co-owner last week and he said yes, the
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21%, that is true but certain items are up as much as 30%. and they never went down. so this is a rate of inflation going up less than it was at its peak but it is really not helping the average american that is out there. >> harris: one thing i noticed and i share this with you in the commercial break is the price of bread. that has not come down. you see some of the fast food restaurants trying to give people deals and breaks. they are sensitive to the pricing out there, how can the president not be just a quick ten seconds. >> i'm so glad you brought that up they are bringing these prices down and losing money on those items because they want to get foot traffic back in the door. it's the same thing at target are some of the other retailers bringing the prices down. their profit margins are going to suffer, that is going to impact wall street, your pension, 401(k), all of that because it is all tied together and they spin it as they were price gouging so now they can do it. >> harris: thank you for watching, "outnumbered" his n
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