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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  June 21, 2024 9:00am-10:01am PDT

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>> harris: it is the latest example of the deadly consequences of an unchecked open border. a 12-year-old girl has been found strangled in texas. 2 illegal immigrants are charged with her murder. department of homeland security's sources have to fox news, both those suspects trust our border illegally from mexico. they were first caught and released by border patrol earlier this year. this is "outnumbered." i am harris faulkner here with my cohost kayleigh mcenany and emily compagno. on "out keg." fox news contributor, an attorney and former nypd inspector is with us. for more on the murder in texas, i want to start with mike tobin who is in chicago today. >> i.c.e. officials
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said 2 venezuelan men came into the u.s. illegally. 12-year-old texas girl is dead. snuck out of her room. it is not clear how she made contact with the suspects. they were captured by surveillance cameras right up to the last moments of our life. please -- attract them to a bridge where police say that about-year-old was murdered and dumped in a bye you and her body later found in a creek. the medical examiner says the cause of death was strangulation. the last time her mother saw her was when she sent her little girl to bed. >> of the biggest hug, the biggest hug. >> fox news 26-year-old crossed into el paso on an unknown date. he was picked up and made by border patrol and released with a notice to appear in court at a later date. 21-year-old also crossed into el paso illegally and was
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released with a notice to appear. they were picked up by police in an apartment complex not far from the alleged murder scene. >> now we want the justice system to do its job. if there was ever a circumstance where you do not give someone bail, this is it. >> evidence is being examined to determine if jocelyn was sexually assaulted and said only that the crime scene is hor horrible. >> harris: i can only imagine. mike tobin, thank you very much. there seems to be something going on with our white house right now where they don't react to these stories in real time. and it seems like we are waiting longer and longer. what is the calculation politically in your estimation and reacting to the death of another american child. suspects are illegal immigrants and now caught up in a catch and release situation and then we
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know should not exist. >> paul: does it not seem like we have it a point where somebody in washington has made a decision that there is an acceptable level of collateral damage in order to get a permanent democratic voting bloc into this country. i will give you a quote direct from chuck schumer." with the same level that it used to. we need to welcome immigrants and get citizenship for 11 million. what does that tell you? at those 11 million were calculated to vote republican with some of the wall would be 60 feet high. at this point to advance the story a little bit, you've got a slam-dunk these prosecutions absolutely. you've got to start to gather intel as well. because we've got to know what we are up against. a lot of the stuff is organized. donald trump does end up as president, he's got to have a lot of work to do. the venezuelan prison gangs,
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they are here and very clearly we are not seeing the big deal. where are the programmatic cases? where are they? nypd did a big one. the big ricoh level case against these venezuelan gangs. they are in the back of a dr drawer. they should be in the gran grand jury. >> harris: can we talk about what paul has just brought up? i thought that threat was so real that even christopher wray has been saying, something will happen if we don't start to change things at this point. it's happening now. where is the doj on this? >> emily: where is the mainstream media and the liberal left? they called in fearmongering stating the truth. for example, an illegal immigrant mother of five or illegal immigrant 13-year-old in central park and yet another victim. the saddest part to me as
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apparently if it is an american life, and matters last of these people. is it and now -- out the highest rapes along our southern border? the 85,000 unaccompanied minor children. with that i deserve a distinction between fearmongering and truth or something worthy of attention? how much is enough? how much is the attention of the commander in chief in this party who apparently only cares about boats. i note that here and there is yet another tragic case, it was a community that responded to get essentially to capture these -- known to authorities let go. known to border patrol multiple times illegal immigrants like the ones in queens. right now essentially, communities are cleaning up the work of the failed policies of our failed administration but lives are being lost in the interim. we say their names.
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>> harris: let's say the name of a 12-year-old jocelyn today. we heard moments ago from her mom who said if she could have hug. just on that annulment longer. it is pretty unbelievable that we have a situation where these illegal immigrants came across our border in el paso, texas. and we are go into the country. we had no idea where they went. this child's body was found in houston. they hadn't left the state of texas. they are free to roam about the country. >> tomi: they are targeting women. particularly young women. to emily's point, i ask not only where is the liberal mainstream media but where are the feminists? this is something we have been asking for years now when it comes to women's issues. beyond just abortion, women's issues in terms of women's sports and in terms of young women being victimized by men venezuelan gangs.
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they are targeting young vulnerable women. this is not going to stop. they are not going to stop targeting young women, because they are the most vulnerable among us. they are preying on young women. we are not hearing anything from the feminist crowd that pretends and claims to care about young women. because then you have to acknowledge the problem that your party has created. that is the same reason he will not say rachel morin's name. the same reason why joe biden couldn't get laken riley's name right. if you put a face and a name to a crisis, you have to address it. what they are expecting us is to let millions in and hope for the past. >> harris: the best is not happening in some of these ca cases. nobody believes that every body is all one thing. most of those people may want to come here for better jobs. coming for a better job does not qualify you for asylum.
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>> kayleigh: that much and i have this morning is how many more names will be come to know? just 2 days ago, we were listing out the names laken riley and rachel morin. and then you learn about jocelyn, this 12-year-old who is killed. when you include the 13-year-old. when you look at them, what is the nexus between all of them? a failure of government. a migrant allegedly kelly rachel morin. he was a got away. an illegal immigrant came into the country allegedly assaulting that 13-year-old. he was caught and released. move forward to this 12-year-old who was killed. it was 2 venezuelan illegal immigrants who came through allegedly and kill this little girl and they were caught and released. it is catch and release. in some cases it is catch and release an assault. and kill and how are they
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getting away with it? it is the press. the associated press guideline is 2 men arrested in strangulation of a 13-year-old. they were 2 illegal immigrants. by this biden not to address this? the mainstream media lets them get away with it. shame on you, associated press. you neglect a very key point. >> harris: why don't those reporters and anchors say their names? kayleigh, i would further what you are saying. do they even care? >> emily: we saw the congressman laughed. not only are they not saying the names, apparently it is cause for mirth and joy and laughter at the fingertips of not only the mainstream media journalists but also our lawmakers. >> harris: you mentioned that got away. what we learn today was that he
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had tried to enter the country . and rodney scott, former border patrol chief who was under the trump administration when you were there. what he was talking about was the fact that he had to pay extra money to the cartel and gain extra information about where he could go. ed was plotting against the country. this is a bigger thing then coming to the border and simply saying, there is an opening. now it is a conspiracy to get into this country. when is the department of justice going to get involved? >> paul: i would like to see donald trump now telling the four nations doing it. >> emily: i hope it is a debate question. >> harris: who is driving? coming up, we will have faith anyway. less than one week out from biden versus trump and the big debate next thursday night.
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with absorbine pro, pain won't hold you back from your passions. it's the only solution with two max-strength anesthetics to deliver the strongest numbing pain relief available. so, do your thing like a pro, pain-free. absorbine pro. >> kayleigh: the head-to-head showdown between president biden and former president trump is less than 1 week away. lightly. >> do you have a prediction for the debate next week? >> i watched him with paul ryan, and he destroyed paul ryan. he was chugging water. i didn't think a human being would be able to drink so much water at one time. he beat paul ryan. i'm not underestimating him. it is what it is. i assume he is going to be somebody that will be a worthy
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debater. i don't want to underestimate him. >> kayleigh: van jones thinks he could be a make or break moment for biden. >> this is the entire election as far as i am concerned. the entire world will be watching. if you are a carbon-based life form, you're going to be watching. if you have a functioning brain stem, you're going to be watching. if biden goes out there and messes up, it's game over. if he walks out of there and a week later, it's panic and the party. if he can handle himself against donald trump, a runaway train, a raging bull, then this guy deserves another shot to be president. you couldn't do it. i couldn't do it. if you could stand toe-to-toe with a runaway train like donald trump for 1.5 hours, you are fit to be president. this is the presidency in a bottle in a week.
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>> kayleigh: the stakes he just laid out. >> harris: i am trying to figure out with i am with or one of a carbon-based life form that is going to be in the room since there won't be an audience. i don't know. i love that. that is my favorite sound bite of the day. it's also lowering the expectations for him. if you survive it for 90 minutes and you are dog and cat, your carbon-based life forms live with you and it's gonna be okay for biden. this puts more pressure on trump. to have discipline and let biden wear himself out. you know that they are going to both of the moderators and the current president are going to hit those issues like january 6th and the convictions against speech in here in new york and that whole thing. that causes him to frustrate that gag order. he's got to have a plan for t that. maybe the plan could be i know you guys want me to break that
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gag order. unless all of you want to go to court with me. how about if we talk about the other people who have been gagged, the american people who feel that you are not listening to them. put it right back on him and his policies. i would say, let let's talk a joe biden wear himself out like a boxing match. >> kayleigh: i truly don't know the answer to this. do we see biden come in and try to manifest of the michelle obama attitude or do we see a biden who is ready to be dark, dim, and dystopian? michael from "the washington post" said the notion that former president -- that the former president became more self obsessed and dangerous and extreme talking about trump has been seeded throughout biden's campaign. they are going to try to paint donald trump in that light. i am wondering if this is a little taste of the joe biden we will get.
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let's roll the flashback. >> president biden: trump and the extreme maga republicans pose a clear and present danger to our democracy. represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic. if you have a problem figuring out whether you are from me or tromp, then you ain't black. >> kayleigh: do we get this biden or a different biden? >> paul: donald trump has the ability to go to people. these 2 can snipe at each other pretty good. if biden goes that way, if you get gets goaded into ad hominem attacks including -- let's remember something. the prosecution and conviction, trump's numbers bumped. that's not a winner for him. if you get into a thing where biden defaults to convicted felon and those types of attacks
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including extreme maga republican. he's insulting at least 40% of the country by saying that. that is the great unifier. that is when he loses. even january 6th i don't think has the currency it did. right now, it is the big 2. inflation, immigration. those are the things that will decide the election. >> kayleigh: if you are waking up setting around camp david and you are saying, what do we do? how do we prep for this? i would change for us when see these numbers. let's pull up the fund-raising numbers. trump raised so much money after the conviction. now the cash on hand, trump has the advantage. 116 million versus biden's 91 million. the convicted felon language, if you bring that to the debate stage, you are going to light another fire under the base. not just the base.
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>> emily: think he is harnessing that. you win the lottery, what do you buy for that? i also think equally yoked to that amazing war chest is the fact that the biden administration has plummeted female voters and many other types of voters that it would do trump so well to pick up in a strategic way. we know that biden's numbers among women are the lowest in 20 years that a democratic candidate has had. he is losing young men and men without college degrees. we know that he has plummeted black and hispanic voters. they need to be picked up. we talk about immigration in the economy. studies have shown that the economy is polling higher than abortion with a lot of these women that are being lost to biden. the key is to pull them all in and use that money to the most effective way possible. when these women are at the ballot and these people are at the ballot, do you know it's more important than the pain the narrative and fearmongering
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about losing women's rights? whether i can pay for my bills next month think to this administration. >> tomi: he needs to talk to the forgotten americans and go back to 2016 trump. i agree that the economy and immigration are going to be the big issues. when you're talking about picking up women as we just discussed in the last segment, women are scared for their children and for themselves and for their communities. immigration is a real root issue with a lot of that fear. if donald trump can play into that and his economy and how he would flip biden's economy around and make it work for the forgotten american, then he w wins. >> kayleigh: very well said. manhattan d.a. alvin bragg dropping prot charges against protesters. a green light for chaos. that is next.
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>> emily: former president trump's defense is accusing special counsel zach smith of being unlawfully appointed in his is florida classified documents case. arguing that in the florida hearing right now. jeff paul is outside the courthouse with the latest. jeff. >> emily, no phones, cameras, or recording devices are allowed. here in fort pierce, florida. our team gave us an update inside. they took a break during lunch and told us that so far the day has been dominated by these very complicated and technical arguments as well as dense legal analysis of u.s. code. trump's team is arguing that d.o.t. regulators don't allow
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for attorney general merrick garland to appoint a special counsel. they believe that since his appointment was unconst unconstitutional -- therefore, the case should be thrown out. special counsel smith's team it says that argument simply doesn't hold water. several courts have rejected similar or near identical challenges regarding other special councils in the past. because of that, appointed by trump is facing criticism for seemingly delaying the trial. former u.s. attorney for the southern district of florida says the pace of the pretrial hearings is justified given the gravity of the 40 felony counts the former president faces. >> this judge is allowing hearings where a lot of judges have rejected these positions on the papers. i think it's a credit to the judicial system when time is given on the case that is this important. taking time for these kind of
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issues and having hearings. >> according to our team inside the courtroom. they say judge aileen cannon has been very engaged asking a bunch of questions of both sides. court resumed after the lunch break and we expect this to go on for several more hours. >> emily: meanwhile here in new york city, outrages building at manhattan district attorney alvin bragg yet again. the progressive prosecutor just struck all of the cases against anti-israel protesters at columbia university. just 15 out of the 46 people charged with trespassing during the takeover of the ivy league schools hamilton hall still face prosecution. his office as a lack of evidence is to blame. barricading themselves inside the academic building. fighting with officers while they block the doors with chairs
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and ladders. bragg's office is defending the lack of charges specifically citing "extremely limited amount of video evidence as well as the fact that the protesters wore masks. the president of the queens community council calling out the move saying "this is turnstile justice. this is a green light for chaos. a green light for destroying property. i argue even in just what i read, that 6 felonies right there. bragg's office can find it amongst themselves a little bit so they can push it across the line. let alone the anti-semitic and hate crimes that underline every single one of those crimes i read. >> if that were true, his response, how did we make cases for all of those decades before video was ubiquitous? you needed video to make cases on these guys? give me a break. they were charged with trespass
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violation. that means you've got their names. he is arguing that we don't know who they wear because of the masks. they all got summons. the cops keep a copy of that. they should have charged trespass misdemeanor. they could have done so. do you know why they didn't? they would have been fingerprinted. they are in the system. we can identify them going forward. columbia should have insisted on that. they might have cut a deal. they were under charged. i think it is no accident that the parents of a lot of these kids are of a donor class this town. bragg is running next year. do the math. >> emily: even if there is a shred of truth and you're absolutely right. "the new york post" ran who a lot of who these individuals are and they're very influential parents. there's a lot of crimes being solved with people wearing masks that we see on video. by isn't this enough?
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>> tomi: you think it would be pure to throw a curveball in here, i think this is going to backfire and democrats. there's a little thing in august called the dnc. a lot of the anti-israel -- they are really pro hamas protesters. they are going to shop for democratic events to the dnc. you have called a nation that this kind of behavior is acceptable. you are going to have a convention in august. you don't expect them to show up. now that they have been emboldened and feel entitled to do this because they don't face any repercussions, you have green that their ability to do this at every democrat event moving forward. i think it's going to backfire and democrats that think this is some kind of victory. they are showing up to your events. >> emily: we watch this prosecutor conjure up a federal statute of limitations that they couldn't articulate until jury
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instructions against a former president in this town but he can't prosecute 31 terrorist sympathizers. >> harris: it's a great question. i want to know where those cases where. i've interviewed students on "the faulkner focus" contemporaneously with those riots in the takeover of hamilton hall for 22 hours by those rioters who expressed that they feared for their lives. they could hear the things that were being chanted and the hate toward them. they knew that in certain other schools across the country, people were sequestered for their own protection. they were capped out. i had an attorney who said kidnapping is at play for any students that felt that they were stuck on campus with the crazies, there is that part of it. all of it deserves another look. i don't know why the doj didn't get involved top down on this either. this is a terrorist threat. it didn't start out that way.
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peaceful protesting protected in this country. it didn't start out that way. where it gravitated to in so many pockets and schools of privilege as you pointed out, paul, with the wealthy privileged parents behind the scenes going not my kid, not my kid. but didn't get said today is what i have the biggest question about. on behalf of those students that felt that their lives are threatened, what's happening with those cases? you can't convince me that everybody who was shouting death to jewish americans and leading the symbols on the ground and stepping on the star and all of that which we know is a threat, you can convince me that they all had on masks good what's going on those cases? >> emily: where the feds when jussie smollett made up that they beat him up. where are the feds now when we have a lot of video evidence of exactly saying those vile things while barricading students into a building?
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>> kayleigh: prosecuting pro-life advocates. that is where they are. where there is a well, there is a way. is this lack of evidence or lack of will? you found a way with donald trump. they called at the zombie case and you resurrected it. it was a dead case. you could do the same here. this happened weeks ago. >> emily: we leave that to you to determine. there's new speculation about trump's vice presidential selection following his campaign's latest announcement. campaign's latest announcement. stay with us. many were shocked to learn they've been paying 22% on their credit card balances. and if payments were late, as much as 30%. that's over three times the interest rate on a newday 100 va home loan. pay off high rate credit cards and other debt with a lower rate newday home loan. save hundreds a month, thousands a year.
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♪ ♪ >> kayleigh: fox news is now confirming that former
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president trump will hold a rally in the key battleground state of virginia at 1 day after his face-off with president biden next friday. a key piece of information that governor glenn youngkin will join him on stage. they recently met. there's a picture of trump. you will recall that his name hasn't been appearing on any of the official vp list that have been circulating around the press. trump was asked about it. he said, i'm not ruling them out. many see youngkin as a dark horse candidate to win back the spot over a long list of contenders. i laid out one of the attributes of picking a youngkin. i showed all biden has to do -- if you remove virginia, all of us are playing defense. we look at the polling. he has an approval rating of 56%. joe biden is at 40%.
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3 of 10 youngkin support joe biden. >> tomi: i think it excites a lot of the republicans who are weary of donald trump because of his personality and showmanship. i think it makes them feel better about moaning for donald trump. this election is going to be about independence. i think he has an incredible ability to call the fear of those independents out there that don't want to vote for biden. the thought of marking trump makes them nervous. this could be the perfect recipe. he doesn't check any of the identity politics boxes. that doesn't matter on the republican side. it sends a message that you are willing to go with someone who is effective and steadfast i love this idea. >> kayleigh: it is an interesting idea. you really see a candidate uniting the party. trump endorsed larry hogan him as someone who has not been kind to him. despite -- back in 2020 just had a meeting with him. you saw them shaking hands.
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trump is on stage with youngkin. you see a candidate who is unifying. >> emily: everything that you just said and everything you just said are totally accurate and very important. i wonder about the tiny caveat that is the identity politics. i wonder about so many of those young voters and idealists are especially shaped by and influenced by mainstream media that is accessed with criticisms against the vice president in rooted in misogyny or racism. i wonder how the democrats could wield the fact that it's 2 white men running against the party and do it in such a catastrophic way that it would obliterate the actual policy, the actual resume, the actual experience and wonderful thing those guys do. i think unfortunately, there is a large swath of the population potentially independents included that might say this is
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a step back. >> tomi: do they vote for those people? were they ever going to vote for trump? i feel that the people are going to be worried about that, you need somebody. i don't feel that they were ever going to vote for trump. the young people rooted in that are better off going for the moms. >> kayleigh: this was the only time when trump has been asked about youngkin as vp. let's replay it. >> you also met with governor youngkin in the party. folks are wondering if he is on the vp short-list. >> he is great. i think i could consider that. >> paul: i think there is a player in this that we have been mentioned. youngkin does declare, you haven't lost all that much in virginia.
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the tension in this according to what i have read and heard it relative to trump's vp pick is speech it is a bit concerned that whoever he picks is going to start campaigning for 2028 as soon as he hits the seat. trump has two win first. we all recognize that. you do want somebody there -- you have to think long time. we have had this bouncing ball where we get in the republicans do some stuff and the democrats come in and undo it. everybody gets prosecuted at the democrats come in. you want continuity. that is important and foreign policy. youngkin did the read the needle in a blue state to make a winner. he is doing something right. does that translate nationally? >> kayleigh: 10 battleground states, the busiest surrogate that trump has. speak to him and senator tim scott out there
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quite a bit. i would say this about the state of virginia. i think it was 3 nights ago that bill and hillary clinton along with the former governor had that backyard events. their goal was to raise $8 million for biden. he does not want to lose the state. it is the rust belt and all of that. running for president, you probably have a healthy ego. he doesn't want to lose the state. not only doesn't start the tumblers and the lock moving and now you have a real problem with trump in areas that you thought it wouldn't. calm on, man as biden would say. i can hang on to the states that i already won and beat this guy. trump hits it right right after the debate states. he goes to a place where they tried to raise millions with the clintons. i raise you 1. i'm with doug current governor. it pulled trump out even farther
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from biden in the fund-raiser. >> tomi: trump's campaign is running a very strategic campaign. a savvy campaign move on their part. more "outnumbered" next. did you ever worry we wouldn't get to enjoy this? [jeff laughs maniacally] (inner monologue) seriously, look at these guys. they are playing great. meanwhile, i'm on the green and all i can think about is all the green i'm spending on 3 kids in college. not to mention the kitchen remodel, and we'd just remodel the bathrooms last month. with empower, i get all of my financial questions answered. so i don't have to worry. so you're like a guru now? oh here it comes— join 18 million americans and take control of your financial future with a real time dashboard and real live conversations. empower. what's next. -unnecessary action hero ... the nemesis. -it appears that despite my sinister efforts, employees are still managing their own hr and payroll. why would you think mere humans deserve to do their own payroll? because their livelihoods depend on it?
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>> harris: louisiana has been making headlines with education laws. coming up, jeff landry will join the slide with his first exclusive interview since signing those laws. we will get his reaction to critics. the violence rocked in chicago has become so bad that the mayor is allocating more money for funerals with gunshot victims. easy fixing the real problem? arnold schwarzenegger with an unexpected take on climate change. you're going to want to hear that. come join us live as "america reports" at the top of the hour. ♪ ♪ >> t>> emily: a massive heat was is sweeping across the u.s. many are enduring. millions of americans are dealing with these sweltering temperatures. it's not helping president biden's electric
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vehicle agenda. we have already seen evs breaking down in the winter time. now "the today show" says you can drive them when it is hot. watch. >> new concern tied it to dangerous heat way. >> drivers of electric vehicles this morning. a growing number of reports of people being unable to get in and out of their car. >> one car owner not mincing words in a public complaint calling it a potential deathtrap being locked inside the electric vehicle when it's battery died. >> she and her daughter were driving a tesla when the 12-volt battery died. it happened to her too on a 97 degrees day in palm springs. >> emily: you can only drive tesla's are electric vehicles on september 1st between 9:00 and 5:00. get out of here. there's no reliability. they are dangerous.
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>> tomi: you can drive them in a rural america. tennessee is not necessarily rural and nashville. there are a number of folks i talked to at car dealerships and i ask how well they are selling their electric vehicles. some californians come in and won a luxury vehicle and bring it back two weeks later because they realize they can't go anywhere. they can drive to alabama or georgia. they can't find charging stations. i'm old enough to remember when governor gavin newsom sat in an air-conditioned room and a sweater and said, don't use your air conditioning. we can overpower the grid. don't charge you are electric. it goes to show, this whole ev agenda, great in theory. in practice, it will leave you stranded in a hot box. >> kayleigh: we had these pictures up of biden smiling in this ev. i think it was a ev. there he is smiling away. who wasn't smiling, a toddler
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was trapped in a tesla after its bettbattery died. >> harris: part of the year, i live in arizona. we always have that a discussion about where people are going to plug-in. because it's a big discussion. i have often wondered in these hot states. if you don't want to drive fossil fuel cars, i do. if you don't, why not a solar vehicle. california, they have so much sunshine. the industry that is not at that spot. it's where biden wants it to be with his emphasis on electric vehicles. if they don't work and heat, they don't work in cold. remember when those cars got caught on the freeway and couldn't move in a snowstorm. some of the gas-powered cars could drive but the electric vehicles could not. because they couldn't get them going. any kind of extreme weather,
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your battery doesn't hold a charge. it doesn't have life. it wasn't rural. it was far enough away from charging stations that they couldn't charge a move. >> emily: people couldn't evacuate because the garage doors were shut closed and stayed closed as the power went out. there's no reliability. the risk is truly death. >> paul: the inconsistency is we are being told that the climate is going to inevitably continue to increase in heat. electric cars are supposed to solve it. if they don't work and increased heat, we have a problem. i am old enough to remember -- going back when i was a kid. you couldn't get gas. odd and even. it was always electric cars are going to save us. >> emily: way for us. we will be back in a moment.
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fox news has learned one of the five americans arrested in the turks and caicos for possessing ammunition is expected to return home tonight. these are new images and the fox. fox. that is where i am on the with his wife. she is holding him. he is holding his passport in turks and caicos. where they are. the 40-year-old has been given a suspended sentence of 13 weeks. remember he was facing 12 years and he has to post a $2,000 fine and that will clear the way for him to return home to the state of oklahoma and get that passport back. two americans have been released


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