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tv   The Five  FOX News  June 21, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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getting the less educated vote, he is getting more of the working class vote, he is even getting some union votes right now. he is polling from bases that used to be democratic and now are leaning towards donald trump. >> charles: less than 30 seconds to go, lee, just quickly, momentumwise, how does it feel for you right now? >> from a polling perspective, there's a couple polls that came out that look good for biden but not enough to really swing those stewing states. swing states or what i'm looking at in donald trump is still winning in every one of them. just a momentary blimp and donald trump has the momentum. >> charles: thank you, lee carter. much more tomorrow, 10:00 a.m. eastern, "cavuto live." you can catch me on the fox business network at 2:00 p.m. for now, though, here is "the five." ♪ ♪ >> jesse: hello, everybody.
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jesse watters a lot of katie pavlich, kevin walling, kayleigh mcenany, and greg gutfeld. it's 5:00 in new york city and this is "the five." ♪ ♪ cheap fake alert. we just got another one of those unedited videos of the president acting like himself that drives the white house insane. joe biden seen shoveling at the speed of a elderly man with poor memory as he gingerly makes his way across the carmack to camp david. right now he has holed up for the next several days of nothing else on his schedule except a crime like crazy for the cnn presidential debate. a lot is riding on the big guy because as the way the liberal media puts it, if biden loses, democracy is dead forever. press laying out their sky high expectations for his perfo performance, like not freezing. >> he absolutely cannot have a senior moment at this debate. that is what i heard from, i was in wisconsin and michigan two
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weeks ago for a lot of focus groups, and what i heard from voters, democrats who support biden, they are going to be watching and they want to make sure that he is up to the task. >> republicans and trump and his minions have done themselves such a disservice with all of these edited, cut and spliced videos they are spreading around, they have lowered the bar so that if joe biden shows up and doesn't keel over on his way to the podium, he's had a good night. >> jesse: while joe gets tooled up to take on trump, the media is also trying to get biden to get it together on those plunging poll numbers and switch up his strategy. there is a new report in "new york" magazine asking, do liberals have it all wrong about how to beat trump? encouraging joe to move to the center. and cnn thinks biden's character attack on trump are failing to land as the former president obliterates biden's cash advantage. but kamala says biden is staying the course. >> when you look at the difference, i would ask people
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to really imagine what the world will be like on january 20th, 2025. the debate is going to make clear the contrast between our president, the current president, who works on behalf of the american people, fights for the american people, and the former president, who pretty much spends full-time fighting for himself. >> jesse: katie p, there is a lot of trepidation on the left. they need to change this strategy. he needs to do this. he doesn't need to do that. not a lot of confidence going into this debate. >> katie: yeah, could be again they are just doing this that when biden shows up, they can say he did a great job, he beat republican expectations, he made arguments, defended his record, when dr. trump's character, of course the media is going to approve of that the day after and highlight what they think biden did very well, but i was going back over the debate rules, and i think the american people are not getting a fair shake here. there is to be no opening
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statements, which of course candidates can make statements but there is an opening statement. also their microphones will be muted, so really there is not going to be this back and forth that we want to see, that everybody wants to see, and it really just doesn't give us an opportunity to see them go at each other, to see biden try to defend his record, trump relying on his record and focusing on the issues. i think it really is going to be a little bit boring. and too produced when it comes to what we are going to actually see when people can't talk unless their microphone is on. >> jesse: do you agree with the mute button? do you think that is going to take away the jazz? or is it going to be good to have the american people here a straightforward conversation? >> kevin: i mean, i would love to see that. the other thing interesting thing to katie's point, too, there is no live audience. both of these guys kind of feel themselves off the audience reaction. so that is going to be a noticeable change, as well. to katie's point, i think there is expectations setting, right, we are lowering expectations now, donald trump is out there
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saying actually joe biden is a great debater, great debate against paul ryan come all this kind of stuff come after months and weeks of saying this guy is incompetent, he can't get anything done, he can put two sentences together. >> jesse: that expectation. >> kevin: he is the master of putting folks down like that, but certainly i think a lot of guys are going to be on this debate next thursday. we have wall-to-wall coverage here on fox. and it's going to be critically important because it will be the first time these two are on the same stage together since the last debate four years ago. >> jesse: they are saying biden needs to move to the center appeared is it a little late for that, katie? i mean -- >> kayleigh: kayleigh. i'll take it. i love katie, so i'll take it. i do think it is a little late. we saw that with the late executive order of o come all of a sudden i care about asylum. he obviously does not. to the expectations point, there has been a lot of conversation about the g.o.p. lowering expectations, but what expectation has biden set for trump?
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for three and a half years, we have heard maga is a clear and present danger, they are a threat to our republic, they are are, to quote them exactly, they embrace anger and thrive on chaos, so to the point of your monologue last night, jesse, what happens when trump shows up with humor and just. we know we can be charming, and diminishes the expectations that president biden has set? i think there is a very real risk of that. i would say to biden, if i were prepping at camp david right now, do not say convicted felo. for your campaign has leaned in, but what has the lead in cost you? the loss of your cash on hand advantage. trump has now trounced human fundraising because you have leaned into this. so if you lean into it further, biden might as well quit running for office and become the chief fundraiser for trump. >> jesse: kayleigh saying they have made trump into a monster and he will be thrashing and throwing things if he is just out there, a few jokes.
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>> greg: okay, watters. >> jesse: think he will be the expectations that way? >> greg: i don't know. first of all, they want him to move to the center to win an election. why not move to the center to help the country? if you had done that sooner, you wouldn't be doing that now, when it's probably too late. i hate the fact that you need an election to do the right thing or do the decent thing. but anyway, they don't listen to me. i think the cheap fakes right now are designed, likely designed to make joe look normal. remember there was a 20-second ad, i think it was about the debates, where joe said two sentences. it had eight edits in it. do you remember that? it was more caught up then joe's food. and even with those edits, he didn't look coherent, he looked like max headroom with, what's that guy, walter the dummy? the only cheap fake is on jesse's head. but i do feel bad for joe. because there are people in d.c.
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who are pushing democrats to replace kamala with hillary. and that's not fair to joe. so far he's only had to worry about dying from natural causes. but if elections were honest, trump would win in a landslide, but dems are looking to do something. i don't trust them. sorry, kevin. >> kevin: this guy. >> greg: look at what they have already done to win, whether russian collusion, the pee tape, laptop suppression, comparing everybody to hitler, the lawfare unprecedented of the january 6th commission, you think they're going to stop at the finish line because they are guy is almost finished himself? they are working on something. i don't know what it is. could be another big hoax. may be his cognition is the hoax, i don't know. >> katie: one more thing, what kevin was saying about being back on the debate stage. donald trump should remind joe biden of what he did on the debate states last time they were together, when he told the
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country that the hunter biden laptop was a russian disinformation up, abusing the intelligence community, saying they were endorsing the fact there was a russian disinformation campaign. he should remind them that he was lying to them on that day. he didn't take any money, his family never took money from china or all of these other foreign countries. that wasn't true. he should remind him of the last time they were together, the things joe biden said to the american people while they were watching now that he had the opportunity to do it again. >> jesse: joe might not even remember he said that at the last debate. >> greg: can i make a chilling theory? what if the dems are better with losing? they are actually okay with it? i mean, it doesn't seem like they are, like, into this anymore. maybe they see something ahead that is coming that is really bad. if you think about, it took 200 years to get $1 trillion in debt, now we get a trillion dollars in debt every 100 days.
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if you step back, that looks like a spiral, you know, and it's a spiral you won't feel until the plane hits the ground. what if they know that that plane is going to hit the ground and 1-4 years. maybe they don't want to be in power when that happens. >> jesse: i think they definitely want to be in power -- >> kevin: we want to be in power. the white house christmas parties, if nothing else. >> jesse: coming up, joe biden has more blood on his hands. gut-wrenching new details after two illegal immigrants brutally strangle a 12-year-old girl to death. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> kayleigh: more devastating consequences from the wave of illegal alien murders that joe biden is letting into our country. 12-year-old jocelyn was just starting her life. when two illegal immigrants from venezuela lured her away from her home, taking her to a bridge, where they took off her pants, tied her up, and brutally strangled her to death. she was there for two hours. than they carelessly dumped her
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body into a creek. those two migrant monsters are now charged with jocelyn's kidnapping and murder. prosecutors are asking for a $1 million bail for each of them separately, and if this doesn't sound like deja vu, both were caught by border agents earlier this year, caught and released. remember how the illegals and rachel morin's murder and the rape of a 13-year-old girl in new york city were also released into the country? a houston police union chief is blasting joe biden for letting a wave of illegal killers. >> they should not have been allowed to be in the country. we have our own basically homegrown criminals that we have to deal with, and then you couple that with other individuals coming from different countries and illegal, entering illegally into the state and into our city, and they are committing some violent acts. this is just another glaring effort, a glaring act they committed on the citizens of
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houston by people who crossed this border illegally. >> kayleigh: so jesse, and ecuadorian illegal, caught and released, rapes a 13-year-old in new york. then they going to kill someone. catch, release, some cases assault and murder. >> jesse: exploiting inside our country like ieds. it feels like a terror attack today. and joe biden is catching and releasing killers and rapists. they are pouring into the country and committing heinous crimes. these are not your typical criminals, kayleigh. they are strangling girls with their bare hands. that means you are feeling and watching the life leave a body. that is some sick, sadistic, b steal stuff right there. and then they are bashing their heads and with rocks? they are leaving bodies and creeks, in woods? they are tying women up and
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raping and recording on their phones on watching them later? serial sexual predators, serial killers, and they don't belong here. these are third world animals. and this is going to detonate every single week, just like this, until the election. and there is no way the media is going to be able to keep a lid on this stuff. on local media markets, this is exploding right now. on social media, it is searing through the country. fox is covering it. the republican nominee for copresident is mentioning these names at rallies. he is calling the families, sometimes meeting with the families. joe biden cannot sit back in silence and point fingers here. this is now a national security threat, and it should be treated like that. >> kayleigh: it showed. look at this phase, katie. that is jocelyn. i went to bed last night, and then you wake up and you hear about her and her mom put her to bed and then she wakes up at her daughter is gone? laken riley goes for a run. rachel morin has five sweet
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babies that don't have a mom now. what names are we going to learn in the coming days? it makes me scared living here, anyone in the country. >> katie: what is the price that the biden administration is willing to pay? these killers came over and said that they were released because they said they were fearing for their lives. and yet, they were released into the country. if donald trump has gotten a lot of heat from people in the media for saying he is too harsh on this issue. he is categorizing these people inappropriately. he is saying they are coming from prisons, that they are criminals, rapists and murderers. well, there is a whole lot of them come and if there is no excuse for a single one of them to be here, and if they are committing crime after crime, these are the most horrific crimes, but there are also crimes that change people's lives, hit-and-run, drunk driving, theft going up in a number of places all over the country, people having to pay for their own accidents because these people don't have car insurance and they are driving illegally. it continues to go on,
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donald trump will get on the phone with someone in venezuela, if you don't stop sending these criminals here, you're going to pay for it, and you are going to pay for it in a really harsh way. get it under control and the idea now that you have a majority of people saying they want deportations because of exactly stuff like this. people know people this is happening to and they are tired of it and they don't want their kids or their wife or a family member to be next. they are just another story, i believe out of colorado, an illegal immigrant who killed a grandfather. innocent americans are suffering as a result of this crisis that the biden administration has created and opened the floodgates, and they are not trying to do anything to fix it. >> kayleigh: all across the country. and the aider and abettor of all of this, greg, is the media. this headline is astonishing. this is how the associated press, they are a wire service, a lot of outlets take their headline and run with it: "two men -- men -- arrested and strangled a 12-year-old houston girls.
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they were illegal immigrants come up. >> greg: how do they know they are men? to the ask how they identify? the left always says silence equals death, except they don't say that here when it was real. if you keep quiet about these murders, more will come, but it is the media all they that is enforcing the overall silence. only these victims were trans, indigenous, two-spirit animals, the culprits were cops, off-duty cops in mega hats, this would be on a loop, but as it stands right now this story has a lit on it like joe biden every day. i think the message you get from the media is they don't value the victims unless they fit a progressive narrative. they will have you believe thousands of unarmed black men were killed by police officers every year, which is false, or thousands of teens will kill themselves without access to genital mutilation, but when you
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have real examples of horrible tragedy, nothing to see here. american girls and moms, they don't have the cachet of an ex-con flooded with drugs or a pro-hamas protester pushed aside by a cop. it is no wonder dems are losing women from their party because america is just losing women period. i got to say, you have to remember all of this stuff, because if trump wins come at it looks like it's going to happen, i think, i don't know, and the deportations begin, what are you going to hear from the media? you are going to have the tears of aoc at the border. you are going to have -- you are going to be accused of lack of empathy, lack of compassion, and they are going to pretend like none of this ever happened. because that's happened before. >> kayleigh: that's right. you know, kevin, joe biden has a few choices. he could say the name rachel morin rachel morin. he could shave the name, jocelyn. he could call the families and pick up his pen come probably
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not paint, pick up his pen and sign the 84 executive actions he strutted, why doesn't he do any one of those three things? >> kevin: listen, this is just terrific come at the end of the day, what jesse described with these two individuals did for this 12-year-old girl in texas, the real girl getting 13-year-old girl getting raped in new york. i am a democrat but i am an american first. there is no excuse to have -- i hate to make politics out of this. the left of my party in terms of pro-immigration community, he s, getting a lot of grief from the left of my party about it, right? that we have seen deportations increase since then, 20% decrease in migrants crossing that border. i think that is a positive step,
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to katie's point. we have to remove these elements from our society, 100%. they have no business being in these country. these criminals to gang elements, fentanyl coming across, and i think again the president took a good step earlier this month because congress, for 45 years, has failed to act on this. >> kayleigh: trump managed to figure it out -- >> kevin: we still had millions of people over those four years crossing that border. it's a dereliction of duty from this congress that has failed to act, failed to change our asylum laws. to katie's point -- go >> kayleigh: you don't need congress, you need remain in mexico -- >> kevin: that was a covid situation -- >> kayleigh: not remain in mexico -- >> kevin: a lot more remaining in mexico with joe biden negotiating that. to katie's point, these individuals presented themselves at the border, said the right words, okay, we fear for our lives -- >> katie: committed fraud. >> kevin: and are in this country. so we need to do something certainly about that situation, 100% appear to be by those mothers and daughters would
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still be with us if not for the direct failure of your government, so there is that. no one is above the law. alvin bragg throwing the book at donald trump and letting the pro-hamas campus agitators slide. ♪ ♪ ♪ that colonoscopy for getting screened ♪ ♪ is why i'm delaying ♪ ♪ i heard i had a choice ♪ ♪ i know the name, that's what i'm saying ♪ -cologuard®? -cologuard. cologuard! -screen for colon cancer. -at home, like you want. -you the man! -actually, he's a box. cologuard is a one-of-a-kind way to screen for colon cancer that's effective and non-invasive. it's for people 45+ at average risk, not high risk. false positive and negative results may occur. ask your provider for cologuard. ♪ i did it my way ♪ liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. with all the money i saved i thought i'd buy stilts. being so tall definitely has its advantages. oh whoa. here you go, kiddo. thanks.
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♪ ♪ >> katie: well, so much for no one is above the law. radical manhattan d.a. alvin bragg has dropped criminal charges against thousands of violent pro-hamas agitators who barricaded themselves in buildings at columbia university back in april. bragg citing a lack of evidence and footage as the reason why he'll only be charging 15 out of the 46 rioters, but i guess he didn't see the video than clearly smashing videos, fighting with police, holding a janitor hostage. they were smashing windows,
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fighting with police, and holding -- also hanging up banners. a member of the jewish community relations council of new york says bragg is giving them a "green light for chaos." "a green light 40 string property." so jesse, were you really that surprised by that? >> jesse: we also that coming. he has found a way to subvert. trump and good citizens like daniel penny for self-defense,, bodega guy, not prosecuting illegal aliens, deranged homeless drug addicts, blmers, arab spring breakers. doing things so controversial on the right, and then on the left doing things which are so fantastic, the more press he gets, the more money he gets. and then he is embraced by the
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liberal media, and we think he is a scoundrel, so his profile goes up and up and up. and he is now just a political crusader. he is no longer a prosecutor. it is not even about prosecuting crime, it is about prosecuting republicans and not prosecuting democrats. and this is a way you can really build your profile. his career is going like this. he is an icon now. he is a historical player. he is going to be bigger in new york state and even bigger nationally. the sky is the limit for a guy like this. i could see him being attorney general for a big left-wing democrat president. >> katie: yeah. so, kevin, we hear all the time from the media and from democrats that crime is "down," and yet you have people like bragg just getting rid of all of these charges. also it was revealed earlier this year that he downgraded 16% of felony cases to lower charges last year. so are the books being cooked a little bit when it comes to
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actual crime? >> kevin: you've g got two back-to-back segments that are making me sound like richard nixon here on "the five." in violent crime is down, the murder rate is down, espec especially -- >> katie: misdemeanors. >> kevin: leading cities. if you break the law and damage property, as we have seen in those videos, that these protests weren't peacefully calling for a two-state solution, right? two communities living together in peace and harmony. they were calling for intifada, right, from the river to the sea. these kids should be prosecuted for breaking the law. part of the problem with prosecution if there is a lack of evidence, one of the first things these kids did when they got into these buildings is smash the security cameras and they got their faces covered up, so i understand some of the limitations of actually assigning these crimes to these individuals, but there is no reason why, if you have clear evidence that these young people, some older people, too, i think there were professors involved, should not be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, speaking as a democrat. >> katie: the police are very
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upset about this and talked to "the washington post," there is not a lack of evidence. we all had body cameras showing what they were doing. they were fighting with police alone. they should be charged for that. this is only going to continue to make their job harder in a city that is already overrun with criminals. >> kayleigh: let's be real. there is no lack of evidence, there is a lack of will. there is body cam footage come as you noted, the lack of will. he found the will with donald trump. the case was called the zombie case, or as ellie horning, cnn legal analyst, who worked with bragg, said this is the frankenstein case because it has all of the ugly parts and will eventually turn on its creator and that is exactly with the hush money case has done. but jesse is exactly right. he was always going to bring this case. he wants to be time man of the year, and prescience of working for alvin bragg, so every prosecution he brings or fails to bring will not be -- wd day here in new york.
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>> katie: greg? >> greg: i am not surprised by this at all. i have given up, sorry come on just as -- judge jeanine isn't here, so i can say that. kids, you are the ones they are after, not them. you would always hear illegal aliens are actually better citizens because they commit less crime because they have more to lose? they can be sent back home? no, republicans commit less crime because as january 6th shows, you don't get the book thrown at you, you get the whole set of encyclopedias. my advice to jesse's this year pay her taxes. >> jesse: this year? oh, not this year. >> greg: people should be scared because a justice system that is politicized means that they will punish those who don't comply and protect those who do, and we know what side we are on. i just wonder what is a community to do? let's say you know -- the sad thing about these masks, you don't know who and out of these people are so how do you punish them as a community? be able to banish them, shame them, say you know what, i don't want you around.
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if you can't do anything legally then you have to do something as a community. i think the first step is to get rid of, ban these coverings, whatever they are trying to do now with the mayor, what is it called, the masks. may be that is a start, so these cowards have to show their faces. >> jesse: they are not getting hired, either, anybody from columbia. >> greg: exactly, that's done. >> katie: they don't have to get hired but get paid to protest, right? >> greg: that's true. >> katie: coming up, another danger for joe biden's electric car evolution, they might be death traps that will cook you to death. ♪ ♪
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we■ll develop communities like this. and it■s not something special it becomes the norm. it■s going to be a lot of interaction with other veterans, which is good for me. they understand where i'm coming from. i see it as the center, you know it■s a beacon right here of, the american people has backed through tunnel to towers you see where every bit of your money goes. i donate so they should donate to i really am honored to having a house here. when i was presented with the opportunity to work for them it was a no brainer for me. this is not possible without donor support. to help people like me in your community go to and give eleven dollars a month.
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♪ ♪ >> kevin: president biden's goal of having half of all new cars be electric by 2030 has hit
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another speed bump. electric vehicles may be "death traps that could literally cook you during a heat wave. drivers are being warned of the dangers of batteries dying and trapping you inside. >> says she and her daughter were driving a tesla when a 12-volt battery powering the car's electronics died, locking them inside. unsure how to get out, they called a tow truck driver, who didn't know, either. >> he had said he had never experienced that and he wasn't sure how he was one to get us out. >> alice says it happened to her, too come on a 97-degrees day in palm springs. >> we had been on our way to vegas, for example, that is a nondesolate stretch, and even if you call 911, we might have been dead by the time they got there. >> kevin: the problem is getting so bad the national highway traffic safety administration is urging ev owners to familiarize themselves with manual door release locations.
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so, greg. >> greg: yes? >> kevin: are you worried about getting trapped and cooked in an electric vehicle? >> greg: i think these people are a bunch of whiners. they need to market this better as a luxury option. the first electric mobile sana. bring your towel, sweat out the toxins from last nights blow out, make it a big deal, tack on ten grand, no one will know the difference. i worry about jesse's driver. who is going to share the bottle of water? will he demanded water from the driver? will the driver even survive? i think the problem know mike bigger problem is where do we get all the electricity when ai explodes? we are going to need three or four times the amount of electricity. we don't have the grids. some states won't even have ai. i think the answer begins with a n. not that, jesse! nuclear. nuclear. because there is no way we're going to compete with china
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without nuclear. they are building reactors left and right and center. >> kevin: i could not agree more on nuclear. and actually congress has passed some new legislation to hopefully encourage that process -- >> greg: going to have our own nuclear plants in our homes and 50 years. mark my word. >> kevin: jesse, thoughts and prayers to your driver if this happens. what do you think? >> jesse: if it's getting hot, i'm going to eat my driver. >> kayleigh: cannibalism. >> jesse: he is pakistani. i hear that food is delicious. [laughs] i would not eat my driver, i just want to clarify that. you want reliability in life. >> kevin: totally. >> jesse: and getting into your car, and to go somewhere, whether it is work, a tea time, you can't be late. >> greg: tee time. going off the rails already. >> jesse: we have enough unreliable people, our colleagues come our president, our air conditioning units, so when you get in the car, you've
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got to go. it's not only the car is breaking down for no reason. usually you have a little light in the -- that lights up and yu know where you have to take it pretty soon. i push that a few times, not a good idea. you are trapped. no one likes being trapped. if you are trapped with a driver. who you don't have conversations with. than it's going to have to be my first conversation. imagine having to make conversation with your driver for the first time while you are trapped? >> greg: where is the common ground? where is going to be the common ground? >> katie: ridiculous. >> jesse: i am .1%. >> kevin: i saw something interesting with former president trump, he was at a rally in phoenix earlier in june where he actually was praising electric vehicles and elon musk. do you think this is a little bit of a change in the narrative around evs, at least with the former president? >> kayleigh: not at all. but it's a good thing you picked up on it. >> kevin: i watch everything
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he says. >> kayleigh: jesse is now evidence that cannibals do exist. in fact eaten by accountable. you where the footnote for that one. i would just say about being trapped, there was a 20-month-old trapped in one of these vehicles, trapped, and they called it a life-threatening situation, extreme heat. firefighters have to break the 20-month-old with an ax. that is a real thing. a real thing. like cannibals. >> kevin: the waiting time to get a new tesla, it's out of control. >> katie: not anymore. >> kevin: regretting that. katie, what do you think about the situation with the car? >> katie: survival tip to katie, always need to have something to break your window. a little hammer like they always have in your console just in case. if you drive an electric car or not. i think this proves joe biden is trying to kill us all by strapping us in these electric vehicles. going to strand you in the middle of nowhere, can't recharge them, they blow up during hurricanes because of all of the salt water the fire
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department can't put the fire is out when they catch on fire, and now you can get trapped in the car and get cooked to death. no, thank you. i'm good. >> greg: this is why if you're going to get an ev, get in ev bentley because of your trapped, who cares? >> jesse: it's a convertible. [laughter] >> kevin: i think that's the perfect way to lead leave it. and "fan mail friday" is up next. ♪ ♪ i'm a rusty old boat hitch, and i am barely hanging on... ha ha ha. and while we're still miles from the lake, i'm gonna launch this boat right here. see ya. [rusty creak sounds] [traffic noises] so get allstate, save money on auto insurance and be protected from mayhem. yeah, like me. ♪
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(vo) if you have graves' disease, your eye symptoms could mean something more. that gritty feeling can't be brushed away. even a little blurry vision can distort things. and something serious may be behind those itchy eyes. up to 50% of people with graves' could develop a different condition called thyroid eye disease, which should be treated by a different doctor. see an expert. find a t-e-d eye specialist at
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hey. you seein' this? wait... where's the dish? there ain't one. you're tellin' me you can get directv — the good stuff — and you don't need a satellite dish? oh, i used to love doin' my business on those things! you're one sick pigeon. them dishes kept the rain off our beaks! we just have different priorities is all. satellite-free directv... never thought i'd see the day. well, our lifespans are quite short... stream directv without a satellite dish. i'm going to do this thing with my neck, just for a bit.
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♪ ♪ >> greg: yeah! "bonanza." i miss haas. first question from frenchy: what is the one thing on your to-do list that that never gets done? kayleigh? >> kayleigh: cleaning my closet, although i cleaned one-third of it on monday, but it needs a full three days to be fully cleaned. >> greg: as they walk in? every closet is a walk-in for me. jesse? >> jesse: i have a small dent on one of my cars that i did not create, it was my wife. i've been meaning to get it fixed and take it to a body shop. i just can't do it. >> greg: yeah, that's the
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thing about small dents. >> jesse: it's a small dent. >> greg: just can get the energy to do it but it still there staring at you. nothing worse than a small dent. kevin? >> kevin: one thing -- so i got married in february. the one thing i have been tasked with his writing the thank-you notes appeared at i think we have a year to do it. >> jesse: february? >> kevin: this past february. >> jesse: it's almost july. >> kevin: thank you, if you were at our wedding. >> greg: that counts! and a toaster. that's like a reply all. >> kevin: done. >> greg: katie, what is on your to-do list? >> katie: getting gas. >> greg: the cafeteria. >> katie: the car, greg. right before i almost run out of gas. >> greg: i got to get my sweatshirt back from taylor swift. >> katie: wow. >> greg: from -- is that a real name? it's like parents that wanted a boy, and they got a girl, so they went from keith to ke
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keitha. >> jesse: trans. >> greg: you have two weeks to go somewhere but you have to go it alone, where are you going? katie? let's go back this way. way. >> katie: anywhere? >> greg: anywhere but you have to go it alone. >> katie: i would probably go to wyoming alone. i go alone a lot of places. two weeks is a long time. >> greg: do you want to talk about it? >> katie: maybe later. >> greg: cool. i'll be here. kevin, two weeks to go somewhere alone. >> kevin: ireland. i love ireland. it's a beautiful country. it's easy to get around. but you can see the whole country in two weeks. people are lovely, so you make friends at every pub, every restaurant. >> greg: you think you make friends. >> kevin: so they tell me. >> greg: then you wake up -- >> kevin: an ice bath, missing a kidney. >> greg: exactly. i always wake up with an extra kidney. i have seven. [laughter] i have so many kidneys right now. in your face, people without
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kidneys. jesse. >> katie: wow. >> greg: you have to go two weeks somewhere and you have to go alone -- we all hope you might do this soon. where are you going? >> jesse: we are going to go to alaska. i don't know why i said "we," but i would go to alaska because my wife doesn't like cold weather and she likes more tropical vacations or european vacations, like civilized life. i want to go out into the wilderness. and i want to hike. and i want to snowshoe? >> greg: yeah, you snowshoe. >> jesse: you snowshoe. that's what i would be able to get away with while she wasn't there. >> greg: that's beautiful. i just zoned out with that. kayleigh? >> kayleigh: i'm going to reject the question. i have withdraws. maybe the nail salon for like 3. >> greg: i'm going to say something similar. i could do a spa for two weeks. get up in the morning, get a massage, you know, do stuff like that. just meditate. >> kayleigh: you are not
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alone. someone is giving you the massage? >> greg: there is such thing as self massage. >> kayleigh: oh, gosh. >> greg: it didn't say that in the question. do you have a go-to phrase that you say when you are not prepared to answer a question? jesse? >> jesse: when i'm not prepared -- i repeat. i just repeated the question. that's what i do, i repeat the question. >> greg: so you are saying -- >> jesse: so you are saying. >> greg: kevin? >> kevin: i will say, put you down as a maybe. especially -- just put you down as a maybe. >> greg: that's interesting. kayleigh? >> kayleigh: i would just say i am always prepared for a question. jim acosta, don't forget it. >> greg: do you guys keep in touch? >> kayleigh: of course, we are good friends. not at all. >> greg: he doesn't text you late at night? >> kayleigh: my husband wouldn't. >> greg: what about you, katie? >> katie: i don't have a saying, you just have to pivot to something else. >> greg: professional. you know what i say? when i'm not prepared?
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♪ >> time now for "one more thing." big happy shirtout to my dad. happy birthday, dad. steven h. waters. turns an age we would rather not reveal but you are a great father. look how i turned out. that's kind of the test. how your son turns out. i think i'm doing swimmingly. best dad ever. tonight, "jesse watters primetime," we have david freedberg. >> greg: not the david freedberg. >> jesse: tulsi gabbard and jeffrey rosen. >> harold: quite a lineup. >> greg: dagen mcdowell, paul mauro and kat timpf and adam hunter. did you put it up there? yes, you did. that's 10:00 p.m.
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let's do this, greg's itchy armadillo news. we haven't done any itchy armadillo news in a while. let's get to it. baby armadillo using the side of a trunk to satisfy itch on back arm. how does he feel that? turns out they do. their armor is made up of overlapping plates much like jesse's hair. >> jesse: armor sensitivity. number of plates determine the species of the armadillo. several plates. instead of rolling up into a ball it jumps into the air to escape. armadillo news. >> jesse: i just learned a lot about armadillos, katy? >> katie: more good news. season 3 of luxury hunting lodges of america will be out on fox nation on july 2nd. we went to california and wine country. lake life in the ozarks. don't want to miss it and i also have a gift for you. this is by son jerky from a by son that i hunted during the
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season's episode in texas. so, pass it around, it's really delicious. >> jesse: you killed by son? >> katie: did i indeed. >> greg: do you know what his dad said when he got shot. bye, son. fox nation,. >> looking forward to it. my husband went to the george straight concert in new jersey. we will have a video you can put up. see us there. loving couple in the audience. george straits broke the concert record history. 110,000 people in attendance in texas beating grateful dead they were 107,000. >> jesse: beat that grateful dead. >> pickleball declared official food not pickles it's blueberries or by son jerky. >> jesse: that's it for us have. great night. ♪ ♪ >> shannon: good evening, welcome to


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