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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  June 21, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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you can't do it. >> can i stand ultimately in the big chair and, look, if he asks me, i think the answer is yes. >> do you look like george washington? you look just like george washington. >> don't ever be burdened by other people's limited ability to see who can do what. >> happy everyone. >> you look at our administration and you will see for ourself we got all of this chocolate running this city. >> i'm so happy i got that shot up and down on 18. americans, man. i didn't want to fin issue that that one again. >> real feeling still hasn't kicked in yet. tonight it was worth it. >> shannon: what a week. monday on "special report" we begin our series looking at voters top issues. we start with immigration and the border crisis. thanks for watching "special report." i'm shannon bream in washington. we will live from the supreme court for "fox news sunday." "the ingraham angle" is next. ♪ ♪ >> laura: good evening everyone i'm laura incorporate gram this is "the ingraham angle" from washington tonight.
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as always, thanks so much for joining us. now, desperate to stop the maga express, the biden campaign has tried out more slogans than leo decaprio has tried out 22-year-olds. >> we are going to build back better. we have to. we must. we will. because that's who we are. >> [inaudible] much fun of bidenomics anymore. they are thinking maybe it works to build from the middle out and the bottom up. >> january 6th happened. when he unleashed an insurrection. now he is running again and he is clearly unhinged. >> let me tell you about this ultra maga agenda. it's extreme as most maga things are. >> laura: okay. is any of that landing? well, while the national head-to-head polls are tightening a bit. historically, this is some of the best swing state polling that donald trump has ever seen. he is leading in five key battleground states, even in the allusive pennsylvania. and, whoa, check out biden's al
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approval ratings in some of these states. 36% in arizona. 35% in georgia. 39% in michigan. pennsylvania, and 38% in minnesota. and nevada? wow, the wilmington wonder is that what we are calling him tonight? like he is wildly unpopular. and it's not a communications problem. a comms problem as we say here in washington. it's a policy problem. his policies are killing america. literally. by giving illegal gang members and killers a bus ticket and a free phone, come on, in fellows, the damage, the carnage we have already endured and the desks think about it for a minute that a biden second term that all of that could bring us should give, should give trump a massive victory in november. now, all biden's speech writers can do in seeing all of this is
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try to turn the tables somehow on trump. >> the threat that trump poses greater in the second term than the first. it's clear that when he lost in 2020, and i mean this sincerely, something napped in trump. the threat that trump poses is grader in his second term than his first. it's clear that when he lost in 2020, something literally snapped in this guy. >> laura: yeah, we now know that that's the new slogan. at a private fundraiser in seattle last month. biden supposedly revealed this branding gem that he was going to start using more and more on the trail and wait for it, are you ready for it? trump, he's worse than before. that's it. "the washington post" called this his master strategy. now, no wonder so many people in the press seemed so depressed these days. this is from cnn. biden's searing character attacks on trump may tell a story about his own campaign struggles. and biden's strategy may also
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tell the story of a re-election campaign that is going nowhere near as well as the president must have hoped. and politico, kind of a mouthpiece for the administration, it's worried about black voters in milwaukee saying it's not looking good. they interviewed a former alderman who said this is probably the first time since he had been politically alert in his lifetime that there is a conflict between who you are voting for. and previous election cycles it was a no-brainer that most black folks in milwaukee would vote for the democratic nominee but not anymore. but, fear not, crest fallen lefties. there is a new plan afoot to turn it all around. abc is reporting that biden is now hunk erred down working on his punchier more pointed remarks to attack trump. working hard in camp david. now, in what universe did they think that joe biden at any age
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was capable of sounding punchy, witty, and more pointed? >> trump is trying to make the country forget just how dark and unsettling things were when he was president. well, we will never forget lying around -- and us him -- him lying around, actually. >> laura: whatever. can i buy a vowel? now, even if biden manages to remain relatively coherent through the debate and doesn't do one of those, well it, still doesn't solve his biggest problem. he cannot run on his agenda. he can't tell people their life is better than it was four years ago, because it's not. and their plan to make this campaign about character, well, it's a total loser. that new fox poll that some people are talking about, shows that the candidates' ability to handle the issues is what this campaign is mostly about. beating out the candidates' character and fitness.
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questioning biden's character. and think about it this way. how could a good man do what this man has done to the country these past three and a half years? how can a man of integrity blatantly lie about inflation, blatantly or about what he knew about his son's foreign businesses? so given where things stand today, you bet, you bet they're pushing the panic button. joining me now glenn greenwald. independent journalist pulitzer prize winning journalist. glenn, i it's so good to see yo. and i know the press spent credibility and capital on this trump's a dictator story line. and maybe that's -- explains a little bit of the erosion you have seen in some of these statewide polls but how do you see this line of attack playing
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out over the next four or five months for biden? >> i think the whole issue here is the media issue. and its relationship to our politics. we know, of course, that the key dynamic shaping our politics is that most people have come to hate institutions of authority, the media being the most hated of all. and the reason is because they have seen the media lie on purpose for partisan ends in 2016 when they concocted the russia gate collusion theory and they country and that turned out to be false. 2020 they proved they would lie for the hunter biden laptop called russian disinformation which was false. i think in these two areas, laura, one, how people are managing and farrowing in the united states and the other is how capable is biden really? people don't need the media to tell them what to think. they are able to see that much better for themselves. how did they feel their family is doing? not well. how do they think biden is performing? extremely poorly. and the media cannot convince them that what they are seeing is false.
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>> laura: and, glenn, this line that it's kind of in tandem with trump is a dictator is that trump is out for revenge. and it will be nothing but a bloodbath of political revenge if he wins. and i'm hearing them say this and i think you are literally trying to put him in jail. multiple court cases. and trump is out for revenge? that's rich. well, yeah, i mean, first of all, again, i think they have a huge uphill battle it would be one thing if there were some new personality that very few people understood politically and they wanted to say this some kind of hitler figure they tried that with trump in 2016. people went through the next four years. we didn't see cramps being built or aoc and rachel maddow or joy behar being thrown into them. this idea that he is going to be a real hitler figure this time. people remember trump for four years and didn't see any of that of course, the real eye none any what you said, laura, they are basically saying explicitly we
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must keep trump out of the office by imprisoning him before the election, because, if we don't and he wins, he will then weaponize the justice department in order to try and imprison his political enemies. and it's not just trump. a huge number of people who associated with president trump who are either in prison, facing charges, and that has been the case since 2018, they have been weaponizing the system against their political opponents in a way we have never seen before. and so trying to convince americans he is the real danger to do it. i think even for the media, if i were them, would be a bridge too far. >> laura: yeah, and their disinformation ploy is also just revealing once again that they're all clashing with each other. they want less free speech, not more free speech. and show call everything disinformation if it actually, you know is, any way critical of their world view. glenn, have you been all over. this thank you so much. wonderful to see you. all right, trump's outreach to democrat strongholds may be bearing fruit. prult multiple polls biden's
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support black voters dipping between 15 and 20 percentage points since 2020. biden has that problem with black voters in milwaukee as i mentioned in 2016 hillary clinton's underperformance in milwaukee, filly and detroit. hurt her immensely. congressman jim clyburn is now saying it's all disinformation. >> this man says he has delivered for african-americans. i asked them to show me one single substantive thing. that he has done. that would make black americans proud to be a part of this effort. we have to be very careful because this is all about miscommunication, disinformation, the media repeating these things rather than reporting what is actually happening. that is what's causing the problem. >> laura: yeah. higher incomes under trump were misinformation. nice try, jim. all right, trump continues his blue city tour this weekend in philly. now, that's a city we know has
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been rocked by skyrocketing drug use. homelessness, and retail theft. and the scenes from neighborhoods in philly, i know we have seen them on social media and they are in every major city. in philadelphia, the birthplace of freedom, it's heart breaking. and donald trump thinks that philadelphia's minority community is getting a raw deal here. and that message may resonate. joining us now are two pennsylvania voters, israel cruz and anton gist. antwon, let's start with you. congressman clyburn says biden is not losing support with black voters. do you agree with that? >> thank you laura for having me on. biden is losing the streets as they would say in filly. all the internet is talking about it they actually have to drum up support to actually protest against trump coming here tomorrow. but, i met president trump last
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week in detroit. a very warm, you know, comforting man. and i really believe that people are waking up, the scales are coming off of their eyes. >> laura: israel, why did you republican after you voted mostly democrat in your lifetime? >> yes. i grew up in new york and philadelphia, and that's all we were told is vote democrat, vote democrat, vote democrat livings at and no correlation going on there, you are like the media is lying so what else do i not trust? and that other problem, i started not trusting them. i started not trusting the democrats and then i started looking into things myself. and i saw that when they spoke, they were lying. and when i saw -- you know, the republican party is supposedly for the rich.
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and the democrats are for the poor. why do i want to be for the poor? i wanted to move my family forward. i wanted to propel myself. that's all they wanted us to do is to take that little meal ticket. welfare checks, whatever. we're not going to do that in my family. >> laura: i like that analysis, although most of the billionaires are still supporting biden, most of them. not all but most of them. because they like to keep wages low in the united states. an taiwan, i know you voted for hillary in 2016. you started looking at trump's politics more closely. you shifted to him in 2020. and a lot of people don't know this but in philadelphia, although, of course, hillary won handily, trump picked up more voters and he picked up a third ward in northeast filly. i think it was the 58th ward, so there is obviously a lot of room to grow for trump. but people are citing the way he has been treated by the legal system as yet another reason forever african-american voters to take interest in his
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campaign. do you see that as a possible plus for him? >> i do see that because trump is being looked at as the under dog. he is being looked at as the person who has been persecuted. and, you know, philadelphia, we're a home of rocky. you know, the story. we are always routing for the underdog. so that's why trump is really resonating with a lot of philadelphiaians. >> laura: israel, do you think this visit by trump is going to matter in the end? every trip to a blue city by republican has not been done in a long, long time. but what does it say to the voters on the ground? >> it says exactly what i wanted. what i would do myself. if you want the people to know that you care about them, you show up. that's what family does. that's what friends do. when you show up, you are telling them i'm here for you. and when you don't, you are
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telling them exactly who cares? who cares about you? >> laura: amazing. israel, antoine, we can talk all night. thank you so much. i'm fascinated by what is happening in philadelphia and in pennsylvania. and up next, woke manhattan d.a. bragg rewarding his friend, punishing his enemies. we're going to explain it, next. ♪ ( ♪ ) luke's mom: without easterseals, my luke would be a very different luke. look up. where you going? luke's mom: there's an incredible urgency to get your child into services,
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♪ >> while this defendant may be unlike any other in american history, we arrived at this trial and ultimately today at this verdict in the same manner as every other case that comes through the courtroom doors, by following the facts and the law and doing so without fear or favor alvin without fear or favor. alvin bragg using that theory to convict the political opponent of joe biden last month. and his office is now dropping nearly all cases against those racist columbia university anti-israel protesters. now, as a reminder, here's what these lovely people were like. [chanting]
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free, free palestine. [cheers] >> there is only one solution. [chanting] intifada revolution. >> we are hamas! >> you're hamas? wow. that's a good one. you are what? you are hamas? >> yes. we are all hamas, pig. >> she would be arrested for banging that thing. took over hamilton hall. rewarding your friends and pun you issue inning enemies isn't just a new york philosophy. in d.c. liberal hamas protesters statutes and righted outside the white house were rewarded with zero estates. remember that police officer also got pelted with water bottles. in california, the morin county d.a. reduced charges after a catholic statute was h vandalizd and remember this visual of
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migrants storming the border. you think something, something would have hand to them. nope. all charges dismissed. former justice scalia and justice law clerk and former ambassador to mexico and attorney extraordinary narrow chris landau joins me now. chris, great to see you tonight. this is really quite something this group of hamas protesters takes over. they commandeer that hamilton hall at columbia. throw the whole campus into chaos. i think to myself, chris, imagine if they -- these were a bunch of maga, you know, supporting students if there are any columbia. imagine if they had taken over kind of the muslim student center or any center at columbia. what do you think alvin bragg would have done to them? >> laura, this is a real problem. and these soros d.a.s like alvin bragg are really undermining the rule of law in this country. the rule of law depends on having certain laws that people
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can understand, they can conform their to the law and laws are enforced even handily. what we're seeing right now is a massive under enforcement of the law. these people are obviously breaking the law by trespassing, by doing all kinds of other things that are clearly illegal and unlawful and the d.a.s aren't prosecuting. i mean, that's the way our system works. the legislatures make the laws, but the executive branch has the obligation to enforce them. and now we're seeing that that's not happening. and so what is happening now is that we're seeing the selective enforcement of the law. they will come up as you just said with this novel theory to go after president trump while the same time they are ignoring all of this lawlessness that's taking over the streets of our country. >> laura: we wonder why the west coast is suffering from, you know, a make exodus and most major cities there. i mean, people want to live in safety, people want laws evenly
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applied. and it's obvious that criminals know they can get away with it. they go into a lego store and take out $2,000 worth of merchandise. they know they are going to be able to get away with it. and intifada knows it's going get away what what they do. they keep doing it. it's not that complicated. >> laura, it's sad. i'm an ambassador, i'm a laura used to be a an ambassador to mexico. one of the great things about our country we could be so proud of and the reason people want to come here we traditionally have been a country of the law. where you didn't see this kind of brazen disregard for the law. go completely unpunished. in fact, we regarded in some of these circumstances. it's very disturbing. and, you know, i hope the american people are starting to see with their own eyes what is going on here. because, you know, i have to say. >> laura: it also seems, excuse me, that alvin bragg's office doesn't want donald trump to really discuss his case at the debate. i don't even think he should spend a lot of time on his case.
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i think he should talk about the american public and issues that american people care about. but he is pushing for an extension of this gag order. now, he is already sentenced, chris, what is this. >> it makes no sense, laura. the whole justification for the gag order was not to influence the jury or witnesses or anything like that. at this point, this is just naked election interference, what does alvin bragg have with this unprecedented gag order? i mean, this is really, you know, spinning out of control. i just think it's undermining respect for the rule of law. you know, i have to say i think the courts have to start taking these selective prosecution cases very seriously now. because, traditionally that's been very hard to show shaw are a victim of selective prosecution, but i think what we are seeing with our own eyes and ears that the courts are going to have to start addressing that and seeing no, no, no. you can't do this. >> laura: great point. they need to feet pain on the legal side. chris, excellent point. of course, i wish i thought of
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it, chris landau, always great to see you. all right. what can we really expect from the trump-biden debate? and why is raymond making a wish for michelle obama? friday follies with raymond arroyo is next. ♪
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>> kevin: hi everybody, i'm kevin corke. fox news update. a trip to the grocery store turns deadly for shoppers at small arkansas town. three people are dead after a gunman opened fire outside of a store in fortis. plis say 13 others are injured. two law enforcement officers among those hurt. they're injuries not considered to be life-threatening. suspect taken into custody following a shootout with state police no.
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word yet on a potential motive. no relief yet for millions of people suffering from the sweltering heat. maybe a rerelief start of next week. heat warnings and advisories in effect for the northeast, mid-atlantic and some states out west. heat being blamed for at least two deaths in idaho. i'm kevin corke in washington. now back to the ingraham angle. ♪ >> laura: it's time for friday follies. turn to fox news contributor raymond arroyo. all right, raymond. this early cnn presidential debate this is shaping up, i guess, to be one of the major moments from the election biden is taking seven days to prepare. >> prize fighters don't go off the grid this long before a bought.
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what intrigues me about the exceptions narrative coming out of the white house. >> this is going to be a robust preparation led by his former chief of staff ron klain. i'm also told that we should expect some surprises as well because this is such a critical performance for president biden. not only on the content but on his physical performance as well. >> raymond: surprise. it is a surprise in his physical performance, laura? now, look, look at the shuffle this poor man has at camp david on his way the other day. he looks like team conway as a little old man. but they are promising some physical feat, laura, he can barely lift his feet or himself into a suv at this point. i mean, come on. >> laura: i think donald trump has got to be careful here because, if biden has a moment like where he freezes at this debate or whether he seems lost, don't you think it would be smart for trump to just, you
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know, pause and say, you okay? should -- can someone help? like you can't seize upon biden's physical challenges or his cognitive challenges. >> you can underscore it by being sympathetic. if he gets biden triggered and angry it's all over. for all of biden's campaign promises and wonders at the debate give you a preview of what you are going to see. this is biden sitting with jimmy kimmel and obama in l.a. last weekend which a lot of people didn't see. watch. >> the next president is likely to have two new supreme court nominees. two more. two more. [applause] >> he has already appointed two that have been very negative in terms of rights of individuals. the idea that if he is reelected is he going to appoint two more flying flags upside down is really -- i mean, i really mean it. >> raymond: laura, this is performance with side bics obama
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and kimmel and all the lighting and happy support. imagine under the pressure of a debate. it's amazing his condition. three tenors. before i go on my much needed vacation, i am granting you three wishes. >> raymond: oh, thank you so much. jane fonda famously optioned the rights to on golden pond, laura for her father. the oscar winning film chronicles a young woman trying to reconnect with her addled and aged father. after hearing her analysis of the president's condition, i wish jane fonda would spend a little less time on golden pond. >> i have seen him up close and personal. and he is fine. you know, he is -- he is perfectly suited to be president of the united states. i don't know because of or in spite of the age, is he just
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fine. >> laura: tell that to the veto calm. >> she is 86 years old by the way. five years older than biden. look how incredible she looks and sounds. with her climate change support and support for abortion she should run for president of the united states. >> laura: is he fine, oh, please, this is all smoke and mirrors. whatever. all right. what is your second wish? >> okay. i wish michelle obama would get a job earlier this week she did a video urging people to register to vote. this week she is back as a fitness guru. look out jane fonda. ♪ >> woo. >> still got it. do you? at plezy, we are on a mission to raise a healthier generation. i'm challenging you to show us all the fun and unexpected way you stay active. >> laura: she is still in good shape. i think that's nice. >> laura, the reason her omni
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presence is so important is because clams, obviously you can't run her depending what happens to biden who know what is will happen. >> laura: sorry we couldn't get to all three wishes. blocking adoptions by americans who won't subscribe to theop t typically woke ideology. and get 0% apr for 84 months ♪s. for you or someone you love? getting a walk-in tub ♪s. now is a great time to take a look at getting a safe step walk-in tub. with safe step's standard heated seat and new fast fill faucet, you can enjoy a nice warm bath up to 20% faster. safe step walk-in tubs are built to maximize safety. so you can stay in your home and enjoy the comforts of bathing again.
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>> laura: adoption brought me the greatest joys i have in life of my three children. they are blessing even in thirteen years. yeah, it's to the easy. millions of adopt the parents and foster parents here and around the world feel the same. it's a beautiful thing. the same activists who claim to care so much about the children are actually hurting the children by blocking devout christians from becoming foster parents. pastor brian gant and his wife rebecca have been fostering kids since 2016 they say the last year the vermont department of children and families asked them to take in a baby about to be born to a homeless woman addicted to drugs. well, after praying about it. they decided to say yes. but then, they got an email from the state explaining that they must accept the state's orthodoxy about gender fluidity even if the foster parents hold divergent personal opinions or beliefs. well, the gants say they would
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unconditionally love and support any child placed with them but, of course, they would not forsake their own religious beliefs. joining me now is pastor ryan gantd and his attorney malory slight. pastor, you say that the department of families and children responded by refusing to just let you take this child and then they revoke your license? what is going on here? >> yes. they did. it's a been amazing. we fostered over seven years. adopted three kids out of the foster care system now because of simply our religious beliefs we can't even take a baby to foster according to the state. >> laura: i can't believe this is the united states of america. i say that a lot lately. but this is -- chris winters who is the commissioner of the department of children and family said we want to make sure that kids in foster care are placed in homes that support all aspects of what makes them who they are. and that sometimes includes their sexual orientation or gender identity.
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malory, you know, again, your client was going to take in a baby. so, how does gender etiology play into this and isn't this just rank religious discrimination by the state of vermont? >> it absolutely is. and, really gender ideology doesn't play into. this in fact, the department chose the gantz out of all of their foster parents because they are so great with kids who are dependent on opioids. and, yet, because of their religious beliefs, the department then changes their minds and says not only can you not foster this child, you can't foster any infant baby each couple hours because of your belief. >> laura: i have looked into this case have you exemplar plenipotentiary record for what
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have you done for kids unwanted in the state of vermont. you and your wife are incredible. and have you gotten praised the licensing case worker has said i hope we find out more. the whole department agrees you are the perfect home and first choice for this baby. again, pastor your religious beliefs belief in god and the bible all those words, i guess they don't matter anymore? >> apparently not. you know, again, we had had such a wonderful relationship with the department for seven years. you know, it's just our heart. as christians to care for these kids. that are in need. pastor downtown and i see the needs of family. i see the drug crisis every day from my office as i look outside. and we just want to be part of this solution. >> laura: so malory, not only do they want to fuel more
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homelessness and drug addiction by pushing legalization everywhere. but now they want to take away foster homes from unwanted babies because they hate christians. i'm sorry, i'm being very blunt tonight, but that seems what is going on. they get you both ways. >> only a couple days ago the department sent out another email to everybody on their list begging for any ideas they had or solutions because they are out of options. it's such a placement crisis and they have so many children they can't place that they are begging for help. yet, we represent two families right here who have adopted five kids. they ever told you cannot adopt or foster because of your religious beliefs. >> laura: christians need not apply. brian and malory we will be following, this thank you. the left doesn't want christians to adopt. now it turns out they don't have a baby at all. the massachusetts department of health just launched a $1 million taxpayer funded campaign warning about the
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dangers of pro-life pregnancy centers. >> whether you need pregnancy care or abortion care, avoid antiabortion centers. they may look like medical clinics, but can put your health at risk. they mislead you about your option fuss are pregnant. >> laura: okay. so, what dangerous things do these crisis pregnancy centers do? well, they do things like provide free testing, free ultrasounds and counseling for alternatives to abortion. oh, the horror. joining me now is theresa larkin, executive director of your options medical. a pregnancy crisis center in massachusetts. theresa, what are the state bureaucrats really afraid of here? >> >> can i only surmise they are afraid of women having their babies. as you alluded, to you know, instead of supporting and encouraging the services that we do provide as you said pregnancy testing, material resources,
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parenting classes. referrals for mommyless help. and other important essential services, they are focusing on what we don't do which is provide abortions. they want as many abortions to occur in the state of massachusetts, one of the most important states for american independence and freedom and the struggle for freedom. and this is how the left speaks about crisis pregnancy centers. check this out. >> malicious and manipulative efforts by so-called crisis pregnancy centers, to woo women into their centers by appearing as if they are a planned parenthood or the like, and then manipulating them and convincing them not to have an abortion. >> this guy dan goldman is a monster. so now it's heinous and i guess
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violent to not encourage a woman to -- you know, to kill her own off spring. that's the monstrous thing. i mean, up and down left is right. theresa, the hope out there is that when women walk in to these crisis pregnancy centers, when they actually get to see their own infants, preborn babies in the womb, aren't they more likely to have that child, bring that child to term? >> yes. they absolutely are. you know, one of the things is women want to know, when they are facing an unplanned pregnancy. they know they are about to make one of the most important decisions of their life. they want information. they want to know. and when they do see that ultrasound and they know that it's a baby. over 60% of the time they do change their minds and also there is studies that routinely show that over 60% of women that had abortions say they would not not have had an abortion had
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they nina support and resources and financial aid, one person to believe in them would have been there for them. >> laura: theresa more information is usually better the left says but not here. very curious, actually not curious at all. truss is a, thank you so much. >> you are welcome, thank you. >> we have all of a sudden heard the phrase hog wild. a hog wild bomb could be coming your way depending on where you live. a rancher on the frontline joins us next. ♪
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>> wild hogs are now wreaking having across multiple states and officials are warning that without intervention, "a feral swine ball macaque that's what they call at, could be coming our way. joining us now is a rancher in texas. derek, "for people who don't really know what this is or why this matters, how big can these hogs get? and what damage do they really do? are they dangerous, is it just property damage? >> laura, of these poor hogs which are the mail hogs, i have seen them up as big as 350 pounds. and yes, they do damage to our crops. they have damaged hay on our ranch at $150 a bail. but they get into watermelons, corn, any kind of crop you can imagine. we see the best we can tell in the state of texas about $50 million in damage to
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agriculture per year. >> laura: you scent us a video from when you captured a pack of hogs, is that we call them? explain the process of how you capture them and what happens after you do that. >> laura, we have traps set up around our ranches. they have a -- they have a cell capture system on them so when the hogs walk in the traps, we get a signal and we get a picture and we can remote trap them. we can release the gates and we try to get the whole sound. we weight until all of them get in there and a big group of hogs is called a sounder. >> laura: friends of mine actually pay money to hunt wild hogs. there's a guy in florida i know who takes people out hunting in the sugarcane. is one of the few license in florida to do that. what happens after you trap them? do you euthanize them humanely or what?
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they are a complete menace. i'm a big animal person but this is invasive at this point. >> absolutely. the trappers have a big buying collective and they will purchase them and they go to a slaughterhouse just like a cow would. and believe it or not, they are exported to europe quite a bit. europeans love to eat the hogs. >> laura: wait a second, you really have to smoke those because i have tried wild hog sausage. and it's not great. not my favourite, let me tell you that. but for people to understand this, the wild hog population back in 1982, here is where it is in 2023. so it was pretty minimal and now it has spread. look at that map now, where it is. >> it is crazy. they are in every county in the
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state of texas other than el paso county. in texas, the best we can figure out is in 2024, you have a population of about 2.6 million. so you can understand the math, the closest we can find is about a 30% offtake of harvest of those hogs per year. and you need a 66% harvest just to keep the population level. it's crazy. >> laura: people shooting them from helicopters with over unders, that usually does the trick. i'm not a big hunter, i support hunting. but this is ridiculous. ag web reports there has been an average -- to make a comparison they are, six fatal shark attacks worldwide every year. there are 20 fatal wild pig attacks. so derek, don't corner a pig. if it's between you and a pig in a small area, the pig can charge, correct? look at those little tasks. >> correct.
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>> laura: and they move fast. >> they will protect themselves. and yes, they can, they will protect themselves. >> laura: can you outrun a wild pig? you outrun one? >> probably not. but we have things on us that make sure we don't ever have to get into that situation with those wild pigs, if you know what i mean. >> laura: well derek, i know so many people dealing with this on their property in texas and in florida, thank you so much for educating us. we appreciate it, at the cu. that is it for us tonight. for the next two weeks, i will be taking a break with the family, a graduation trip and some friends. so i will be watching from afar and commenting where i can mostly taking rnr. thank you for watching, remember it is america now and forever, jesse watters takes it from here. >> jesse: welcome to "jesse watters primetime".


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