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tv   FOX and Friends Saturday  FOX News  June 22, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PDT

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7:00 a.m. hour of "fox & friends" weekend starting with this. houston residents hold ago vigil to honor a 12-year-old girl allegedly murdered by illegal immigrants. associated press, they won't mention those de-'tiles. charlie: plus, former secretary of state condoleezza rice is talking about school choice. >> we have a school choice system in education. if you are of means, you'll move to the district where the schools are good and houses are expensive. rachel: i'm sorry, condoleezza rice is not aging. and americans ditching democrat-run states and people saying leave politics at the door. second hour of "fox & friends" weekend starts right now.
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rachel: good morning. it's 7:00 in new york city and maybe a little earlier. you're watching us this morning and we're joining us and charlie filling in for pete hegseth and good morning, will. will: nobody's going to commit the crimes and deep in that and playing some of rachel's favorite 80s music. this is about to commit a serious crime. we've been debating what song he was listening to in silence of the lambs. rachel: and crying game. and -- will: if there's a influential movie and famous serial killer listening to fancy that, would
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we be creeped out by it and the serial killer be doubted by that? charlie: bill couldn't be singing walk the line. silence of the laps will lose impact. will: i think you're right. charlie: i don't think any man dressed in a skirt with dead bodies rotting in the bathtub listening to walk the line. will: welcome to morning television. but the question is can you ruin a song by talking about it the wrong way or playing. charlie: or ruining the morning show. will: we're doing our best. turning to serious news. sad story out of houston and over 100 mourners gathering for a 12-year-old girl that authorities say was kidnapped and killed by two illegals from venezuela. rachel: this is after an illegal immigrant was accused of raping and kill ago mother of five in maryland last year was denied bail. charlie: charlie painter joining us now. reporter: good morning.
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loved ones and community members showed up in full force to honor the short life of jocelyn last night in houston. the 12-year-old was strangled to death by two migrants in venezuela and both crossed illegally into the u.s. in the last couple of months and one cut the ankle monitor he was given across the state the border two days after killing the young girl. her body was found after -- her body was found and prosecutors are pushing for a $1 million bail. the illegal immigrant made first court appearance and video from the county jail denied bail and the attorney said it was an emotionally challenging experience for the family to see the defendant on the video screen and court documents revealed police can match dna samples from the clothing to a relative's home to dna from the
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crime scene. >> we were really excited to hear he was captured. it was just this outpouring and release of tears. you know, he's not out there anymore. we have a name, there's going to be suspended ands tis and that's good and -- justice and reopens wounds. >> in iowa, another illegal immigrant going to be sentence in the coming weeks after pleading guilty to sexual assaulting a 12-year-old. guys. will: thank you, chanley. over the past couple of days we had "fox & friends" that was preventable and it's true and americans commit crime and that's how we import more crime and come across the western hemisphere but across the globe.
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a retired border patrol agent was on with us earlier and talking about improving the debate and separate the border security issue. two different issues. >> these are lives lost that could have been prevented having strong policies and lack of incentivizing the cross in corrallalty of the administration and we -- criminallalty of the immigration and we need to focus on national security and public safety piece from securing our border. this is what happens when we do not finish what we started, when we reverse holoseizure disorderses that were effective that -- policies that were effective and controlling the border and allowing consequences for those that freed up. border agents to go after the got aways. why are we putting people and citizens lawfully here and exporting them and creating risk factors when there's a way to reduce it? rachel: it's important that we tell the truth about what is actually happening. i feel like we've done a really
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good job on this show of talking about the fact that there were prisons that were emptied in venezuela. it's not just that oh, we opened the border and joe biden opened the border and they didn't know that. neil is from texas and a former sheriff. he had received two years ago, more than two years ago, information from border patrol saying they had received a letter from homeland security saying hey, watch out, we're hearing there's intel that these prisons are being emptied and these criminals are coming over the border. and then he wrote a letter to our government to homeland security and fbi saying, hey, we need to know -- i want to know what you know and what you told the border patrol, and they never received an answer. so there is government intel that they knew the prisons were
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being empty and kept the border open knowing that was happening. yeah this, is right at the doorstep of the biden administration. they're responsible for this. they knew this could happen. charlie: of course telling the truth starts with our press in america. this is a headline from associated press, two men arrested in strangulation of a 12-year-old houston girl whose body was found in a creek. read through the entire associated press article and never mentions that they are illegal aliens let into the country recently under joe biden's open border policies. of course the border control guy is exactly right. yes, you have to separate the two, immigration and border security are two separate things, but you can't deal with immigration thing if you don't have border security because you can take these people once they're convicted and shoot them out of a cannon back into wherever they came from, but that means they'll come back into the country.
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you don't -- there is no solution until you seal the boarder and joe biden has been stopped the 25 year fight. rachel: and venezuela said we're not taking them back. it's unbelievable. the whole thing is crazy and you have to tell the truth and that's what the media is for. when they're covering up like that with ap and saying, you know, here's a crime but we're going to cover for administration and to the tell you who committed the crime and how they got into this country and they're covered it up and -- covering it up and there's a reason why. charlie: literally the criminals and president of the united states single handedly with a flick of a pen allowed into the country and murdering people and raping people in the country. in any sane world, that would be like the only political story going on. these people are covering for them. will: another thing going on over 25 years is the debate over
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school choice. condoleezza rice and director of the state and the debate over school choice is a debate over race if you want to care about racial issues, care about school choice, watch. >> are you for school choice or not? >> we already have a choice system in education. if you are of means, you will move to a district where the schools are good and the houses are expensive like palo alto, california. if you go across the street from stanford, palo alto high has a performing arts center that looks like a smaller version of stanford. if you're really wealthy, you'll send your kid to private schools. who's stuck in the failing schools? poor kids. how can you say you're for civil rights or the poor and you're condemning those children to not being able to read by the time they're in third grade, they're never going to read. so if you want to say that
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school choice and vouchers and charter schools are destroying the public schools, fine. you write an editorial in the washington post and don't send your kids to sidwell, friends. rachel: that's a direct shot at president obama and his daughters went to sidwell friends and at the same time they were going there, he shut down the dc voucher program that ended kicking kids out of sidwell friends on that voucher or script pramila. what obama and michelle said to all poor americans in dc is those failing schools are good for you but sasha and maleah, it's not good for them and we're sending them to sidwell friends and we're going to make sure you don't have enough resources to coddle them together and put them to
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the schools. they should be outed every day for that . i wish that condoleezza rice said obama. she's very diplomatic but i'm not and i'm outing the obamas. charlie: and every one of the people writing editorials condemning vouchers for the washington post, they all send their kids. rachel: of course they do. the entire media establishment was dying to get into sidwell friends. will: there's not good arguments and opposition to school choice and she's right, it's a racial issue and i firsthand experienced issues with that and my boys went to a charter school in new york and they went to one in harlem and i saw firsthand the difference between getting in this school and you have a potential for your life. going on the other side of 35th street to the regular public school. going to follow because it was a lottery of path to possibility
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and path less taken. charlie: it's easier than this corrupt operation. rachel: only one reason for the cartel teacher union and that's what's stopping school choice. they're absolutely in the game here to make sure other people don't have those choices and they want a monopoly on your kids. will: a growing number of americans, this is something you know, we talk about it. seeing maybe alarm bells and a growing number of amer americane abandoning democrat-run cities for supporter bushes and locals -- suburbs and locals are worried about the state you're moving it. highlight t california for example, residents shopping state home listings in florida, texas, arizona, nevada, tennessee, see the percentages of california looking at those states. new yorkers, same thing.
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this time it's florida, pennsylvania, north carolina, and ohio where they're look. as soon that lives in one of these states, the constant conversation is but are you going to bring your politics with you? there's a reason you like it here. maybe you shouldn't pervert it upon arrival. rachel: do people that leave those states leave them because they feel like they don't fit in in that blue state and they're sort of closet or red state and it was all lower cost of living and someone could be like i want to move there. i don't agree with all the stuff and nicer and cheaper. rachel: cara is a real estate agent in california and works for and said red state residents don't care for people coming from blue states.
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i've seen re-sentiment from florida like don't fauci my florida. charlie: are you playing around with the idea that people should be forced to pay for all the taxes they've ever voted for in a previous state? it should follow them around? that's government involvement. the best way to do it is when you have a neighbor that moves in from california and it's your patriotic duty as neighbor and american and texan or virginia and to de-voit your life to teaching that family how stupid they were in california. will: to be fair, maybe they weren't. charlie: maybe they weren't. but in a civil way and loving way and the reason this isn't a dump like the place you left because we vote differently. rachel: it's not just people are looking to move to different states and people are looking to go where in the world can i go? they've sort of given up on
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america and sean and i were at a dinner once, a democrat voter was saying they were looking at portugal as a potential place to move to and then sean says, people who voted to ruin the country can't leave. there was a cloud over the dinner. will: there's a new ant hill to destroy. charlie: i think we're doing headlines now. an oklahoma man is back in the u.s. after being sentenced in tushes and caicos after finding rounds of ammunition in his luggage. he was sentenced to two weeks in jail and hit with a fine. he left them in the bag after a opportunitying triplet seems
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ridiculous. senator markwayne mullens joining us later in the show to discuss. rachel: the cage fighter. charlie: a 4-year-old boy found safe after going missing for nearly 24 hours and child wandered off while camping with his family thursday ntsb sere sierra national forest and volunteers looked for them all night and he was found friday morning under a tree about a quarter of a mile from the campground. the boy was tired and hungry and thankfully unharmed. a group of fishermen being called heros after saving 38 dogs from a mississippi lake. they noticed the hound dogs
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struggling to tread water after they had chased a deer into the lake. the pups ended up at least a half mile from the shore. several owners tried to offer fishermen money to thank them, but they declined saying they were simply in the right place at the right time. today is national onion rings day and burger king wants to help you celebrate by offering an order of onion rings for free with any $1 purchase. to get the deal, tough place your order online or through the burger king app. will: okay. charlie: we have bk onion rings onset. rachel: i love onion rings. will: super disappoint when had they brought these -- disappointed when they brought that he has out. i have to do the navy seals swim in two months. french fries, onion rings or tator tots.
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rank them. rachel: depends. mcdonalds at the top and other fries aren't as good. will: the best onion ring beats the best fry or tator tot. the bad onion ring is third, easily. rachel: i'm with you on that. will: this is zesty sauce. charlie: onion rings are good for you and healthy. that's the good thing. i had one. will: you're not even drinking coffee. you're drinking tea. charlie: i don't normally have onion rings for breakfast. rachel: he hasn't had ribs for breakfast. charlie: no, it was just a warmup. will: are you a new brian kilmeade? eat the onion rings, charlie. charlie: i did, i ate it. will: you did it off camera. charlie: no, it was a slow motion. will: there we go. we have enough people who won't eat on camera.
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that does noted happen on "fox & friends" weekend. will: so get onion rings. onion ring, tator tot and french fries for me. it's a solid. best piece of french toast beat as pancake or waffle. i'll do an hour on this. rachel: i have to ponder this a bit more. tator tots is at bottom of the list for me and french fries and onion republics are way better. thoughts quick? charlie: i'd go with french fries. i don't do a lot of onion rings. rachel: the surgeon general pushing tobacco style labels in front of everybody.
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will: sit down with dr. marc siegle who is next. ♪
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report using social media constantly and america's top doctor wants warning labels on the social media platforms and telling dr. marc siegle his experience resinating with his own experiences and worries of a parent. >> my kids are 6 and 7 and not on social media yet but when she was in preschool, she came home one day and asked my wife and me about post ago picture on socian social media and her classmates were talking about it. our kids are getting exopod and 40% of kids aging 8 through 12 and 40%. this is coming to our kids earlier and earlier. will: fox news medical contributor dr. marc siegle. i'm going to put it into personal terms. just yesterday, my 13-year-old has not had a phone. has not. i think he's the only one in his grade, and we've just crossed threshold. he's going to get a phone like
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this week. it's tough to withstand dr. siegle. everybody has it even if we know there's a real cost associated to this device and these apps. >> yeah, will, and i know your family and your boys are great and you're out traveling and spending time with them all the time and that's one antidote and 40% of people are out on social media and his daughter saying can i post a picture on social media. this is in personal terms and there's a number of states trying to limit cell phone use in schools, and i think it's a really good idea. florida, indiana, south carolina, ohio kevin california, which allows everything trying to limit cell phone use in schools and how can you learn if you're busy on your phone and never mind all the negativity you have and all the influencers and all the violence and
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bullying and help how can you learn and learn headings if you're there texting or looking on social media? will: no, right. how can you learn and have a focused mind. so many different problems and the surgeon general tells you about that and the question of how much would a warning label do to something we intuitively know is a problem and you had this conversation with vivek murphy and hear what he told you about the warning labels and this problem. >> the entire burden of managing all of this has been placed on the shoulders of parents and that is simply going against the best product engineer and it's brain science and ultimately maximize time people are spending on the platform. will: it that unverified,
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dr. siegle? >> a parent versus a product engineer. that's really pretty scary and your question about warnings and they don't the witness: i'll tell you smuggling they worked with cigarettes and they put the warning on cigarette packages and thought it wouldn't work and cut it down dramatically. i come to end of the week and my iphone tells mammoth i use it had and used it that much and idea of scary warning pops up with value and much more important is restricting this in schools and not allowing at dinner table, having alternate activities being aware that it's apparent and fighting product engineers and companies are not helping us. will: man, just a tough debate.
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how much do we allow our children access to these products? i have to leave it here, dr. siegle, really quickly. >> you held off and fighting a thing about this. will: thank you, i gone even know that i made the right choice now to let him have it now. i certainly don't have it figured out but thank you so much and appreciate you being on this morning. we'll come in a little tighter for the tease. ready: remember the anti-israel campus chaos at columbia university hamilton hall? da alvin bragg dropping nearly all the charges against the students. new york congressman sense ofio new york congressman sense ofio --congressman lee zeldin on tht next. i think that this product is a game changer for my patients. it really works.
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rachel: the april 30th arrest making a major flash point in a would he be's long anti-israel demonstration. will: here to react is new york congressman lee zeldin. thank you for being with us. no charges and all dismissed for everything we saw at columbia? >> there's no justice system when alvin bragg is your prosecutor. there were criminal laws broke and there are no consequences so for those helpless jewish students and members of the faculty who were hoping to have consequences after watching all these crimes getting committed. this is another day of disappointment and before it came on air, if the new york post website was about a group
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of columbia administrators caught texting each other mocking ewish students about anti-semitism on campus and not going to have actability that you need on campus and culture going to continue to get eroded and this will get worse and people have committed these crimes will get elmore bolded. rachel: flying all kinds of flags and going for the capitol protest and they're sitting in prison. you wrote an interesting op ed this week and talking about how much donald trump has increased in the state of new york and we're assuming he could get close like you but wouldn't happen, your op ed says why donald trump has a real chance of winning in new york. do you believe that? >> closer now at this point in
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the campaign and two years ago in the point of the governor's race and the state continued to shift rightsingly enough and looking for updated voter registration for the state and republicans giving up and leaving the state. turns out democratic party registration down around 100,000 and going to have the conservative party registration and not affiliated voters are up and polls like the new sienna college poll just a couple of dais ago shows the race within wing l digitses and undersamples and oversamples new york city and didn't ask about robert kennedy jr. on the ballot and the race is a bit closer than even what the polls are showing. charlie: under the radar is how the disunity within the democrat party right now. a local house race and record
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$23 million spent in the primary between jamal bowman and george lattimer is running against him and that's got to be a big part of why trump is doing well. >> right. independents and democrats have gotten turned off by the democratic party and eric adams numbers are lower than ever, kathy hochul's numbers and joe biden's numbers in the state, they're all low and issues that emerged like for example the illegal migrant crisis, that two years ago wasn't that big of an issue. look at primary that's coming up in a few days here in new york between jamal bowman, one of the squad members and george lattimer who's raised millions and getting his message out. it'll be one to watch and there's a real chance of taking a member of the squad. will: before we go, congressman, you served for quite some time. this week on the will cain show, i had senator markwayne mullen on and asked if you think joe
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biden will be the nominee? he said i think it's a 50/50 proposition and weird we're having a debate before the convention. he said it's a trial balloon. i said who do you think it'll be? i think there's a name no one is talking about and he said hakeem jeffries. you served in congress with hakeem jeffries. he's like, everyone else is playing to the left. hakeem is trying to position himself as more of a moderate. i want to see what you thought about is that a name we should be talking about more? if tay move from joe biden -- if they move from joe biden, somebody like hakeem jeffries? >> fascinating and i think he wants to be the speaker of the house. i actually believe joe biden will be the nominee and that's what we're on pace for right now. and to that point, you mentioned hakeem jeffreys and we've heard names like gavin newsom and gretchen whitmer and kamala harris and others. you can't just cornate someone else because all these other people, they all want to be president and the next president in their minds might be president for the next eight
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years so i don't think it's so easy. i think it would be a civil war in the democratic party. they're stuck with joe biden i think. charlie: only way to pull that off is if you have a thorough loy unified party and don't have one right now. will: that's true. lee zeldin, thank you so much. rachel: fascinating stuff. hispanic voters and faith leaders sharing top concern ahead of trump's speech at road to majority conference. our panel is nec. ♪
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rachel: weir joined by the arizona implementation director and faith and freedom coalition florida and puerto rico director and faith and freedom jamal bowman wan castillo. >> you're the dis auroof immigrants and concerned about
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education, opportunity, and family values. what's happening in arizona and what's your positions? >> absolutely. thank you so much. i grew up seeing my parents fight for the american dream and talking to thousands of parents, they're waking up to realize they too want they want levels and embrace generational opportunities. rachel: it's most lipurickens and interesting to see the number of puerto ricans that are switching parties and traditionally very democratic. what's happening?
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we're very conservative and the democrat party. rachel: all those wondering the background noise, the faith and freedom coalition behind them and it's tougher to hear and speak up as loud as you can and you say immigration and the economy jot under lying issue is the family and future for the kids and going for the hispanic
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lines and brought in and the main thing is what type of nation are we going to give to our next generation. dealing with disinformation and that's a word being used against us. it was sequestered by the lives and listening to the two information and they're opening their eyes and that's why we're seeing this reliable all over the nation of hispanic communities leaning towards the right and voting for the right candidates and i'm very concerned about that . let me give you a simple example and i talked to thousands of hispanics all over the nation, and when we talk about the democracy, they believe that many of them, especially the new voters, they believe that the democratic party is the one that represents democracy and they've been efficient in complaining and saying they're depending knock seizure disorders and if not voting, it'll be lost.
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it's just a name and not representing democracy and open their eyes and start voting the right way. rachel: standing just in front of a sign saying faith and freedom, faith&freedom and ability to work hard and the american dream all those are hispanic values you guys are expressing that very well. see if that plays out in the next election. thank you, all three of you, for joining us today. >> thank you. rachel: you got it. turn now to chief meteorologist rick reichmuth for fox weather forecast. rick. >> rachel, it's a hot day again across a lot of the earn half of the country. take a look at maps along with the heat and we've got big time rain falling from minnesota and iowa and falling to the east and seeing that yellow and level
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three out of four this rain falling significantly and causing flooding and it basically means it's really, really sticky and with this, all along the i-95 corridor today and temps feeling over 100 degrees and another rough one today. rachel, back to you. rachel: thank you, rick.
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rachel: tune into fox nation and more from the faith and freedom conference and also as the tsa prepping for biggest summer ever, how to navigate the world of savings and avoid travel trouble. you got to stay with us for that[c. copd hasn't been pretty. it's tough to breathe and tough to keep wondering if this is as good as it gets. but trelegy has shown me that there's still beauty and breath to be had. because with three medicines in one inhaler, trelegy keeps my airways open and prevents future flare-ups. and with one dose a day, trelegy improves lung function so i can breathe more freely all day and night. trelegy won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. do not take trelegy more than prescribed. trelegy may increase your risk of thrush,
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can i recollect our next guest is here to help you save your money this summer and what to do seconds to play something goes wrong. clint, great to see you. >> great to see you. charlie: when you're looking at overall travel for the summer, what's the first thing you look at? >> it's insane. we're going to see record-breaking crowds again. i say that every summer but this summer is spectacular and seeing a 3 million screening day number from tsa, which is remarkable. the great thing about this year is prices stabilized or gone down in some cases and we're see ago lot of flight deals we
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weren't seeing last summer or the summer before. charlie: are you looking more domestically or more overseas? >> both. the thing is the u.s. dollar is so incredibly strong right now that you can go almost anywhere in the world and get bargains because of the strength of the u.s. dollar. charlie: where are some of the places abroad you'd look at? >> places on everyone's bucket list, japan, australia, i like to go to places like columbia because i can get a five star hotel for $250 a night, $150 a night and all over the world is a good deal and europe is on sale. people are going to europe to see concerts because it's cheaper than doing it here in the charlie: how did that happen? i have three friends going to europe to watch concerts. it's like kind of a new thing. >> it's not only that it's cheaper to fly there and stay at hotel there than it is here and the actual concert here in the
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united states. charlie: why is that? our ticket price system is tocometerly messed up? >>-- completely messed up? >> you said it. charlie: better times in the summer? >> going later in the summer and august cheaper and the shoulder season and with that we have late spring and early fall and go in september and august will be cheaper. charlie: what are the -- your favorite top tips for getting through security, all of that? >> i think investing in something like clear tsa precheck will save you a lot of time and energy. even if you don't have something clear, you can at certain airports get in without even having a membership and you can reserve a spot in the line to speed through security. my number one tip and download airline app that you're flying because they're going to offer you upgrades and if things go wrong and rebook yourself and the app has a lot of power these
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days. how many years do you take? charlie: also for your website and going for the points guy. >> somewhat, i mix business and pleasure and for leisure and i travel and people are expending their trips for a dye day on average and remarkable expend out there. charlie: thank you very much for all this information. putting god back in the classroom and texas looks to become the second state requiring schools to display the 10 commandments but the ladies of the view aren't happy. they're reaction is next. near rodeo drive. tina ll
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