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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  June 22, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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country. that could be. that could be. but the third thing is they want to register people to vote. that's, i think, what they have in mind. we have to be very careful, and that's what michael whatley will do the job, suzie whiles who's here right now, she'll do a good job, and lara will do the job, lara trump, who's fantastic. [applause] she's fantastic. but crooked joe wrecked our economy -- jacqui: we are out of time in our hour. we're going to have to hand it over now, "fox news live" continuing with molly line and eric shawn. griff: tst it's been great to be with you. we will see you later, "fox news live" does continue. i'm griff jenkins. jacqui: and i'm jacqui heinrich -- griff: thanks for i am sure this scoop is not particularly.
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paul: donald trump speaking at the faith and freedom coalition's road to the majority conference. we will be monitoring his remarks. in new york city, jamaal bowman tapping two of the far left's biggest stars for his rally in the bronx. fellow member of congress, alexandria ocasio cortez and senator bernie sanders at the rally as mr. bowman faces a challenge from a moderate democrat. welcome to fox news live. molly:it is wonderful to be with you. donald trump speaking in washington, then to pennsylvania and a rally in philadelphia. president biden is at camp david to prepare for thursday's presidential dba.
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we have fox team coverage. alexis mcadams live in philadelphia. >> reporter: a hot day in philadelphia but the former president isn't here yet. he is on stage in washington dc trying to start strong by gaining support near the capital talking with voters saying he's ready to get back to the white house and then to temple university where there's a long line of supporters waiting to hear what he has to say. this is what he said moments ago. >> somebody said they got a little bit confused here and there. so somebody foolishly canceled here. when i heard about it i said wait a minute, what are you doing? we canceled faith and freedom. i said i don't have the courage to do that. i will do it during the day which is better. if you want to knew the truth, we will do the rally later.
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>> reporter: trump will get on his airplane and continue the swing state tour, michigan, wisconsin, pennsylvania, recent trips, states the former president won in 2016 but lost in 2020 and trump is doing well in those key states. where is he gaining support. nonwhite voters are upset with biden's handling of the economy talking about inflation all the time, and gaza which we've seen a lot of protesters show up when the president is a speaking. we are days from the first presidential debate, president biden at camp david trying to figure out what he's going to say. donald trump is on the campaign trail trying to make up for lost time appearing at an event in dc and flying out here to philadelphia, hoping candidates will stay in the south, biden in north carolina when he lost a trump in 2,020 and he will go
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to virginia working hard there in that commonwealth state. it's been two decades since a republican carried virginia in the race for the white house. we talked to some voters who came from different states. they say they want to hear about border, crime, the economy, people who never voted republican before but because of the economy they are going to flip. paul: thank you. molly: a lot of eyes on the primary showdown as alexandria ocasio cortez and bernie sanders are rallying with squad member jamaal bowman who is in danger of losing his seat to moderate democrat george latimer in a contest that highlights divisions in the democratic party. cb cotton is live in new york city. >> reporter: squad member
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representative jamaal bowman on his path to reelection in so many ways represents the proxy war that has developed between main street democrats and progressives for the future of the party. bowman's challenger is george latimer who has the support of establishment democrats and pro-israel voices. this primary has heated up to reach record spending $24 million from the outside, specifically from a pro-israel super pac which spent millions on ads attacking bowman. bowman and other progressives who called for a cease-fire in the israel hamas war have drawn the ire of the pro-israel lobby. days from the election bowman has apologized for saying reports of social violence by hamas are propaganda. >> immediately when i provided additional evidence, i apologized for my comments.
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>> reporter: bowman found controversy before the conflict, criminally charged and find after pulling her congressional fire alarm ahead of a vote to avoid a government shutdown. in the bronx bowman campaigned to include bernie sanders and squad member alexandria ocasio cortez. sanders told fox why he has thrown his support behind bowman. >> what is important is we not allow billionaires and their super pacs to purchase elections. if that happens you don't have democracy anymore. that should not be what america is. >> reporter: latimer hasn't got much attention to the record-setting ad spending but he doubled down on his position that israel has a right to self defense. he has worked overtime to
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contrast his views from bowman. >> i don't give israel a blank check. i am realistic. there's a path for peace, you have to have israel and the arab world at the table. they have to negotiate this out. >> reporter: early voting began last sunday and runs through tomorrow. alicia acuna appreciate it. paul: the presidential debate coming, what can we expect from the current president meeting the former president on stage? a presidential debate for the third time. republican strategist from the political trade secrets podcast, dustin olson. what will we see tonight? >> a lot like the last couple. they don't like each other much so it will be interesting to see how they trade barbs. it will be interesting because of the rule changes and not
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having the debate commission handling this one, it will be interesting with commercial breaks that gives them a chance to get a breath in the middle of it. it's been interesting watching how the two candidates communicate to the public as they prepare for this. paul: there mikes may be muted. does this stop the action? >> it does. on campaigns across the country at lower levels, you have candidate forums. this feels like a candidate forum where you have two candidates who settle their talking points. not much in the way of actual debates. that does benefit biden plus interaction, the need to think on his feet, something donald trump does well with, but also can cause problems, as he did in one of his debate in 2020
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when talking over president biden so much that it was a turn off. he can't to do that this time. interesting to see how that dynamic affects it. it's a boring format. this will happen the week before the fourth of july holiday and how many people paying attention is much as they normally would, june, the earliest it has ever been. how much will what happened in this debate in a couple months. this is unprecedented, the biggest unprecedented thing is this is two, one term presidents running for a second term. paul: usually it's the general election. in the fall. >> donald trump has been fishing for this for a while. i think the biden folks called him on it and i have no idea what's going on internally but if they do have an issue, now
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is better than after the conventions to figure that out. i don't think that's going to happen but having it earlier means you can possibly take that kind of action but ultimately both these guys want to take the fight to the other one. i don't think they like each other much and it could have a possible shifting for the race it neither one of their favor. paul: what does donald trump have to do? what is his mission? does he talk about the economy, israel, does he attack mr. biden? hopefully that doesn't happen in the debate. i will continue. what's the former president's mission? >> as i look at this as a pollster, for democrats and
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independents, as we look at issues across the country, the issue of things that are most important of voters, benefit republicans, in particular donald trump. on policy, two big issues are ones he has the most credibly become inflation, the economy, border, integration. the highest disapproval where they used to be. where president biden had strength last fall was israel and ukraine and both of those have become negative disapprovals for him so when it comes to the big issues donald trump has positions so he should focus on policy, focus on his prescriptions, his solutions, talk about the future and where he wants to take the country and for biden it will go to personal, trying to talk character, a convicted felon, those sorts of things.
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that's biden's best position as well as issues, abortion is something donald trump is underwater on with the american people regardless what your position is, that's where the polling is right now and that's biden's strongest point. paul: you mentioned what president biden has to do. attacking donald trump based on a threat to democracy. does he attack the former president on january 6th? >> i am sure he will and goad donald trump but it's interesting, will we watch this in polling, sometimes donald trump is in a better position on that, sometimes president biden is in a better position but they are tied. democrats have talked, the truth is a lot of americans look at the last nine years and see something like peter navarro in prison, steve bannon reporting to prison in a week and they say that's what a
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revenge tour looks like and it depends what filter on reality you have the doesn't really work with the other people. he will be singing to the choir as he focuses on that. that's not his strongest point but his strongest point is on the abortion issue. paul: others say the criminal justice system accurately working. we will see if bannon goes to prison. >> and are pulling, 82% of americans tell us there's a double standard in the justice system and that is playing in the background. paul: will the former president rule that up? >> i assume so. i've never seen this much energy in an election with the remarkable fundraising. as we look at polling, the intensity is more likely,
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numbers for participation, and that increases republicans so i don't think democrats realize the energy, no telling how that's going to impact. paul: your prediction. anyone have an edge? >> ultimately this is set up to be a benefit to president biden. if he can fog the mirror he will do it. paul: i will be watching on thursday on fox. >> we are learning new details into the investigation of the death of a 12-year-old girl in texas allegedly at the hands of two illegal immigrants. a live report from houston next. ♪ balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪)
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paul: just south of little rock of a grocery store three people were killed, ten injured including two police officers. witnesses describe scrambling for cover, as they shoot at random. they shot that suspect and took him into custody. the 34-year-old man, three counts of first-degree murder.
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molly: less then we can double cnn presidents debate and president biden is hunkering down at camp david, donald trump staying on the campaign trail with a rally tonight in battleground philadelphia. madeleine rivera has more on this. >> reporter: two different strategies. president biden has no public events until thursday's debate but his campaign feels confident. here's why. >> he's going to show what he showed in 2,020, he is in this for all the right reasons, focused on delivering for the american people and standing next to donald trump is the best way to show that. >> reporter: democrats hope a strong debate performance will give the poll numbers a boost, the president leading donald trump 50% to 48% for the first time since october but that is
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well within the margin of error. what more can he expect on thursday besides focusing on trump's record on abortion, democracy, taxes, the campaign has indicated the president will be aggressive in his tone and won't shy away from calling trump a convicted felon. one democratic strategist on how that may land with voters. >> i don't see him changing his message other than doing what he started doing this week which was to call trump a convicted felon. not sure that will help him but it will get a lot of attention in the conducting of the debate. >> reporter: as for who is leaving the president's debate prep, ron klain, the president's former chief of staff, ron bauer, the former attorney. bauer in the white house not confirmed that information. molly: thank you very much.
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paul: the killing of a 12-year-old or, two men officials say are illegal migrants who were released when they crossed the border charged with murder. live in houston, more on this terrible story. >> those two illegal migrants from venezuela remain in custody returning from ice, both were arrested and released by border patrol in the weeks and months leading up to the murder of jocelyn, one of the migrants caught in el paso in march, another three weeks before this 12-year-old girl's murder, prosecutors requested $1 million bond after finding that girl underneath the bridge behind me, she was found murdered on monday so prosecutors requested bond. according to court documents they learned the 12-year-old girl to the bridge, took her
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pants off, tied her up and strangled her. hundreds attend a vigil last night including the houston mayor who said this about prosecutors bond request. >> bail was set at $1 million, sounds like a lot but for this type of her in this, mean, vicious crime, shouldn't get a bond at all. >> reporter: evidence is being collected and processed if determined that a sexual assault happened prosecutors could request holding both suspects with no bond without revealing their prosecution strategy a procedure or hearing. in new york city the ecuadorian migrant accused of raping a 13-year-old girl was also caught and released by border patrol in june 2021 and the salvador migrant, and entered the country, on his fourth try as a got away.
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>> the no way president biden will escape this, pinning it on republicans because the deal fell apart. inherited bad system from trump. nobody is going to believe that. >> in houston, the grief is fresh with jocelyn's funeral such to happen on thursday at one:00 p.m. . paul: just show shocking. molly: house lawmakers holding a hearing on campus anti-semitism. this one focuses on colleges that protect employees from abusive discrimination. kevin kime and is leading that hearing next. so, no more sweating all night... no kicking off the covers... or blasting the air conditioning. because only the tempur-pedic breeze is made with our one-of-a-kind cooling technology
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paul: oklahoma man is home
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actor stay in custody in the turks and caicos island. ryan watson faced 12 years in prison after airport security found four straight hunting bullets in his luggage but he got suspended 13 week jail sentence and to thousand dollar fine. he and a $2000 fine. he is one of five americans recently arrested for violating their ammo laws and two more await sentencing. one has been allowed to return to the united states. paul: a new video shows a precise strike that killed a senior hamas leader deep inside lebanon. you can see in that area, it hit this car than israelis believe the hamas leader was riding, carrying weapons for terrorist groups. molly: the house panel will
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hold a hearing on combating anti-semitism in college workplaces. they were called during the anti-israel protests that took over college campuses in spring, several janitors were trapped, employers at schools across the country have a legal duty to protect staff and faculty from discrimination and harassment. the chairman of the house subcommittee on workforce protections heading up the hearing slated for wednesday. thank you for giving us your time saturday. the protests that went across campuses leading up to the end of the school year. there were incidents of violence, violence against police but throughout the course of the last couple semesters jewish students
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across america expressed repeatedly at multiple universities a feeling of fear. your subcommittee will talk about something we haven't heard as much about and that is the experience of people that work at universities that are facing anti-semitism. what is important about this to focus on the employees, the faculty. >> it has been an absolute nightmare working at a university campus october 7th. the workforce committee has been doing wide-ranging investigation into the horrifying anti-semitism and lawlessness that has overtaken many campuses and we have focused so far on how universities have not affected jewish students, faculty members have been targeted and subject to harassment and under title vii, universities have an obligation to protect the civil
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rights of their employees. it is unacceptable when you see university administrations catering to the anti-semitic elements, you see that time and again, faculty members who promoted anti-semitism, associated themselves with terrorism and nothing happens to the faculty and no consequence. meanwhile faculty members were being targeted based upon their heritage don't receive protections they are entitled to under the law. molly: your republican colleagues have been investigating the fear students have faced but also experiences of these faculties. there are faculty members that are also accused of contributing to unfriendly atmosphere for jewish students or fellow faculty. education in the workforce highlighted multiple mit and faculty staff that made anti-semitic remarks and
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pointing to one particular associate, columbia dean's placed on leave over disparaging text exchanges. what can be done if faculty members are part of the problem? >> great question. faculty members are big part of the problem. we've seen examples of faculty members that canceled classes so students could take part of the protests. we've seen faculty members join and link arm stopping police from doing their job and enforcing the law and there is no consequence for the. we asked this, they are so fearful of offending faculty members acting in anti-semitic ways it reveals a lot about how things have gotten so broken on university campuses. if we are going to hold the bodies of american higher
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education we need to look at how these faculties have become so ideologically monolithic and warped by perverse ideologies. i will say the good news is we are starting to see some reform. harvard and mit announced they will no longer require forced diversity statements reciting the latest dogma of dei and adopt a position of institutional neutrality weight into taking political stances, that's a sign that problems that anti-semitism exposed for the world to see will be addressed. molly: parents are deciding where to send kids to college and spend their money at some of these institutions. there is a report card from the antidefamation league upgraded
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or downgraded certain elite universities in the handling of anti-semitism, ucla, the university of michigan upgrading universities, the university of central florida, rice university and stanford university. your thoughts on how that is being communicated to a broader community? >> great question. and prospect of jewish student, you couldn't say that. deciding where they are going to go to college, with horrifying scenes at universities. you gave a few examples of ucla that got an f, unbelievable scenes we saw at ucla and had a chance to testify a couple weeks ago. the iron he is he was nearly subject to a vote of
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no-confidence by the faculty but the vote of no-confidence was not for the anti-semitism that was allowed to happen, weeks on end. they did a vote of no-confidence, did something about it, to enforce the law. it goes to show you, and these campuses that are largely controlled by faculty, that have been warped by these truly retrograde ideologies. molly: they are facing fallout, pulling out of fellowships and emerson in boston, emerson college in downtown boston, they are reporting a drop in student enrollments. information put out by staff at
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emerson talking about the size of their class below what we had hoped. we attribute this to multiple factors including negative press and social media demonstrated for generations of arrests, we need to automate staff positions that could reduce some faculty positions. staff positions. what do you make of that fallout that is encouraging across these universities? >> in some cases it is well-deserved and shows the vast disconnect between university culture and broader american culture. 99. 9% of americans have no sympathy whatsoever for anti-semitism or hamas or terrorism and these reprehensible elements are overrepresented on university campuses and hold this decline on american higher education or worse than that, flipped the purpose of the institution of
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higher learning on its head and weakening our country as a result. this is a moment we need to tackle this horrifying issue of anti-semitism and make sure students and faculty feel safe on campuses but we need to think about the future of higher education so they once again become national assets and not liabilities. molly: certainly not at american universities and colleges. thank you for talking to us this saturday afternoon. appreciate it. paul: vladimir putin cementing ties with north korea as russia is pummeling ukraine's energy grid. we see blackouts across ukraine prompting the ship at of new air defense aid. >> reporter: ukraine's energy
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ministry says this is the eighth attack in the last three months in power plant facilities over there. new statistics, ukrainian air force said their air defense systems shot down 12 of 16 missiles and all 13 drones launched by russia. officials say three people were killed and 18 injured, four explosions heard in the city. ukraine's president says moscow has destroyed half of his country at a liquor city generating capacity since late march. to help, the white house as or worse delivery affairs defense interceptor missiles to ukraine by redirecting plant shipments to other allied nations but they wouldn't say which other nations would be affected or how many. russian president vladimir putin with north korea leader kim jong noon where they vowed to strengthen military ties after signing an agreement pledging their countries will help each other in the event of oprah russian. blossoming partnership which
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worried the west, north korea has already been accused of supplying russia with weapons, giving space technology in return that could aid their missile program. in response, south korea announced they would consider arming ukraine, they could only supply nonlethal aid. vladimir putin warning south korea that helping ukraine would be a big mistake. paul: thanks so much. molly: the white house is touting what it says is an improving economy. that gives biden the highest marks on the economy during his presidency but will it be enough to win more votes? we will discuss it with an economist next. thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost. ♪ i'm gonna hold you forever... ♪
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rosland capital - is a trusted leader in helping people acquire precious metals. gold bullion, lady liberty gold and silver proofs, and premium coins, can help you preserve your wealth. call rosland capital to receive your free rosland guide to gold, gold & precious metals ira, and silver brochure. with rosland, there are no gimmicks, no hassles... and they have fast, reliable shipping. ask yourself. are you safe? make gold your new standard. call rosland capital today at 800-630-8900, 800-630-8900. that's 800-630-8900. molly: the times a cruel stay in space a longer as nasa instigates issue with the boeing spacecraft. they were supposed to return to work last week.
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madison scarpin sober oh has more on this. >> the first two astronauts to travel on boeing's times a are saying - staying on the space station longer than expected. the mission began on june 5th and was supposed to last only 8 days but now nasa says the astronauts won't be coming home until at least july because the star liner has small helium leaks and thruster problems. engineers are taking time to study these issues especially so future astronauts won't have to deal with problems but experts say it is nothing too critical. >> they are small leaks, one one hundred that can be tolerated, they could be 100 times worse and it would still be okay. >> reporter: nasa says an emergency situation, the star liner would be cleared for return even with the slight issue. nasa says the star liner is
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performing well while docked at the iss. the commercial crew program manager says they are strategically using this time to complete critical station activity and the two astronauts on this mission are retired navy captains suni williams and butch wilmore. they are getting a lot done at the iss. the exact date the pair will return on earth, when they do they are expected to land at a remote space harbor in new mexico. molly: thank you so much. >> no president has the run we've had in terms of creating jobs and holding down inflation. it was 9% when i came to office. >> we are going to throw out bidenomics and replace it with amaganomics.
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paul: unemployment hasn't been this low this long for 50 years. >> people are asking where we better off four years ago or better off now and it wasn't even close. paul: donald trump and president biden calling the economy the best but inflation is the top issue for many voters as the latest figures show it went down. a new poll shows the president's rating is improving, 32% say the economy is good or better, the highest rating of his presidency. peter morici, economist and business professor at the university of maryland. is that increasing optimism? >> the economy is getting better. wages have outrun inflation.
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a lot of this is how you look at it. real wages are down by 3. 5%. inflation at 3% more than wages. it is easy to say he create a lot of jobs when you take over and the economy shut down because of a pandemic, just open the door again and you are a miracle worker. the reality are real incomes were growing with donald trump and not growing with president biden. the reality is president biden has lower unemployment than donald trump has. add it up and there are points on each side but as an economist, i'm trying not to be partisan here, donald trump had a better economy. paul: in terms of inflation, isn't that a function of consumer spending? that increased the if that cools off, will inflation go down? >> the idea is to cooled off by getting consumer spending down but doing it by making life unaffordable. people are spending more on groceries today than they have
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in years, they can't afford to go to restaurants and so forth. inflation came from trump and biden spending a great deal of money during the pandemic and biden after the pandemic and borrowing money to do it. the federal reserve printed almost $4.5 trillion and bought up the bonds as opposed to selling them on the open market. as a consequence that created a lot of cash. people are paying for all the initiatives, the semiconductor factories. instead of with taxes they are paying with higher prices. some people benefit from this, most people don't. the economy between president biden and a second term in office. paul: stats from the bureau of labor statistics. new vehicles, up 20%, costs a third more to fix your car,
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insurance 51%. insurance has gone up a lot and a lot of areas. is this sustainable, can this be brought back down? it always seems when prices go up, they go up but never go down. they just shrink the size of the snickers bar. >> that is right. prices only come down in times like the great depression, the 1880s and 90s we don't see prices coming down because that usually means 10% more unemployment. what you want to see is wages start to catch up. they are not catching up fast enough and there's a lot of variation. auto mechanics wages are up 8%. of the average guy's wages are up 4%. a lot of people are getting a couple of percentage points. you pay to go to a hospital, they are not getting rich there. those people's wages are going up slower than the rate of inflation.
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this is a very asymmetrical economy. aoc and the rest say it is the billionaires. it is all of us. some people are doing well. others not so well at all. unfortunately, the not so well at all group is 68%, the well group is the 32%. paul: what do you see the rest of the lake year with the election coming up? >> i was writing about that, a new column. i see the economy moving along growing at 2% plus a lot more immigration than we might grow at three with the labor force but inflation not coming down to 2%, we are not going to get the soft landing. we are not going into a recession but we will not get it down to 2% and it is a festering sore. all that matters, until august, if you look at presidential campaigns, people lock in their views. it is hard to change people's minds after august. after they come back from
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vacation come labor day most campaigns, labor day to election day and there is a draw. they don't change many minds. paul: we have to see. good to see you as always. fox news live will be right back.
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claudia: first heatwave of the summer baking the northeast with temperatures soaring into the 90s and feels like temperatures in triple digits. adam klotz has more on this. >> reporter: it feels like the dog days of summer, if you see a ton of red on the map behind me, down to 82 in new york city, passing thunderstorm moved through knocking heat out of the air. it will be right back quickly. a lot of humidity and heat. looking at these different advisories from the mid-atlantic to portions of the midwest talking about near or at record-breaking temperatures. it's more july or august type of forecast. running into the lower 90s and middle 90s and upper 90s. really extreme heat. today, this is what it will file, the heat plus the
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humidity and you are seeing approaching are at triple digits across a huge swath of the country and it will linger for a while. running into tomorrow's forecast you continue to see all of this heat across portions of the west or deeper south, 110 close to it is what it will feel like. by the time you get into monday this is a small break, not a huge one but there's a little cold front passing through and suddenly the highs are more like 83 in chicago, 86 in new york. a lot of folks dealing with a lot of heat. and molly: thank you for wanting us about that. paul: pop music and football royalty, taylor swift posted this photo of her backstage with prince william and prince george, princess charlotte and travis kelsey. this was taken last night after that, in the first of three
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concert on a tour. happened to be the prince of wales's 42nd birthday. the prince and princess of wales behind the scenes as you can see. with taylor swift. talk about benefits of being royal you get to meet taylor swift. see you at 4:00 pm eastern. gh. -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. (♪) these days everyone is staring at screens, scanning the news, and watching their spending. good vision is more important than ever, but so especially now is saving. that's why america's best includes a free eye exam when you buy two pairs of glasses for just $79.95, that's a savings of at least sixty nine bucks. two pairs for $79.95. includes a free exam. that's not just a better deal, it's america's best. book an exam online today at america's
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12:00 pm
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