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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  June 22, 2024 1:00pm-2:00pm PDT

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earlier in the week police were looking good for an undocumented immigrant who abducted a 13-year-old boy and took them into a park and assaulted the girl. the neighborhood identified who the guy was. called the cops and apprehended him. this is called rough justice i would say but the good news is he is still in jail. >> if you had of your own hit or miss, send it to us, that's it for this week's show. thanks to the panel, i hope to see you right here. paul: the migrant crisis
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proving to have deadly consequences, crossing into the country illegally. they charged with capital matter. and and a brand-new hour of fox news live. guy: molly: the shocking murder of a preteen girl follows other recent cases, charging migrants with violent crime. a mother of 5 was killed on a popular hiking trip. the suspect is an illegal immigrant in el salvador. and illegal border crossing from ecuador is behind bars after police say he raped a 13-year-old girl in broad daylight. the string of mortality is fueling more criticism of biden's immigration agenda.
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>> every one of these is preventable because they shouldn't be in the country in the first place. thanks worry cities, hold people until we can determine who they are and what intent they have and if they have a legal right to be here and this problem gets diminished significantly and all those agents want to focus on finding criminals and kicking criminals out. paul: more on illegal immigrants who are now suspects. >> you see a memorial left behind in honor of the victim here, jocelyn non-gray after police found her body on monday. police say two illegal migrants from venezuela murdered her. prosecutors requested a $1 million bond for each of the defendants you see your. prosecutors wrote the illegal migrants learned the 12-year-old girl under the bridge took her pants off, tied her up and strangled her to death. investigators are still working
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to determine if the sexual assault happen. border patrol agents arrested and released both illegal migrants before the murder. one of them in march and the other late last night just three weeks before jocelyn's murder. hundreds came out for a vigil including houston's mayor who said he would keep an eye on the criminal justice system. >> criminals are held accountable. what we need to do is send word tonight, don't even think about it. >> in new york city, the ecuadorian migrant accused of raping a 13-year-old girl was caught and released by border patrol agents june 2021. the salvadoran migrant accused of murdering rachel moran entered on his fourth try as a got away.
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ted cruz posted on x, turned the border into her revolving door. once he was here to stay, he went on a crime spree that ended in rachel's death. biden's open border is killing americans. over 117,900 illegal crossings in mail loan down from april, before president biden's executor border on the border wind into effect. looking ahead, jocelyn's funeral is thursday afternoon, the two illegal migrants accused of murdering her will appear in court at 10 a.m. am eastern time monday morning. eric: thank you. molly: republicans putting the white house on blast for refusing to acknowledge that they were both killed by migrants who came into the us illegally.
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the biden administration, waited until they were in the headlines for days before issuing a statement reading, quote, our hearts go out to the family and loved ones of jocelyn, we can't comment on active law enforcement cases but fundamentally, anyone found guilty of this kind of heinous and shocking crime should be held accountable to the fullest extent of the law. let's bring in pat fallon, thank you for joining us, appreciate it. i want your reaction to the statement from the white house. what are your thoughts? >> they showed no leadership. what we need is boldness, president biden, stops at his feet. he said we won't have mexico anymore, we are not going to have expedited, that is why these numbers jumped under the
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obama and trump administrations, they had 2 million illegal encounters on the southern border. president biden had 10 million. we never had a month of 200,000 illegal crossings in 25 years. we had 28 of them under president biden. an epidemic across the country. it is president biden's fault. molly: 170,000 plus totaling in mail loan. illegal crossings, 117,000. u.s. customs and border patrol bringing us accurate and recent numbers. these cases, the most horrific of the horrific if this occurred but in addition across the country there are states having trouble budgeting for this. it is a financial issue across the country as well. where should the changes come from? the biden administration is making changes but where do you think the change should be?
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>> should institute rate -- wait in mexico. every border patrol agent from rank and file to the command sector 70% of illegal migrants will see a 70% reduction, we should have barriers, detain folks that come across the border illegally, not incentivize them. he can do that without congressional authorization. from 2011-2024, department of public safety, we had 428,000 arrests of criminal aliens, charged with 513,000 crimes. which led to 100,000 convictions. we are talking rape, murder, sexual assault, burglary. and if you are not safe you are not free. americans were far safer, that is why president biden will lose the election.
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molly: the biden demonstration put forth a parole effort, the goal is to keep mixed families together. and that addresses that effort. republican senators arguing biden should rescind the executive order saying under our administration, parole authority has been unlawfully used to circumvent screening and vetting mass parole of illegal aliens under caravans at the border and to circumvent normal refugee processing. these actions undermine immigration laws congress has passed and he rode the rule of law at the southern border. there is some backing for this effort underway for the american immigration counsel, this will help keep families together and apply for green cards. your thoughts on this? >> president biden misdirected. what his approach has been, let's say there's a spigot.
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he doesn't want to turn off the spigot, he wants to get more bucket. we don't want to incentivize more folks to come across the border illegally. there's a process in place in countries around the world to come to the united states legally. there's 4 million people waiting in line patiently, the average person waits between 9, and 12 years to come to the country legally. your allowing people to cut that line and those good people that respected rules of the law to be part of, they have to wait longer so what president biden should do is enforce immigration law and not try to circumvent it. molly: have a great rest of your weekend. eric: donald trump is on the campaign trail delivering an address this afternoon. at the faith and freedom coalition conference in washington before heading to pennsylvania for a rally tonight at temple university as part of his wednesday tour.
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alexis mcadams is previewing what he may say tonight and the reaction. >> reporter: another hot day in philadelphia. donald trump is on his way out here to the city of brotherly love where he wrapped up talking in washington dc. might be the same talking points. on inflation, the border and crime in philadelphia. it is 100 days sweating too much. people out there for hours in this hundred degree heat saying to see how he's going to fix this. >> why do support donald trump? >> immigration, the economy, withdrawal from afghanistan, 10 million illegal immigrants getting food stamps, citizens,
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part of it. >> reporter: have you always voted republican? >> wine not president biden? >> evan seen him do anything for the black community or anything at all really. >> reporter: trump is on a swing state tour, the past several weeks. he lost in 2020. recent polling shows trump is doing well in these states, better this time around, gaining support with young and nonwhite voters who say they are upset with the handling of the economy and gaza which is not a surprise, people show up to those events to protest. we are days from the first presidential debate in georgia. president biden is preparing at camp david as donald trump is on the campaign trail. a different look at how they are setting this up. he had stopped in dc and philly
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and when he was on stage earlier he slammed biden. >> weakness, failure and incompetence have set the world on fire. he's a threat to democracy. just by being so incompetent he's a threat to democracy. >> reporter: not everyone is excited to see the former president in philadelphia including the groups behind me setting up including members of the dnc who says they want to make trump feel unwelcome in philadelphia, signs that say how bad for the country and bad for the black community he is. eric: it will be 99 ° in an hour. good to see you. molly: as donald trump hits the campaign trl. president biden is going to camp david to prepare for the upcoming cnn presidential debate on thursday. the president preparing with the chief of staff, ron klain,
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madeline rivera with the latest from the white house. >> reporter: details about debate preparations are usually close to the vest but that president's team is laying out the steaks on thursday. here is vice president kamala harris. >> the debate is going to make clear the contrast between the current president who works on behalf of the american people, fights for the american people and to the former president who spends full-time fighting for himself. >> reporter: speaking of contrast, the president is looking to draw the line with donald trump on democracy, abortion and other things. voters will be focusing on more than policy. the first time president biden in this election cycle, fox is told the president is prepared to use punchier attack lines to quell concerns whether he's got the stamina for a second term. >> i think people want to see him punch back.
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it needs to be a personal attack. >> reporter: the white house slammed videos of president biden which officials argue were taken out of context to make it seem like he is out of it. the biden campaign has taken a page of the same playbook posting out of context clips of trump even as they argue they don't have to resort to manipulation. >> campaign stop, we don't have that. campaign manager general o'malley dillon, you don't have to make up an ad or a story to see what is in front of the american people, with what donald trump is saying and what we see as part of our campaign. going back to debate preparations, the former chief of staff, ron klain, leading the debate prep, no public events on schedule until thursday. molly: thank you very much.
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eric: alexandria ocasio cortez and bernie sanders rallying with congressman jamaal bowman as the new york congressman prepares on tuesday. facing a challenge from a well-known moderate democrat, george latimer in a contest that highlights a growing rift in the democratic party. cb cotton has more on this hot race. >> reporter: this democratic primary could unseat a progressive squad member for the first time ever, that member is jamaal bowman who is facing off against george latimer, a new york county executive seen as a moderate democrat with support of the party's establishment members like hillary clinton and pro-israel voices. according to some polls, latimer is up in this race but bowman doesn't appear too phased. in the bronx he took on his
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opponent and the superpack which has been running ads against him. >> we are not going to stand silent while us tax dollars kills babies and women and children. my opponent supports genocide. my opponent and aipac are the ones destroying our democracy. and it is on us. it is on all of us to save our democracy. >> reporter: aipac is the american israel public affairs committee. it super pac spend millions in attack ads against bowman who was joined at the rally with other heavyweight progressives to include bernie sanders and
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fellow squad member alexandria ocasio cortez. bowman, who has condemned hamas while remaining vocal about opposition to israel's war strategy apologized earlier this week for initially labeling reports of sexual violence by hamas as propaganda. >> immediately, when the un provided additional evidence, voted to condemn the sexual violence, i apologize for my comments. >> reporter: publicly, latimer glazed over any spending in his name to say it is out of my control and during the debate this week he pointed to other democrats of color who had the support of the pro-israel lobby, during a tv interview this week, latimer contrasted his candidacy to bowman's. >> i'm progressive by normal standards, to support lb gt q rights, climate change, an element that goes beyond what
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most people want, his attitude toward israel has been framed by his earlier statements when he went to the cease-fire before there was any aggressive action by israel, hamas interests were served by that, not the interests of peace. >> reporter: early voting began last sunday and run through tomorrow, the upcoming tuesday. molly: big political fallout growing after the state's top democratic kingmaker charged with racketeering. can republicans clean up corruption in the garden state. john brammer nick is here on trying to clean out the bar. balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪) the tempur-pedic breeze makes sleep feel cool.
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so, no more sweating all night... or blasting the air conditioning. because the tempur-breeze feels up to 10° cooler, all night long. during our july 4th sale, save $500 on cooling tempur-breeze mattresses. what the biggest companies deliver is an exceptional customer experience. what makes it possible is unmatched connectivity and 5g solutions from t-mobile for business. t-mobile connects 100,000 delta airlines employees, powers tractor supply's stores nationwide with reliable 5g business internet, and partners with pga of america on game changing innovation. this is how business goes further with t-mobile for business.
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eric: molly: a spate of gun violence, one person was killed in seven others heard after a shooting outside a nightclub in louisville, kentucky, early this morning. no arrests made in that one. three people, one suspect is in custody in the should appears to be gang related and yesterday, three people were killed in arkansas when the
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gunman opened fire outside a grocery store in a city south of little rock. >> a man had a gun, some rounds and shooting. >> people lining the parking lot didn't know they were there, from being shot. >> in 60 years, never thought i would do that here. molly: ten others were hurt, identified as 44-year-old travis posey. the motive for the shooting is under investigation. heat warnings in effect across the northeast this week, temperatures soaring into the 90s but the humidity is making it feel hotter in some spots. the upper midwest is facing rounds of torrential rain and flash flooding as a result. meteorologist adam klotz is here with more. >> reporter: incredibly warm, 90s, a lot of places feel like 100 °.
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huge swaths of the country, the only cool spot is out west. in the eastern united states dealing with extreme heat. the warnings and advisories are across the mid-atlantic. if you are wondering if this is typical for this time of year and a lot of locations it is not. in portions of the mid-atlantic and the midwest, numbers climbing into the 90s, these would be daytime record highs as it does feel like late july or early august in a lot of locations. some real extreme heat adding the heat plus the humidity and you get the feel like temperature around 100 °, 102 in richmond. it sticks into sunday and you are seeing a bunch of heat, 100 degrees for folks tomorrow. a brief, this is just a little cool down, a cold front that
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does sweep across the upper midwest. cool you down a little bit. feel like temperature 85, better than one hundred 82. gives plenty of places dealing with a lot of heat. while this is going on i want to check out a system in the gulf of mexico, 40% chance of turning into a named tropical storm in the next two days, trending down. whether terms into a named storm, rain across mexico, rain in southern texas, not a massive system but we are right in the heart of hurricane season. molly: i will take a cooldown if i can get it. eric: it's called the soprano state after tony soprano. window new indictment shaking the state. george norcross running a criminal enterprise, racketeering and extortion, millions of dollars, norcross is considered the state's top
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democratic kingmaker, powerbroker who controls the machine inside jersey. pundits say you can't win if you run for office. in a sweeping committal case, the state's senior senator bob menendez is on criminal trial for the second time. he's accused of selling his office and corruption. the editorial board says, quote, it has been a her and this year for democrats and only halfway over. senator menendez is on trial in norcross is indicted on top of a federal judge, 2,025 started to look like a republican year. republican politician hope so, joining us now. state senator john bramneck who is running for governor of the state. thanks, welcome. >> good to see you, nice to be with you. eric: the first question after
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this indictment of basically a legend, what's going on in your state? >> it is the soprano state, what takes the headlines all the time is the corruption and charges against individuals, democrats prior to july 1st to raise billions in new taxes, why we focus on these trials, they have to pass these new taxes, and the number one exit state, not just because of corruption but the policy, democrats controlled legislature for 20 years. the trial, the trial of the century, george norcross and other defendants higher the top trial lawyers in new jersey, that is one to listen to. the first time private citizens have been charged. as i said before, you have to
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be careful not to be distracted. and terrible policies. eric: we've seen this before in new jersey. jim floria, he got booted out by christie todd whitman. >> it was a toilet paper tax and he lost and there's a movement now. people had enough policies coming out of trenton, looking for change and balance. with one party rule, as we had in trenton. there's complete disregard on the other side of the aisle, what you have is basically the worst possible opportunities in new jersey is in bad shape in terms of people leaving. eric: you said toilet paper
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tax. they tax toilet paper? >> they protecting everything. we will see the same thing with the democratic legislature. they will spend $2 billion in surplus to run basic operations. that is not -- the railroad itself is stuck every day. people on these trains are sitting in 100 ° heat. people are fed up. eric: 130 public officials. democrats don't have a monopoly on this. where does this come from? where does this culture come from? based on the success he had. >> i think whether democrats or republicans, a few politicians,
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will take advantage of their position and prosecutors are all over that. it does create headlines and sometimes it's good public policy to indict politicians but we have to be careful. we want to make sure when we do this we do this fairly and with restraint, do it not for political purposes, never take your eye off the ball which is making sure new jersey is a place people want to live. being a soprano state, not a great reputation. eric: norcross denies any wrongdoing, even showed up at the news conference, first time i heard of an accused showing up at the news conference and he calls it a political prosecution but the attorney general who is bringing the case is a democrat.
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listen to what he had to say during the news conference. >> it is often said in new jersey politics is a buzzword. what is meant by that is if you don't go along with demand of those in political power you will get hurt. might lose your job. might lose your business. there's nothing inherent in our state's culture that requires us to accept politics and government that functions in this way. eric: if elected, how do you clean this up. is it possible to get rid of this? >> i will appoint an attorney general who is going to be measured, be fair, be tough, but also a lot of street crime. we had people stealing cars in new jersey two and three times, they never go to jail. we also have to change how we classify these offenses because people are going to jail. i understand people want to
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talk about politicians, people in their homes and whether they feel safe. people don't feel safe, there's almost no deterrent effect when people commit crimes. we have to change some of the juvenile laws because there's juveniles who are serious serious offenders who are never going to jail. we've got new bills that are going to put some bad guys in jail and we need that for people to feel safe in their homes. paul: eric: those are the issues in the street at the migrant situation and your taxes. you are running for the governor of new jersey, not a soprano but thank you for joining us. thank you. molly? molly: new york is facing a lawsuit from ms. laurie over criminal prosecution of donald trump. our next guest is leading the
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battle. andrew bailey joins us live next.
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molly: attorney general bailey will soon new york over its prosecution of donald trump. he describes trump's prosecution is, quote, unconstitutional lawfair saying new york is sabotaging the right of missourians to a free and fair election. andrew bailey joins us now. thank you for your time this saturday. in your own words i want to hear why you are doing this. >> missourians have a right here from and have access to a president will candidate in the heat of a campaign in one of the most consequential elections in this nation's history. what this illegal lawfair is
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doing is taking a candidate off the campaign trail denying access to that candidate, the gag orders are silencing him. molly: we will get a second to get him back. i want to ask if perhaps he believes other people in other states feel the way he feels, that missourians are losing out and that is why he is going forward with this and another question would be what would be uncovered in the course of this lawsuit. work at this ultimately lead. what documents might be produced? we will keep working on getting missouri attorney general bailey back but i will send it to eric. eric: alec baldwin lost another bid to get his voluntary manslaughter case dismissed. the judge denied his legal
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team's arguments that the case should be thrown out. he claims the department had no way to know that the gun that killed hutchins was loaded with a live round, not a dummy bullet used in the movies. christina? >> reporter: judge mary marlowe rejected the motion to dismiss baldwin's case saying the involuntary manslaughter charge will talk about whether the defendant knew of the danger in this situation and this is still at the core of this case. baldwin as legal team claimed the prosecution did not have evidence to prove the gun used in the shooting was working properly and that baldwin had no grounds to believe the weapon contained a live round but prosecutors argue as lead actor and producer on the film,
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baldwin should have been more careful. both sides argue their case. >> what they have alleged here, you can't be guilty of involuntary manslaughter if you didn't know it could harm people. >> must baldwin knew he had a gun in his hand and specifically asked for the biggest gun that was available. mr. baldwin knew and understood dummy rounds look identical to live ammunition. >> reporter: yesterday the judge denied the prosecution's request to give immunity, hannah gutierrez read if he would grant the request, the immunity would have prevented lawyers from using what gutierrez read says at baldwin's trial against her in her own case. gutierrez read was convicted in march of involuntary manslaughter for her role in hutchins's death. she's appealing the conviction. another motion to dismiss
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baldwin's case is scheduled on monday. he pleaded not guilty to involuntary manslaughter and as of now is such to go to trial on july 9th. eric: thank you. molly: we are working on reconnecting with andrew bailey. we are going to work on that and try to bring him back to you. as russia's war in ukraine grinds on ukrainian forces have turned to using one of vladimir putin's own tactics against him. details on that ahead. ♪ citi's industry leading global payments solutions help their clients move money around the world seamlessly in over 180 countries... and help a partner like the world food programme as they provide more than food to people in need. together, citi and the world food programme empower families across the globe. ♪ diabetes can serve up a lot of questions.
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with so many choices on
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there are so many tina feys i could be. so i hired body doubles to help me out. splurgy tina loves a hotel near rodeo drive. oh tina! wild tina booked a farm stay to ride this horse. glenn close?! with millions of possibilities you can book whoever you want to be. that's my line! booking.yeah eric: donald trump's 757, trump force one they call it in philadelphia at philadelphia international airport. he will be going to a rally later this afternoon, tonight in president biden's home state in philadelphia, one of the key states that biden and trump
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need to win in the election in november if they want to be successful in their race for the white house. president biden is at camp david with no public appearances, before the cnn presidential debate on thursday. that debate will be shown on the fox news channel. the rally is set for 7:00 pm eastern tonight. you see the gleaming 757 taxiing and getting ready for the former president's rally. you can stay tuned for coverage of that rally. molly: ukrainian forces using a captured russian were vehicle retrofitted to protect against drone attacks, ukraine using
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vladimir putin's playbook against him in watching their own drone strikes on russian targets. stephanie bennett as an update. >> reporter: ukraine and russia targeting each other's energy infrastructure to combat the fighting ends this war. overnight, ukraine had their eighth attack in the last three months on the country's power grid according to the energy ministry. they have been struggling with rolling blackouts. officials say three were killed in russia's latest attempt on ukrainian strikes on four oil refineries in southern russia earlier this weekend strikes against russian drone facilities as well. >> translator: since the beginning of this june russians have used 2400 guided air bombs against ukraine including 700 against our positions against
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our cities and communities. >> reporter: the white house announced it will rush delivery of air defense intercept missiles to ukraine by redirecting shipments to other allied nations but they wouldn't say which nations would be impacted. o putin met with kim jong-il and for the fount to strengthen military ties after signing an agreement pledging they will help each other in the event of aggression. >> this is a sign of russia's desperation reaching out to north korea. they don't have a lot of friends in the world and i are trying to pull the strings of friends they do have. >> reporter: in response to russia north korea's new pact, south korea said they would help out and send military assets arming ukraine if needed. the russian president said if
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they do that, that would be a big mistake. molly: thank you. eric: we tried to get andrew bailey back, we have problems with the connection. we've been unable to do that. that happens. we will see if we can have an attorney general interview tomorrow. boeing sending astronauts to space two weeks ago, won't get them back to earth for now. the plan to bring those astronauts home on fox news live.
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molly: and oklahoma man is back after custody in turks and caicos islands which he faced 12 years in prison after airport security found four state hunting bullets in his luggage but a judge gave him a
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suspended 13 week jail sentence into $2000 fine. one of five americans arrested for violating the mo laws, two have been breached, two more await sentencing and one was allowed to return for health reasons. turks and caicos repealed mandatory minimum of 12 years in prison. eric: nass and boeing pumping the brakes on the star liner's return home. the mission was supposed to ask 9 days but it is currently on 16. equipment issues on the international space station keep them there a little longer. what are they up to up their? >> reporter: this is the first manned mission on the boeing star liner and having some issues. nasa says the two astronauts won't make it home until at least july.
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the mission started june 5th. these delays are due to the star liner's small helium leaks and thruster problems but experts say it's not too concerning. nasa says the star liner is performing well in orbit while docked to the international space station. when retired at nasa astronauts as it is important to be extra cautious. >> by all evaluations, they should come home with no problems but if drastic should happen and star liner is disabled, we would be looking at a rescue situation, possibly sending up an additional space x vehicle that could take the crew back. >> reporter: the two astronauts are retired navy captain's soni williams and butch wilmore. there mission is longer than expected. williams and wilmore completed a lot at the iss so far. the commercial crew program manager says they take advantage of this extra time
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completing criminal station doted critical station activities and getting to the source of any problems so future astronauts won't have to deal with the issues. no exact return date yet. when nasa give the all clear for these astronauts to make it back to earth, the two astronauts are expected to land in southern new mexico. i want to mention according to nasa, when it comes to food and supplies along with this delay, that shouldn't be a problem. eric: good to hear they packed a lot of extra stuff as a contingency. great to see that welcome, 0 gravity welcome when the astronauts arrive. >> reporter: great spirits all around when it comes to - arrival. more on that at 6 p.m. pm. another thing nasa says is they are in really good spirits. eric: we wish them the best. molly: the supreme court still has a dozen and decided cases
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this term including whether donald trump is immune from criminal prosecution. there ruling could have a drastic impact on the election and trump's ongoing legal battles. we will get insight tomorrow on fox news live at noon eastern with attorney at fox news contributor saul wise and burger. we are back at noon eastern tomorrow. eric: see you then. ngth and en. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪) ♪ i'm gonna hold you forever... ♪ ♪ i'll be there... ♪ ♪ you don't... ♪ ♪ you don't have to worry... ♪ what the biggest companies deliver is an exceptional customer experience. what makes it possible is unmatched connectivity and 5g solutions from t-mobile for business. t-mobile connects
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rick reichmuth. that will do it for all of us here. now "the five." ♪ ♪ [ ♪ ] >> i'm jesse watters wite


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