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tv   Fox Report With Jon Scott  FOX News  June 22, 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm PDT

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archaeologists have unearthed cherriese. stored in glass botts cellar of his mount vernon estate and northern virginia. the 29 bottlesia which are intat from the 18th centuryce ntcontained cherries and berries currently being analyzed.. scientists say the perfectly preserved fruit for more than two and 50 years ago is unprecedented. pretty cool the fruit is good tm eat apparently. >> you knoet.w it's really goods a burrowing underground, beavers. a lot of people do not know that for great borrowers. >> how did they know it's still good? did they taste it? what you took it out they could see you then. would you eat those cherries? a cherries? [laughter] no. good try.. i can react to that. [laughter] have a great night everybody. former president donald trump get back on the campaign tonight for rally in philadelphia and
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president biden the pivotal swing states good evening i am jon scott and this is the fox report. jon: to trump a set to speak within the next hour after delivering an address in washington d.c. earlier this afternoon he was the keynote speaker at the faith and freedom coalition 2024 road to majority conference pennsylvania it will be a crucial contest in november's election after biden flipped it from red to blue back in 2020. alexis mcadams is live in philadelphia with more. cooks hate jon we just got up with former president donald trump here in philadelphia he said he specifically hitting urban areas like this cheesesteak restaurant behind me because he wants to connect with those of voters he hopes to turn to vote for republican this time around. this is something we've hearing or out of the campaign trail
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this comes as we know president biden is preparing for the upcoming cnn presidential debate at camp david for her president trump is on the campaign trail. i asked him what his strategy is, watch it. >> tell me a little bit about you go to these urban areas what is the game plan to go to fill you go to the bronx what's the plan? >> is no a game plan. there is no hope with this guy biden he's the worst president we have ever had. there is no hope. i say it all the time now i started it a week ago did not realize it. they want help, there is no hope with biden he's the worst president we have ever had there is no hope and they say it all the time now i started like a week ago and did not realize it. i go out and see we are in the middle of a pretty rough area and it is a lovefest. >> trump is on the swing stage or hitting in michigan,
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wisconsin, georgia and today pennsylvania. these are states he former president went back in 2016 but lost in 2020 also recent polling shows a trump is doing wellin the states this time around. gaining support with young and nonwhite voters who say they are upset with biden's handling of the economy on gaza which is not surprising every time he speaks you see protesters out there. we are just days away from the presidential debate right now president biden is preparing at camp david will trump us on the campaign trail with d.c. and philly get today. they've been lined up for hours i asked them why, listen. >> alright, are you a big jump guy? >> lexi sam. >> why? >> when he was president i had money in my pocket. gas in my car. was able to feed my wife and myself on $100 a week. now it is $300. gases out of sight.
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with over $4 a gallon. i am retired twice and had to go back to work to pay for medication. >> no matter where we are in the country here that it is about immigration, inflation and crime those are topics trump said he's going to talk about when he gets up on that stage tonight for the rally over there at temple university. he expects have a pretty big crowd for an area in philly for another thing going back to asked again who is he going to pay for the vice president question ricky said he will announce it closer or possibly her at the upcoming are in ci think she's doing pretty well and some these areas where he says he knows he would not been that popular before. jon: a fellow you interviewed in the green and maga hats i wonder what he got a green maga hat? you have any idea? it's a do not know i will have to ask him. jon: chase that one down for us alexis thank you. former president trump in the city of brotherly love. for more on donald trump's a big rally in pennsylvania tonight let's bring in pete vice
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pvicepresident strategic@bos a c affairs group. also serve deputy assistant press secretary under president george w. bush. pete's, it is good to see you again. going to philadelphia to try to rally some support. is that tilting at windmills for this former president? or is he in a cause reverberations? >> i think he could make a lot of headway at this rally today because of where it is located per he won pennsylvania by less than one percentage point in 2016. he lost a bite less than one percentage point in 2020. what he has in 2024 that he did not have an 16 or 20 is a surge in support from black voters. we are seeing this across the country. the high water watermark so fas been 23%. support for black voters note
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republican presidential candidate has seen them since the civil rights act of 1964. this is because of the economy and inflation. and disappointment with the democratic party. the democrat party is playing to identity politics to generational loyalty. the expectation black voters are going to vote for them because they have always voted for them. we are seeing it play out that will not be the case in 2024. jon: this is a switch at teamster president speaking at the gop convention. >> yes that is a seismic development. another typical democratic's constituency a union leader. the teamsters in this case. i think with that shows is that recognition on the part of the president of the teamsters that donald trump has a pretty darn good chance of winning this election. he was to build a relationship with the potential future
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president. it is also a recognition while union leadership may support and endorse the democrats like the united auto workers have endorsed joe biden, that does not mean union members are on board they are not a model and they, just like black voters resent being told what to do. this is a very important platform for the teamsters to reach out to trump and reach out to republicans. jon: you mention pennsylvania being a very important state really for both sides in this upcoming election. and the numbers bear that out. it looks better for the republican side at least according to fox polls that we have. this is an emerson college poll i should say paid 1000 registered voters like donald trump 47, 45% over joe biden. then in the swing states that dd trump wins them all in the same
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emerson college pu poll nevada 6 46/43 pennsylvania as we said before 47/45 and here's arizona d michigan he is up by .46 -- 45. we have seen polls be wrong before. are these some aberrations here? it was just four years ago joe biden beat donald trump. >> you might see some ebb and flow between now and the election. but these polls as a stand today is why the trump campaign can start playing in places like virginia where they lost by 10 points to joe biden in 2020. but now is it neck and neck. and minnesota a place has been heartbreaking for republicans over the years is kind of like the buffalo bills of the 1990s free to get to the super bowl four times in a row they lose it each and every time.
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the trump campaign is playing in those states. force in the biden campaign to divert resources or they are already losing. and they're already losing in the states. jon: speaking of fundraising, former president outraised the current president in the month of may i believe it was. >> that is absolutely true. what is really underreported about that is the number of what i suspect our regular monthly recurring donors. you see the moneybag events for biden and new york and in hollywood with all of the liberal acting elites. they are maxing out it's a one-time check or as a trump is increasing the number of small dollar donors people giving $20.24 or $34 for the number of indictments and they will likely do that month after month after
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month. >> the virginia governor is going to be appearing with the former president. what does that do first of all for the state of virginia? and, is he one of the potential vice presidential picks? >> he might be a sleeper pick. we have not heard his name banded about as we have as other names at marco rubio and judy vance for this could potentially be an audition of sorts. we saw donald trump do that newt gingrich, mike pence they all got their chance to shine an audition at a rally. but let's be honest, trump is going to virginia, glenn is the republican governor of virginia it makes sense for him to be on that stage. jon: all right pete seat great to talk with you, interesting
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times, thanks. >> new details and a brutal murder link to two illegal migrants accused of killing a 12 out houston girl. reports indicating one of the suspects was a migrant from venezuela who is released into the u.s. less than a month before the attack. nate foy is live in houston with the latest. hey jon, this community is still processing it's very much afresh here in houston, texas. behind meat you can see a memorial severed 12-year-old jocelyn who the investigators found murdered on monday. take a look behind me. you see people still paying their respects right now a group of three taking pictures at the memorial part was just under that bridge on monday. investigators found the 12-year-old girl. police blamed two illegal migrants from venezuela to protect look at their mugshots
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here. prosecutors requested 1 million-dollar bond each writing court documents illegal migrants lured the 12-year-old girl under the bridge. took her pants off, tied her up and strangled her to death. investigators are still working to determine if a sexual assault happened for border patrol agents in el paso, you mention this they arrested and released the only one that both illegal migrants before this murder. one in march and the other three weeks ago or three weeks before jocelyn's murder paid last night hundreds came out for a visual including houston's mayor who says are going keep it high on the criminal justice system in this case. >> we are going to see that these criminals are held accountable. and don't even think about it if you think about harming one of our young babies. >> meanwhile in new york city that migrant accused of raping a
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13-year-old girl was also caught and released by border patrol agents. the salvadoran migrants entered the country successfully on the fourth try for a got away. texas senator ted cruz posted on x responsible for releasing the illegal aliens who killed lakin riley, and others sadly democrats do not care at all. they these radical open borders agenda. cbp reports over 117,900 illegal crossings at the southern border in may alone that is down from april part before president joe biden executive order on the border went into effect. looking ahead, jocelyn's funeral is set for thursday afternoon. meanwhile two illegal migrants accused of murdering her will appear in court at 10:00 a.m. eastern time on monday. we will send it back to you, jon. quick so much sadness that seems
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so unnecessary. nate foy in houston, texas, thanks. for more on this let's bring it former department of homeland security senior advisor chuck marino. check come it is astounding to me that anybody thought leading the borders wide open would be not a big deal. you read about these cases and you hear about these young peoples whose lives have been snuffed out. i am just at a loss for words. >> look, the overwhelming majority of americans in the country are at a loss for words. they need to turn that into action during this election for the president and homeland security are directly responsible for the catastrophic events happening around the country. americans are being victimized and losing their lives and most recent cases it's a matter of matthey numbers continue to
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climb and are allowed to be processed into the country. americans would have more interactions will be freed and onto the streets to go wherever they want and commit whatever crimes they feel they want to commit. it is a big problem. it's a very dangerous situation. jon: the president said it's the responsibility of congress to do something here. >> it is a false narrative they have been pushing that from day one. first you can secure the border without overall immigration reform. and i'm matter how much it may or may not be needed. they need to start securing the border in enforcing the laws of this country. we are not just talk about problems with the vetting illegal migrants coming into this country which is a significant problem. we action of this administration in several cases know they are dealing with criminal aliens and still releasing them into the country. we knew this was going to have a horrendous effect on our
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overarching homeland security. we also knew it would impact each and every as the border crisis spread to the major cities throughout the country. jon: week m we might be just atp of the criminal iceberg here. this uprising in illegal immigration has really just begun. some of these people spend more and more time in the country for instance tajikistan we have uncounted numbers of people coming in were isis very much has a hole. >> whether we are talking about crime, or we are talking about the threat of terrorism i share your view that we are just getting started here. we are just starting to see the results of these inept policies, inexcusable policies put forth by this administration rate which not only light in the face
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of common sense but undercuts the apparatus here in the united states. at a time where we are facing more threats from more places that at any time in our history as a country, this is going to continue to get worse and worse but will have to take quick significant action with the change of administration. we are going to have to walk and chew gum and do a lot of things and do them fast. one of those things needs to be rounding up those criminal aliens and terrorists who have already infiltrated the country and have been allowed to do so under this administration. jon: and 15 seconds as though is that possible? >> it is impossible have to be prioritized will move very quickly national security threats, criminal aliens, those who feel that further notices to appear. and the may go from there. we need to start the process in locating these threats to the american public.
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>> it so said it's too late for so many murder victims whose lives have been lost. >> inexcusable. >> chuck, could attack you thank you. >> thank you jon. jon: of the big political battle heating up jamaal bellman facing the stiff a primary challenge in new york. westchester county got an endorsement from hilary clinton as bowman campaign with aoc and bernie sanders earlier today. cb cotton is live in new york city with more. >> representative jamaal bellman track record as a progressive squad member in congress is being put to the test at the ballot box fighters got strong support from the pro-israel lobby. but if bowman had any concern about how this is affecting him and the pole with a significant lead he's not showing it insteae
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is doubling down with his fellow squad members who have criticized the handling of the war here is if bowman at a rally today in the bronx, listen. we call for a permanent cease-fire. [cheering] and we are going to keep calling ffor permanent cease-fire. [cheering] cease fire it now. now. cease-fire now. cease-fire now. we will not want u.s. tax dollars kills babies and women and children. >> bowman campaign with other leading progressives to include vermont independent senator bernie sanders and fellow squad member representative aoc. he has condemned hamas and apologize for once labeling reports of hamas as a propaganda he is still drawn the ire of the
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american israel public affairs committee the committee at super pac has spent come it get this a record shattering 14.5 million in ads attacking bowman and other was to support the challenger. publicly he has blazed over spending and his name to essentially say it is out of my control he continues to point to other democrats of color who have the support of the pro-israel lobby. during morning show interview insisted it was not just the mid east war hurting bowman in the polls. check my affordability there talk about jobs they are talking about transportation the bottom line is his mindset on these issues is not consistent with this district. that's probably disconnect. >> if latimier winds at the first time a progressive squad members been unseated and senator bernie sanders, who
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again campaign this week and reiterated multiple times that to him it's keeping a up billbillionairesfrom buying up t want to mention news from a local report 14000 people in westchester county have now cast ballots for earlier voting for it westchester county is part district for this very tight race. back to you. jon: that is going to be one to watch great cb cotton in new york city, thanks for giving us a look. still to come on the fox report, complications for the crew of boeing's spacecraft docked in orbit. we will tell you when the craft might finally be able to come home. plus, much of the nation is still dealing with scorching temperatures this weekend. >> it is a wildly hot across the country visits on the current taps 104 in washington d.c. as we speak right now no surprise if that all of the advisory stretched across the mid-atlantic and midwest will be telling you how long that a sticking around coming up in my
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jon: look like the boeing star liner first manned mission might last a little longer for it nasa pushing back the crews return home yet again for it originally nine day mission has not lasted more than two weeks.
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madison has more on why. >> the mission started on june 5. now nasa says the astronauts will not make it back into earth until at least july. they are trying to be extra cautious because of some issues with the spacecraft a boeing star liner has some small helium leaks and thruster problems. nasa said engineers are taking the time to really study these issues. especially for the future astronauts will not have to deal the problems. experts say it is nothing too critical. >> and nasa is just trying not to be complacent. that is what got us in the challenger and the columbia accidents not to mention the apollo one fire back in 1967. trying not to repeat those mistakes being extra cautious is what we are seeing. >> nasa said the star liner is performing wellin orbit over all docked at the international space station. nasa says in an emergency situation the star liner would
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be cleared for return even with the slight issues. the crew program manager said they are strategically using this extra time completing some critical station activities. the two astronauts on this mission are retired navy captain sunny williams and butch wilmore. while they're saying at the iss a lot longer than expected, nasa said they have completed a lot here he is once they arrived. >> you l.a. got us going. boeing kept us going mission control kept us going and got us here. what a great, wonderful team effort. >> again no exact return date yet. nasa said the astronauts are remaining really positive. when they do eventually make it back here to earth they are expected to land at a space harbor and remote new mexico. back to you pick at zero gravity it looks like so much fun. madison scarpino thanks.
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jon: summers first heat wave a group in the northeast this weekend. millions of americans under extreme heat alert as they feel sweltering near record high temperatures through tomorrow. fox news and meteorologist adam klotz is here with the forecast. >> till june it's feeling more like the dog days of summer. it's not just the mid atlantic where the highlighted areas but you see much across the country. a lot of folks dealing with a really warmer temperatures mid 90s, upper '90s really a widespread heat system focus along i-95 corridor this you add in the humidity what it feels like when you step outside today. this is of the hottest air across the entire country what are five down to d.c. running all the trip ripped new york cp to 97 degrees a ton of heat a ton of humidity in this part of the country no surprise from their stretching off to the west including ohio, northern indiana these of the some of the spots and with the most heat that is going to last all the way
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through sunday. this heat is going to stick around tonight. it's culvert will take any relief we can get potential hives for tomorrow much of the same places again you look at temperatures in the middle 90s or so. any one of those would be a record blake breaking daisy 90 degrees stretches like this it's usually a little later into july it is into august. this is happened a little bit earlier but he could be the relief of storms sleeping on through when you get into sunday's forecast. a little cooler air dipping in from the north. what is that look like an actuality? the temperatures change not a ton. you will feel a little better place like pittsburgh your phone from 85 -- 82 d.c. 98 -- 90 from 95 -- 87 in new york. john's is not a mass of cool that you will not see the humidity. when cool off and a couple degrees will take whatever we can pick up two absolute will take it is uncomfortable.
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jon: meteorologist adam klotz thanks for coming up on the fox report president biden is hunkering down at camp david five days before the big face-to-face showdown with donald trump. what is the president' strategy for the big night? details are ahead. ♪ come subject 1: i love you. [music playing] i love you. beckett: i love you too.
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subject 2: beckett's amazing. he's a miracle child. in the mornings, he'll wake up, and he'll roll the shades up. and da da, it's time to get up. it's a bright, beautiful day. beckett: right. subject 1: you look great. the first of the year, he started going, i have to sit down. i'm dizzy, mommy. he couldn't walk straight. his head was starting to be cocked. make a wish. a month after his third birthday, he got diagnosed with atrt brain cancer. all you can think of is, my kid's not going to live. [cristina perri, "a thousand years"] i have died every day waiting for you darling don't be afraid i have loved you for a thousand years i'll love you for a thousand more you are really tough. subject 3: families never receive a bill from saint jude for treatment, travel, housing, or food so they can focus on helping their child live.
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subject 1: the fact that saint jude doesn't bill is a godsend. and the fact that we don't have to ask for help here makes things a lot easier to go through what we have to go through with beckett. beckett: i wish my cancer was gone. subject 3: for just $19 a month, you'll help us continue the lifesaving research and treatment these kids need. (singing) i have died every day waiting for you. subject 1: the fact that they are researching and they are saving these children, it's so important. we wouldn't be where we are without saint jude. and in turn, we wouldn't be where we are without those people that have donated. they're the reason why my son's still alive. subject 3: you can help saint jude save the lives of children like beckett. [music playing] weathertech knows that trucks like yours can take a beating. are you sure? bring it on! but with weathertech's heavy—duty impactliner you can safeguard the bed
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♪ ♪. jon: and president biden is hunkering down at camp david this weekend to prepare for the upcoming cnn presidential debate this coming thursday but is likely meeting with several campaign advisors. madeleine rivera is live with the latest request good afternoon no details in the biden campaign today regarding president biden's debate but they did have something to say about former president trump advanced today as later on. and just about half hour or so.
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singer says in part he is a convicted felon who only cares about himself and for the sake of our economy, democracy or rights in our future. he should never be president again read that statement largely mirrors a strategy and the tactic the president is expected to show on thursday former chief of staff leading the press. abortion, democracy attacks are expected to be top issues for the campaign has also indicated the president was sharper at language and not shy away from calling trump a convicted felon campaign hopes early timing of cnn presidential debate will force voters who have not been closely following the race for the white house to tune in. they're hoping to neutralize concerns about the physical and mental fitness this week the white house slammed the videos of president biden which official argue were taken out of context to make it seem like he is out of it pretty should know to biden campaign has taken a page of the same playbook posing
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out of context clips of trump even as they argue they do not have to resort to manipulation. >> you do not do makeup and add or a story or some fake photo to see exactly what is in front of the american people with what donald trump is saying. we really see as part of our campaign we have to do that. collective it wouldn't a coin flip president biden pick this stage of position, stage right trump will deliver the last closing statement. >> metal rivera at the white house, madeline thank you. >> biden campaign might be going heart of donald trump's new york conviction for it only seems to be energizing the former president supporters. it's especially clear in some of the recent fundraising numbers. let's bring in j town former u.s. attorney appointed by president trump and that northern district of alabama.
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jay, let's talk about crime before we attempt politics and prosecution. the biden campaign is saying crime is dropping in this country. is that accurate? >> yes, we have all seen deception and politics and seen distraction but we've seen that red herrings is simply caring, jon. president biden is presided three of the four most murderous years of the last quarter century. in fact on averages averaging about 20700 per year under trump puzzle north of 18000. 2021 was the most murderous year in the last 25 years. with raw data is with crime rates were getting bad data there is 19000 law enforcement agencies in the country. they report to the fbi voluntarily but they report some data, all data or no data at
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all. lapd, san francisco, phoenix, chicago, philly for the present is this evening with the philly pd do not report data are very incomplete data. that's all we have to use these raw numbers. you also notice and these historic declines of violent crime that are being touted by the left, none mentioned nonviolent offenses typically four or five times the number of non- violent crime victims. what we have seen is seven 100% increase in the last 25 years of nonviolent offenses. in 2 2,023,900,000 these first time since bill clinton's administration property crime has got up twice. one more point about property crime everyone in law enforcement knows of crimes going up or down you track motor vehicle theft. motor vehicle thefts are up in this country 105% since 2019.
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they have risen steadily every year under the biden administration. fifteen most violent cities in america are all run by democrats that are mayors and democrats that are das that kinda goes back to why our data is incomplete. jon: we just heard madeleine rivera support she said the biden campaign or the current president is not going to shy away from calling former president trump a convicted felon. you say that attempt to portray him as such seems to be backfiring, why? >> you do look at 48 hours after his conviction in manhattan he raised $70 million in may he nearly doubled the amount of money raised by the biden campaign. race one or $40 million in a single month. george clooney can only have so many fundraisers because nobody goes and sees movies anymore. if the did george clooney would
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still be in them. the trump campaign is turning this law fair into real dollars you start to see ads come out in july on tv and and on x and other web providers. i will say this to people respected all along about the prosecution in manhattan was law fair. but pot back on the life of mr. mute. thirty-four felonies. and now the democrats in the liberal pundits are saying the quiet part out loud because they are furious judge is not going to have the j6 trial fears the supreme court is taken 100 days to hash out to novel issues of the impeachment judgment clause. and how versus expert on these novel issues they all wanted the
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strategy all along was to have these trials before november 5 that was part of the political strategy but democracy is on the ballot. they're hoping democracy would be on the verdict sheet not the ballot. jon: the former presence going to be speaking tonight texas soon to be. [laughter] jon: in philadelphia i mean philadelphia is a deep blue city is their real value in addressing this crowd in philadelphia? or is this tilting at windmills? >> if acute to reduce corrosion route the united states filled up is on the most crime-ridden in all of the united states and the most murders in 2021 than any other city in history or in the last 25 years at least. the people of philadelphia are sick of it.
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they are tired of it. their heart tired of high taxes, high crime. they are tired of hyatt crime victims, people overdosing on fentanyl and methamphetamine in the city of philadelphia. because murders go down 13% as biden has claimed in philadelphia that may be two hours between murders in the city of philadelphia. there's still more than one a day every day in the city of philadelphia put you in to reduce crime, it's always foes of the inner-city and big cities you've got to go there. president biden does not go there bu. he will go to the hotels but he does not go to the neighborhoods he does not go to the churches that is why trump is doing what he is doing tonight. you're going to see him around big cities that are crime ridden run by democrats. run by liberal di like larry and philly for instance. that will have an impact on the human beings that actually do go vote.
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jon: are at j town good to talk to you, thanks, j. >> comia whale watching craze bs in brazil around the globe is next. this is our last chance to help save thousands of holocaust survivors who are suffering in the
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former soviet union today. the needs that these forgotten jews have are something beyond anything you can imagine. have you eaten this morning? i ate the carrot, so i ate half of it yesterday. and this is what she ate in two days, one carrot. please pray for me! the international fellowship of christians and jews began this ministry to help elderly jews living in horrible poverty around the world. we urgently need your gift of $25 now to help provide one survival food box with all of the foods they critically need for their diet for one month. when you call right now, your gift's impact will be doubled to help save lives. it breaks my heart to know that there are holocaust survivors who suffer to this very day. now, with pensions of less than $2 per day, they
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live in some of the poorest conditions imaginable. i believe in god, but i sometimes feel maybe he forgot me. perhaps you could tell my story, and i will find a matching soul that would understand. i face hunger again. please don't delay. call, scan, or go online now to help rush one survival food box to a holocaust survivor. when you call right now, your gift's impact will be doubled to help save lives. this is what god wants from us. just feed the hungry. if you hear god's voice, i'm asking you to act now. do it when it's on your heart. i pray that they'll know in their final months that they're not alone.
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jon: headlines for your note from a go around the globe israelite military killed a top hamas operative with a drone strike it deep inside lebanon. it's fueling concerns of a larger conflict as tensions grew between israel and iran backed militants there. >> this is not meant to be a
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message. it is not in response to russia and north korea coming together. >> aircraft carrier is docked in south korea both russian president putin and kim jon kuhn owedsigning a strategic partnerp deal. and southern china flash flooding and landslides have killed dozens of people for more heavy rain is expected to fall this weekend. >> also in china and satellite in search of bright cosmic of beams for the project developed by engineers from both china and france. in brazil whale watch and pray g prohibits attracting tourists to rio de janeiro risk conservation awareness and conduct research during these two wars. in london, taylor swift took a
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backstage sethi with prince william, prince george and princess charlotte sprayed the pop star posted another picture with the world to rio on a social media it right" the london shows are off to a splendid start. in germany, italian born elephants predicting the winner of the year old 2024 soccer match between germany and scotland. kick the ball toward germany clearly signaling she believes her adoptive home will prevail. we will see. that is a look at some stories from around the globe. much more ahead for you, will we get relief from the heat? another check on the forecast, next her. ♪ music ♪ ♪ unnecessary action hero! ♪
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they heatwave gripping parts of the u.s. millions of americans that are heat alert they feel sweltering near high temperatures through tomorrow fox news meteorologist adam klotz is back not with the
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national forecast for us. >> it is tough to get away from this heat. look at the numbers across the country a lot of big numbers on this board. we are really highlighting an area where the heat is at its most extreme and could be dangerous that is across portions of the admitted lances stretching back into the midwest including mordant northern ohio is seen a lot of those heat look at temperatures outside heat plus humidity what it feels like when you step outside 104 in d.c. 102 in philadelphia little cooler in new york now. we've seen passing under stores and move on through anything cools down a little bit is some good news right now. there is a cold front that's going to move there it's not a very cold front but if you're going to fall from 104 degrees in d.c. tomorrow and then by monday it's going to feel like 91 and then into 92 it is better it's a little bit more comfortable we will take any relief we can get us a cold front sweeps on through. not only storing the national forecast we are paying attention to a system of the gulf of mexico over little disorganized only 40% chance of developing
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the next couple of days and getting a named tropical system. i actually do not think it's very likely at this point. it's been trending downward to system to pay attention to what we certainly will. future forecast your stingray and across portions of mexico if you live in southern texas you will probably notice this a little bit is going to be showers passing on through print this is the forecast there. maybe a couple of inches of rain in the rio grande valley just a reminder is going to be an active season. it is hot out there and starting to feel like all of the summer weather is headed this way. >> it sure does adam, thank you. it is not just millions of americans under heat advisors this weekend, so are our furry and feathered friends at the zoo. what are our animal friends doing to try to beat the heat? we have some answers coming up next. it's kubota orange days, shop the year's biggest selection of kubota equipment
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everybody is finding ways to beat the heat throughout the u.s. including the animals at the zoo. tampa and florida, keepers installed sprinklers, pools and mud rollers so critters could have fun in the sun. orangutans of the zoo are keeping cool by having snowball fights. most of the animals are from warmer regions the 90 plus degree weather is something they are accustomed to. they got to watch your forecast, the animals i guess going to get a break in a day or two. >> it will cool off eventually but i'm not accustomed to these temperatures, the snowball fight sounds lovely. at least the rest of today, tonight into tomorrow is going to be incredibly hot across the country. monday is equivalent but 90 degrees still pretty warm. >> that's how fox reports. ♪


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