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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  June 22, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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when you are caught firing a shotgun naked at the drone, or you glad you were naked? >> this would have been the only thing i was wearing a perfect world. gun would have gone off by itself. >> you will love the party. [laughter] >> fox news saturday night with jimmy failla. right here on fox news, follow us on social media and fn saturday. for more, a city near you, everybody calm down to her. tickets on sale at fox across you can listen to my radio show weekdays noon to 3:00 p.m. eastern. good night from new york city, i'm jimmy failla. see you next saturday and you can be republican, you can be democrats, just don't be a [bleep] [laughter] . [ ♪ ]
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[ cheering and applause ] >> who wow, yeah,. i guess you can stay. happy thursday. record heat in the northeast continues so hot biden putting extra ice in his ball main fluid jerry nadler's balls stuck to somebody else's legs. 3 for the price of 1. biden headed the camp david to begin preparing for his debate
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with trump here is his car pulling into the camp luxury high-rise serving as a homeless shelter costing taxpayers 600 grand each and the homeless are complaining about living around the homeless it hasn't great perks a gym rooftop garden hot and cold running theses. no better word than freight theses. that's my mantra when i meditate in an interview found she fears someone could kill him years advice just stay home. in ohio a defence attorney is
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reinstated after being penalized for pooping in pringles can leaving it in a parking lot i knew they taped it off said 1 man brian stelter. caitlin clerk got hit hard by another wba player the coalitions so intense fans went ballistic. a long time see world mime was fired after getting in a disagreement with a security guard unavailable for comment because he's a mind someone should check to see if he strapped in the box still. employees at a michigan sex shop
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will vote in joining the native food and commercial workers union they were insured they should join the teamsters or the double teamsters. >> that's just yuck archaeologists found marge simpson look-alike drawing on a free thousand-year-old egyptian coffin even more surprising the terrifying mommy they found inside to the monologue tonight i want to talk about fear mongering it's my firm favourite kind of mongering after fish and core but you seen the horrifying story an illegal alien busted in new york for raping a 13-year-old girl at knifepoint versus give a shout out to the
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new yorkers who caught the scumbag and held him until the cops showed up. they shoved his face into the pavement marvelling at their restraint on not murdering them on the spot. if this crime makes you angry enough to speak out while the media says you're just fear mongering. >> here is the 3 cable networks reporting this is what our banners said biden announces legal protections for and documented spouses and biden announced new protections for undocumented spouses here's fox's thing the problem is fear mongering. >> exactly you laughing axles so how would you have liked us to report this heinous crime that a
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newcomer had a bad first date i kid you prefer a stir not reported at all he can't monger fear about rape and murder what can you mongering about there's 1 thing violent criminals do is put me in the mood to monger would joy rather a sphere monger over carbon footprints tout farts or miss gender and protesters why talk about knife wielding rapists when you can have gassy gaia livestock. idiots who don't understand true threats cannot be trusted to tell us what we should be fearful of the so-called fears are like maxime waters hair or joy read smile fake. we get about murder and they condemn anger not the murder painting people as fearful bigots we get called transphobia if we want to protect women
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sports not a mind they guy spraying stuff on his nuts and the girls locker room we get called islamic phobic if we worried about murderous radicals guess when the guy screams its arabic for coexist law should true phobic the next time they freak out about facts somebody out there now slick a t-shirt with a picture of any democrat you would make a million dollars a week i would do it but it would be a pay cut stop it i wish. it's funny how we say we lack empathy when they express it for the victims we can't take lessons on empathy from people fail at it. it's not empathy if you let people run walk wild real empathy is structured people need structure where there is chaos. they're fake empathy causes the real problem is that our empathy is meant to stop let's listen to
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d8 secretary may or because those killed by illegal for as it allows like this to happen. something happening on right-wing media all the time. >> first and foremost as the children the family of the loved ones as the mother. the criminal is responsible for the criminal act and that woman couldn't even say their name are worse he didn't even know as their divorce from the results of their incentives as their tiny little mind is no connection between a person who shouldn't be in this country killing an american citizen in
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that person not being here and not killing them. incentivizing the open border and deal with the consequences. disagree with them and you are phobic have your own opinions and you spread fear. although this is to shift the emphasis away from the problem is they cause only the right had figured this trick out sooner you blow the whistle on awful stuff left us media per trays the whistleblower is worse than the actual evil thing they complain about the fire alarm and not the house burning down. unless you are jamaal bowman. trump pulled the fire alarm in 2015 about the open border is it me or is trump like your dad seems to get smarter the older you got but the news focuses on his words not what they were about fearful that their opinions would be deemed to worsen the crime itself the same trick democrats used against the cops about homelessness drugs
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tran surgeries for kids the list is as endless as their [ bleep ] and remember demanding justice over october 7th made you pro genocide the intended result to stop people from talking about october 7th the same thing with migrant crime the left things if they call using a phobic you will climb up but it's not working even among hispanics in 2016 supporters for his mass deportation policy was 17% it's up to around 53% i guess that they are xena phobic as well the left is stunned. >> it's her markedly you see something similar happening with the conversation around terrorism in china things trump talked about in 2016 out of the boundary of the republic and parting other in the mainstream. >> you know what else has lying [ bleep ] you maggots really are
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eurasian rents and deceitfulness as out in the open now as jeffries weiner during a zoom call. so cnn cbs you keep doing what you're doing and we will keep doing what we are doing chatting again november 6th and when i hear you say we are fear mongering it will only mean whatever we are mongering is the truth. let's welcome tonight's guests. she talks so fast she leaves skid marks on your eardrums. the best thing since french maids. andrew grewal. as shows wanted to be a model near tense best-selling author,
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contributor kat timpf only week of playing hide and go seek near times best-selling comedian of former and debbie way world heavyweight champion tyrus henley looked delightful as always why is it democrats always accuse republicans of lacking empathy when it comes to something heinous they have no empathy they just pivot. >> it's a party according to them words are violence and the rampant violence taking over our country is somehow fear mongering to them rachel moran which is her name she was the second person in her county killed last year by illegal for immigrant in a county 2000 miles from the south border i interviewed them earlier this week and rightfully so he's the 1 boots on the ground solving the crime when you got the dna
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match monster that killed her the same he broke into a home and 9 euros girl in los angeles so the crime saying it's because of biden's failed policies the american immigration counsel even said the executive action does nothing to restore border order my question for the liberals who call this fear mongering than when is this enough do we cite the highest rapes in history right now occurring in the south border in the mexican side by the women being trafficked across our border for the 85 missing unaccompanied miner children in our country with a care for its non-americans the difference to us is it's not volume though statistics are staggering for us 1 was 2 many say their name. 1 was too many.
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>> andrew do you ever check whatever you're about to say because you're afraid your own anger and outrage will be looked upon as somehow phobic? >> you do have to dilute back especially when i'm on tv i think cancelled so many times i don't know what happens next but i will serve up a chicken fried fear mongers sandwich lest we forget the same group that lock healthy people in their homes for 3 years for a virus that had a 99% success rate effectively told us we couldn't go to school they would die if he just saves 1 life now here we have a wide open border people coming across the border video people murdering and beating people in the same people effectively are
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telling us we have to watch what we say the only thing them afraid of is joy behar in front of an old country buffet. >> speaker-01: you don't want to be behind that when it blows. >> or even in front of it there's a lot of possibilities here. and the rules of empathy you can only show to certain people and not to others i never understood this. >> what a hilarious topic for this comedy show we did we think would be in the audience joy read i like what andrew said is going back to them fear mongering overall as a thing simply reporting on a migrant raping a 13-year-old girl that's not fear mongering i can say that much overall fear mongering is a thing politicians on both
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sides do it i don't know if i can say this but the media does as well especially i would dare say that joy read we had some fun going on her twitter today searching it for the word dangerous a lot of things she think is dangerous. republicans demonizing half the country as being dangerous i would say that's fear mongering their people are republicans for all kinds of reasons that doesn't make them dangerous i favour going back to what you are saying a video of an outdoor football game. a high school football game saying it was so dangerous because of covid-19 it's like a dude you are the queen of fear mongering. she can save it as far as i'm concerned. going through joy reed's twitter feed could be harmful to your health.
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tyrus close us out. >> some amazing points i don't know if you're aware of this she identifies as a [ bleep ]. i do think the term fear mongering is wrong greg, because usually fear mongering is based off exaggeration what republicans are doing is taking factual things which happened and say this is wrong the reason why join the others don't give a [ bleep ] is because their racism and hatred towards white america cannot be any more profound then when somebody is killed that they assume is on the other side so they don't care at least the clan had the decency to wear a hood.
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so outrageously bold with their ugly racism. louis farrakhan had a line when real loss of life happened it was about how this should never happen. the problem is we are dealing with facts all their dramas are made up fake meetings at the border how many people they make fake accounts to attack themselves that's what their world is like in their little bubble when we see real things it shouldn't be a republican or democrat thing. mother was murdered our women are being targeted a little girl was raped who gives a [ bleep ] who you vote for come together as a community like the people on the street did so joy just come out and own it you're the
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new clan and you hate wait america certainly cashing their checks but have the balls to say it. here's the deal if they are a minority it's not in their purview you're not black anyways. they have an answer for everything because there narcissistic sense of value for their victims is all about them succumb out and say it you hate white people and don't care what happens to you that's the truth up next our observations about joe's preparations here's to getting better with age. here's to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost. your best defense against erosion and cavities
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believe it or not baby... you could earn your... master's... for under 11 thousand! master's degree for under 11k in less than a year. earn your competency - based master's at university of phoenix.
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>> a story in 5 words. biden preps at camp david. he sailed up in camp david camp named after david where he will spend the next week preparing for this cnn whatever that is presidential debate as a chef you know it prep time means will any amount of prep time and help him. >> is the culinary equivalent of microwaving stakes before a massive banquet reminds me of the fourth rocky had drago and rocky. drago was in the lab using all the technology and rocky was punching dead rotten trees you got biden in a lab getting a modern version of a lobotomy in the perfect combination of amphetamines crack and botox trying to determine how he makes it an hour long you've got trump
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a mcdonald's eating 25 big meals talking to the community going to a diner sipping a coffee i don't know if he drinks coffee probably not and he's going to come out and rocky drago's but. >> maybe but cat makes a good point often on this show which surprises me first that biden will work on them mercy and sympathy factor number 2 if you underestimate them so much it doesn't take much to succeed. >> i can't think i'm alone in being shocked this is actually happening a lot of us about this wouldn't happen that something would come up he would make an excuse like i'm not gonna normalize trump by debating him which is what i think they were flowing around that the but democrat talk and said he shouldn't do that the expectations are so low in this
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format where people if he flubs a few things that's okay if he gets there it i think people will be shocked and they will say that as his strength is his weakness on the things people like about trump seeking get zing years and on people it's really hard perceived as getting zingers a guy who looks like a guy who belongs in a hospital. >> you make can't make fun of a guy in an icu it started to do. >> i try working on my material with the guys in intensive care nobody likes any advice for trump i would treat the cnn intervention it's not a debate you control the microphones in jamaica to anything trump says directly to biden we turned off so biden doesn't have to go off script we already know they have the ability to rate the
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questions because hillary got them you better believe he's going over those questions so all he has to do is focus on tapper lim sure will have 6 days in the next 10 days whoever will be off they go down there and practice focusing on them in answering their questions so he can do that part. the part where americans come in because if i was president trump and i saw this once they cut the microphone off look at it like animal house i see my thing and go as you walk out and tapper said you will never work in this town again i mean it you are finished just keep walking out because it's not a debate no crowd because somebody might have a shiny watch on or ring and the president will be like this. it's not a debate it was never going to be a debate will be a q&a with cnn and every time
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trump jimson they will be like that is ally your times times are and they hit the microphone. it set up for trump to fail but really america is failing because we shouldn't lower the bar for anyone. is a president you should have to be here period. >> what's your advice? >> click of the mainstream media is shaping this [ bleep ] they put out about how they are preparing so according to them he's hunkering down at a mountainside pouring over policy briefs for tight circle of advisors he's a death becomes her factory getting juiced up and eating jell-o they say president trump he sharpening his barbs and yet with vice presidential hopefuls he's listening to americans also owe nobody is doing calling angel families families like rachel moran's mother listen to the
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rank-and-file meeting with lawmakers these doing what we wish the commander-in-chief would do which is just listen. >> up next show no 1 watches lowers the bar a few notches -remember when i said we need to screen for colon cancer? -was that after i texted the age to screen was now 45? [both] because i said cologuard®! -hey there! -where did he come from? -yup, with me you can screen at home. just talk to your provider. [both] we'll screen with cologuard
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and do it my way. cologuard is a one-of-a-kind way to screen for colon cancer that's effective and non-invasive. it's for people 45+ at average risk, not high risk. false positive and negative results may occur. ask your provider for me, cologuard.
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[ ♪ ] nathan awaited talking about getting delayed the former trump
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prosecutor who had a fair with the district attorney weight stop by what's left of the daily show to answer everything you never wanted to roll know about roland. >> what was your first thought when you had the if a fair go public. >> it wouldn't label a fair. >> wife? >> she's a respectable mother brilliant mind we spent countless hours preparing the case countless hours foot rob whatever giving you a massage and all of a sudden we on this desk man. >> during the court of the investigation be witty early mornings weekends spend days. >> how can you not. we spend that much time together
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we do and everything we might as well. >> we didn't have that relationship at the outset we were interviewing other people for the position as prosecutors. >> did their position look like this or did it look like this. >> that might be the funniest thing the daily show is ever done. >> they needed a wayne's brother to do it was that marlon? >> it was phenomenal and hilarious as well we should be looking at is all the cuts every time they said signed a panda way all you saw was a black and have to see if that's a brother in there it's funny frame to humanize is great but the dude can't even relax he's too busy trying to worry about what light
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he's telling on the outset on the onset when a man is pausing and stuttering usually it's to buy time having said that on the inside is like [ bleep ] why quick cat do you think it was a good idea for him to do this. >> is a good idea but i also think it sexist which he invited to do it how come he gets to be humanize from the affair to my understanding they did it together he got to be on the daily show only tv time she got was a trial. >> good point and i'm sorry she has more charisma than he has like if it's not clapping it's because you're too scared because you agree of me we not remember her up there talking about like hiding the cash around she's crazy but it
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would've made for way better tv we should invite her on this show. grade point should she come on this show. [ cheering and applause ] extend the invitations issue accepts. >> i'm pretty lazy though can you call her what did you make of this in general your lawyer he's a lawyer right you can go together. >> no. >> why because he so racist. >> and triggered great should probably leave the show now i don't thing i can come back company triggered. >> i don't understand the comedy tour of thing for him what is his end goal to your point getting his own reality show who is he rehabilitating his image for ny evening harrison biden
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that's okay but not a normal townhall i don't get it because there's clearly an endgame is key is seeking to get something why you how. >> i can answer that. >> 's group wades career cooked creeks. >> overcooked the whole thing made me disgusted i can't leave this i have my tolerance for content and the entire time all the images ahead they were doing those 6 jokes with this guy riding her liked opera on a baked ham, leevi is an attorney to begin with because he is no ability to clearly comedic in an interview. is funny but is probably funny for the wrong reasons who cares them. >> wayne is brilliant man people
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[music playing] hi. i'm gina. i was really upset at the way i had let myself go. my cravings were out of control. i had to do something. we all know it's important to take care of our health but it seems the trend is looking for a quick fix. and as a nurse it's really important to me what i put in my body. the main difference with golo is the way i felt. i wasn't jittery, my cravings went away. i felt satisfied and healthy and had tons of energy. give golo a shot you won't be sorry.
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>> 5 more words. democrats staffers celebrates loan want me to go to somebody else. >> no go to me that's what i'm here for. >> clad you could be here democrat staffer tweeted his photo of his student loans being totally wiped out between pay for the caption got a call to let me know my student loan debt has been cancelled this is why election matters and he thanks joe biden don't think joe biden men then thank all of us paying for. first of all it is gross cringe
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and put her that if attic thinking big daddy government for giving you stuff let alone as a man like thank you. disgusting. you should be embarrassed. >> you should never have sex with a woman again. or a man honestly. >> going back to what you are talking about in the monologue about empathy i don't know how you were seen as the compassionate people if joe biden himself paid off his student loans i get it the coercive reassignment of payments no. >> it's fast. we just paid for. >> here's the deal so this was a 10 year alone comes around $80 a month if that he wasn't paying
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it because he knew it would be forgiven probably half his phone bill. >> you posted the loan paperwork really is a smart guy there and then $8000 10 or 15 year alone start he had a degree and he can't figure out a way to pay off $8000 maybe we should question that. what's his problem again month by month $50 or $60. he still wouldn't pay it because he knew we were gonna pay it emily. >> yes. >> why would you reduce the bill if you know he's going take the whole bill going to get paid off don't pay it because he works them as a staffer they get the get a forgiveness deferment anything so he was already on a
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bloated program to begin with what i hate about this so much first of all its he's never had sex of anybody let's get started secondly the fact when he says elections matter it's an elitist where did it come in that 21-year-old baked huge body where did that come from elections matter again let's put rachel morin what riley that's why elections matter not because joe biden used my money to pay your stupid ass tuition he bought your vote now. >> tyrus can you defend him in any way to make yes, i would like to be friends with him and he stocked tips he might have because like a regular lottery
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he works for the democrats god's will loan forgiven i thought it was random just lucky stars that he was picked his loan was paid off that seems a little corrupt a gist so happens i thought it was random what you think i work for you and i get my loan paid off well i will defend him in this i think it was grossly negligent of emily in your spell for diverse merchant him saying he had had sex with anyone when they he is clearly flocking with allah -- [ bleep ] with all of us. >> we will take a break on tha (man) every time i needed a new phone, i had to switch carriers... (roommate) i told verizon, everyone can get the best deals, like that iphone 15 on them.
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(man) switching all the wasn't easy. (lady) 35! (store customer) you're gonna be here forever. (man) i know. (employee) here is your wireless contract. (man) do i need a lawyer for this? those were hard days. representative. switch! now that i got a huge storage and battery upgrade... i'm officially done switching. (vo) new and existing customers get iphone 15 on us when they trade in any iphone, any condition. guaranteed. (man) i really wished you told me sooner. (roommate) i did. you know, when i take the bike out like this, all my stresses just melt away. i hear that. this bad boy can fix anything. yep, tough day at work, nice cruise will sort you right out. when i'm riding, i'm not even thinking about my painful cavity. well, you shouldn't ignore that. and every time i get stressed about having to pay my bills, i just hop on the bike, man. oh, come on, man, you got to pay your bills. you don't have to worry about anything when you're protected by america's number-one motorcycle insurer. well, you definitely do. those things aren't related, so... ah, yee! oh, that is a vibrating pain.
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>> coast to coast with stories that matter most you're watching a local news with kelly crystal kelly. replacing chet van janssen who died now here is kelly. >> hello i'm kelly crystal kelly and this is local news were each
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guest's shares a story from where they are from andrew you are first. >> feel-good story to start we hear about these businesses leaving california mark wahlberg is opening a business in california in my restaurant industry what i think the feel-good piece is he's opening it and hunting and be california why that's important is not just because i live there is the tip of the spirit when it comes to fighting the crazy liberal administration in sacramento he's opening his restaurant not in hollywood or la or any of these posh areas but in the conservative hotbed of south california so some underlying story there. >> about a make your feel bad story story. >> no because it's a restaurant graveyard the space he picked so he's not going to compete with us. great greg you're going to love this story view guys remember in
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1982 when durand durand came out with their album beautiful cover and for years not even the band knew who she was and now we not only know who she is but she lives as a vineyard with her awesome husband the album cover was based on a photograph of her and the photographer made the painting the whole point is the band never knew she came out and said it was me so for 42 years she's been living in anonymity little this everybody no comes from her and the stars or in durand dream was awesome after we love that beautiful smile we would know it anywhere it's awesome so she was found. >> i love the range of emotions there. >> if you didn't love that you
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love it now. >> greg why don't you go next? so where i'm from their hosting fireworks a buyback event ahead of july fourth talking about peeing on your parade you can get a cash reward for turning in regular fireworks but for illegal for fireworks there's nothing better than illegal for fireworks as a child i love the smell of the firecrackers you would buy keeping them an old cigar box opening them up you would open the wicks and get the gunpowder out. >> so dumb imagine going through the process of obtaining illegal for explosive and then just say it now going to make a trip to give these back. >> no away end they probably arrest you when you get there. >> i predict nobody will do this.
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>> what's the exchange rate. >> to see you can get up to around $200 called it a resounding success before 400 pounds those are probably parents. >> i will end this with the bow my daughter georgie rose murdoch at her first equestrian competition taught on mom's early only doing it about a month but they wanted her to experience to see how it is and she took first place. so in your copilot and crime his name is roosevelt nicknamed teddy 25 years old that it competed any more was getting ready for retirement louise my daughter was training with him is because he knows the route he's been doing it for a long time i guess she inspired him as
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he has these ribbons he's back in the game alright everybody don't go away we will be right back here's to getting better with age. here's to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost.
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[applause] >> greg: underworl degrees still pretty warm. >> that's how fox reports. ♪


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