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tv   FOX and Friends Sunday  FOX News  June 23, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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it's the 9:00 a.m. hour on fox an friends weekend, starting with this, a texas community is in mourning as two illegal immigrants are charged with the murder of a 12-year-old girl. the houston business owner who is paying for her family's funeral expenses will joins us live. >> plus, former president donald trump shares how he is preparing to face biden in this week's cnn presidential debate. >> well, this is really the best strategy right here. i look forward to t debate. rachel: move over, big brother, big mother and father are watching. >> it would have killed me if she would have known i left hailey alone while i chilled in a bar with undergrads. i happened to trust my daughter. i was tracking her location with a gps on her phone. rachel: when should you stop tracking your child? we're going to discuss that. the final hour of "fox & friends
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weekend" starts right now. ♪ ♪ welcome to my house. ♪ baby, take control now. ♪ we can't even slow down. rachel: good morning, i love starting the hour with some flo-rida. we've had him on the show. will: what did you say his name was? you said flow rider. rachel: that was a mistake. we had him on the show so many times. i danced with him. i asked him how he came up you with the name. he said he came up with it in a barber shop. he was thinking, he was like florida, flo-rida. that's what he d he told me the story. it's that simple. we love having you with us. it's 9:00 a.m. in new york city. i'm happy to have will cain with me and a also charlie herd, in
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forpetehegseth. will: we are just four, five days away from now the first presidential debate. historically you unique presidential debate. it's happening before either convention, before either p candidate is formally nominated as their party's candidate for president. makes you wonder why are we having a debate this early. but nonetheless, they are. and the two candidates are getting ready. reports are that joe biden is holed up practicing standing for 90 minutes and going through debate prep. while donald trump is giving rallies and answering questions to reporters and telling alexis mcadams that's exactly how he'll be ready for the debate. watch. >> tell me a little about how you're preparing for the debate. we see president biden is at camp day vismed you're on the campaign trail. what's your strategy.
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>> this is really the best strategy. we have all these people screaming questions. i look forward to the debate. we did faith and fre freedom in. we're here for a big rally in the temple a arena. we have it packed. lines going a mile long. it's an honor. rachel: i mean, listen, i think going on the campaign trail, meeting with reporters, fielding questions from left and right, going into blue areas and also these deep dive pod casts thats he's been doing, i think are all sharpening him and as far as i'm concerned they're great debate prep. will, you talked for a second about why they're doing this debate early. i think your theory is really good. why don't you lay that out. will: it's not my theory so much as it was explained to me this week by senator markwayne mullin of okay hoe ma. oklahoma. adds to the like lid
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that joe biden won't be the nominee. rachel: if he doesn't do well, it will be signal for the democrats to switch it up. will: it's a month before the convention to try to get the party together. it would be hard to coalesce the party. why have the cnn presidential debate this early before the convention? >> you can't do that unless joe biden agrees to it and unless they get him to agree to it it's not going to work. rachel: you mean him stepping down. >> yes. he would have to release the deeing gates. delegates.rachel: you mean jil. >> as we saw with the jamaal bowman rally yesterday, the party is deeply divided and i don't know that they have the kind of unity that they can pull that off but it is important to remember what we're seeing right
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now with the ra rally we saw yesterday in philadelphia with former president trump, that's normal, that's what a campaign is doing in june of an election year after june you've wrappede nomination. what you're not doing is going dark for a week, holed up in camp david. i don't care what you're preparing for. that does not happen. a campaign would never go dark for a week in june. rachel: you speculated earlier, charily, maybe this was a way of lowering expectations, to make people go he's practicing standing up or joe biden denies they said that but like i need this much prep so the expectation is low so when gets there and gets his ritalin or of whatever they're putting him on, he does well and we go see, he's not that bad. do you think that's part of the strategy. >> democrats are masters at playing the mental games. that's one thing they're doing. i think they want to talk about his slowness and his
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infirmities, they would rather talk about that than inflation and the border and crime and all these other things that are far serious -- far more serious issues. rachel: doesn't look good for him. will: i don't know that i can agree with that. i think it's interesting. bbut in 2020 he won with a lot f the same problems. there were a lot of the problems that are substantive policy based problems and yet he still won. for example, there were economic problems. i think his fraility resonates with the common independent swing voter as much as any particular issue. i think when they look up there and they did oh, my gosh, that guy can't be president. i think it has huge impacts. i can't imagine he wants the focus to be on that. >> but if they can focus the discussion around that as opposed to the border -- let's for get, one of the biggest
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problems for donald trump in 2020 was the border was not a problem, he essentially solved that problem, maybe not the larger longer problem but the immediate crisis at the border, he solved that and now he's campaigning on that issue. rachel: he's very vindicated on the issues. we are caroline leevit, the 2024 press secretary on earlier, here's what she had to say about debate prep. >> president trump is going to be president trump but he will be focused on the policies that made this country great in his first term and his solutions to fix many of t the crisis that je biden's policies have created over the past few years, will be reminding voters how much better their lives were under his leadership than they are today. president trump is going to relay his vision to make this country great again and joe biden can get all of the rest he wants. i think it's concerning that we have a president who can't do debate prep and also run the country at the same time. he has to go hide away. nevertheless, the real test for him next week is going to be can
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he defend his indefenseable policies, his record high inflation crisis that is robbing families and his immigration invasion that's leading to the a loss of american life across this country. rachel: caroline is three weeks away from having a baby and she's doing her job. but joe biden needs a lot of time away in camp david to prepare. by the way, trump 5 points -- we asked voters who do you think will win. trump wins by -- according to this, all voters, by 5 points. will: i find this surprising. rachel: i do too. i'm shocked how many people are confident. will: people said be careful, don't lower the bar for joe biden so low. that's not a very low bar if half the people think he can win. assuming you can win an election is easier than assuming he could win a debate. >> the thing i found interesting about the poll was among republicans, donald trump
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performed at 86% delta versus biden's 75. so republicans are 11 points more confident than donald trump will win the debate than democrats are, that joe biden will. will: tune into fox this week for fox news democracy 24, special coverage of the cnn presidential debate. our coverage begins thursday at you 8:00 p.m. eastern time. rachel: that's right. i also will be there. i'm going to be doing a fox nation special, charlie will be one of my guests. we'll have locals and experts analyzing the debate before and then we're going to come back after so we'll break it all down. join us for that, as well as the next morning bright and early, i'll be doing breakfast with friends live from the eggs up grill in canton, georgia, which i understand is, i don't know, like 40 minutes away from where
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the debate it. >> so earlier in the show we talked to jason isaac who is -- who helped conduct a study that showed that nearly half of americans who own electric vehicles are likely to turn in their electric vehicles and go back to gas and diesel. will: that's fascinating. so citing among other reasons difficulty in finding a charging station. rachel: didn't we give the government a huge amount of money in this transportation bill to make -- to build all these gas -- >> i think 12. rachel: they built like 12. that's one of the problems. jason isaac, an energy expert, he explains why owners are wanting to return back to gas. listen. >> it's issues because of range anxiety, charging infrastructure, less than 10% of the country believes there's adequate charging infrastructure and that's accurate. but also the cost. these evs are owned by wealthy
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individuals and wealthy individuals don't become wealthy by making bad financial decisions. and they're learning that the cost on these evs, that maintenance is outpaceing that of gasoline cars even though they drive them fewer miles. rachel: it's not just the charging stations but also evs have a lot of trouble in cold weather. chicago or wisconsin, that could be a problem as well. >> the range diminishes of one charge of the battery diminishes not only over the life of the car but also if it's too hot or if it's too cold. that seems like it would be kind of a structural problem. rachel: yeah. well, i saw right after you did tthat segment, people were you writeing in and saying i bet people who don't want the gas powered -- the electric vehicles are not tesla owners. they're saying tesla owners are happy, it's the other cars. and this has become a campaign issue for trump who has been in michigan winning over a
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lot of union democrats on the issue of evs which he says will just push the entire car industry to china. will: well, you know about big brother. we tr introduce you to big moth. do you guys track your kids? rachel: no. >> no. will: really. >> would never do it. rachel: i don't. will: i do. rachel: you do? will: i just started. my wife has for a long time you don't have life 360. rachel: i don't. >> i am constitutionally opposed to it. i can't -- they have to make mistakes, they have to learn to get out of jams themselves. will: how old are your kids? >> they've all survived to 21 down to 18. will: 84% of parents use tracking to monitor their kids. the quest question is when do u stop. >> i never started. will: i have a 16-year-old. rachel: i agree with charlie. i think i fall into that camp. i'm not very tech savvy.
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will: that's why i just started. rachel: you had a problem figuring it out. will: my wife does it. i'm not tech savvy. does it require passwords? if it requires passwords i have -- it's a gigantic not hurdle, mountain for me to climb. rachel: me too. this is theresa febrizio, a detroit area mom, this is what she told axios about this question of tracking their kids. some of my friends have alerts on their phone indicating when their child entered maths class in college. that to me feels overboard, you're giving them zero opportunity to make mistakes, skip class and feel repercussions and figure it out for themselves. there are recent polling of like this ridiculous number of parents who actually call professors to find out what their kids' grades are in college. it was shocking. will: that's overboard. but i think -- rachel: college, yes. will: but i think, look, did
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your kid get where he was going, when he's learning how to drive, i think that's -- yes. >> being a parent, it's fair terrifying. you have to let them go. it's like you have to like -- because if you don't teach them to look -- figure out how to look after themselves, that's a losing proposition. rachel: i have to have a caveat in here. i now have -- sean does have a tracker and there's been times that my son who is also 17 where he says he's going to be some place and we kind of check to see if he's lying. but i don't do it because i have the tech problem you have, will. sean has double checked. he has lied a couple times. will: it's the lying but also get there safely. that's the thing. >> our rule is, if i didn't hear about it, a bad thing didn't happen. rachel: that's so 1980s, i love it. that's how we grew up. figure it out. i love it. will: we turn tour headlines. philadelphia's mayor says a city
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police officer is fighting for his life after he was shot in the neck after a traffic stop overnight. the city's police commissioner says he's turning to prayer. >> today i sat in the auditorium with about 75 to 100 men from the east division. and we prayed. today i ask people across the city of philadelphia to pray. will: the suspect and three others who were in the car when the officers were conducting the stop were arrested. no word yet on their charges. new york city is planning on opening you new homeless shelter in a building attached to an elementary school. it will be a low barrier facility meaning sobriety, criminal roonders other obstacle -- criminal records and other obstacles could be lifted. >> i don't know who runs the facility. they're giving soft assurances that we will be great neighbors, we'll have monitors, we'll have security teams, we'll keep folks
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in check but as you mentioned, these individuals they do become part of the community. they will be in your own spaces. rachel: wow. will: the city department of social services says quote we remain committed to maintaining open lines of communication with the community, working to support our vulnerable neighbors and address concerns that arise. good luck on the streets down there. all right, two time wimbledon winner andy murray announcing he will not play in this year's tournament after he has to get back surgery. he is considering retirement. the seven time winner and number three player in the world, novak djokovic will go to wimbledon. he's not sure if he can play as he deals with a knee injury. the tournament begins july 1 1st. rachel: tragedy in houston, residents are mourning the loss of a 12-year-old girl allegedly murdered by illegal immigrants.
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our next guest is covering the funeral cost, calling out biden's open border, mattress mac is here. that's next. believed i n hard work, and the farm was the perfect place to learn grit, determination and problem solving. we're taking that passion and channeling it through our farm to home bedding bath, and apparel at red land cotton. we grow cotton in the rich red earth of north alabama. and we want our products to be made here in the usa, from the seed in the ground to the final stitch. go to red land cotton dot com and receive 20% off your order with code fox 20
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charlie: a family and community
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in morning over the loss of 12-year-old houston girl allegedly kidnapped and murdered by two vice president mike pencl migrants. her mother speaking out on her daughter's legacy. >> i have gratitude for everybody that's made an appearance, really reminds me how much she really was cared for in the city and was loved and she meant something to everybody. even if they didn't know her. charlie: our next guest is stepping up to help her family and cover joslyn's funeral expenses. houston business owner jibing om mcinvale joins us now. what inspired you to do this. >> joslyn's death was tragic for all of us in houston. she would have gone to high school in a couple years, the same high school my children went to, and she was killed about six miles from our main
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store here in houston so i was informed by some of the people close to the family that they couldn't afford the funeral so we were able to step up and pay for the funeral and we're going to have a celebration of life after the funeral here in gallery furniture for a proper send-off for joslyn which is one of the many tragedies of this immigration crisis. charlie: yes, indeed. obviously this is a great example of helping out the family but i would imagine there's a huge outpouring elsewhere. what has been the community reaction? >> the community's certainly rallied around joslyn's mom and her family and the mayor was up there, the police department did an outstanding job working around the clock for 48 hours to find the perpetrators so kudos to the houston police department and the mayor for their leadership in this time of
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tragedy and houston's a very inclusive community, we wrap our arms around our own and joslyn was certainly one of our own so we will continue to mourn her death and celebrate her life the next several days and there's a hole in our hearts forever. charlie: attended you vigil fr her. what was that like? >> the vigil was great. it was right up the street. it was organized hastily, heavily attended, with people of all races, colors and creeds coming together as we mourn and pray for joslyn and her family. so it was a great vigil. the mayor showed his leadership by being there. it was very hot but it was a very fitting tribute to this wonderful young girl whose life was cut way too short and a she does have a gofundme page which people are contributing to, so lots of good things are happening as we rally around
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joslyn's family in this time of tremendous need and the tragedy is their lives are now ruined because t senseless act. >> did you get a chance to talk to joslyn's family and if so, what did they have to say? >> i did talk to her mom. her mom was very grateful for the contribution we made to the funeral but, you know, they're overwhelmed with grief so our prayers are continuing to go out to the family and i think it's good to see the city rally around them and give them support in this, their darkest hour. charlie: what message do you have for politicians right now about what needs to be done to prevent anything this horrifying from happening again? >?what will the future generatin say about us when we let predators come in and kill our own children? it's just a horrible look for houston, for texas, for the entire country, the immigration
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-- we're all for legal immigration, but the illegal immigration has to stop and then we won't be seeing -- we won't be seeing pictures of wonderful young people like joslyn graduating from college and becoming great productive citizens, not another trait traf an american citizen slain. it's a failed experimented. it's got to stop and it's got to stop now. charlie: i don't understand how it's a political issue. it's a common sense issue. you're exactly right. mac, thank you so much for what you're doing and thank you for joining us today. >> thank you. we pray for joslyn. please help her out with her gofundme account. thank you. charlie: yes, sir. former president trump bringing a message of hope as he tries to the win over voters in pennsylvania's bluest city. >> the people need hop. i go out, i see the greatest people. so we're in the middle of a pretty rough area and it's a love fest. you see that.
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it's incredible. they want hope. they want to have a few cur. charlie: the great byron work on that strategy, next. we're told in genesis chapter 1:26 that god is made man in his image and by his likeness has he made him. genesis is a book of fundamental importance for the jewish and christian faiths and a literary masterpiece that has profoundly shaped western civilization.
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memory and thinking issues keep piling up? it may be due to a buildup of amyloid plaques in the brain. visit >> there's no hope with this guy, biden. he's the worst president we've ever had. there's no hope. i say it all the time, i started like a week ago, i didn't realize it. i'm saying the people need hope. i go out, see the greatest people. we're in the middle of a pretty rough area and it's a love fest. you see that. it's incredible. they want hope. they want to have a future. listen to the people. will: donald trump rallying thousands of supporters in deep blue philadelphia in his be push to win the crucial swing state. fox news contributor byron york joins us now. good morning to you. >> good morning, will. will: this is a strategy that's played out in a numerous occasions now, whether or not it's the bronx or deep blue
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philadelphia. i would have to think it's more than the grat phi case of donald trump's -- gratification donald trump's ego. they want to peel off voters that they consider important in november. >> you're right, south bronx when trumps was on trial and confined to that area, you saw philadelphia, he also went to detroit and i think there's a few reasons why he's doing it. one, it kind of rattles joe biden and perhaps suggests to joe biden that you're going to have to work hard in some areas you thought you just had it made and the other thing is certainly in the case of philadelphia and detroit, trump is very much trying to win pennsylvania and michigan and those are popular vote contests and if he can get more votes in the philadelphia area, they can add to the votes he would get in western pennsylvania, that's really, really important. last reason is just the national popular vote which trump lost in 2016 and 2020, getting closer
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this time would be better. will: it would be better, i guess, for image but does it impact who actually withins the presidency on the national popular vote but the point of pennsylvania and michigan is interesting. those are popular vote states. donald trump goes into detroit or philadelphia, carves out let's say some, i don't know, you tell me what would be a significant percentage of black vote helps him win philadelphia or helps him win pennsylvania, helps him win michigan. >> yeah. we've seen polls all over the place, nationally and in some swing states about how trump is just making inroads. he's appealing more to minority voters than, one, he did in the past, and two, any other republican ever did in the past and this is a real problem because in some areas democratic candidates in this case joe biden he depend on almost unanimous voting from some
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minority communities and if you can take 10% of that or 15% of that, they're in trouble and i think that's what trump is trying to do. will: we've seen the polling when it comes to the black vote, latino vote, when it comes to young people all of which are trending in positive directions for donald trump. if you're sitting inside of joe biden's camp, what is the consistent sit when p sigh where you would -- constituency where you would say we're doing well here, what, suburban women, is that going well for joe biden? >> first of all, it's a really tiny camp, biden has a very, very small group of advisors that he listens to. he might listen to more people than he actually does. i think they're probably comforting themselves by the fact that some national polls have shown a slight improvement for biden after the trump guilty verdict on may the 3 of 30th. our new fox poll shows biden up by 2 nationally.
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it's the first time he's been ahead at all since october of last year many i don't know if that will last very long but it's happening right now so i think buy biden might be able o take a small amount of comfort m the fact that the lawfar are e campaign against trump may have given him a benefit. >> the debate will have an impact as well, the kind of candidate they see on thursday night. byron york thank you so muching thank you. will: tune into that debate on fox's coverage this week. it's fox news democracy 24, special coverage of the debate simulcast, our coverage begins 8:00 p.m. eastern time. by the way a, the will cain show will set up for it all week long, 12:00 eastern time, streaming at fox's youtube and facebook or subscribe on apple or spotify. dave ramsey, pete l leg hegseth,
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kellyanne conway. housing hurdles, gen z putting home ownership dreams on hold as they face soaring costs, maria bartiromo on the impact of inflation on america's youth, next. ♪
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contained while the salt fire was 7% contained. they don't expect both fires to be fully contained until july 15th. california's democrats agreeing to delay a minimum wage hike for healthcare workers over worries about its $2 billion price tag. 426,000 workers were going to get a raise next month as their minimum wage was set to gradually increase to $25 an hour from $16 an hour over the next 10 years. now that raise could come later this year. it comes as governor gavin newsom reached a deal with legislators to close a $47 billion budget deficit as they're set to vote on the state budget this week. alex trebek is being honored with a new forever stamp by the u.s. postal service. he died in 2020 after a battle
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with pancreatic cancer. each stamp will feature the iconic monitors used on the game show with the clue this naturalized citizen who hosted jeopardy for 37 years is being honored with a forever stamp. the stamps will go on sale on july 22nd. and a those are your headlines. let's now turn to chief meteorologist rick reichmuth for our fox weather forecast. i got it right this time. rick: not bad. it worked. it was pretty cool, he's got a stamp. i like that. if anybody he deserves it -- charlie: make sure you say it in the form of a question. rick: who is. exactly. what is the temperature today? it is still hot. show you what we're talking about. everybody's been complaining so much. listen, it's been hot across parts of the northeast, including new york, we talked a lot about it. it's about to be better. this is today. heat alerts in effect again,
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excessive heat warnings across new you jersey, new york city. it's almost over. it will be over because of a front that will move through today bringing severe weather. windy conditions with it. new england, we don't see this very often, we have a significant tornado threat today, areas of new hampshire, vermont, western massachusetts, you have to watch pretty carefully, this afternoon, a threat for a tornado or two could be a story. it will drop temperatures down, that's the good news for tomorrow. that happens for the mid-atlantic, towards the northeast, temps will get more normal, back into the 90s mid-week. the central plains, the hair ya of high pressure moves back a -- area of high pressure moves back, it will be baking this week across the central plains. back to you inside. rachel: rick, if anyone deserves it, it isal ebbing ale. that's a strong endorsement. rick: make it was a little ex rate dark -- exaggeratessed.
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rachel: a new survey reveals less than 20% of gen zers are homeowners or married to one as u.s. census data reveals half of adults under 25 are liveing at home with mom and dad. sunday morning futures anchor maria bartiromo joins us now. great to have you on. i have three kids who are gen zers, two are married. when you talk to them, they're like a lot of other gen zers who think they'll never be able to own a home, like the american dream of owning a home is just fading before our eyes. maria: good morning to you and the team. look, we are looking at a time right now that people are feeling so pressured about so many things in the economy and you know, it's interesting because every time another economic indicator comes out it feels like the white house celebrates it and yet when you peel back the onion, prices are
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still rising and you've got inflation up about 20% on joe biden's watch. the specific group you're talking about, gen zs, they're basically from ages 12 years old to 27 years old right now. that's a pretty big gap and of course you mentioned your three kids. how can they afford a home right now when in fact wages have gone down and prices have gone up, interest rates have gone up. when you're talking about a 7% mortgage rate, of course you're looking at those monthly payments and saying how am i going to get that done, i can't. let me forget about the mortgage for now, forget about owning my home, i'll rent of you go to rent and you get sticker shock. we continue to have this conversation because of all of the excessive spending in the last four years, leading to 4068 year high -- 40 year high inflation. at some point the federal reserve will take inflation down with the impact of the higher interest rates that we've seen but the relief hasn't started yet. you're seeing some relief, it's not as bad as a couple years ago
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but you're still in the moment where everywhere you go, whether services, you want to go on a trip, go to the cash register, buy stuff, it's all much more expensive and cutting into your wages because wages have gone down, real wages are down. rachel: it's having political implications, joe biden is losing young voters, it's not over gaza. it's over what we're talking about right now. you have an amacing -- i was shocked when i saw you this, you have an amazing special coming out that basically america is un --retirement is underwritinge enemy, china. let's watch this clip and come back. >> we have it within our power to protect ourselves, to protect our country, protect our freedoms, that's what the american people must demand. what about those 60 to 100 million americans whose money it is, why can't they go to their elected representatives? why can't they go to their fund
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managers, stockbrokers, financial ad viesers and -- advisors and say those famous words from the movie n network, i'm mad as well and i'm not going to take -- mad as hell and i'm not going to take it anymore. rachel: who is responsible for making the ccp, the communist party of making them the ben beneficiary of retirement benefits. >> the special is called underwriting the enemy. we're talking about the hundreds of chinese communist companies trading on u.s. exchanges, the nnew york stock exchange and nasdaq, enabling unwitting in' investors to be funding the expansion of the number one enemy. that's going on right now. who is responsible? all ky i can tell is this in 23 when president obama that was the white white house and they
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signed a memorandum of understanding, basically a contract with communist china that china can allow thousands of chinese companies to trade on our exchanges and not follow any accounting ruse, not the same account canning rules that the u.s. companies and every other company has to follow if you're a publicly tr traded company tht arish sluffed by the securities and exchange commission. can you imagine the chinese companies don't have to do the same thing american companies and other companies have to do, report earnings every quarter, be transparent with where the business and growth prospects are. you may be buying a chinese stock and you don't know if that company is subsidized by the ccp. we are underwriting the enemy and initially it sounded like a good idea to give the allowance to communist china but over time the ccp has gotten more inward and more communist and now obviously with sending surveillance balloons and undermining america at every turn we need to rethink this so that's the special, underwriting the enemy and i'll really proud
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of it. i'm so happy we put a s spotligt on it on fox nation right now. rachel: i'm so happy you're doing this story. i can't believe the contract was drawn up by people who are supposed to protect american citizens. maria: james comer did tell me they're looking at that and whether or not this is something that perhaps joe biden and biden's family was paid for. he told me thats was one of the things he's looking at so we're looking at it. today we're going to talk about china, we've got general jack keane on the show to talk about that. the big story is debate prep ahead of the big cnn presidential debate on thursday. we will talk with president trump's son, eric, he will be here to talk to us about how president trump is preparing and also i'll talk with congressman byron donalds. he thihe thinks trumpcould get . dr. jackson is here, we'll talk about the candidates' mental fitness and how they'll do on
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thursday. we've got a big show coming up. rachel: maria bartiromo, sunday morning futures, always a must watch. that's why the ratings are so good for you. thanks, maria. maria: thank you. we'll see you in 10 minutes. rachel: you got it. the hottest toys to beat the summer heat, that's next. ♪ ♪ ♪ have you always had trouble losing weight and keeping it off? same. discover the power of wegovy®. ♪ ♪ with wegovy®, i lost 35 pounds. and some lost over 46 pounds.
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rachel: well, millions of americans are in the middle of a heat wave. will: including us i think right now. here with some cool toys to help the kids stay cool is jennifer lynch, toy trends specialist with the toy association. hey, jennifer. >> hello, welcome to our chaos water party right now. rachel: yesterday we talked about keeping dogs cool but this is about keeping the kids cool. >> keeping the kids cool. everybody is in the sprinkler right now. we have the swim ways pop up pool, perfect for little ones, it pops up in less than 60 seconds which is great especially when you're a parent you want to set something up fast because they won't play it very long. over here, ivy, emmy, you want to help me play with this one at the water table? rachel: she's having too much fun. >> this is the build and splash table from little tykes.
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it comes with all the piping system so kids can build on it. you can use it year round. you can bring it indoors, use it as a building table. lots of fun. rachel: that is fun. >> behind you -- rachel: wait, wait, jennifer. i love this. >> try not to get wet. this is the hungry, hungry hippos splash, this is a great option. it takes the traditional game, makes it into a sprinkler system the, kids can play it, they'll try to launch the balls into the hippo's mouth. it can also be used as a traditional sprinkler for little ones. >> nothing better than running through a sprinkler. rachel: jennifer -- >> it's better than balloons. nerf, better than balloons. rachel: is this to throw? >> yes. will: that's made by nerf. >> yes, uh huh. go ahead.
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[laughter] >> give it a go. rac what i love about this as a parent, they stay together so cleanup is easy. will: thank you so much. we'll play with some of the toys. more fox and friends -- >> get the water blasters announcer what if you could whiten your teeth by simply brushing your teeth?
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