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tv   The Big Weekend Show  FOX News  June 23, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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floyd with two guest guitar solos of all-time. courtesy of david gilmore. as for why the songs impact your mind and your heart and your soul. at the same time, i could keep going but they are telling me you asked for one and now i'm up to 5, i need to say good night. if you have a question, e-mail us or social media. thank you for spending part of your sunday with us, i hope you have a great week ahead, until next week you can find us on tray dowe trey gowdy podcast, good night from south carolin thank you for joining us, see you next week. ♪
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>> hello i am alicia acuna along with tammy bruce, joe concha and charlie hurt, welcome to "the big weekend show", the big story tonight. former president trump is riding a wave of momentum as the cnn presidential debate approaches, last nitro rallied supporters in philadelphia as he built support in traditional blue strongholds, he said his base is enthusiasm and the only fuel that he needs before the san presidential debe against biden. >> tell me how you're prepared for the debate, we see president biden's at camp david and yet the campaign trial, what is your strategy. >> this is the best strategy, we have all these people screaming questions and i look forward to the debate. i think if were prepared he'll be fine and then i'll forget it within an hour after preparing them. we'll see what happens. >> a new fox news poll of all voters reveals that a majority thinks that trump will be biden and thursday cnn presidential
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debate, fox news correspondent alexis mcadams is live with the latest. you talk to the former president, we saw, did he give you any hints. >> we as former president trump who are you going to pick for your vice president, he says he knows who it is he won't tell it just yet, watch. >> who is a vice president pick that you will choose. >> if you do that you would probably be up for a major, we have a lot of them who you like, he liked, somebody different answers a lot of different ones, all announced right at the time of the convention. >> the former president has been on the swing state and at temple university in pennsylvania over the weekend in just a few days of the cnn presidential debate the candidates are preparing in different ways, president biden is at camp david which was seen as former president trump stopped by a cheesecake stand in south philadelphia. >> when you go to the urban
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areas what is the game plan you're going to philly, the bronx, what is the plan. >> is a lot of love they want hope, there's no help with biden he is the worst president we've ever had, there is no hope. >> after the debate both candidates plan to stay in the south trump will head to a rally in virginia it's been two decades since republican carried the commonwealth in the race for the white house. >> why make it a big play in virginia do you think you can flip the people read. >> were to point up in virginia virginia not estate the public is usually when. they have one for decades and were leading in virginia, relieving the minnesota that has been one since 1972. >> loaders we talked to in philadelphia say there to be watching the debate closely in the coming days and they want to see how biden performs in trump's demeanors, will have to stay tuned. >> thank you so much alexis mcadams, eric trump was on this
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morning with maria bartiromo and he had this to say about what he thinks we should expect when it comes to his father on thursday. >> is doing what he does is going all of our campaigning in inner-city philadelphia which is an amazing thing, something republicans don't have the backbone to do and you saw him do that in the bronx and in queens it is doing all of the country and i'm proud of him in the crowds that use drawing of the diversity is really incredible, at the same time make no mistake, this is still cnn and jake tapper who is compared my father to hitler before emma jake tapper is a guy who will yell at his control room, say turn the man off. he hit on a couple of points on what to expect for thursday but also he is going after jake tapper one of the moderators, what do you think about in terms of strategy. >> i think it's a reminder to the viewer that is an unfair environment and some people have been living their lives or don't do what we do all the time it
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might be a surprise to them to find out that these individuals have opinions and actively voicing those opinions as directly hostile to one of the candidates. i think that serves a purpose and at the same time he reminds us as we see with the president going to pennsylvania and new jersey and new york that trump is not afraid of that, he's going to face the anyway because that's what the presidency is in the world is unfair in life is unfair and the democrats are unfair, this is not a cakewalk and hasn't been for any president. if you want a president who can face the difficulties, get things done and as we've seen the dry sense of humor, a great attitude, funding nicknames, i'm really looking forward to it but it speaks to the strength and what we need in the president. >> the biden here is campaign sent out a memo on her expectations and they also said they're going to have 300 watch parties going on on thursday,
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1600 organized events and battleground states and they also said what the president plans to highlight. it says president biden's vision where freedoms are protected and all americans have a fair shot, donald trump's dark vision where he will serve as a dictator on day one and gift tax cuts to the ultra- wealthy on the backs of the middle class and rip away women's rights, you saw last night rally in philadelphia, the biden campaign is honing in on the dark vision last night we saw someone light on his feet, he was funny and he was able to jostle with the crowd a little bit. when it comes to that tattered is that something he needs to hang onto when it comes to the presidential debate. >> i think without a doubt it will because the two years, people have gotten to know that he is funny and i find him hilarious and he does these polls in the middle of his
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rallies were he asked people should i call them sleepy joe or kirk and joe and everybody gets involved, the rallies are a lot of fun yet one thing that is really important to recognize, this is june in the summer of an election year, when is the last time you saw joe biden at a campaign rally, he does not do them, this is not normal and i get it he's down for a week at camp david practicing for standing up 90 minutes at a time but donald trump is only one who is campaigning right now, it is very weird, the biden campaign can sit here and claim a dark vision and he's going to be a dictator, the truth is there basically asking people to disregard their own eyes what they see because when they turn on the tv like tammy said, they see a guy who is funny, engaged and most importantly talking about issues that they care about and affect them. the biden campaign is calling half the country racist and near
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nazi's, semi-nazis, whatever w was, semi-fascist. this is insane and is a losing campaign strategy. alicia: on thursday there will be no distractions because there will be no audience and these are rules of the biden campaign came up with, there will be no audience in the microphones will be turned off with the other what is not speaking and that is supposed to take away distractions, he thinks this will work against the president, take a listen. >> do you not want trump to be interrupted, you think about it in one way you're going to let trump go and you can't jump in your 80 pleasures old and tried to keep up with every single lie and they're going to lay out. are you serious, biden's equity keep up, it's weird to be bad. alicia: .
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charlie: trump's only gives him an advantage, this is a referendum on the current president and his mental acuity and more importantly his record, the board joe biden talks without a teleprompter or scripture remarked, the more you need to cleanup on aisle five, 17, 24 and 28 because he cannot speak extemporaneously anymore, from donald trump and that sam asked about what is your solution for illegal immigrat immigration. i would say let's resume border wall construction immediately, let's resume remain in mexico immediately, let's stop catch and release, i will now allocate the rest of my time to mr. biden and he can explain what remain in mexico is, why he opposes it and why he opposes starting wall construction all over again. and let biden defend himself from there. put the onus on him and donald trump do quite well. alicia: we all know this from live television, when you have a
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moment of silence when you're pausing a couple of seconds can feel excruciatingly long. so if we end up with these silence, donald trump can fill the air, he just can he has that ability, he's been on television this is way before he ran for president, would joe biden even when he has to pause and stop and think and he has no teleprompter, there is going to be, there will be these moments of pausing. tammy: here's the issue, i want to warn everyone, when we think about we need a debate i'm not quite sure what that means, the bar has been set low for joe biden, will they have a frozen moment where he says nothing, we have seen that, not for two seconds which is a lifetime buffer ten, eight, 15 seconds, there is no barack obama to grab his wrist, it is a problem.
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i don't think we get a phase that, we saw with the state of the union he was fine. we will keep that bar up a little bit, we will see when it comes to winning for trump it is about staying on his message, he knows how to do this this is not something that needs to go away to learn, it is the issues that he cares about, the country cares about, be himself, reagan had a problem with one debate when they were trying to manage too tightly when they let him be himself, he was fine, let trump be trump. people are not voting that way this time, they are voting on the future for their families because they know how trump governed and they know the disaster that we have now. alicia: the challenge for both of them who's not going to take the debate. coming up on "the big weekend show", di is steering pilots into turbulence. >> i have written more than combined. no really. the sweltering heat melt away bite is electric real dream and
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is the work from home trend spoiling an office tradition, that more when "the big weekend show" continues.
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♪ ♪ >> welcome back to "the big weekend show" another mid air scare on a boeing jet virgin atlantic airlines had one of the transatlantic rerouted after the cockpit windscreen cracked at 40000 feet, fox news correspondent christina coleman has more. >> a virgin atlantic flight from san francisco to london had to turn around and make a landing after a windscreen on the jet cracked after 40000 feet, this happened three hours after the plane took off from london on may 27 the plane was between greenland and iceland at that point. the spokesperson for virgin atlantic setter flight from brandon to san francisco returned to heathrow due to damage of our layer of the cockpit windscreen, at no point
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was the safety of the aircraft are customers or a cabin compromised and the captain made the decision to return where we had the replacement and tooling in place to fix the issue and avoid further impact to our customers in their schedules, book entry boeing has been under scrutiny since january 5 after door panel blew off the blowing 737 max nine after taking off from portland international airport, other high-profile incidents on boeing plane since january including attire falling off the plane shortly after taking off in san francisco when a boeing 737800 landing in oregon after losing an external panel during a flight from san francisco in march, despite these incidents, and aviation experts maintain it is safe to fly. boeing's president and ceo says the company is taking conference of actions to strengthen safety and quality. joe: as we learn the most important seats on a plane are in the cockpit. watch. >> excuse me sir, there has been a little problem in the cockpit. >> what is it. >> no room in the front of the plane with the pilots, that's not important right now.
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joe: is comforting to know a trained professional are at the helm. the stewardess said loca ♪ >> both pilots, can you fly this in the end it. >> you surely you cannot be serious. >> i am serious, don't call me shirley. joe: i miss him, anyway, now the world largest airline pilot union is putting di at the control, the union inclusive language reference guide urges pilots to replace masculine terms like cockpit and manpower with phrases like flight deck and human power to be more inclusive towards women and lgbtq plus individuals, i have a list of other words that have been banned recently by woke elements in our society, master
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bedroom, blacklisted, colorblind, post-man, policeman, fireman, manhole, mankind, illegal alien, you get the point are liberals overreaching, rhetorical question of the day. >> i feel dumber after that list. it feels amazing the idea that the unions with woke virus after they get into bed with democrats and turn everything into politics, they become so stupid and they forget their basic responsibility which is to their members and their workers in trying to fight on their behalf and sometimes unions at one point in this country unions did a good job but it gets even worse obviously we don't know what happened with the windscreen on the boeing but boeing is had a lot of problems and if everybody would focus on their job and if your job is to build an airplane, shut up about everything else, if your job is to brew beer, brew beer and shut up about everything else. if everyone would do what they are supposed to be doing, i think we would have a lot fewer of the problems.
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joe: i don't agree with bill maher on some things but i do respect the fact that he sticks to his principles and isn't afraid to call out the stuff he is the voice of the reason of the democratic party he had a great line that ties into this entire conversation regardless of the china in the u.s. on the woke front. we see a problem and we ignore it, lie about it, fire about what, litigated, sunset clause, kick it down the road, then we write a bill where half you know what solution does not kick in for ten years, china sees a problem and they fix it, they build the dm, all while we debate what to rename it, that is everything, it is all about symbolism and all about projection and not about solutions. >> i think the more voices that you allow with the problem you could have a longer time it's a dictator, obama said he would've liked to have the power which is
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using slave labor and not listening to anyone else in doing things which we seen with our economy doesn't necessarily work but as a reminder when it comes to focusing on your job absolutely, di, some people believe that the focus on that at upper management levels affects the ability to expect things that people at other levels like in construction and in management otherwise and maintenance et cetera that you cannot say certain things to certain people or higher people whether the educated were trained about for the job itself and cockpit, 18th century nautical term, it is not from the 21st century and people will see what they want to see but when you signal that's what you respond to it was an area and the lower deck of the worship that all mechanics were for everything, that is where that comes from. you have this kind of dynamic which encourages the madness and
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when you have doors flying off airplanes or landing gear not working, i think you have to spend any amount of energy on actual real solutions as opposed to equity. >> that leads us to tammy's point, and appeal to heaven that was blown out outside of samuel alito's beach house in long island we enter new jersey that was a symbol of hate or something or represented januarl term from massachusetts to navy ships back in the revolutionary war commissioned by george washington. you're going to fly back to colorado later are you offended by a cockpit. >> i just wanted doors to stay on and i want to take off and landed everything is fine, of note the airline pilot association when they came up with these rules they did in collaboration with the united nations to develop their policy, keep that in mind. joe: coming up states are taking action to take cell phones out of schools and parents are
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taking charge of their own pledge. whose job is to keep kids safe online, that is next why choose a sleep number smart bed? i need help with her snoring. sleep number does that. thank you. shop our lowest prices of the season with free home delivery when you add an adjustable base. sleep number smart beds starting at $999. learn more at
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you don't have to worry about anything when you're protected by america's number-one motorcycle insurer. well, you definitely do. those things aren't related, so... ah, yee! oh, that is a vibrating pain.
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♪ ♪ be to welcome back to "the big weekend show", a feud with a contentious democratic primary in new york, progressive squad member jamaal bowman is fighting for his political survival as he works to fend off his moderate democrat challenger george latimer, fox news correspondent cb cotton has more. >> in camden and squad member jamaal bowman does not have the support of the pro-israel lobby which is but millions in attack ads that all but accused bowman of being anti-semitic, still he
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does not seem too worried instead he's doubling down with the progressive allies to include senator bernie sanders and fellow squad member representative alexandria ocasio-cortez, they have all condemned hamas but it had sharp criticism on israel's handling of the war which they repeated over the weekend during campaign rallies for bowman, they also slammed the american israel public affairs committee, the committee super pack a record shattering 4.5 million on ads to try to defeat bowman. >> we are tired of corporate lobbies trying to buy up our communities and sell them to the highest bidder, we are not doing that anymore. >> the power of the south bronx. [cheering] >> people ask me why i have a foul mouth, what am i supposed
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to do, you are coming after me, you are coming after my family, you are coming after my childr children, i am not supposed to fight back? >> george latimer is a new york county executive who is reiterated that he believes israel has a right to self-defense and he has the support of the pro-israel lobby, this weekend he was also out campaigning and he casted in early valley on saturday with any ad dollars spent in his name came up, he always points to other democrats of color who have also gotten the support of pro-israel voices, this week he accused bowman of being out of step with other needs in the district. >> the voters are talking about affordability, they're talking about jobs, they're talking about transportation issues but "the bottom line" his mindset on these issues is not consistent with this district and i think that is probably the disconnect. >> according to voting records, as of yesterday one suburban county with a congressional
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district had already seen 21000 early voters for this primary battle. tammy: thank you. states are taking action to protect kids from the dangers of cell phones and social media but the u.s. surgeon general wants to take things a step further, putting up warning labels on social media. >> i'm looking at what's taking place online and social media and in particular i'm worried about all of our kids and the one i'm calling for is a larger set of strategies that we need to put in place and only warn parents about the harms but make social media safer for kids. data from the u.s. department of education shows that 70% of public schools prohibit the nonacademic use of cell phones during school hours thousands of parents across the u.s. are pledging to wait until eight, the pledge delays the smartphone until th the end of eighth grade and no social media until 16
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years old, 60000 have signed on so far, one of them joined "fox & friends" this week. >> i think it should be a decision that parents make rather than something that is mandated so i love the idea of a pledge where people come together. for me eighth grade is a good age, your brain has developed far more so than early elementary but i would wait longer if we could with my own children but that it so much harder. >> charlie this gets difficult the conversation i was different and decorated other kids are going to school at all. it is a better idea, i think parents need some time and a warning and we have a generation of kids agrippa social media, could this be the right approach without blocking things, by letting parents get the information that they need to help make the decision for the
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kids. charlie: the key to is knowing every single child and parent focusing on the child and knowing what that child is doing on the internet and knowing what they're doing with their phone and building a strategy around that. warning labels are fine but i would think a lot of very good information is really important, this is the whole point of having government agencies to do studies that are agencies not captured by the industries they are governed or governing but to actually inform parents of how nefarious these things are, for example you can buy drugs on snapchat. tammy: as a mom, you know the difficulties of this, with movies being rated in television being rated, is this going to help or is this a completely different world than to legacy media. >> i honestly don't know, i think with social media came on and it grew the way that it did it flooded the zone and we
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weren't ready and were still trying so hard to catch up in the 12 are the smartest when it comes to this are the kids who we're trying to protect you really don't have an interest in avoiding it themselves. there is a negotiation going on the field and possible and i do appreciate governor kathy hochul cited the legislation, what is important it allows parents to block content it involves the parents and that is a place to start, we are learning as we go. >> certainly after covid and just in general we don't like mandates, working to make the decision, we know the government tends to screw things up royally and at the same time you are the only one involved in your kids lives, they go to school now packs offended if other parents decide differently kids will access what they want to access, it's almost like we have to take the whole thing back in general of who's in charge of children's lives. >> it comes down to charlie and
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his kids in the leash and her kids and obviously with me, my wife and ultimately you can have all of the government type of regulations involved but in the end, and for governor desantis tried to ban cell phones in schools, was called authoritarian and deemed unconstitutional, here's what i know kids becoming addicted to the stuff like digital fentanyl when i tried to get an ipad out of my kids hands which i never gave it to but it was during covid and that's only way they could learn if i need the jaws of life to get back from them it's a real problem with cyber bullying. >> it's brand-new. >> the greatest health warning for mental health is to play jamaal bowman aoc rally on replay. an excellent point. >> coming about "the big weekend
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show". >> i have read nine real more than you combine. >> i almost understood that sentence. his electric train push can't beat the summer heat, massive amtrak to rail his green energy agenda, that is next
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♪ ♪. charlie: will come back to "the big weekend show" sometimes getting from point a to point b is not always easy. >> i'm going to drive you to wichita to catch a plane. >> we would appreciate it. >> a train don't run out of wichita unless you're a hog or cattle.
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the train runs out of starkville. >> that'll be just fine. >> president biden said fully electric trains will make traveling easier and save the planet. >> i have written on real probably more than you have combine. >> a commitment to world-class high-speed worthy of the united states of america worthy of america. >> let's put our nation back on track for this fastest, safest and greenest railways in the road. >> fully electrified trains 83% less greenhouse gases by the way driving your car 72% less greenhouse gases. >> the biden administration is pouring 16 plus billion dollars into real projects but trains are having a hard time staying on the track over the summer heat, they faced hours long delay of the northeast quarter the blazing temperatures caused
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a power failure for major disruptions of new jersey transit and amtrak, you are a veteran writer of the rails around new york city. i was on a train from d.c. last week and we ran out of electricity between new york and new york and they played that he it was 80 degrees out. that is not heat where i come from and we sat on the tracks for two hours with no ac in no nothing we finally got rescued by the old trains. >> the irony. i love 19 miles from the studio in new jersey. i could go on a hill at the top of my block into the new york city skyline. when i take new jersey transit to try to get in here it takes me more than an hour and a half if i get here at all because the trains are down here all week. i have seen jell-o move faster than some of the trains. i admire the japanese so much they have the bullet trains from here to there in 16 minutes and i spent three hours commuting in
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and out of here for five minutes it's quite funny, we have seen time and again, this government waste money on the projects where nothing happens, $43 billion was spent on rural internet access and not one home has been connected in three years after the enactment remember the electric charge initiative where they said while 100 a bunch hundred thousand throughout the country the spent 8 billion, do nominee have been built seven out of 100,000 this is what people are so frustrated about, i think donald trump during the cnn presidential debate should be hammering this and yet all the projects, how are they going. >> obviously all of the electric trains are all concentrated right here in the northeast if you're coming from the south you have to switch engines in washington, d.c. but if you go out westward down south it's all
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diesel engines and they don't have them brought it out of electricity when it's 88 degrees outside. >> just so we can remember as long as it's cold in the winter and hot in the summer there is going to be a problem with electric and it's here to stay but we have some figuring out to do and it's probably going to be a lot of partnership but when you talk about the california real speed project that was approved by california voters in 2008 has yet to do anything. it's $80 billion over budget and 3 billion is federal tax dolla dollars, or trains are running on time to california. >> were saving the planet. have a new idea i think the way to save all of this is the electric cars and electric trains have to plug-in to their own power grid into could only be charged by wind or solar and let the rest of us same people have all the other electricity.
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>> how would that work. >> they won't do it everyone did a lala land but we do know that americans are not falling for this they're not buying the electric cars in the understand this is a problem that we live a normal life and there's gotta be a balance i don't mind your 70 wanted electric car you can't base our systems on the modes of transportation when it can stop in and stop the economies and cities and it collapses things. this is extremism we do not think about the next day what does this mean it needs people live their lives but your pandering to a selection of voters that think this is the only solution and that's foolish. >> of my car breaks out and i have electric car what tone truck is heavy to recharge my car there aren't two trucks, no one thinks this through its rosy rhetoric but the reality is much different. >> it'll be another diesel
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vehicle that comes and rescues just like it rescued me. coming up is the work from home trance boiling in office tradition that in more with "the big weekend show" continues. ♪
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♪ ♪. alicia: welcome back to "the big weekend show" fridays at the office are always a hard slog. >> today is thursday, but dwight thinks it's friday and that's when i'll be working on it this afternoon. >> this is about 1115 and i wanted to know what you were up to tomorrow which is the 15th and that is a saturday. >> hey, it is 1220 where is the white. >> no idea. >> never missed a day in my
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life. >> summer fridays are especially tough and may only get tougher to a new survey with many companies seemingly replacing time off on fridays in the summer with work from home days. i don't aware even because i was aware there was fridays and summer i didn't know summer fridays where people got off on fridays or got off early on fridays but it's like being replaced from work from home. >> i'm glad to hear you say that was utterly confused. >> i happen to travel a lot anytime i get to work from home, that counts as a day off. you're working all the time. >> there is an increasing number of people who are saying they would switch jobs if they can work from home or had a summer friday thing during the summer
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but the hr you are saying they need this kind of thing because they'll lose the ability to recruit people because they're stuck. >> in portugal he it encourages this and the system changes, i don't want to say the word lazy but i'm going to, i have worked at all kinds of jobs in my life, many of them hourly in your be paid by the hour. and people are being paid by the hour or the delivery i did get economy work all the time if you're lucky enough to be on a salary, embrace that and do your best job ever and be thankful you have a job, who knows what would happen the bad guys in the world during covid show was that government will show up and transcript our lives in the economy and the east here fridays, this is what makes your family have a future. joe: the big question would you work four days a week for ten
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hours a day were five hours for eight hours a day, i think most people would say i'll take the four days a week and put in the two hours extra and get the day back where i have a transition to my weekend there is no reason, there is a transit. >> working ten hour days in the four days and i didn't see the on the survey they get off early on fridays or fridays off in the summer in if you like we start in the summer and it's going to be fun friday. i assume they have a workload that they could have to do so maybe a couple hours. here's "the bottom line", brick-and-mortar is not a thing i don't need a fax machine or internet at the office to communicate because of the same ability to do that from home i don't need a conference room to meet with people. i do that on zoom when you take away the commute i talked about the last break as far as the hardest part of some people's days around los angeles and new york or washington, i say i'm
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all for this. >> tired of the train. stick around, the big four is next. ♪ can it keep me warm when i'm cold? wait, no, i'm always hot. sleep number does that. shop our lowest prices of the season with free home delivery when you add an adjustable base. sleep number smart beds starting at $999. learn more at
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right for you. welcome back to the big weekend for show pics for the biggest
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stories everyone will be talking about this week. i'll go first. internal documents from a bite and dhs advisory board suggest s supporters of former president donald trump, president trump is the appropriate title there are likely inviolate terror threats. of course we have seen this. parents being threatened. million voters for drug as you noted earlier and by the way, we know we are dealing with this book coming out there's a cut out right there a card. july 23 deals with how none of this is organic how it is used in weaponize against us unnaturally to control us. a bunch of our story so with this issue. works perfect timing for your book with that story. >> every day is the story too. >> exactly. every day you sell this book you will attach it to a new. >> there will be a new story for july 23 preorder.
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>> and biden 230 million-dollar temporary aid pier in gaza that may be dismantled early it has largely failed its mission. it is falling apart they have not been able to use it. this is yet again what happens when people fail to recognize their mission and focus on the mission? the big reason aid is not getting to palestinians is because hamas will not let it. >> charlie it's a gaza health ministry please call them by the property and thank you are symbolic of the buy demonstration by the way. meanwhile climate protesters storm the 18th green during the pga traveler chain which of the event this weekend. look at that. and here is the thing if you are these protesters here is a word to make this very clear nobody likes you. okay? you're trying to win hearts and minds one hole at a time disrupting this event they got booed off the stage there clearly all i know a is stonehee
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charlie was attacked recently. the mona lisa effect if the see it through plexiglas your thoughts? >> 's is nicer to watch that guy get absolutely leveled by that guard. if i ever witnessed that in a museum that is what i would do to the person and i would not stop taking my hands around her throat until the police arrive. charlie's been working out lately. >> i have noticed with the attacks in the museums, the stonehenge thing, nobody seems to respond which i find very strange but. >> it is weird it's like everybody's afraid. >> i don't know it's infuriating. a new survey finds almost 50% of parents are taking on debt to take their kids on a trip to disney. looking at this survey i was look at some of these numbers first about 83% of those who have gone into debt have done and the last five years of the number of those respondents has
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increased 33% since 2022. they are spending on average for these trips $1983. that's two adults two kids. ask as an annual pass holder at disneyland and seven california girl and i went back recently to visit. for the biggest pass is hundreds of dollars. i do not know how any family can do it. >> parents have this nostalgia they want to pass that happiness onto the kids. it is becoming impossible but at the american express has a hitman coming after me it's too hard. before we go do not forget to follow the big weekend show on ex, facebook an instagram at the big weekend show. that does it for us. we'll see you next weekend. "life, liberty & levin" is going to start right abo ♪ ♪'s to be six equal justice under law. the model chiseled on


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