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tv   America Reports  FOX News  June 24, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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ourselves interviewing possible witnesses trying to find everything we can. a big part of it for us is getting our process started quickly. getting the evidence in our hands and evaluating the case. it is getting that testing done in a timely manner helps us move cases along and get justice for jocelyn sooner. >> had me answer that question too. judges control the schedules. judges tell trial lawyers what day we are going to trial. judges decided continuances will be granted. judges will decided we complete all our discovery obligations. we rely upon the courts for scheduling. i have suggested that we need faster trials. that is why we sought that law change. we created this division and why these prosecutors -- these are the prosecutors that want to go to trial. these are the prosecutors who object to the defense
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continuances. we've got a lot of hard hit areas and heavy hitters in homicide with a directive from me to go try these cases. now. thank you very much. >> sandra: you have been listening to the harris county d.a. and the family members outside of the courthouse there where the d.a. said the death penalty has not been ruled out in the murder suspect. as he made the first court appearance in the death of the 12-year-old girl, and emotional plea from the family members who have lost so much. the mother talking about losing her first born. acknowledging how much she misses her quirkiness and all the things that she would say every day. you can imagine the heart ache the family has been put through
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as we do await to see see where this all goes next. an absolutely heartbreaking story. good to have you here with us today. >> bret baier and washington and for john today. this story honestly at the center of what we're seeing seeing across the country about concerns about illegal immigrants and some of the horrific crimes that have been committed. this d.a. saying that the death penalty is not off the table. and moving forward in the houston area on this case. you are right. the emotional testimony essentially, that talking to reporters by the mother, really having an impact in houston. >> sandra: nate foy a has-been on the story for us. we know that houston mayor has spoken out. john whitmire. he weighed in saying "if there was ever a circumstance where you do not give bail, this is it. as we have been reporting, both men were arrested in their north
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used in the apartment. not far from where little jocelyn's body was found in that north houston creek. the very latest from you. >> i can tell you that when the bail was set at $10 million, there was a sigh of relief from jocelyn's family within the court room. that bail was more than what prosecutors asked for. prosecutors asked for $5 million. the judge, josh schelke, who has a reputation for being lenient on crime surprised many. explaining his decision. he explained that a flight risk for the illegal migrant from venezuela who was in court to today. he described a flight risk as astronomical ends at the chances of him returning to court for a hearing would be near zero. i dislodged an immigration detainer even if you did post
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bail, he would be turned over to i.c.e. the other illegal migrant from venezuela accused of murder will appear in court tomorrow morning. the d.a.'s office says they are waiting on results of testing to determine if a sexual assault happened, if any of mine that happened this case would be eligible for the death penalty in the state of texas. i asked the district attorney if that means they would prosecute it as such. she said that there is a more extensive process where it would be referred to a committee. they do take into account of families wishes while making that decision. the ultimate decision would come from the d.a.'s office. jocelyn's funeral is set for thursday. a local business owner has decided to pay for that funeral. jocelyn's family here today, you heard them speaking moments ago, jocelyn's mother alexis describing how awful the past
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week has been. she said every time she closes her eye every single day, she is seeing her 12-year-old daughter space. saying all this while filing a motion of course because moments ago, she was beaten away from one of the two men accused of murdering her daughter. the other man will appear in court tomorrow morning. the d.a.'s office says they will also be asking for a $10 million bond in that case as well. >> sandra: it was a short time after her body was then discovered that the harris county forensic team rules about that 12-year-old died from strangulation. just an absolutely horrific story, not heartbroken while they're talking about her firstborn daughter, calling her "goofy." she never followed the crowd. she stood up for what was right. this is having ripple effects across the nation as we learn of this story and others.
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>> it absolutely is. it has been a difficult week with rachel morin's killer being arrested in tulsa, oklahoma, and extradited to maryland. former president donald trump spoke to her family after that. we will see if any politicians arrived for the funeral for jocelyn sent on thursday. we have had dan crenshaw and ted cruz very outspoken calling for the death penalty against these illegal migrants. still waiting on the test results and the days off will determine how they are going to prosecute the case. >> bret: one of the things obviously is how the suspects got into the country. dh sources telling us that he illegally crossed into el paso and may. he was caught by border patrol agents with a notice to appear in court.
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the other suspect also apparently crossed illegally into el paso in march and was caught by border patrol. they are not sure what basis he was released into the u.s. honestly, this is a big part of this story nationally. when we are seeing across the board politically on the issue of border security. >> absolutely, bret. you know, the arrest that you mentioned in el paso specifically with the defendant today, he was given an ankle gps monitor at that time of that arrest in el paso just 3 weeks before jocelyn's murder. he was wearing that ankle bracelet while the murder happened. the actual information in terms of his gps coordinates has yet to be processed. the d.a.'s office is waiting on that. it was taken into account by judge josh bell when he
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determined that this man is a significant flight risk. and also the danger that he poses to the community considering the fact that he is accused of committing this murder while he was being tracked by i.c.e. >> bret: live in houston with the latest. we will head back for breaking details. >> sandra: thank you very much. we will bring in biden surrogate democratic congresswoman. always. we want to bring you in out of out of their breaking news to get your reaction to this incredibly sad horrific story as we await more details on the suspects involved. just an incredibly difficult moment to watch that mother and her emotional plea and final goodbye to her daughter who is now gone. >> my heart breaks for her as a father. it is horrific. it is totally unacceptable. i support the judge's decision to set the bail where he has.
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there needs to be complete justice done. it is outrageous and horrific. i was moved just listening to your account and reporting. >> sandra: as i -- in the moment editorial on what we just heard in various news agencies covering it, i don't hear anything about the immigration status of these individuals. is this a problem that democrats are ignoring, or are you acknowledging that there are a number of people in this country that are causing harm to american citizens that never should have been here in the first place? >> certainly no one supports people coming into the country who are going to commit crimes, let alone brutal murders of young children. of course, we need secure borders.
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there has to be an acknowledgment that many immigrants including my parents and many people in my district contribute to the economy. we need to be very clear that there is zero tolerance for anyone coming across our borders who is going to be committing atrocious crimes. >> sandra: to do that, we have to enforce our borders. are we making an honest effort to secure our borders right now? >> we need to do better. i don't think anyone, republican, independent, democrat or whoever would say we have a secure border. the reality is that there was a comprehensive bipartisan legislative package to do that to beef up enforcement and have new technology and make sure that people coming were coming through the port of entry and not through smugglers. that did not pass. we can go through why democrats have their view and republicans have their view. we need bipartisan legislation that is going to have a secure
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border but still have people who are legitimate immigrants coming for a gentleman and asylum claims are contributing to the economy as donald trump sat on college graduates being able to come here. >> there have been some who have looking at the executive action on the part of the president to try to secure the border. some critics of that move are making the case that it has not done anything to lessen those pouring over the border. thursday is a big day. as we work towards this big debate, and how it president preparing? what is the debate strategy against former president trump? >> the best debate prep areas. he is extraordinary and with the president at camp david. i think the president is going to talk about his record. significant investment. delivering on infrastructure,
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actually having an economy that is at a low unemployment rate. when he is going to do boiler working and middle-class going forward. he will largely be about his record and what his vision is more america. >> sandra: what is the president's record? are they better off under this president? >> they certainly are in terms of the unemployment rates. it was at over 7% when he took over and now it is below 4%. he has created 15 million jobs. he still managed to create them. inflation is coming down from where it was. he is going to say that he has done a lot to help the working and middle-class to bring back factories. he is going to do even more in the next 4 years. that will contrast with donald trump who brags about a massive tax cut in his 4 years that help corporations and people well off. that is really the difference.
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speak to all very interesting stuff. i want to put up the poll on favorability under age 35. towards trump then died and 39%. we were showing a lot of the videos of these moments over the past few weeks that the white house is defended say there is nothing to see here. are you concerned about the president on that stage, whether it is his mental acuity, his ability to show energy? do you have concerns there? >> i do not. i saw that president 2 weeks ago on a rope line. he was sharp and humorous and engaging with members by name. the american people will get to decide in 3 days. i think the trump campaign and set the bar so low that people will be surprised at how coherent the president is and how much of a command he has on issues. this should not be about the candidates. it should be about the american people and what their vision is where america.
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that is what the president is going to put forward of how is bringing manufacturing back. speaking i don't know if you have seen the cover of "the new york post" this morning, it's one of the things we always look for. to support embattled bowman. why? because of this showing. watch and we will get your reaction. >> we are going to show [bleep] the power of the [bleep] south bronx. we are not going to stand silent while u.s. tax dollars kills babies and women and children. my opponent -- that was destroying our democracy. cease-fire now. cease-fire now. >> sandra: he repeated those positions at length during that rally and over and over i should
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say. this is representative jamaal bowman. he went on to criticize u.s. involvement in israel. obviously a profanity laced speech. i can't even repeat some of the words against apac. what is your reaction to hearing that? >> i don't think we should have super pac money in primaries. i don't think we can singled out that any one group and that super pac spending. let's get rid of super pacs. let's overturn citizens united so that individuals are determining our democracy. and you don't have big money coming in. we have big money coming in from all sorts of places. that is really the problem in our democracy. >> where you are a fan of that method on the stage? does this represent the party? >> there are many people who have supported, including me, representative bowman because of the lot of things that he has
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stood for in congress for working families. obviously, i have a different temperament. i grew up not cursing, et c et cetera. i would hope we can stick in this country to the issues. >> we will see if that happens on the debate stage this week later in the week. always good to have you in the program. to that point, tune in to fox news democracy 2024. our coverage will begin this thursday at 8:00 p.m. eastern time. bret, it is great to have you here to kick off the week that it is happening. >> and it will be a cast of thousands. the big night. i think there is going to be an historic viewing all costs. this will be simulcast. the debate. just digesting all that happens in that 90 minutes is a big moment in this race coming up for november.
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>> for viewers at home, voters at home, americans and home, they all have someone there watching. whether it's the performance of the candidates or specific on the issues. there will be something for everyone, i'm sure. now this. >> i thought -- fired off a couple of shots. that's normal around here. >> they are out here to protect us. there's no words. it's all the time here. shootings. >> sandra: fighting for his life after he was shot during a traffic stop. but we are learning about the suspect coming up. >> at least 20 people are dead in a dozen more injured after a gunman launched multipronged attacks in russia. is isis-k behind that? how big of a threat is that terror group now? retired general keith catalog answers that. >> sandra: a pair of astronauts stuck on the
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international space station because of a leak in the star liner rockets. how dangerous could this be? how much longer can they last while they try to fix it? balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪) introducing, ned's plaque psoriasis. he thinks his flaky red patches are all people see. otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. otezla can help you get clearer skin. don't use otezla if you're allergic to it. serious allergic reactions can happen. otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. some people taking otezla had depression,
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>> sandra: the philadelphia d.a. updating the charges of a man accused being of -- 36-year-old faces several charges including the attempted murder of a law enforcement officer. alexis mcadams has more in philadelphia for us. how is this officer doing? >> sandra, this is a tragic story that happened over the weekend. the entire community is hoping this police officer is going to pull through. that officer is fighting for his life on a respirator inside this
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hospital right behind me in philadelphia after he was shot in the neck. he is a husband, a father, and a police officer who never came home from his shift that night. now his family is asking for privacy. >> out of respect, speaking with the family, they asked that we keep them. we understand he is on a respirator. he is in a battle. >> take a look. this is the suspect on the screen. that was a mug shot that was just released by the philadelphia police department moments ago. take a look. you can see him handcuffed on the ground in this video from an aerial shot after investigators say he shot and critically wounded this police officer on saturday. it started when he fired his gun three times as he ran away from the scene. spotted in surveillance video obtained by nbc philadelphia. you can see him run by some houses with a gun in his hands.
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investigators tell the officers were going to toe his car because he didn't have a license or valid paperwork and was not supposed to be driving in the area. he ran off and later tried to carjack a driver and broke into a nearby home. he is facing a lot of charges. at 36-year-old looking at attempted murder, burglary, and aggravated assault. these charges could be upgraded if anything changes. the tragedy in philadelphia follows the sheriff's deputy and detroit is law enforcement in michigan is grieving the loss of an oakland county's sheriff's deputy. he was shot and killed while following a stolen car in detroit. he leaves behind 3 kids and a pregnant wife. we can tell you right around the time this officer in philadelphia was shot in the neck, former president trump was speaking at that rally a short drive away. he hit home on crime in the area and called out the d.a. saying something needs to change in the
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city of brotherly love. >> sandra: alexis mcadams on that. bret. >> bret: at least 20 people dead after gunman opened fire on several houses of worship in russia. it happened in the northern caucus region. no one has claimed responsibility for the coordinated attacks yet. isis has been ramping up its targets in russia this year. joining is now, retired general keys catalog. he is also a fox news contributor. good to see you. this looks like or has no markings of isis-k which is isis in that region. they haven't claimed responsibility yet. >> isis-k is a fundamentalist organization. that really looks at everybody who is not a fundamentalist as a collaborator or someone to go against. we have been pretty active about going after them. in 2016, we killed the leader
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and killed the last three leaders as well. we see them starting to expand their operations. recently, we picked up 8 isis-k individuals who cross the southern border illegally. they are not here to see a concert. they are here to some damage. we know that there has been a tenfold increase on those on the terrorist watch list coming across the border. >> let me play the sound bite from earlier this month. fbi director christopher wray. >> we have seen the threat from foreign terrorist rise to another level. increasingly concerning is the potential for a coordinated attack here in the homeland. not unlike the isis-k attack that we saw at the russia concert hall back in march. >> bret: this is a new coordinated attack in russia. you are saying the concern is real from our southern border here in the u.s.
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>> absolutely. the fact that there has been a tenfold increase on the number on the terrorist watch list that we have picked up. we are very vulnerable. we are a very open society. this is a target rich environment. when you look at the ability for them to hit targets, it is an existential threat for america, no. what an attack would do to our psyche is unimaginable. look what happened at 9/11. i believe it is very possible. >> bret: after 9/11 covered the pentagon. it was always the talking point that terrorists only have to be right ones. we have to be right the entire time. the trump administration touted the fact that these attacks from outside were not happening here. do you think that topic -- what you are talking about concern of the southern border is going to be a big shopping for the former president this week for the debate on thursday.
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>> i was very fortunate to be without administration for for . it should, because the vulnerability should be addressed in the national security environment we currently lives should come up. right now, there is a game called whack a mole. when a mole comes up, you hit it with a hammer. at least the trump administration, the president did that. one example. he made the decision after what he was doing with the attack on our embassies in baghdad. that happened on the first through january. you have to attack all of these issues that come up immediately. if you let them fester as we have done over the last few years, it becomes unmanageable. that is my concern right now. it's reaching a point where you can control them. >> interesting to watch. thank you. >> sandra: great discussion.
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former president trump's legal team is back in court today. cut the classified documents case be dismissed? >> you graduate or get a doctorate degree, you should be able to stay in this country. >> the green light for green cards for former graduates of u.s. colleges. we will break down with his immigration proposal next. she runs and plays like a puppy again. his #2s are perfect! he's a brand new dog, all in less than a year.
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>> bret: former president trump's legal team is back in court today. a florida judge is considering their motion to dismiss the charges in his classified documents case claiming that special counsel jack smith was unlawfully appointed. outside the courthouse with the latest. >> court took a break. it will resume in 1.5 hours. much of the early part of the day focused on special counsel
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jack smith who is here today and his source of funding. trump's defense team pointing out that under statutory law the special counsel's office like other special counsel's office have this access to a special and permanent and indefinite source of funding. prosecutors responded that even if the judge in this case, aileen cannon, ruled it would be unlawful, they could find funding elsewhere through the government. later in the day is when federal prosecutors will discuss a motion pushing for a limited gag order on former president trump. after the former president made comments that fbi agents were out to kill him and his family during a search of mar-a-lago in 2022. trump said in a fund-raising email that the fbi was "locked and loaded and ready to take me out." this statement is not only false but endangers the life of law enforcement. former deputy assistant attorney says the fbi released a statement saying as much that
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the language used in the search warrant for trump was pretty standard protocol. >> very similar if not identical language appeared in the search warrant at the fbi executed when they looked into president biden's home in delaware. i do not think it is accurate to suggest that the fbi came to mar-a-lago with the intent to assassinate president trump. i don't think that is accurate. >> standing by for any sort of decisions made for judge aileen cannon. she will be issuing a written order in the coming days. court picks back up at 3:00 eastern. >> bret: we will follow at all. thanks. >> but i want to do and will do is you graduate from a college, i think you should get part of your diploma and a green card to be able to stay in this country. that includes junior colleges. anyone who graduates from a college. if you graduate or get a doctorate degree from a college, you should be able to stay in
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this country. speak to former president trump ready to crack down on immigration but proposing giving green cards to any migrant who graduates, u.s. colors to keep "the best and the brightest in this country." some thoughts on that. room -- traveling all over the country right now giving speeches on the border. you are talking to people on the ground. i will get your thoughts on exactly what you are hearing. there is politics involved. some will say, so you are for open borders. is this a good move for the former president? >> i don't know anybody that has supported -- for open borders. i don't know if that is where president trump is going. i don't disagree with the premise of where he is talking about. i am concerned that without very
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clear predictable rules, proper venting, enrolling in this process, we open ourselves up for some trouble to where it could be incentivized. legalized in the united states, coming over should be a privilege and not an incentive. it's got work cut out. as a foundation and starting point, i don't think that is a bad place. we have a lot of work before we can get there. speak to "the wall street journal" seems to agree with you on that. "mr. trump has the right instinct and making a distinction between chaotic illegal immigration and skilled foreigners who want to come into the u.s. and the orderly fashion. no one is going to believe that trump is a sellout on border security. i want to ask you what it is you have been hearing on this trip that you are on all over the country as we did hear from this voter focus group talking about the border. this is cbs "face the nation" over the weekend.
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>> i feel very strongly that there have been people coming in. no one is being vetted or asking questions. >> we are seeing haitians and chinese and central africans. it looks like an invasion of some sort. >> it is a crisis. what is the solution if we all can get together and decide on the solution to their problem, how are we going to solve the problem? >> sandra: those are real people who say they are concerned with this ongoing chaos. >> one of the things i have been talking about is trying to separate the emotional immigration saga versus the public safety and national security critical situation. border security should be paramount to anything we are doing. that is where the american public is finally getting on board. they understand, we have got to securing the border first so we
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can keep better citizens and everyone within our borders say. it is public safety. we can go a couple of days or a week. that is resonating with people. they want us to secure our border and move away from sanctuary policies. we need to get more into a cooperative policy. let's support federal law enforcement and work with the city so we can protect the victim so we can go after those and get better. that's work on protecting the migrants that may be supporting -- >> sandra: i wonder how that would've changed a horrific crime that played out where that illegal immigrant was caught by citizens on the street pictured here. charged in the 13-year-old girl in a queens park. he was previously caught by border patrol then was released into the u.s. a judge ordered him to be
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deported in 2022, but it never happened. only for him to be walking freely to commit this heinous crime. our reporter was sitting last week saying, people knew who this guy was. they couldn't do anything about it. >> this is a problem when you have people in office and want to abolish i.c.e. it ruins the cooperation. it is about public safety. we have to work together. we are seeing this. we've had a lot of people call out former president trump when he was saying who was coming over here. not everybody that comes across this border whether they, lawfully or illegally are truly bad people. there are a lot of bad people in that mix. we are seeing a play out. i'm waiting for people to apologize. not everyone who is coming over has good intentions. lives are at stake because of it.
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>> sandra: it is top of voters minds. she said she feels like no one is being vetted. no one is asking these people questions when they are coming in. always great to have you. safe travels as you continue on. >> thank you. >> bret: cape canaveral earlier this month. 2 american astronauts now stuck in space, stranded on the international space station while engineers on the ground try to fix multiple problems with their star liner space capsule. >> sandra: a tale of two presidential candidates as they get ready to face off. how biden and trump are getting ready for the cnn presidential ♪ debate and how the format could make a big difference. start your day with nature made. the #1 pharmacist recommended
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>> i think the president is going to talk about his record. significant investment and bring manufacturing home. actually delivering on infrastructure. actually having an economy that is at a low unemployment rate. but he is going to do for the working and middle-class going forward. largely about his record and what his vision is for america. >> bret: on the show earlier as we get ready for this big debate on thursday. our latest fox news poll mike dunn this is who will win back the upcoming debate? you have all voters at 45. 50% for trump. republicans 92-6. there is new rules. 90 minutes in length with commercial breaks. the candidates can consult during the breaks. no live audience, no props. prewritten notes. the microphones which is key
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will be muted when their time is up. joining us now, fox news contributor mollie hemingway. let me start with you. all kinds of prognostication. what this means and what little change in the rules might mean. the bottom line is it is a big moment for both candidates facing each other. >> it is a big moment coming very early. we never seen a presidential debate take place. it's an odd rematch of 2020 where those debates were widely panned for all the participants involved. both have thought a lot about what they want to do to improve their performance. i'm not sure that ro khanna is correct that we will see president biden talking about that record, because it is so unpopular. you will probably see donald trump talking about policy for the opposite reason. >> bret: there's a lot of people wondering about these rules and how it's going to be playing out through the
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microphones being shut off. we reflect back to the 2020 first debate. there was a lot of back and forth talking over one another. here is charlamagne tha god talking about the microphone muting issues. >> do you not want trump to be interrupted? you are thinking about it one way. you're going to let trump go and you can jump in. you are 80 plus years old and trying to keep up with every single law he is going to lay out. are you serious? biden's not going to be able to keep up. it is going to be bad. >> the expectations game is being played out in the days before thursday. >> i think it will be just fine from the perspective of cutting the microphone off. you can still shout anyway. the other microphones will pick you up. i don't know whether that is going to happen or not. i think a little more decorum in debates is generally going to be
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good for everybody. i would really love to see instead of just cnn folks to go back and have reporters from all different news media. and then we really would have a more open balance to debate. i think the cnn moderators are going to have to prove that they are not favoring trump in order to satisfy their cnn viewership. >> bret: we are still trying. i want to play -- this is the former president in philadelphia talking about debate strategy. >> how should i handle him? should i be tough and nasty? should i be tough and nasty and say, you are the worst president in history. or should i be nice and calm, and let him speak? >> you are advising him. what do you think? >> i would say nikki haley
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voters has affected democrats. those are your targets. uribe shows up, up at the rallies. you know whether the target is. you want to play -- the debate will do nothing for you. if you want to play to the other groups, i suppose you could make some gains. >> he should try to be statesman-like on this issue. this will not turn up any of his motors. this is another issue where he will be debating not just biden but those moderators who have shown. extreme bias on behalf of democrats. he's got a difficult situation, president trump and having 3 opponents. 2 are not held to the same restrictions that they candidates are. they will be having people in their air helping moderate that debate. that will be a challenge for trump. trump voters should not expect things to go particularly easy for him. >> bret: thanks very much.
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[indistinct] >> sandra: climate protesters storming the 18th green at the travelers championship. how that finally came to an end. then psoriatic arthritis. cosentyx works on both for me. people with psoriasis on the scalp have a 4 times higher risk for psoriatic arthritis. serious allergic reactions, severe skin reactions that look like eczema, and an increased risk of infections, some fatal, have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to, or if ibd symptoms develop or worsen. still workin' for me. ♪see me.♪ this is the easiest, non-toxic swap you'll ever make. lumineux toothpaste was made by dentists designed to break up plaque and remove any toxins in the mouth, so it'll deep clean your teeth and whiten your teeth without any sensitivity.
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>> sandra: a whole lot of commotions on the course. climate protesters storming the pga travelers championship. following what we are learning about all this from massachusetts. and wasn't pretty. how did fans take this major interruption to play? >> the onlookers on the ground in connecticut where pretty upset about it as they watch thg onto the green running all around. take a listen. >> fans booed and curse those demonstrators. smoke bombs running all around on the grounds in connecticut. some sporting shirts reading "no golf on a dead planet."
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[chanting "usa"] >> a group called extinction rebellion claimed responsibility for the short-lived chaos describing themselves as an international movement that uses nonviolent civil disobedience to compel government action on the climate emergency. the demonstrators were swiftly taken into custody while some of the golfers appeared teed off by the display. it took a few minutes to get back on track and get things finished up at the travelers championship. golfers scottie scheffler got the win through the protesters are slated to appear in a courtroom and pay several charges. criminal trespass and breach of the peace. >> sandra: what a display. thank you. ♪ ♪ [indistinct] >> bret: and anti-israel protester is violent outside of
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