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tv   The Five  FOX News  June 24, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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and that they have evacuated those flooded areas. this region is receiving eight more times though rain than they normally receive so far this year. and it is just horrible for these folks. we have seen tornadoes across the state and most recently now, this very devastating flooding to the northeast -- northwest iowa, so again, we just urge everyone to be safe. >> sandra: are best to them, so many have had to acte, the hot weather and that he continues it's a tough situation for so many, our best to them and our best to your state. thank you so much, senator. that will do it here, don't forget to join me in john roberts on america reports, weekdays at 1:00 p.m. eastern time, thank you for joining us, i am sandra smith. "the five" starts right now. ♪ ♪ >> judge jeanine: hello,
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everyone, and judge jeanine pirro along with richard fowler, jesse watters, katie pavlich, and greg gutfeld, it's 5:00 in new york city, and this is "the five." ♪ ♪ so let the debate trash talk begin, joe biden and donald trump are sharpening their attacks as they get ready to meet face to face for the cnn presidential debates three days from now and simulcast on fox news. the two candidates are using wildly different prep strategies, sleepy joe is still holding up at summer camp david, the big guy surrounding himself with an army of advisors. a staggering 16 people are helping our elderly man with a poor memory get into top shape. one report claims that joe biden is doing mock debates and practicing, on a stand for 90 minutes. the liberal media is also giving
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joe some pointers like how to smile and benefit from that mute button. >> he has resting old faced, right, so he needs to smile and when he smiles it goes away a little bit, and when he smiles, his face comes alive. i would say that they are practicing this, practice smiling. >> donald trump is a chaos candidate, with the mute button nobody takes them out in this way. >> what president biden has done as he has child proofed the debate stage for president -- former president trump who is responsible for this uncivil tone on the stage. >> he has been on why are they playing with the teleprompter, the field play as part of they are out to get me. >> judge jeanine: and a clear contrast, donald trump was hitting the campaign trail hard this weekend. the former president was terming the heck out of villain voters and quizzing them on how he should handle joe biden at the
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debate. >> how should i handle him? should i be tough and nasty? or should i be -- should i be tough and nasty and just say, you're the worst president in history? or, should i be nice and calm and let him speak? speak on the former president is also tweaking his opponent on true social with this post "drug test for cricket joe biden? i would also immediately agreed to one. all right, jesse, i will go to you without one. so what is donald trump talking about, and what do you think will happen? >> jesse: i think that he needs to be like trump and trump needs to be a little sleepy. let me explain why, he has a problem with his base so he needs to show them that he is to live. and he needs to show that he is going to rip his face off, because let's be honest, the democrat base, all they get
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animated about his hating donald trump. so he is going to be taking shots at the jungle juice and is going to be saying all of these nasty personal things about donald trump's character, and he has to remain calm, you know the 24-hour rule? i'm sure that you have been made aware of it. if someone sends you an email and it makes you really angry, you wait 24 hours, and then you respond the next day logically, not too emotionally. donald trump is not going to have 24 hours, he will have 90 seconds, so use that 90 seconds to compose yourself and then come out with something rational instead of just [screaming, because his spaces good. we don't need him to go out there and liked him on fire. we just need to see a calm, measured guy that can compare four years of your term till four years of his and that's all you need to do. joe biden is going to bait him. he is going to try to make him snap, and the more that he snaps, the worse it's going to
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go for him. and joe biden is going to make the whole debate about trump, and he needs make it about the american people. so when joe biden says, you were bankrupt six times, he should just say, you've bankrupted the country. you should just say, i have $10 billion company, i would not hire you to serve ice cream at mar-a-lago, you will probably steal it. or if he says, you are a convicted felon, i would say, yeah, joe, you're trying to throw me in prison because you are scared of me. you should be trying to lock up guy that murderer laken riley, you're catching and releasing killers, that's how i would play it. he is going to brag about all the jobs he has created and i would say, listen, joe, you let me help you with the math, half of those jobs are illegals. he will say you killed my border build, and i would say, oh, you need my help to secure the border? when i was president i did not need anybody's help, i must be a better president. so that's how you do it, and i
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think bringing 16 guys to camp david west and mark when you go to war, you bring eight guys from the joint chief of staff to the situation room, he needs 16 guys for debate prep? i wish that he took his presidency as seriously as he has taken this debate. >> judge jeanine: you know, richard, donald trump is not just going to be debating joe biden, he's going to be debating two people who have already indicated they are avowed hatred for them, dana bash and jake tapper, so if we are really trying to be objective about anything, they should be the last people to actually do this interview, given statements that they have made about him. how do you feel about that? >> i would say that the trump campaign agreed to the debate and the moderators, so case closed on that. >> would joe biden do the same with people who hated him? >> both campaigns agreed and took the debate commission out
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of this conversation and agree to this debate was cnn, so that's over for the trump campaign on that particular point. i actually do agree with jesse and a lot of his points around. >> jesse: i must be wrong. speak to a broke clock can be right too. but i think you are right, for president biden, the trip for him is to show energy level and strength, and to do a debate from what we saw during the state of the union, but for both trump and biden, the audience if they are talking to, if you voted for biden, you are watching to see how well he does against speed nine, but they are
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looking at double heaters and double doubters who said i might have voted for trump last time not sure i like him now. i voted for biden, i'm not sure if i like him now. they are trying to figure out if they vote third party. this is a large swath of the electorate. this is what wins you michigan or pennsylvania or wisconsin, and both of those candidates are going to have to talk about why they would be better there for years have been better than the other candidates for years and i think that you will see the biden team do or joe biden do is talk about the overturning of roe v. wade, celebrating the anniversary of when that was overturned today and he will have to acknowledge the real impact that inflation has had on the american people and counter that with the fact that here the jobs that i've created and what a plan to do in the next four years to make your life even easier, and he is not talking about the fact that if you are a senior citizen you're not paying more than $30,000 for your insulin, that should be counted as a win for him. it's actually a joe biden bill. >> judge jeanine: okay, all right, so the binding campaign is underwater, and polls show his approval rating is underwater, so he has to convince americans that life is great now. >> greg: he has 16 people there to help, that's a lot of paul bearers, i love that tip, tell him to smile!
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talk about not reading the room, he should not smile, because the only way that he is going to connect with americans is feeling as bad as they do. americans are not smiling. if you show up smiling backslapping mr. good time and the era of crime and illegal immigration, inflation, antisemitism it's like going to a funeral dressed as ronald mcdonald. that is the worst thing he could do. i kind of hope he does it. remember donald trump and the republicans did not set low expectations for joe, joe did. right? these are the cards that they are dealt and they are playing them, so i see it protecting the outcome written in the corporate press, we've never seen a more sharp they will say on friday, he still got it, he showed the naysayers that not only is he fit to be president, he should be president, he was so clear and on point. that's probably already written, but i agree with your earlier question, judge, i think the real story is the moderators.
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for cnn's sake, they have to defraud joe biden on the fine people hoax, because it is the reason for running and cnn pushed it. and cnn needs to approach this, because they need to dispel their bias, you have moderators with a long history of going after donald trump in a vicious manner including comparing his words to "mein kampf," i think joe tapper is on that, i also leading the charge on killing democracy and that is the primary narrative also for the joe biden campaign, so that's the elephant in the room, it's not as mental cognition it's how the hosts do their jobs while already opening and revealing their hatred for them. so i think, you know, maybe jake tapper should ask joe, now that you know that the fine people hoax is false, how do you feel about the racial division? the conflict and all of the violence that flowed from that over four years especially now with this rabid anti-semitism which is real and that one was
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false, as for the convicted felon thing, i think that he should quote andrew cuomo, he said that trial never should've been brought to and if the name was not donald trump and he was now running for president, he never would've been brought, and that's what is offensive, and then i would say that if i were donald trump i would say that that selection interference out in the open as a version of democracy using the justice system as a weapon and people know this, it's a fund-raising that he has raised to a point that it is canceled out joe biden's coming in january 6 is going to come up. it's going to come up. i think that trump has to market. no one was armed, there were grandmothers they are, there were people who had not hurt a protest in their life escorted by the capitol police like they were on a tour, right? the right has a few nuts, but compared to the left's protest, those are nuttier than elephant, so spare me, how are you going to do a coup with grandmothers and old veterans with flags?
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he has to point out that was not an attempt to take over our government, it was to prevent the one, they felt suspicious about the election and it was not because of trump looking at the suspension, it was the democratic party with russia gate, suppressing the laptop, the tape of drinking bleach, all of these things made you feel that something was up and also when you can compare the candidate to hitler coming to realize they have a moral imperative to break all the rules, so it's not about donald trump pushing an insurrection, the dems did it themselves. >> judge jeanine: and you know, the fact is that the dams with all of these pro-palestine, these gaza protesters, the anti-israel protesters, we just found out at columbia university that the ones who broke into the building literally broke into it and busted glassed, used hammers to take over, they are not charging them. they are not charging them, but
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january 6th was a takedown of democracy. >> nobody is against the law except for a political left who uses violence to get on their way. and looking at the approaches here, when president biden has to has 16 advisors at camp david for a week versus donald trump who is still in the campaign trail commanding rooms by himself, that shows people the difference. also the commentary about how the room has been childproofed for donald trump, joe biden is the one who has to go up the short stairs on air force one and the one who is blaming staff because he fell over when he gave that commencement speech after tripping, then there's the talk about the convicted felon while donald trump can point to joe biden and say at least i was in my right mind to stand trial, special counsel told you you are not going to be charge for multiple felonies that you commit it because you could not remember anything or not in a good mental state to stand trial, so there are some things that they can do here with the attacks that are coming, but i think that the contrast in the approaches is quite interesting, joe biden is looking at polls and focus groups and
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donald trump is among the people. >> judge jeanine: talking to the people and you don't have to worry about his quips, he is good at them. coming up, the death penalty not ruled out for one of the illegal immigrant monsters who murdered a 12-year-old girl, but the liberal media says don't you dare calm up them illegal. ♪ ♪ to me, harlem is home. but home is also your body. i asked myself, why doesn't pilates exist in harlem? so i started my own studio. getting a brick and mortar in new york is not easy. chase ink has supported us from studio one to studio three. when you start small, you need some big help. and chase ink was that for me. earn up to 5% cash back on business essentials with the chase ink business cash card from chase for business. make more of what's yours.
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♪ ♪ >> jesse: illegal immigrants who beautifully murdered jocelyn young gary was in court for the first time, his bail has been set at $10 million, because the judge believes he is a flight risk and the details we learned today are sickening. prosecutors say this lowlife assaulted jocelyn for two hours before killing her.
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her mom and the d.a. are fighting to make sure this monster gets the ultimate punishment. >> she had such a bright future ahead of her, and i knew that she was going to go very far. and you know, the use monsters took that opportunity from her. >> as soon as our lab results are back and if they support a death penalty eligible type of capital murder, then we will come back and ask for no bond. our immigration system is broken and if there was ever a case that reflected that, it's this one. >> jesse: among several illegals accused of brutal crimes like and murder across the country, instead of showing humanity for rachel moore, the liberal media is more worried over what word you call their killers. >> what do you tell the parents of those people, those young girls that were killed? >> what is the difference
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between an illegal immigrant who unfortunately engages in that activity -- >> and we undocumented individuals. >> undocumented individuals. >> judge, what are the chances this guy does get the death holiday? >> judge jeanine: that's a long ways away and i've been aimed at exactly that situation where you hear the d.a. from harris county in texas. we don't know yet if there are special circumstances that would apply, we know that these two dirtbag animals took this child under a bridge for two hours and that when we found her, when she was found, her hands were tied and she was naked from the waist down. if there are special circumstances, then this becomes death eligible case, it is not a decision that is made quickly, there are usually committees within a d.a.'s office, but the d.a. ultimately makes the decision after speaking of course with the family and what the family wants.
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i think that the big issue here is the fact that this case is not going to go to trial for at least a year, if it is and does become a death penalty case, we are talking super due process, it will take a year and a half evening year and three quarters before it goes to trial. what is significant about this case is that one of these dirtbags one is 26, the other is 22 had an ankle monitor on his ankle and i.c.e. took it off because they said he had no criminal record, i dare them to explain to the american people how they confirmed that one did not have a criminal record, did they communicate with i.c.e.? who did they speak to in venezuela? and what transcript did they get from venezuela? i guarantee they have no answer, just like joe biden has no answer and i am sick and tired of people saying, you can't call them illegal aliens. you are stupid, okay. to the united states code
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section 2012 illegal immigration reform refers to illegals as a legal aliens 93 times coming want to change the law, change the law, stop trying to intimidate and grinch control other people that you use language you are only comfortable with, the democrats look at how you refer to an illegal alien and how to refer to an illegal alien who is actually murdering young children. we have seen too much in this country and for them to stand there and say, stop with this broadbrush approach? let me tell you something, if you don't have a broad brush approach and if you can rebought it, i am happy to let anyone in. but you have to start proving that these people are not, they are not the people who kill other people, they are not thieves, they are not identity thieves, they don't beat their wives, they are not robbers, murderers, gang members, drug cartels, to me the presumption is that they are, because it
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first thing they do is break the law to come into the country. and the fact that we tolerate this and allow the left to tell us how to speak when we have to deal with the most horrific animal kind of crimes that are occurring in this country is an outrage. >> jesse: what is the obsession with the language and said the action? >> that is the encapsulation of the woke disease, the underlying reason for this, the left has to change the language to create distance from the consequences that their actions abrupt, they are essentially running from the truth using their mouth, they are no longer responsible for illegal immigrant criminals murdering an american daughter. instead it's a young newcomer, who has trouble assimilating with an impressive western culture, and they are striking out against imperialism leaving to individuals you know, currently on polls. how soon before the phrase undocumented is viewed as hurtful? how soon does the word victim
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replaced by something else? you know, how soon before rachel moran will be described on msnbc as a person who identifies as deceased. this is the woke disease, it's been around before the term woke, but the idea of using rhetoric in order to cover up the evil is just part of all cultural marxism, it's why we have crime, homelessness, dying cities, the shift away of attacking real problems with justice instead focusing on the opportunity cost of virtue signaling, what a creep, she is a woman. what is going on with women? liberal women, what is your story? she would rather police words then police criminals? this is a luxury belief that maybe simon sanders can afford, but america can't. >> what is it lit with liberal women, katie? >> i would not know the answer to that question, but i didn't want to answer michael steele's
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question when he asked the difference between this person, and someone who was an american citizen? the differences they should not be here, and you should apply the broken windows theory of crime to illegal immigration. it is illegal to cross the border without permission. that is crime number one, number two coming falsely a claim asylum, also a federal crime, and then that led to the murder of this young girl and a number of other young women across the country and you are right, liberal women are more concerned about hurting people's feelings than actually protecting women in this country from monsters who are coming from foreign countries who do have criminal backgrounds and they can't test it, because governments, like venezuela don't give a standard information, they are letting people out of prison and not telling us who they are, they just let them come here. so one crime leads to another and they are willing to allow these people to commit crimes for the sake of their agenda and to make people feel like, well, we are the tolerance ones. is it tolerant to allow people
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into the country to murder other people's children? >> jesse: is it tolerant? >> richard: one, my heart goes to jocelyn's family, and you know, i think the suspects, right, they are found guilty, and the whole book should be thrown at them. this is heinous. this be on death penalty? >> sure. we also believe in nuance and bright lines and i think that these individuals you are watching on your screen, and an infant that crosses the border with their mother, who yes, according to the law as judge jeanine mentioned they would be an illegal alien, but did not make the choice to cross, now they want to do -- >> we are not talking about dreamers? we're not talking about dreamers? we are talking about violent -- >> richard: i'm not changing the subject. and i did not interrupt you. according to the law that you quoted, an infant that crosses the border would be deemed an
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illegal alien. yes, they would. it does not have an age difference. >> judge jeanine: that is not in the statute. don't talk about something you don't know. >> richard: i'm telling you exactly what's on that paper you just read. if we want to have a conversation about how we fix this problem, one of those guys should be behind bars, may be the death penalty if that's the decision, but we need to be courageous whether you're a democrat or republican to say what that d.a. said at the beginning of the segment, our immigration system is broken and democrats can't fix it alone and neither can republicans. >> greg: babies aren't killing women. >> richard: that is exactly the point i am making. >> greg: we are not talking about babies, that's a point. we are talking about murderous criminals who are let in, because you are using the baby argument as a barrier.
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like let's have a conversation, we are not compassionate enough. >> richard: i said that there is a nuance to this conve conversation. >> greg: it's a nuance that brought us to this place. it was nuance that got us to everybody should come over -- >> richard: we do not have new immigration laws and are having this conversation because we have a broken immigration system. it's been broken for decades. >> jesse: he broke it and look at the numbers, up next, squad style road rage, going bonkers at a rally. ♪ ♪ of bringing textile manufacturing back to america. we're taking the best fibers our farm can produce, spinning it at one location, weaving it, then finally into a cut and sewn product. there's value in buying american made it has a real life impact up and down the supply chain. we want our customers to feel how special this product is,
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♪ ♪ >> richard: new york democratic congressman jim all but one bringing out the big guns as he fights for his political career in new york proper that takes place
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tomorrow. judge, is that your congressman? >> judge jeanine: that is my congressman. ♪ ♪ >> we'll get a show! [bleep]. the power of the [bleep] south, you are coming after my children! i'm not supposed to fight back? i'm not supposed to fight back? we are going to show them who though [bleep] we are! south bronx! south bronx! south bronx! to be on you know, richard, what is amazing about it thank you, true to his progressive agenda, he turns himself into a victim, he is a victim. i'm going to fight for me, my family, my children, and it is westchester county which is where i live and where where i am from, but i think that the most significant part of all of this is first of all, the
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primary involves the county executive, george's love, very well-liked, going to beat them, no question in my mind, but what aoc made fun of donald trump going to the bronx, she said "to the bronx knows better, and here is the difference, donald trump got thousands to the bronx, she got 300. okay, i rest my case. >> richard: it was that cardi b sound bite for. jesse. >> jesse: i mean, you know it, i'm down with cardi b and aoc, if they want to get down with wu-tang -- >> richard: stop while you are ahead. >> jesse: it's all good in the hood, richard, if they want to do this, let them do it. my thing is, they are so obsessed with this war in gaza, the war in gaza is not a top issue in the district, they are people dying here, people dying offense and all, they are getting shot. there is not even american troops in gaza, they are way off
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on this, way off. >> richard: katie. >> katie: i just can't get over the fact that he was a teacher, this whole thing come in teaching children and i wonder what he is going to do when he leaves office, when he loses his primary. we will have to see. >> greg: he said what am i supposed to do, you're coming after my family and my kids, i'm not supposed to fight back? sounds like an israeli, you know? he just justified his actions force congressional congressional seats that you are the verticals the response when it's hamas murdering 15,000 people, what a jerk. >> judge jeanine: jamaal bowman should have pulled the fire alarm when aoc started dancing. >> richard: the new york primary is tomorrow and coming up, apologizing for old tweets where he compared the police to the patrol.
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♪ ♪ >> katie: white house taking heat over their promotion of their new press aide, who has quite the past of agitating for far left causes, fox digital digging up old tweets where he said that the police are the "direct evolution of patrols and lynch mobs. he called for i.c.e. to be abolished and has supported anti-israel activism using hashtags. now apologizing for the old tweets saying "past social media posts from when i was younger do not reflect my current views. so first of all, the jackets in our official photo is pretty criminal, but these are the
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kinds of people who are driving policy, personnel and policy, so we ask how is this happening? here's one answer. >> greg: you think that that's his worst picture? if you go to google image, your eyes will fry. this is without question a deia higher, not hired for his ideas or skills, far be it for me to disagree with that, but if you lead with identity you better back it up with something. you are telling me there one hundreds of thousands of people more qualified than this bozo? he got the job for not what he has done, but who he is. >> katie: so my favorite is that he would not last in gaza based on who he is. >> judge jeanine: i was going to say maybe he should take a visit but only by a one-way ticket. the most compelling thing is he is number 3 at the white house
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and the communications. he speaks for the president of the united states. he speaks for the united states government, this is what we are dealing with right now. and you know, the white house knows this. they have people like him and sam britton and all the rest, sam britton, his clothes. you never know, but anyway, the white house knows all of this. so either they are good with it for they are incompetent and don't know about it, or they just don't care. there is a reason these people are in these positions. >> katie: the white house knew about these tweets and it came up last year and they responded to people bringing them up by saying that nobody should be targeted for simply being themselves. it is cruel. so it's not about -- >> jesse: has a little too much himself, joe biden made a deal with the left, remember last election, i will do your bidding if you vote for me. and this is part of doing the bidding, you hire guys like
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this. joe never has to answer for this, he is in camp david for the rest of his life. and they are never going to fire this guy, because the activists base will go bananas in a election year, and then you think about these tweets, katie, these aren't that much crazier than anything most of congressional democrats have said. >> katie: what's your assessment of the promotion and the fashion as well. >> richard: first of jesse, happy pride, i just want to say it's not the first or second time we have done this, to parents watching and young people watching, number one, it's not a place, if you tweets you are going to save the world, you are not. number two, delete your tweets, the user from 2015, 2015 tweets or values are problematic, so delete your tweets, twitter is not a place, people. and that's all i've got. >> jesse: what about the
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wardrobe, richard? >> richard: happy pride. >> judge jeanine: between sunday night and monday morning, he deleted 296 tweets. i delete tweets. i don't even tweet. >> katie: ahead to come apart for a body slam, global warming protesters getting taken down on grain. ♪ ♪
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♪don't just use a password alone.♪ ♪mfa sends a call, a text or a code to your phone.♪ learn more at ♪that's how we can secure our world!♪ ♪ ♪ >> greg: climate change freaks, storming at that tour immediately composted into the ground by security. [crowd noise] [chanting "usa"] >> greg: the wackos got removed, play continued, finally a reason to watch golf. >> jesse: you are so bad! he is number one. he was the one that got
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arrested, remember. a couple of weeks ago. he died suddenly. i don't know, greg, if you rush a golf tournament and people have clubs, don't you think you should hit them? not in the face where the neck or the chest, but in the legs? >> greg: that's an interesting point, should you hit them and the legs or the face? >> jesse: have some humanity. >> greg: shut up! >> richard: i don't know, go for the stomach? but like when we do these segments, don't the protesters win, because we are talking about them? >> greg: i would agree, i don't know why we do these, except that it's fun to watch. it's for entertainment. >> judge jeanine: there are no consequences, and plus what i want to know is what are they objecting to? it's not like you are driving
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from one hole to the next, they are in electric carts, right? they are outside. they are hitting a golf ball, they are avoiding the trees and the ponds, what is the problem? shut up, go home. >> jesse: it is a carbon neutral sport. >> greg: i was shocked when you said they should be executed by firing squad. i have it on tape right here. >> katie: i hope i don't sound like that, i don't know what these people are going to do when they find out that the u.s. olympic team, the swimmers are bringing their own air-conditioners to europe in defiance of their environmental rules so that they can sleep. these people are wearing things and protests that are made with fossil fuels. i mean, if you're going to do it, maybe you should go without clothes. >> jesse: yes, streakers. >> greg: if they believed in there because they would be
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naked, but they have to exercise get in shape, and then we will discuss it. you know, i was think about their parents, they probably spent so much money on education and this is what these idiots are doing, they have no lives. >> judge jeanine: is this a woman in connecticut? is it this one? who do you think those people are? professional golf association. >> katie: what did you think it stood for? >> greg: please go away. "one more thing" is up next. ♪ ♪
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♪ >> judge jeanine: it's time now for "one more thing." i go first. so, it's time for ♪ ♪ i need a new picture. okay. ahead of the summer olympics in paris. vogue hosted a sports theme fashion show in the fashion capital of the world. celebrities and athletes alike showed up at the placfandome. fashion parades for decades. too bad you weren't there, greg. >> greg: ugh. let's do. this oh, wait, i got plug my show. there you go jonathan turley,
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jamie lissow, kat timpf, tyrus. oh, that's a good one. and let's do this. greg's plugs. you know, we plug a lot of books. but always books by people from fox. so transactional. i hate that. i am plugging a book of somebody i don't even know. never met this person, don't know anything about him it's called impossible to ignore. it's by carmen simon. so i this book in like two weeks. it's about how not to be -- how not to improve your memory but how to make yourself more memorable to other people. if i got this book like 30 years ago when i was in college, holy crap, it tells you how to be persuasive, how to be concise, how to make people remember the things you are saying. i always know i got a good book when i'm writing all over it. i am not turning it the other way then you will know my
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secrets. advise to you check this thing out. if you are in school. if you are in sales, i don't know politics? this thing will save your butt. >> judge jeanine: all right. >> jesse: i have already ordered it. >> greg: i sent it to you. >> jesse: i already ordered it i haven't read it yet. do you want to a see a real life giant? take a look at this guy. this guy is only 18 and he is 97:9. three gregs on top of each other. >> greg: in your dreams. >> jesse: tallest college basketball player. 61 when he was 8. and now he -- he wears 20 size shoes. how is this guy gutted guts shows you how it is not a sport. >> jesse: bugs were. >> greg: not a sport. 10 feet tall and the guy can hand you the ball. >> judge jeanine: how tall was his mother? >> tell that to period doocy who
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is very tall and is he a correspondent. tonight, "jesse watters primetime" johnny went to the coney island mermaid parade. >> judge jeanine: of course he did. >> if you were president of the united states. what would be the first thing that you do? >> the first thing i would do is get everybody food stamps. >> jesse: everybody food stamps. >> greg: that's a merman. >> jesse: a lot where those came from tonight at 8:00. >> katie: i love fishing and couple fisherman water on mississippi. it wasn't fish they were reeling in. 38 dogs brad carlisle were out on grenada lake when their fishing guide spotted these dogs and they were part of a hunting group chasing deer and they got a little lost and they got in the water and couldn't get out. these fishermen were out threatened a put them all on the boat and saved them and got them back to safety. >> judge jeanine: what a wonderful story. they were in the boat by
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themselves? >> katie: swimming and went too far chasing deer and got rescued. >> katie: thanks to them for making sure they got back to score. >> judge jeanine: go ahead, richard. can you top that? >> richard: i might be able to top that cancer patient mega fan, one of his favorite contestants helped prepare a meal for his family, 11-year-old elijah was diagnosed with osu tio sarcoma took up cooking to help with his treatment, zsa zse jeanine. together the pair cooked up impa nadas, cooked up crab cakes. chocolate chip cookies for the whole family to enjoy. it was beautifully done. >> judge jeanine: i think that is a wonderful thing. learned ghuf cooking. that's it for us. have a good night. do you cook, bret? >> bret: i do cook just a little how about you? >> judge jeanine:


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