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tv   Fox News at Night  FOX News  June 24, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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news at night. the violence at a los angeles synagogue was mead, but the -- immediate, but the response took nearly 3 hours by authorities. and 3 days before cnn is set to host the presidential debate, the network is already silencing team trump. >> we're going to come back out to the panel. >> thank you very much for your time. >> trace: and even former new york governor and attorney general andrew cuomo ... >> if his name wasn't donald trump and he wasn't running for president, i'm telling you that case would have never been brought. >> trace: begin with dueling debate strategies. one in the bunker, the other out in the open with the people. kevin cork with more on the tale
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of two campaigns. >> reporter: as the preparations continue, frankly, they're about as different, as their speakingg styles. but by any measure, both men ought to be sufficiently prepared for the upcoming debate this week. mr. biden's inner circle, practicing and surrounding yourself with top advisors. this is happening at camp david. president trump on the campaign trail and practicing one-liners in real-time, tipping 500 bucks at a sandwich shop, and unpacking policy prescriptions to crowds large and small. meanwhile, some of the surrogates are already sparring with the media on cnn ahead of the debate. >> it takes someone 5 minutes to google ... >> madam, ... >> i'm going to stop this interview if you continue to attack my colleagues.
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>> reporter: attacking the colleague when she was trying to point out something that you can look up. and if you're worried about even more advice, an op-ed senior reporter steven colin described president trump as being profane and president biden as conventional and cautious, saying he's seeking to restore the norms that trump once trashed. that's a cnn senior political reporter, trace. >> trace: and common sense will have a take on that as well. kevin cork, live for us in dc. bringing in the host of stackal beck tonight, thank you more coming on. kayla, to you first, what should trump do and not do in the debate on thursday night? >> well, the number 1 thing that he has to avoid doing is exactly what the democrats want him to do, which is to be the worst version of donald trump, the character cher that --
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characterure that they had made him out to be, the guy that has promised revenge. and we're not seeing that version of donald trump on the campaign trail. he's already beating them at their own strategy. if he can come out on the debate stage against biden, and call the president, rachel morin's mother, to remind voters what their lives were like before he took office, he is going to be the much better candidate on that stage. >> trace: meantime, eric, cp kamala harris had very precise analysis on why this race is so close. watch. >> these races are always close. it's the election of the president of the united states, and everyone in an election for the president of the united states will critically examine
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all of the issues and make a decision. >> trace: can't get any better than that, eric. my question to you: what is biden not to do and what is he supposed to do? >> what he needs to do is be sharp and medically focused, and trace, he hasn't shown the ability to do that to say the least. normandy and the g7 summit, he's bumbling and stumbling, needing to be led by the hand. on the other hand, i sat down with president trump face-to-face at the nra convention, mentally sharp, focused and clearly laying out the issues. working the crowd, talking to people, a total stro verdict, as we know, and he speaks off the cuff without a tell prompter. so very, very sharp. >> trace: cayley, we know that biden is going to go after trump
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as a fellon. the former governor of new york, andrew cuomo ... >> president joe biden: it should >> if hit name wasn't donald trump, i'm telling you that case would have never been brought. and that's what is offensive to people, and it should be. >> trace: he's right. it offended a lot of people, kayly. >> absolutely. and of course he's right. there's a reason why one of the top justice department officials in biden's administration resigned from his job to help bring this case against trump. a case that was rejected by other state prosecutors, other sphral prosecutors. it was -- federal prosecutors. biden is going to bring this up and make this about personality, because he is not going to want to talk about policy. trump needs to do the exact opposite. focus on policy, focus on a
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specific agenda to make americans' lives better. >> trace: eric, do you think that's a sound strategy, focus on policy? >> yeah, i agree 100%. looking at president trump's policies, no matter what you think of him personally, you can't argue with the policies, which were incredibly successful in the united states. we were safer at home and abroad, the middle east was less chaotic. he has quite a record to run on from his last term. and if he hits on that and joe biden's record, he should be a clear victor here. >> trace: a big week and night. eric and can kayla, thank youo both. >> thank you. [ ♪♪ ] >> trace: well, the fox news common sense department is baffled why the cnn network is
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being called bias, and yet they are openly biased against donald trump. cnn is supposed to provide an even playing field, yet, cnn describes him as cautious and seeking to restore the norms that trump once trashed. saying that trump is ever flowghting the tradition of statesmanship. in other words that trump is evil and biden is good. and it was pointed out on cnn that mark tapper is anti-trump, they ended her microphone. they cut her off because she was telling the truth, and the truth is jake tapper is anti-trump. from touting russian collusion, to not allowing trump to speak
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live, comparing trump to hitler. nothing shows it better than a good hitler comparison. common sense would not be invited on cnn, because while cnn wants you to know it hates trump, you are not allowed to say it hates trump. and with that, bringing in tonight's media panel, news buster curtis, and the host of the hone podcast, dease arten. thank you to both of you. de, this is cassie hunt on cnn and carol leavitt. we're going to expand the byte a little bit. >> takes someone 5 minutes to google jake tapper -- >> madam, we're going to stop this is it true ... >> i would like to talk about joe biden and donald trump, who you work for.
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>> yes ... >> and i will do that. >> trace: apologies, casey hunt. but i'm wondering, we just talked about you. would you ever treat one of your guests like that? >> i sure hope not. i hope that i wouldn't lose control of my body language either. the body language, everything that that was happening there was something that i was surprised to see from casey. she's been in the business a long, long time. and i think it kind of reveals the pressure cooker that maybe is happening there at cnn that she would get so defensive and angry, i felt like she lost control. >> trace: i think you're probably right on that. de, a sample of tapper's love for donald trump. >> insults and lies, that's what we heard from donald trump in iowa. >> the trump presidentdy is coming to an end.
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for tens of millions for our fellow americans, the nightmare is over. >> the rhetoric of hitler is alive and well, given by former president trump. >> trace: it's hard to say the debate is on an even playing field, saying they're totally newtly. newtly -- neutral. >> i'm glad you played that clip, carolyn leavitt was shocked by that. the look of her face, she was trying to move on. if you notice in the clip, she was making her point and moving on to the preparations of the former president. and it showed arrogance for casey hunt. it hearkened back to the days of jim accosta in the briefing
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room. i think she offended her colleagues, because if she didn't, she would have heard from jake tapper. >> it goes back and forth, that's what it's all about. de, whoopi goldberg applauding the shutdown of hunt. >> in a statement afterwards, this young lady claimed her, quote, on air snub, proves that you, no, who will not be treated fairly in the up coming debate. do you think this is going to make people doubt where cnn can stay objective, or is it everybody is against me, rigged, rigged, rigged! >> cutting off somebody from team trump, then it's justified. >> oh, boy. the only time i watch the view is preparing for this program, it's all i can do to watch that. it is, just so difficult to
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understand how, you know, we can see the world so differently, and that whole situation, how you can accuse somebody of something that you are turning around and doing. we talk about it here all the time, it happens all the time. it is discouraging i think to realize how often our world views are completely opposite and i don't know how you bring them together. >> trace: but i think you struck a nerve. finally, bill marr on biden losing black voters. >> he went to moor house. what is democracy, if you have to be ten times better to get a fair shot. black voters under 50, he led my 80 points in 2020, now 36. he lost 42 points off the key constituency. >> trace: bill marr is a liberal, and he knows if you're
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losing black voters, you're losing. >> i obviously disagree with some of the things that bill marr says, he's not going to go along to get along. he recognizes that things like the economy and border, those are things that happen to people of all races, things right in front of them. you can't deny gas prices are where they are, or things are as expensive as they are. tieing back to our previous discussion, about whether they make things like the economy the focus of the debate, or do they stick to the biden agenda of focusing on abortion and claims fearmongering about democracy. >> trace: we shall see. thank you, both. meanwhile, as the wave of illegal immigrant crime continues, information about the brutal murder of a 12-year-old girl in houston. two illegal immigrants from venezuela are now charged with killing her. what we're learning about the suspects.
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>> reporter: the two venezuelan migrants of brutally killing 12-year-old jocelyn nungaray could face the death penalty. jocelyn's mother says she hopes the justice system doesn't fail them. >> i was looking forward to seeing how beautiful she was going to grow up to be. and i know god is real, god is good, and they will feel god's wrath. >> reporter: 26-year-old franklin ramos appeared in court today, he was wearing an i.c.e. ankle monitor. his alleged partner in crime, 21-year-old jo han martinez making first appearance in court on tuesday. the case shows how things bad are at the southern border. >> the system is broken, and if
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there was ever a case that reflected that, it's this one. >> reporter: another example, just this past weekend, a suspected human smuggler allegedly led texas troopers on a dangerous high-peed car chase. the chase eventually ended up in the suspect's swift capture. the suspect is edwardo rise. >> trace: it's an awful case. thank you, ashley. bringing in new york post reporter and marc-andré mark la. sheriff, it reads in part, in this case, the defendant lurnd a 12-year-old under a bridge, where they remained with her for over 2 hours, took her pants off, tied her up, and threw her into the bayou.
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she was 12 years old, and she's she's -- these alleged killers shouldn't have been here to start with. >> joe biden and this administration continue to be at fault. they should be taken to tblairm a lot of -- blame for a lot of these crimes. granted, you can't protect everybody, but you could have protected this family, the family of laken riley, rachel moor, and zoom other people. >> trace: jenny, speaking of laken riley, saying that she was killed in athens, georgia, by allegedly an illegal immigrant and biden's responsibility for that crime. >> joe biden better hope and pray there's presidential immunity, because when he allowed the killer of leang to be released on parole for lack of capacity, i think it's subject to lawsuit or criminal
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prosecution. >> trace: we know the criminal prosecution part is likely -- very likely not going to happen. but it's a good point to say she's policies led to this. >> reporter: absolutely. all of these stories that you're citing and that the sheriff is citing go back to this administration that has been releasing these individuals into the united states, and to vet these individuals. in the case of the recent murder of jocelyn nungaray in houston, you had the suspects vetted, released into the country, ankle monitors. one cut the ankle monitor after the murder, according to i.c.e. documents we reviewed. the other individual was taken out of the monitoring program, saying they were all good. this is the system that's in place under this administration. >> trace: going back, sheriff,
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msnbc on what to call those who cross the border illegally. >> what is the difference between an illegal immigrant who, unfortunately, engages in that activity? >> we don't determine illegal, undocumented. >> they're illegal aliens. >> trace: to go through this, sheriff, we know federal law states it very clearly. these are illegal aliens, illegal immigrants, not undocumented. that's the law. >> they're too busy playing word games. and the real reality, they we me on their show -- good thing nobody watches msnbc to see that. they broke the law to come into this country, illegal aliens is the appropriate term for them. we have a real problem there. that's part of the reason why
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i'm running for the u.s. senate because i can't stand what's going on. we need people to speak truth. jordan peterson said you need to have peace in the dedeeming power of truth. >> trace: and a cnn analyst schooled by a cnn anchor. >> you can worry about the rhetoric or the murders the rapes, the kid kidnappings tht we've seen. this is a big part of the campaign. >> it's dehumanizing rhetoric, scott. >> would you say it's more or less dehumanizing than murder and raping? >> trace: your final thoughts, jenny. >> yes, the fact that these people came here illegally is a key element in all of these stories and a thread that ties them all together. and it's something that some of the victims' families have spoken out against, including the family and the father of the
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13-year-old who was raped by -- allegedly by a nicaragua migrant that was ordered to be removed from this country and didn't comply with that. >> trace: thank you both for coming on, we appreciate it. coming up, anti-israel protesters taking things too far, protesting right outside a los angeles synagogue. even democrats calling the incident anti-semitic. and later in the night cap. >> should i handle him? should i be tough and nasty or should i be nice and calm and let him speak? >> trace: former president trump asking for advice on how to approach this week's presidential debate. if you are advising his campaign, what strategy would you recommend? tough and nasty or calm. let us know, we'll read your
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responses coming up in thecust "night cap notice and 5g solutions from t-mobile for business. t-mobile connects 100,000 delta airlines employees, powers tractor supply's stores nationwide with reliable 5g business internet, and partners with pga of america on game changing innovation. this is how business goes further with t-mobile for business.
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[ ♪♪ ] >> trace: well, a duration by anti-israel analogy stators outside a synagogue in los angeles, a violent clash. both the pictures and sound you're about to hear and see are astonishing in 2024 america. dan springer is live with the latest on this. good evening. >> reporter: good evening, trace. nearly nine months since the hamas attack on israel and the acts of anti-semitism not slowing down. a may lay with dozens of police arriving and the fighting lasted several hours. arrests made, including a
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supporter of israel with a pole. the synagogue was targeted because it was hosting an event promoting the sale of real estate in israel. the protest was condemned by the mayor of los angeles and president biden who called it dangerous, unconscionable and anti-semitic. a jewish family was attacked by an arabic family as they were taking pictures outside. free palestinian, gaza is ours, and death to i recall some of the -- to israel, some of the slogans, and a week, a profanity raced tirade against the aipac, which is supporting his opponent. >> we are going to show
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[ bleep ] aipac the power of the [ bleep ] south broncs! >> reporter: but the hate is still going in both directions. attempted murder charges for elizabeth wolf, attempting to drowned a 3-year-old palestinian girl in a pool. wolf wanted to know where she was from before attacking the child. >> trace: dan, thank you. bringing in tv personality emily austin, and thank you both for coming on. they surrounded the l.a. synagogue, you can see it there, you have pro-israeli people in the crowd as well, and here are two of them. >> break my nose, and i felt it before, i got hit many times on my head, over here. i got full of blood all over. >> when they're creaming, it's
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like they're screaming kill jews. >> in this video, you have two anti-israel protesters who brought their toddler to this protest. i don't get it. >> trace: i mean, neither do i. it's not safe, dangerous for a kid to be involved in it. luckily, they both got exposed. not peaceful protesters, but the one that are acting violent. it's absolutely hardball, and the mayor -- horrible, and the mayor and the d.a. immediate to do -- need to do something about it. >> trace: congressman joe boamman going on a tirade related to israel. listen to this. [ cheering ] >> let's go! we're going to show [ bleep ]
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who we are. [ chanting "ceasefire now" ] >> trace: yeah, vote for me, and you're thinking, what is going on here? >> reporter: recommend >> remy, do you remember when we were younger. in boamen, the delink wase that's they're right now. the talking point of the entire campaign, when there's so many issues playing new york right now, but he chooses that. and his polls are plummeting, his favourite term "tokenation". he is now reaching out for photos with multiple jews. >> trace: and a quote here from
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someone from congress, black rib remediation and palestinian -- liberation are interconnected. it's intertwined, and we must come together to fight for justice at home and around the world. and the theme, remy, is that oppressors can never do right. >> it's interesting, because it's always blame it on the jews, and that's what it is. in the civil rights movements, the black and jews fought hand in hand. >> trace: it's crazy. tyler cherry is the new associate comes director at the white house. he quoted, cheering in bars to ending the occupation of palestinian, no shame in "f" your glacier. -- glares, saying, i'm a new person, and
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anti-police, and a list of other police. >> he said his past news don't reflect his current news, but his past views are current views. they're using the argument, don't use it against him, it's old. is forgiveness only limited to the democratic party, with conservatives, they will find things from middle school and high school. how many middle schoolers are conservatives in colleges that they're being expelled for. >> trace: 15 seconds here, the whole idea of fifth grade graduation being targeted. >> it's insane. especially the police department doing the best they can, but it comes down to the das because th if they're not pulling the people off the street, it will continue to happen. >> new york, too. >> trace: men and remy and ek
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you. a body cam video that is very enlightening, and a young fan runs onto the pitch to snap a selfie, and travis kelce makes his eras debut with the girl on the right. 8:33 on the west coast. trip across america. looking at honolulu, 533 there, known to many as the birthplace of american surfing. nashville, tenancy -- no other american has been president of another country since. and providence, rhode island, did you know it's -- we are coming right back. [ ♪♪ ]asis
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[ ♪♪ ] >> trace: well, if a picture is worth 1,000 words, this body cam video worth more than that. an artist of an -- arrest of an atlanta judge outside a club in the middle of the night. >> reporter: atlanta, georgia, isn't alone, to be fair, but when it comes to officers of the court breaking the rules, the atl in a league of its own. justice county probate justice peterson after allegedly striking an officer outside of a nightclub friday night. the 38-year-old, under the influence, cursing an officer, refusing to identify herself and more. she was actually found guilty in april of systemic incompetence by a judicial panel in the states. in illinois, a man charged with assault after police say he tried to hit cook county state attorney fox.
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yelled at her, threw a drink at her face, and widely criticized for being soft on crime, was not hurt. and in the golden state, a wild street takeover in los angeles draws hundreds of spectators. it happened in the mission hills neighbourhood thursday night, into friday. going pretty much as you would expect, vehicles doing donuts and burnouts, one vehicle lost a vehicle, sparks flying, and not a single arrest was made. and a real sicko in new york tried to rape a 21-year-old central park sunbather in a suburbing broad daylight attack today. she fought off the pervert and is okay. >> trace: kevin corke, live in dc. bringing in former fbi special agent nicole parker.
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i want to start out with the atlanta judge. video of her kind of going at this police officer, right. going at the police officer, which is an interesting here. and then you get to the continued fact that she refuses to cooperate with the police. and she has this back-and-forth. watch. >> [ bleep ]. [ yelling ] >> let her [ bleep ] go? >> what's your first and last name? >> play with somebody else. you can google me and find me anywhere in america. >> find somebody else. >> are you going to give me your -- >> i told him to call. i said, no. >> trace: nicole, how would you handle that judge? >> for a judge, you're held to a higher standard, and what this woman is not doing is leading by example. absolutely disturbing to think that she's in a position of authority. not shocking me as she was found
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systemically incomptonnent. in atlanta, saying, that no one is above the law. we heard that so many times with president trump. but this woman seems to think she is above the law, and she's not. >> trace: playing the videos of the side shows and the gathering of the cars, happening in california, and playing some of the video, it's fascinating. there are people getting hurt, nicole. in fact, today, yesterday, they shut down the bay bridge in san francisco for an hour. and there's no consequences. they happen almost every night, and they're reeking havoc, and there's no consequences, and the police know it because they respond. >> and when there's no consequences, the dmaifer behaviour will continue. california highway to parole is
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completely -- -- patrol is completely understaffed, and people know that. unacceptable, it's dangerous, awful, and it will until there's a consequence, it will continue. >> trace: it really will. in the meantime, i know this is one of the subjects that you hate to hear, but it's also something that you know very well. we had a 31-year-old philadelphia police officer shot in the neck. this was a car traffic stop. he's fighting for his life tonight. the mayor of philadelphia said the following here, as your mayor, it is not lost on me that today, a husband, father, and son met his partner, going to work to do a job. he did not expect that he would be in a fight for his life right now. none of them do, and yet it keeps happening. we talk about no consequences for things like the side shows in california and other events, and yet, big-time consequences for the police officers who try
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to keep things in order. >> correct. literally putting their lives on the line. i lost my partner to somebody that was just issuing a warranty. thank goodness, the person who shot this officer's bail is at $1.25 million. our officers must be supported and cannot be shot at on a regular basis. it is not okay. >> trace: and our best wishes to the police officer and his family tonight. nicole great to have you on the show, as always. >> thank you. [ ♪♪ ] >> trace: first up tonight's viral videos, a 10-year-old soccer fan deciding to get in on the action in portugal's soccer match against turkey. ri ri ronaldo was happy to too .
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security, not so much. in sunny arizona, they got monsoon weather. with more than 2 and a half inches of rain in a short amount of time, dangerous flooding. the local fire department said 15 calls of drivers stranded in their vehicles in 10 minutes. football star travis kelce made his eras tour debut in london over the weekend. joined his popstar girlfriend taylor swift on stage, and did a back-up dancing in the newest segment of the show. maybe this is the love story. fox news at night is skeptical. if you have a viral video to share, share it with us on social media. [ ♪♪ ]
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>> president joe biden: vote now. make sure you in fact, let people know your senators. >> i don't want to -- you don't want to answer the question. >> trace: should donald trump repeat the past, or do you think it would bode well for him to be nice and calm? which trump do you think you'll see thursday night. we'll read your responses coming up intersection in the night -- next in the night cap. joining fox and friends live with a must-see announcement. plus his take on caitlin clark and beating cancer. dvr the show, we are coming right back to the nightcap. your advice, to the former president
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[ ♪♪ ] >> trace: back with the nightcap crew, good trump, bad trump? donald trump asked his supporters at a rally over the weekend on how he should handle thursday's debate? tough and nasty or calm and sweet? which tactic do you think he should take and will take.
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cayley, the natural leader on this topic? >> calm, presidential, poised, and focused. and most importantly, he should let biden talk, because it's either going to be gibberish or angry, and that's all that the american people are going to need to see on this. >> trace: curtis. >> i'm be with cayley on this. let him talk. he could be really hyped up and all the place. if the mad raters start getting agitated, maybe trump brings up that tapper is some legal trouble. but trump should tell some jokes. >> trace: ashley. >> i don't think trump has gotten where he is in life by being nice, necessarily. i think he needs to come off as tough and presidential, but like everybody else said, let biden talk and speak for himself, but trump needs to be tough on
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everything. >> trace: kevin corke, i have a hard time seeing trump being calm, cool, and collected. you know him, he's just not that man. >> he is a political pugilist to the past. win or lose being the player you are. >> trace: de sarteen. >> i need some back-up on this. i asked my friends on social media to weigh in, saying presidential and professional overwhelmingly, and choose your battles. but choose one or two. people want to see a tough trump, too. >> trace: emily. >> what i'd like to see if trump could take a play from reagan's playbook in the debate with carter, he was dismissive in an elegant and classy way. you let biden do the speaking and then dismiss him like the
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way reagan did, but a classy way. >> trace: we shall see, which tacting, tough and nasty, 13%, 10%. heidi, i want him to be tough so bad, but he needs to let biden expose weaknesses on his own. holy, calm, they're expecting him to be mean and nasty, and won't know how to react to the calm trump. trump, stay calm, let biden scramble all over himself. i'm hoping he will stick to his business persona, and calmly make sense of everything, and jerry says, tough and calm. and we will find out three nights from tonight. thank you for watching america's thank you for watching america's late news at night. i'm e gallagher, from l.a. and if you've made the deployments and you've been the wife at home, or you've been the spouse at home, you understand what i'm talking about.
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he thinks his flaky red patches are all people see. otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. ned? otezla can help you get clearer skin, and reduce itching and flaking. with no routine blood tests required. doctors have been prescribing otezla for over a decade. otezla is also approved to treat psoriatic arthritis. don't use otezla if you're allergic to it. serious allergic reactions can happen. otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. some people taking otezla had depression, suicidal thoughts, or weight loss. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. audience: ohhh... with clearer skin, movie night is a groovy night. (♪) live in the moment. ask your doctor about otezla. i am sandra smith. "the five" starts right now. ♪ ♪ >> hello everyone.


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