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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  June 25, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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>> dana: before we go, bret, i saw this and had to show it to everyone. check it out. a radio photographer named michael mcgill and captured this image in wyoming that perfectly recreates the wyoming state logo. the photographer says he has been chasing this shot for a long time and finally snapped it at a rodeo last month. congratulations to him. it is fabulous. >> bret: that's really cool. good to have you back, dana . i see you thursday in new york for our coverage of the debate and then i will anchor on friday. >> dana: do you know what people don't get to see but give them a little flavor? during the debate the commentary amongst the group is so good. i am there for all of it. >> bret: maybe we should record it. it will be fun. >> dana: we'll see you on special report and join you on "the five" today as we kick around the news of the day. "the faulkner focus" is next. >> harris: fox news alert. president biden is sequestered and has been for five full days
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now and we're told he will stay at camp david preparing to take on former president donald trump at the cnn presidential debate. president trump has called for biden to take a drug test before thursday night's event. trump also says he would take a test. a new editorial piece predicts biden will go after trump on abortion rights and try to paint him as a threat to our democracy. the columnist with that op-ed rights former president trump will take aim at biden's border disaster, inflation and make note of any odd moments that biden has on stage which could further fuel the questions about his fitness to lead. trump's team is also keeping an eye on fairness from the left-leaning host network and you might understand his point after you watch this interview from yesterday. >> president trump is knowingly going into a hostile environment on this very network on cnn with debate moderators who made their opinions about him well-known over the past eight years and biased coverage of him.
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>> i also say if you talk to analysts of debates previous if you attack the moderators you are usually losing. >> it takes someone five minutes to see that jake tapper -- >> we'll stop the interview if you continue to attack my colleagues. i would like to talk about joe biden and donald trump who you worked for. if you are here to speak on his behalf we will have this conversation. >> i am stating facts that your colleagues have stated in the past. >> i'm sorry, we'll come back out to the panel. >> harris: here is the comment that trump national press secretary caroline leavitt was trying to make before the interview was cut off. >> the dehumanizing rhetoric of adolph hitler, this time in the united states. this time given life by former president and current republican presidential frontrunner donald trump. >> harris: a new jerry baker
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column says thursday could change everything and he argues president biden holds some advantages. the choice of host and moderators was surely designed to limit the down side for the president. what's more expectations are lowered to such a level that biden may only need to stay alive or awake for the whole 90 minute broadcast to exceed them. that is a quote from jerry baker. power panel. we'll start out the hour with tammy bruce and richard fowler. i don't usually put too much into what they say before the big event but there are some high stakes here for both men. >> no question. both on the trump campaign he is doing well and he is talking to advisors. i think that's naive. the trump team understands how important this debate is for his campaign and the biden team understands how important it is. you've seen the sitting president at camp david around advisors trying to figure out
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how to nafsh gat. not new. we've seen previous presidents go away for a couple days. >> harris: this is seven full days. >> george bush went away and barack obama went away for a couple days. >> harris: not a week. >> the president of the united states is not always challenged. democrat or republican. it's not a live debate environment like we're seeing here. >> harris: no audience and no distractions. >> even with their opponent there this is a complicated situation. most presidents go and prepare for this. remember barack obama's first debate. he performed terribly not used to the challenge. >> joe biden has made a great deal of 50 years in public service and he has been involved in debates and knows everyone. this man who argued about his experience being the thing that matters need to take that kind of time is interesting.
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trump has been on the campaign trail trying to catch up since he was limited before because of the trial. and he also knows -- it's reasonable, you will do what you need to do to be able to deliver in that moment. but i have to say this is not a situation where americans are wondering who the men are. they are not wondering what the men have delivered and what they stand for. i don't think there is a lot of ambivalence in the country generally about who people will vote for. so this is really about who is going to deal with the issues and who is going to deal with fear and demonizing of the other candidate. >> harris: i think there might be less certainty among young voters who they will vote for especially when you look at called the double haters not liking either man because they are generationally where they think they are as voters. it will be interesting how the youth vote is approached in this debate. i hope it comes up as a topic. low hanging fruit are all the things moderators can pick on
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and guys can fight over. if we can get to the point where the american people count that's what i'm watching for and i hope they can do. when you thought hillary clinton -- where is hillary? anyway, just when you thought she wasn't part of the election, she has a new opinion editorial in today's "new york times" and it is head lined i've debated trump and biden. here is what i'm watching for. an excerpt, mr. trump may rant and rave in part because he wants to avoid giving straight answers about his unpopular positions. he have interrupts and bullies because he wants to appear dominant and throw his opponents off balance. they will fall flat is mr. biden is forceful when engaging hecklers at the state of the union address and claims that there is a baked-in disadvantage for biden because he is saddled with the job of being president. tammy, they both have been president. >> they both have been president and unique. i think when biden gets aggressive, remember he ran as a
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uniter. he ran as the guy that would bring normalcy back and again tilth back. when he gets angry he says things far afield. insulting which goes against who he says he is. i don't know what hillary's issue is. this is a unique dynamic. one president right after the next one. americans know what trump accomplished and know what is happening now and i do think that it's about, you know, at least biden being able to deal with the issues which he hasn't been able to do because they are such a disaster. >> harris: richard, you and i have talked the polls are the snapshot but held steady for biden and under water on so many issues both nationally and in states where he needs to do well like the battleground. what does he need to do thursday night to bump up his polling? >> you might love or hate hillary clinton but she is very right -- i said love or hate her but i think what you saw in her
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op-ed she is the only person debated both candidates in a live environment. with joe biden you want to see from him what we saw at the state of the union. poised, energetic, responding to commentary is what you want to see. the argument out there is he is sleepy, he is tired and old. >> harris: should they take a drug test? >> i think that's debate fodder. >> let's expect in every point he has to deliver biden has delivered but like a completely different guy than he is in every other instance. so i don't have that far below. he will be able to deliver. the difference is what is the discussion. trump needs to stick with the issues. >> harris: that's exactly right and hopeful the moderators will -- it's a left leaning network.
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who compares a president to hitler? who does that? big anticipation around who donald trump will tap as his number two on the republican ticket? he teased us a little bit over the weekend. >> nobody knows. >> harris: sources tell fox news trump's vice president short list is made up of lawmakers, state leaders and former cabinet members. trump's list is narrowed to marco rubio, j.d. vance and north dakota governor doug burgum. kamala harris says trump will pick someone who is rubber stamp for his positions. >> i don't know who he will pick. i spend not too much time thinking about how he thinks but listen, i think it's clearly a litmus test and he is going to pick someone who will --
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>> harris: i think she is thinking about it. remember the date for the vice presidential debate, the first one has already been set. she was talking about how she is looking forward to it. of course, she has to be curious about what it could be. >> she has to be. it exposes that she is not thinking about the things she should think about. this is the person that matters when it comes to who she will be debating, who might be the candidate in 28. but also when she says there is a litmus test, there is projection there. the classic example of that. someone completely unprepared who fit into some boxes and it is heartbreaking because of the power that position could have been for the first woman in that position. it is disingenuous and i'm surprised ron desantis is not on the list. whoever the president is going to pick will be the right person. >> harris: i have watched and through the years when we go through this of who is going to be the choice for v.p., i didn't exactly hear donald trump say the person is on that list,
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okay? so i am ready to be surprised. >> i think we will be surprised. because donald trump has such a solid hold on the republican party is not looking for somebody to shore up his base and more freedom who he picks. where i take a little pause what tammy said, i think kamala harris is prepared. the first attorney general of the state of california. also the -- >> harris: let's talk about the accomplishments. three plus years and taken the test. did she get a pass or fail? >> let's talk about that for a second. when she took office very few states had extended maternal leave for women. thanks to her she worked with governors across the country and 46 states if you are a woman you get 12 weeks of maternity leave. >> harris: i want to go to tammy bruce on this issue. you were with the independent women's forum. was there a lot of push she had to do to get it through? >> i think there is a lot of agreement. the fact that it's that many states including red states,
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these are things where we are already decided and united. what she was the czar of was the border. >> she did it. >> harris: it might not have been the hardest ball for her to swing at. the border is. >> the very public dynamic of things that affect us where there is -- it's difficult, where there is maybe less agreement, not just about putting out a press release saying this is what i did. so this is what is going to come up in her debate the nature of what has happened in the last four years. >> harris: respectfully, richard, it isn't whether or not somebody can hit the ball. do you hit the number one or two issue with the american people and it wouldn't have said she got something done that everybody wanted. it was important leave for moms, i get it. the border is endangering us and 68 of the last people they arrested on sex crimes 62 were
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committed against children. how did she do? >> multiple presidents for multiple decades. to give it to the vice president is complicated. >> an opportunity. >> it is also worth pointing out the sharp edge with china and investments in africa. this is very true. >> this is just trying to obscure what she has failed and which affects women and children, sex trafficking, the nature of that. >> kamala harris has been fighting china on the forefront. >> harris: i haven't heard anybody call kamala harris a sharp edge on any issue. we're talking about this because shortly after that debate or maybe in it we don't know when donald trump would make the announcement, right? we've been told it might be the rnc convention a couple of weeks from now. but shortly after that debate we turn to what does the ticket
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look like shaped into that rnc convention? i'm glad we're talking about this. we know she is thinking about it. early on she said she was. we'll see. tune in to fox news democracy 24 special coverage of the cnn presidential debate. we'll simulcast it so you can watch it here and our coverage begins thursday evening june 27th at 8:00 p.m. eastern. pop your corn, your night is made. republicans are targeting chicago's crime crisis as the city is preparing for the democratic convention and the national spotlight. plus ultra liberal congressman jamal bowman. false alarm pulling guy that he is at the capitol. remember that? well, he tried to pump up excitement for his primary race and attracted a whole lot of criticism. i don't think he thought about. >> we are going to roll up our sleeves and we are going to let the goods out and let them know how strong and powerful and
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mighty we are. >> harris: okay. he is going to let the goods out. he will need all the goods he can get from the looks of the polls ahead of the big contest for his hard-core anti-israel stance as it is primary day. we'll get into all of it. gianno caldwell in "focus" next. ♪ ♪(relaxing music)♪ (♪) (♪) (♪) (♪) (♪) (♪) book in the app to find your perfect somewhere.
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>> harris: democratic politics are up for a big test especially those on the far left. it is happening in many places but particularly new york's primary. incumbent going for a third term. you think he would have it locked in. 17 points behind at the last
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polling going into election day today. jamal bowman is a member of that progressive squad, you know, with aoc and so on and so forth and a vocal critic of israel. his challenger, george latimer, is far more moderate. if bowman loses, he would be the first squad member to be unseated. the pro-israel group apec has gone all in for george latimer and it is reportedly spent $14 1/2 million against bowman. fellow squad member congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez and far left senator bernie sanders both rallied with bowman in the bronx on saturday. you have seen some of this. but to put it bluntly, it was bonkers. ♪
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>> we are going to show [bleep] aipac the power of the bleep south bronx. we are going to show them who the [bleep] we are. get the big money out of politics. i am the hip-hop congressman. cease-fire now, cease-fire now, cease-fire now. >> harris: i still don't really get the stool thing and my guns. all the antics and f bombs drew intense criticism. that's a sitting member of congress. aoc called it organizer and fun as hell, end quote. okay. senior correspondent eric shawn is just north of new york city in yonkers and he also is fun. eric. >> hi, harris, we're at a public
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school in the gym in yonkers, you would be sent down the hall to defens if you talked like this here. one of the most outspoken members of the squad could be rejected by the voters in this congressional district. as you have been reporting two-term progressive democratic congressman bowman faces a strong challenge from george latimer, westchester county executive and says bowman is out of step with the district. dohmann has been a lightning rod for some on attacks on israel and support for the palestinians accused the jewish state of committing genocide in gaza, calls for ending all u.s. military aid to israel including the iron dome and aligned himself with colleagues like tlaib. latimer says voters of the 16th congressional district don't want that. they are focused on housing, economy and jobs. >> to me running for this office
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was to try to get a representative who would really focus on the whole district and on the issues of the district rather than be a national figure. i think that's what the incumbent has strove to be which joining the squad and being involved in some of these speeches that he has given and att attracted attention. >> he has denounced aipac the poured millions into the race to defeat him. in the curse-filled rally he slammed outside organize big money from special corporate interests and billionaires. >> this race has gotten national attention because it is the ultimate many versus the money race. and we are the many. we are the people. >> bowman famously pulled the fire alarm on capitol hill and pled guilty to a misdemeanor
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that prompted cuomo to tweet in the race bowman will get smoked. >> harris: everything rhymes now that he did all the rapping. gianno caldwell. you have a lot of things on your plate. was this a pitch for a black, hispanic or youth vote? it was bizarre. >> a pitch for the hamas vote to me. he is someone, congressman bowman is who i would call a classic buffoon. what we saw on the stage was buffoon. i can't believe as a sitting member of congress instead of supporting your constituents, there are many jewish constituents in his district voting for a resolution that says we'll condemn hamas, which was an easy lay-up for him, he chose not to do it. whose side are you on? if it isn't the jewish community residents you have, not the black community residents and playing cardi b does not, i
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think, bring about a piece of peace for the residence and no peace that he is being representative of them. so what are you really doing? >> harris: i don't know that any song or music or artist. that's not their job to figure out how to get things to be more affordable in your city. i don't know why he made it about the music. i saw something interesting yesterday. i looked at a map and some redistricting. to my knowledge, the bronx area is not even in his district. now, in aoc's district, yes, but i just wondered why go there? i was really confused about that point. >> it could be window dressing. if you know you'll be able to get a crowd and some members where they are very unpopular don't have the ability. joe biden as an example. who goes to his events? they have to bus people in. union members. >> harris: obama. >> you have to bring a bunch of stars to raise $25 million and trump is able to raise 50 with
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just himself. >> harris: the clintons have a backyard situation. i want to get to this. new york city a brazen and brutal assault caught on camera. this video is violent. the first time we'll watch it together. it shows a deli worker attacked in his store. this was just last monday. the suspect repeatedly punches and kicks the victim and the attack continues after the man is not even conscious anymore. he knocks him out and he continues to beat him. that man, that victim, has internal brain bleeding, a fractured face and lost all of his front teeth. do you know the kind of force? he is out. oh my goodness, gianno. a fellow employee at the deli said he looked unrecognizable after that beating. you wrote an opinion piece and it is titled why we must band together to fight soros
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prosecutors and end rampant violence. first after will, that was our first look at the video. >> my first time seeing it too. where is alvin bragg, the press conference. we won't allow this to exist in our city. it's not donald trump so i imagine he has no interest in prosecuting anything. this has become extraordinarily disturbing that george soros prosecutors like alvin bragg, gascon in l.a. kim foxx in chicago, where they do not hold criminals accountable. we have a generation of children, teenagers, who don't believe in accountability because the prosecutors there aren't holding them accountable. it must come to an end and why i came up with the caldwell institute for public safety. we have to go after these george soros prosecutors. they are endangering the lives of all of us. >> harris: the crimes are more brazen than ever. >> yes, they absolutely are. >> harris: he could have -- it
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looked like attempted murder right before our eyes. >> absolutely. >> harris: by the grace of god is that man alive after beating him unconscious and continued to beat until the deli worker said he was unrecognizable. that's a level of hate and violence. how does that not get the manhattan district attorney's immediate attention? >> we can talk about a number of things not getting his attention. columbia university students who held hostage employees. why are those cases being dropped? it doesn't make any sense at all. you know where we started. you can steal up to $750 of items, no consequences. you can go to jail and come out the same day. no problem. this is where we are as a country. it is destructive, it is irresponsible, and the fact that we have george soros investing millions in anti-prosecution prosecutors, it has destroyed
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our country from within and why i think it's so important to have the caldwell institute for public safety where i have people like pam bondi, former attorney general from florida and many others, go to caldwell and support us, please. >> harris: and this time the violence is outside and anti-israel protestors were trying to block the entrance to a los angeles synagogue. president biden and vice president harris condemned it. but no mention of punishing those responsible. so we hate the crime, but who is going to solve the crime? who will punish the criminals? plus one of the illegal immigrants charged with the murder of that 12-year-old girl in houston is due in court today. we think about jocelyn and her family. her family is back in court, we're told, for the second suspect.
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>> i can't speak to ice putting ankle monitors on folks and releasing them. our immigration system is broken. if there was ever a case that reflected that, it is this one. chairman of newday usa. we hear from veterans all across the country. they worry a lot about being in debt and having the money they need for their families. big credit card balances can add up over time. and now just making the minimum payments can break the family budget. refinance and take control of your credit card debt. call newday usa and get the financial piece of mind that you and your family deserve sup? -who are you? i'm your inner child. get in. ♪ ♪ [ engine revving ] listen. horsepower keeps you going, but torque gets you going. ♪ ♪ [ engine revving ] oh now we're torquin'! the dodge hornet r/t. the totally torqued-out crossover. ♪
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>> harris: we're looking live inside a houston, texas courts room and an illegal border crossing, the second one involved in the brutal crime with a child you see on the right side of your screen. we saw the first suspect in court yesterday. again this is the second. those two illegal immigrants charged with the brutal murder of 12-year-old jocelyn. the district attorney says this is a result of our broken immigration system. well, we know. the other suspect's bail was set at $10 million yesterday. that was because the judge said he is a flight risk. so it was above even what the prosecutors asked for. the prosecutors do want the
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death penalty on the table for this if they can prove murder and rape. let's watch. >> the case is horrific. jocelyn's last moments were unspeakable. she endured assault for multiple hours. we see footage from local stores that show they lured her under a bridge near a houston buoy where they attacked her, strangled her and drug her body into the water. we're waiting on lab tests to see if the capital murder charge can be upgraded where they're death penalty eligible. >> harris: nate foye is live for us in houston. >> for the second day in a row now 12-year-old jocelyn's mother is feet away from one of the two men accused of murdering her daughter. i watched moments ago as the second suspect entered the courtroom for his arraignment. she sat forward in her chair and
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stared straight ahead with intense focus and did not blink. the judge set bail for the first migrant to be arraigned at $10 million because of a flight risk that he labeled as astronomical. a live look from inside the courtroom right now. the man who is appearing in court is 22-year-old martinez rangel. pena who appeared yesterday say rangel assaulted the girl and told him he would finish what he started. here is harris county district attorney this morning. >> the evidence is clear that a sexual assault likely happened but since neither defendant has actually admitted that, circumstantial evidence will have to prove it. we're waiting on lab tests now to see if the capital murder charge can be upgraded to one where they are death penalty
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eligible. >> prosecutors right now are asking for the same $10 million bail that pena received yesterday. prosecutors say pena wore a gps ankle bracelet during the time of the murder. ice releafsed both of these men this year. after the murder, the two approached their boss at a local construction company and asked for money to leave town. that boss came forward and helped authorities track down the two migrants. meanwhile 12-year-old jocelyn will be laid to rest this thursday afternoon. her mother talked about the years that she spent with her daughter and the anguish she feels now that she is gone. >> she was amazing. i still see her face in the back of my head every day all day. keep getting little signs about her and her dork enes, she made
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people laugh. >> any moment now, harris, the judge will make a decision about bail for martinez rangel and after the arraignment wraps up the assistant district attorney prosecuting the case will likely hold a news conference outside the courtroom. >> harris: i know we took yesterday's. if the mom speaks again we'll hear from alexis as well, her mother. nate foye, thank you. brutal crimes with illegal immigrant suspects at the center keep happening. "the faulkner focus" won't back off and we'll keep them in the forefront. recently we reported on the murder of a maryland mother of five rachel morin and the rape of a 13-year-old little girl in a new york city park. she thankfully is alive. she is a minor and sex assault victim police are protecting her identity. rachel morin's mother, the maryland mom of five, her mother is now taking aim at president biden.
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here is what she said. it is like they are pretending the immigration problems don't exist and people aren't being harmed and killed by their policies. president biden hasn't showed any concern for anything the american people have voiced on this issue. it is like he is sitting in an ivory tower and we're just down here. he is not connected with the everyday person, end of quote. that's her daughter to the right in that picture. senator marsha blackburn from tennessee joins me now. you said every state was a border state. the first time i had ever heard that was more than a year ago. the crimes are now all over the country. >> they are all over the country and they are mounting up. whether you are talking about lakin riley, rachel morin and precious little jocelyn. every town is a border town. every state a border state. and joe biden and his administration are doing nothing to address this.
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and i am so grateful for this prosecutor saying no, we'll put bail on these guys. i'm grateful for the judge going above the request and hopefully they lock them up and they will upgrade that crime, they will seek the death penalty for these vicious animals that have come into this country illegally and have carried out this crime and thought they would get by with it. thought they could leave the country and thank goodness you had somebody report that they were trying to get money to leave the country. this is why we need to pass the clear act and we need to lock these people up. lock them up. when we come in contact with these criminal illegal aliens and deport them from the country. >> harris: that's been my question all along. many of these countries have some sort of relationship with
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the united states and the white house under biden. take your killers back. if they come back we'll hold you, country, responsible. hit them with tariffs and do a lot of things. >> yes, that's exactly right. we could and we should. that's why passing the clear act, passing the lakin riley act is an essential. and what we -- you know, here is a great example, harris. i was in one of my counties, 95 tennessee counties yesterday. we were doing a county meeting. the police chief and the sheriff said we want to talk with you about something. our duis have doubled up here. we started looking at the numbers. 59% of the duis were people who were in the country illegally. that is a public safety issue. they said then they started realizing they had run away kids brought in the country
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illegally. they were leaving people they weren't he have earn related to. they had fentanyl that was flooding the area. again, this is coming across at southern border. president donald trump will secure that border because joe biden is blind to it. rachel morin's mom said it very well. they really don't give a flip about it. >> harris: we're watching live the second suspect who is just in the courtroom. you had one suspect yesterday. today those illegal men in our country already criminals because of the way that they chose to come in, now are both on $10 million bail apiece. that's what was happening as we saw that suspect being taken out of the courtroom as you were speaking. senator, thank you so much for joining me. a hearing is going on right now in former president trump's classified documents case.
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however, the liberal media are more concerned with the trump-appointed judge in charge, cannon. >> stay in your lane. >> the reality is, she is slow and she is slow on purpose. >> there is no question she is inexperienced. >> harris: did you see that first and hear that first comment about judge cannon, girl, stay in your lane? what is it on the left? let's be grown-ups, can we? the "new york post" is calling those attacks on judge cannon, cannon fodder. andrew cherkasky in "focus" with me next. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. -ugh. -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. (♪) choice hotels is a family of brands with a hotel
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>> harris: there are two hearings today in former president trump's classified documents case in florida. one, it is going on right now, is a sealed hearing before the judge cannon. the other later this afternoon will be a public hearing. team trump is arguing the search warrant to raid trump's florida home was unlawful. if the judge agrees with that, the evidence from the search would be thrown out. also, liberal media are taking aim at judge cannon.
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>> if this were an actual issue it would be decided by the supreme court, not by a district court judge in fort pierce, florida. >> we're way beyond the point of, you know, characterizing her merely as inexperienced. >> she does not have the tools to handle a case that's this complicated. >> why create a situation that someone can argue she is tainted. >> she makes one outrageous comment and ruling after another. >> she comes off as a rookie. it is insecurity as well as inexperience. >> harris: i don't know what trial they have been watching. a "wall street journal" op-ed is titled taking down judge eye lane cannon, it isn't hard to imagine the praise judge cannon would be getting had she cleared the way for mr. smith to convict mr. trump before the election. but because judge cannon believes the constitution and law must not yield to mr. smith's political timetable she
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has joined the list of judges whose reputations must be destroyed. andrew cherkasky, former prosecutor. have you ever seen anything like this? what are we watching exactly? >> well, judge cannon's courtroom is the closest donald trump has gotten to due process in all of his various criminal trials. i think that the left is very upset with that idea. due process isn't just the idea of it getting rushed to trial and getting a verdict. due process is the idea that a criminal defendant or any person in a courtroom has an ability to fully litigate all legal issues that under the law. the case against donald trump in florida is a novel case. there is no judge who has previously gone through something like this, certainly not in the federal court system. i don't think that judge cannon should be calling judge merchan to get advice in terms of handling a case dealing with donald trump. so it is very reasonable for judge cannon to go through the process of hearing arguments,
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receiving filings. to her credit she has decided some things in her favor and against him. that's the way the process should go. the biggest injustice is for a trial to rush to a verdict and later on ask important questions about the justice in the first place. >> harris: right. that's kind of what we saw in new york. by the way, some of those speaking up were among the same liberal media who gushed over judge merchan who you mentioned who presided over that new york city novel case, never been tried before or seen by a judge in the jurisdiction as well against trump. we do have some breaking news and i am glad you are we me. the washington, d.c. bar association has -- it comes as hunter biden's legal team is filing for an appeal of the guilty verdict and hunter's lawyers are arguing a lack of jurisdiction. a legal technicality that
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doesn't challenge the merits of the case. hunter biden was convicted of three felony counts earlier this month. he faces a maximum of 25 years behind bars. the judge has yet to set a sentencing date. i know they have 120 days to get that date in. we're not that far into it. maybe they are waiting for the appeal, i don't know. what do you make of this? >> it's about time that the d.c. bar takes some action against hunter biden. throughout his entire litigation process i've been continuing to look at that and his license was in good standing that whole time. now just a simple conviction for this drug offense may not actually remove his bar license entirely but what i think really needs to be looked at with this recent filing by the defense team to squash the case or kill it based on an issue where the defense says that the entire
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appellate panel, that's something that should have been brought up before the trial started if the defense had a problem with it. i don't see a likelihood it will be sent back to a new trial and then take tock about the simple idea of judges entertaining novel issues that should have never been brought in the first place. i think this very issue about this idea of trying to undo the trial at this point is the type of novel issue that's outside the bounds of anything i've seen before. i don't see any relief coming hunter biden's way. >> harris: to the attorneys' credit they'll do everything they can to get their person to stay out of jail. as soon as we have a sentencing date we'll report that. andrew, thank you for being with me. thank all of you for watching "the faulkner focus." it has been a big hour. "outnumbered" is after the break.
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