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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  June 25, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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>> former president trump's legal team is appearing a closed-door hearing in the documents case right now. trump side is arguing the fbi warranted to rate his mar-a-lago estate was unlawful. they went all evidence collected during not ready to be thrown out. as the left now targets the judge in the case in a torrent of hit pieces and petty attacks on virtually every media platform. hello, everyone, this is "outnumbered," i am emily compagno here with my cohost harris faulkner and kayleigh mcenany and also joining us today, fox business correspondent gerri willis and fox news contributor and host of the dated wedge show on sirius xm patriot david webb. now first let's bring in jeff paul life outside the courthouse in florida with more. jeff. >> yes, emily, the third and final day in this hearing series case in florida just got under way about an hour ago as you mentioned the first portion of
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court today is sealed, so that means no members of the media, no one in the public allowed inside. but we expect that to change right around 1:00 eastern. that's what we expect trump's defense team to urge judge eileen can enter through the evidence taken by the fbi during the search of mar-a-lago. they are arguing it was gotten in an unlawful way, their basis in part stems from the team saying there was some crucial information not given to the judge signing off in the search warrant that could've been helpful to trump's defense. we have seen motions from the legal team to get it thrown out on the basis that special counsel was done and was brought on an unlawful way, and just yesterday, prosecutors push for a limited gag order saying that trump had said things that put law enforcement and fbi witness is at risk. judge gannon has not ruled from the bench on any of the matters get. so we are expecting written orders in the coming days, but
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fox news contributor jonathan turley says even though trump appointed judge -- said he does not see her leaning one side or the other with the ruling. it's because she has ruled for and against both sides. speak a here. >> so for now as though steel portion continues, outside the court room trying to track any development. but in less than an hour we will be back in the courtroom hopefully with some updates later this afternoon. emily. spin on jeff paul, thank you. now judge cannon has become a target of the left, watch. >> it simply outrageous, and she makes one outrageous comment after another, one outrageous ruling after another. she is doing everything she can do to play into her critics view was that she is a little more than a hack for donald trump. speak of the decisions aren't coming quick enough. she is asking too many other people to come in and give their opinions. and it's really playing right
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into the defenses hands. >> politically biased bozo, or both? >> it is like that game show where it's due you go behind the curtain or box? i actually think it's both. there is no question she is inexperienced and she does not have the tools to handle it this complicated. they are always siding with donald trump and it's very, very hard at this point to see her as being anything other than partisan. speak of the worst thing that could happen to her is that she actually does rule on this, because that would go to the 11th circuit and then this petty partisan prima donna would be put in her place and they would roll over. >> emily: wow, david webb, so a hack, a bozo, political party
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prima donna, there's a lot of homonym attacks on a qualified elite judge that seems to belie on a lack of substance in those arguments. >> david: and as a journalist and there are a few people that qualify if you ask a question and only two options are the negatives coming or not really being a journalist. this is not new. this is a hyperbole in the caricaturing of a judge. jonathan turley's comments are well taken. judge cannon has ruled pretty much across the board on the fairness of the case, asked questions about what is being presented on both sides. i think that anyone who looks at it clearly sees that. they are trying to set up the failure of the case. and andrew weissmann, really? you want to talk about partisan? and what the actions were and involvements, so this is not in
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any way decided or determined to be of fair examination or question of may be, okay, maybe her judgment on this could be questioned. they are just setting up the ad hominem, to your point. >> emily: such a great point. and, kayleigh, taking less of a step further, the hypocrisy is overwhelming because these are people that say that trump is a threat to demarco street, and they are threatening the judge, and the standard for the gag order is significant, imminent, and foreseeable danger, and words are violence, what do you call those? >> kayleigh: these are credible arguments that they are posing in court. i gag order, should you gag a presidential candidate a nominee up at the party that represents half of the country? do they allow for a high-ranking executive officer are not going through congress? these are questions that should be asked and other people have asked and should be answered,
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and asking questions, engaging with the arguments and by the way, as jonathan turley pointed out, ruling against both parties, the prosecution and the defense. this was a judge confirmed in a bipartisan manner, got the vote of patrick leahy he, and dianne feinstein coming at us. this is a credible person with a great life story that is doing her job, and yet she is called partisan, petty, prima donna, right wing, outlandish, loony. she has a credible woman and deserves to be respected. and i thought we did not attack judges, we do when it goes against us. >> emily: to that point it's disheartening to watch and again underscores the left, because apparently if you are judge alito you can be attacked, if you are judge clarence thomas you can be attacked. but somehow they are missing the whole substance which i guess they don't like her ruling on both sides. i'm not seeing the facts. >> harris: they don't want to judge that will look from a fresh perspective and follow
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that justice in both systems rules on this. this is a novel case, another novel case against donald trump. let's just call it what it is. there is a theme. and i was almost looking for a robert deniro do show up outside the courthouse. because when the left is not getting what it wants from the justice department, and i guess this goes all the way to the white house and the president's campaign team, they cue the people who can come out and pound the drums louder against the right. that's what they are doing against the judge eileen cannon, i don't know if they keep up enough to know what she's doing in the courtroom. i'm listening to andrew weissmann, is that his name? he sounded like he was searching for his words in a way he could be most toxic. it feels very personal from a group of people, liberal media who said, you know, you can't pick on women. they fall to the woman card, the race card, but they will pick on who they need to pick on if their site is not doing --
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when she said i want to hear more in this fight about the gag order, we just aren't reflexively going to put a gag order on this president. the fight was picked, the left lost their mind and this is proof. i wish they were classier, but they are not. >> emily: that's great point and the shaping matters and in election year, especially as debates are being held on platforms, we need objectivity that americans can trust it's the furthest thing we have seen from the left on these networks. >> gerri: absolutely right and it's journalist doing it for the most part which is so disturbing for me. it's one thing to have a representative of the campaign on saying whatever it is the candidate believes, it's an entirely other thing to have the journalist themselves calling out in this case a judge and you said it, harris, they call her wacky, loony, nutty, these are adjectives you use to bring women down, this is something you would say -- >> harris: they make us hysterical and make us look crazy. >> emily: so much more to come
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including this, hunter biden facing more consequences after his federal gun conviction, the washington d.c. bar, the legal bar justice suspended his law license. more to come. ♪ ♪ for an ice cream? okay. so, what about $574 for switching your home insurance to allstate? tempting. but that's way too much of a hassle. actually, it's not. allstate can handle the switching for you. just call 'em. so, it's easy and i could save? and you get allstate. huh, like a cherry on top. oh, you brought your own. check allstate first and you could save hundreds. you're in good hands with allstate. lumineux is the first fluoride free toothpaste
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>> kayleigh: fox news alert, the washington, d.c., court of appeals suspended hunter biden's law license after he was found guilty on three federal gun charges earlier this month. mike emanuel live in washington with more on this. >> hunter biden's law office in washington has been suspended and only affects his ability to practice in washington, the paperwork notes hunter biden was found guilty of three felony
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counts in the d.c. bar considers them "serious crimes." the board of professional responsibility a court appointed panel of city lawyers which is the disciplinary arm is now being directed to institute a formal investigation. hunter biden is due to be sentenced next month in federal court in delaware over lying about his legal drug use when registering for a gun purchase. for context, and he felony conviction could be reason for permanent disbarment, but that decision is ultimately up to the court. rudy giuliani and former justice department official jeffrey clark had thorough law license is suspended by the d.c. bar. hunter biden also faces federal tax charges in california, that trail set to begin in september. that could affect his standing with the bar here in washington and potentially elsewhere. kayleigh. >> kayleigh: mike, thank you. emily, i suppose this comes as no surprise, convicted and found guilty. i'm certain he will appeal, but
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this is a natural substantive second step if you get convicted of a crime they look at their law offices. >> emily: they move for this about a week ago and it is a natural consequence of this conviction. i want to point out in the states i am barred end, the number one reason for termination or temporary suspension of law license usually involves an appropriate stewardship of trust and client accounts, the second one is always substance abuses. and it sort of i think bears worth questioning, we know from 2021 when hunter biden publishes bill that he documented his issues then, so you could question why wasn't there that referral at that time? perhaps no one referred him to the ethics bar, the disciplinary counsel, but the conviction at this point is what triggered this and also affects any type of federal bar membership, so to be admitted to the federal bar its district by district and you
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do so by having first-year state license, so here automatically extinguishes if he was at any point admitted to practice federal law which i don't think he was, but that would be the trigger for that too. >> kayleigh: had the license since 2007 and paces to 25 years in prison, i'm certain he will appeal, but you mention the manuscript, something so befuddling to me because it was so central to the case could if you wrote a manuscript talking about your addiction publisher and editor, someone would say, this might not put at risk your personal freedom, but your law license as well. >> david: i guess it would matter if he was using his law license, was he doing that? when you are extorting money from overseas concerns, where they are paying you and there are questions about violations, was he acting as an attorney? what was his expertise in gas and international monetary policies or international monitory transactions?
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the fact is, this comes along and i think you said it right based on the trigger he now has a conviction. i'm not surprised by this. >> kayleigh: his expertise now is art, i think his paintings are actually pretty good. so maybe you are no longer in law coming go to full-time artistry. >> harris: you like his paintings? >> kayleigh: i kind of deal. ask me when i'm not a connoisseur, maybe that's my problem. emily answered my question as he is known for this in the past and we are not just talking about things that substances that are legal, we are not talking about alcohol, using illicit drugs, crack cocaine, was a criminal doing those things and i guess as emily, you pointed out, someone would have to turn him in, something would've had to been adjudicated, but can you imagine this guy representing you if he was actually working as an attorney or working on your behalf? no one tournament and that all those years, i look at all the videos out there and have been out for years, it is a little
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mind-boggling. but now he can't practice law. >> emily: to the point of rehabilitation, rehabilitation back to restoring your law license if it involves moral turpitude, that is something that can sever your ability to practice law forever, so it remains to be seen, because that is still outstanding and d.c., they are adjudicating it among the bar, if they say it's a moral turpitude, it could bar him from practicing forever. >> harris: the tax fraud cases, does that up practice it there? >> emily: yes, just like michael avenatti. >> kayleigh: we know president biden takes us personally and talks to us on every day. as they prepare them for the debate they are also preparing him for the probability of hunter coming up on the stage. something that could trigger him to have an outburst. but he should prepare it for it in some capacity it could come up, we will see. >> gerri: you back, and my first thought was how will this
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impact at jill biden, will he be attacked? i find it shocking where it is a nonissue in this campaign and comes up less than i would've expected, but in the debate, i think that at least a question. >> harris: where would it come from? >> gerri: i think that donald trump would, i think you will have to play a moderator coming in on a mean? bringing up issues that possibly the cnn hosts don't want to -- >> harris: i hope his microphone is on when that opportunity comes. >> david: he will stop it if he wants to. >> kayleigh: be sure to tune into the anger ma'am angle, we have a ton of breaking news during our hour, and not only that, jamaal bowman, his future, he could be the first squad
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member ousted. they have their eyes on cori bush next should that happen tonight. josh hawley, chip roy, several others come and tune in at 7:00 p.m. eastern here on fox. coming up... new polling on the 2024 presidential race ahead of the cnn presidential debate.aque otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. otezla can help you get clearer skin. don't use otezla if you're allergic to it. serious allergic reactions can happen. otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. some people taking otezla had depression, suicidal thoughts, or weight loss. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. live in the moment. ask your doctor about otezla. okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪) in our family there was
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policy! find out if you're sitting on a goldmine. call coventry direct today at the number on your screen, or visit >> harris: two days away from the cnn presidential debate and you can watch a simulcast on fox news. democrats appeared to be getting a bit nervous about president biden's reelection bid. we'll remember a couple of months ago joe biden's campaign had confidence they could win florida. now the biden campaign's ruling floored out. >> michigan, wisconsin, pennsylvania, battleground states, nevada, georgia. now if you want to include north carolina, you would include those as battleground states. north carolina is a battleground state? florida? >> no. >> thank you. i was afraid you were going to
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live. >> harris: will! okay. give the man a snack. he is cranky. the liberal media is raising concerns on who is advising joe biden. >> there is a profile and then our times today of the three closest advisors longest-serving advisors informal, at formal advisors to the president and they are all white men in their 60s or higher, former senator ted kaufman, 85 years old. is that too insular? >> harris: vice president kamala harris was asking flat out why it is the race so close? >> if the contrast is so obvious, what's going on? why does it pull so closely? why is the race so close? speak of these races are always close, it's the election of the president of the united states. and everyone in an election for
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president of the united states will critically examine all the issues and make a decision, but at the end of the day, we are going to win. >> harris: okay, so former president obama and hillary clinton are coming to the rescue according to the "new york" magazine, obama has become "increasingly involved with the biden campaign, would that be increasingly like helping them off the stage. come on, let me grab you by your wrist, or is there something else? if reportedly there is worry that donald trump may very well win. the vice president may not agree, but others do. hillary clinton used an op-ed to publicly swoon over president biden ahead of the cnn presidential debate. kayleigh, i guess we can be thankful that at least they are debating, because it has to happen. but what is this? this is not like expectation setting, what is this? >> kayleigh: i think what you are seeing is a democratic party
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panic expressing confidence publicly, your jen o'malley dillon jen o'malley dillon, wisely and honestly say florida is not a play which is a huge deal, but also went on to say the first thing i will say is that joe biden is going to win. matt, how can you be that confident when none of the polling shows that? there is this external expression of confidence and this back at the scene backstage freak out by everyone involved. and i have to wonder if this debate and now i'm getting conspiratorial is the first kickoff to the general election as they are framing it or is this the final hurdle joe biden has to jump over to be the nominee, who knows? >> harris: that's not a conspiracy, that's a question about how they really view it. if he does not do this, this thing is over a period >> harris: okay, let's do this quickly and then we will open a back up to the couch, the real tic politics average coming mentioned the numbers, so they are very, very close together.
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they are one percentage point apart. this is not an up or down or margin of error type of situation, because real clear politics has a high number of polls that they look at. and this is the average of all of those national polls. so you will want more than one point spread, it is still close, but how is it with a man that joe biden says has all these convictions and -- where it should say fennel and the felonies and the conviction, so on and so forth, how is it that the current president, the incumbent, a man who has been in politics for 50 years is technically almost tied? >> david: joe biden is running against the american people and the issues they face, donald trump is the target, think of what has come out? they have to admit what we called conspiracy theorists that the charlottesville verifying people, that donald trump praised neo-nazis and white
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supremacist was an absolute lie, the video as they are, the audio as they are, many reporters were in the room when he gave that press conference. joe biden is running against inflation, his running against border security. he is running against 12-year-olds being and murdered by illegal aliens, 13-year-olds, mothers, this is what he is running against is what the american people deal with with food and fuel prices on a daily basis. >> harris: i mean, when you put it like that i can see why they are panicking. >> harris: such a great point and interesting that you can see why they are panicking when they say, we don't know if they are, the argument to go back to andrea mitchell's question and she says so the three closest advisors are three older white men, the question according to insiders is, it seems as if they say, do they even get it? it's been said in "the new york times"? so he has a very close diverse, multigenerational group of advisors but he leans on the
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same three people, so cut through that and that means that they have not gone outside. >> gerri: 62, 65, what about the president? he is the old guy and that group. i want to say just one thing about this and that is this, the president needs to talk about inflation and the economy in the debate. i want to hear what he has to say. i went to hear all about why he can't get inflation down and i don't want to hear that it was 9% when he took office, because it was not. it was less than 2%. >> harris: it was 1.4. a president will be talking about it. it just won't be the current one. so we will see. more "outnumbered" next.
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>> kayleigh: there are no questions about why biden's department of justice is not taking action in the anti-israel protests in los angeles. happen outside outside a synagogue in a predominantly jewish neighborhood. [screaming] [honking] [screaming]
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>> kayleigh: one man was pushed to the ground and beaten by a group of protesters. [screaming] >> kayleigh: two people were arrested after police force them out of the car at gunpoint. >> get out! >> leap! >> stand by the car! standby the car! [screaming] >> kayleigh: there was a child
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or in the back of that vehicle, and when anti-israel protesters balked to the synagogue a federal crime under the face act, but still unclear if the joe biden doj will take action. president bided vice president harris however condemned the anti-semitic violence through social media posts but stop short of calling for any sort of punishment. the question is why? the "los angeles times" reported that in the case of some of the images we saw there was just one arrest and it was someone carrying a flagpole that happened to be spiked. where are you, doj? these are hate crimes. >> gerri: i find this personally frightening, because this is anarchy, right there. and nobody is getting arrested, people are not getting arrested, they are not having to pay for their crimes, even the president is not saying let's meet out some form of punishment. and what this reminds me of, i don't know if you know joan didion's writings, but during
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the 60s she wrote about the drug culture which is horrific in san francisco, that the center cannot hold, that we are facing anarchy, because of this. and that's kind of where i feel that we are right now in this country. >> kayleigh: wears doj, where is doj, we know are some of them are, they are going after pro-life activists like this women, let's bring up her picture, 75 years old and her name is paulo parlett harlow, there she goes. her husband has feared that she will die in prison, into your sentence and a 75 years old, is sickly and in prison for simply obstructing the pathway to an abortion clinic. she did not engage in any sort of tomfoolery or or push anyone down, but they called a face act, if you go to it number one trend, you cannot obstruct access to an abortion clinic, but if you move to number 2, you cannot by force or threat of force or physical obstruction injure, intimidate, or interfere with any persons lawfully exercising their rights under
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the first amendment of religious freedom at a place of religious worship. so oh, the irony, emily that the same statute you can go after these protesters with. >> kayleigh: such a great point and congressman rutherford has made that point saying where's the fair application of the face act, where we not using it to prosecute these terrible people here. i argue as well there's a whole host of hate crimes federal and state that these guys can be prosecuted under and i am curious since our own fbi and department of justice has recorded extensively on the rise in hate crimes year over year-over-year that president biden himself is cited, why then aren't today acknowledging this terribly caught on camera difficult to watch hate crime occurring before our eyes? it must be because a certain religion being practiced is not protected enough in their eyes? that is the reality of this current administration and current social existence. >> kayleigh: you do not have a right to beat a jewish woman in
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broad daylight as we saw happen in l.a., similar incident here. take a look at this interaction, because i believe this is a case study for something happening all over the country. here is tom cotton, if only you were in charge of the fbi and department of justice and ordered them to conduct a manhunt for these lunatics like you did for every grandma and aa mega hat within a country mile of the capitol on january 6. what i am interested in is what the person above said that what is going on, i grew up as a progressive democrat and tom cotton is saying things that make sense to me. there are a lot of people waking up saying this does not make sense. >> i don't know how identifying a hate crime would not make sense. like i thought that we were all at the point where we agreed upon, as often as far left plays, and the left, not often far place the race card, we understand went antisemitism and a hate look like. we have already agreed on what that looks like. my question is twofold, one, how does he get to be this big and that bad? how does this continue to happen
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after the spring that we had on this coast? somebody is okay with this happening? and if they weren't, they would start arresting people. i read this article and it was out a few hours ago, los angeles officials talk about restricting masking at protest after violent protests, that's what the new york governor wants to do. why did that just become such a thing? i mean, but you had so many more people you could identify even in this crowd. either you have the compunction to adjudicate these cases or you have something else on your heart, and you are complicit. because that is hate. it is nothing else about that. so mayor karen bass and the next news conference she gives and she spoke out against us, president biden and the next few words you give, vice president kamala harris on the next time you speak on it, condemnation is fine, but get your law officials in your area that surround these people up and press the law. work on our behalf, these are american citizens.
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>> kayleigh: really interesting case study will play out in new york, nicole bowman shouting cease-fire through the air and a jewish woman being targeted in new york, similar altercation, tonight you have jamaal bowman who has had all sorts of anti-semitic comments versus george lattimore, who will likely be ousted. i don't believe that that is separate from the images you are seeing. >> it's not, it gets back to the voters and back to the people. jamaal bowman is being rejected if he is finally in the primary by the people who have seen on full display, not the false pretend to let me take a picture with a jewish person, the other thing about this is the gives are not protesters, i have put tens of thousands of people on the streets of new york during the tea party days without violence without an arrest without anything broken. the minute you commit an act of violence, you are a criminal. and there is a civil rights division within the department of justice.
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where is the u.s. department of justice civil rights division? merrick garland, you are an abject failure, but it's who you are. >> emily: and if you intentionally misgender someone, that's a criminal hate crime, so apparently that's too much, but this abject violence is not enough. >> kayleigh: great point, emily, two cities in california, gavin newsom wants to defund the police. ♪ ♪ if you have chronic kidney disease you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with farxiga. because there are places you'd like to be. farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis.
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>> emily: chaos unfolding on the streets of california, hundreds of people coming out for a massive street takeover in los angeles, complete with fireworks and cars doing burnouts and doughnuts. check it out. [car screeching]
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another street also taking over and oakland, watch. [car screeching] [screaming] >> emily: the middle of the bay bridge on sunday night. "outnumbered" reached out to both los angeles mayor carolyn bass about bridge takeovers, we have not heard back. we did hear back from governor gavin newsom's office after he reached out and they referred us to highway patrol, california highway patrol revealed that three people have been arrested. david, there is a lot more than
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three people in those videos. >> david: there is a lot more than three, there are enough cameras there for safety and other reasons, there is no way they cannot identify. and frankly, it's a bridge. if you block off both ends of the bridge, they can't get off. and for chantelle, i think he has a little bit more issue with the feds rating offices, we don't know what was taken, but this is a failure of culture and society. you know, harris, who brought this up, one time flash mobs, this idea that lawlessness is allowed, that you can do this. these are people who i'm sorry, just say it for what it is, likely their future is bright, because this is where they are in their lives. >> emily: if their future is not right, it's because there is not consequences, if the behavior stops and is corrected there is a bright future, but without any kind of deterrence this will happen. that stuff meaning insane super
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dangerous antics. super dangerous. >> gerri: you look at that picture anything, where the cops? what is the response? why isn't this getting shut down? this is not like a neighborhood where people live and they are just out in the street on a saturday night, no, this is sunday night a major thoroughfare. this is something that absolutely needs to be open, right? and it is not and it's a failure, okay, the kids are not doing what they should be, it's also a failure of society, the police department. >> david: if you take the ends of the bridge and you put police vans bumper-to-bumper and tighten up, they are not going anywhere till you pick them up. inc. about it. >> emily: even the visual deterrence. and a bridge is federal, so where right now is the fbi and the doj with all those cell phones. deterrence, do a complete mass arrest and show this people this is what happens, stop doing it.
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>> kayleigh: it's an interesting point, i immediately thought about the autonomous zone in seattle that they changed to chas, so went from c.h.o.p., taking over part of seattle, it was no joke. someone was killed, someone else was shot. and i remember they were always asking me like president trump, when are you going to come in? it's mayors who have the police power, governors who have the police power, where's law enforcement? it can get really dangerous really quickly. we have seen where this goes before and they need to stop this, because people can get killed. i've seen it. >> harris: they would be breaking federal law if they did any damage to that bridge? there's so much to go after coming in her point about pinning them in from end-to-end, why don't you pin them out? you think this just happened in five seconds? i bet there were messages all over social media getting people to show up? how do you think that many people would know to show up? we have to start to use our federal resources now to protect some of the things that as you point out, under their watch,
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the fbi, the doj, gavin newsom is the worst manager ever, because we were talking previously about public safety cuts, did you know that the state right now is facing a $27.000000000 deficit and they have already gained it out and next year they will face a $28.4 billion deficit? he cannot problem solve if his life depended on it. >> emily: to get on that bridge at least from one side you have to pay a toll, so from everyone supporting, there is no dearth of evidence paired my friend was stuck on the bay bridge and i've seen a cell phone video of the entire thing, what if someone had a medical emergency. to your point, the amount of charges, the risk, the potential for injury and death from these antics is absolutely infinite. get on it, gavin newsom and so many more. more "outnumbered" in a moment. e with bladder and bowel incontinence. but that changed when my urologist told me about axonics therapy.
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♪ ♪ >> apparently david webb thinks that is my theme song. [laughter] >> you are t and t and dynamite. >> my goodness, thank you? last but not least to -- [laughter] breaking news yesterday present all my prevented us from giving you this moment of president trump and the super fan so we want to show it, wa watch. >> come here. thank you. watch, look at him. do you know who that is? were going to add some value to that.
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look at this guy now, come here. we just added a little value. i like that kid. so if your parents don't want you i will take you. he is a good boy. what a guy he is. >> thank you, mr. president. >> good times, great memories and i believe at a tony and nick's estates in philadelphia. the two later posed with that signed $20 bill and a little timmy had tears in his eyes. president autographed a 20, there you go. >> i wanted to say i don't know if you heard it but the president said to him "i really like you" if your parents don't want you i will take you." i didn't hear timmy say anything to talk at all?
10:00 am
>> i think he was holding back tears most of the time. >> i love any time i see a child meet their idol or their hero and it's really incredible and heartening this former president did that. you contrast that with the current president who does inappropriate things with teenagers and touches them and that weird, creepy stuff. >> i want to ask this, how do someone so young and we don't exactly know his age because i could not find it on social media and that is fine he is young, how does a politician become is it because he was former president? is it that warmth you are talking about? you've been around mr. trump. >> he has magnetism about him. people like to shake his hand, he is funny but to meet a present i was in high school when i shook george w. bush's hand it was so cool and amazing opportunity. >> that human reaction compared to awkward. >> i love it, "america reports" now. ♪ ♪


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