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tv   America Reports  FOX News  June 25, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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>> sandra: push back on far
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left policies playing out right now in new york where congressman jamaal bowman could become the first member of the squad to lose his seat. he made his final plea to voters this weekend and dropped some choice language in the process. >> y'all gonna show [bleep] the power of the [bleep] south south bronx. were going to show them who the [bleep] we are. kick big money out of politics. i am the hip-hop congressman cease-fire now! cease-fire now! >> sandra: schools out the kids could be listening, congressman hello i'm sandra smith in new york that was quite a movement. >> gillian: it was. i am gillian turner and washington in four john roberts today this is "america reports." bowman might need a "miracle" on
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political pushback against progressive's policies going well beyond this one race, young voters tell fox news it's why they are turning away from democrats, listen. >> i started to see how democratic policies were playing out in my city. cashless bail for one, the riots after the killing of george floyd. >> i won't be voting for joe biden because i know we can't have another four years of open borders and things of that nature. >> sandra: taylor ray exam brian brenberg here to break down the backlash we are seeing especially when it comes to the economy. >> first with eric sean in yonkers what can you tell us? >> hi, julian, you use that type of language jamaal bowman did in that rally at a public school in the gym here if he said that in a classroom in this building you would get put in the corner and get demerits.
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that's what voters may do to jamaal bowman today the squad could lose one of its own voted out by his own people. bowman of course the progressive democratic liberal congressman has served two terms here in yonkers, new york, and just over the border of new york city he faces the west westchester he has been a divisive figure partially because of his attacks on israel accusing the jewish state of committing genocide in gaza and the pro-lobbying group that reports say has poured $14.5 million into this race to support his opponent, george. >> this race has gotten national attention because because it is the ultimate many verses the money race.
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>> that's right. >> we are the many. we are the people. >> critics say bowman has been with a largely suburban district which does include a small slice of new york city's borough of the bronx. he promises to take a tamer tone to congress and says he will be focused on local mike local issues. >> from a running to this office to get a representative to focus on the district rather than be a national figure. being the squad and being involved in some of these high-profile speeches he has given. and has attract some attention. >> you may remember when bowman pulled a fire alarm falsely last fall he then pled guilty to a misdemeanor which has prompted the former governor of new york state andrew cuomo to post on x that in this election he says bowman "it's gonna get smoked"
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back to you in studio. >> gillian: eric shawn in yonkers, new york, for us, sandor? >> sandra: our econ panel is here may be out of breath just out of the elevator after your show. >> i am not. >> sandra: taylor briggs and bryant it's good have you both from "money talks" speak only to take after you. >> sandra: karine jean-pierre was on this morning touting the biden economy i will get your response to this. speak of the data shows the economy is indeed strengthening and stronger with eggs and milk and grocery things were up. it has gone down. and how it's gone down since 2022. gas prices because of the actions this president took. >> sandra: remember those high prices didn't just happen they were under this president and i give her credit she finally sat down they were down from 2022 which is two years into joe biden and the numbers that they are touting have come down
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since then, right? so are we in a better spot? is it a better enough spot for them politically? >> he does how it started versus how it's going and i have to tell you i don't ago is going very well. in breaking down when inflation is up 4% instead of 9%. that is still a compound rate. inflation isn't falling, it's just rising less slowly. so when you tell people prices are going down they are not they are rising less slowly which very much up 20% since he took office. >> she trying to tell people when you go to the store you will find stuff on the shelf, is that what she's trying to say? i just saw the clip here that's insane. >> sandra: it's cheaper and the packaging is smaller. >> you get the yogurt that is this big and you get one bite and you are done. >> you know i was making food for my kids english muffins if anyone's a fan of these have
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definitely gotten smaller. >> english crackers. >> sandra: when i pulled them out i was like to die by a mac mini's? i looked at the package and i didn't check the actual weight of them but i would be curious if they started to get smaller. this is andrew bailey on the student loan bailout because of the same time she is saying they are down from the prices we ran them up to we need them to acknowledge it was government spending that got us there. meanwhile they are talking about more spending. ag bailey is slamming it, listen. >> at some point this becomes a constitutional crisis, we know that they have the power congress tends to redistribute congress has not done something the president has no textural basis in law for this plan. >> sandra: when they're getting way of more spending which leads to more inflation, but karine jean-pierre just so
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you know we have the power to do this and politically this looks good for them. they are just waving the way that student debt. it just disappears. >> for me it's the greatest wealth transfer and history except you are stealing from the port to bailout the rich who have gone second, third, fourth degrees because they want a law degree and a medical degree and all of this and you are taking money from thei can't afford toe so i'm going to go to work at a farm. gonna go work in a trade. going to do what else i can do without a college degree so we are stealing from them to bailout the billionaires. >> sandra: i mean on the receiving end of this if you're getting that bailout. >> i think americans at the end of the day resent this kind of theft from one giving to another. >> i don't know if they're getting the check. >> even there i don't know if it's as politically advantageous as we think but here's the thing, kgb says we have the power, fine, but they don't have the right. right comes from the constitution and the constitution does not give the
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executive the right to take this kind of money from people. that is the argument he is spot on. their terrain in this bureaucratic state that make simple rules without any constitutional report. >> sandra: lets fix the system, right? let's stop having to borrow more and more to pay more and more for our kids to go to college. meanwhile i want to ask you about this fortune had lain z are increasingly becoming neat by choice which may not in employment education or tra training. what is inspiring young people to ditch the rat race for life under their parents room for public subsidies with separate research highlights even if they did start climbing the corporate ladder it still feels like an impossible task so what is ackley is habit and? >> you know my dad used to say questioning the problem with the rat race at the end of the day even if you've won your still a rat, right? that's of these people probably
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feel. i guess i have two sides of this one, i do understand starting a family, trying to afford a home, all of that feels so unachievable when you are in your 20s. although we did speak to a great entrepreneur on our show who says i am so bullish on the show, there is a solution. if you work hard you can succeed the american dream is very much alive so i'm hopeful. >> you need to become a neat you need to be employed or educated or trained but the problem is we are bailing out this kind of behavior but it's tough in the world right now no question. vote and then go work and make a living and create independence. >> sandra: but do something about it and some wood so i'm just working on the present because the future so depressing showing they don't like the outcome right now but just look at today. what can you do today? how can you start saving today? it's really important to live in the moment and think about the things. >> don't make your independence dependent on someone else.
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>> sandra: this is very therapeutic. >> they give having us. >> sandra: glad you got your workout in. >> gillian: the classified documents case against former president donald trump a hearing is continuing in a florida courtroom now over a motion to throw out evidence collected in the fbi's raid on mar-a-lago. live outside fort pierce, florida, do we have any updates from the court yet? >> yes, gillian, the sealed portion of this hearing and relate to the cost of documents case just wrapped up and they are letting our team back in an hour ago they came to give a quick update they said trump's defense team is pushing judge eileen to throw out all the evidence the fbi collected at mar-a-lago saying it was taken and done in an unlawful way now they said this for two different reasons. the first being they believe the fbi investigators and the doj they left out some very crucial information to the judge who
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signed off on the search warrant in their minds hopeful for trump's defense. trump's defense is the search itself was impermissibly large and violated trump's constitutional rights. they accused fbi agents of taking pictures of rooms they were not permitted to begin such as the first lady's room but judge cannon challenge that paper is something that essentially could be found anywhere inside the house. now on previous days we have seen motions throughout trump's legal teams to get the case thrown out that special counsel jack smith was unconstitutional and just yesterday prosecutors pushed for a limited gag order saying that trump has had some things that both put both law enforcement and fi don't make fbi when this is at risk very no rulings in any of these so far but former federal prosecutor andrew because he says even though judge ken was appointed by trump he doesn't seem to be favored neither side. >> to her credit she has decided some things in his favor she has decided some things against him
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and that is the way these things go. the biggest injustice is for a trial to rush and later on asking important questions about the justice in the first place. >> we are also hearing that judge cannon has been asking a lot of questions of trump's defense and almost appearing as sort of skeptical at least one it comes to today's arguments regarding the evidence collected at mar-a-lago. we have not had any decisions yet and we will likely see a written order issued by judge cannon in the coming days. >> gillian: this this afternoon, thank you. is president biden's old boss getting anxious now about the upcoming election? jason chaffetz on to react to potential damage control and also this. >> asking people what they do for your work i do want of asking what you do for your workout? >> run. >> that's all you do?
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>> i ask people what they are really fit what they do. >> lifting weights. >> i alternate. >> sandra: i love this. this guy stops people on the street to look for it like that and says what do you do? how do you look like this to everyday americans. "body by mark" will join us live "body by mark" will join us live on how you can get fit by the summer. have a 4 times higher risk for psoriatic arthritis. serious allergic reactions, severe skin reactions that look like eczema, and an increased risk of infections, some fatal, have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to, or if ibd symptoms develop or worsen. still workin' for me. ♪see me.♪
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actor go days away from the first biden trump face-off of the election cycle as the cnn presidential debate says there is some reporting that president obama is anxious with major polls out showing the two candidates within a margin of error of one another. "new york magazine" is citing
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sources who say former president obama is "increasingly involved in the biden campaign" as they get into the last bit of it. jason is a fox news contributor former congressman representing utah joining us right now jason, what do you make of this obama -- i mean we have heard all along obama's allegedly nervous about biden's reelection chances but now as we are going into the tail end, i guess, of the campaign season it looks like he is actively doing more and more and more for biden. >> well president obama is the one who got us in this mess. he is the one who selected joe biden who is fading off into the sunset. he was not pulling well, but selected him to be the vice president of the united states. and then, kind of famously went after her and said you know it's really hillary clinton's term let's give her a shot and she loses. now he has been wholeheartedly behind joe biden who is cognitively failing in his
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policies the extension of the obama term. some call it the third term of barack obama. it has been failing, policies have been failing us and the person himself is not a strong leader. this is in large part on barack obama's shoulders. >> take a listen to this the vice president on msnbc yesterday, take a listen to what she had to say about pulling right now. >> if the contrast is so obvious what is going on, why does it pull so closely question requires the race so close? >> these races are always close. is the election of the president of united states. >> that is not true, is it? >> no, it's not true. first of all it was a very good question, i credit her for asking these questions. they think donald trump is the devil. it gets compared to hitler and
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always of the people and losing in the states it's not always close, bill clinton one might by large margins and george bush, ronald reagan just ran away with it in his second term. and you look at the swing states donald trump is doing exceptionally well. and it is because they have four communicators in both joe biden and kamala harris and their policy is totally failing. they are not able to deliver a message and the message they are delivering falls on deaf ears. if you asked what is the proactive approach that joe biden and kamala harris have to solve the wars, to lock down the border and get rid of the illegal immigration, or to deal with inflation, no one can come up with an answer because they don't have a plan. >> it is kind of ironic punishment for both sides, though, that you have trump saying biden is the worst president in history of the
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united states any of the biden team biden team saying essentially trump is the worst person in the history of the world, you know, these very extreme positions but then they are neck and neck in the polls. i mean, that can't feel good either side. >> look in comments inherently have the advantage, but going into the cnn debate coming up on thursday night i think so much pressure is on joe biden. there is a reason he is taking a weeklong with 16 advisors off the grid in order to try to prepare for this because elections are about the future. bill clinton learned that. he talked about it. he was masterful at it. elections are about the future. joe biden personifies a long time ago he showed up in washington, d.c., in 1972. if you haven't gotten it done since 1972, you're probably not going to get it done the next four years, so the challenge i think for both candidates is not
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to defend their record the past four years but to project what they want to do in the next four years. donald trump has a stronger case. he has had more success. the biden has had success. he does not know what it looks like and that's why he has not been able to create it. >> they will have the chance, both of them, to make their cases on thursday, thank you for joining us. >> thank you. >> gillian: be sure to tune into fox news democracy '24 the presidential debate this thursday 8:00 p.m. eastern june 27th right here on fox news. >> sandra: it's going to be a big one. anything can happen and all of the issues on the table it's fair game and people i was talking to brett about this, people are watching this for themselves whether you're watching for the actual physical performance of the candidates or mental acuity quickness whatever it is or listening for a specific issue, there will be
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something for everyone. we will all be watching, gillian. >> we certainly will be watching. >> now this house republicans looking for answers after migrants linked to isis cross the border or will they ge theyy information from dhs secretary mayorkas? watch this. >> we have gotten into martinez's phone and find evidence he was searching for ways to leave the country once his image was released to the media. >> gillian: new grizzly details emerging in the murder of a 12-year-old texas girl where prosecutors are revealing about the suspects and the days after they allegedly committed after they allegedly committed the crime, thahat next. shop now, and save $400 on select stearns & foster mattresses. from pep in their step to shine in their coats, when people switch their dog's food to the farmer's dog, the effects can seem like magic. but there's no magic involved. (dog bark)
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it's just smarter, healthier pet food. it's amazing what real food can do.
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he to the second illegal immigrant charged in the murder of a 12 year old texas girl has relieved the mic received $10 million belt same as the other suspect accused of murder of jocelyn. nate foy live outside a houston courthouse where that suspect made his appearance.
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nate what happened at the end of court today? >> there is a heartbreaking expression of emotion, sandra. at the very end of court one of jocelyn's loved ones stood up and point at the suspect and yelled "killer, killer" repeatedly at that point court officers escorted the woman out and she again killed "i want him to see my face." i was sitting right next to jocelyn's mother is all of this played out and i watched her. she stared at the suspect as he was let out of the courtroom with a burning intensity. she did not blink a single time. after court we also heard more about indications that jocelyn fought back against her attackers. >> at his arrest get a bite mark on his arm and scratch marks on his arms. he did say that he did tie her up and that he suggested they throw her in the bayou to get rid of any dna.
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>> investigators got into martinez's phone they say he searched for ways to leave the country after investigators released his picture to the media prosecutor say both suspects ask a witness for money so they could leave town. the case will become eligible for the death penalty. >> the evidence is clear that a sexual assault likely happened but since neither defendant has admitted that circumstantial evidence will have to prove it. speak of the d.a.'s office as they are continuing to investigate whether there are any gang affiliations. >> live, gillian? >> house republicans are demanding answers from dhs secretary alejandro mayorkas about incidents with illegal migrants with ties to overseas.
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hillary vaughn joins us with all the details, hillary, what's going on, what are they saying? >> gillian they think alejandro mayorkas has some explaining to do. they want to know how eight suspected terrorists ended up entering this country illegally and ending up scattered around the country after law enforcement let them go. house judiciary chairman jim jordan and subcommittee chair tom mcclintock suggesting they had over all information they have writing in their letter "the border and immigration policies only increase the likelihood the criminal aliens and even terrorists will successfully enter and remain in the u.s.." house majority leader asked decently says mallorca's is not doing his duty to protect americans. speak of this is why we impeach secretary mayorkas. he is failing the american people are doing these basic jobs of keeping us. when he says the border is secure, we know that's a lie. he has also held press
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conferences saying they are betting these people. we know there is no betting going on. >> the letter from house republicans follows a similar request from senate republicans asking if there were any red flags that popped off when law enforcement screen these suspect that if they were aware they were a potential national security threat when they let them go. it's illegal to give them the benefit of the doubt. >> you cannot assume every person seeking asylum in this country is going to commit a crime. we need to get control of our border. i hope folks will pay attention to what the former president has said and done on law enforcement. he called for defunding the fbi. it's the fbi that is enforcing federal laws and is helping make our country's april. >> gillian center republicans gave mayorkas a deadline of today to get him this information. we will see if he gets back to them with any answers. >> gillian: hillary vaughn capital with that's good for us thank you. >> sandra: the fight to
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protect women's athletics is heating up during national women's sports week. riley gaines joins us live at a rally she is part of to talk about her latest efforts plus this. >> you are currently in public and intoxicated and being placed under arrest right now. >> sandra: new release of video showing george gascon's right hand aid. what his potential downfall could mean to the city coming up.
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>> you pulled over the wrong person let me tell you. he didn't drink tonight. partner, he didn't drink tonight. go and see what you find i'm not saying anything to see we find. >> gillian: newly released video showing the top aid to l.a. district attorney george, george gascon interrupting police ring in 2021 traffic stop periods name since that and subsequent arrest has reportedly risen up in the ranks within the office. surprisingly jonathan hunt is live in l.a. but the details what happened in that video and what is happening now? >> gillian this all happened initially three years ago to point that out we are only now
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seeing the video and frankly not clear to us why the police department and of zoos is releasing the video at this point. either way, it was shot on his cell phone by joseph need was who at the time was george gascon's chief of staff. he was a passenger in the vehicle ultimately arrested after interrupting officers who had just pulled over his then fiancee for performing an illegal u-turn, listen here. >> you pulled over the wrong person let me tell you. he actually has -- >> let him do his job. >> he then appears to coach his fiancee about field sobriety tests or at fs ts. >> fst are completely voluntary and not required by law. if he has probable cause he will arrest you. if he has probable cause he will arrest you.
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fsts are currently voluntary by law. >> and continues to complain to the officers. >> this is not right. this is why when they talk about law enforcement and our interactions eat at the right thing tonight and drove me. >> after his fiancee is handcuffed, he is approached by an officer who arrest him too. >> or you are in public and intoxicated being placed under arrest right now. >> fair enough. fair enough okay. >> no charges were ever filed against him or his fiancee but he did go ahead and sue the azusa police department late last year. he won a $10,000 settlement and as he mentioned he is being for promoted and george gascon's office. >> gillian: it congratulations
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we have to leave it there, sandra? sandra: it's national women's sports week and it's the 52nd anniversary of title ix. now some female athletes and coaches are said to rally in washington centered on the fight for fairness in women's sports. to discuss independent women's forum ambassador against girls and 12 time all-american ncaa swimmer riley always great to have you on the program. when you look at this some of the states where the court had blocked biden's new title ix rules, the number is growing from idaho to louisiana, mississippi, montana, kentucky, indiana, ohio, virginia, and west virginia are you surprised women are in the fight of their lives for fairness in sports in this moment? >> of course i am. i mean, speaking for me personally, this is never a fight i would have imagined myself in, really never a fight i would've imagined necessary at
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all for anyone to be fighting for. it seems we are asking for the bare minimum here which is equal opportunity, privacy and areas of undressing and privacy, bare minimum but we have been administration in the white house right now who is actively undermining this, who has abolished title ix in its original intent but i feel more hopeful now than i felt at any point in these past or go year since been involved in this fight prayed we seen 26 states ultimately suing the biden demonstration and department of education. i don't that we would've seen that two years ago and now ten states for the promote preliminary injunction the ten states he mentioned which is great news. >> gillian: riley i know your rally today the organizers are asking attendees to sign onto the east two letters one is to biden and his ministries and the others in lawmakers on capitol hill what is in these letters? break it down for us. >> of course. the message we are sending loud and clear we have some one rolling up our sleeves with
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everything that title ix was set to implement f the inter-university might anniversary of title ix. there is a congressional review act over mary miller, that's what we are sending people signing on urging the representatives for states all across the nation the most antiwoman anti-reality pursuit thus far. >> sandra: riley, this is samantha gaines, she is the nasa county legislator a mother of two girls she is a former athlete and speaking to approval of the transgender female athlete band in her county, listen. >> has to hold onto those sects with the biological realities
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that exist. the pressure on this issue is hard because we want to be inclusive, you want to be fair. if you are a girl in sports you can't say anything. you can't defend yourself. >> sandra: obviously trying to do her best to see both sides here but at the same time fight for fairness for girls in sp sports. >> it's amazing. i could not be more grateful for her boys. this issue is labeled as one that is controversial, it's divisive we have the secretary saved all the time is a complex issue, but in reality this is the most simple issue. is a unifying issue that 95% of everyday common sense americans would intuitively know men and women are different can agree upon. this is so amazing on this rally in d.c. tonight, it is a coalition of people like myself do a line conservative but other people like martina who maybe we
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don't agree on really any other issue but we are here putting these other things to the side fighting the fight that needs to be fought. >> gillian: riley it looks like you're standing in front of your group's tour bus i am asking because it was a couple of days ago that after your rally in chapel hill the bus was just completely vandalized. we don't know who did it as of now but so very hate filled messages very about the culprits. >> we were able to scrub some of the profanity, the mc duties off of the bus but i think it shows you what we are up against. they did not come in to have some conversation know they don't resort to that with a resort to is, again, calling names and petty personal attacks and violence.
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that's what we are up against yet they claim to be tolerant and embracing and diversity and the diversity of thought but let me tell you that is not what we have experienced from the far left from the radical progressives who support the gender movement especially as it pertains to sports. >> sandra: riley it take so much courage to do what you are doing every single day to your point here you never saw yourself in this role as you said 12 time all-american swimmer you are incredible thank you so much for joining us. >> thank you, rally. >> thank you, guys. >> i ask people who are really fit. >> six or seven days. >> always one hour. >> how long have you been exercising for? >> every day. >> every day? >> for my life. >> that voice is body by mark that is him on our new york set. we will ask him his secret, how do you do it, how do they do it he will join us next.
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♪we can secure our world.♪ ♪don't just use a password alone.♪ ♪mfa sends a call, a text or a code to your phone.♪ learn more at ♪that's how we can secure our world!♪ >> sandra: top fitness trainer is on tiktok he is everywhere.
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what he does, he interviews fit strangers like everyday people walking along the sidewalks from all walks of life top tips for staying in shape here's a sample of what he does. >> what they do for their workouts. do you really? what you do? >> i weight lift. >> what they do how many miles a week do you run? you are visibly jacked you might've asked what you do for work out? >> i've been doing it. >> mark lewandowski creator of body by mark on tiktok has over there in a thousand followers from videos just like that and he joins us now. welcome. first off this came about because you constantly pop up in my own social media. but i can't take my eyes off your videos. it is such compelling content. yes, i want to know how that person stays fit, that person looks like they are going to
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work. how did they find time to work out? it's amazing stuff. are you making money doing all of this i am wondering. >> i am. >> is not substantial where i would quit all my other jobs. >> sandra: keep your day job. >> yes i have a trading company and other things. i own corporate gems but yes. >> sandra: how did you naturally fall into checking to an amazing response? >> my curiosity i'm a personal trainer a and a new people did other things than what i was teaching my clients and i was curious and i would just go out and ask that person but it seemed taboo but i did it and people like that and i did it again and i kept going. it really caught on. >> sandra: some of your videos i feel people are hesitant to stop and talk to you until they are flattered. you want to ask me how i look like this? so here is more of a sampling of mark's work. >> can i ask you what they do for their work out do you mind if i ask you what you do for your workout?
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>> running. >> that's all you do? people really fit i ask what they do for their workouts. >> push and pull one day, pecks on the next day and then i alternate that. >> sandra: they really want to give you information. >> some of them do. some i have to really pull it out of them like i would love to know what you do for your workouts. like a former track athlete. >> sandra: i mean i'm flattered now. >> and her mother of two so as a track and field runner so tell me what you do to save then. >> i love to run and i play a lot of tennis. i truly believe you have to do everything in moderation. we are all super busy so managing time and to be with her family and take care of yourself that's probably what i would say on the street but running is when does it for me similar to that woman who answered your first question. >> how may miles a week do you run? >> a great question in the summer i am outside more rather than on the treadmill so some
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days i get like 7 miles. but my speed is up at shorter distances which makes you more physically fit. >> you are right. >> like he is interviewing me. >> how could you transition from a college athlete into a work and family? >> it's tough. some of my best thoughts come from when i'm running paired i was out and about last night and you came across but i saw and i said we have the book this guy's you can listen to podcasts while running and everything. lacey's famous people on the street. >> i walked distance like she used to what i do likely. >> baseball. >> yes. >> damien ortiz? come on, man that's awesome. >> you did not not know who that
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was. >> i saw him get out of his car. i had just arrived in miami i said i might know who that is but you can't go up and act like a fan you have to compliment them on what you are therefore and that's why. >> you have an art to this. this is something else to do in your videos you challenge strangers to fitness test it's awesome. >> i will give you one out of every pull up you can do. >> $1? >> i will give you $1 for every pull up you can do. 14 all right. >> sandra: i love it but the scaffolding i always think is the scaife? i don't know. like what has come from this what has come from this? >> i guess how boring and simple and people try to make it really complicated but it's not. the common answer is amongst most people that they lift weights three or four times a
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week and do cardio two or three times a week. eight healthy, go to bed, i don't bring much alcohol. people try to make it much harder than it has to be. so everyone knows what they should be doing is a matter of actually doing it. >> sandra: i find people asked me about running and i just say little bits and increase at a little bit here and there and all of a sudden they find a load over time. because you have to try things too and bury it. this was a really lovely conversation. body by mark, keep at it. speak i will. >> sandra: that's great stuff. >> he pops up on my and sue graham too. super famous on social media. good looking. >> gillian: julian good to have you today thank you for jumping in. never miss "america reports" thank you for joining us i'm sandra smith. >> gillian: i amked gillian turner the story with martha is coming un'p next so i started my own studio. getting a brick and mortar in new york is not easy.
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chase ink has supported us from studio one to studio three. when you start small, you need some big help. and chase ink was that for me. earn up to 5% cash back on business essentials with the chase ink business cash card from chase for business. make more of what's yours. [music playing] tiffany: my daughter is mila. she is 19 months old. she is a little ray of sunshine. one of the happiest babies you'll probably ever meet.
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[giggles] children with down syndrome typically have a higher risk for developing acute myeloid leukemia, or just leukemia in general. and here we are. marlo thomas: st. jude children's research hospital works day after day to find cures and save the lives of children with cancer and other life-threatening diseases. tiffany: she was referred to st. jude at 11 months. they knew what to do as soon as they got her diagnosis. they already had her treatment plan drawn out. and they were like, this is what we're going to do. this is how long it's going to take. this is how long in between. this place is like a family to us now. like, i can't say enough how grateful we are to be here. medical bills are always a big thing to everybody because everybody knows that anything medical is going to be expensive. we have received no bills since being at st. jude. we have paid for nothing.
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marlo thomas: thanks to generous donors like you, families never receive a bill from st. jude for treatment, travel, housing, or food so they can focus on helping their child live. for just $19 a month, you'll help us continue the lifesaving research and treatment that these kids need now and in the future. join with your credit or debit card right now, and we'll send you this st. jude t-shirt that you can proudly wear to show your support. tiffany: anybody and everybody that contributes anything to this place, no matter if it's a big business or just the grandmother that donates once a month, they are changing people's lives. and that's a big deal. [music playing]
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>> ♪ ♪ >> sandra: >> martha: good afternoon everyone i'm marth


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