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tv   Your World With Neil Cavuto  FOX News  June 25, 2024 1:00pm-2:00pm PDT

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guess it was useful optimism -- useful -- within come here to lose, we came to win. [laughter] >> martha: happy birthday happy hundreds to our friend, bud gas, you can hear more from him and the world war ii u.s. we spoke to on normandy -- this is part three of the 80th anniversary of d-day mirroring this friday, june 28th. and also check out my podcast with michael pillsbury on the threat that we face from china are very interesting longer conversation on what we were just able to have here now so please check that out as well wherever you listen to your podcast. that is "the story" on this tuesday, june 25th. the story goes on, we was to -- see you back here tomorrow. have a great afternoon. "your world" starts right now. >> ♪ ♪ >> ♪ ♪ >> neil: >> the way the country is being run right now, what
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we're going through a lot better four years ago. >> i just don't want to vote for trump. >> the democratic party, i feel like someone more younger on -- and more fit would come into service i feel ignored be a huge step in the right direction. >> we all get older that were not getting any younger. >> candidates make -- even candidates that aren't getting that kind of lack have made gaps. >> neil: >> charles: two days to go to the cnn presidential debate and americans are still divided as ever. whether they change all of that? welcome everyone, i'm charles pain for neil cavuto and this is "your world." to jacqui heinrich with more on how both sides are preparing. >> the former president reportedly told reporters over this weekend that he has settled on a vp pick but he didn't give anyone a name. the hill reports its down to three contenders, north dakota governor doug burgum, ohio senator j.d. vance and florida senator marco rubio. but the trump campaign downplayed the suggestion
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that anyone other than trump knows who he has in mind. the vp stake though our eating up and was presidential -- kamala harris is -- and she's trying to draw the discussion back to policy. >> this is a healthcare crisis and we all know who is to blame. donald trump. and how do we know? donald trump handpicked three members of the united states supreme court because he intended for them to overturn roe v. wade. >> the biden campaign has said that presidents will aim to put trump on his heels for his ", on democracy," but former secretary of state hello kirkland -- hillary clinton expects trump focused in on borders on unhappiness in the economy riding to the new york times, "expect mr crump -- he has to deflect or lie because his proposals
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would exacerbate inflation, raise costs for american households and cause a recession, it's not per production is from wall street's movies analytics." but it seems a biden campaign is embracing a strategy that focuses less on refuting trump's claims then on his character. >> trump loves to attack joe biden's. >> mr. trump: joe biden. >> mr. trump: joe biden. >> because he's focused on revenge and you has no plan to help the middle class. you just gave more tax cuts to the wealthy. >> republican's are pending that as evidence of biden's vulnerability. >> it doesn't surprise me that biden is changing strategy because bidenomics has clearly been a disaster so he's going to try to shift his message anything the contract is going to be cl clear. >> we know relatively little about how the president has spent his last five days out of you preparing for this debate at camp david but we have seen reports today that mark debates have formally begun now, charles. >> charles: jackie, thank you very, very much?
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meanwhile, poll showing president biden and donald trump virtually neck and ne neck, and we expect a breakup moment when the two face off on thursday evening? -- along with democratic strategist kelly heineman. let me start with you, kelly, what do you think that what this president biden have to do to move the needle? >> to talk to the american people, that is definitely going to be key. this is about democracy and this is a very, very important election. and is also about freedom, reproductive freedom as a woman, with productive freedom is very important. it's a right of hours and it's something that is going to be very important in this election. also talking about the economy as well and about issues that are affecting the american people and i'm talking about trump's records regarding the is very important to look at what life was like under trump when we had the pandemic and what is trump has said about women. we cannot forget about the fact that trump sent on a
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video recording that he's a celebrity and you can grab woman by you know what or talking about the kkk and saying that they're good people on both sides. it's important for the american people to know that but ultimately it's going to be up to them. >> charles: let me bring -- i looked at for having having seen some of those topics ranking very high and just for the record and never heard president trump called the kkk good people but the honor, what you think trump had to move the needle in his direction? >> if you look at abortion and democracy each of those issues only 4% of voters for bankruptcy them -- it's all about the economy, stupid, invasion in particular and also immigration and crime. those early issues. trump needs to keep this debate about joe biden's america, right? you know that both of biden campaign and see it and are going to want to make this about president trump's personal foibles. they want to -- really to getting 2020 or talk about audiotapes on earth in 2016 from ago making about that,
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make it about right now, make it about the 19% increase in prices on their joe biden. making about the millions that have flooded through the southern border, making about the fact that you can't get a mortgage for under 7% today when under the trump administration you can get 1 for under 3% reminder is what's really going to matter and look, you want to bring up the very fine people on both sides issue which split the fact has finally conceded what ally, there's a new charlottesville about every weekend on their joe biden's presidency. look at my hometown of los angeles where you had a pro-palestinian mob extensively to protect israel but really just to try and terrorize jews protest in front of our synagogue and pico robertson and where's joe biden about any of that? it a vacuum of leadership. >> charles: i want you to take a look at this. is a headline from the hill and it said "we republicans are trump's most likely [bleep] ex-cop include north american -- what is it about these three, what do they bring to the table that elevating them to
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the top of the list? >> we know that trump loves, you know, ready for prime time central casting that all these men have it. marco rubio, incredible orator, same thing with j.d. vance, with personal story and doug burgum, billionaire in his own right, very successful businessman. look they don't necessarily sure of any significant electoral base. that it -- that trump really needs it, he's in every single swing state x. cap -- except for wisconsin in michigan where he virtually type which is very different from previous elections where he was behind in all these strong states and only maybe won them. so he's not too concerned about that but really what trump wants, he does want to repeat of mike pence, he does want to feel undermined, is it what i would advise he does? i don't know. if -- but they are people that are uncovered -- decent amount of charisma, decent amount of -- decent amount of ability to fund raise but, you know, so that the future of that boat was women especially suburban woman on the margins and he could do
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much better with minorities then heated in previous years. >> charles: right. and hopefully for his sake will see what the polls that they bear these things out. meanwhile a biden campaign no wrapping up there and spending at -- end of this week's face-off. the washington post reporting the campaign spending more than $9 million on as just this last week alone compared to virtually no standing by the trump campaign so kelly, i mean, how hopeful is it that the spending will have a major impact? >> there's a lot of undecided voters out there that haven't made a determination of whether they're going to book for as we would say jack up joe or con man don. and so the debate is going to be key and so it's important to convey their message and see what our country is going to be like, whether we want to have safety, safety with biden in regards to safety for our democracy safety for our freedom safety for our current economy or do we want someone who's dangerous, who's dangerous to our economy, dangerous to our country and ultimately the voters will get out and was
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their opinion in 2024. >> charles: absolutely, that is what america beautiful. ladies, thank you both very much. to enter fox news democracy 24 special coverage of the cnn presidential debate simulcast. our coverage begins this thursday june 27th at 8:00 pm eastern time. president biden student lone bailout suffered a setback. federal court managing --, claiming that they had note it "illegal." miseries attorney general andrew bailey joins mina. ag bailey, and revelations. where does it go from here. where does all of this go from here because we began with the saga with the supreme court of the united states said this was an, you know, legal -- the post and the white house just we jigger and push it right back out there? >> same tired old plan -- president biden cohen redistribute 5 million -- in missouri we have a mystery higher education loan
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authority that administers repayment of student loans -- it would cost missouri taxpayers about $44 million of -- or north thereof, i can't -- with i believe that, we found a lawsuit against the biden administrations first attempt to settle working missouri families with i believe that, we wanted the united states report one year ago -- and just yesterday or plan b. we were able to obtain a nationwide preliminary injection to put a stop to it once again. is an illegal, on constitutional attempt by the president by votes an acute democratic where he living -- i'm happy with the court's ruling, anticipates that the department of justice will -- >> charles: to that point, the constitutionality of that point -- of it is always up for the rate, that's why we have the legal system, the judicial system. what about idea when the supreme court makes a decision in the white house comes out and immediately says will were going to disregard that, publicly
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states that because i feel we've got a crisis how a law enforcement crisis, i believe in a legal system and for all the talk about america being a preemptive -- preeminent country in the world, it's all based on the fact that we are a nation of laws. are we losing that? >> we are absolutely losing that, not only is trump's warfare from the crooked department of justice and the state prosecutors elicit witchhunt prosecution of breasted smart presidential drop that early being led by the trainer administers not not only is not an attack now democracy and a deprivation of our access to presidential candidate, by the left but the student loan cancelation program is just a flipside of the same coin. president biden is so desperate to retain power that he's willing to undermine our legal system and our very foundations on our country in order to do it in my he can't win on the merit so here's to silence voices, pr voters and take -- for an elicit witchhunt, we
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cannot let that happen, that's why this lawsuit isn't an important first step in fighting back and setting the straight. it is shameful that the president of the united states after being reviewed by the united states supreme court would go right back at it, do it again and -- bragging about his woeful defiance of the supreme court precedent. i think you said it correctly, this is a constitutional crisis. >> charles: 30 seconds, they also talk about is an trump does when the supreme court will be ultra- stacked. eight or nine justices and that that will be the final straw it would have to be somehow -- the body went -- something would have to be done, that's already been used as a potential rally cry for the election. your thoughts on making any changes to the united states supreme court? >> the founders -- inserted timeless principles of freedom into our system that includes an economist third branch of government and former -- we need not tamper with it. they're applying the law -- the left doesn't like the law as it is and they can't use a
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system to pass new laws because they have terrible ideas. don't mess with our constitutional system that is who we are on the country. >> charles: absolutely. congratulations on your another big victory. folks, fulton county da and he wasn't legal battles back in the spotlight again today where things are heading after a key hearing and in minnesota, heavy flooding hand at them on the brink of collapse. what officials are warning, next. >> announcer: when news happened, america turns to fox news channel back and now the biggest event is here. >> mr. trump: biden copier fired, get out of here by seven donald trump, i have a message for you. not in our house. >> announcer: the cnn presidential debate simulcast on fox news channel. watched special preand post democracy -- plus sean hannity from this bedroom. cnn presidential debate simulcast on fox news channel. >> ♪ ♪
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now. jack smith's team then argued the search warrant covered the entire property because they knew the classified documents were there and that those documents had already been moved at least once. no rulings just yet in any of these issues. but former
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federal prosecutor andrew cherkasky says despite judge cannon being appointed by trump, he doesn't see her favoring either side. to her credit, she's decided some things in his favor. she's decided some things against him. and that's the way that these processes should go. the biggest injustice is for a trial to rush to a verdict and then later on ask important questions about the justice in the first place. so no decision in this hearing today. like we've seen in the previous days. and we really don't ever really see. judge cannon ruling from the bench. so we'll likely see a written order that she'll issue in the coming days. charles jeff paul in fort pierce, florida. thank you very much. trump heading into the cnn presidential debate with a partial gag order hanging over his head. what impact will that have? well, let's bring in our legal eagles to discuss former federal prosecutor trey gowdy, along with former assistant u.s. attorney andy mccarthy.
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the trial is over. the senate -- the conviction is not final until this -- by the trial is over so all of the prohibitions against, you know, talking about certain actors within the system there's no need for that anymore. i'm not sure the gag order was constitutional to begin with, but the litigation part of it is over, i think the be lifted -- you know, maybe not really a big deal one way or the other but some sort of on all of branch. >> i just don't see it that way, charles. i agree what preset i also think that what they're doing here is the finding incitement down and defining
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other crimes down. in words if trump commits incitement, you know, if you had to be said directly cause imminent harm, you can charge him with that. if he obstructs justice, if he intimidates jurors or the like, he can charge him with that. we don't have that kind of evidence so what they're trying to do is have the sweeping order that treats him as a visa already been convicted of the things that have evidence to bring against him coming and the purpose of it is obviously political as craze said the trial is over and there's no need for this other than to imprint -- him -- infringe on what he can stay on the beach and on the public stage and frankly the judge is going to sentence him on july 11th. how much more leverage that trend will need over trump then being able to sentence him in a few weeks? >> charles: do that point, president trump violates the partial gag order, what could come of it?
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>> well he's already been fine. twenty thing left is to actually be held in contempt and put imprisonment of tell you, charles, i would absolutely guarantee his election. he may very well win without it but if judge merchan gives him an active sentence because in new york, i mean, think about what you have to do to actually get an active prison sentence in new york. to put a first-time offender and and on violent case behind bars would guarantee his electoral success in november. so i think you're going to see probation in do -- july. that's my guess. >> charles: meanwhile trump's attorneys arguing today that the search of mar-a-lago where is the former president's constitutional rights. how convincing is that argument? >> pretty common argument that almost every criminal case of government involved in the had search warrants the defense argued that thanks weren't in the warrant
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that should have been in the warrant on the things that were in the warrant weren't true and that the agents took liberties that they shouldn't have taken. those are two common arguments and i'm not surprised that judge cannon is skeptical about them. >> charles: and the? or sorry, three? >> he's right. it would be illegal -- legal non-- malpractice do not challenge the validity of a search warrant, every defense lawyer -- and almost always they lose before phishing. >> charles: is there any other action can be taken? academic and public will be learning about the law over the last couple of years. as -- tray is there anything else i could be said about that because it looked like a the before and after, the scope of it, some of the things that we saw just seemed that they have any -- not -- irrelevant at all to what they were supposedly looking for. >> i think the first thing that the american public needs to know is 11 democrats voted for this particular
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federal judge. so the notion that she's in the tank, she certainly wasn't when she's up for -- she was up for confirmation payment of interested -- and you has marked parents with crime fraud, was more of a murder prosecutor. but we've been seeing a lot of lawyers testify against client lately and i watched it for about two weeks, that is weird and strange and i'd be curious and these take on the crime fraud exception. >> charles: and do you have 12 seconds. >> she is not bound by the ruling of the -- show so she gets to look at that and it's a big deal in the case of a major evidence indicates is testimony from trump's own lawyer. >> charles: gentlemen, like you both very much. i don't care what they said, you're both anyone in my bo book. >> charles: >> thanks, charles. >> charles: remember you can tune into fox news democracy 24 special coverage of the cnn the -- presidential debate simulcast, our coverage begins thursday june 27th at 8:00 pm eastern time. meantime fulton county
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district attorney party wasn't court in the georgia election interference case still hanging in the balance. fox news steve harrigan has the very latest from atlanta. >> fanni wallace continues to be under siege on multiple sides this morning, there was a hearing where defense attorneys are trying to give more information -- get a more information from her -- formerly prosecutor with whom she had a romantic relationship, we want more information about his building, about his payments and about overtime hours that he worked and this comes just one day after attorneys for former president trump presented their brief to the georgia court of appeals. there are trying to get willis disqualified. they claim that there was a conflict of interest over the affair between willis and wade. as for nathan wade, he was forced to resign in the spring and since then is made a number of media appearances trying to defend himself back here's wade. >> i believe that the public has, through the testimony and other interviews, the
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public has a clear snapshot that this is clearly just a distraction. it is not irrelevant issue in this case and i think that we should be focusing on more of the facts and indignant -- indictment of the case. >> -- election interference case is the georgia court of appeals, the other side whether or not willis needs to be removed. whether she will be disqualified. where it's not likely that will happen until well after the presidential election. back to you. >> charles: steve, thank you very much. coming on a second megan suspect chart in the morter of our phone your old texas girl appearing in court today. the details from the hearing and where things go on from here. and severe damning -- as water levels keep rising. >> ♪ ♪ there are so many tina feys i could be. so i hired body doubles to help me out. splurgy tina loves a hotel near rodeo drive.
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it's an idea whose time has come. >> ♪ ♪ >> charles: second megan suspect charge in the murder of 12-year-old jocelyn and gary -- nungaray appearing in court today, judge setting has built a temple in dollars, that the same amount as the other suspect that received yesterday, begot nate foy outside the courthouse and he with -- he is more details. >> high, charles. at any moment at the end of court after the judge set bail at $10 million. one of jocelyn nungaray's loved ones that and pointed at the migrant suspect, yelling repeatedly "killer," than court officers tried to -- escort her and she yelled out in spanish i want him to see my face. all this as jocelyn's water -- mother watch from pizza way -- feet away, take a look at new video of her arrive in court today. on -- during all that yelling she stared at her daughter's
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accused killer without blinking while clutching her rosary necklace. prosecutor say johan jose martinez rangel -- evidence that all the old jocelyn fought back against him. >> at his arrest he had a bite mark on his arm and scratch marks on his arms and his asthma he did say that he did die her up and that is adjusted that they throw her in the bayou to get rid of any dna. >> charles, both migrants now have a 10 million-dollar ba bail, the judge called pena's flight was, that the migrant who appeared in court yesterday franklin pain you got the rest for him leaving the country was economical while prosecutors found digital evidence showing martinez rangel's plans. >> the big difference was that we have gotten into martinez rangel's phone. and found evidence that he was searching for ways believe the country wants his
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image was released to the media. >> investigators are now looking in to the possibility that either of these migrants have gang affiliations. meanwhile jocelyn's funeral is set for thursday afte afternoon. charles? >> charles: nate foy, thank you. one of the murder suspect reportedly removing his ankle monitor two days after the victim was found, shouldn't i have sent off signals? we want to bring a retired nypd lieutenant brendan porcher in studio no. -- i hate these stories, it's so heartbreaking about the brazenness of these guys, the arrogance and, of course, law enforcement, what went wrong and let's start with the ankle bracelet, cutting it off, what happens, internet supports to instantaneously get a police response? >> one of the things we have to take in consideration was this ankle bracelet removed and maintained at the police
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is my place of confinement that being the residence? about having it may be difficult for the investigator to discern if he in fact did leave the residence. but if he did or either the suspect had the ankle bracelets on when they left the place of confinement that it begs the question of what does that investigating doing to actively ensure that the subject -- suspect are maintained at residence? and this is a question that will be answered later down down the line. >> charles: both of them, one was a high-risk, astronomical high-risk and other one making elaborate plans to flee. what do you make of that? maybe they thought they could actually get away with this. >> anything more problematic is the judge setting bail in a case of this magnitude because this is a person that shouldn't -- should have been remanded without jail -- male and when we hear that there's a possibility that this person looking to flee the country, it's clearly evident that that person should not have been afforded bail.
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so, you know, i questioned the judge's decision in this case. >> charles: so even the 10 million bail like it you're setting -- you're saying no bill? doesn't that send the message -- the heinousness of the crime itself? >> absolutely. when we speak to a number of such as $10 million the only article of over 10% of that which would be a million individual had the ability to amass they're going to give him another ankle bracelet and then would have a repeat of what just happened as it relates to the death of the 12-year-old by these individuals. i just think that bail is not something that should have come to fruition in this case and the judge if someone is not not to be a liberal judge based on -- >> charles: what about the notion that this shouldn't have happened in the first place if we had much bought -- better border security? >> 1 of the points of contention would be mayorkas. when we look at what happens with ice, ice being a
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department within the department of homeland security it really pastors the fare use in that particular organization. we need to draw back and we need to have these individuals vented accordingly when it -- win they come into this country. just think, charles, they give this person and ankle bracelet when he came in to the country. so this clearly supports that they didn't trust him in the first place. so now you're going to let maggie going to continue to have these failed policies that allow this unlawful immigration that's been plaguing our country? no, i'm sorry, we need to do something about it and we need to do something no and this is a clear example of why immigration is failing in this country. >> charles: what would you suggest? >> i think that we need to put a moratorium on all these people that are crossing the border illegally to ensure that we can fortify hour appropriately and have a vetting process that will ensure that we will have the right people come into this country. we've had people i thought police officers in the nypd here in the city of new york
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remember this is a national problem, it is not restricted to that county where this crime was committed. >> charles: there's just too many of these stories. darren camm thank you so much. >> for having me. >> charles: record number of travelers rushing off with a july 4th holiday and growing fears of wanting rushing in as a minnesota dam faces failure. more on the growing threat of the rising water levels next. ♪ citi's industry leading global payments solutions help their clients move money around the world seamlessly in over 180 countries... and help a partner like the world food programme as they provide more than food to people in need. together, citi and the world food programme empower families across the globe. ♪ did you know... 80% of women are struggling with hair damage? just like i was. dryness and frizz could be damaged hair
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>> ♪ ♪ >> charles: officials in southern minnesota continuing to monitor rising water levels after partial failure of a them, folks whether's -- were residence also dealing with massive floods. max? >> flooding all across the upper midwest right now. the good news for folks here in spencer is that the little sioux river is starting to recede. the floodwater is going to go down although the lawyers -- little sue is still a major
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flood stage and you can see some of that flooding right behind me, little stuff -- little tough situation for so many folks here and one man actually died a little ways away from here -- is the floodwater started to inundate his community. take a lesson. >> we went and drove for ten minutes and in the ten minutes we were gone the water had come up for and half feet. by the time i got back to the house i had less than five minutes to get my kids out of the house and we were pretty much stuck on an island and acquiring complex across from our house. >> what do you do next? >> i don't know, man. it's hard to -- it's hard to even fathom that everything you've worked for is gone. >> torrential rain and flooding have had impact across the other meat -- midwest. in minnesota, in them suffer if partial either because of
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a building -- the good news there is that the partial failure of the rapid -- rapid -- represent them applicants the pressure of the dam and no mass emigration had to be ordered in rock valley, iowa levy found on the rocky river early saturday, officials activated tornado sirens helped trigger evacuations as flood waters rose quickly. and in lyon county, iowa official c9 freight train cars were even derailed by the flooding there after the train tried to pass through those floodwaters. dozens of roads and bridges washed away this one is an intense amount of rainfall in the upper midwest over the weekend with some rain gages and winter estimates showing between 8-18 inches of rain. meanwhile president biden has declared a major federal disaster declaration for the state of iowa that unlocks additional neural it for the state and it will help some people get back on their state -- feet but there is a lot of need here. some people are now in shelters, some drinking water in some areas is undrinkable and folks can't use the sewer system here.
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>> charles: before i let you go first and foremost showing the human side of this is really amazing. when you watch weather maps that we see images, but the human side was very powerful and also seasonality, we are based -- are we waiting for these things to get worse before they get better? >> unfortunately more rain is in the forecast for the midwest throughout the rest of the week. more severe weather could be on the way. that is already to go for folks who live downriver from where this rain could be falling. luckily it appears that the target isn't necessarily on the part of the country that have experienced this type of flooding but everybody is to be weather aware. >> charles: absolutely. great reporting, thank you very much. folks, forget about the calm before the july 4th travel storm. looks like the holiday rush is already here. >> ♪ ♪ are you looking to gro w closer to god? dive deeper into prayer. listen, it doesn't matter if you've never prayed before or if you're praying every day. god wants you to grow a little closer to him. to give you a little more of his peace. he■s here with you now.
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>> so there is absolutely a gender gap between men and women when it comes to savings and investing and it's because even in this the -- this be an age where more women get to college and high get higher indication degrees, women are still the primary caregivers for children and aging adults so rigourous of whether you're a secretary or a surgeon, women are 30 percent more likely to work part-time at some point over their lifetime and that results in reduced earnings. and even among high earning households a lot of woman really get their responsibility to investing to the man. and so it really takes two these for a lot of woman to engage in financial literacy and that is divorce or death. and unfortunately for the time that happens it's already too late. >> charles: so we do know though that historically, women who invest actively in the stock market have better returns than men who actively invest in the stock market so there's some -- irony here,
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isn't there? >> so much irony. women are actually more moderate in taking risks and so they see better results in the long-term. women however have lower confidence in -- than men when it comes to -- and believe in their own abilities to invest and oftentimes that holds them back from even participating in the game. and so women are very capable of being strong investors. they just have less confidence and that often results in less knowledge and willingness to invest in the markets. and so reaching that -- bridging that gap can happen if women are afforded more opportunities for learning about financial literacy. i think that education is really important. >> what about know the money markets are paying hefty loans, bonds are paying hefty early hefty early yields, renegade rattlers -- as interest rates just kept going down and down and down. has attracted more nontraditional investors?
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>> well if you can earn five and a quarter or five and half in a market -- money market account you better not have your money parked at some saving account earning nothing, that is just money you're throwing away, there is a vacation you're not taking catholics who do not bang for your family. i think that is just good family governance. i think the other thing to keep in mind is a lot of investing feels intimidating but the people who have solid performance it's truly from portfolio theory which is have your money invested pick low-cost funds at vanguard had a lot of those, and over time you will see the returns, he will rise with the market. >> charles: speaking of writing with a market before i let you go, were in a weird kind of new market in the sense that nvidia was up today, technology stocks were up, mitigation stocks are up, nine other sectors were down and down big. is this something that is a new paradigm shift or have you seen this before before we go back to an orderly kind
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of market at some point? >> i think it's heart -- so hard to see order in the chaos when it comes to these tech stocks. i think if you pull yourself back and look from a 30,000-foot view, we are going through the forest industrial revolution. ai is going to change so much of how we live, how we work, it's impacting every aspect of the economy from real estate to energy. and so you could place a very basic that on ai is going to create a paradigm shift and new jobs and whether it's overvalued today, five years from now i'm still going to see growth. i think that's the right way to approach times like this. >> charles: i love it. monica, you are the best, thank you so much. , you again soon. coming up and wait in line, air travel records already being smashed, we have an even hit the 4th of july weekend rush. we report while you try to fly. >> ♪ ♪
1:53 pm
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i'm already getting the heebie-jeebies. [laughs] what are you expecting? >> like you said, according to all sources in the travel industry, this is set to be the busiest holiday july 4th travel week ever, according to aaa. they are expecting 71 million americans to travel this holiday weekend. 60 million of those on the road. that's a record-breaking number, as well, up more than 2.8 million more people on the road than last year over the holiday weekend like you said, the airports, not somewhere i want to be this week, tsa is expected to screen more than 32 million travelers over this holiday week. they say the busiest weeks are going to be the 28th, everyone leaving head of this coming weekend, and then coming back on july 7th at 8th. those are going to be the days come heading to the airport, make sure you are prepared. >> charles: it feels like we're in a new paradigm when it comes to travel.
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years ago, you are too young to remember, they used to call it the ugly americans because we never traveled outside this country. now the number of people who have got passports and the people who say they are planning a trip abroad, these are astronomical numbers. do you anticipate this is the way it is going to be? >> yeah, i mean, we saw this last summer, the surge in travelers to places like italy and paris and london, all those european destinations. that has continued this summer. more of the same. of course we have the only picks happening over in paris this summer and taylor swift tour, all of those things certainly contribute to a lot of americans going abroad. the other interesting thing we are seeing is alaskan cruises are one of the sectors that is seeing an all-time high, as well, and that is really in line with you have seattle and anchorage both on the top destination lists for this holiday week. we are seeing people taking longer trips, looking to be more adventurous, and that really
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does, you know, seem to be true over this coming holiday week. >> charles: it's ironic, you mentioned cruises, carnival cruise lines posted their earnings. it was the number one stocking the entire stock market today come up almost 8%, and it gave guidance going forward. it is not just the july 4th stuff, the leisure travel still hanging in there. >> absolutely. look at hotels and airlines, they typically release their scheduled 12-18 months in advance. cruise lines, carnival in particular come already booking for 2026 and about to open their schedule for 2027, so just showing you the demand there and how far in advance people are having to book to get on, for example, some of these new big cruise ships that are out there. >> charles: i look at the economic data closely. i see airline prices are coming down. i'm not sure why that would be with tsa numbers so high. may be people booking shorter distances. is there a little more cost consciousness out there? >> i think there is.
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you know, i think certainly people are going -- seem to be traveling this summer regardless, but we are still seeing a lot of domestic travel, as well. we talk international, people are taking those big trips but we did see after last summer people kind of pull back a little bit if you happen to be in europe last summer, you saw how absolutely crazy is he it wt a thing a lot of us travelers think i want to stay domestic this summer and enjoy lesser crowds, so i do think we are seeing some of those shorter trips. >> charles: i will be in the bronx, in new jersey. anyone, great stuff come appreciated. thanks for joining today and a member you can catch me on fox business every weekday, 2:00 p.m. eastern time, the show was called making money: the market is writing the shadow of the all-time high but it is not the easiest market, don't worry, i've got your back and will navigate you. for now, "the five" will navigate you. ♪ ♪ >> jesse: hello, everybody come i'm jesse watters on the


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