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tv   Hannity  FOX News  June 25, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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and then she can sweep in at the dnc. >> she left to fight a lot harris first. that would be a fun cage match her or hillary who do you think wins? hillary has keep killed people not in the ring at least from what i hear. peter from south carolina, trumbull finally know what a biden rally is like on thursday with no audience. >> he should use that line. >> joe from west newton. >> you may expect de i thursday on debate night or is that postponed asking for a friend. >> you might have to move de i thursday to friday it is the biggest debate of the year may be century that's all for us tonight d of the are the show sean is up next always remember i'm waters and this is my world. >> welcome to hannity we begin with the fox news alert poles
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are officially closed in the state of new york and soon may be the fire alarms on capitol hill can rest easy. we are monitoring the results as they come in as jamaal bowman is in real jeopardy of losing his reelection bid after getting primary by somebody slightly less radical. he's best known for tagging along with the squad, hating israel and pleading guilty to a misdemeanour for intentionally pulling a fire alarm in the capital complex and what was an unsuccessful attempt to delay a funding bill. he also suggested america deserves the border crisis we have because of our evil capitalist ways all coming up straight ahead. also coming up you will hear from the mother and grandfather 12-year-old jocelyn the latest victim of the biden border crisis a lot of them lately. we know this innocent little
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girl was assaulted for hours murdered under this bridge in texas and she fought back hard according to new details emerging the suspected killers they are 2 unvented illegal immigrants why were they allowed in the country why were they aided and abetted by the president we've yet to hear anything from the commander-in-chief except another proclamation last week about amnesty that we secure the border. >> that's what we keep hearing the border securing closed it isn't. he said it again last week i did it on my own know you didn't joe and the bill you passed of the bipartisan bill 5000 people came and that was a joke that's not a border security bill anyway joe now 5 days and counting he's been in hiding the president to your country can perform his regular duties of his job while
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also preparing for a 90 minute debate in friendly territory and fake news cnn 16 aids or helping biden to pair to prepare of mock debates and strategy sessions and his debate prep at camp david also includes exercises where biden practices standing up for 90 minutes straight. that would be the length of the debate. of course we don't know everything happening at camp david many americans believe biden could just be taking some kind of ped's to help his ailing memory and poor stamina from called on joe biden to take a drug test he said he would do the same. on today's flash poll shows a vast majority of our viewers believing it will be a jacked up hyper caffeinated joe that shows up at the thursday debate like the state of the union. not the usual cognitive mastro
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you can still vote at our website we will show you the results at the end of the show. of course we haven't seen jacked up joe since the supercharged angry yelling screaming state of the union address where he barely blinked went through script in record time couldn't even get the speaker of the house dined introduce him they'll be no script at the thursday debate instead of relying on his memory luckily for biden he can get help from the moderators fake dana bash, fake jake tapper to democratic talk show host who hate donald trump like so many with trumped arrangement syndrome they are quick to compare the former president to adolf hitler take a look. >> that the humanizing rhetoric of adolf hitler is once again alive and well on national political stage this time of course in the united states given life by former president and current republican
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presidential front runner donald trump you were to open up a copy of hitler's manifesto you would find him describing the mixing of nongermans with germans as poisoning there's no other way to say it. donald trump's language mirrors that directly. >> a long-standing anti-semitic trope that the true allegiance for jews as to their religion not their country it in nazi germany to justify arrests mass persecutions and killings of attempted extermination of the jewish people and trump is been pushing this trope for years. >> according to fake news cnn their fair-minded journalist with no political bias at all whatsoever nothing could be further from the troop. was that opinion fact and because of the structure of the debate these left wing hacks will have it the power the cut off donald trump mute his microphone while offering realtime hyper partisan on-air fact checking when they have
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their truncated question up there. here's what you expect from fake jake tapper based on this interview with laura trump. >> what we see on stage with joe biden is clearly a cognitive the client that's what i'm referring to it makes me uncomfortable. >> it's so amazing to me. >> a cognitive decline. >> you trying to tell me what i was suggesting. >> i think you're just mocking is tethering you just trying to diagnose his decline. >> it's concerning that this could be the leader of the free world i genuinely feel sorry for biden. >> assures from a place that concern we believe that thank you laura so much. >> it for her by the way fake jake still believe he is not an
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cognitive decline do you really believe that people are making fun of us to other anyway there's a previa the debate in a nutshell by it trump won't even need to say wart and fake jake and company will do the heavy lifting form. i'm sorry but i don't think the network that brought you nicholas sandman and that smear in the mostly peaceful protests banners says right there mostly peaceful walk at the fire raging repot behind the reporter. the russia collusion hoax for 3 long years lies in conspiracy theories peddled on's fake news cnn the hunter by the laptop ally who should be in charge of fact checking anyone or anything stop lying you are a journalist you aren't sadly fake news cnn has total control over the questions and on-screen graphics watch for the bias with that and pretty much everything else most terms of the debate were dictated by joe biden and fake news cnn it has never ever been
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this way in the history of televised presidential debates and nobody in the media mob cares just didn't care but the sham criminal trial for the sham evaluation at 18 million ironically a civil case about evaluations so it's not trump versus biden it's trump versus biden fake dana bash and fake jake tapper and dozens of cnn producers and probably cnn management case biden needs more help hillary clinton has graciously offered unsolicited advice calling trump a convicted criminal out for revenge. hillary he'll probably of that overturned although i'm not sure biden should take a delight advice from somebody who will never ever be called madam president either way biden is in a great position to succeed in the debate as long as he makes it through the full 90 minutes without keeling over all the mob
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in the media will declare in winter just based on that lobar of course joe biden needs all the help he can get and obama's worried his so-called legacy would be ruined with another trump term your free action fox news contribute or joe konjuh and you're the best media analyst by far out there glad to heaviest party your team is only 1 that's unique not part of the blue checkmark media cult there so let's review take a plea of the tête's of fake jake and faye cadena and fake news cnn their history of peddling lies in conspiracy theories related to trump we saw that with the interview playing a clip last night stephen miller on cnn we played laura trump they don't like any real opposition because
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i don't think anybody of half a brain can't figure out that joe is in cognitive decline. >> in the case of caroline levitt the national spokesperson for the campaign all she is trained to do is quote jake tapper's own words as far as comparing donald trump to adolf hitler or in dana bash case she once said that it was unfortunate for america that donald trump was allowed to stay on some state ballots. dear point these are not objective newspeople. don't confuse any of these people of barbara walters or walter cronkite the air hacks. cnn has a horrible history when it comes to debates in town halls and questions getting out to other campaigns. in 2016 hillary clinton campaign not on 1 but 2 occasions according to wikileaks so this is in speculation was given questions before town halls on
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that network. we remember 2012 mitt romney took the first debate against barack obama handedly the second 1 was crucial in terms of whether obama would be red elected and candy who moderated for cnn stepped in fact checked mitt romney and something she later admitted she was wrong about so we talk about jake tapper and the guy who pushed the steal dossier the same network ousting its president last year for the adesa day of putting donald trump on air it's a type of situation trump is in but in the end joe biden even if he's awake and passionate still has her record he has to defend and that record according to polling he's pulling lower than any president at this stage of his presidency in history of polling because inflation isn't going down is not going up as fast of violent crime especially migrant rhyme when talking about
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horrible murders happening recently that's not going away hundreds of terrorists crossing into the country under this president more than 400 according to dhs biden's dhs 14 crossing over those 4 years of course endless wars as far as ukraine and the billions going there even if biden is awake and he has energy i don't see how he defends that an donald trump should go on the offensive in terms of comparing his 4 years the biden's or you better off under biden right now i think many americans on the fence i don't think there's many but the ones who are would say trump. >> you mentioned a train wreck of a town hall we bring you by the way we have tutor dixon host of the tutor dixon podcast you look at the train wreck of a town hall they had it was fascinating they would let donald trump finish a thought
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throughout the entire town hall they felt compelled it was their job to debate donald trump rather than solicit his answers and let the american people decide. donald trump is 2 minutes to answer question interrupting every answer he gives knowing together shut off off his microphone at 2 minutes or 1 minute. >> if they do interrupt his answers would be the best thing that could happen for donald trump they don't want him to speak the media doesn't want him to speak they want to make sure he's silenced and that's what the american people cannot stand and if they do that he wins. for them it's a tough night they have to be disciplined and trump can use that to his advantage he is a genius when he comes to these types of media challenges
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and the american people don't like it when you won't let me speak that's what it like the mainstream media and i think it's spectacular night if they try to pull that stuff i have this year will be the normal cognitively struggling mess of a joe biden or is it state of the union what you expect. >> hyper- caffeinated it won't be state of the union joe because asked answer questions without a teleprompter will be mumbling and stumbling and easily thrown off in those chants receive it's on with him cognitively he might surprise us
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he might have the answers well memorized we'll see what happens i don't think that will be the case without a teleprompter for him it will be tough. >> last word hyper- caffeinated jacked up joe or normal cognitive dysfunction joe. >> red bulls and pixie sticks joe but to the point of tutor he needs to speak extemporaneously. no temp -- teleprompter, no sk script he needs to depend on that 81-year-old memory where let's face it the elevator isn't going to the top floor and when 16 people have to prepare joe biden for the debate my softball adult team there feeding him information i think the cpu won't like it the fact he went off for a weekend isolated himself during the debate to prepare for it james conway when he went to the log cabin in misery it tells you a lot that
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this might not go well at all. >> thank you both. here with more is the speaker of the house mike johnson. mr speaker i understand it might be a change in position with the stance on the january 6 committee it might be regarding steve bannon and might have a big impact and what's going on? >> of the work in his case and we think they covered up evidence may be more in the various activities you been investigating the committee itself we disagree without the speaker put that together we think of violated house rules think it will help his appeal.
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>> with what i showed on the program with the rape and murder of people on vetted joe biden illegal immigrants 11 million, 180 countries without geopolitical photos we see this happening in the media's reaction in 2015 when a first came down the escalator as biden lied for 3 years and said the border is securing the border is closed. he said last week he did it himself. can you explain to the american people why it's a lie the border security bill of joe biden was anything but a border security bill. >> you did not secure the border in fact it would have been incentivized further crossing that was the problem and would've codified some of joe biden's terrible policies and made almost impossible for present trump to get a new term
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in january to fix it remember sean we passed hr 2 the border security act the strongest of border security measure ever passed by congress 15 months ago in the house it sat on chuck schumer's desk to collecting does ever since they engineered the open border the way it is and did it intentionally. we know why they want to turn them into voters and affect the outcome of the census in 6 years. if i tooth-and-nail every sigel data get control of it but the sad fact is we need to have president trump before we can fix it. joe biden won't do it won't use his executive authority the catastrophe will go on for decades and it will occur for a long time. >> he has blood on his hands i believe we have terror cells in the country and i pray to god i'm wrong but i know i'm not unfortunately. your thoughts on the debate. you weren't even able to introduce it as custom during
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the state of the union with the distinct honour privilege pleasure to introduce the president of the united states and going a thousand miles a minute screaming and bracing for the speech good night folks done we've never seen the guy before or since we haven't seen him on thursday night is at that joe coming back? >> i think he will be on the energy drinks or whatever they give him and he was overly aggressive at the state of the union it was painful this up beside amanda experience that because of how hyped up they were. that's the joe we see at the debate but i tell you what i was with president trump he's ready and i can't wait for that evening he will put on his vision for the country on stark display and in contrast with the weakness of president biden. the record is atrocious i travelled to around 6 states doing campaign events nonstop no matter where we are blue states swing districts red states
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everybody is fed up with the way things are and they know who to blame so it will be interesting. >> every republican understands that if you need to vote for donald trump given the congress of a big majority in the senate with the biggest majority possible lot is done to help get the country back on track and get the world a better position. speaker thank you. a comeback the mother and grandfather of the 12 year old girl brutally murdered in texas lydia julie by 2 illegal immigrants join me next with the sad tragic story as well asat senator teerd cruz straight aheo [ ♪♪ ] knew this first hand, they created a boat that was more affordable... tracker, the world's #1 one best selling fishing and pontoon boats powered by mercury. proudly built in missouri and sold factory direct at bass pro shops and select dealers. for as little as 5 dollars a day... you can own a brand new tracker and make lifelong memories of your own. bass pro shops.
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- [narrator] life with ear ringing sounded like a constant train whistle i couldn't escape. then i started taking lipo flavonoid. with 60 years of clinical experience, it's the number one doctor recommended brand for ear ringing. and now i'm finally free. take back control with lipo flavonoid. [ ♪♪ ] and make the deadly consequences of the biden border crisis are
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being felt across the country it document show disturbing details the brutal murder of a 12-year-old legibly by 2 illegal immigrants prosecutors announcing they allege she was assaulted for nearly 2 hours before being murdered while additional documents now say she fought back and fought back hard against her attackers even bite and scratch marks on them another disturbing report which is 1 of the attackers at a nice ankle monitor when the assault occurred both suspects are being held on a 10 million-dollar bail sadly these are the latest on vetted joe biden illegal immigrants accused of heinous crimes with reaction we have them mother and her grandfather also with us we also have texas senator ted cruz with us tonight
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calvin, alexis a wish i had words to provide comfort for you. your beautiful precious 12-year-old daughter to go through this i can only imagine the pane you feel i don't know if that something any human being can recover from. alexis your mom obviously would ask how you're feeling but i think the answer is just horrible. >> yes. something hard to grasp as a reality but now i have to be here voice and make sure everybody hears the horrible things that happened to my daughter and give her justice to make some change because we
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don't need to be burying our kids. >> calvin your grandfather were destroyed there's describing here here is your precious 12-year-old granddaughter and you learn about the brutality of the attack in the murder and you also learn this little 12 year old girl thought back apparently hard against these attackers. i don't know many little 12 year old girls would be capable of that even. tell us about your granddaughter the girl he loves much. >> i can tell you she's a fighter show is a fighter never a follower conduct herself like a leader loved everywhere she went she was loved from adults,
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kids her age and she was amazing right just during to be a teenager something that was taken from us there. >> yes or. >> it shouldn't have happened to her or any child for that matter there aren't any words i can use to tell you iron my family is feeling it's a very devastating similar cruz will merely bring you on last night it went back in time went to trump tower the day trump announced he was getting into politics he said yes there people coming here they are fine but they're also bad people they enter the
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country on vetted their rapists and murderers i played the media outlet rage dared to say that under joe biden 11 million unvented illegal immigrants coming from countries are terror ties countries were atop geopolitical photos completely on vetted i look at the little life of this beautiful young girl this girl in queens, new york brutally raped in a park in broad daylight as think of riley, moran the mother these young children and the question how many more parents and families have to go through this senator before the guy shuts down the border because the border bill he said was bipartisan didn't shut down anything 5000 would enter before you would have discretion to
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enforce the border laws are not which is ridiculous what is your reaction? >> shaunavon's horrific every day we see more and more americans killed more and more children's and victims of horrific assault on me just say to those 2 such incredible courage standing up and speaking out for jocelyn. just that agony jovial precious girl this is wrong work there from my hometown of houston the entire city of houston and the entire state of texas in the entire country is grieving this precious girl who should be alive and the laughing and playing with friends not having been taken so horribly by 2 monsters. i need to be clear these bastards should be executed and burned in the pits of hell.
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but we shouldn't have to be talking about this because jocelyn should still be with us and every day this administration is releasing more and more illegal aliens going on to kill people day after day after day. it's every day you pick up the newspaper and pick up the headlines and it happens over and over again the fact that monsters did this while wearing an ice ankle bracelet they come into the country and were let go it's wrong and enough is enough. we need to demand to stop allowing this invasion stop releasing violent criminals and protect our kids and i would just say we are lifting up the family of jocelyn in prayer the agony we are both parents. at the agony unimaginable in the wrong they should not be suffering and not be experiencing the horrible loss here. >> it's wrong and you are correct senator preventable and
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for 3 years and even last week the president said the border is secure enclosed never has been because he bragged about all the policies that did he said weren't working that he undid. you mentioned earlier you feel compelled after the loss of your precious child to talk to the american people about this. please take the opportunity to tell them what you want them to understand. >> i want the nation around the world to understand that she was a child she was my child my firstborn preteen slowly becoming this beautiful young lady she had dreams goal she
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wanted to do in life she was going to make it and she was going to do things and these men , at these illegal men took that opportunity from my daughter and from our family watching her become this amazing person with her voice being ripped away from her my goal is to be her voice and stand strong and try to make a difference in this world because this has to stop we need to stop burying our kids this isn't right we need more reinforced when it comes to letting people and it's not okay
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>> well, said. calvin i'll ask you the same question what you want to america didn't know when you think of all of the pain your family is enduring right now and probably will for the rest of your lives. what do you say to the people in the country because this is happening and awful lot lately. >> would like the people who can make changes to our laws to just sit back and reflect and i don't know if we can transmit the pain we feel through cameras but please reflect and think of all these little angels that shouldn't have been taken away so soon and they have for the reason for not doing what we need to do screening these people i've said before you neck
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in a if an ankle monitor you are good to go you don't just wake up 1 day and decide you are going to commit this horrific crime these are people live come who were used to this type of thing. it's just sad it happens all over the country we need a safer country. >> annoyed speak for this entire audience i know my audience really well please know that i know everybody watching now are lifting you and your family and your beautiful precious daughter up in prayer her prayers are with you condolences are with you this has to stop want to thank you senator as well from the day you're going into the cages they wouldn't allow my cameras and then sharing the video you've been on the frontline senator warning how
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these type of things will happen my hope is that maybe, maybe they will start listening to be can prevent this from happening again. >> we have to we need to people stand up and say enough is enough what's infuriating is today today they're releasing more illegal aliens tomorrow we see more people being killed its day after day after day you mentioned the 13-year-old girl who got raped in a new york public park and the monster there video did so proud of what he was doing he made a videotape of the it is twisted you mentioned rachel a few days earlier this keeps happening people need to say enough is enough. is there 1 democrat senator who will say okay we reached the limit we will stop we are gonna release people are put ankle
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monitors let them go and release them into our community we are going to stop that's what it needs to take we need to come together and say enough is enough we need to protect our citizens. >> thank you our deepest prayers and sympathies as a parent i can't imagine what you're going through god bless both of you more hannity straight ahead.
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no pain. i can use them every day if i want. eat what i want. drink what i want. pop in a lumineux strip and hello... smile is back on point. easy. ♪ >> a fox news alert, jamaal bowman is lost as primary to his clinton endorsed opponent in a huge blow to the squad and the progressive movement after they
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held an unhinged rally in the bronx over the weekend take a look. [ ♪♪ ] >> i am the hip-hop congressman. i want to hear a south bronx chanter right now south bronx! the power of the [ bleep ] south bronx and we are going to keep calling first permanent cease-fire. >> cease-fire now! cease-fire now!
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a fox news alert lauren bogert has taken the republican primary in that states fourth district after moving over from the third district to replace ken buck been cheap apologized enough in 2020 remember although supposedly former national security officials writing the letters saying without ever seeing hunter biden's laptop that had all the finger prints a russian disinformation while we're aware it was an organized effort by winking tony blank end to give him a talking point against donald trump we're learning more thanks to the house subcommittee on the weaponization of government getting internal e-mails from the cia in 2020 take a listen to this from a cia official talking about a quote loving that a few
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of the random signatures belong to individuals currently working here as the letter was supposed to be from a former intelligence official with active contractors trying to help joe biden win the election. as the house intelligence committee chair mike turner. jim jordan let's talk about this. first of all they were organized by winking antony blinken. none of them knew a thing about the laptop they did know anything they signed a letter for 1 reason only to help joe biden win when they knew how damaging that would be to his chances of winning in 2020 is that election interference? >> he calls them everyone knew that the guy wanted to be the cia director they organize a statement that 51 people signed he sends out a statement saying
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it so joe biden has a talking point against trump during the upcoming debate after the debate the campaign chairman calls him and thanks him. but sean now we've learned 3 new additional facts. first the letter was reviewed by the top people at the cia via the director of the deputy director we deposed the chief operating officer who said he took it to 1 of the 2 individuals who reviewed. second they looked at it and said this is not what the cia should be doing it's a bad look for the cia and it's all political. third some of the people who signed it were actually on contract with the cia win they signed. that's how political this was and to your final point it something or government had for a year they had the laptop and they knew. they knew it wasn't hacked by russia. >> we know the fbi verified its
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authenticity in 2020 and they were out there debunking it with big attack and that got that real laptop story by the new york post censored nationwide as polling shows in fact had they not done that donald trump would've won that election if the american people knew the truth. >> when they got these e-mails that showed the manner in which this was presented and we now know from the joint deposition that were held that the individuals openly were talking about doing this letter solely to help biden in his debate what that meant is we now all know we saw biden stand there in the middle of his debate lie to the american public he knew it was russian disinformation he said when i have a letter that was russian disinformation there's nothing to this biden was lying
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to the american public is there when he signed that letter ic 51 they were lying the deposition 1 after another wouldn't acknowledge they didn't try to verify they knew what they were doing it was totally political for the debates and they were allies. >> any possible consequences. >> we are looking legislation relative to security clearances what they do if they maintain the security clearance working with him and his committee on that it's important it stays on though it happened 15 days before the election they had as 51 intel officials signed a statement with their former titles by their name prompted by the biden campaign signed by some on contract with a cia the agents knew they shouldn't be involved in about the laptop our government had for a year.
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what are they gonna try to influence the selection with november. >> remember joe lida but the laptop and the laptop implicates him as the big guy 10% for him and 50% of the income going to pops and hunter was paying for the home repairs i think we need answers i think joe might need a lawyer come january thank you both. your just joining us an update from the primaries far left squad member jamaal bowman lost his primary new york republican congresswoman congresswoman laura bobo had a win in colorado me come back the judges partially lifted drums gag order after the trial ended how convenient the latest a law fair against president trump and the latest on the hannity pole will be jacked up joe, hyper- caffeinated he did joe or cognitively deficient joe. [ ♪♪ ]
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learn more at ♪that's how we can secure our world!♪ [ ♪♪ ] >> earlier day just lifted the part of the gag order from his falsifying business records trail and a big update in the documents case in florida. reaction is trounced legal spokeswoman with us a lot going on today let's get a full update >> thank you for having me. first and foremost we have the ridiculousness where they try to make it sound like he is being politically unbiased me know that's not the case we had a partial win the first to making this amendment gag order where he allowed the president to now speak about witnesses president trump is the only person being gagged here the only political candidate being gagged witnesses
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themselves weren't gagged with the judge here after the trial after people like michael cohen to go an ms in dnc like the rest and talk now they say, hey, your candidate victor by a jury but now you can talk don't get it twisted that's what they're doing to make the american people think everything is fair and square will me know it isn't much like hunter biden still walking around freely despite the sham of a trial they had to make it look like they aren't biased on top of that they had the department of justice and jack smith who we do not believe is a valid special counsel who wasn't a point to be in his position asking for yet another gag order. no different than what we are seeing thursday orchestrating everything for courts if they can't hyper- up and hop up joe biden they make sure they silence president trump and go
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after them politically in the courtrooms we see it time and time again it has to stop. >> this week is about the debate next it's about the sentencing. when put anything past the judge there think he will try to put in trump in jail campaign leading into the convention. >> i wouldn't put it past him i will see what they recommend for the prosecution side there is back-and-forth there but i wouldn't put anything past them if you recall a few weeks ago after the trial someone spoke on though do you and said i spoke to people in the prosecutor's office and heard they will recommend 1 year at rikers first and foremost where you speaking to anybody from the da office second i wouldn't put any of that pass them sean they couldn't beat him when they put them in court the put in couldn't beat him and they put gag orders in every single case another try to jail him i don't
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doubt it and it will literally cause an offer or they cannot do it would be ridiculously desperate but they can't win biden as their candidate. >> the results of our pole jacked up joe are cognitive deficient joe straight ahead. [ ♪♪ ] (vo) in two seconds, eric will realize they're gonna need more space... (man) gotta sell the house. (vo) houses. or, skip the hassles and sell directly to opendoor. (man) wow.
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(vo) when life's doors open, we'll handle the house.
6:58 pm
6:59 pm
lumineux is the first fluoride free toothpaste i've ever found that actually works. my dentist was blown away with how clean and white my teeth are. my gums and teeth are so healthy. it's crazy. you can get lumineux toothpaste at walmart and target.
7:00 pm
[ ♪♪ ] >> results are in the flash pull is a landslide overwhelming majority of viewers think of jacked up joe will make another appearance at the cnn presidential debate. that's all the time we have left this evening set your dvr so you never miss an episode of hannity in the meantime let not your heart be troubled greg gutfeld will put a smile on your face have a great night. [ ♪♪ ]