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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  June 25, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT

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[ ♪♪ ] >> results are in the flash pull is a landslide overwhelming majority of viewers think of jacked up joe will make another appearance at the cnn presidential debate. that's all the time we have left this evening set your dvr so you never miss an episode of hannity in the meantime let not your heart be troubled greg gutfeld will put a smile on your face have a great night. [ ♪♪ ]
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[ cheering and applause ] feed it to right into my veins. happy tuesday. more bad news for hunter biden hooters is closing dozens of underperforming restaurants lately sales have been flat. i felt dirty saying it. some file for bankruptcy under chapter 38 double d. the new york times report biden is prepping for the debate in an airplane hangar they found the 1 place where he won't bump into anything.
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to reduce distractions cnn says no live audience and only 1 live candidate. msnbc andrea mitchell criticized biden because he is inner circle is white mends in the sixties who else matches joe's bone marrow. she's married to an old white guy anyways. the president has been sequestered since last week he doesn't mind it he thinks he is a juror on the oj trial it's weird he's disappeared in entire week to prepare for a 90 minute debate's staff defended the move pointing out it takes 2 years to teach a baby to talk. hillary argues that joe should be direct and forceful against
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trump in the cnn debate direct and forceful like the noose i put around epstein's neck. if i did it. reports say obama has been increasingly involved in the biting campaign would have started sooner but the background check got delayed when they couldn't find his birth certificate. so new internal documents reveal the past existence of a homeland security advisory board claiming that trump advisors pose domestic terrorism risks. has not just mag-mac but folks who serve in the military or church the next time an old woman wants to serve you up i had a bake sale make sure the
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money isn't going to fund a car bomb that still has turned saying good -- signal on. at the disbanded dhs board was called the homeland intelligence experts group and if there's anything we've learned intelligent expert is a bitter oxymoron then a brian stelter workout tape. the board included intel experts like james clapper and john brennan. the same clans intelligently and expertly claimed hunter biden's laptop was disinformation. the only thing that was russian was hunter to buy more crack. a bad pun but i like it the same laptop contained evidence resulting in the conviction on federal gun charges even worse it gave meth infused benders with sex workers a bad name of already proven they are willing to lie to win an election they are known for soft coos of the way biden is known for soft
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poos. and now they brandon you a terrorist and with the board meeting notes that there is a political backdrop to all of this it seems most of the domestic terror threat now comes from supporters of the former present. it's not like you want a political advantage but people have attacked the government and institutions for the last 6 years. they did went, january 6th as far as uprisings go in history that was a mere popcorn fart. now the george floyd at riot there's of those were terrorists. january 6th was 1 day and everyone involved is being punished when was killed and was a veteran and a trump supporter let's not get facts and way of the truth. and win the last brings down the police station they win a settlement for breathing and ash.
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in front of a synagogue they get a stern tweet from a dead i do as what they'll obsessed with was 7 years ago. he didn't though she could blink and said he did need spotters every day seems like this writers writing outside a synagogue they may jew hating so convenient no need to go all the way to gaza to a soldiers they've imported that violence to the u.s. do you see any mag-mac hats as anybody a catholic to you are there any vets in that crowd those ass holes are too busy helping in their local community those sick bastards new york you can openly support terror and call for genocide every week there's another anti-semitic attack where was that peace and unity we were promised they sit biden is the least reciprocal president in history if you gave
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him his vote what did he give you a promise peace but the biden white house is in pieces they flooded you with information on pride month chats with drag queens as they hit in place of pay freezes and layoffs hoping nobody notices yet progressive's virtue signalling that trickles down to every company like piston on an old man's leg look at the pentagon the deputy defence secretary claims policies focused on nonbinary identities are essential for national security exchanging 1 flag the stars & stripes with another but i totally get why when you label half the country's bigots or terrorists you think they will volunteer to defend the country that hates them know the white veteran joined up ford hyphen 50
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years ago now you hate him what he tell a sun or daughter to do the same thing and enlist he discussed the need for cultural change in the military congrats you do and has nothing to do with winning let's welcome tonight's guests. 's been doing it for 40 years and you still having heard about them comedian rick fox. they've got the whole package stealing it out of my porch. charlie arnold. she's like a barnacle often needing to be scraped off the side of the boat. new york times best-selling author and contributor. and he's beaten king kong at ping-pong new york times best-selling author comedian and former nwa world heavyweight champion tyrus.
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rich it's good to see you it's been forever. >> of never had them. i've never had that much applause and 40 years. i also think they are a little anti- biden but i loved biden and poltergeist 2. however you been. >> i like that. might be on a list. >> here's the thing you can't hurt or cancel me because i have nothing what are you gonna take away my weekend and levity i don't know if i'm on a list i did send money back in the day to the jewish defence organization all this anti-semitism fear in the
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hospital ready to hard surgery you better pray a star of david is hanging in your face or if you are in court ready to face 10 years in prison you better pray your lawyers last name is goldstein okay that's all i'm saying. >> my agents name is like that i'm in good hands. only because of me. and they were right there by their door. >> you occupy the bedroom. >> charlie are you surprised by these test dogs we heard this was going on so first time he actually sought i think the biden administration does have it partially accurate. the fact they are calling a law-abiding churchgoing heritage america mag-mac supporters
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domestic threats is the correct part. terrace we have to look at are the millions of illegals pouring into the country mooching off all of us peddling drugs harming women and children in the worst ways making the most sense the dhs dirty unit comprised with manipulative the liars would point fingers at trump supporters. >> everybody's a terrorist including you. >> i've been accused of loving terrace before when i wind powers like this would be abused >> there was the time he dated that 1 guy and al qaeda. >> that was you. >> can we just be done with the dhs at this point i'm serious this is what they do they do this and not long ago we said they were involved in covid stuff to protect us from germs
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not what they were supposed to do unfortunately something like this will happen if you give the government the power they will abuse it for political purposes and they said we have to be afraid and we give their rights and then every time the government uses and abuses it. unfortunately they hopefully learn lessons from this i don't have hope they do. maybe if they read my new book. >> here's the difference between them and myself. they prepared. >> maybe just that good. and we love you little hat. >> thanks you've taken away my stick there goes the hat. >> is it amazing we live in a time where if you have certain
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clichés of patriotism such as go to church are of that is now considered a risk factor for terrorism is a risk factor when this administration is talking to adam crowe today name dropping with what the old men arguing about people stepping on their lawn we came up with the phrase invisible issues and that's what they were unknown invisible things, things that aren't there that they can control they say everyone's trans phobic prayer once homophobic or masculine monsters wants to destroy minorities they try to control it. the problem for them is when real things happen because then it's wire and we focus in on the real things. that's to disconnect you not to prepare for invisible crises you can just say what you want to make it a crises that's why heading back. 16 people are going with biden
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to get ready for a debate not practising for debate's production crew going to reenact his answers and stuff having everything and control in a visible world to make sure nothing from the fact a monster with the red hair can hurt him if he says something factual they will cut his mike if they talk too long they remind him he's a felon they live in the invisible world of problem's and issues and what you're doing is saying cool that's .0 percent of people but what about an actual group being attacked like her children if they are having groomers or sex traffickers snatch up landry protecting her children that's a real thing that takes time and effort they're not interested in it the live in that invisible world. >> before we go a quick announcement we are taking the show on the road next month live
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at the rnc in milwaukee that's in wisconsin if you didn't know. is it. >> i can get cheesier monday july 13 through thursday july 18th for tickets go to foxnews website but don't slash me. up next speak truth they don't like and cnn will cut off the mike.
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we're here with chris counahan of our local leaffilter. so chris, tell us how leaffilter is different from every other gutter protection on the market. with leaffilters, patented filter technology, there are no gaps, no openings, no place for debris to get in at all. and we install leaffilter on your existing gutters. it's a permanent solution. you'll never have to climb a ladder to clean out your gutters again. that's amazing, chris. tell me about the process. simple and easy. just give us a call, set up an appointment. we'll come out and give you a free gutter inspection. if they're sagging, we'll repair them. if they're broken, we'll replace them. if they're in good shape, our local team will install leaffilter in as little as a few hours. wow. and i understand you guys have a lifetime no clogs guarantee? we do. it's actually a lifetime transferable no clogs guarantee. you know, that's peace of mind and then some. so, how do people sign up? to schedule your free inspection. call 833-leaffilter today our agents are standing by.
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- [narrator] life with ear ringing sounded like a constant train whistle i couldn't escape. then i started taking lipo flavonoid. with 60 years of clinical experience, it's the number one doctor recommended brand for ear ringing. and now i'm finally free. take back control with lipo flavonoid. [ ♪♪ ]
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>> they will cut your audio if they think you're being naughty. video of the day comes us from a place called cnn where is that i don't know. it's where post kasie hunt kicked a trump spokeswoman caroline 11 off the show because she didn't like what she had to say. roll it theo a. >> president trump is knowing they're going onto this network with debate moderators made their opinions well-known over the last couple years and their biased coverage of them it takes 5 minutes to google jake tapper disease consistent with this. >> your gonna continue to attack my colleagues can stop the interview would like to talk about joe biden and donald trump liu work for. >> we're stating facts your colleagues are stated in the past.
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slick move. telling someone they want to have the conversation signalling to activate the trapdoor i've seen unix get more respect at an orgy. meanwhile cnn lets us be at -- let's a drag queen go on and on and on without interruption but it's good to see don lemon working again. [ ♪♪ ] anyways i guess cnn idea of having balances comparing trump to hitler and mussolini so what does this mean for the thursday presidential debate. put out the fact that they compared track -- trump to hitler and will host a debate featuring the guy he called a nazi shouldn't that be noted to viewers not at cnn facts are
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called attack and when their hosts attack that's called a fax it's called the streisand effect the more someone wants to hide something the more people want to look. when i say don't look at the bald spot on top of jesse watters had. i'm saying look at that bald spot can you believe the guys on tv at my right? in-your-face jesse. charlie what does it say about the debate that they are freaking out now? >> we got a preview of the debate thursday we didn't see how flustered kasie hunt was after uchitel they were focusing on something her producers was probably screaming in her ear the cut off caroline was speaking nothing but factual evidence about jake tapper comparing donald trump to adolf hitler and they have a feeling during the debate we will see donald trump's microphone cut off more than it should be because that's 1 of the
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advantages they have cnn wrote the rules they can cut trump's microphone and i think there will be fact checkers on hand doing their job at 100% when trump stocking when biden's abuses lies they will probably just sit back eat their popcorn and i think it will be just an entire clown show as to what we witness thursday. >> i don't know but going back to the behaviour. why do you have to show over your cohost respect why other doing was spitting facts that are that was her definition of rack of just lack of respect to come on man. everybody. let's get her. i was wanted to say that. anyway i am done.
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>> thanks everyone he really needs that. first of all i don't know why you had to bring the drag queen into it what did they even do. >> they didn't let the lady speak but they let the drag queen talk forever. >> and whatever's she said. couldn't be as absurd when discussing the debate the moderators of the debate are somehow off-limits that's a key part of the debate the people would conducting that discussion don't talk about the debate at all if you're going to say that you can't talk about my colleagues like that your colleagues are the ones monitor -- moderating the debate any discussion of the debate moderator discussions have to be acceptable even if they weren't people who we know how they feel about 1 candidate they said things about the candidate i was
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that not relevant to the discussion i think it has to be something that's allowed it doesn't make sense to me at a it's not making anybody confident that thanks will be more fair with things the way they are. >> just brittle reporter. >> i haven't had that heard that word and so long brittle. >> wind blows look out. >> she was how thing. look at the face they froze upon their. >> she does not look like she's having a good time very sensitive. >> yeah, and that's the new style at cnn they do it whenever trump speaks while he's speaking they will say we are going to continue this anymore because we know he's full of evil rhetoric so we will cut it off and go back with no sound hopefully will still watch the network because we have trump's face on it they want him so bad but this is what we are going to see to
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the point of charlie check i don't know. to that point this is what we are going to see. they are not journalists they are part of the story. when you are part of the story you have feelings involved so she's disqualified if you can't akey as a journalist to be impartial and you should have asked a follow-up question you get her into gotcha letter say that like piercing is not in the best entrants for him to do this sears saying it's a he's knocking to when user brain that's an invisible problem saying saying you don't want to hear his can hurt my feelings even get the talk anymore that's the invisible world i was talking about the road they were talking about things he said about him you can answer that letter say what she has to say and be a journalist that's well your resumes say the year journalist getting to the truth
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but you can get troop when you are blinded by your own [ bleep ] >> it upset me to see female white on white crime like that i can't do that. going to have to go with that mean she's just so much better looking you know what i'm saying in the long run i'd let it rather listen to her i'm not being negative i'm being as superficial as i can. >> you are admitting you're a shallow individual. >> i'm a creep okay but look you know what i'm saying at the difference first of oh the debate should just be a roast. your not gonna change people's minds on their policies or how they think so trump walks out he says a don't fall biden looks at him and says stop eating just do
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a roast get it over with that's what people expect to basically. you aren't going to change anyone's mind's. >> they might be a few people who will tune in for the policy stuff but the erie from trump right they didn't expect them to agree to do the debate so that's why they had all those conditions they had tapper and basch thought you would say no, and when they said yes, they panicked that's why they have these people trying to prop it up. >> i wonder because a lot of people are confident cnn has already handed over the debate questions to the biden team so we can prep in advance but i would like to get the opinion on whether or not the biden team is actually passed of those questions to cnn or the other way around. >> we will see. >> trumpet is at least can ad lib. so he will be able to roll with the punches right. biden he has wooden legs.
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>> it will be tough. >> a stephen wright says but with real feet. up next seinfeld has news for people who hate jews. so i hired body doubles to help me out. splurgy tina loves a hotel near rodeo drive. oh tina! wild tina booked a farm stay to ride this horse. glenn close?! with millions of possibilities you can book whoever you want to be. that's my line! booking.yeah when dry eye symptoms keep... coming... back... inflammation might be to blame. over-the-counter eye drops can provide temporary relief. xiidra can provide lasting relief. it targets inflammation that can cause dry eye disease. xiidra? no-o-o! xiidra treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease. don't use if allergic to xiidra.
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>> a story and 5 words. >> jerry disposes of more hecklers. >> you are in the wrong place. you want to do well like i am. look at what happened to you. is here's the other thing tell whoever's running your organization. we just gave more money to a jew
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i cannot believe this plan or you. >> speaker-01: so tyrus that was seinfeld in melbourne again being confronted by some anti- jew protester it's like seinfeld is getting red pill before our eyes he tried to avoid politics but now the politics are coming for him. >> is looking them in the face saying else do you have i've gotta he's not just saying shut up get out of my show he makes them part of the act's any time some but he goes in there there's a chance you'll be made fun of unmercifully and yet the walkout now a lot of the crowd isn't as forgiving as you're just giving them good material they're starting to realize because these are not protesters i don't understand this and get it if i walked around with a black pellete pan for a flag stood your office and wouldn't
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let you in it nobody would say out tyrus is a peaceful protester they would say wow he's a black panther he hates white people he's a wreck should be arrested and shouldn't work at fox anymore if they hold a flag for hamas if that's who they are we have terrorists in the country showing us with ar attacking our people whether grabbing them or pushing them are spitting on them stopping their cars from running. you can't get any more obnoxious and open like that they are claiming hamas wire and we just arresting them because it's not you just covered that on the 5 they were punching and spitting on old ladies and stuff for flag-waving of another country it's an invasion and attack why are we not treating it like that [ cheering and applause ] >> if i was your manager i thank you should plant anti-semitic hecklers into your audience. >> first of all let's get an audience first.
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[ laughter ] we were doing shows we're doing shows and we were saying we were raising money for israel we had protesters in toronto hundreds of them and we don't know what river protesters in toronto, arizona and this 1 girl just e-mailing me for instagram like a baby killer and zionist and this and that i wrote back and said look i married it's not going to work. your very attractive but you know. here's the thing right eye somebody in the audience has no idea how i will verbally beat them down like i practice on my kids first of all.
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and he is not an ad deliver he's doing his set i'm so happy that he is speaking out. you idiot he just supported us. as their having to deal with this. >> she did deal with it i don't understand these hecklers what did they think would happen in the situation i guess they thought maybe people would talk about it which i mean we are but if you're going to go after 1 of the most famous comedians ever they'll get the better view of it. >> why they go after jerry seinfeld these not a politician what is said about him i don't understand why they would go after him. >> if you like these protesters
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are trained and during cause a disruption. >> there something unique about them. >> maybe they're trying to catch him offguard but but here's my thing you go to a comedy show the goal is to be as in the background as possible i go to comedy shows i don't want to get called out or roasted these hecklers quite literally did the exact opposite super loud and disruptive what did they think they got roasted like they should make every notice the palestinian in their dryer who are they. >> what's with these palestinians what's with those scarves all the time. don't they get caught where revolving door i don't understand why they signal him out. >> is he circumcised as my
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question okay cat the little hat rhymes with do you issue right jewish. >> coming up young lazy bums who twiddle their thumbs. ok y'all we got ten orders coming in.. big orders! starting a business is never easy, but starting it eight months pregnant.. that's a different story. i couldn't slow down. we were starting a business from the ground up. people were showing up left and right. and so did our business needs. the chase ink card made it easy.
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we've always loved taking care of our home, from the gardening to any repairs that come up. but last year, grandpa here broke his arm. snowboarding. snowshoeing. anyway, he was fine, but it takes longer to heal now. and we prefer to stay active.
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we realized some home maintenance jobs aren't worth the risk. that's when we called leaffilter to protect our gutters. leaffilter's patented filter technology keeps debris out of your gutters for good. guaranteed. they gave us a free inspection, and we got our system installed that week. our leaffilter trusted pros will clean out your gutters, repair or replace your gutters, and install leaffilter, america's #1 gutter protection system. honestly, my only regret is not calling sooner. it's true, leaffilter has saved us so much time and the peace of mind. now we can focus on what we really enjoy. join millions of satisfied homeowners. get leaffilter. call 833 leaffilter today, or visit >> should we be concerned? [ cheering and applause ]
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>> should we be concerned about the rise of any ee ts stands for not in education employment or training according to fortune which used to be a magazine who knows what it is now 150 of those between 15 and 24 choose to live life like that not in in employment education or training should we be concerned you are the opposite. it's also nice getting older because they used to be segments about millennial's like our millennial's the laziest [ bleep ] in the world and now the torch has been passed on. i do have a question about the age range 15-24 your 15 you don't need a job. >> that means i was 1 for at least from thrall years are saying. >> if your 15 and not in school that's kind of on your parents right that's why i don't understand the start people talk about generation z you realize
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that includes minors right you have to get a job with your 15. >> should we be concerned by this? >> here's my opinion which i assure you is very valuable. if you are under 25 you should not be allowed to have an opinion at all my youngest daughter is 16 every night she sleeps there walking to her room and i whisper, you are stupid i go you're done thank god you're pretty we raised you to be pretty right as a kid right we would give her 1 meal a day we taught her how to throw up this way she walks on a plane people don't go please god don't sit next to me. had to a college campuses and see how lazy they are all being supported by their families once
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again the real-world smacked with real-world crap they will see you know what i mean is flags come down and you're knocking to be getting jobs in law firms and stuff for whatever i have spoken. >> charlie are we just changing the word bomb to something else? >> i thank you took the words out of my mouth we keep making up these new acronyms for segments a civilization. baughman's is what it refers to why was thinking about it maybe we should give credit where it's due because there's a segment of this group who in fact i just conserving their energy those between the ages of 18-26 by the defence off ray's asian actor probably at some point being sent to ukraine on behalf of the biden administration may be
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there taking it easy for right now. >> future cat and then father first word to you, they struggle with life's milestones. >> they are not bums how dare you. bums tried. >> and their entertaining they tried. these are losers just the fact of the energy it took to come up with that stupid [ bleep ] word >> who came up with the word though you set in your groups what is that even stand for you just a 1 of those get a job. this is parents fault him telling you. you need to get amount. my kids know once i illegally don't have to provide for them run.
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>> that's beautiful. at the little turtle. >> sea turtle. if you make it back say high. >> up the next up place for wings and boobs going down the tubes. how long have you been tracking the value of our car? should we sell it? we hold... our low mileage is paying off. you think we should... hold... hoooold!!! hooold! now!!!! i'm on it. i'm, on it. already sold to carvana. go to carvana and track your car's value today. everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. they want that hollywood white smile. new sensodyne clinical white provides 2 shades whiter teeth
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7:50 pm
- [narrator] life with ear ringing sounded like a constant train whistle i couldn't escape. then i started taking lipo flavonoid. with 60 years of clinical experience, it's the number one doctor recommended brand for ear ringing. and now i'm finally free. take back control with lipo flavonoid.
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>> 5 more words.
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>> several hooters go to up. >> that's a phrase. so rich that tell you a select restaurants will be shut down due to current market conditions as many as 40 have been close. were you a hooters guy? >> is more going to a cathouse or i would get wings that popeyes then go she a prostitute but i'm not going to sit and waist. one-time i was there. 1 breast it was a nice breast mind you. >> what kind of hooters was that? >> a transitional 1. >> by the way that's how they come back. trans hooters becomes shooters. >> let's go in on business for this.
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tiresome going to the men first because is this a sad day for men did you ever go to it? >> i did i went there a lot. my first wrestling contract was negotiated in 1. it was the place to be if you are young trying to act like you had money you would go in and try to impress the girls if you don't know about that experience it was just wonderful fairytale story on south park called the raising girls basically the ins and outs of hooters a place where young guys go who can't afford to go out they go out in groups together thinking 1 of them will win the waitress at the end of the night and it never happens. >> they had all you could eat wings. >> they had a wings as well. it was a cool place was cool for americans now if you went to hooters your misogynistic or something is wrong with you
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object defying your whatever the heck the places literally called hooters it's like wow you see boobs here. >> it's for kids who can't go into a strip clubs 18-19 where they are not going to go to a place where it's illegal for them. hooters is legally used to bring my daughter there a long time ago look at your future. >> cat i worry about the people would go to hooters and find themselves unnecessarily ran expectedly attracted to owls. marrying like sexual content with a furry little bird. >> is a twist their reign? >> my love and hooters. >> as a human being i feel very sad for everyone who lost their job.
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as a human being who needs to where a padded bra for the dress to fit i don't feel the worst about it not being recession proof. >> there should have been that. >> the fact they are doing okay without that makes me feel more okay about me. >> the great thing i think is the marriage of pantyhose dolphin shorts. >> it was interesting because it didn't become an iconic outfit even for halloween people address up as i was 1 of the most important ones for a while they had the tank top and shorts and never for anyone that well they hit at an interesting point in the pantyhose when i read this story i went specifically on the local newspaper in indianapolis my local high school hangout was 1 of the 1
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shutting down. trick a bit of a chord in me the memories. >> when i'm on the road i would put a hooters outfit on in my hotel room and ran around going who's a pretty girl. >> an amazing segment cat proved inflation is killing boobs and he upset a magical grow up. you can't get better than that folks. >> don't go away we'll be right back most people got 100% clear skin. some after the first dose. serious side effects, including suicidal thoughts and behavior, infections and lowered ability to fight them, liver problems, and inflammatory bowel disease, have occurred. tell your doctor if these happen or worsen, or if you've had a vaccine or plan to.
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8:00 pm
>> greg: out of time, thank you to our guests and studio audience, i'm greg gutfeld, i love you, america. >> trace: good evening i'm trace gallagher, 11:00 pm on the east coast, 8:00 i


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