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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  June 26, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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season and beyond. i think this is smart, honestly, of the nfl to build on the relationship between taylor swift and travis kelce which seems to have brought in some new viewers and so they are now going to reach out to, i would guess, a predominantly female audience that watches the hallmark christmas romantic stories and they will do an nfl version. if i'm a chiefs fan patrick mahomes coming to the chiefs is the greatest romance of all time from their perspective. >> ainsley: they are wholesome and good for the whole family. catch their radio streaming live. thank you, clay, have a wonderful day and we'll see you. >> dana: fox news alert and we're back on supreme court watch. the end of the term is almost
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here and some monumental cases are still undecided. we're awaiting rulings on abortion and free speech as well as the big one on presidential immunity. the court will issue opinions one hour from no bring it to you live as it happens. but first. putting bowman on blast. george latimer ousting jamal bowman in new york. it is seen as a stunning rebuke of the anti-israel left. i'm dana perino. bill is off today. great to have you, aishah. >> aishah:, this is "america's newsroom." congressman bowman becomes the first progressive squad member to lose his seat. the "new york post" cover today with this headline firing squad. it comes after a string of controversies including last year when he pulled the fire alarm while republicans were teeing up a big vote. last night he appeared to blame the loss on opposition spending from a pro-israel group.
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>> we should be outraged when a super pac of dark money can spend $20 million to brainwash people into believing something that isn't true. even though aipac and their affiliates -- don't boo. boo. >> dana: brain washed, really? trey gowdy is here to react. let's go to eric shawn in the new york newsroom. >> good morning, dana. the squad has shrunk. now there will be one less member of the far left progressive group. last night democratic voters in westchester county and part of the bronx said they're sick of the squad's leftist political viewings and dumped jamal bowman in favor of george latimer, the westchester county executive. >> we have to look at the
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arguments of the far right and the far left and say you cannot destroy this country with your rhetoric and your arguments. we have to have unity all across that continuum. if you hold a strong belief, you still must work with other people who don't share that belief because america hangs in the balance. >> bowman found out the price for his opposition to the israeli/hamas war and criticism of the jewish state. aipac the pro-israel lobby poured a reported 14 1/2 million dollars in latimer's coffers to take on bowman because of bowman's anti-isly rhetoric. >> we have are going to show [bleep] aipac the power of the [bleep] south bronx. >> his cursing at that rally this weekend with far left fire power alexandria ocasio-cortez and senator bernie sanders likely did not help his
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re-election bid at all. last night he apologized for repeatedly dropping the f bomb at the rally and seemed to take a shot at his opponent who he did not mention by name. >> we should be outraged when unfortunately some so-called democrats are aligning themselves with radical, racist, right wing republicans. >> he will face republican in november. she lost to bowman two years ago. >> dana: fox news alert now on more primary results from last night. alexandria ocasio-cortez easily fended off a challenge from marti dough lon. in colorado lauren boebert was victorious, her first primary in her new district. trey gowdy is with us.
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let's talk about the bowman loss. he, of course, pulled the fire alarm in congress, had to plead guilty to that. also he voted against joe biden's infrastructure package and democrats took notice of that. but then his rhetoric and actions since october 7th rubbed his district the wrong way and so he lost. did he get what he deserved, trey? >> well, i think what he proved is you can be an extremist but not an embarrassment. listen to his clips my thought is i hope you get some help. that is just not the rhetoric of a congressman even an extremist. so you have the head of the freedom caucus who looks like he will lose in virginia. one squad member who has already lost, cori bush is in trouble. this may be america's way of saying you know what? we'll put up with a little bit of the fringe stuff but not a lot of it and when you combine
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extremism with embarrassment, then he has a bright future, i guess, as a fair marshal or whoever tests fire alarms. i don't know what he will do next but not congress. >> aishah: maybe go back to being a principal. i don't know who will have him. right now on capitol hill you know that both parties are eating themselves. primary many candidates while should be focusing on winning back the majority. bob good, chairman of the house freedom caucus might be out as well. how much, though, does that affect the caucuses like the squad or progressives with bowman being out. aoc easily won her re-election -- primary. >> honestly, aishah, if it weren't for fox news i don't think most of the country would know who alexandria ocasio-cortez is. i've never had one of her democrat colleagues call me and say i just need to find out where she is on this issue.
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i think they are entertainment and instagram social media stars and plenty of them on the right, too. so fame has become the ultimate political virtue and as long as we're in that cycle, you will continue to see people like her or matt gaetz on the right. you may see a correction, though. it may be that people actually will take a little less excitement and a little more progress. >> dana: the other thing we want to talk to you about, trey, the judge in manhattan on tuesday, yesterday, tweaked donald trump's gag order a bit to less en it and make it easier for him to comment. what did you make of that decision two weeks before the sentencing? >> yeah, technically, dana, a conviction is not final until you are sentenced. the trial is over. there is no reason to say you can't talk about the jury. i would advise president trump, though, if you are going to talk about this, do what you've done in the past and say look, this
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time it was me, next time it can be you. so during the debate, he does not need to make this -- he does not need to make himself the victim. he needs to say we need a justice system where no one is victimized. i'm sure his advisors are telling him that. make it about the audience and not yourself. this judge is not going to put him in prison. he may fine him again but he won't put him in prison. if he goes to ryker's that guarantees he wins in november. >> aishah: 90 minutes goes by fast with things like the economy and border to talk about. >> yeah, i'm not a fan of this debate format. we're picking the leader of the free world. i think a day. i would love to hear the candidates question one another. president trump needs to be prepared because biden will say i had a fix for the border,
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langford had a bill. you nixed. he said not a single one of those children would be alive even if that bill had passed. not a single young mother out for a walk would still be alive if that bill had passed. that nursing student in georgia would not still be alive. she would still be dead even if that bill had passed. he needs to be prepared to respond because biden will blame all of the border mess on the failure of this quote bipartisan senate deal. >> dana: trey gowdy with his finger on the pulse of what's going on. can't wait to talk to you about it again tomorrow. thanks. >> aishah: fox news alert. nbc news reporting dhs has flagged more than 400 migrants brought here by a smuggling network linked to isis. dozens are still unaccounted for. this comes days after former c.i.a. director suggested that the biden administration was asleep at the wheel. >> i think the american public
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needs to understand what the threat is. that's why we called for a public congressional hearing just on the terrorist threats to the homeland. not a hearing on threats broadly, but threats to the homeland. >> aishah: matt finn has more from green valley, arizona. hi, matt. >> dhs secretary mayorkas is scheduled to hold a press conference in tucson, arizona today. a rare one, to talk about the border and the safety and security of our national border remains a major concern. that new report reveals that dhs has identified more than 400 migrants from central asia brought to the u.s. through an isis-related network. over 150 people have been reportedly arrested, 50 remain at large in the u.s. potentially. this comes after a string of similar busts including eight men from tajikistan arrested
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with suspected isis ties. mayorkas testified that border is as secure as it can be. we've seen arrests of isis-linked migrants who crossed the border and the inspector general released an alarming report concluding america's current vetting system is weak and a threat to national security. >> we don't know who they are, where they came from and we don't know their intentions. >> at this morning's presser in arizona we expect security to be addressed. we also expect secretary mayorkas to tout a plummet in illegal migrant encounters at the border even though the number of gotaways is 470 per day. one arizona border patrol agent tells us on the ground it is too early to determine exactly what has caused the recent drop in illegal migrant encounters. >> for us it is too soon to attribute the decrease to the executive order alone when before that the numbers had already been decreasing. i can't make that determination.
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it's too soon. >> that border patrol agent saying it is too soon to determine whether president biden's executive order is the credit for the drop in numbers. mayorkas will be in tucson, arizona, close to the border but not a front lines of the border. from our understanding the last time secretary mayorkas actually visited the border was in february. >> aishah: matt finn live in arizona. >> dana: happening now gershkovitch's trial is underway in russia. will the wall street reporter falsely accused of espionage get real justice or is this all for show? there is also this. >> i have to fight until the day i die i'm going to fight against norfolk central for what they've done to me and my family and everyone we love. >> aishah: the ntsb released its report on the train derailment
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in east palestine. ohio. residents far from satisfied. >> dana: nothing on solid ground is safe in the heartland. more cat as -- catastrophic flooding. ♪ limu emu... ♪ and doug. (bell ringing) limu, someone needs to customize and save hundreds on car insurance with liberty mutual. let's fly! (inaudible sounds) chief! doug. (inaudible sounds)
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>> aishah: evan gershkovitch in a russia courtroom today. his trial started today. gershkovitch is accused of gathering secret information for the united states but the u.s. says evan has been wrongfully detained for more than a year. he faces up to 20 years in prison if convicted. alex hogan live from london now with the latest on how this is going in russia. alex. >> hi, aishah. "wall street journal" reporter evan gershkovitch, his trial beginning today behind closed doors meaning the media, friends and family were not allowed to
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stay in the courtroom. sojourn allists and u.s. officials from the embassy were allowed in for several proceedings taking video of the 32-year-old reporter in that glass cage appearing with a shaved head. russia accuses gershkovitch of spying for the c.i.a. gathering secret information about a company building tanks for russia's war in ukraine. washington vehemently denies this accusation. the u.s. embassy stating evan has done nothing wrong and never arrested in the first place. this is about the kremlin using american citizens to achieve political objectives. he spends 23 hours every day in a cell. as far as how he is holding up this morning one of his friends told "fox & friends" this. >> he continues to be even after 16 months locked away upbeat and positive is maybe not the way to
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describe it but up beat and energetic. >> he faces up to 20 years behind bars if convicted. statistically likely. russian courts convict more than 99% of defendants. vladimir putin earlier this year indicated he would be open to a prisoner swap but that's something that is likely not going to take place until after a verdict. this will be a long road ahead the next trial date is set for seven weeks from now on august 13th. aishah. >> aishah: tough situation for family, friends and all of us supporting and praying for him. alex hogan live for us. gershkovitch's long time friend sam silverman will join dana and i in studio soon to share more about evan and how he is doing. that's straight ahead. >> i think what he proved is you can be an extremist but you can't be an embarrassment. that is not the rhetoric of a congressman even an extremist. he has a bright future, i guess,
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as a fire marshal or whoever tests fire alarms. i don't know what he will do next but it won't be in congress. >> dana: bowman is looking for a new job becoming the first member of the squad to get ousted from congress losing to latimer. bowman wasn't the only progressive to fall including prominent state lawmakers lost their re-election bids in denver. joining us now the colorado's democratic governor. you took interest in the races especially when it comes to the support of israel. your reaction to bowman losing his seat as well as these two in denver. >> i never swerved in congress with bowman. i left before he got there. i don't know him personally. a lot of politics, whether state legislature, congress, it's really about doing the basics. about the house parties, meeting people, attending birthdays and funerals and getting to know
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them. when members of congress don't do that work, they are vulnerable to be ousted. in this case you have a number of incumbents who didn't put in the work in the neighborhoods getting to know people and have a different representative going forward. >> dana: would you agree that their outspokenness against israel and bowman is blaming his loss on aipac, the pac in america that supports israel, for his loss as if he never did anything wrong and uses the word that aipac spent millions of dollars and brain washed the constituents of his district. >> he seems obsessed with that topic. the people of his district in bronx and westchester like the people in colorado want elected officials to fight for lower costs, strong economy. if you seem obsessed about issues that people legitimately care about but not the kitchen table issues, people will say why are we sending this guy if
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all he is doing is fighting about an overseas war and not making our lives easier. >> dana: president biden is hunkered down preparing for tomorrow night's debate. would you encourage him on this issue, should he feel some confidence to push back more against the left given these results? >> i think what's important in any of these issues is just authenticity. joe biden is a guy who chaired the foreign relations committee and knows it inside and out and knows global leaders. speak from the heart. he is best then. he knows the insides and outs of middle eastern peace process and part of it for a while and i think he can articulate a positive vision for middle east peace going forward. >> dana: the race is tightening up on the presidential level. friends of mine say it is trump's to lose and a friend sent me a note saying it's biden's to lose. who is right? i don't know who is right. do you think it is biden's race to lose or trump's race to lose
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at this point? >> it doesn't take a pundit to say it is neck-and-neck. it is. you see a poll and biden is up a point and trump up two points. it will come down to the wire. debates are important. dialogue is important, campaigns on the ground are important. what the candidates should focus and articulate is a positive vision for the future and how america will be better under their presidency for the next four years. >> dana: one of the things we have from the a.p. recent poll when it comes to democrats, how satisfied are they with their candidate? 42% said very or somewhat satisfied. compare that with republicans who are 59% satisfied and the enthusiasm gap seems to be quite strong there. what would you advise president biden to say tomorrow night to try to close that? >> really excite people about what four years of him as president would mean. not so much about the past and you will hear trump and biden relitigate the past, of course they will do some of that.
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but what i really think president biden needs to do is articulate a vision for the future. how we can make life better for everyday americans, improve the economy, reduce costs and move forward as a country together. >> dana: do you think he can do that? >> i'm looking forward to it. i happen to be watching the debate as you will be and it's a great opportunity to hear firsthand from both candidates and obviously there is a few people in the middle that haven't made up their mind yet and what will help decide this election. >> dana: what is your go-to debate snack tomorrow night? >> i don't know, we'll see. probably get some good chips. >> dana: chips and salsa. >> just like sunday football. >> dana: take care, thanks, governor. >> aishah: get some chips and salsa for supreme court watch. watching this for a while. we're watching that really, really closely today. several big decisions expected to come down this morning. the legal team is standing by with reaction to that plus this.
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top democratic advisors are at camp david trying to coach him before he takes the stage with president trump tomorrow night. what's going on behind the scenes? >> biden in camp david has been a big mistake for the staff to be giving interviews and dozens are there, feeding him answers and oxygen. it makes no sense. alan, we get it. you love your bike. we do, too. that's why we're america's number-one motorcycle insurer. but do you have to wedge it into everything? what? i don't do that. this reminds me of my bike. the wolf was about the size of my new motorcycle. have you seen it, by the way? happy birthday, grandma! really? look how the brushstrokes follow the line of the gas tank. -hey! -hey! brought my plus-one. jamie? choice hotels is a family of brands with a hotel for any traveler you want to be. like #1 chef dad, cookin' up a free,
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is to keep it from happening. (♪) at evernorth, we combine medical and pharmacy data with behavioral health data to identify members in need of care. predicting and treating behavioral health issues quickly... while lowering costs for plan sponsors and members. that's wonder made possible. evernorth health services >> dana: the national transportation safety board released its final report on what caused the train derailment that spilled hazardous chemicals in ohio last year saying it was caused by a wheel bearing on fire for more than 20 miles and was not caught in time by inaccurate track side detectors. ntsb believes norfolk southern repeatedly tried to interfere with the probe. >> numerous times norfolk
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southern delayed or failed to proal investigative information to our team. >> this whole thing has been nothing but hell for me and my family and everybody else in this community. northern suffolk, we've gone through living hell. >> roughly 1200 feet from where the fires were burning. i have a full diagnosis of ptsd from the derailment. >> dana: the crash forced more than 2,000 residents to abon done their homes and they are indeed going to. >> aishah: one more day until the high stakes cnn presidential debate. esche candidate is taking a different approach leading up to it. president biden's advisors pushing him to focus on ways to provoke president trump. headlines here. outside advisors urging biden team to focus on trump, not first term record and biden debate prep strategy be prepared
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for two different trumps. josh holmes is former chief of staff to senator mitch mcconnell and co-host of the ruthless podcast. welcome to the program. let me ask you about all the advice president biden is getting, a ton of it. not just surrounded by 16 debate prepers but getting advice from former presidents, secretary of state hillary clinton and all the friends and democrats want him to trigger trump. i don't know if that's possible because trump seems to be really good at it himself. >> well, i think there is an old add acknowledge if you are a politician and can't defend your record you better be pretty charming. the problem that joe biden has is that the expiration date on his charm has long since past and any admiration that the america people have had for joe biden over the years has curdled long ago. what is he left in the tool box? at this point if you can't
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defend yourself you better hope your opponent does it for you. going in with a strategy of gosh, we sure hope that donald trump screws this up for himself. i don't know if that would be super confident about that from a democratic standpoint. donald trump has handled debates pretty well. the strategy has been remarkably similar throughout. they think that what they are dealing with with trump is somebody who they can get to talk about things like january 6th or post election 2020 and speak to that center of the electorate that may make a difference in some key states and get him to step on himself and step on his own toes. i think we've seen something remarkably different in the last three months. he has had a discipline and been forward-looking and i think joe biden might be disappointed about what he encounters. >> dana: he has been answering questions from the press and people. you could see in the hosts' face
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were interested, charmed and grateful he was there. he is a little more tested in terms of the types of questions that he might be able to broaden the range. i also wanted to ask you about this. selection of a vice president is a moment in a campaign. we don't know who president trump will select, we have ideas on who it might be. in this particular election, how important is that selection for president trump and when do you think it will occur? >> i think it actually does hold a fair amount of significance. that's not to say that any sort of vice presidential selection will overshadow what trump himself brings. he is a character, somebody who fills any void that is anywhere in the political system. but i think it is joe biden and the existence of joe biden, the perceived frailty of him and dislike of kamala harris that provides a real opportunity here. if you look at where most americans are concerned about a future four years for joe biden they see a potential president kamala harris. in selecting a vp if you have
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somebody who matches up well in a debate with kamala and they come to the conclusion this is a person who could indeed do the job, i think that is a huge opportunity for the trump campaign. i think probably something they are looking at ultimately in this election. >> aishah: so much made about democrats trying to lower expectations for president biden so that he really just has to show up and perform okay to get through. but i actually think they are raising expectations when they hide him away for five days. that's quite a bit of debate prep that i'm not familiar with. i don't know if dana is. that's a long time to be hidden away. you are still commander-in-chief of the leading country in the world but you aren't seen for almost a week. >> yeah. i saw the interview that you had with kellyanne conway and i agree. why you would do process stories about the president's preparation for this debate is beyond me.
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i can't quite figure it out other than the fact that they want to be perceived as a competent campaign. they are not perceived even in democratic circles as a competent campaign. the strategy of having this debate pre-convention in the first place. they are trying to prove something here. they know they have lost ground over the last three months and know that joe biden has a huge perception problem and policy problems and losing on all the major issues. they need to turn it around somewhere and looking for a moment. they are trying to set the bar awfully low. if you gave them truth serum they would say they need to do well here. >> dana: they need some good headlines in the morning of friday, june 28th. we'll see if they get them. josh, thanks. >> thank you. >> aishah: tune in to special coverage of the cnn presidential debate. our coverage begins thursday, june 27th at 8:00 p.m. eastern
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time. dana will be there along with the rest. >> dana reads sports. >> dana: kansas city chiefs already played a big role in a star studded relationship last year. now the super bowl winning team is getting its own hallmark channel christmas movie inspired by the romantic saga of travis kelce and taylor swift beginning production next month and based in kansas city called holiday touchdown, a chiefs love story. right there you have a great match-up of hemmer celebrity news and dana reads sports. >> aishah: i would watch that movie. i'm not a big fan of this couple. >> dana: somebody who a big fan of hallmark christmas movies is shannon bream on supreme court watch for us right now. maybe if the supreme court doesn't come out with anything interesting today we might ask about that. >> aishah: still ahead one of the l.a. district attorney
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gascon's top advisor is charged with 11 felonies. a judge is unsealing a document with new revelations about the case. plus hillary clinton releasing a new book weeks before the election and it has a warning for voters, you, the political consequences coming up. ♪ want to save money and get cash? for veteran homeowners, it's easy as 1-2-3. one: call newday and apply. two: take out an average of $70,000. three: pay off your credit cards we handcraft every stearns & foster® using the finest materials, like indulgent memory foam, and ultra-conforming inner-springs, for a beautiful mattress, and indescribable comfort. shop now, and save $400 on select stearns & foster mattresses.
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>> dana: runaway river in minnesota swallowing up a house. this after torrential rain caused the partial failure of a dam that's more than 100 years old. the storms causing rivers to overflow all across the region. maxx gordon is following the situation from mankato, minnesota. what are you seeing today? hi, max? >> good morning.
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we've been seeing dramatic images at the rapid and dam. i want to get out of the way to show you this live picture. you can see the western side of the dam failed back on monday. this was due to high water on the blue earth river and a build-up of debris as well. ever since that western side of the dam failed, it has been undercutting the western bank and you can see we've seen trees that have been falling into the water today and yesterday a house actually fell in. it is unclear whether or not the structure on the other side of the river is going to also fall in. that was right next to the house. all eyes really are on that other bank seeing what is next to go. no mass evacuations have been issued just yet. it is still unclear if more parts of the dam will fail but we'll keep an eye on it the rest of the day. back to you. >> dana: thank you so much. fox weather is your severe weather hq. stream it on your connected device and free and i love it.
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>> it's clear it is an attack on journalism. they have made false claims about his behavior, about his actions, about associations with the united states government that simply aren't true. so all i can say is we'll continue to try to secure the release of evan gershkovitch as well as paul whalen and do everything we can to bring them home. >> aishah: gershkovitch faces 20 years if prison. family, friends and other journalists are rallying for his release. sam silverman, one of his long time friends the here now in studio. thank you for taking the time. hard to see him with the shaved head, i'm sure, for you and his family as well. this trial, you can't be there, his family can't be there. we don't know who else is there with him. how do you feel like this is going to go? are you worried that this is just leading to russia really
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just wanting a prisoner swap at the end? >> absolutely. we already know how this is going to go. he will be convicted. he will be found guilty. it is a complete sham trial. bogus charges and an opaque charges taking place behind closed doors. this is just par for the course. the playbook for the russian government and like you said, this is hopefully leading towards prisoner swap but they are going to convict him of these bogus charges first. >> dana: a letter from the "wall street journal" editor in which the editor in chief says to even call it a trial, however, is unfair to evan and continuation of this travesty of justice that has already gone on far too long. dan hoffman used to be a station chief in russia and what he said earlier on "fox & friends." >> the expectation is that evan could face as many as 20 years sentence. again, that's just designed to give vladimir putin the leverage he thinks he needs to make a swap because vladimir putin sends his cronies out all over
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the world to violate the law. i have no doubt there is a back channel discussion going on right now. >> dana: do you know if evan knows that? >> yeah, evan is aware of the situation that he is in. he knew the risks going into this and he is a very intelligent guy. he knows what is happening. he knows he did nothing wrong. he is an innocent man who has been taken hostage for a prisoner swap and, you know, he knows that. the u.s. government is working as hard as they can to get him out. >> dana: does he know about all his good friends like you out there trying to help? >> he does, he does. he is able to get letters from us and he writes back to us so he knows about all the support from his friends, family, colleagues, and people all across the world who understand that he was a reporter doing his job and nothing more than that. >> aishah: i can't even imagine. it must feel helpless being all the way here enjoying your freedom and watching your friend in this glass jail cell.
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what is it that we can do other than continue to talk about this and shine a light to it and press the administration to do more? what does evan need right now from all of us? >> evan needs our support. he can receive letters. anybody can write a letter to him at free he has received tens of thousands of letters from friends, family and strangers alike and kept him going and i encourage everyone to write evan a letter and reach out to political representatives. at the end of the day it is a political issue. the government needs to feel that pressure and know that people care about returning this innocent american citizen back home where he belongs. >> dana: how are his parents? >> as good as they they can considering the situation. every passing day makes it harder and harder. it has been 455 days since his arrest but they're staying as strong as they can and fighting as hard as anybody could possibly be to get their son home.
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>> dana: he has a wonderful friend in you, thanks for sure. >> aishah: thanks for joining us. we'll be praying for him. >> dana: we're on the watch now. blockbuster rulings could be coming down the pike at the supreme court. one is the potential make or break case for donald trump. we are on verdict watch in a trial that's getting national attention. the jury now deciding the fate of murder suspect karen read. [announcer] introducing allison's plaque psoriasis. she thinks her flaky gray patches are all people see. otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. allison! over here! otezla can help you get clearer skin and reduce itching and flaking. with no routine blood tests required. doctors have been prescribing otezla for over a decade. otezla is also approved to treat psoriatic arthritis. don't use otezla if you're allergic to it.
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[birds chirping] [phone dings] meanwhile, at a vrbo... oh my god. what? i got onekeycash on this house. hmm... raising twins and as a single mother, presented, quite a few challenges. the financial aspects of oh my gosh, how am i going to provide for my family? i'm going to have to get two jobs. thomas kennedy, he was a major in the u.s. army. tom loved hockey. he went to west point, to play hockey. and ended up falling in love with the army. he was a father. he was, a great husband, he would give you a shirt off of his back for you. in 2012, tom was deployed to afghanistan. he was on his way to a provincial governor's meeting, tom was killed by a suicide bomber. when the bomb went off, tom was in a group of four that were, killed in the incident. the morning i found out. our world has just been upended. you know, with not having tom around to be here in our everyday life, my sister moved in with us, and she helped me with the day
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the victim treated at the hospital for swelling to her head and bruising. goodness. >> dana: a top official for the l.a. county district attorney is facing a dozen felony charges accused of improper access to information on local law enforcement officers. what the heck is happening there? jonathan hunt live in l.a. with more. hi, jonathan. >> good morning. this case centers on what's known as the brady list. law enforcement official disciplinary records. her job was to look over those files while she worked at the los angeles sheriff department. but she left the lasd in 2018. according to the california attorney general illegally accessed some of those files in her new job in d.a. gorgeous con's office. after joining the lada she
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repeatedly used data from the personnel files and internal emails and documents in a sur whip tarpous attempt to add peace officer names into the brady database is. the officer and recurrent witness information tracking system also. the affidavit says she illegally accessed the records of 11 sheriffs deputies in total after she was appointed to d.a. gascon's justice system integrity division. her lawyer says the case is dead on arrival because in his view the deputy's records were already public documents. he told the la public press this affidavit reveals what i suspected when the case was first charged, that every document used as probable cause for the charge is a public record. to think that diana was not acting within the scope of her employment shows just a vindictive spirit, not a true
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legitimate investigatory effort. she is due in court next month. dana. >> dana: i know you will be on top of it. thank you. >> aishah: karen read's case in the hands of the jury. defense attorneys accused law enforcement of a big cover-up. molly line is live outside the courthouse in massachusetts. hi, molly. >> good morning, aishah. prosecutors say she killed her boyfriend in a drunken rage. defense attorneys say she was framed in a widespread conspiracy and day two of jury deliberations. the jury is doing the work underway and they will be the ones to determine if there is reasonable doubt in this case. this is a murder trial. read has pleaded not guilty to the charges of second degree murder, manslaughter was operating a motor vehicle and leaving the scene of an accident causing injury and death. prosecutors say she hit her boyfriend, police officer john o'keefe with her s.u.v. after a night out drinking leaving him
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to die in a blizzard on january 29, 2022. in closing arguments and throughout the trial they tried to use read's own words against her including rage-filled voice mails left for o'keefe after she allegedly ran him down and her own panicked statements to first responders who claim she said i hit him after his body was found in the snow. prosecutors also addressed the offensive texts sent by trooper michael proctor who preferred to her as a whack job and far, far worse. >> as distasteful as those messages are in their content, i submit they have no bearing whatsoever or impact whatsoever on the integrity of the entirety of the investigation. >> defense attorneys claim the 44-year-old massachusetts woman is innocent casting her as a scapegoat arguing o'keefe was most likely beaten to death and bitten by the family dog at a
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late night party in the home of other boston police officer what she said she dropped off o'keefe. investigators never went inside the house. they claim the real killers lied to color their actions and shoddy police work to pin it on the girl. >> the chain of custody. keep all the evidence in the hands of one person and then manipulate that evidence, including videos. >> karen read supporters gather outside court every day nearly crushing her and her legal team. >> every day was a shock, to be honest. one thing after another. i feel very strongly that there was corruption and she was framed and i just got immediately engrossed in all the details. >> we remain on verdict watch here in the courthouse. back to you.
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