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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  June 26, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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>> aishah: you were talking during the commercial break the anti-masking law. this is a country of laws that work when they are enforced. >> we have laws against assault and vandalism and my colleagues at the manhattan institute that support anti-masking. it worked against the k.k.k. >> dana: before we go the high temperatures in d.c. doing a number on this wax statue of abraham lincoln. the sweltering heat melting the figure and causing lincoln to lose his head. officials are repairing the replica. it is supposed to melt over time and going faster than they thought. >> aishah: is that the reason why they did it during the summer? >> dana: aishah, this is art. >> harris: we begin with a fox
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news alert. far left democrat squad lost a member. scandal-plagued congressman jamaal bowman has cost the new york democratic primary a seat. the left's divide over the israel/hamas war played big at the ballot box in what some call a litmus test for the party. a more moderate democrat then stepped in and took bowman's place. they will retain potentially that seat in the primary at least that's what will happen. we don't know what's happening as we move forward. we'll cover it all. i'm harris faulkner and you are in "the faulkner focus." jamaal bowman lost to george latimer. we already knew going into the day that it was a wide margin. look how it ended up. the pro-israel advocacy group aipac put in some big money. they wanted bowman out and bowman gave them plenty of help. in september he pulled a house
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building fire alarm and pleaded guilty, was scensure for it and paid a fine. against a house resolution condemning hamas terrorists and they were voting. he called reports of hamas raping women on october 7th propaganda. he accused israel of genocide and ethnic cleansing after they suffered october 7th a massacre at the hands of hamas monsters. this week bowman led that profanity-laced rally tearing into aipac, jewish hatred on full display and it went viral, as you know. he kind of then sort of apologized after yesterday's vote. >> i want to make an apology, public apology, for, you know, sometimes using foul language. i'm sorry.
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but -- but i think it is not -- how do i want to say this? we should not be well-adjusted to a sick society. >> harris: i apologize but. we all know you don't mean the part that came before the but and why you said the but. new york republican congresswoman nichole malliotakis is not mincing words. she said bye-bye, bowman, good riddance. original squad member aoc, her district next door to bowman's scored a victory yesterday. she was with him trying to lift up his capitol bowman but she did it in her district. most of the far left group has survived the democratic primary so far. cori bush and minnesota
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congresswoman ilhan omar are the only two facing challenges in upcoming primaries. eric shawn with more. >> well, the squad is shrinking. now there is one less member of the squad in congress. this after the loss last night of jamaal bowman. [cheers and applause] >> last night democratic voters in westchester county and a slice of the bronx said they're sick of the squad's leftist political views so they dumped incumbent congressman jamaal bowman in favor of a moderate democrat who you see on the left, george latimer. he is the westchester county executive. >> we have to fight to make sure that we do not vilify each other, that we remember we're all americans. and if we think that way, then the problems that we see, the
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serious problems, climate change is a serious problem, we have issues to deal with immigration, serious issues, but we're bound together about a common future. >> latimer is vowing to defeat former president trump and take back the house from republicans. as for bowman, he has been a harsh critic of israel blaming aipac for his defeat. they spent $14 1/2 million against him supporting latimer. his condemning of israel and cause for ending u.s. military aid to the jewish state followed other squad members, as well as senator bernie sanders, despite his defeat bowman told his supporters the fight is not over. >> put your hands in the air if you stand for humanity. put your hands in the air if you stand for justice. put your hands in the air if you
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stand for equality. now make a fist if you will continue to fight for justice, freedom, and equality. >> latimer will face a republican in november. she lost to bowman two years ago. >> harris: eric, thank you very much. and we'll go on with this topic a bit more. the "new york post" editorial board has a headline today. hopefully jamaal bowman's defeat is the first against the radical left squad. a bit more, bowman was always an out of touch radical. october 7th exposed him as a bitter anti-semite. he called israel's necessary military response genocide and he said jewish enclaves in new york were segregated. if it leads to the ejection of club and omar.
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if his loss is a harbinger of things to come, thank heavens for that, end quote. steve hilton, fox news contributor. look, this is one. we cannot forget, at least i can't, what that day looked like, that profanity laced and cease-fire for the palestinians and what my guest yesterday caldwell said the hamas vote. >> exactly. what is interesting about this, harris, is that finally, you know, at long last, we've seen a rebuke, a very clear rebuke to this vile anti-semitism. the apologists for hamas running rampant in the democratic party. the voters delivered the rebuke. it should have come from the leadership of the party months ago. it should have come from biden. it should have come from harris. they should have been in there saying we have to kick these people out. these extremists taking over our party, trying to take over our party.
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you see it throughout the party. yes, this is a shrinking of the squad right now but this faction, this far left faction, this is the growing faction within the democratic party and the leadership is -- the so-called leadership of the party is doing nothing to fight back against it. thankfully the voters are. >> harris: what is confounding and you talk about that top-down approach all the way to the white house, how in the world will biden get the hamas vote? he has to act on behalf of the majority of american people and that would mean he has to shore up that relationship he has with our best ally in the middle east who now is feeling pressure from a second war front from lebanon. israel. how does he really do it, or can't he? >> he can't. he can't. this goes to one of the issues on display in the debate. the character of these people. that's what people always say in the end it's the character of the candidate that matters
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because it is not what they say in their election campaigns and all the promises, but how they respond to unpredictable future events. all along i said about joe biden, the problem with him is that he is just a machine politician, 50 years in office has gone one way and the other way, no convictions or principles, just goes with the flow. so when you are tested in a situation like that, that's what he has been doing. so yes, initially his rhetoric was supportive of israel. the minute it caused him political problems he is caving in and now left our ally dangling. it is a total disgrace. >> harris: i want to move to something that divides us in this nation, women on one side. august 1st is when the biden administration's title ix changes take full effect. the update extends discrimination protections to include gender identity. the administration claims it won't affect women's sports but many say it is already happening
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that way. it is already affecting women. all american collegiate swimmer riley gaines is leading the fight for fairness. >> it seems like we're asking for the bare minimum here, equal opportunity, privacy in areas of undressing, safety in sports. the bare minimum. we have an administration in the white house right now who is actively undermining this who has abolished title ix in its original intent. the most anti-woman, anti-reality pursuit we've seen from this administration thus far. >> harris: simple things are being requested and want the need for respect. privacy in areas of undressing. women in front of biological men in locker rooms. riley gaines and other women's sports activity teas launched a bus tour in an effort to take back title ix. this shows exactly what they are up against. vandals trashed their bus, painted it with vulgar language
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and hate-filled messages. college football coach lou holtz weighed in. i was happy when title ix came out. now we can't even insure women competing against women. it is crazy. you know the left likes to preach about how it is the bright, shining light on the hill for women. what is this? >> exactly. first of all, it is insane. if you would have told people even five years ago you would be having this conversation, the gender extremism would be mainstream in the democratic party people would have just laughed. it goes to the weakness within the top of the democratic party that they aren't standing up to this insanity, completely ridiculous and exactly as you say, it shows how hollow their promises are. all that language, endless language about women and your body, your choice and all the rest of it. basically the only issue in the general election, abortion,
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trying to pretend they are the champion of women but actually this shows who is really in charge in the democratic party because the extremists, the gender extremists drown out what the normal vast majority of people, even democrats, would think about this and it shows that they pander to the extremes. they won't stand up to them and in effect what you have got now from the democratic party is a war on women. >> harris: the democrat party did manage to bring a group of women together as far as athletes. navratilova and other lgbt members of that community are saying we're on the women's side. we absolutely see the difference between women in sports and the best in what they did. like at martina. they are part of this movement along with riley gaines right now. it will be interesting to see what happens as we move into really the down stretch the last few days before this presidential election. steve, thank you so very much for being in "focus."
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former president trump's team is continuing to push to reach out to black voters. the campaign is hoping to make massive gains with the critical voting group while president biden is losing them. plus anticipation is sky high going into tomorrow's cnn presidential debate. >> i think it will be a sand box fight. >> i think mr. trump will do excellent and knock him out of the ballpark. >> i want them to talk about the issues that are at hand. >> harris: yeah, the issues. new reports on the strategies that each of the candidates plans to bring to the stage as polling shows they are pretty much in a dead heat right now. veteran homeowners, have you looked at the interest rates on your credit cards lately? get ready for a shock. the rate on credit cards is now over 22%.
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>> harris: two strategies for winning tomorrow night. cnn presidential debate will be simulcast here on fox news channel. biden is now on day six of studying at camp david with some 16 advisors. he is reportedly doing mock debates with some elaborate staging. nbc is reporting biden's aides are training him to quote, unquote, trigger trump to make trump upset and angry on stage. trump instead has taken to the campaign trail and doing a mix of preparation there with voters and off the trail. one senior trump advisor has a familiar warning. >> he is probably going to be filled with adderall like he was at the state of the union and so it is -- it will provide a great
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contrast. >> harris: of course, you know, on the heels of that the white house has declined trump's request and he and both president biden take a drug test. when it comes to the top issue, the economy, press secretary karine jean-pierre says inflation will not hurt the president tomorrow. >> you know, eggs and milk and grocery things that were up, it has gone down since 2022. gas prices, because of the actions that this president took, the president has met the moment with every issue that we have had in front of us. the president obviously talks about that often. he will have another opportunity on thursday to speak to those issues. >> harris: you know what's missing there, don't you? she is saying that inflation and all the high prices for the last 3 1/2 years won't hurt the president. i don't think he is the one we're concerned about. we're concerned about the american people hurt by his policies. so i didn't hear her say he would concentrate on that but we'll see. national polling shows trump and
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biden are neck-and-neck pretty much. an edge, a look at your screen. the real clear politics average of polls has trump actually up by one full point. "the new york times" average has the two statistically tied. these are averages. so there is no margin of error to be factored in here because it's a number of polls averaged together. so this is an interesting indicator. trump has had the edge over biden in five different elector y'all college projections and one even predicts trump will get more than 300 electoral votes. matt gorman, former tim scott campaign advisor and then jose a democratic press secretary. matt, i will start with you, only a snapshot at this point. it is a lot of polling they averaged together. your reaction. >> absolutely. the state-based polls show a small but consistent lead for trump and they have the last couple of months. you look at the sun belt,
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arizona, and nevada look pretty good. the upper midwest do, too. i think to your point about biden. interview prep is debate prep. he hasn't been a dynamo, extremely protected. so i know when you go and kind of stay out of sight and don't have the interactions it gets you rusty. i look to see if the rust appears tomorrow night. >> harris: interesting. i have seen a couple of reports, jose, of course we aren't in the room at camp david so there is no way to be there to know exactly what time he gets up in the morning or goes to bed at night but they are working on his biological clock to make sure he can do the mock debates and stay up past 9:00. it is all east coast time. no time zone difference here. >> look, thanks for having me on the show. the president will remember the state of the union biden did well. he spoke for well over an hour
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and came out with stellar scores. on tomorrow's debate he will talk directly to the american people what he plans to do for the country in the next four years. he has to remind people who trump is. we have to remember trump said he wants to be what he -- he wants to be a dictator on day one. he said it. reality. a fact. trump is out for himself. he doesn't care about the american people. if he does that at the same time tell the american people look, i understand you and working for you, i think he will come out on top tomorrow. >> harris: the idea if he can do that at the same time. you want him to concentrate as reports show he will try to trigger trump. where do the american people fit in first? matt, i want a last quick one. rebuttal to jose and i'll move forward. >> this was hillary clinton's advice and how well it worked out for her. voters know both the candidates very well but say during trump's presidency i could afford gas,
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groceries, buy a home easier. >> harris: a former biden aide raised the alarm. >> where he is struggling is among younger voters, black voters, latino voters, white voters. people who aren't playing close attention to politics and not tuned in. one of the reasons is they're cynical about politics and frustrated by them. >> harris: voters in pennsylvania are divided on issues like the economy and border crisis. >> this country right now is suffering from a very bad, world leaders, people have have to work two or three jobs to afford everything. >> something is terribly wrong to allow the border to be open like that. it's more than a shame. it's embarrassing. >> every decision he has made has put us in a spot where we
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can't even live anymore. it is terrible i'm a grown man and going to the welfare office. >> harris: this is what i was talking about. i understand the take it outside that biden said before as a candidate. but how about keeping it inside with the voters and seeing what they need to do inside their homes to make ends meet? he has got to at least acknowledge some failures here. >> well look, he has to know things take time. not only -- >> harris: he had more than 8% inflation shortly after he took over and he inherited 1.4%. that only means that the prices are still going up. they are just going up by twice as much as they should be at 3%. >> things are getting better. nobel winner economists have said trump is a disaster to the
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economy. it takes time to fix these types of things and the president needs to acknowledge that. i am getting the wordone for the american people. we aren't done just yet. the message he has to deliver tomorrow. >> harris: matt. >> one of the 16 nobel prize economists was janet yellen's husbands. i need a lot of excuses. i listen to david axelrod. when you talk about democracy and these other issues you have a luxury because you aren't wore eft about the economy like so many millions of americans are across the country and he said look, joe biden's pride talking about democracy and those other issues could cost him with the voters wore eft about the economy. >> harris: the trump campaign is dumping down on outreach to black voters. team trump will host a black american business leaders barber shop in atlanta today. he won't be there but the team will be there and they're featuring congressman byron donalds and wesley hunt.
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they will also host a cognac and cigars event today. >> i think we'll hear that black issues are american issues. what we realize we aren't going to get half the black vote. we have to focus on is getting 20 to 25% of the total black vote. it's mathematically impossible for democrats to win and that's what we'll discuss today. >> harris: charlamagne tha god has had infamous moments with president biden said this directly to black democrat voters. this is charlamagne tha god. >> we are not what propaganda has made us seem to be to the world. i think that we should be able to criticize the democratic party, right? without people labeling us, you know, anything else. we will not get any real change, we will not get the things that
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we want if we don't push them and if we don't criticize them. >> harris: it's fascinating. at one point it sounded like there was a suggestion to replace biden on the ticket if he can't get past this debate, matt. >> there is a long time between now and next one in september. i wouldn't be surprised one way or another. tim scott tried to ramp up the african-american vote and he is right. 20% is the hinge point. above that starts unlocking states like georgia, pennsylvania and makes it tough for biden to win. >> harris: that's an interesting point. jose? >> i will say democrats cannot take the black vote for granted or the latino vote for granted. they shouldn't. i don't think they are. they have to continue speaking to the group of voters. look, i do agree with matt. tomorrow is a make or break moment for joe biden. he has to do well. i think he will do just fine but he has to do well tomorrow. >> harris: and if he doesn't who would wait in the wings? jose?
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>> well, i don't think there is a replacement. i think we'll stick to our candidate. i don't believe in the rumors. i know republicans want to create a cause. i don't think that should happen. worry about their own candidate and sentence and convictions. joe biden will be here until november and i think he will win. >> harris: i wasn't referring to a rumor. the stakes were tomorrow night. if he doesn't do well what would the backup plan be? you didn't automatically say the vice president, kamala harris. i haven't had anybody answer the question with her name. >> he will do well. if he doesn't do well he has a second debate to work for. >> harris: good to see you both. thank you. it is expected to be the most watched debate in american history. tune in for special coverage of the cnn presidential debate simulcast. we'll give you the coverage before, we'll simulcast the actual event, the debate and
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we'll have post coverage as well. it all starts at 8:00 p.m. eastern. pop your corn. your night is made. we move now to this. it really never gets any easier. certainly not for her family. the road ahead has a trial and so much. right now we're thinking of the 12-year-old little girl who was put through hell. she was murdered and an even harsher spotlight is being put on president biden's border crisis. the illegal immigrant suspects both being held on $10 million bail. the flood of illegals across our border is now at a soaring concern for voters. >> we've seen individuals who are on the terror watch list who have come across into country. amongst the hundreds of thousands of individuals that we call gotaways, we don't even know who they are. this is a security risk for the
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country. >> harris: dhs secretary alejandro mayorkas went to the southern border today and he will talk about biden's executive border order and we'll see if he even brings up the growing terror threat to every american now. we are looking out especially for our children. former acting ice director tom homan in "focus" next. ♪ ♪ citi's industry leading global payments solutions help their clients move money around the world seamlessly in over 180 countries... and help a partner like the world food programme as they provide more than food to people in need. together, citi and the world food programme empower families across the globe. ♪ ♪ when the sawdust settles and the engine finally roars the thing you care about most
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>> harris: homeland secretary mayorkas is at the site of the crisis today. he should have moved down there. this has been on his watch the entire time. today he is in tucson, arizona along the border there and is scheduled to speak later this afternoon and we're told mayorkas will highlight what the white house says is the success of biden's recent executive order last month. a new memo from the white house claimed our border agents saw 40% fewer border crossers after
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biden's actions. it also blames republicans for blocking bipartisan border legislation. here is what mayorkas said earlier today. >> we are conducting more removal flights than ever before. we are moving people through the system and those who do not qualify are being removed or returned more rapidly. it is a remarkable fete our personnel from accomplished in such a short period of time. >> harris: he did not mention the 11 million who have come across, including 5 million illegals who went around all the checkpoints to sneak into our nation. of course, the gotaways that you could detect and those that you couldn't. border patrol data show 42% of those encountered at the border were released into the united states whether we knew who they were or we didn't. when you factor in all the gotaways the number spikes to 65% since january of 2021.
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look at that. 65%, not knowing any of those people. we are at a very, very tough tipping point. a chilling new nbc report finds dhs has identified more than 400 illegals brought into the country by an isis-affiliated human smuggling network. now you see why it gets tough. there are no excuses for this. sources are telling the outlet authorities have arrested 150 of them, the whereabouts of 50 of them completely unknown. former c.i.a. deputy direct for michael morell warned this month the terrorism warning lights are blinking red again, echoes of the run-up to 9/11 and just sunday he added this. >> there needs to be a sense of urgency about this. i think the american public needs to understand what the threat is. the vetting system does not
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provide all of the information the government has. so it is lack of information and then the system itself. >> harris: and the victims of the united states that are happening. i move to the case of the two illegal border crossers charged in the brutal murder, including that of 12-year-old jocelyn nungaray in texas. both of those suspects are being each held on $10 million bail charged with capital murder. authorities are waiting for the official confirmation, the forensic confirmation about exactly what happened to jocelyn and if she was raped along with that murder, they will go for the death penalty. jocelyn's funeral is scheduled for tomorrow. tom homan, former acting ice director and fox news contributor, it is always great to have you on the program but i tell you, it is with a heavy heart. this has got to stop. >> i'm sick and tired of the
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lies this administration. they disgust me. secretary mayorkas should have been impeached. for every congressman who voted not to impeach him, shame on you. you disgust me. this man should have been out of power a long time ago. he will claim success at the border. here is the truth. are the border apprehensions slightly down? yes, gotaways have increased substantially and bringing thousands into a port of entry through the cbp1 57 and thousands from our airports from cuba and haiti and nicaragua and venezuela. ist is a sell game. if you add all those things together we're still looking at 7,000 or 8,000 a day this administration is allowing into the country with so-called vetting that we know is insufficient. >> harris: i want to go back over that. the apprehensions are increased. that means they are more dangerous as they come across the border. so that's frightening. how can they play a shell game and tell us fewer than 2500 are
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coming when you say 7,000 a day are coming? how do we not see that? >> because they are playing a shell game. they created the cbp1 app. they are bringing through the port of entry calling them legal entries which the abuse of that is the violation of criminal statute and chnb program flying them straight to our airports calling that an illegal. pending court action. they are moving these thousands over here saying we're calling them legal entries. if you add them all together we're at historic numbers. they think of going to the border and say we hit 2500 today, okay. i'll go home. they will be a gotaway. they will come into this country regardless what the administration did. i'm sick and tired of them saying the senate bipartisan bill that trump and republicans shot down could be fixed the problem. that's a stone cold lie. for anybody who says that they are lying or didn't read the
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bill. i read the bill. so many cut loose i shall ours in that bill it didn't address families that come across in the thousands, didn't address the child trafficking issue and page 114-116 if you claim asylum you are still released. if you read the bill it doesn't take an expert to see the bill would not work. >> harris: blue cities are feeling it, too. they are being overwhelmed by illegal immigrant populations now because as we know and as you pointed out they fan out. you are free to move about the country if they will legalize your illegal entry. you can go anywhere you want. doesn't mean they vet you any better. massachusetts governor is sending officials to the southern border to educate them about shelter issues in her state. one official is warning that our shelters, a quote, are full so that families can plan accordingly to make sure they have a place to go, a safe place to go. what is your reaction to that?
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>> the bottom line is blue cities, sanctuary cities, let's take a look what happened. where did the eight terrorists arrested? sanctuary cities, new york, philadelphia, l.a. where have the murders occurred? sanctuary cities. these blue cities are sanctuary for criminals. they are a sanctuary for terrorists because when they get to those sanctuary cities they can even be arrested for a crime and the local p.d. is not allowed to work with ice. what people need to know. we don't know how many crimes are committed by illegal aliens such as rape, murder, robbery, when they go to sanctuary robberies they aren't asking ice to check the citizenship status. we don't know how many illegal aliens commit crimes. there is no way of finding out. >> harris: we experienced that firsthand with the group of illegal border crossers, some very young, who attacked the nypd police officers down the road from our studios in times
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square. we experienced again with a 15-year-old suspect in a shooting in times square who came right through the breezeway of our building complex here, fox news. we learned again they weren't going to give us the details whether or not the person entered illegally. they don't want to release that. there is very little we know. when they get arrested the illegals pop the bird to the cameras because they know the system protects them. >> here is the bottom line, harris. despite what this administration will say today. they'll release thousands more people tomorrow, thousands more the day after that they can't properly vet. i have said this for three years. you can't vet people. we don't have the information, the criminal information from foreign countries. unless they have been arrested in the united states previously there is no record. most terrorists in the world you can't find in any database unless they are in battle 2350e8d or chrism investigation you won't find them in the database. i want people to understand
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these deaths, these little girls that were raped and murdered, i want people to think about this is just, let's move on to the next one. this little girl. these ladies are terrified. the last 30 minutes of their life fighting for breath, fighting for their lives. being attacked by males who taken everything innocent from them and killing them. parents will live with this forever. i'm tired and sick of it. this administration needs to do their job and secure the border. >> harris: amen. tom, thank you. appreciate your time always. that was a lot. he is right. we're all tired of it. the u.s. supreme court has just sided with the white house in a decision over social media and free speech. critics say it will give the federal government too much power over americans and what they can post and what they can see. censorship is what republicans are calling this. plus the gop looking to flip a
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district in virginia as the state is now looking a little bit redder. watch this. the party is pinning its hopes on a republican nominee deric anderson. he is in "focus" next.
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>> do you believe that this censorship is a form of election interference? >> absolutely it is. no question in my mind. >> it certainly can be. as someone who doesn't vote for republicans it was shocking for me to see this and it was a consistent theme of not just the -- most of the censorship organizations we looked at, they all tend to drift in one direction. >> harris: so what we saw today were the journalists known for the twitter files. they are on capitol hill right now from moments ago as they were talking about censorship after the latest u.s. supreme court ruling. that decision now allows the biden administration to work with social media companies to remove what users post. that by definition i would think would be censorship. the white house is arguing it has to be able to communicate with companies about potentially dangerous misinformation. you mean the hunter biden laptop, that kind of fact
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checking you did and it turned out not to be true at all? it was real and they lied about it? opponents say the practice violates americans free speech and gives the biden campaign the advantage in the upcoming election. shannon bream has more from the u.s. supreme court. >> excuse me, what we're doing here, harris, is breaking down what we got from the court today. a 6-three opinion on social media. what happened there is that they didn't get to the merits of the issue but spent a lot of time talking about this case. they said on standing the states are the individuals who had tried to bring this case here at the supreme court didn't have standing. there was a lot of discussion about what was going on behind the scenes and why the court decided that it count get into this conversation about the fed talking to social media companies, justice barrett says the plaintiffs without any concrete link between injuries and defendants conduct asked us
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to review with dozens of officials about different topics and went on to write they aren't permitted to exercise such general legal oversight over other branches of government. some dissented writing it was blatantly unconstitutional the back and forth. country may come to regret the court's failure to say so if the campaign is carried out with enough sophistication. not a message this court should send. two more social media cases on the docket for this court along with presidential immunity. the one everybody is waiting for. back to you. >> harris: all right, shannon. thank you. derrick anderson scored a huge primary victory in district seven. attorney and former leader in the green beret. he beat five ott republican candidates next month and face eugene vinman, the whistleblower who played a role in trump's first impeachment in the house.
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both parties see the seat as a key house majority. derrick anderson is in "focus" now. first of all, you are in a state that's changing now. talk to me about this. now it's leaning democrat. it should be a democrat state, widen won it. what happened? >> thanks again for having me. what we're seeing in virginia, as people are ready for common sense. they are ready for an economy that's booming again. they are waiting for our communities to be safe. we're feeling what the american public are feeling in the commonwealth in the seventh congressional district. tom homan on recently and i heard him talking about the border crisis. if you look at the seventh congressional district a few months ago we had two illegal immigrants of jordanian dissent posing as amazon drivers trying to get onto the military base. we're feeling the pain what's
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going the border. the commonwealth is a border state now. i'm from this district and spent the first 20 years of my life living here before going to the army and going to school. a green beret with six deployments overseas. i hear it from my mom, cousins, uncles and aunts every day when they go to the grocery store and seeing the cost of eggs at $3.75 for a carton of eggs. seeing it at the gas pump. so what makes this very interesting here in virginia is we have a real opportunity not only to flip virginia, but we have an opportunity to get our country back on track. >> harris: derrick anderson, the former president trump will be there next friday and he will be with governor youngkin and that is also a telltale sign your state is changing and your mom and all your relatives i know are rooting for you and rooting for the state, too. we could see a change. thank you for joining me today. "outnumbered" after the break.
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