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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  June 27, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PDT

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"fox & friends." and as you know it's the final countdown. trump and biden get ready for tonight's presidential debate on cnn. meanwhile, trump national press secretary carolyn left is goinge the is going to join us live shortly a 12-year-old secretary mayorkas says only the criminal is to blame. >> individual responsible for a heinous criminal act is the criminal. and we need to bring the full force of the law to bear on that criminal. >> brian: really? what about the people who let the criminals.
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in this as we learn gangs. gangs are bringing guns into illegal immigrant shelters in new york reaction from texas governor greg abbott. >> ainsley: veep takes series continues. we sat down with senator tim scott. >> ainsley: how do you appeal to independents, the people that haven't decided yet? that's the most important group? >> one of the things i do is my goal is to go where i'm not invited. >> ainsley: the second hour of "fox & friends" begins right now. and remember mornings are better with friends. >> steve: that's right. >> lawrence: what's up georgia? [cheers and applause] it is a big did i in can clumm.
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everybody is excited for the cnn presidential debate simulcasted on fox news. [cheers and applause] we are here because there is a lot to talk about in the country from what i hear things aren't going well, right? >> no. >> lawrence: it's the first time the candidates are going to be pressed on it. what they are going to say tonight? we don't know. i think a lot of people are rooting for who? >> trump! >> four more years. >> lawrence: that's what i hear. i will send it to you on the couch. >> brian: standing ovation at 7:00 and one more hour. how do you top a standing ovation at 7:00. what could they possibly do to top that type of applause. >> lawrence: let me tell you how we top it. brian kilmeade can fly this between the commercial break on his private jet and give him a surprise visit.
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>> brian: oh, a drop-in. >> brian: i was gonna but you blew my surprise he could crowd sump in 8:00. all standing. >> ainsley: all participated when you see that. >> brian: sometimes they will just drop you. i know billy joel in moscow. >> steve: it's all about trust. great crowd stand by for just a second, lawrence. >> brian: is he going to say yes? he. >> steve: he is just standing by. following instructions. >> brian: live look at atlanta president biden and former president trump will meet at the cnn presidential debate. >> ainsley: go to bill melugin live on the campus of georgia tech near tonight where the debate will take place. hey, bill. >> bill: ainsley, good morning to you. wild to think about but look it's been almost four years since joe biden and donald trump
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went face to face with each other. it's going to happen tonight. it's just hours away. we know there is no love loss between these two men. both campaigns setting exceptions for tonight. >> do you think you will get a fair shot from jake tapper and dana bash tomorrow night. >> i think it would be god for them if they did it. i think probably not. >> bill: meanwhile the biden team told i'm confident that joe biden is going to stand on that stage and he is going to show what he showed in 2020, that he is in this for all the right reasons. and here's what we can expect tonight. cnn debate there will be two commercial breaks. candidates cannot interact with staff during the debate. biden is going to be on the right. trump will be able to make the closing final statement. mics will be muted outside of designated speaking times. no props. no prewritten notes. they are only going to get water, pen, paper, pad provided. the latest fox news poll shows that voters will be paying
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attention tonight. very important first debate. over half of them saying it will be, quote: extremely or very important to their vote? i'm definitely going to watch the debate. it should be a fair debate for both of them. they should have their opportunity to say how they feel and what they're fighting for. >> bill: now the "times" did a slew of polls after donald trump's felony conviction in new york. it still shows trump with a 4 point lead over joe biden. however, pollster nate silver, he just put out his prediction model. his model showing maybe this race won't be at close or tight as some experts predicting. his model coming out showing donald trump has a 65.7% chance to win in november with joe biden coming in at a little over 33%. we'll send it back to you. >> steve: bill, there is a whole raft of brand new polls out that show pretty much that same
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result, a new quinnipiac poll has trump 4 over joe. a new "new york times" poll shows that with likely voters donald trump is ahead by 3. you are down in georgia. an atlanta journal constitution poll shows that donald trump is up by 5 as well. so, this whole debate thing is happening on a good day for donald trump poll wise. >> a lot to be happy about for republicans and donald trump supporters. a word of caution that they might run into. remember what happened in the 2022 midterms, right? there was supposed to be a huge red wave. the polls look great for republicans. he coulded up not being a very good night for them. i think this debate tonight, as it is in every election cycle. the first debate between these candidates, it's the all important one, it's the first impression of voters, and, again, it's just wild to think about these guys haven't seen each other face to face in almost four years now, the beautiful thing about debating. they are no longer sniping at each other social media or on tv. got to look each other eye to
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eye and debated the biggest topics and policies in america. >> brian: as judged by two cnn anchors. six carters over the course of 90 minutes, two breaks two, minutes for the answer to the question. one minute for rebuttal to the eaten to that question. and one minute to rebuttal to the rebuttal. and that's when cnn anchors or moderators have a chance to chime in and say you are wrong or write or expand on this joe or donald. and we will see what they do on that. you just know that one of the top pictures is going to be abortion. one of the topics is going to be january 6th. another is going to be the 2020 election. do you accept the results of 2020? will you accept the results of 2024. >> ainsley: well, joe biden is leading camp david we are hearing at noon today. he is going to head down to atlanta yesterday. donald trump had that round table discussion at the barbershop. and that was in atlanta. so i assume. >> brian: he didn't actually go
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to that though. he fond in. >> ainsley: did he spend the night in atlanta. >> brian: is he going to leave at 5:30. >> steve: lawrence? >> lawrence: he called, in i think brian to your point. the questions that are going to be asked. you know, i have no problem, you know, some of the questions may be annoying. but i have no problem the thing i want to do is ask the question and get out of the way. let the candidates respond how they are going to respond. move onto the next question. badger people based on personal and partisan motives i don't think is going to served american people at all. >> brian: let me ask you this, for example, joe biden comes out and says when i took over inflation was 9% on the final rebuttal, do you want to see a moderator come in there and say, mr. president, it wasn't 9%? it was 1.4%? or do you want to let the people at home wait for the spin room
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where they fact-check him? what do you think a moderator's role? >> lawrence: what i want to happen is donald trump to say look, straight at him and go joe, you know that's not true. that's absolutely not true. and then for him to tell what the inflation was and then use it in ads. as you said in the spin room. but for the moderators to somehow become referees. i mean, think about it, brian, there has been no media organization really that speech and fact-check and joe biden. >> brian: ever. >> lawrence: he continuously says inflation was that rate when it's not true. we can't depend on them during the "primetime" moment to do that. so just stay out of it. let the candidates we can handle it during the spin room. >> brian: take the question and parrot it. immigration, finish the law you should have had remain in
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mexico. by the way on last point it wasn't true about inflation. you got to make your own adjust you meants within what the moderators are giving you. >> steve: ultimately it comes down to this. cnn got tagged badly when candy crowley corrected mitt romney and did live fact-checking. you don't want to do live fact-checking. >> ainsley: she was actually wrong. >> steve: she was wrong. >> brian: here is the scenario, if they say donald trump comes out today and says i'm going to exonerate all the january 6 earns, and trump comes out and says i'm not going to do it. do you want jake tapper to say here's the goat? if jake tapper says here the quoted the president would answer back again. so then of course it becomes more of an interview. >> steve: i don't want any live fact-checking, period. they can fact-check each other. >> ainsley: that's the problem when the moderators start fact-checking and talk too much and ask really long questions it takes time away from the candidates. everyone is tuning in to see the
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two candidates. >> steve: that's right. >> brian: let them fact-check each other. >> ainsley: i think. so. >> steve: here's the thing. for a lot of people. every once in a while we talk about the undecideds. the undecideds, i heard this great profile about them on the radio yesterday. where for the most part these are people who don't watch tv. they don't read the newspaper. they are, you know, they are americans but they got other stuff going on in their lives. those undecideds are people who probably tomorrow will start to see little viral clips of something that happens tonight. so that they can cut it down on tiktok or on x or on facebook because it's the first time a lot of people are actually going to focus on things. and this particular performance could shape the rest of the race. the problem for joe biden is he needs a vote major stumbles. i understand that apparently his team has been practicing one
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liners to try to get under donald trump's skin. the problem is if he blows the punch line, it's going to blow up in his face. >> lawrence: remember it. >> ainsley: there is a shot he could -- there is a chance he could get it mixed up. he could start trying to use the sentence that he is prepared for and trail off and forget the end of it. >> steve: where was i? >> ainsley: it's risky. >> brian: it's interesting because unlike the last two debates. the very first debate on the primary in 2016, 2020 -- 2016 against hillary clinton. and even 2020 against joe biden, this is the first time the president is up in the polls. he is up everywhere. >> steve: trump? >> ainsley: after the conviction, too. >> brian: the former president is up in the polls. as mark penn says i actually feel as though there is more prey preash on the former president because he has never been up like this before. do you change your approach if you go in there with a lead. go in there smile have a good time. that's not true, joe. let me tell you this or go for the jugular every single answer
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like he is accustomed too. >> steve: people are dug. in people for trump are for trump. people for biden are for biden. it's the undecideds and independents, ultimately, that are going to determine who is the president. >> ainsley: that's exactly right. we each are highlighting someone on donald trump's short list and my assignment was senator tim scott who could be our vice president steve sphreef south carolina your home. >> brian: no push back you are took the assignment. >> we wanted to meet fiance. throughout the morning we will introduce. here is the clip of tim scott addressing that how do you appeal to those in the mission who haven't decided yet? >> how do you appeal to the independents, the people that haven't decided yet? because that's the most important group? >> one of the things i do, is i think my goal is to go where i'm not invited. i have had meetings with all different demographics in our country, whether i'm speaking to a group of hispanics or a group
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of women or millennials or african-americans or white dudes, here is what i hear, same thing, we need four more years of trump. >> steve: lawrence, any independents there at ruth ann's. >> lawrence: we're going to talk with some folks. see what they think and then i'm going to do a massive poll. so donald trump has to decide who he is going to select as vice president. who do you like? >> tim scott. >> tim scott. >> what about you, ma'am? >> j.d. vance. >> j.d. vance. >> dr. ben carson. >> lawrence: dr. ben carson. let's talk to you right here. who do you like in the running for vice president? >> i would say kristi noem. >> kristi noem? >> tim scott. >> vance. >> vance. >> j.d. vance. >> j.d. vance. what about you ma'am. >> tim scott. >> scott. >> lawrence: let's got full audience here. all right, guys. so we are interviewing everyone that's going to be in the running for vice president. donald trump says he has already
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made his decision but he hasn't told them. so he may be influenced by you guys to change his decision. so we got four people in the running right now from what we hear. we have got marco rubio, who is for marco rubio. [applause] >> lawrence: okay tim scott, who is for tim scott. [louder applause] >> lawrence: ains did i that interview today who is for j.d. vance? [applause] >> lawrence: then doug burgum. i think tim scott got it in here. [applause] >> steve: that's what it sounded like indeed, if the former president is watching this, if he hasn't selected tim scott he may be reconsidering it right now. >> ainsley: lawrence, he would be the first african-american v.p. on the republican side. he has that. he also is such a strong christian and growing up in the bicycle belt, we all love that about him. he is in church all the time. knows the bible like the back of his hands, he is a good person. he has a bible study in
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congress. he also can get all of these billionaires to give money if that's the ticket. so he has been meeting with all of these billionaires. he had that summit in d.c. ken griffin was there. there was long list of billionaires and they said we would get behind you. we support you. they would give their money if donald trump picks him. and that's a big part of it. >> steve: right now we are just waiting for donald trump to make the announcement. there is an item today in the "new york times" that says some trump aides are urging reporters to watch his social media feed all day long: suggesting donald trump could actually tweet something out in the middle of the night. and yesterday,. >> brian: middle of the night? >> steve: well, it's donald trump. is he up all night. chris also a vida who is one of his top advisers post adds message. he said heading to west palm question is who is with me? suggesting the veep running mate
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could be in the seat next to him, stay tuned was that yesterday. >> ainsley: i interviewed tim scott on monday he could have been on the plane with him. you interviewed j.d. vance on that day tuesday did you go, lawrence? >> lawrence: last week. >> ainsley: we don't know. >> brian: doesn't seem like trump to want to get this done quick. because he wants some tension. unless this is a bad result tomorrow where he wants to change the news cycle. to me, i think do the debate. i think probably he will wait for the rnc to announce it. >> ainsley: it will either be this week or after fourth of july week. >> brian: other big date is jul. that's the sentencing. >> ainsley: that's true. >> brian: find out how much that running mate really has to do. >> steve: i think i saw yesterday mark levin tweeted out something that suggested there are some big backers, financial backers to donald trump who are pushing him to put nikki haley on as the vice president running
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mate. >> brian: i think don jr. will leave the family if that happens. >> steve: yeah. he was not a fan. >> ainsley: make sure you tune into trump tonight fox 24 special conch cnn presidential debate simulcast. our conch begins at 8:00 p.m. eastern time. don't forget you can watch the debate right here on fox, which is what we will all be doing. >> steve: speaking of us, we are going to be up early on tv one hour early. we will kick things off at 5:00 a.m. eastern time. i will be at the juke box diner in manassas, virginia. if you are in the neck of the woods. come on by. coffee for everybody. >> brian: what a great memo there nice shot of you. >> steve: thank you. right? >> ainsley: you were just in a full screen with your hand in the pocket coffee mug. >> brian: i didn't get a full screenly get one tomorrow? >> ainsley: two days in a row brian has just wanted to see
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himself on camera. >> steve: you are on live tv three hours a day. you would rather have a action figure. >> brian: something about the majesty of a fuel screen. if i had something to promo like doug burgum on saturday. we'll see. >> ainsley: full screen of doug burgum. >> brian: hands in my pocket hanging out. >> steve: casual. >> ainsley: 19 minutes after the top of the hour. illegal migrant accused of shooting two nypd it is indicted on 20 charges. >> steve: prosecutors say he has admitted to being in a venezuelan gang that smulings guns into migrant shelters in food packages. >> brian: chanley painter joins us with more. >> the 19-year-old suspect who illegally entered our country last year spoke at length with investigators after his arrest earlier this month for shooting two nypd officers. here he is yesterday at his arraignment on a 20 count indictment including two counts of attempted murder. prosecutors saber northward
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dough raúl castro matta confessed not only to being a gang member but also to receiving the gun he used to shoot the officers from a friend while working for door dash saying quote, tren de aragua members are smuggling into shelters food delivery packages that way they don't have to go through the metal detectors. castro matta said it's common to shoot at officers because the venezuelan police shoot at gang members for minor infractions. well in is court the judge granted statements againsts gang. outside the courthouse, the presidential about the of the police ben november land association reacted thought he was going to get away with it. not in this country mat that pleaded not guilty to the charges and expected back in court in september.
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guys? >> steve: chanley, let me make sure i heard you correctly. this guy was living in a migrant shelter and he was sneaking guns n delivery bags, essentially they don't have to go through the metal detectors able to smuggle gun guns in and out of the shelter. >> steve: doesn't door dash have standards? are they hiring people in this country illustrate legally? >> ainsley: they say they don't have his name. door dash didn't have any record of a person with matta's name working for the app., according to the company. he might have used another name. >> ste steve he says he was working for it. that's what he is saying. >> brian: go ahead, lawrence. >> lawrence: well, there's a whole scam and i have been telling people this for months now. with all of the apps, whether it's door dash or uber eats, there is all these private companies that are having these illegals be these drivers. so if you look at your app.
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there is a photo of the person that is supposed to drop off the food. when you get there, that's not the person that's there. and there's a place right next to my building where all of them and all their bikes, they all huddle up and they all get on the bikes and start doing the delivery. i think it needs to be investigated. there is an entire criminal enterprise that is going on right there. you are not able to work in the country if you are illegal you are just not. >> steve: it's scary to think the guy bringing my french toast might have a gun. >> brian: that's how they get it in. chaos breaking out in the roosevelt hotel, randall's island in new york city 67,000 here illegally now paying for it. now we are finding out they are abusing us and trying to kill us with the guns smuggling in food. fantastic. >> ainsley: they have metal detectors in there will any food that's brought in needs to go through a metal detector. >> steve: goes around the outside. metal wrapped in tin foil and
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stuff like that. >> brian: all goes back to the border and irresponsible way in which this president has handled it. >> lawrence: all of this sanctuary city nonsense that they all wanted to do. they thought it was a great idea. just bus them in. let's continue to do this. we will be the home, the sanctuary for all of them. now we are dealing with all the consequences of their nonsense. steve. >> ainsley: that will be a big issue tonight at the cnn presidential debate. that leads us to this. we are only hours away from the cnn presidential debate. and joe biden is reportedly one liners to try to trigger donald trump. >> brian: karoline leavitt says nothing can get in president trump's way. she's next. ♪ lowe's knows the right paint at a great price
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♪ >> brian: in the final hours of preparation, president biden is reportedly looking for ways to trigger trump during tonight's cnn presidential debate. according to a report, here's a quote from it. president joe biden has been hold up at camp david with advisers scripting putdowns and one liners like don ridges that they hope will trigger a tantrum make donald trump sound unglued. panic mood over cnn's decision not to live fact-check the former president. joining us now is trump 2024
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national press secretary karoline leavitt. what's your reaction to cnn's decision not to fact-check live and the reaction to it. >> well, we are certainly hopeful that cnn will live up to their name as the most trusted name in news tonight and actually ask good, tough questions of both of the candidates that issues that matter. moderators have a long history of anti-trump will put those aside to faux focus on the issues that matter to the millions of people tune in tonight. we hope they will ask joe biden why he lied to face about the existence of the hunter biden laptop. we hope they will focus on inflation and immigration because poll after poll shows us that both of those issues are the number one and two issues in this country right now. >> brian: there is about six topics i understand. you guys expect two to go. something you want to talk about border, immigration, and foreign policy. they hope foreign policy other
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thing would be about the januarn 2020. will you accept the results of the 2024 election. how do you feel about that? has the president worked on answers for that? >> president trump is asked that all the time. people know where he stands on both of those issues. and he will be prepared to address those tonight if they do come up. of course, we expect them to. we certainly haven't been given the topics ahead of time. you would have to check in with the biden campaign if they have president trump is ready and prepared to address all issues that will come up tonight. he is going to focus on his vision to make it country great again for the next four years. >> brian: unofficially the first time he enters a debate against joe biden this will be his third one now, he is actually leading in all the polls. will that change the way he approaches this being that there is not a poll that i see he is not in front. >> president trump absolutely is the frontrunner in this race. he has the money. he outraised the democrats in the months of april and may.
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he has the momentum. if you look in winning in all the battleground states, winning in independence and hispanic americans, winning a huge margin of the black vote right now, it's because he has a winning message. you will continue to see him do what he has been doing all over this country in every corner from detroit to philadelphia, he is going to talk about his vision, to secure our southern border, to rebuild our economy, to rebuild our military, to get us out of these wars that joe biden has created and joe biden, i hear, is practicing a lot of one liners, he is going to need a lot more than that to defeat president trump tonight. he needs to answer for his abysmal record that has destroyed our country and created more crime and chaos. >> brian: right. so the president's preparation has been described to me as round table topics things of interest, likely to come up. it's more of a round table than standing up at the podium rehearsal, make somebody play joe biden and then you play donald trump.
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>> yes. that's correct. president trump has met with policy advisers to focus on the issues again that voters care about across this great country over than that busy schedule. he doesn't need talking points drilled into his brain he knows what he wants to say. joe biden has been hiding away in the woods camp david for the past week. i don't think it's getting enough attention how deeply concerning that is the fact that the leader of the free world, the with the president of this country is not debate prep and also govern at the same time. we haven't seen joe biden in an entire week. so, we expect him to be prepared tonight. i would hope after a whole week hiding away with his advisers. he will be ready to go. >> brian: when you brought up some of the comments that the moderators made about president trump in the past. you were cut off and dumped out of the show. you said trump was watching. what was his reaction of the way you were treated? >> well, he wasn't surprised
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because he has been treated the same way by cnn over the past 8 years. we expect that this will probably be a three on one fight tonight. we hope that it is not. again. cnn has a chance to prove themselves as the most trusted name in news. and we hope that tonight will be a truly fair and honest debate focused on issues that matter to americans across this country. but, of course we know how cnn has treated president trump over the last 8 years. they have perpetuated many lies against him. and these moderators do have a history of bias. that's just the truth. all i was trying to do on monday was address that truth. and they didn't like that very much. >> brian: all right, caroline. appreciate it so much. we will be watching tonight and can't wait to see the aftermath after that. thank you, caroline. best of luck. >> thank you. >> brian: now over to carley shimkus. >> carley: in just hours the supreme court issue another round of rulings. it's a busy day. we await the decision on whether former president trump is immune in his election interference
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case. it's unclear if that ruling will come today, tomorrow, possibly next week. the supreme court also set to decide a case involving idaho's near total abortion ban. the ruling was mistakenly posted on the court's website yesterday before being taken down. oh boy. it showed the high court is poised to require the state to temporarily allow access to abortions during medical emergencies that put the mother at risk day three of jury deliberations in the karen reed murder trial begin in less than two hours from now. reed is accused of hitting her boston police officer boyfriend john o'keefe with her car in january 2022 and leaving him in the snow to die. the defense though insists she is being framed. yesterday in court, read was scolded by the judge after apparently smirking over the verdict the jury must fill out. >> excuse me? this is funny, ms. read? all right, reardon. >> carley: that's not done.
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read faces up to life in prison if convicted and a close call for nfl receiver randall cobb and his family. they survived a house fire that cobb's wife says was sparked by a tesla charger in the garage. she says they, quote: got out of the house with nothing but the clothes on our back. and no shoes on our feet. it's unclear how much of the house in nashville is salvageable. but she says thank god no one was hurt. and those are your headlines, brian, over to you. >> brian: thanks so much. meanwhile coming up straight ahead a 12-year-old texas girl allegedly killed by illegal immigrants, two of them. she is sets to be laid to rest today as dhs secretary mayorkas seems to deflect any blame. >> the president's actions are working because of their tough response. the individual who is responsible for heinous criminal act is the criminal. ♪
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♪ >> janice: good morning, everyone. here in new york city. we had some thunderstorms last night. but things are clearing up nicely. 68 degrees right now at nyc. the heat broke, which is great news. let's take a look at the maps and i will show you what is happening across the country. we do have the potential for showers, thunderstorms, maybe even severe weather from the high plains to the northern and central plains, all of that by the way is going to unfortunately move over areas heavily flooded over the midwest
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like iowa and south dakota and minnesota. we are tracking this invest 94 l that could develop across the glusm over the next few days and one out in the atlantic. so the tropical season is here my friends. fox for all of your latest details. steve doocy over to you. >> steve: thank you very much, jedediah. >> janice: got it. >> steve: 12-year-old girl murdered by illegal migrants will be laid to rest. >> the individual who is responsible for heinous criminal act is the criminal. and we need to bring the full force of the law to bear on that criminal. >> steve: okay. so who let them in? what do swing state voters think? lawrence is talking to them live at ruth ann's as as you can see right there in columbus, georgia. l.j.? >> lawrence: what a wild statement, steve.
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let's talk to the people about it. alejandro mayorkas, homeland security secretary when he was asked about the border action and how it impacts the killing of these innocent young people he says it has nothing to do with the border. >> i saw the piece yesterday. [crowd boos] >> i saw the piece yesterday. is he a criminal. it's an insult most americans that he can stand up and say that when we all know, 10 to 12 million folks have come in this country, immigrants are a necessary part of this nation. there's a process. follow the process and be honest about it. i think on day one, trump needs to sign operation deportation. round them up and get them out of here. [cheers and applause] >> 66% are on welfare. that's costing us. they are using our hospitals, their kids can't speak english are in our schools. they are kicking veterans out of veterans homes so that they can house them. we have a process. follow the process. >> lawrence: yes, sir. ma'am, this is going to be opportunity for the debate moderators to bring up the number two issue.
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number one for many americans, which is the border. what do you want to hear from the candidates? >> i really just want to hear their plan on how they are planning to secure our country, secure our borders. keep us safe. and protect people in the communities such as laken riley who was just out for a jog here in georgia. and you know, she didn't deserve to die and what their plan is to keep us all safe. >> lawrence: thank you so much. [applause] >> lawrence: before i let you all go there is a debate. cnn presidential debate. simulcasted on fox news. how many people think that the moderators are going to bring up the border tonight? >> no. >> lawrence: how many people think they should bring it up? [applause] >> the last thing, this is a tough one, with everything that's happening in the country, young americans dying, police officers being hit by then, how many people think that joe biden is responsible, border policy is responsible for this. [cheers and applause]
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>> lawrence: i figured that so, guys, big issue, we know during the primary it was the number one issue. now it's economy and the border is number two now. let's see if they bring it up in the cnn presidential debate. i will send it back to you, steve. >> steve: we will know tonight. lawrence, thank you very much. we will continue to drop in at ruth ann's there in columbus all morning long. thank you, sir. all right. 14 minutes before the top of the hour. straight ahead, evan gershkovich standing trial in russia. the executive vice president and general counsel for dow jones coming up on how he is fighting to bring evan home straight ahead on "fox & friends." ♪
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♪ >> ainsley: espionage trial for "wall street journal" reporter evan gershkovich begins behind closed doors with the next proceeding set for august 13th, if convicted. he faces up to 20 years in russian prison. and our next guest is leading the company's legal efforts in support of evan. his name is jay contee, he is the executive vice president and general counsel for dow jones and joins you now. thank you so much for staying on this because we care so much about him. >> thanks for having me. i appreciate it. >> ainsley: how is it looking. what are the talks with our administration and russia and
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putin's people. >> first off, you look at that image of evan in a glass box, paraded before the cameras like an animal. and it should make every american sick to see that kind of image coming outs of russia. because make no mistake is he in that glass box for doing nothing more than being a reporter. >> ainsley: yeah. >> he needs to come home. he has been in that box or detention for 456 days now in russia for doing nothing more than being a reporter and in terms of administration working on this. first hours knowing this is a problem in regular contact with them. it's obviously government to government type negotiations. our chief job is to congeal and push and pester make sure evan remains a top priority as a journalist being captured we can't stand fors that americans. >> ainsley: look at the timeline. he has been behind bars there in russia for 15 months now. and if you look at on march 28th, 2023. he published that article, russia's economy is starting to come undone. so many are wondering did putin not like that article and lock
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him up because on march 29th, he is detained the very next day. is that the reason or is it just a good bargaining chip to try to prisoner swap. >> hard to know or guess or speculate on that. all we do know is that, of course, he is nothing more than an excellent, wonderful reporter who is trying to get the story out of rawch. and was arrested for nothing more than that the reason behind it, the impetus behind it not liarly clear although we have seen more and more detention of this kind of americans in russia and potentially other locations, this could become a bigger problem. >> our entities here at news corporation, have we pulled other reporters out of russia as a result of this. >> russia is not particularly a safe place to be right now. and so, our conch is really happening from outside of russia. >> ainsley: which is hard to do. >> hard to do. we have said in the beginning in these kind of cases to the white house and others there, ought to be consequences when a reporter like this is taken for doing nothing more than doing their job. sends terrible message to autocrats or other autocrats.
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you want to mess with the west. take one of their reporters? what happens? look at russia. good reporters off the beat. western news company can't cover anymore. the news coverage is not as owe bust out of russia. the bad guys russia wants back will be used in the swap to release our good reporter back to the united states. there are no consequences. >> ainsley: if there are no consequences they will continue to do. this corrected. that's exactly what we are worried about not just in russia but other places that want to pick up that autocratic playbook. that's a real problem. we have been pushing that and something we think has to get fixed. obviously we want to get evan out but also focus on this very important issue. >> ainsley: who we swap for him. i know we are not in the business of normally doing that in america. >> hard to say and speculate on that. these deals are difficult and complicated and challenges. our main goal is to advocate for evan and try to get him out there. are other americans, paul whelan maybe there for more than five years. a reporter for europe recently taken also an american citizen there are difficult cases in
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russia right now. but we can't let our journalists languish in prison for 456 days and counting without doing everything possible and make sure it's a priority. >> ainsley: look at those faces of those detained in russia. what about evan's condition? >> thanks for the question. you saw that was a shaved head. not his choice. a requirement from the detention center. i see it as one additional indignity. put you in a glass box and make you shave your head. but, otherwise, evan is an amazing individual. he has a tremendous spirit. he has a great sense of humor. and he is relying on those things and his family is equally strong. mom and dad have been on the show in the past. danielle, his sister they strengthen through each other. through letters buck each other up. doing as well as can you expect under the circumstances is he strong. gosh, it's time to get him out. >> ainsley: you are working so hard behind the scenes. we thank you and for people watching. please just keep praying for him that we can bring him home soon. >> thank you for having me. i appreciate it.
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>> ainsley: we have a "fox & friends" exclusive. our series profiling trump's top vp contenders. i was able to go down to charleston. i sat down with senator tim scott and his fiancee. >> ainsley: who is tim scott? >> he is devoted. he's devoted to his lord and xavier. he is devoted to his family. he is devoted to his friends and he is devoted to his country. ♪ and their families. it's a great, rewarding feeling. everybody in the company, they have that deference and that respect and that love for the veteran that makes this company so unique. no one takes care of veterans like newday usa.
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